I> *kf^- •«- e'Tiiwy'S'. ^»r-" ibi^ r..-^^ ^It^tiana ••TRUTH BEFORE tAVOB. •• PriALUl'LEb ^0T MEN. VOL IIV, NO 1303 Flesherton, Ont., Thursaay, April 22 IQOq W- n TfiDxlSTOJl au.i PKOPMETOS . S^ 3ewelkry! ci?;5 i^ Scwellerv! ^J :^ &^ :^ Biggest, Best I §;p and j5^^ ^,,, CowiSt ^ : ^ Priced Stock gi|« .^in t:;ceount=||:^ . ^1 ry* ^^ c^' '^^ j^ Keliable ^ 1^1 Dealing ^^ :gi m If flrmstrong-s ^ : ^ Tiesberton. ^| Swinton Park. , A vtry pretty wedtling Wiis .soleinuized . vn Ainil 7th, 1»09, at tlio home <if Sir. • and Mi-s. Jim. Trudgeon of Mebuicthon, • when their i>nly ibiiighter, Mossie, was • united in m.irriiige to Mr. Thos. G. Ferris 4 of Swinton Piirk, son of Mr. Jiio. Fenis . of Melancthon. The pretty young Inide _ was iittiivd ill a prince.ss gown of white silk and earned ii iHKiuet of sweet iieius. The hridesniiiid. Miss (.'. l'ros.<iiek, wore .-i «L'iinty dress of cream eiisliniere. The gi-<Miiii ttiui siipiKirted l>y his brother. Sir. â- JoKi'ph Ferris. The brifte eutei-ed tiie • parlor leaning on the arni of her father, • t<i the .strains of the wedding iiiiirch pl.ny- < etl l>y lier aunt. Mi.ss M. IVudgeoii. The I ctTemony was performed by Rev. H. , M illar, under a lai-ge aivh of evergi-eeus. in the |u:e.sence of llfty invited guests. After the cei-cniony tlie guests s:»t down t«i a well hideii table. 'I he bride was tlie reciiiient of umny u.sefnl present.s, show- ing the e.steein in which slie Ls held. The ' gloom's gift to the bride WiUH a gold watch • and chain, to the bridesmaid a gold watch fob, to the groouisiiian a [wiii- of • kid gloves. The bride's going away dress • \r.ui blue with hat to nutch. The happy •young couple drove to Dundalk and' left «iii the evening train for a two weeks visit with frientls in Toixmtoainl other pLices. (.)n their return they w ill reside at Swinton • Park. NYeji>in tlieir many fiiemls in ex- tending l>est wLshes to Mr. and Mrs. • Ferris. t)n the evening of tho return of IVIr. • and Mrs. Thos. Ferris a giMnlly numiierof • youth of the Park, met at their liouie and . presented them with » kitchen shower. . Mrs. Stern is vi.siting frieiuls here. She intends leivvinsj in a ^hort tiuie for her home at tlie "Sim). Miss (.'hristie of Port Elgin is visiting [ her sister heiv. \ Mr. J. McLean has scoured a position , as bookkeei>er for a lirm in I'ort Arthur, iuul pur|M'Scs leaving here I'li Wetiue.silay. , We wish hiui succes,--.. , Last Tue.sday evening. Mr. U. Aldeorn , treated his young fiiends to maple t.-ilty. 1 0th Line, Osprey. Moit farmers have been plowing fur the Ust week and the raiu of ^uudny has mulo the grass look greeu. We are gony 1 1 report that Mrs. .John Francis of Fevershaui is very ill .it pres- ent. Wu sincerely hope for hur epeody recovery. | Mr .A. MfcMillan, expert for the Goold Shapley and Muir Co. of Hriutfo d it creotiiii; wiudmdls for K. J. Culpieite in t!iis uiriuhborhoo<l, at pre«rnt. Mr. Mark Murphy of the einhh hue isf >n the sick list at present. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Hews are feeliuj; h<ppy over the arrival of a baby ^iil on Wednindvy, April Htli. Mra Jay. Thompaou »r.. is vciy sick at ;>re»enl. Mr. Richard Uiackenbury h^is liis saw- mill in o|>oratioii on the old bite, on Mr. Wni. Dancaii's faroi ami will have I, is new mill in Fcvorsham rcaily to start in a â- hurt time. Mr. Joe Ii win is getting out his saw- jnilt and will be sawing lu.ulior in a few 'diy.