T il K FLESllERTON ADVANCE Ai'Fii. 15 190» .•^ Scottish Pride 66274 The youiiK bull ^cottUh Pri<lo win nUiul fo t>rvice mllr. K. W. MclwilnonV, lot ;.7, con. s Arteiii'al*. Kiuitluli pit.lu U tire I l>v Scoltlsh I'rinee, ax>*n<lfuii c f the voiiilvrfiil «liow I'ow Gf ni of Ilullarliiii, Imp. wiiinvi' of 4Mt(ht priztii kt Toruiit i aiiJ IajuiIuu. Ixieidea Ixiiiit chtiiii ioa teiuklu. Hli» w<>li;li9 ovi-r I'JOa One of ttili cow H calvt'i K.<ld r>a' Hcottiuli iiriilu It out of I/i'ly Kulla by tlio iito Artt I'riie wiriuur, Caplaiu U«y Ply. potiiKis, iiiiiiSNKiN. Tl-in youiiii bull ba» |noT« velt a abowbuil bavliic saiitetl cr'l tbia fall at Kcviinbaii reocr Toroui hini an uucouratiioK Ho won tlriit ralf, alHO diploma tor beat baviui{ puro »)rtd cowh alioulil aur tlilavraiiil bull buforo briMdinn aa they cannot <lu better tiian us>i hiui. .^ liniltt'P nuinlwr of ifadca vrill btr takuual tl.'£>:Kor puro bnja, «4.00 1>rir.p at iHKt bul! >ull any a«i>. Ihn 28,000 Maple Logs Wanted 18' <ncbea and larKe dcfec IIvb lirarti acci-pt«d . provldlnn same hax elcbt incbi'B liood huuud i tiuib«r on outaMu- I'rict'H rauKinff accordlUK i to Miiality, to cut in Icuiitnof 'jn and II incbeii. ) t'aali paid on delivery at Kut;enia. Alto want I at ariuu placr, a larfie (]uantitv ot purfecf inapiv loiit nieaiiuiintt from *J4 Inclut anil lariivr, at but li to 10 Feet loni:. I'ricct paid, ti iwi tbonaauil, to bv daliverod at J. W. lilorKau'auiill, ICugeoia. ''One Touch of Nature Malccs the Whole World Kin. " When a roohtf r liiuU a h'it fut wnnn he cuIIh nil the liettK in the f.irin vara *«> t*«tineanil.>«hHr'r it, A similar trait <i{ human Kutiiieiii to liti obKrrved when a inun (liacovcrH xiinielb'iiK HXceptioiially K hmI â€" he wuntv lill \i\a fiientlri and neighlHU's to nhare the Iti-ru'tita of hi^ iHh- O'Verv. Tliia in the t^mch nf iiiiturii thnt niiiket the whole worhl kin' ThiH rxpluinK why tMiopIo who have l»een cMr»-il l»y Chaii.lH'r' liiin'H TouKh Remedy write letters tn the nianufacttirerM for pub1ie)Wi<>n, that otIierK aiiiiilarlv Hilinif iiiny altui tixe ii and obtain re- lief. Ilehind every one of 'heno leitem ix a warm hearted wIhIi of the wiifer to tm of i\*k to SOUK one else. Thin remedy is f>ir na'e by W. K. Kicl.«r.li«m. STEADY EMPLOYMENT F..r .\ K"lialilf Local S.iliMU)ii.'.i UKI'RESENT1N({ Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Fle.sherton And Adjoining Country. You will find there is a Kood ilcniaud for Nuracry Stock on account of the hisli price* ILat Rrowert have realiiedon their Iruit tl;i« ••^'*"- . . , , Our Balewnen are tnrnliii! in a biR bjamfstto ii» thi* year, lleouo of them and earu yoort wagea tbroutli tliu winter inoutlis. Terrltorv rutcrve.l. I'ay Weekly, free »auipln outfit, etc. Write (or panlculam. 8 T O N K 4 W K L L I N U T O N Koothill Nurseiioi i H'X) acres) TOUONTO Ontario TERM OF 1909 Hrl)ii-li I CANADIAN Ten per cent, cheaper lU'SlNESS ten percent. tn'!(er fori COLLEGE BiiKJni'S', Sh.ir'hiiid and TORONTO Matric.h..,|<Kt five. K.i A. Fiii-.|iihHisi>r», IJ. \ I'ijhI. Corner YONliK & KLOOlt STUEETS. YOtJ CAN ENTER .\NY TIME IN Ctnaila'a Li-iidin'^ School of Uuisius-i and Shorilinnd withotit dis.idv.Tiitaj{e to yourself l>y lU b'peciitl Personal Help Systeip, Write for piiticu'ars. C. .A. Fi.i;MMi.