i j * a ii ^ ' ' . i tm *inf ,i' '' a» '- Ancii. -J J I'.iuy T 11 E F L E S JI £ R â-º > F.T.HILL & CO., - Markdale THI3 WEEK BIG SALE OF HIGH CLASS SHOES. The Carey Shoe Co., of Southampton, were forced out of business, and we bought their stock at a big discount. §2,000.00 \\oiili of lli^li Crfp Slices niado by siicli reliable funis ns tlie EmproRS Slioo Co.. 'Joins Mc- iMiVison Mioi'C'o., \V. \j. Iliiniilton Shoe Co., Vittoria Sloe Co.. Iiripoiial and Maple Leaf I'.rands, in Ladies, Cliilili I-"?, Hoys and Ymillis' Slices. Tliis bi^' ptiicliaso of Shoes wo put on sale AVcdnesc'ay moiniiis and tiio prices are 'Jf) to dO per cent, less vliftii legtilnr. This is a ^Maiid opportunity to save money on reliable nial<( s of Shoes in good staple Dtyics, Le on hand early. IJrst always go first. I J- Canadian. Pacific NOCHAN'GE OF CAR§ GOING TO Western Canada 0\ C. P- R. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION .Spuoial triiin.s from T.ironto April iJOtli iiml every 2nd TueacJay until H ;[>'.. 21 »t. Li.w U iii)ilTii|i Ilites. C'dlonist aiiii Tourist Sluupiii'i Cms. F' if copy rif Homo.'d'eki'r.i' Piunpli Itt. ra'.o.H a>iil full iiifoniiation, ap;.lj to S. I'.ANDH, A''i,'nt, Flualnrton. J. & W. BOYD, «'^"^'«' fLXrSnH''''"''''' w E liruopiiiinK up » nien.h*iit lail.irinjv-tusiness under iho iiiiiniiuauiit ot Fred Moiley nlioi.s a tir.st cU.s« workman. Wo have a compl' tc runyeof new iiiid up-to-date >touk. \Vf unaniniee h perfect fit. Call and .see thif Kooilg â€" just ill tlif CMiner r"om MRS. SMITH'.S OLD STAND. SoOI'AlUSCIlILDUCN'S FINE SHOES AND OXFORDS. Ill Sizes C, 7. 8, 9, 10. Sale Pi ice 75c- TliCse C'lne in fino Dongolan, Patent Leather and Yelour Calf and the following colors: lilack, T.«n, luiil Rels ar.d nil ftyled of Oxf irds and slippers ar« incladcd in thx hit. Carey Slioo Uo. prices 81.<>l) and f 1.10 and ?1.2S, sa!c price per pr 7»c. GIRLS SIZES IN SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS. 11, 12. 13. I anl 2. Sale price 98c. ISO •)«ir!i (iirU Fine Slippers and Oxfords. Tlie.se conio in Rdx Ciilf anil p'ine Dong.la in Strap and (Jxf.Td s!yhs. Col.iio, liUck and Tan. Cirey Sli..« Co. piicuJi Sl.i;,"j, 1.4U. iukI 1.50, sale price per puir !)8i; BOYS SHOES. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Sale price 81.2.5. 200 pairs h-yn Heavy ai d Fine Slmes in Box Calf, Cordi>van, Dungola, and Velour Calf. In 'his line we liavo all the size's, but more of the larsier sizes than the Hin.ill. They coino ill Rlacka and Tans, .nnd tha Carey Shoe Co. p:ictf for them was ^l.SO, 1.75, 2.00 up to 3.00 a pair. Sii!e price til.25 ^e.slitrfoti l^ilraiice I» put.UshfH evpry Tliuisday ot SLOoi^r aiHi'imif pai'J in ailvaiic. *1..")<) if not so paid. NKT ADVKHTISINi; RATKS 1 colunm display one ye.ir, ?<W Half colniiin une year. 830 (Jiiattpf C'lluinn one year. M't KortniK'litly ehansten if rupiired Quotations tot transient «<lverll.^iiig will be Riven on ftpplicatiou. tinting with East Luther for the rental of their stone cni.sher. When it is re- Jmcniljered that this crusher was the ob- ject of lontempt l>y a nunilxir of iK;o|)le, I a u.sele.ss, uirnece.s.saiy and too expensive .