<. Joe i.H also erectii.g an addi'ion to his h luse, which will add to the .ippear- «Ace DMA coiufort. Success Joe. Mr. U. Luogdeol has iniidj kbout 200 poumU of uiaplj sujar imd ab<iut 20 gallons of syrup this season, from 150 tret*. East Mountain Seeding wiil be I.ite this ye.ir. Opera- tioriH on the Und will lu.>;4iti th s Week. Who will be t'.e fii.st lo 8"W? Let your cor. know about it. The Wood bre at .Mr. (Je ). Al'en's on Mon.lay aftemuoii winds up t°ie »i«riiij; for this year. Mrs. Walton, who hisbecn s riously ill. is slowly re'3overiris(. Mr. and Mi's. Robt. Wrlftht and liiree cliildren of Clarksburg visited w^th the laitsr's niother recently. Miss Edoi and M^ss Myrtle Caaiaok risited last Tuesday with their ai^ter, Jlrs. \V. J. M-irin. 3Ii. Joe McLeoduf Bay City, Michigan, is over lookint; «fier •.he- incereats of hi.< farm . Fr«(d Smith in home from the Stales to wo k the firm. Herman has a s;riou8 â- lotion i.f foll.iwing the rest of the crowd to the west b«fure lung. Mr. J„hii Walton of HolLiiid Centre calKd around last week and visited his mother. Mr. and Mis. Fred Waltm of the Soo are visiting relatives heit>. Kimberiey. Ms.s. C. W. Good of Toronto, who has been ihe guent of her parent.*, Mr. and Mia. John Flfwes, during the past month, returned home list Thuisdar. M:-. J. E. HaainiKudof Meiford hijjh scho<(l visited at his pate:ital home here during ihu p:ist week. Mr. Loriie Cuiry of the Lome Housp, Rocklyn, visited fri^Mids here on Sunday la-st. Miss Vera G'ludin visiti-d r*Utives in Flesheit 11 duiini/ the pa^t week. Mr. and Mi-s. Fred Walton of the .Soo, are the uue>ts of the foroier's mother, who is s.-ri u.ily ill. We hope to heir of her spi edy recovery. Mr. P. .McCulIough of Markdalc was iu toirn on Sacuuiay la.t. Mr H. V. G^.udiii has [lurchised a piano fir his daughte.s. Mi«s Lemia Weber underwent acrit cil operation in Oiven S"Uiid iccently. FolLiwina is the list ol olliceri of the Kiiiiberlcy football c u > for 19)9 : Pre.t., Geo. McConiiell; Vice Pret., Wdl Uenr ; Man, W. C. Hirris; Captain, Jasper Giliiert ; Sec. Tietis.. Jasper Stuart; Commiltee, JmIiii Braniff, Lyness Kawcett, Clias. Stuart. .Asldcy Fawcetf, Join Liwreiu-e, Erne-t Proctor, Leslie Liwreuce. .Mi.ss Clira Meiklejohn anJ Mis.s Eva Black, wlio compose the Icaclrng sl.itii.f our ichool, having spent their Easter vacation at their respective homes in Camvbellfoid .nnd Tiiornbuiy, returned to their duties on Saluiday Mr. Jiis|ier Stuart his secured a h>t in thd ti'Wii site of Gow (janda. Mr. Geoig» Proc'or, brick hye-. and his sjaiig of men, liave couunenceJ work in Meaford. Jliss OJet-sa Waller spent Eas'or week with her cou<in, AJisi Doll Thurs'on, Khsiierton. Grand Valley. On Monday morning as Fiiink Sargent was driving to tlie ll.W tr.iin, he noticed smoke iioiii-iiig out of Thomas Hewitt's stable. Handing the lines to a young chap he made for the stable and found two children, who informed him. "That it looked as if there might l)e a bl.ize ". Getting the l)oy ott"the ladder he ran up and smothered the tl.anies with a piece of board, until he was able to bunille the .straw out with a fork. Given Hve minutes more and there would have Ih'cii a real tire. .•V $175 hor.se belonging to Wui. Morrow, Amaranth, cast itself in the stall, and broke its neck. Tlie veterinary set it in a plaster cast and exi)eets a re- covery. Will . Uain..-y sntlered a heavy lo.ss iiii Monday when one of his_ matcheil team of peri-herons died fiiuii blood |M>is<>niiig. The disease originated in an old "cork" mark, which Mr. Itiiiney was treating. He ivfus.d $200 for the aniiual les.