\fi, Pni.st n-Ai., Owen Siiuiid . * Oiilni'o The Ranch in Texas Nichol'H Itnnuh, Tcxiui, M.iicli L-)tli, VMA Dkak Mr. EuiTOR, -I.,iiKt week I luff you on the t<«|i of, miy Mt. Mitniiing, one of the highest penkH of theHe ranges, where yon were enjoying ii nmgnificent view of the liill country around. If you look more eloHely at the valley lying no |>eJtcefiilly at your feet, you will he struck with the variety cjf color which it [ireseiits at a NuuHoii when, at home, all nature cx- cejit the evergreeiiH i.s shrouded in .souihre grey or ducked with its wiiitor mantle of Hilvery white. From this diKtance the valley ajiiH^ars to be thickly wooded with trees in full ihirk green fidiage, broken in places by the gray rtf the deciduoim trees and slirubH whose leaves now lie dry and curled up on the ground. These evergreen foliage trees are mostly live oaks, lo«-, wide-spreading trees with leaves very like tho.se of our apple trees but of a darker green, and with a decid- edly glossy surface. Here and there cethir and jimijier trees, with their lighter green, briglilen and relieve the landscape. ag:iin. For this purpose, cane (soi'glium( is used largely, and if projierly cured and protected from tlie wejithur, makes excel- lent feed. Horses and cattle thrive ujion it and come out in spring in goisl condi- tion. In some ranches oat straw is used iiistvad of cane, but the results ure nut ho goo<l. Let it be reineiuliered that on these ranches there are no Imms for the housing of stock as at home. The l>arns are usually small â- where there are any at all - and are used to feed, and shelter the horses that are kept for working, fi-oiii Mill or cold. tStoek at large is gen- erally fe<l by hauling straw or cnne on to the field and scattering it over acres of c ground, so that all may get a 8Ui)ply. ; Cows giving milk are, however, more j carefully attended to. Watijr is usually provided by windmills, which, by means of titiiks and jiiping, fill troughs coiivcni- ontly situated in. the fields or lanes acces- sible to the stuck at all times. Formerly, ranches were not enclosed, but t lie cattle or horses were Iiertled by' " cow punchers " or " broncho busters 1 as the uise might lie, mounted on horses and remaining in the saddle a good )>itrt i of the time. Now, all lanches appe:ir to WHAT every cook should know i.s, which wheat makes the best flour, and why. Winter wheat is put into the ground in the fall, but does not ripen until the following July. It matures slowly, is soft and very starchy. Spring wheat is sown in April or May, and ripens in August. It's a flinty, translucent wheat, rich in gluten and contains nearly twice as much nutriment as winter wheat. Royal Household Hour Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FLESMERTON . liive oaks are the largest trees that grow | Ik; enclosed by barbed wire fences so that \ on the high, ivcky ridges. Several other j the romantic days of the cow punchers j speciesof the oak family are found, but j , ire fast becoming u thing of the imst. , none of the.ii are of umch value e.xcejit | Within the larger ranches themselves, for fuel. Along the livir Ix.ttoms cyp- 1 h,,,! oven on the smaller ones, the middle ressts grow to considerable size. The ' is always yet used to round up the stoc^i value of these for lumber and shingles Ls ] for any purpose, or to ilrive them to new greatly imjiaired by the habit which the ! jmstoreH when such is fouii.l iieccssjiry or tree has ac<piiied of briinching a .short ilislance from the ground to protect itself against the injurious eil'ccts of intense dry weather. These form knots in the trees which niako much of the tiiiilier useless except for Krewood. I have already said .somewhere in these letters that nioi.sture was the great noed ' the genuine good nature and coiii-t«sy of Texas. To the bot.inist that fact is \ invarialily displayed by these ranchers writ large on evi-ry tree aiul shrub that ' ""'' ^"''"« '"*•â- " 'ndeeil by eveiybody