\ BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS Ereirono Needs a Tonlo In the Spring to Build Up the Blood. If 3011 want now lioalth and â- trongth ia tho spring you must build up your blood with a tonic mc<liciue. After the long indoor winter months arc past mostt people feel depressed and easily tired. This uoaiu that the blood is im- pure aixl watery. That ia wliat causes pingtles mad unsightly crup- tioua. To tbia sauic couiiition is due ataclu of rlieumatisiu, tho fiharp stubbing pains of neuralgia, poor appetit«, frequent headaches and a dc&iie to avoid exertion. These troubles can all be banished by the use of Dr. Williaras' Pink Pills. Every does of this medicine makes new, rich blood which drives out impurities, stimulates every or- gan, strengthens every nerve and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tir^^d out, ailing men and women, Mrs. Frank Mur- phy, Clark's Hurl>or, N. S., says: â€" "A year ago I was completely run down and my work became a bur- den to me. I felt tired all the time, and could hardly drag my.self about. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and after tak- ing three or four bo.xes was again in the best of health. I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will prove a friend in need to all who are weak and ailing." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Afediciue Ck>., Brockville, Ont. ..jy- TICTIM OF RKVOLLTIOMSTS. Body of Young Man Found in a Trunk at Itomo. The discovery of the body of a young iCussiau in a trunk left in a garret of the Via frattiua, Home, has created the deupeet excitement. The body lay undiscovered from Feb. 28 until this week. It is considered certain that it is a cabe of vengeance by Kusbian revolutionaries on a traitor or a â- py, but the suggestion that the corpse is that of ^vzeff, the notor- ious "Itevolulionary" agent of the Russian kecret police, ia discredit- ed, the body is that of a young man, while Azcff is middlo-agca. An expert examination has es- talilished the fact that the victim wa.'i poisoned by pninsic acid. The poison hindered the composition of the body, which was found to have no wounds of any kind. Tho landlady stated that on Feb. £5 a person of some 45 years of age Iiirod tho room. The lodger's name was Uumanoff. On Feb. 24 ho call- ed at the bearding house in tho Via Frattina, which is almost oxclu^ sivcly firquentcd by (Jermans. On the morning of Feb. '20 he sent for a trunk. Toward.-t noon on tho same day he was visited by two friends. On the evening of the following day he ordnred supper, consisting of ham, cheese and wine. At 8 o'clock he returned with a friend. Tho latter left shortly to fetch another young man. At o'clock Romanoff went out with another young man, some 30 years of age, dark liairt^l, and with a black mouKln<'he. The landlady declares she did not notice that three arrived and only two left. On leaving Romanoff gave up the key of his room, saying that hn was going to spend a few de.ys with his friend Fiumicino. A IblMU CHIEF CAEK IS EEK BABY'S WELFARE Every mother is anxious that her little ones shall be healthy, good nature<.l and briglit. Every mother can keep her children in this condi- tion it the will give tlieni an occa- sional dose (A Baby's Own Tablets. Theso Tablets euro all Htoinach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, and make teething easy. Mrs. T. Cov *rt Masiiio, Toronto, On^^Bays:â€" "I have uiie<i Uaby's O^VTublets for my little boy cince^^Ras three monllis old. and find lIVTlhey agree with him splendidly." Bold by u oiediciiin dtialcru or by mail at 25 cents a box frrjm The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., firockville, Ont. FROM WINNER TO (JL'NKRAI,. Iltemarkable Rlne of n .Soldier in tho French Army. Among the promotions in tho iJ-'rench Army just announced by the Minister of War is ono of pe- culiar inlercKt, a man who ciiler e<l tho army as a gunner having been raiKe<l to tho rank of Oeneral. His name i.s Arroinaiix, and ho en- listed in