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Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1909, p. 1

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fk^\i)cxi0n %hvmu. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -'• PRlA'OiPI-Eb NOT MEN. VOL nv, NO ]l Flesticrton, Ont., Tlitirsday, April 2 IQOq W. H TSDRSTON i:DiTon Hiiil I'UOPHIIOTOB ^i« ^M Jewellery! S?2 II 3e«,ellerv!| 5^^|aii(l Eowest^ :^ Priced Stock ^ ^^5 ry. - ^^ Reliable g Jfrmstrong's ^ Tiesberton. ^ ^'*^ Dealing ^ Hatherton Fanners are busily engageil in [jloiijjli- ing, while a great lot of fencing is going on, caused liy the fires liist fall. Mr. R. Young is tlio first, wc think, to sow- grain. Four new jiicturts have Ixjen added to the school furnishings by the school liojird, which adds to the apiiearances of the interior of the school, while the school has received a thorough spring cleaning. SoiTy to letu-u of the illness of Mrs. J. Beaty, but hope for a speeily recovery. Mrs. H. Uoluian and son of l*ortlaw, visit«d with Mr. and Mrs. H. Down recently. Uuv. A. P. Stanley pruiiehed lui in- structive and helpful sermon hist .Sunday evening to an appreciative congregation. Mr. Will Grunnuett is on the sick list with a slight attack of pleurisy. We hope .soon to see him better. Sorry to rojiort the death of tl»e infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Selloy, Stayner. Miss Florence Jamieson returned to t'ollingwood last week after a pleiusant visit with lier parents here. She w.-w accompanied by Miss Susie Parker, who has secured a situation there. A number from here attended tlie Methodist choir social at Maxwell huit Tuesday evening and had an enjoyable time. Mr. Demins and family have become residents of om' neighborhootl and we extend to them a hearty welcome. Ceylon House cleaning is the order of the day. Mrs. John ChLslett had the misfortune of running a needle in her hand. Tlie eye entered her hand, tnking the thread with it. It wivs drawn out but she sufters very much from it yet., Mr. Collinson's mill stiirted up in earn- est on Monday. Mrs. Jas. Sproat went to Corbetton last week to visit her sister's daughter. Miss Edna McDonald, who was very sick, and has since died. Miss Anna Chislett Is vLsiting friends in Toronto. Mr. J. L. Wood hiiH gone to his summer's work in the vicinity of Walker- ton. Mrs. Alex. McKae, sr., is very i)oorly at pi-oseut. The old lady has the sympathy of the neighlnirs in her affliction. Mr. Barney Field from Rock Mills and Mr. Wm. Hargrove from Di-omore have moved to this place to work in the mill. Mr. Ed. Carleton of Grand Valley is visiting relatives here. Mr. Wm. Jack.son visited his son, Sfimuel, at Bunessan, on Monday. Caswell v( Flesherlon calleil on Miss Jackson on Mondivy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell attended the funeral of her sister, Snell of Egreniont. Several|other friends from here also attended. Mrs. Henry Tucker visited her daughter, Mrs. I. Ci-uikshank, of Paisley, last week. ^ Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a tetter oiia. Pain means congestion, blood pressure some- where. Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly puins, pain anywhere. Try one, and .see! 20 for 25c. Sold by all dealers. Kimberley. Hie KinilHsrley bmnch of the O. W. I. will meet at the home of Mr. Rufus Wickens, on Thu)'.sday afternoon, April :i!)th, at 2.'M o'clock p. ni. A full attend- ance Ls reijuested. Veiy changeable weather at ])resent. The Mi.sses Mae Wickens and Alma .•mil Edna t'.imack h.ive gone to Toronto for the summer, Mr. Lorno Cun-y and sister, M iss Lily of the Lome, Rocklyn, vi.sited friends here on Sunilny bust. Miss Ella Wickens visited Fleshcrton and Rockvale friends during the past week . Following is tlie list of otticers ;Mid teachers for Kimberley Methodist Sunday school for the ensuing year : Snpt., Mr. G. A. HutciiiiLson ; Assistant Sui)t., H. y. (iaiidin ; See. Treas., Edward Sloan : Lilwirian. StJinley Walter ; A.s«t- Libirian, Walter Burritt ; Organist, Sli.s.s Maude Fawcett ; Asst. Orgjinist, Vera (Jaudiii ; Supt. Home Dept., Mrs. <ieo. Burritt ; Teachei-s, Mr. William Scott, H. V. GaiuUn, Mr. Goo. Proctor, Mr. Rob. Carruthei-s, Mrs. S. S. Burritt, Miss Meiklojolin, MLss Sadie Fawcett, Miss Ina Magee ; Supply Teachers, R. R. Fawcett, John Abercronibie, Mrs. Geo. Bun'itt, Mrs. Geo. Hutchinscm, Mrs. H. V. Gaudin, Miss FJva Black, Miss Maude Fawcett, Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Mi.'