<< than a tttvk previous. Police .Magistrate T. C. Il.iiiuitun pre- sideil at a case pivfernnl by Liceuso In- Kjiector McDowell against Wnlt^<r West, au iiitculieted jicrson of being intoxicated. The evidence was cloar and a !iiu' of SIO and eoNt.<! v;as iullicted. Tliisi was the sciHuid case again.st West within a fow months. In this ciiso he ciiue into p...,,,.;,.M ,.f :, l,.,iil., ..f whiskey at a country gathering, having found it in his overcoat ixicket. Now, Wiis it put there by accident or design ! If the latter, then it loots a-s if the gi-eater sinner goes free. Rob Roy L'ust Fritliiy, Anvil llth, .i very enjoy- able time was .spent at the home of Mr. and Vrs. G. Murphy, when aliout .sixty friends came iu u]>ou theui <p;ite un- e.^iiectedly. to sjiend the evening with them before their dei«uture for Tomnto. In the course of the evening's entei'taiu- iiient the following .-idjre.ss w.ts read : â€" With feelings of itgiet and ple-isiu-e we, a few of your friend.s and nttighbors, ai-o iLviembled here to-night. Regret tint y< >u are so soon to sever your connection with us. and pleasni-e tluit we may, liefore your deijiirture, in some way show the esteem in which you .ire heltl by the conimunity in which you h.ive lived. We pray tliiit GihI's richest Ijeneilictions nuiy folliiw you to your new home and attend you thoughout your waning days ; tluit iu every time of sorniw or difficulty you may tjike Him as your all-.saffijient friend, and the souive of strength in lighting the Icttles of life tluit still re- mtkin. We ask you to accept this ptr.-se jis a slight token of friendship, and hope that it may ever bring ple;Ls.int reminiscences of your home and life at Uob R<iy. The addre.ss Wiis signed on behalf of the friends and noighboi-s by Joseph Freethy and Henry Bristiiw. The remainder of the evening was six'ut in singing and g:iiuesaud the crowd ilispei-setl with "God lie with you till we meet again." Mr. Tlioiuixson DaviAstjn left for the west on MouiLiy bust. Mr. Ro!x.'rt .Vlilligan. who liiis been here for the winter mouths ren-jwing old acquaintauccs, h;us returned to Yellov.- GnLs.s. The infant son i-f Mr. and Mi-s. J. Uowins is serioasly ill. Mrs. L Bowiiis of Collingwood is visit- ing at her old home here. Suuiliiy scIkkiI re-o{H;ned at I^on Methodist Church, E.ister Suiuhiy. Mr. Dan. .Vlurphy purposes going to the west, where he will invest in improv- ed proi>erty. \ nuiiibt.'r around hereare getting boys from the home. Mr. I luirles Sykes ex- pects one to iUTive Wednesday. Owen Sound. The death occurred in the general hospital Wcdiiestbiy night, after an op- enition. of Mr. Roliert StodtLirt. one of the pioneer residents of this tov.ii, in his 8;!rd year. The first vessel to arrive in port this .seiuson was the tug S.indfoid whiih enter- ed the Wiiters of the harbor shortly b.'fore eleven o'clock ou Tuesday afternoon. The Siiiulfoi\l came fiMiii Wiarton. being owned by the Craw fordlirm of that place. Mr. William Allen, of I'nion .street, met with an unfortunate accident ye.ster- day afternoon wliile ungiiged at Brown's sawmill, which is situati-d about live iiiiks from the town. He w.is engiigetl at a circular .sjiw when his left h.iiid came iu contact with it with tlie result thit his middle finger was sav.n off. while the others were also injiin.'d. Mr. Duiieiin Mai-shall MacCalhiin, a Kejipel fanner, while a.ssisting a neigh- bor named Rice at a phiughing liee on Wednesday, was rendered completely helple.ss by a kick from the plough which had .struck ag;iinst a .stone. .Si serious wivs McCalluin's condition that Dr. Dow- was sent for, but we uiulei-st.