lH»i7 at tho ago of eighteen, in a volunt<'er regiment of urtil- (lery. As a bcrgeant major ho took part In tlin early stages of tho 'Franeo-CJerman War. lie escaped jfroin 8e<lnn, crossed into lielgiuin, ,an<l joined the French Navy at iOrenoble. Returning to the front again ho distinguished himself on tScvcral occasions. Even when a ninn proveH that he lis a wr>mau'a superior shu docsu't Ibeliuve it. now AITJIORS WROTE. Popo Thought Rest When in Rod- Victor Hugo Wrote Handing. Alexander Popo, who was the literary pontiff of his time, thought host when in bod. Whenever a thought came to him ho would jot it down on a scrap of paper. Uis servant often found bedclothes and floor covered with white bits con- taining aphorisms which have now become hackneyed quotations. Victor Hugo wrote "Les Miser- ables" standing up, an altitude which Hawthorne also assumed when he wrote many of his ro- mances. One leg thrown over the arm of a chair or sitting on the arm of his secretary's chair were Napol- eon's favorite positions while dic- tating to Bourrienne, a position which he varied now and then by patting that scribe on the head or pulling his ears. Sir Walter Scott could wliile re- clining on a lounge dictate to two amanuenses, who frequently had to stop writing, so funny tho dictat- ed pasages seemed to them. Balzac, in a monk's robe, fre- quently wrote from midnight till noon, taking draughts of strong coffee when drowsiness attacked him, and thus shortening his lite by many yenra no doubt. Wm. Morris made one of his fa- mous translations from the Greek while riding on cnc steam cars. Walt Wlutman and Horace Trau- bel, original in all things, wcro most original in the position they took while thinkintc. They were wont, so Mr. Traubel says, to climb upon a pile of lum. «r and lie down upon their ba.ckB. In that way each found out what the otner'a best thoughts wore. C«Y PETX ON TO THE STOVE. Mrs. T. R. Dougall, of 623 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg, says:â€" "My jontact with the side of the hut stove. 8ho sustained a eerious burn, and her cries and screams were terrible, the child laughed through her tears. "1 sent out to the druggist for the best remedy he had to use on I, burn. He said there was nothing to equal Zam-Buk, and sent br.ck a supply. I applied this, and it soothed tho pain so quickly that I bound up the hand in Zam-Buk, and each day anplied Zam-Buk fiequcntly and liberally, until the burn was quite cured. Tho little ono was soon able to go on with her play, and we had no trouble with her during the time tho burn was being healed. I feel very grateful for this euro, and would ;ecommcnd all mothers to keep Zam-Buk handy for emergencies like this." Fifty cents spent on a box tif Zam-Buk has savexl scores of people as many dollers, to say nothing of baving hours ol pain I French school children are taught firo luaxiiiis, as a primary preven- tative measure. Rap.'at It.- ••ShUoh'B nnr« will alwaya cure tnr coughs aud col<u. * HORSE SADS.iUR. NauHOons Stuff Doctored and Of- fered UH Uenuinc. Tho lastest cause celebro in Ber- lin, Uermany, is ono with sausages as its ubject. A number of dealers in those savory articles, dear to the heart of (Jermans, have been in- dicted for purchasing unheard-of quantities of sausages made of horseflesh and selling them, after icmanufacture, for tho products of tho Black Forest and Thuringia. Home thirty persons are impli- cated, both men and women. Their procedure seems to be some- thing as follows: From various parts of the country they ordered huge consignments of horse sau sages, of the value of hundreds of thousands of marks. The "goods" were sorted here, then sent to Carlsruhuo, St. Johann, Saar- brucken and other remote places, where theso traders had steam power works. Here this nauseous stuff was doctored up, sliced and flavored in various fashions and put on homo and espov-ially on foreign markets as prime Gorman sausagei- from the Black Forest, etc. The case, which naturally creates considerable stir, will last a week and the result will probably be hesi tation on the part of confirmed sau sago eaters, both in Germany and abroad, to invest in such weird comestibles. £ KIDNEY r -'â- *s liCTCS ISSl E NO. ir TflEY FIXED UP THE POSTMASTER ROOD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS LUMBAGO AND SCIATICA. That was Three Years Ago and He is Still Curedâ€" Why You Should Try Dodd'a Kidney PiUs First. Elliston, Trinity Bay, Nfld., Apr. 20. (Special).