•irticle, it looks as though Scotch fore- ninUt. w.is to Li) vindicated, anil that I which was rejected will bo a revenue « Our Scrap Book « CENSUS OP ALOOMA. (From the Globe of April 20, 1861.; Wc are info- med that tho population of tho low County of Al^oma will foot up I producer, as «^1 as a d.ier of'g.K.d'in the """â- " "'"" "-"^^ when all the c. nsus r. The Power of an Idea A man of one idea died h»'ely in Ros- tciu at an aye which lacked lint a little of ninety yc-iis. He had ir.u.ied that one idea and c'nerished and educto 1 and en- riched it, uuiil f becarao the solo interott ill his life. The man was George ThorndikeAngell, presiJent of the Missauhii.selts Soiiely for the prevention of Cruelty to dnnili aniiiinls, and ihe idea was that dumb creatures should bo Ire.itcd kindly. Taken lo/eiher, the strong h of tho man and the power of tlio idra have h.dped to modify puMic leiirinicnt lowaid nninia's .ill o\er thin Ci.nntiy. and iliey may not have been without their inlluence abroad as well. Anicrieiin do not realize hiwfiir ahead Ihey arrt of Knropeiin nalimis. exci pt (jr.-at Hritain, in the kind treatment of aiiiin.'ils. Tint this is so is due alniost whollytotho work of Henry lierghof New York, the founder uf Iho Ameiic-an Society fjr the Piuvonii'ii of Cundiy to Animals, and fo tho woik of tliu hite Mr. Angell of RoKton. It wan the hideoui ciuelty which he had s en practised upon dumb brutes on tiio Continent of Europe that (ia\e .Mr. iieruh the idtui to which he devoted tho rest of his 1 fe. Among tho ui'ncr. te tilings aecoinplish by those two philanthropic men are llie p'lasiige of hiw.i protect ng aiiinia'a and punishing cruelly ; the law a"uiiist dock- ing liorse.i' tiili, ehano folly uniMif.nced ; tho establishment of drinking fouiitaiis, horse ambulances, deriicks for liflliig fallen horses, more cue in shoeing horse", espeo ally in Hlij.ptjry weather. Rut moio important is the gradual itrowih of public sentiment, which has made iutoletnblo •iijhtB th.1t a Beiioratiiin ago would havo attracted htih) aitontion and for wh eh Ihore was no legal remedy. Tho idea has leavened a gr.at lump alroatly. ft will leaven tho wlo le in t nie.- -Youth'i < ' laifMnioU. Crushed Stone Ruads With a viewt«i tho po.ssibility of there Isiing a few objectors to tho recent pur- chaso by our council of a slono criishor for Ihe township of Arteinesia, wo give tho following oiiiiiion from tho Grand Valley St<»r, as tho oxiairienco of East Luther with Ihe stoiio crusher owned by I hem : "The opposition to putting crushed stone on roads instead of gravel is ra|iidly vanishing, in fa<.! i.f the oeonomic value it has over gravel, il^s durability, and the xplundid results given. Ijist fall the village council put a light coating on Ihe hill lo the stJktion, with the result that the I'iml is niore wdid and smoolnur and is not the least bit cut by the heavy traftic. Similar results are to Ixi found throughout East Luther, where the work lias Iwcn done in a patchwork systoni. Now Anmranlh has awakened to the benefits of crushu<l stone, and is nego- community. There is some talk of Grand Valley using crushed stone throughout the village instead of gravel. turns are in. It extends fu.m French River lo F.rt Wjljiim, anu will so.m have eii«m<'h population lo entitle it to ii and results justify the change. Crushed, 'â- "^'â- ''.'""''""'