grows here. In .some iiarts it takes the I >"'" '"""'^ ''^'''^'' "''*'"""^'''""^''"'"'"' f'*-''°''' form of thorn.s, spinesand prickles, which ' *"• f'""""-''' <"' urlwin citizen desirable. Thus ciii be .seen aliuont I every day, the robust figure of the trained f rider lus he gincefnlly undulates to the : long, easy lope of his sleek little pony m- ' patiently follows the slowly waving lieid along the road. There is nothing more plea.siiig than is made entirely from the hard, nutri- tious spring wheat, carefully selected from all the wheat of this kind grown in Canada. Royal Household is fine, light and pure â€" milled by the most improved methods â€" in a mill as clean as your own kitchen. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Household â€" just enough to try. You won't mind the slight advance in cost when you see the results in your bread and pastry. 2I Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., limited, Montreal. ^ ^ NORRIS BROS. â- ^laff/i arrtivare â- ^lereA. erentims ttnn / .7/ ithi we 111 Wiicn in the market for a good Paint, vemember tliat have the right goods at the riglit piicos. Moorcs' I'ure Linseed Oil Paint, wears bettor, 8[.Tcails bolter, looks btttcr and liai a ijloss second to none. If you intend biiiidiug, bear in mind ilint \vc can give you most iiitercstiiif; prices on Ilaidwaie, Eave Tiongliiiig, Furnace woikanl Pliinibinp. Figure the cost of a good Itooling (Paroid) before you imrclia.sfi the wood Hl.ingles, it will pay you in the long luii. We carry a com.)!etc line of Stove Polish, Pipe Enaiiiol, Shoe Puiisli, Varnish stain, (lilletts Lye. Metul Polisli. In fact if you don't see wliat you want ask for it. Don't fail to exaini'ie the Owen Siiind Fence, (Diroi W Kjlesnerton Onta are but iiistiiiices of "arrested growth" to prevent lo.ss of moisture ; in others t!ie Ijavos mv entirely suppressed, as in the I ei.se of tlieciictus, wliose tliickene.1 steins â- take the place of leaves, at the .same time reducing transpirati(m ; in others agiiin, the habit of branching is intended to serve the same |)uipi>se all these and many more such devices, showing mother Meet them anywhere- on the road, in the street or in the field and our gi-eeting is unifonuly acknowleilgeil by a pleasant nod or a cheerful word, accoiiiiKiiiied in aliuoNt every ciise l)y a polite toiiching of the hat or the renioviil of the Sfiniefrom the lie.id »itli the ease and gi-ivce of a full-lledjjed courtier. .V ccaiii»irison along this line with our much iHiisted northern civili/ji- • aei«eaecaa..««*a««ae»aaaa*eaa*eaaee*aa***aaeee*a«a«*aeaaeea»*a*a** •••aaeaaa;.*. ;;JJ XiX- Ii CEYLON'S BUSY STORE ! i •••• _^ v*^ \ nature's iutiiiite care that all her animate 1 tiim isaltogether in favor of the southern- 1 children may l)e able t.) overcome adverse I "''• I conditions, live their little lives or tell ' l^nt I must (ni-ss on to the oilier side ! their life liistoiy iuul thus fullil the pin- ' "f ranch life as promised- I mean, the ' pose of the all-wise T'reator in placiii" i life of a bojuder at a ranch. I'poii this, them in this world. Thus, the ve<'eta" ;' i^"" "''y ''"'^ " f*'* """*'* f'"" '"> ^V-^^^ , tiou iu almost every imiiect ditl'ei-H fiimi I is idxmt exhausted and my time at the : that iu Ontario. There are no t.dl ' ranch is now short. We liiiveto-UKUTow straight pines, maples, beeches, hem- mi'rniug for St. Lcmis to bieiik the I.H;ks, etc., with their masxive trunks aiul majestic tops, to be .seen anywhere, but instead are cypresses, sycamores, pecans, • live and .Si«iiiisli oaks, etc., all stuntisl, I cr.M)ked~excei.t the cypresses here and ^ there - gnarled ami knotted, with low, : wide-spieailing, crinkle.l branches so en- twined and intertwined with L'limbing ; journey there for a few ilays in order to j iKJcoiue imrtially acclimated to the colder j weMlier Uifore going home. UrieHy ' then it may be said that many ranchers in I ilill'erent parts of thecountry finditagree- â- able or profitable to provid- accommod.i- lion for guests i>r boarders who .seek rest or a change of climate. Niclud's Unncli I ••• I •.