â€" Tliat Dodd's Kidney Pills not only relieve Sciatica ano [•umbago, but euro it once and for all, is the experience of Mr. Alfred Crew, postmaster hero. "Yes," the postmaster says in telling his story, "it is threo years since I was cured of Lumbago and Sciatica. Dodd's Kidney Pills did it, and I am happy to say the cure was permanent. "I had Pains in my Back, Cramps in ray muscles. Shooting Pains across my Loins, and I often found it hard to get any rest at night and when I did my sleep was unre freshing. I was medically attend- ed, but without getting any bene- fit, and at last I was persuaded to t.ry Dodd's Kidney Pills. I used six boxes altogether and they took the pains away and quite cured mo.'f Nearly every cure by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills tells of trying something else first. If you use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills first you will never need to try "something else." They al- ways cure all diseases of the Kid- neys, and all diseases that are caused by sick Kidneys. ♦ TRULY LITERARY. Jinks â€" Harkins doesn't strike me as literary. Yet ho declares that lie never fools so comfortaiblo as when he is snugly settled in his library. Binksâ€" Oh, that's not surprising His bookcaso is a folding-bed. A small boy with his first watch has the time of his life. Bicklc's Anti-Consumptivo Syrup needs no recommendation. To all who are familiar with it, it spe.akb for itself. Years of use in the treat- ment of colds and coughs and ali aficctions of the throat has unques- tionably established its place among tho very best medicines for such diseases. If you give it a liial you will not regret it. You will find it 25 cents well inveetcd. If people could live on food for thought the baker and buttiher would have to retire from business. Bavsat lt;-'W>lloh'« Cure wlllalwar* cure my ojualiJaud ooWs." Lots of people wouldn't know what to do with patience if thej hod it. AllMi'* Lunir talMm ti •^•cl.illy Inlendad t br«ak up iiv;ii«v-t»<l oituhi, and many h iptlai- ca-a.i hare liotf.) KaToU by ltd u.ie. Cuiitalus ik upium la aay loruL It a man marries for money he may bo able to make his wife be lieve he didn't â€" for a week or ten days. Where can I get some of Hollo- way's Corn Curel 1 was entirely cured of my corns by this renied) and I wish some more of it for m\ friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Old Ohap â€" "Yes, sir, I'm ninety- three next birthday, and 1 don't recollect ever telling a lie." Young Man â€""Well, you can't expect your memory to be very reliablo at that ago." Hapaat lt;-"ShUob'a Our* will always oura my ooushs and oolda" It isn't necessary to toll a booze fighter that he should lovo his cn- iwny. PalnklllM- In wlntsr ch«kii cMlli, braikt np ooM* and thiM proTwiU UnmohHla, l.aKtlput and Rli«>iinatl.>ni. llii*i|\iaU»d u a llniin»ut fir Iruil bit*., chliblaln.i. b>ul.•^ vp.alut. Mold bt all drucuUti. Ouly on* ^'aiukilUi^Varrj U«>U . The opinions of other people would be more interesting if thej did not conflict with our own. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Kxtonninalor because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual oxpoUor of worms. WOMEN'S RIGHTS. "Madame, do you beliove in wo- man's rights?" asked the man standing in the car. "1 do," she replied shortly. "KxeuHO me," ho went on, "I am but an ignorant male seeking light. May I ask if you construe these rights to incliido the privi- lege of spreading your readily bo- cr>niing skirts over thre seats?" Theroiipoii sho condensed herself, he took a scat, and conversation flagged. HoiiKokeeper â€" "You'ro a big, healthy man; why don't you go to workr' Trampâ€" "Lady, I'll t«ill je me trouble. I'm an unhappy medium." "What do you moan by thati" "Well, ye see, I'm too heavy for light work, an' too tight for heavy work. " TROUBLE IN STORE FOR JOHN Mrs. Freendeâ€" "Why, what arc you crying about 1" Mrs. Ncwwcdds â€" "Well, you know John is away from home for a v/eek on business." "Yes." "He writes that ho gets out my photo and kâ€"kâ€" kisses it every day." "Well, that's surely nothing for you to cry about." "Yes, it was just for a joke; I took my picture out of his bag be- fore he started, and put one of m â€" m â€" mother's in its place." A Woman's Sympathy Are you dUcoura^ed? Ii your doctor'i bUl a heavy im-ncUl load? In your piiln a heavy pUysloU bilrdeu? I know what thrae mean to delicate women â€" I have bxca discouraged, too; but It.irncd how to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur deni. ^/by not end the p:iln and slop the doctor's bulT I ran do tUia lor you and aiU If you wilt assist me. AU you need do U to wrlta for a free box of the remedy which hua been placed In my hands to be Riven away. Pcihapa this one box will cure youâ€" It has doneeo for others. If bo, I b1i.-i1I be happy and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a Sostaee stamp). Tour letters held ronfl- entlalTy V.'rite to-day fir mv free treit- rnaat. ""« F. B CURB AH. Wlnditor, OnL SOON. Now is the time to start train- ing for that annual wrestle with tho oleander. Away with Depression and Melan- choly. â€" Theso two evils are the ac- companiment of a disordered sto- mach and torp:d liver and mean wretcliedness to all whom they visit. Tiie surest and speediest way to combat them is with Parmciee's Vegetable Pills, which will restore the healthful action of tho stomach and bring relief. They havo proved their usctuiness in thousands of cases and will continue to give re- lief to tho Buffering who are wise enough to use them. At the present time there are 21,000 laborers at work on tho Pan- ama Canal. Bapeatlt:--'8Mloh*8 Cnr» will always cure my oousba aud colda. Did you ever see a man who wasn't willing to make money with- ,.'Ut earuiug itf A* rtre Iprearta in dry (ra.u, lo d >e.i an inflam- mation in Old liir Nftt i;...w down intJ ths lung-*. Deal p.-mnpt-jr witli a u .'.d a* wiib a li.a, aid «lita yuu b<>,(iii tu ouugli u.« AlUu'a Luaa liaLi.uii. We blame Providoncb for oui poverty, but take tho credit our- .selves when wo get rich. Repeat lt:â€""Sh'loh's Cure will always evu'e my oou^hs a:id oids." Bujrgins â€" "And my wife satisfies 'lerseli with picking the gowns of tho other women to pieces." A Simple and C!icap Medicine.-â€" A simple, cheap and effective medi- cine is soiuelhing to be desired, r-.ero is no motiicine so efiective a regulator of the digestive system as I'uraioleo's Vegetable Pills. Tiiey are simple, they are cheap, they ,'!in ho got anywhere, and their beneficial action will prove their reuorainendation. They are the uicdicinc of the poor man and those .vho wish to es'ape doctors' bills «ill do well in giving them a trial. Lightning never strikes twice iii the sama placo, which is just as well, considerin,.^ how frequently it strikes in the wrong place. What U the Bait Thinar to atrenitban weak kukr "The 1> A b' M«"t!i jI I'laottr. It will euro lumb.&K > and i-btiitn .tl4m. $i rolU make nita to. pla<t«ta Oaiia A Lawranca Co., Muutraal. The less a man talks the less he may be su.'-pocted of beluuging to sa Ananias club. Rapeat It: - "ShlJoh'a Dure will alwaya ourn my oouxbs and colds." A college education furnishes many a yuun|; man with an excuse for not earning a living. Death Comes to All. â€" But it need not come prematurely if proper precautions are taken. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and to have prevention at hand and allow a disease to work its will is wickedness. Dr. Thomas' Kolectric Oil not only allays pains when applied externally, but will prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and be convinced. CLEANING M LADIES WALKHN ON OUTINC •UlTa Oka ka 4an* parlwtir bj omw r t «»«k Prooaia Tiv M â- MTisy «HiiiieAii DYsmo et . â- OnBBA/k TORONTU UTTAWA k QtrsSBO RUGS \^^^y *â- » Oriantal Proean. Wa are ^"â€"^ tha only ipaolalialt In Canada. ORIENTAL RUUCO., Hlraon Alajajian, Vrop. Telcshena Main SN 1» Kliyr It, Wast He -"You know, if you worry about every littlo thing, it's bound to affect your health." Sh«â€" "Yoa, I know. That's ono of the things 1 worry about." llaira TOO a little kn»«rladga i>( Fann Mkookt Than wilta u> AT O.NUIB. t) to |j« weakly, aal- ary nr nomralMion. So axparlanca. Do part of Ilia word OH your own farm, or aat a< aaeil H«matlilu( al>i:>lutalynavr. OraataUaaiy taaaey â- akliif oppoituntty. VAftM dlUCK VBTBRMA&T OO.. Tareat*. IS A HIGHLY HOURISHINO FOOD. BOVRIL can only be sold at its present low price because we carry out the first pro-esses of manufacture on the ranches where the cattle are raised. The beef is prepared and concentrated where prime meat is cluay and the freight is mi,ich less ihin it would be if the oxen were imported. A cup of BOVRIL taken regularly will sustain your strength and thus enable you to avoid insidious attacks of illness. ."V^^ WHY DO So many Institutions devoted to the Wgher Edu- cation select BcU pianos > The fact that they uw -ad prefer riie fieJl is evidence of cSstinct merit | Oae (oUow» profutioiuj advice in acquirios aa educatias, why Dot follow pfofosooal cwIub is buying Dell | The only piaooa with ihe iUimilable C^ick Repeating Actoa. â- »% w Bend for (free) Catalogue No. 75. TTiS BELl, PIANO «Or^n Co., Dmitsd GUE.LPH.ONX\RK>4 WS WANT A re« MORI RELIABLC WOMCN f- h Willie (ur liifli Kra.ia i'erfuno% T.,t'>ot OojiIa '<aii^ Colteo*, H|jicat. etc One huadrail par caiit, prodt. Money refunded if guodn not aa rapra «.ita L The tComa jpaulaltiej Co., I>tipt. A. XuruQto, Oauada* FARMS FOR SALE. Fruit, Poultry, IJr^iry. liriiiii a*i(l Grazing Farms in «V9r]r o<u'it7 ^"^ we>te.n Ontario, heorl for catAiJgua. Th4 Wtf jtaru E«,^ UjUt* Eicluoce, ^^td., Lauilun, Out. Farm ForSa!o7,-«ppO,o ""â- Karm4 in la .state... Strailt'a â- "â- ^â- â- ^ New M>nthly Bulletin of Real nargaina, profuialy iHu.tr.Ata I. mailed free. Wepajy.'urH.N. free. R. A, STRODT CO.. CeiH C t W»rld> lAfxatt Varu Daalari, Ualre;a,u U\ii., Syracuie, M,V. ^ CALVES Raise Tk-m W>iboBt .tlUk. . Ruei(<«t ri«e. Steele Brine See<l Co.. Ltd.. ToreetSw ALEXANDER WARDEN, ' (I,ate treaiarer Piaibrleriao Ctiurcb in Canada) , BONDS AND STOCKS Ctib\'.t stocka bought and fold on cammlesloa. IS TOBOkTO STREBT. TOMNTO. CANADA Long Dletaaoa Phoneaâ€" klaln SS70, Mala vaU USK Write (0* ottr EXTRA Ntea rcucs diss wmAmi AGOTS WASTED National Pr.>Tlai-Ial Mate OUaa Ineuranoarom- pany. t.:iait«il. Vead UiBoa, L'edon. Unfland. Ct.U'.iibeii s'U. i»»iLa.jn«y'i'i'<«'»»d '""uniu etaU.is. r.rAjenjm at uirepreiaalaa potuu, Proilute >'( Oukarie, addjau J. U. KWAUr, Cblel Acani, No. 18 WalHn;tJn Straat Ka.*. Tutnako. Sand (or booklet ' Ulan liiauaace.' SniP TO E.T. CARTE R& CO., M front SL East, tOKOM'O. ONT. WARREN GZOWSKi & Oa Members rorouto Stuck Kicbanga. rradere Bank Building, t5 Broad Rtreak lOKOvro. NEW VOKK STOCKS AND BONDS apeoiallalug In wUBIttl for Info laiaUoa. RAT FREE For S«Xllm« FlDW*r&B4V«c« (..mtiuti'-.l 3llv»t Met"! »Uu'i WaliX for tiillht; 0T1I7 tS ol vrwrtb uf (lower ik.i4 vigL-tablQii'i.-di. Th«y t^ Lk* txut oikcw, '•n4 ui 70UT uun* AikI i^ilrrftt a d w«1l mall T>'U til* t'lrds X% srll al hy\ kmnU ua4 XttuTTl/Lrgn hiALK\t(afc VHteutottM. Amo«U csrl mmU da. (KeftF* rn>-*a U â- tstm'l ltaiilc> T1L9 ItttUftHl* Promt nm C o.. The New DAIMLER THE PRINCIPAL CLAIMS -> For this Marv9llou8 Naw Motor are a Silenoo in Operation Flexibility Economy in Construction and Operation Absence of Small Parts Write for full particulars and illustrated lists from Ce He STAINTON, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Canada. The Daimler Motor Co., 0904) Ltd* COVENTRY. BNQLANDa