â- '•- ^' '" « ""iiter^of regret stone at 85 cents a y.ird is cheaiier than ''"''•' "'"^"''^ "'"â- "^"^ « nieml.er to gr,tvel at 45 cents, the average price in ' J''"'"'""'"' ""^'' I" 'o""^ "''t^'i' itsinteiesis. Grand Valley. '' **'"• ^'*"'"'' 'l"-'"-'- teniroryito be taken j in'o account in disiributio-' tho represent- iitioii. How many members would Priceville School Report ' Algonm have, if that rule were adopted ? Ttie foliowin;; is the result of pruinolion , , ,. , , ., , , ' THK OWKN SOL'Sll TR.^PE OF 1801 and ivlatiVB fLmding if pupils of thoi ° '• Puldic SchooL In r.th chi'S tho per .."''"' ".'''''I''""'""^'-''" H'opW of Ow.D ucnta«o of tho various subjecs is r.]) .rl»! **"""'• ''''^ J"""'" »S" "'"*â- "^ "17 limiteU ed. In Entrance cls.ss a-o the ,,„„.' P>-"l'<'r''"''« i"'"!"ivd with that of tho pai.-itive lotuN of pupils, rromolions of !'''•»'•'"* ''"V- '^'be new.spapors luck about part 2 and Senior thira wiU bo umdo ^**"" '•« " F^'etice of puld.shin^ .i list fully in a few weeks. 2nd- Klla McKiiin n. Latin «2,.Mgob- ra 78, Aiithmetic lOO. Euclid 75. 01n(l>: each wiifk of iirtiil-s imported and ex- ported. This list was not »o extensive th.-it it taxid the capacity of iho (lajiera in «• , I .• I.A .11 -T.j . • . any Btmso. Such an •iiidirtakinu wonld "iitson, L:itin IK). ,\WliraJ73, Aritliineiic , , , , , ^ mnoo, iu- I. i. 1 o- ». ? T. .. , . ni'wevcr, oe beyond their Dowers at lli.> 00, Euclid 8.). Martha Burnett. Algubri' i">"fis ,n ini. 04, Aril iiiiiclic 100, Writiig 88. Coniposi- linn 74. Entrance Class -Clara McCln'y, total 45;j Kiliia Feigus'in 4H3, Reekie Mc- iMilliiii 4-.M, Maguio Trjon 410, Mthel Rurnoit 362, Louisa McDonald 355 Possdilo total of .500. 8r. 3rd to 4ihâ€" Laur^ McKinnon, Einuia Conkey, .lessio MoDonild, (fom Matlioi) cnn. al'Sent for part. I pnaent day Fodowing is a li.st for one j week lis published in tho Owen Sound wookly Comet of June 14. 1801. Importsâ€" Steamer Ploughl.oyâ€" Ton barrels f..r. I. Riddtdl. Sleinier.losephmo â€" 30 Ions UlosbuI^ coal, 25 t<ms Leh gh c oil for H. iSeceud ; Ot} b.igs salt for S. S. Curtia ; IDO barrels salt, 2 t)arre)s iil.ifter, 1500 lbs. inercb«iidiso, 1800 lb?. Kugii , 14 barrels whisky, for .L Millov. ExporLs Siiiiiner Plouybboy-Lot of .Ir. 3rd to .Si- Jnl- ,lno. Nicle.l, .Tim i '^- ^^' t,'""ds, 7 bagi clothing, span lioi«es Muir, Victoria McMillan, Riiy McLean, | •*"'l wagon, for A. North ; 0000 bricks for Evo'yiio Rurnoit, Auuiu McDonald, VerBi''- ^'- Oah ; 7 b.iga poiRtop.s, 3l)oxpseg«s, Watson. 5 barrels lime, 3 cows and ciibea, 1 2iid-Jiin Carson, Anna Muir, Archie i *•""â- â- !'• '•* '"<K>* 'boir, fiOO brick, 2 luhps, 2 McKochnio, Rub McKii.non, Colin Try-; '"'«*' "i*l'neal, for Kennedy ifc Wylio ; 120 on, j b»gi thiur for J. Ridded ; G l>ma tlour, 1 Pi. 2nd lo 2nd-Uri.e Mathcson, Ag. I '"'•* "*"'' '"'" ^'- Lonefely ; 3 bag, flour, )/ie Muir, Vi.,l» Hardy, .l,..,ii l{n,„,,it, I ** '*"'^'' ^'"'"*"*''• '""â- t^' L»uioi,t ; 20 l„.gs Elwiii Muir, Mabel McMullen, Mai hew i ""'''','- '"'^'''* "««''•*' ''â- '"â- '•''' "hisky, for Copkey. j "• Secoid ; 1 bag pulatoos, 3 boxes, 1 1st- Mr-'Bie Noble, Illiurd MctJIary. ' I"'^' """''/ r''"',' '^ ''.