^s Maude Fawcett Ih attending the wedding of her friend. Miss Kate t.'ourt. of t'oUingwood to Mr. J.ick Moynihin of Toronto this week . Mrs. S. S. Burritt visited Thoi'tibury friends on Tuesday. Mr. Leslie L.iwrence of Meafonl spent Snnd.iy ai his imrcntal lioine here. Walkerton Now tli;it W.dkeiton is as niiicii a neighl)i>rinL' town as Owen Sound, a few items occasionally from that i(uartor will be of interest to our readers. The fol- lowing is culled from the Telescope of that town (one of the brightest newn- pHpei.'f, liy the Wiiy, in this part of the province) : Fred .\rniHtiong, who was committed to the Kingston penitentiary for forging Win. t'ronin's name to a ehci|U(', was taken down on Wednesday by the slierilf and j.-iiler. He felt pretty blue at the pro.spect of being pliceil under lock and key for the next two years. But he got .sorry too lato. The town constable's eom|(laiut agiinst Clias. Addley. or rather iigainit his wife for selling goods on Sunday, tried before Mr. McNaniaia on VVednesd«y last. Tlie arti.-ltf sold wa.s a stick I'f licorice, and the price was one cei.t. The nuigtstrnte, however, althouj/h the tran.s- action was a trivial one, held that it wa» H violation of the lasv, and imposed a fine of a dollar iiid costs, Mr. Addley says he will appeal. The Telescope had a call on Monday from Mr. Duncan Marshall, M. V. P., of Edmonton, and his right-hand man, Mr. Donald Gillies of the sani3 town. Mr. Marshall is one m.nii, who by sheer pluck and ability, hiis forced himself to the front. He is inaiuger of the Edmonton Bulletin, Hon. Frank Oliver's pa|>cr, and at the Ute elections was elected for the constitiieucy of Olds. It is )/enerally understood that in the course of a few raouthi) he is to be tnken into the Cabinet ivs Provincial Treasurer. He is now an enthusiastic western, and predicts a great future for that Province. Mr. Gillies wa.s boru in Eldcrslie, and is a nephew of the late John Gillies, M. P. His wife is a daughter of the late John .\ttL)n of Uraiit. These two Eldetslie boys have been close- ly a.s»ociated for several years past and .seem bound to keep up the connection. Speaking of the province of Alberta, Mr. MarshiU sjiys that only 4 per cent of it is yet under eultivfttion. This will give n» some idea of what that western country will produce, once it is all under cultiva- tijD.â€" (Both of these gentlemen are well known in East Grey as defeated candi- dates for parliamentary honors.-- Ed. Advance.) Coughs that are tijjht, or di.stressing tickling coughs, (;et f,uick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this account Drusigista eveiywheie are fnvoriiii; Dr. Shoop's Cough Rirmedy. The tender leaves of a harmless lung- healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curntive properties. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, nnd to soothe, and heal the most sen.sitive bronchial membrane. Test it once your- self and see! Sold by all dealers. Swinton Park. We pre.suiiio the making of maple syrup is over for this season. Farmers have stai-ted seeding. People are delighted to see spring- once more. Birds are singing sweetly and the beautiful wild flowers will soon be gathei'ed by tlie childi-eii. We trust some of them will be cjirried to older ones who are not permitted to go to the wooils, youth is the time tiv-stiirt to do acts of kiudne.sH. •Salem Methodist church has reorganiz- ed the Sunday school, with 5Ir. Geo. Wright iVH superintendent. We lu-e .sorry to learn that 3L-s. RichardMon, sr., hiW a severe attack of la griiipe . The smull|)o.K has not reacheil the P.irk. yet a few Iiave been vaecinated, but the ju'evcntjitive i.s .