*• : *.*e ; •.*• ' •••• . â- ••• â- ••• •••• •••• •••• •»a« â- >•• •••• POT.\T')ES WANTEDâ€" Tliifi we^k we watit to get h car lo,ul to get the.n sliipiud before the pits are opene 1, as the price is likely t • to be lower, later. Seeds ! Ue sure add get your seeds lif re if you want the best iit the tiuht price. Boots & Shoes ! We have just what you want for the tnu 1. \ou will also want a niort foie puir (or Kaster. Cill and see our Vans, Cx-Bloods. and Pa''d Colt in Udie* and goutsâ€" the ve-y Utest and up to-date, at prices yt-u caa'l licit. We have Sap Buckets and Spoils, Pails an i Croun Cans. N<.w is y'Uir lim.Mo yet stunr as ive expect it 1 1 bj higher ii; price soon. Home cl.aiiing time is hero ai!ii I, ifiiu cm gjt everything you n - ipiire tor it niilit hiTe nt ihe rijlit price. U.iii't forgot to biiiig your Potiitiei ihis week or first I'f next. Highest ntirket price jviid. S: •a* ••• •a> viiiesas to cd).scure in many places the i i** """ "f '''^'•''"- 'rhere are some dozen Hinge Stay) there is none just so good. trees which they encircle to the very top Another difference one that strikes the traveller as soon as he enters southern il '^Z I I C^ J. '''*-'*">*- IN 'he mistletoe, lliat famous par 1 KjieShertO/l * \J/ltCirlO, '"*'''-' tl"'t"«ed to tigure.sos,ieredly in the J^ j "'y»fic religious services of the Druids of â- ''^"'""~' ; â€" y j ancient Bril«in. It is a imrasite still, ~||^^^|^"|^^|'^['|||~~"~~~~~~~~"^"^~~~~~~~""~""~'^~~"~~~~"~~- Kiowing in roundish chimiis of v.uious '^''''^^=^^=jf^-y^^ , â- _^ -^ -:^---^-^^ -^-.^- -.-.:- T- r- .-z.=z sizes, on the branches of certain trees I he r lesherton Carriage Works i '""''"'*'' '" "'^" •'''''""'•'^' ''''^' '•"«« '"•â- •â- 'ets' Fle£herton, Ont I '""'•â- * "''"""''- "'" '''^' '" "'" "'"^^r 't ' j is |Miiticiilarly conspicuous, for it is nn ! ''""t>'''*^'"' '"'"'''"'"' "''"• *'"' '"'" J"*'' evergreen, and the mas.sed green clumiis â- '^'"-â- h peojde as one delights to meet. lutenJin:,' purcliaseis will save money by calling; and iu- I in the midst of the surr.aimling U,,rte.ss i Kind, cheerful. branches have a pretty and pleasing cottages and nearly as many tent.s, in addition to the ranch proper, .so that from thirty to fiaty guests can be ciaii- fortably nccomiiiod.ited either summer or winter. Tliv whole, from some points of view, has t he appearance of a neat little village almost burieil in trees, and pie- sents an inviting and restful retiremoiit for those who iieeii (diysical or inent:il iecii|>eratioii. Mr. Win. Custer, the preaent proprietor, and his wife ami ^as, !PaltiS0i2j Cej/iorij Ont. % 7"i7.7..r................"...t******«********** .................•..{.... ••• ••• ••• Societies BisiNEss Cards AG X3 \y meets oi. tho taut Monday i W.^LTER LOL'CKS III each luoiith, iu their lodge room ! •' HuUiler ami Ciiiliactor .Sorris' block. FIcMieitoii, at 8 p.m. M. W..I For Uriek, Stone ami IrBuiu rwiiiences. Ta- .Miluo Tliiiitliithwciite; Kec, O. H. Munshaw: | tiniatva chtirluily Iuiri9be<l, Klenhertou 1' << Kill., W.J. Uel. amy. VisitiDRbi'ttliriL iLVileu Ontario. nUGGIKS cpecting our stock, ai we have a good stock to choose from and prices are riglit. RFCPAINTI.