â- ^^•â- ««''^-" = ^^ .lim McLean, Uedfoid McL, an, ,i„l •*'-7'7;'''\f"'- '- ^;»'"' I 3 sheep, 1 cow. Watson, Wdl-Mclfcoil, Angus McLean, I 'T ^'^ "'â- '''':'''"; ;,".T'''' ^ '''"'''-'' '"'''• /he«innor,) j 1 ^'^* «"«•• f'"- '• CliLholm ; shte;., 2 I pigs, for S. h»atty. Object to StroniJ Medicines. Many pdiipl.' ol.jei-l to takini^ tlm hlroni? | liiwIicln'.'H UMiiiillv iiieHcrilHil liy pliVhidans j for rlmiii atimi. 'I'lmie ia iinmsil of internal, treatment in any ease of iniiHonlar ..r ehiniile 1 rheiuiialiHni, ami more than iiino out of .'Verv ti'U eauiiH of the ili»i'a»e are of nne <n- the ntlier oflhiw" varietieH. Winn iheiei.s m, fi.veruiid little, if any awellintf, jou mav know that it is only iiecee«ary to a|,plv (.'Imnilxiilaiii's Linlnient freely to net (piiek relief, rrj it. Von nieeortaiii lo lie i)!,ra«eil with the '(Hiiek ridief whieh it nlTordn. PiicjH, 2.-, (.(.nt.s; lioi[i> oize, Wl oeiitii. For .talu by W. K. Kichardmiii. Hon. Clifford Siflon of Otinnn and \,\^ two sons, Hiudeiits of Toronto Univer- sity, were in town mi Mond.iy. Mr. Siftou is a decided liorso fancier and he cama hero to inspect Mr. H. II. Miller's Arab ooll with a view to purehaso. After Bcoiiig the iinimal, a cliang.i of owiiemliip was ipiiokly consnn. mated al. > fancy liguro. The cok will be ahipped next wenk, and Hon. Mr. Sifton purpuses e«- hibiiinv it at the Monirenl flora* Khow next month. He will also exhibit at Montrual a ctniplti of hnraei which he recently puiohasol in â- ngland. This Arab colt in (piestion i, the only pure bred Arab horse in C«n*il».-â€" Hanover Post . Prcventinsâ€" those Candy Coll Cnio Tablets-will safely and ipiiokly check all colds lind tho Grip. Tiy tlioni once and •col 48 25c. Sold by all dealers. Rheumatism. Mure Ihan nine i>«t of eve ly ten ciwes of jliciip.atiHm are siinply rliciimatihrn of the inuwle.i, (111., u, oohl i.rdainp weather or chron- ic rheiimati.sm, III MKh eases no internal ti-eatment i. re<inired. The free applieatioii of Chiinibeilain's LiniuRnt is all that is iifcil- eil, ami it is certain to g'wv n nuuM relief' j.lyelta trial and see for yoniseli how(|iii(.l<. ly It re.ieves tho pain and muoness. Price, '>.•> cents; large size, fs) cents, Fn- aalo by W. 1'.. liiehaidson. Mr. Henry M. Douglass, the well kiiiinu hiuso man of Vandeleur snd Moaford. who reontly purohasod Mr. Lainu'sfatm adjoining tlio corporation of .Stanyer has mo»ed to bis new ipiaiters. Mr. DougUsa is a young man of enter- prise and his gained an enviable ro- puUtion as a borae-iimu. He has exhibit- ed «t all iho leadinit shows with great sijocons from Grand Rapids, Mich., to Shorbrooke. <Jue.. and owned stal'ions that Hold for»3,000 and a harness gelding that Mis. Vandei lull of New Xoik pai.l f 1, 400 for. .Sumo of his notable win- ning, are the gold modal at Oitaw,\ in 1007 for the ».e»t heavy draft stHllion C'ydeor Shiro, iheg.dd modal a^ Sher- brook, (^)ue., in 1!)07 for the lio-t carriage s allioii. any breed, with four of his gets Rut ilui crowning feature of his show Mi ill â- Tie Ki-t Grey .Vgricultiual S(icioiy will bo d their aiiiinal .Spring Stallion Show I'll the Society's f-foiind at. FLESHERTON - - ON - â- Wednesday, April 28/09 The folluwins prizes will be awarded ii. the vat ious classes: 1st. 2nd. Srd. Impoitt'd Clydesdales aged $6.00 84.00 §2.00 Imported Clydesdales, fiom4 years & under 6.P0 4.00 2.00 Imported Shires G.OO 4.00 2 00 Canadian Rred Draught Horses C.CO 4.00 2 00 P.Hli-ians 00 4.00 2.00 Percherons (i.OO 4.00 2.00 Coach horses 6.00 4.00 2.00 Hacknevs 6 00 4.00 2.00 St mdard bred horses.. 