-md he will i-ecover without much further trouble. No ribs were bitiken. .\ Ixiy from Colliiigwoi>d named Homy Wellington apiieared liefore Judge Hatton on Saturday chai-ged with th>-ft. U apjiears that the lad luid lieen engaged to work for a Collingwood township farmer named Cheshire on the undei-standing that if the engagement was not .satisfac- tory to both imrties Cheshire would take the boy back home. Tlie boy discovered that the job did not suit him. He told his employer so, but it was alleged that Cheshire refu.sed to take the boy Kick to his home or to [kiv him any w:iges. Wellington made up his mind that he would get b,ick lo his hiime tree and he .set ont, taking his employer's watch along with him, evidently in lieu of wa^-.es. He sold the watch in Collingwootl for a dollar. Jiulg"' H.ittoii .seemed inclined to hanil (.iver the precocious yvuiuystcr to care ^if the Children's .Vid ScKnely to be given »-placo on a farm. The Imy was strongly adverse to the idea of farm work, however, and it w».s decivlod to sv^nd him to tho ludustriid Sc:hool at Miinico. Priceville TiM) Lite f.ir Li.st Week. .\ few fariuei-s slaj-tml tlie plow on Thur.si'jiy, the 8th, but the ground is very wet, .-ind the tenifjertiture got down very low on Friihiy and .Sjiturday. There » ill prolwlily l)e a Lirge amount of uuiple syrup manufactured tliis year, as we hear of some fanners phiciag iu> many as KXK) buckets in the w.sids. Mr. Herb Watsiin lu-is sold his bouse and lot to Alex McL«an. towuline IViton, and is prciiisring to move t«> .southern Alberta. Mr. and Mi-s. E*l. \Vat.son of Durhaui, visited frieuds here Saturday to Monday. Miss Slary McDonald, an elderly lady, resiiling with her brothers. Donald and Hugh, on the old li'>iiie.stead. one and a liiilf miles we.st of the vilhijje, )>a.ssed aw.-iy on tile 8th. liitenaeiit t.jok placj at the village cemetery on the 10th, Rev. J. A. Mathcsou. her p-i.st.ir, couductiug the funeiid services. Rev. H. Berry w ill speak next Sunday niiiruing on the g:-e:it uiis,sionjiry conven- tion wliich he attead.ed in Tor->uto L-itely. Mr. Hector SlcKinnon. ol Toronto Normal school, is home for the holiilnys. also Loiiisi Wat.son. Don McKiunoii and StJUiley FergiLsou, of Owen Sound collegiatw'. Miss Eunice Fei-giison of M.-initowan- i:ig, wli.) h;is lieeii attending <>wen S<amd ci illegiate. is sjiending her Eiistor holiibiys with friends here and in Shelburne. cFARLAND&CO. .MA.!^Kn.\m; ONTAlilO H0US8 iirnishing Department. Flora this ilepartnipnt we supply tbe Giants for a great many liomca and if yon h.ive not visited this departuaeut we invite joa especially to have a look auil see I'ie vnlues and the large as.wrttnent in the new arrivals to select fiotn and theu y-jti will nudei stand way it is a busy place. NEW W.aLL PAPERS. W,. hivt new W.|il Pa|)..r -ialore, which leprisents a'l the shades designs, ani they aie every oue haiiilsoMie-and Worthy of a lonk fnim you. Reiueniber, Bord ers are aniutt piice jKr roll an wall. Pri-ie utar-s par icll at oc and goes by eas] steps up to 3oc. Eugenia. Uornâ€" April lOch, at Eugenia, to Mr. and Mis. Thuii.aa McKee, a daughter. We are plcMed to heir Mrs. Latimer, sr., who lus b<-en si dangerously ill for some tmii', is g-tting better and tlicie ate ijood prosp<:ct8 for recovery. The many friends of Mrs. D. Mc- MuUen. arc pL-H.sed to tee h«r at hfr hoaie in E-Jgenia once more. It is still atleasint du'y to welcome back old frieiid.s. Miss Bert. Sinit'i <f Toronto. s[)ent ht-r Ejister lohdiy^ at the Eugenia hou<e wrhhersster, Mrs. Mun«haw. Mr. Will Wallace . f Wi.irton was