•ilinost as had as the Mr. Vt'ill Heard returned fiom Toronto ill time for .seeding. Rev. Mathesou preached an excellent sermon bust Sabluith from Roiu. Ki-20, â- â- .V.nd the God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." He has a Bible training class after service. It is too bad that there are not more young men and women avail them.selvuh of tliLs privilege of studying God's word, and join the class. Maxwell Items Rev. G. lidlantyne .iiid family leave for their new charge near Chatliaiii the end of the week. .Since coming to Max- well they have made niiuiy warm friends who are .sorry ts have t<i part with thein. Mr. Will Browiuidgo is still vm-y ill. The Methodist choir concert was a grand success. The many items were well rendered. Besides the entertainers n.-imes were <>n the program, Messrs. D. Gordon and R. Down kindly took iiart. We hope to heir them soim .again before a Maxwell audience. Pro- ceeds 127. i(0. Our genial doctor .-leted as chairm.'iti. The funeral of ftL'. Thoiiiius Rooue, a former resident of this vicinity, wils held .Sunday .ifternoou. Mrs. Win. Guy, Sr., is ijuitc ill with the grippe. Mes-srs. U. N. Kinnear and Albert Paul left last week for the Northwest. Miss Isji ('.impbell of the 4lhline spent .Siiiiilay at Mr. W. H. Guy's. Mr. Alex. Morrison hits letiiriied .after visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Harry (iiiy has resumed his .studies at Meaford high school. Mr. and Mrs. Andriis sjient Ejuster with the hitter's parents .it Stayner. Mrs. MeCiilhim and (binghter, Dorine, of Virginia, visited with Mrs. Edward Liiiley one day last week. Vandeieur. Seeding opeiations have been kept in check owing to the heavy raiu.s. Mr. EJ. Baker has been in- disposed during the* past week, but is able to resume work again. Mr. M. Beard, jr , has investtd in a new ei^liteenhorsepower tracion ei'ginc and grain separntur. E»a Gilbert % iaitcd frieiid.s at M.irkilale recently. The Women's Institute h«Id their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Fi'Ster on Thursday lasr. Mr. Robert Hollcy had a very succi^ss- ful plowing bee recently. Mi«s Verney has resumed her duties .at the school after spending the hulidoys with hor parents at Tottenham. Mrs. John Wtrling is visiting her brother, who is ill at Portlaw. Eugenia. Bornâ€" .\pril 19,at"Suinmer hill farm,'' to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar, a daught- 4.'r. Mrs. Samuel Pedlar has gone to visit her iliughter, Mrs. J. W. Hoath, at Elsinore. Mr. Wilfred Cullis of Orange Valley very acceptably filled the Rev. .VIr. Laid- law's appointment at Eugenia on Sunday evening. Everyone was well plea.sed with his adib'ess. Miss Evelina Smith is home from Fleshcrton on a .short visit to her parents at Eugenia. The weather still continues cold nnd liackward for spring work. Seeding is going to be very late. Master Wilfrid McMaster, who got his arm broken a short t'liie ago, had the misfortune on Siitunbiy lust to have the same arm broken again by filling <>tf a wood pile. It is a new break, further up his arm. The poor little fellow seems to have a hard time. The recent high winds have given farmers a great de;il of extra work build- ing fences, as they were completcdy level- led t.o the ground in .someplaces. Mr. J.ike Williams has got his black- smilliing moved over to his hou»! and still continues to wait on his customers. A meeting was held at Eugenia, on April 21), li)t)'J, the purpose of org'in- izing a fiiitbiill team, and the foUowin:; ofHcers were elected : President, Peter Munsliaw ; Vice Pres., Henry Cairn.s ; Siij. Treaa., Win Largt ; Man., .la-jk Branifi'; Capt., John CHirns ; Coinniit'eo, Stanley CampbeM, Fri'd Jamieson, Milton N«il, Harry Fimstei', Duncan Williams ; Referro, Weilington Oiidi^in. Team will Iih open for clia'lriiiges after May Ist, liflK). McFARLAND&CO. Victoria Corners Toe* hita for last week. N.