0.00 4.00 2.00 Entrance fee to all exhibitors, $1.00; Horses t'l be op tho uroiind at 2 o'cjonk sharp. Judging will be dime and prizes awarded ly government judiio. There will also lie special prizes jjiven under tho fidlowim/ ariangemeiit : Tho field will be divided into two classes viz., cls.ss 1, heavy hor.sei which w 11 inchido Ciydeadiiles, Canadian Rred Diaiight Hoise.?. Relgians and Percheron.s. Cl-iss 2, which will include Coauh Hmisi k. H'lckneys, atid .Stanu'trd Rred Horses. .Siveepslake prizes in class No 1 will lie a silver medal. Sweepstake prizes in class 2 will I'.u a silver medal. The Board of ih'S society is niakin'.' a special ilf'rt to inako this one of ihe best •Spring Stallion Shows ever held in this ciiunly. We will have a very lirge exhiliitiooof Istclasshorses ah t fanners nf the snrrouiuling viiinity will he well re- paid f,.r a h iK day's visit to our horse fair on Apal 23. L is expecied thi.t a number of Imrso buyers will iio on hand to purchiite. Geo MITCHELL. President. JOHN A. BOYD, Secretary. STEADY EMPLOYMENT F.ir .-\ Ueii.ible Local Sail small REl'UKSKNTINIi Canada's Oldest and Createst Nurseries IN Fle.'^httrttjn And Adjoining: Country. You Will lliid therein a Kooil ileiuaml for Nurserv Stock on aissniut of tOo hi^'Ii (triei-s tbat uruwers liavu realized ou their irv.it this setlron. Our italesmen arc tiirning in a bJR busiursQ to lis thi.i \ear. IteoiiH of them atol earn f;jod wai4cH throii}{h the wfuter luoiith;;. Territory leservod. Pay Wuekly. Fro© sample outfit, etc. Writn for parileulars. H l' O N l<: & W K L h 1 N li T N Koi'thiM Niuserliis t tOO aortts ) TORONTO Ontiuio N EW Dress Goods in all the new shades r.nd patterns â€" prices 55c lo l?1.50 per yd., also a large assortment of Ging- hams, Zeiihyis, Linens, Prints and Muslius A comolete range of Ladle's Ready- to-wear Garmentaâ€" Skirts, Jackets. Waists, Uuder- iUirt«, Etc. Flour and Feed. We krep on hand « full slock of Fh/urar.d Feed including Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the fanous Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Kewatin. tvery bng of which is guaianteed f not tatisfactoiy return it and yet yuur money. Hardware. \\ e have a »eil asMottil Hi ck 'f llirJwaic â€" paities conlemp'atirg I uiidini; will do well to ret our prices before purchasing eltewhere â€" also a nice line of stoves, tinware etc. yard caioir was tie winning of the champion silver cuji vidueJ at $100 in lOOHiit tho Michigan Slate F-ir, Detroit, on his French coach stulliuii which ho s'.ill owns. Rlieuumiio poisons are quickly and surely driven out of Iho blond with Dr . Shoop's Rheuiiiatio Remedy â€"liquid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's booklet on Rhuuinatism plainly it interestingly tells jiiat how this is done. Tell some suffer- er of this book, or be'ter still, write Dr. Shoop, RaciiK', Wis. for tho book and free test samples. Send no money. Just join with Dr. Shoop and Etvo some suffer- er ft pleasant surprise. Sold by all deal - ers. The oldest man in tho county of Siincoo, in the person of .Siy|iheii Tlios. Prddle. (lied at Bairie recently at the «U0 of 103 years He wsi lior» in Kent county, "Ell,.;. , io lHt|() he came to Canadu, settling in ()ro township in 184'.'