the au. St of his father, Mr. James Wallace, f ir a few days Fanners are busy pluuKhing. X few tine days and seeding will cutumeuce. Mivi M:lly Wibon has go. e to spend Konio t nil! ar Hcathcote. .Miss Ednia Wiliiams has gone to Cey- lon for a wh;le. When .spnug jpriis out young (eiplestart their wandeiioKS. Mr. John Cairns spent Ea.stor with friends in 'he city. M is.s CaUler, our popular young teacher, .spent her holiiiays at her parental h.iiije iu Mt. Fores'. The .Mis-ses Lly and .VIal)el T.awlorof Maxwell, visited with their grandma, Mr.s. C.irr, for a fe-* days. Miss Jeaii Gia'iHin i-j »i»iting her sister, .Mrs. Hi-g!iard, of Thornhuiy. Mi.ss Eva Jaiiiies m has reluruMl 'lome fi-oiii To.-o ito lor .1 visit to her home ht r . Her ill my fiien Is are pljiLsed to w.?ic mio her back. Ml . iMoi't;.-!!! has gene an b-j.sine.ss to uiK-le Sam's donuaij. He expects to re- t',iin next week. Mis-s Cora Williams has gone to .M.^rk- d.do for a visit. Mr. C.ildwell GrahMii is doing some nice work, takins' phoirs. The Misses Elt e La'inu'r and MiMy McMuVe 1, of Meaford H. S., spent tlie lOisttr h lidays wi h th-ir [uiretits a; Eugv-iiia. MisM Etrie Thompson of ne.sherton is visiting old frien is at Eugeni-i. Wintry woifhet- seem* 1 1 linge-. as it d. teriiiiiied to sdeoce oui- land of the s.v.imi). Port Law Spr'nn weather â€" Ploughs ate at it. List w-cek's Klip run was the best if the season. The indications ar* th »t tho lun will be short â€" but sweet. Mr. Win. Koss of West T.'ionfo, visit- ed his lir. ther-inliw, Mr. S. M. Osborne. Mr. I'l-ed Pcdlir who his beet holi- da.vii>g al h.)iue, returned Iu his duties ill the west. Mr. Wt.sley Jamiesiu, after sjicnding the winter with his bixither here, return- ed to the city. Mr. Thomas Fisher his gone to Mark- dilo to leiru the l-arberiui{ busiues-s. Ml-. James MoLenii.in is off ng.iin for M.iniiola. Mr. McDonald sp?nt his Er.s;er hcli- New Lace Curtains We have a 111 linirtci'iic lot of New Lsce Curtuiiis pijich»si.-d l-rect from ihe iiianu- fac urer allien ••fabKs us to su|iply you with ynur wants at very c'^.se pr.Ces (sav- .iig you the IU d.ile iiiaii's (I'otits) am', you bei clit tlierebv. Per pair ^h: 10 5.">.tt> NEW C.XRPETS, ART Stjl'ARE-J, LINOLEIMS .4ND OIL CLt)THS We M'lj siii.i.sfacl !->n as well as floor cuveriii<:<. We would rather m'ss a sale than aire y"U .smu-hing iiif-rio-. and because of that we handle such makes as we can tli-iroiiglily leciiuiuirio!. We make a spccinliry ot I'lii 111 Co-u'-s Ht pnr y ird 3L1j. :5oe. 4j.-. TiOe, and aSc .\ll WiMil (.'at jwts at per yini T."'e. T:)--, in J Jl OC. Tipe-rry Ar' S.piare« at'*7.5l), ^00. SIO 00. SIO.-'A Sll 50, au.i Sl.J.OO. Vrhft *id Briissi-ls Art S<|U.re- at SIS.OI'. 8l'.>.50, and $25.00 T.pestiy t'ari'tis »t jKT yard 3.'>e, 4jc, 50c and 55e. llius.rlsC»ii*et.« at |ier yarl ".HJ-. 81. 1 0. and $125 If you wtiu. t • bj sure 'if Cirpet tju.il.'y and utii|uest oncd value, try us. McFARLAND & COMPANY ^ Time to Choose Your ^ Spring Costumes Now fA a-o.l ran^e ill Dres- Go 'Js ai.d JsJks. OnJeis taken for re.iJr- made Suits, Coats, Dresses. Can have y air ord.r tilhd lu-re within a fe.vdiys. Special bargaiii.s given ill rea-ly-iuaile .Suiiimer Dres.sos in all the laifsi .styles aiid dusigis. .\ full line of Pnncy Waistmg, Marathon Lihon Suirinns, etc., from 15 to 2!) ceiiis a <ard. MILLINERY OPENINGS APRIL 8. 