^Gâ€" Bring your bii?gy to us fir rcpaiiiling. Satisfaction guaranteed. PIjOWS, etc â€"We handle llic best plows, lianow-? and also cany a full line of rppaii'R on hnnd. CRP:A.M SKPAllATOU.Sâ€" Woaieagcnts for the .MELOTTE, the bust in the market. Special attention given to Horse shoeint;. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. Sc K. Established 20 Years. '-'.â- (St '*.-' .« â- CrORC TaiATMINT WfNO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT Ha was â- urprliatt at how tha aoraa h«al«d "1 took voiir Niw Mkihoii 1'|(Kjiiuk.st for a iteiluim Mnml ilisciuM. «|ih »hkli 1 Iuul Ijcen liillliUil i fur l»rlve yrars. I had coniiiiKfd amnro of |>h)iilulHim taken all klniln of lilwcxl innlh ihf. viniti'd Hot SpriiiKS and ollier , iiiini'ial water re-ort«, but only koI teiii- I |i'H«ry relief. They nould help nie for a ttiiic.liiit after dlwontinulnif the iiiedl I lines the HvmptoiiiH would break out avaiii I'linnhu; wiren. Iiloti^hrs, rhPuni- Blir pniiiH. loimeiH'HS of the hair. Rwellhiftit of tliei-landB, paiiinof the hanUKwalhiif, itchlneHH of the nkin. dysiieptle stnnineli. arTca trcatmcnt , . , , , , *'i'- ' •i*'l Iflven lip ill despair when .. Meml ailviMsi me to conaiilt you. a« vnu hail iiired liliii of a nliidlar dliieaiin H yeara nifo 1 bail no lio|ie, but took hiMailvlee. In thiw weekn' time the wiii's eoiiimeneed to heal up aiNl I IxH'anie en. ouraijed. I rontlniied the Nkw Mktiiim> Tiihtkunt for four luontliaaiid at lliftenil uf that time every Hymplom hnil ilinappeared 1 was eiin'il 7 yearn a^o anil mi nlKiisof any dlwase since. My Isiy. three vears idd. is noiiml and lieaUhy. 1 eerlHliilv eaii ri'iominiiid your In'atnient with all iny heart. Vou uui refer any pemon to me privately, bul you run us.; Iliis tenllmonial as ymi wiah " W II S. .. ^?v'':i!'.I!^-''y9i'.?,'?S6'y'"Y. VARICOCELE. STRICTURE. VrTAL WEAKNESS. BLOOD. SKIN and PRIVATE OlMata.. URINARY. BLADDER and KIDNEY complainl. of Man and Woman Are yon InlentUnff tomiirry' Tins ., - ly weHkiieHay our Nkw 'MKriiDit Irkathk.nt will cure yiiii What II lias done for others 11 will do for yoo. Coniullallon Praa. .N'o nmtt.T «lio liiis treated you. write for an honest oplnloi'i Fraa of Charae. Charfjea reaaoiiablc. BoolMFraaâ€"'Tliollolden. Monitor," (llhiKtratodjon lUsi'iisiHof Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRrfTEN CONSENT. Qoastion lUl and coil of Horn* Trealmaal FREE. OrinCD ^''^ >'°"' * 'litlni! Have you lo-.t hope? .... , nLnllLn your lilooil Ijeen dlm-aawly Have you any weakneiw? effect. Large ipi.uitities of it are yearly shipped north U. join with the holley from aci-oHH tho water in bringing good cheer to thousnnds of Christmas fes- tivities. How, or by wliat riglit, the original settlers of Texas obtained possession of attentive and obliging, they make their giiest.s feel at home at once and thus dispel or mitigate whatever loneliness or strangeness might invade the ipiiet hours of this most delightful retreat. We were fortunate, too, in meeting some very exeelKuit people from Indianapolis, JSt. Louis and Toronto, who, like oiir.selves, weie guests at the ranch for huiger or shorter iieriods. Here their land, I do not km.w. Certain it is then, with kind liost-s, sprightly coiniMiny, PKINCB .\UTHUK LODtJE, No. :i.H3, A.F.A A M, inoeta iu tbt Manonic hall. .