. For 30 yeais ho lived in iMiiskoUa. near lUiernon. During the last foui years he had lived in Ulopia, nine miles west of Raiiie, mastly idoue. Threa weeks ago, not beinu aide to look uiter himself, liu was brought to tho lio»pital in Barrio whero he died. He was a tetel a* stainer Ihriughout liiH life, and his wife died ten years ago in her 7!3<h year. Heart Strength Heart Ptronirth, or IToart Weakness, ineaii.i N'erro PliMUrth, or NorveWiakiiesaâ€" nothlnuiiore. Po*. llively, not oiei weak heart In a hiinilreii Is. In It- Si If. aetually diseased, Ii. Is almost always a til.hleii liny little nerve that rially 1.4 all at fault. This oln.enrn nerveâ€" the llvnliae. or Ilesit Nerve â€" siiiilily needj, and imiat have, more imwer, more stalilllty, Mior." eoiiliullieg, mom novemins ftreneth. WItlioiit that th,> Heart must eoiuinue U) fail, and tlii< stoiiiueh and kidneys aliio have tlieiie same eont rolling nervi'S. â- I'his clearly explains why, as ft mtHllehie, Dr. Phtsin's Heslorulive hs.s hi the pasl done so imici for weak and alllnir Hearts. Pr. 8hoop llrst soiighv the eauso of all this palnlnl, jmlpitatliig. (iiilfoeat- hiK heart diktres.*. Pr .Shoop's Itesloratlveâ€" this poinilar ini'serintlraiâ€" Is alone directed to these weiilt and wastlmr n>rvo (S'nti-rs. It hullda; It stnuiittiens i It ( fT iii nml, itemilne heart help. If you wmihl have stronit lleBrts, strong di- grstl.jii, stivnutlieii ihese jiurveaâ€" re-establish them as neouoti, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" l^arrows, Plcusbs, Cream Scp^ arators and lUire Fencina HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY ^ Heard' s Carriage Works Farms for Sab & Rent |,'anii tor sale, contsiiilnp one liundrcd acres 1 innre er less, tieiuK lota I41-14'2, cell. 1, N. K. Torumo s>dei)haui loail. about ri(;Iity acres clearoil; bttUnce hu^li. (Hi tlie propel ty is one frsiuu ham J.5x.';.'> o.i utoiic l>a<eiiu-iit with ct.oi^ cictostublinK undgeoil imv>louientshecl. Krime ilwellini; house, small oreliard. two fiood wells. .\lso two fpriiKs pii back end of plaee. There are tliiity acres fall plounlied, rtve acres of fall will Kt Will fenced ami In a (;ooil state of cult'va- tioe. 'this is oue or the best farms in the towiiablp and cau be bousht rislil. It is situat- tf'1 one mile from I'MiHliertoo ami live miles from MiirkOttlc. .-Npily to I(U.'H.\UL)80N liU'jH. I'lo-shortou I <il» :il and :t;"-. eon. :!H 1) U, 100 aeres, M olcRVed ^-' 10 sevos pnstairi', balance roimI bnr.li. Paru , f.jx.ltl, ilrlvlnK slietl. good fvaioo house, '2 weIN, i l aoru of erchaid ai,<l iitoiie wall iiieler barn. , Sauijoeii river crosses back of faun. Witll fenced anil ill i:n<<d state of eultieatiim, ;t miles from i I'roloii.Stalii II. Kor terms apply on premises to JXMKH II. V.\rsi', Proton Station K\)r sale eheop. oi rent, ini mediate possession hot :ki t*(oi. M, .'