9 AND 10 Thursilay. Fiiday and .S.turiJay, and wil' have ou display all the latest creations in spriii'' styh s f-r young »iid old. Hive "pened up ail entire new stock of English Prints in sll the prettv shabs aiil i.a'teriis. Siiei-i»ls in rei-ulai- 1.5c lor 10c and V'kc STVLIiSH NEW CLOTHING f^tlt MEN-t>tthr8 taktli for tailor nude Suits and Overcoars ill up-'o-uate style*. Twenty per cent. â- £ oH' Ml .Men and Doys' Keiidymades. Gi)..d buyiii:; iti Mei.'s Shiiis. Fancy 2p cilored neul-ge Shins unole from fine corded fhirlini.' inateriid, smaJl S .\meii---an j>at e ns, soiif of the l.ilist stiipes ui deep blue and tan, etc. ^ I J. E. Large, eug eni a.I d lys at his h nn â- m-ar Wooilstock. Lake, whe'Te .she h:is m.ide her home for Mr. G>u Hau-'y of Toronto, Eastsred a number of yoaiv. She had reached tho at home. jjatriaix-hjil age of S5 years. Mr. Elbe't CornlielO, who h-i* lw»n' near Heathcte tor aonie mimths.ts home. Giip lus been griipuu.' a go.d niMiv „.Ke"'l *''« P"'" f""""'* "" the h.>x >.( 'â- â- * " • '»'"^- Pain Tablets. Then ask your r if the'C is a liet'er one. Pain means ooog-Ri i II..0J pix's^ure »>iiie- wbeie. Dr. Sho psPii.k Pai 1 Tablets check head [liiiiis, womanly puins. pain nnywhero. Try one. and seel 20 {•>T 25c. Sold by all dealer?. pretty hard, of latH. There have bieii |^^__^..^ •ouie sjrious ciis -s. FURNITURE CTbi â- it. Durham. Mr. Will McGowan will, before luiuiyj d.-iys. Iiegin foundation work for his new o.it meal mill Oil the Ixmks of the river above the bridj;e. Liter on tlie dam « ill Ik- tackled and the.se works with th-,- new armory and .some other constructive work, will cause a stir. The detctive who euuc fitmi Toront.' iu resjioiisc to a jjetitiou asking for an iiive.stigation into the cause of the ix'cent tire, left for home again, somewhat dis giisted we believe. » ithout Iwing able tv get a clue. It is therefore likely to re-l main among the mysteries. One of the most notable event-s. very .soKlom attaiiKHl t», ivcun-eil on Wednes- day. March lUst. when Mr. and Mrs. D. Coleridge, of North Egreinont, ivaclunl the tiOtli am.iversary of their wedding day. The now venei-ablo couple during all the,se yeiu's have enjoyed an idmost uninterrupted mciusuix' of gimd health aiul aiv still coiiiiiaiatively hale and hearty. They are respect i'ely 84 and T'J ^ears of aje. .\ ipiiet but impii'.ssive marriage took place at the home of Mr. and Mi-s. John Peaton. Wednesday. March 31st. when their eldest daughter Jennie M.. wa.s united iu the holy K.nds of matrimony to' .">»« Chamberlain's CoiiKh Reii-.edv. U , ,,•, ^, will krep the contth loose. i'\i>retoratioii easy Mr. Angus A. Me-Vithur. a pros^H-rous a„d rt.„i,.r the fits of coiiithiiii' less fiequeirt voniig farmer of Glenelg. The ceremony,*",'* 'e** severe. It is safe and sure. Pur * , , , .1 I. «• -v- I sale by W . h. Ru-liardscm. was jjerforined by the Uev. W . Newton.| . , -.f Ihirhain, in the presence of only iui-; 'DT? "FlTT^^^Tpi mediate relatives of the contracting partv.j * ^^ ''^ â- 'â- ' ~, , , 1. I 1 5peciali5t in dijiasis' of tlio The happy couple were unattended. 'r* r* » On Satimlay hist Mrs. Hugh Patterson.jEye, Ear.NOSG End ThfOat who hiei foraUuit 50 yeai-s been connect-jotfloe Iti F.-oat »t. - (")\voti;?onini ed with North Kgveniont, pas,siHl .away at i .\t the Rovero house, Markdale. !>f. tho hom-u.f her son J..>.seph, near Wilder's|*"i''^^''>' <>â- '*«'> month from 8 to 12 a. ai. l.iiL;i-»l and l.c.-t stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of cmi- tradietitm. Come and see .simie of the nice things in Side Boartls, Dining Room Chaii-s, Pai-lor Setts. Bed Room .Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, ill order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER lesherto