\rm- stronij's Hall KlHslierton, every Friday on or before the (all leorn. Thou. lilakoly.W.M.: Herb, jiiiitli, 8ei.relary. nofRT FLKSHKUTON, 'JOJ, I. 0. K. ueet»ln '^ t'layton's litock the last Wednesday eveiiinR of eaeh month. VititiiiR Foresters heartily welcome. H. It., Dv»on; K. 8., V. Her.ry; Fin. See.. I". N. Ilichardson. I'leaiio pay dues to Fiu. Seo. before the ftrst dav of llio month. that it WHS not by any law of purchase or of equal distribution, for tjie ranches vary in size as to preclude such an idea. In Ihis |iait they run from three or four hundred to four or five thou.saiid acres. The largest in Texas is, 1 am told, L'.tXKt,- OtX) acres, Imt it is far away in the middle woHt of the state. Not far to the south is a ranch over thirty miles aerosH, nearly the size of the whole county of ,„„.,lK.in ciHiking of every tirey surely room enough to swing in, j that a farm can pimluee comfortable surroundings and warm suiu- mer weather in the deiul of winter, was sumly an ideal place to renew the physi- cal or mental forces which have lK>en wasted ill failing health or used up in the sti'enuouKiu'ss of modern businesM com- petition. kwA so it has proved for iiiaiiy a guest during the past years. Besides these attractions, there is excellent goisl thing giMsl fresh eggs, butter, milk, cheese, meat, crcrtiii, etc., with walki'-g, riding, driving, hunt- ing and fishing as recivatioiis for tlio.se wliose fancy or pleasure lies iu any of lliese directions. What more any one could desire, except work, 1 do not know. If any on« should feel our northern clini- as Ibo. .lonathan loves to do, especiiUly in the .saddle on a Texas ranch. There is, however, arising a desire among many of the people that these larger ranches should lie broken up and divided into smaller luirccls. This wouM secure a larger po|mlatioii and better cultivation of the fertile lands, thus incitiA.sing the j „te toy. rigorous, this is a gi«>d place to general wealth of tho sUito. lint when | „,,i,,„l the winter. The distance is not so it is considered that only the land in the ! j,r„„| h„ to our western provinces and the valleys is capable of cultivation, and that I i.„.s| ..f living is as hiw as is generally the scarcity of rain makes the crop, even ! f,,niid in such pliuu's anywhere. II such lands, uncertain, the advisability Ily the time this reaches you, I .shall Evarylhiai confidanlial. DR8.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. proliably be home again. Yours, â€" N. W. Cami'iiki.i,. of niaiiitaining fairsi/.ed rancheN for stock will bo conceded. The hill sides, though dry and rocky, produee large ipiantilies of a line, milritioiis, prairiolike gra.ss which, in the dry aiitiniin, ernes itself on Rlietlltiatisnt. t he ground and furni,shes,ms| me through- M.,re M.an nine out of eve.y ten <;«ao. of out tho winter. In eases where, through ilieuiMatl»iii are "imply rhiuiimtisni of the unusual winter rains, this grass becomes !"":'•'""• '',".".'" '';''' '"' ''{""l' "''•""' "."• ';'""", . " I U' I'hi'umiilisiii. Ill Midi cases no iiiteriiul spoiled, or when it is exhnusted through , tieatiuent i.. n'i|.iiieil. Tlio free application long-continued dry weather, rauihers "â- â- , <'h'UuberliiinM.iMiiu.ht is all tlint is iieeil- " , â- pil, unillt IS eertiiiii to (jive a iiuick relief' lind it necessary to feed tho stock during (iiveit a trial siid see for yomsell Imw miick- th.i winter months and until tho M.uch 1 '>' " 'â- •';'••''" f'"" '.'"'" '""' «•>;""''>''• l';'«". --^ , 'cell'-: linvo size, ,i(l cents. I'lr .siilii Uv \V. rains and spring wnviiith bring gniKs K. Uicluutlsmi. CHOSF.N FhlKNDSâ€" Fleshorton Cotineil of C'noseii Friends meets in Clayton's hall Hrst and third Wednesday of each luotith H p. m Fay assessments to the Keeorder on or before tre flrst day of each month. Chief Couucillor T. lllak«lev;Ueoorder. W. H. Hunt. Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. I haven tine lot of yomiK pi^s liied from prize winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices, I can Ki^e a liHi'Kuiu also i;imiantee , Htisfacti'Ul on all luail onlers. I tieo. W. ItOSJS. MiiMvell P. (> For Sale One span ot IdKhtnii.K Colts of mind three niatched. Heady to woik. Also one Shorthorn Hull eighteen mouths ohi.bied by tieo.Kristow KobKoy, niiiube'Mll.l. iu volume dl. Nao-e-- VIUaK« Captain. Al.HFRTP.- HANLKV, Lot 4. Con. Ill, Osprey, Kevotshaui P. O. Bull For Service L'yeaisolil, reg. shorthorn bull, Victor's I'ride, "1.*>,") Is (or service at I.ot 37, Con. Ii, Arteiiie: ilk. Terms $1.0d. JOHN HAIUiKAVK. 60 YEARS* .KXPKIIIKNCI MUULLOL'GH A YOUNQ Haukeis M>rkdale Ooa general bankint business. Money loauod at reasonable ratec CaII on us. CHlsl.BTT, • Postmaster, ';eylon. Couimissioner ui H. (.'. J . Conveyancer, deod«. iiiortKSKes, leases, wills etc. eareluUy drawn \x^ Jullectioiis luad.'. charges reasonable. .\|60 groeerius, Hoiii, feed etc, kept in stock, Pricaa right. J SPKOULB PodtmastoT, FleshertoD >..omuais8loner in H.O J., Auctioneer veyaucer, Appraiser aud Money Lende Kial Estate aud Insurance Agent. Ueeda mortgages, leases aud wills carefully draws up and valuations made on shortest uctleo money to loan at lowest rates ot interest. ^Col- lections attandud to with promptuesa charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominioa Staauiabip Company. A call solioited. r\ McPH.\U., Idcensad Auctioneer for th« "' County of Grey. Terms moderate aud satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangementa and dates of sales can ho made a». Thr AnvASca olHce. Ilesidenee aud P.O., Ceylon, TelephoDO connection. Dee. (1.07. r \Y KAITTINU, Licensed Auctioneer for i "• "• the counties of Urey aud Himcne. [rami and Stock sales a speuialty. Tenni uioilerata. satisfaotion guaranteed. Arrauae- iiients for dales may be made at the Advsnca ofllce, orA:T. Hutcbinson's store, tevershaiu. or by addressing uio at Fsvershaui, Out, Lot 13, con, \i, Os|>rey, DUDD MXTHRWS, Marklale, Licensed ano'.ioneer for the comity of Grey. Gooil service at roast nable rates. Dates can ba made at The Advance, lo (0 TuDB Marks De*iof.8 COPVRiaHTS Ac. Jjnrnne sending a sketcli or..; •"..sorlntltm ma» Qvlcklr lui'ortiiin our o;>ini.'u !.-uo kIh'^Iht ao InvenlJ.Mi j«pn,|),,| Ir i>uc->TI In. ('..uin.unH-rv tloiisstrlollyiounili.mf,,!. MANUbnOK on l-atenta •entfiijO. t»Klesi si'iM-.cy fi.r secunncf patents, J'.-.tiiius tuScu tliroviLU Munu A vghl«C«tTe n't^lnuftcc without ehiir,io, lutho Scientific nmxmu A bini'JOireiy lllu3ir,-\tid w.flil», Lnrcest c'r. culollon ot any srlc-miie J .umuV 'iS-T-is fiij Fil'll!il";J2i^e!^""«'-^""^« ^-••"''. «<•" Sy' MUNM & Co."jB~»* ^y. fiiRw Yoric Legal m H, WKIOHT. Barrister, Solicitor, Convey. " aneer, etc.,â€" Owan Sound, and Flesherton. N H- e bertou offloo, Sproule's lUook every Medical AR CARTER (^..- .i^i^ ''.I ^ Ont. Physician. Surgeon,* Office aud resideuce-Peter at., Flesherton J P OTTEWKLL " Veterluary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary rolleiiK residence â€" sacond door south west'oa Jj.arv street This street runs soiitk Prestyteviau Church. n WII.SON, ll'iMksmith . * . ., 'â- "'''"'»'•' "' lie Veterinary Scienee Assoolatioii; Itrtsi.lence, Durham «rejt, oa oslte Ujyd, Kioklii.g's hardwaro. D 1)1 ,v. B •entistry C. IWURRAY I.. .> S, dental surgeoa lionoi'giadii.ite of Toronto Uiiiyersity aal Ki'val CoUeuM of Doiital Stiii; ons of Ontario (ia:i »dnilni«feicd for teeth eXl action ' otUco at losidcnce.Toionto Street, FlesljortOB ....» i i.-. i .ii>.. .1 . â- -'w^' *** ,.