(rleiiiesia. about 7.-> acres clear, eomfortfttde Ion liotisu and friune barn. .â- \|iplv to |i. I. Spioulc, Flcr.lo-rtou, or Juliu J, Martin, aoioss the roml from sai-.I l.H. Cei/ion*s ilfeat 9/farket. All kinds of IVesIi and smoked meats, head elieeste, sausage, always on hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^iCcC/ocA/i in. 1ot« K i H anrt St. I'on. l:!. in llui township o( * Ospivv, l.'iOacituJftrKB olcftrii'U.Koo'l fvame brtvn unil stablup, Rouil dweUiiiy aud wtll. Aj»- \\\\- on lh« i>ionii:iea or to |W. J. TtKi-i.AMY, FlMhertoa I^^oi'Kato plu'ap Htid on t>nny tH'-iit>», j,'o-k1 com- foitaiilc f»-itino iiwi'Hii'j!, i^liiblu ami dvivi»ji houst\ wltti MiU'ti villH^c lotf», ill t'oylop. Dwel* litiu ^vt)11 liiiilt anil tliiihhed anil ^ood boariug uiclittrd o» tU© inopertY, Apply to W. J. Bproclu, Floabei-tou l^''orRRlo 01 ret'tâ€" lOOacie ftirni, 1 acre of or- *â- dmrd, 10 nt-ves Iniiih includii.g *i ftcvua haul- wood, well watorud and j^ood funooH. hi ick huusc, fvaine bain.'IJ miles fvoui ntdioot and [lOfit olUco, ;t iiiih'H tio'u Prolou Htation. For pviie and tet'iDS ot MalH apply to Wm- Taylor, tot 7'1 V-*, oon 1 noithof Piiuiain voad, .-VrtmneBia IotHft-i, IVian*! 07, con H Aito!u«8ia, I.IO acr«!i ^ 1H.'\ cleared and under oiiUivation. all fuucort tw(. good orc'hards; tar^it framobarn, baaotneiit barn and otiti*r frKine b.iru 'J-Ix:h\, frame dwi>n- lii^, Thitt will Uu madfl « kooi) tbing for tlie liKhtumu \V. H.McNALLY, lortlaw l^'^.r Rent -lot :*7, con 1, ArtoineRin, 100 Aoren.Hj ^ to W cloavfii and In cultivation, comfortablo dwtilbtiM, batik barn, xtone atabllD^;, u> a flrat rla84 Hottlttiiunit andvrsll wortby thu attuntion of iboHorcquiritit: Huch. K.J. aPKOUI.K, Fleshcrton Iot;*, con. 4 Oaproy. IIX) acrfs well kiiiiborod- â- * roitonna utc, avr'y to K. ijobei'bH, Lady Uauk \\ 0. Eggs For Hatching. Brown beshorn F.n«s for hatchiOK, from ftrsfc olasc pen. .\II pvi?.u birds at Kat,t tirov fall tail aie in ibis peh: Kkk" SU« l>er totting of 15- J.EVIBKTTS, Fl««h»rtou: Good Farm For Sale. T ot 19, con.O. (.ifprev eontainiiiK 100aer«», 8ff eloureil, f;ame liouiji.. name barn.atom* foiiuilation; orchard, well watered. Oiia Uiousaiid ilown ami balance to suit Purchaser Immediato possession .Vpply to K. N, KiiMBiKAlt.Iilsxwcn p. n. El Dorado Farm. Of Khorthorn cattle and Leicester sheep HmUs and heifers oi, bund fill sale also a nuniber of single and rose comb brown le;,'horn, and siu^decoml) white leRhmn cockerels Lot 31!' Cim. 5. ('has. S tatforJ. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. I.evuilttH and \Vi,„p|o«, the best ot breodina ami ipialit". Hull, cowa and hcif.rs for bala at reiiRunable prieoa Lot ili!,ooD.3 CHA8. STAFFORD. Kleshorton Herefords For Sale. Cinva and heifers for sale, none lietter, I rices riRht. Post Office. Proton ytalion; farm half mile fnun Saiitreen Junction. We have sold all our lulls. J. * T. \VAT80N. PUMP MAKIISrO \Vo()den punijia manufactured throughout and rejairs promptly and »»ti»faotorily attended to. I »ii. ntjent for thre» of the beat iron pump in«nuf»ftur«ra in Ontario. A card drippsd to me al Ceylon P. O will havo my prompt atttntion Your patronage respectfully solicited. dAME:5 A. M CLEAN, 'iCurrie'a Corner. Ceylon IP. O.