-ar!y every person -iround here arc having L:i Gri[ipH. We are gUd that us yet none have proved serious. Miss Strain spent Eas'er in Toronto. Mi-. Geo. Hunt, Thonihury, spent » few days with Clias. Mooro. The remains of Mr. Henry Armstrong were interred in Inislicge cemetery last Tiiursday. Mr. Anns'rong was one of the pioneers of this eouiitv. M .'VIv'ICIJ.rYl.I': OXTAl^lO House Furnishing Department. Finm this department we supply the Mants for a great many iiomcs and if yon Imve not visited this depariiuent wo invite you especially to have a look and see the values and the large assortment in the new arrivals to select fiom and then you will nudei stand why it is a busy place. This Weeks' Items. Taffy-pulls an* the order of the diiy. The base ball bnys hold rma at Mr. Jack Col bill's the other evening Miss Mamie Miners gave a tatfy iiull Lut Wednesday oii the occasion of her third birthdiiy to her small friends. Miss Gore returned from Chesley on Monday evening. School reopi.M)ed on Tuesday mornin;; with a few new scholars. Mrs. Ja3. Bes', has been ipiite ill. iWr. Geo. Ludlow has bouii ke|)t busy these days with his engine and sawing luachiiiu. Wu think there should he euouszh wood .sawed to niakte a warm wel- come at niiiiy of our neighbor's next winter. The Misses Viola and Beryl Reniiie ore visitii.g our neighborhood. NEW WALL PAPERS. Wi. Ir.vfe new Wall Paper galore, which rcpresants all the shades designs, and they aie every one handsome and wi'rthy of a look from you. Remember, Bord- ers arc Same pi ice per mil as wall. Price star's per roll at Oc and goes by easy sti'ps up to o.">o. New Lace Curtains We !i.iVB a mrigiiificeiK lot of New Liice Cu:taiiis purchssei d.rect friPiii llie iiiunu- fac'urer wliic'i enabk-s us to supply you with your wants at very c'.oso pr ces (sav- ing y.m the m d He man's profit.*) iini! you berelit thereby. Per pair ode to 85.tO NEW CARPETS, ART St.,>CARES, LINOLEUMS AND OIL CLoTUS. We sell snlisfaction as well as lloor covering'. We would rather miss a sale than give you somi-tliing illl'^•rio^ and because of that we handle such makes as we [can tb'iroujlily recommfiid. We make a spccislity of I'liion Ciirp.'s .it per yird .lOj. '.io'.-. 4uo, 50c, and OSc .Ml WiHil Carpets m p.'i- y.'inl 70c. 7!).', and )?1.(K,'. Tapostry Art S.|uaief at 'S7.5l). -*!) 00. 810 00. S10..-|0, Si 1 ."jO, ami 8l;}.50. Vel\ lit .iiiil Brussels Art Stpiaie- at ?lS.(»t), .?!!». ,")0, iind S'2.').0O Tiipi'stry Carin ts at jut yard JJ.'ic, 4.')c, 50c and 5.oc. Bi us-ii'ls O.ii pets at per yard !H»,.-, $l.(;t), ami Jtl 25 If you want t ) b.! sure of Carpet Ijuality and uii>iuesl oiicd value, try us. McFARLAND & COMPANY g Time to Choose Your â-ºring Costumes Now Spi Proton Station Some of our people are laid up tliis week with the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. McCIemment and family, C. P. R. agent, left Monday morning for a ciMiple of woek.s' vacation. Mr. .Mex. McLean is relieving Mr. McLeminent. Air. J. C. Wright attended the boisc fair at Durham Friday Mrs. Butsun is very ill at present with ini attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Pollock is alsii ill with the grippe. We hope soon to hear of their speedy recovery. Mis. a. Sherson tind John Il.anl.'y spent Sunday at the former's home, Im^tiogo. Mr. Peter Piskett jpent Sunday at Maikilale. Mr. Patterson, conductor on the Walk- erton passenger train, has moved his wife and family, of Havelock, to Saugeen .lunotioi). Miss Ruby Trelford Uft Thursday for Detroit, where she intends to train for a nurse. The sacrament of the Lord's supper wiil be dispensed in Knox church ncif Sunday evening. A g'.oj raii'^e in Dres* Go ids and .Silks. Ordets t.iken for ready- iiiiiJe Suits, Coats, Dresses. Can hare ymir order filled here within a few d.iys. Special bargains given in ready-made Summer Drtissos In all the latest styles .md dctigiis. A full lino of Ftncy Waistiiig, Marathon Linen Suitings, etc., from 15 to 20 cents a yard. MILLINERY OPENINGS APRIL 8. 9 AND 10 Thursday, Fiiilay and .Snturday, and wil! have on display all the latest creations in spring styles f.>r young .>nd oid. H-ive opened up iiii entire new stock of English Prinra in idl the pretty shad.'S and iiaitertis. .Sijeoiiils in regular li")c lor 10c and 12Ac. STYLISH NEW CLOTHING (i'OR MKN-Orders t.ikeii for tailor made Suits and Overcoats in up-to-date styles. Twenty per cent, otl'm .Men and Hoys' Retulymades. Go,)d luiyiug in Men'f .Shirts, Fancy cidiired neglige Shirts iiuido frinn fine corded shirting material, small Atunrivjan pat;e:iis, some of the latest stripes in deep blue and tan, etc, I J. E. Large, e u g e n i a. Durham. (Coiiden.sHd .md from the Chronicle) So far, it louks as if Durham will he with.iut a liictosse team, or sporting a;;gregation of any kind this summer. Mrs. McDonald, an old lady, 81 years of agR, died on Sunday last in Olenelg, on the farm recently ownei' and occupied by the late Henry Farr. The Walkerton Twine Factory, which has been idle for the p.tst four or live years, was sold for ten thousand didlars two w«ieks ago and the purchaser intends to set in operation at once, in the manu- facture of twine and rope. Though the price is stvid to be low, it will briim s;!;id- nos« to t]»e hearts of the people of Walker- ton to see the factory in operation unce more. "Billy" LiTiiigston has departed from our midst and on Friday he moved his wigwam into the wilds of Tavistock. As a sport, gentleman and general favorite, Billy was the aoods, and the news of his transfer inti another world was leciived with real regret. Needless to say the best wishes of the wliol.i town accompany him into his new field of acti>)n. Billy has some warm friends iu and around Floslierton. We regret t) chronicle the death of Mr. Charles McArthur, at his homo here on Thursday morning last, after a linger- ing illness of four or tUv years duration. The decensed gentleman, who was well known and highly esteemed in this town and locality for the greater portion of his life, was born in the Isle of Mull, Scot- Isiid. When a lad lie came to Canada with his parents and settled with them, in what was then a wilderness in the ceiitie of the township of Glenelg. Here he grew into manhood, when he engaged in the teaching profession, at which he spent innre than twenty years in the adjacent townships. For over thirteen years he taught in S. S. No. 1, Glenelg, where he proved himself an efiieient in- structor and an excellent disciplinarian. In 1890 he )iurch.'u>ed the Durham Review and ably conducted that paper for a couple of years, whan he entered the mercantile business in the Dalgluiah ptemises up town. About eight years ago he moved down town where the business has since been conducted, for a time in the .stoi-e at present occupied by Mr. S. F. Moilock, and later in the old stand occupied tor many years by Messrs. N., G. A J. McKechnie. About five years .igo he became an invalid from the eflfects of .sclerosis, and never recovered, liein'? almost helpless for the past three years. Singhampton Mr. E. Edwards, who will do the paint- ing. The architect is Mr. P. Ptilin. .Ml come from Colliogwood. The new build- ing hat; been desired for somo years and now that it is within sitdit 'ho tru.stccs are determined to have a modern building in every particular. (Jivi. Cliaiiilierlain 's Cough Remedy. I t , will ki^ep the cuiiKh loose, exiiecniratioii easy ! and render the tits of coii>rliiiu' less fiu(|n< n' i and less .severe. It is saft? ami sure. Kor ; sale l>v W. E. Kii'linrilsoii, SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The l.irgest ,iiid best stock of Furniture ever shown in Fleshcrton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come .and see .some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chaii-s, Parlor Setts, Bud Room •Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the .stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER lesherton I>R. BURT -'Specialist In diseases;, of tho The contiactor* for the new school propose 1,0 cummence work at an early date. Tho building which will cost about $;5,000, has been coiitracttd for by £vQ^ Ear,NOSe Hnci ThPOat Messrs. Tlios. Tourgiss, who will do the' masonnry and brick work ; Mr. S. Wool- ncr, who will do the carpenter work, and Office 13 Fiust at. . OwcnSoimcl At the Revere house. Markdale, 1st Friday iMtch month from 8 t« 12 a. m.

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