Ai'Ku. li") moy THE F L E H H F. R T M ADVANCE f?^ J^. i F.T.HILL <& CO., - Markdale THIS WEEK BIG SALE OF HIGH CLASS SHOES. The Carey Shoe Co., of Southampton, were forced out of business, and we bought their stock at a big discount. 82,000.00 woi'ili of ni<.'1i C'tifs SIm.cs mndo liy sncli ic'iiiblf films fls tlip Empress Slioo Co., Join"! Mc- I'licrsoii SlioeCIo., \V. 15. liHiniitoii Sluio Co-, Victoiia t-lioe Co., Iiiipoiiul and Muple Leaf ISrunds, in liiidics, C'iiildiciiF, Boys and YoiitliK' bliocs. TLi.s liig i>mcliuso 0/ Siiocs we put on Kule WcdiiesJay morning anil tiiP prices aro '25 to jt( poi- cent, les.s tlniu icgnlm-. Tliis is a grand opportunity 10 save luoiipy on reliable makes o^SllOcs in good .'staple otylcp, I5c on hand purly. Ikst tilways go Ihst. L'OJIWlUSCIllLIMtENS IINESHOE.S AND OXFOUDS. Ill Sizes C, 7, 8. 0, 10. Sale Pi ice 75c- Tlicse C'imu'in fiiio Dcmsi'laii, Piilpnt I.oaiIivi' hihI Vfloiir('»lf Aiid the fnllowiiiL' cniors : liUck, T.m, mill Rfils iii.'l «ll ftyli'R of dxfntd.s mid slipjiers nra inclnik'il in t\u- l'\. C«Tvy Slice Co. prict-a iSl.OO Hml S 1. 10 ^iid ?!.•_'."), sale price per pr 7ac. GIRLS SIZES IN SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS. 11. 12, 1:J, 1 an I 2. Sulc price 98c. 180 inint (i:rl» Fine Slijipers an.) Oxfords. Those c.Miio in Hiix Cttlf iiiirl I'irc iJi ng'du in SirHp iiiui " (Jxfnrd s'ylrn. Culoif, lilirk mid Tan. (J.irey Slii'O Cii. price* Jl.2,"), 1.40. and 1..50, sale price pi-r piir OSc BOYS SHOES. Sizes 1, 2, 3. 4, .1. Sale price 81.25. 200 pairs ^^â- •yH Heavy .ind Fine Slmos iii liox Ciilf, Cfiidi)V»ii, Di)iig'<!a, and Velour Calf. In Hiis line we liHvt' all the nizt'H, but iiixre of the lar.ier kixes tlwui tiie Minall. Tliey coino in Blacks and Tans, luul tlio Carey Siioo C.>. p.ici- f(jr thciii was §11.00, 1.7.'», 2.00 up lo 3.00 a pair. Sale price $1.25 > I v1 i â- :< kf"'i ^. M' i i i A liiiy ^iiiii^ Id KcliiM.l in a iici^liliKrinK tiiHii pri-p'trt!>l the following ruay on duck.s: 'Tl « duck U a lo*. Iitavy hit bird coiDf'O.Ht'd iiioMly of mint a'ld feallioi'.". llo i.s II iiiij(lily poor mnger, hniiH; * himrso Viiice, c.iuxud by (.citing SI) nri:;y fro'^s in Ids iicck. Mo likes iho wjl I r mid curries a toy liiillooii in hi.t stcinnili to litep froiii Binkiiig. Tln' dti'.'k hii8 only iwi> li-i(B and they are Hct HO far lik'k oil Lis uinii'ng i-uiirH by i::iturc lli;it tliey caiiiepreity near inlkail.g the Di'd)'. S'liiie lUiuks bmo cuiU on tlifir tails and are cal'ei diHl.e.>i. Diakus d< n't have to 8et ur l.alch, but just lui,f, ^1) fiwiniiiiiii'; ai:d ea'. If I was In be a duck I'd lather beai'iake.' Canadian Pacific NO CHANGE OK C.\KS (iOlNU TO Western Canada ON C. P- B. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION special trains from T.ironto April 20th ami every 2nd Tueuday until Sup!. 21st. Low R'.aiiil Tiip Hates. Colonist and Tuuriiit Sluepin<{ dm. For copy of llomcseekers' Paniph- let. raloH and full infurmation, ap; I3 to S. RANDS, Ayent, Flenhirto;!. IS (ghc Ik p'lMinhHl eipry Thiindfty at $l.Ooi>iT aiiii'llii if paid in .iiivaiicv, $1..')0 if imt bo |>aid. NKT ADVKUTI.SINC KATJCS 1 column ilii>|iUy one year, WW ](a)f column one year, $3U Qiiaiter ciliimn one year. 81.') KortuiKlitly i-li«ii(?es if rn(uire<l QuotAtioan fur trausiout RdvnrtiHlns be givuu on api>lictliou will « Our Scrap Book « A Mammoth Sujjar Bush Mr. LUCAS AND TFiE THREE- FIFTHS. A vote on the tlirco-firtiis clauBo came up iu the Lcgislatnre on Wed- nesday of last week. The bill to sbuliali this wan introduced by Mr. rroudfoot. Liberal, of Centre Huron, andof coursMimonnlcd to a vote of want of contidenco in the govcrnuiont. NslurnUy it was defeated by a largo majority. .Mr. Liicas did not vote on the qutatiou but paired with a mem- ber of ilio govermnont, wliicsh waa practically the nanio tlung. During the course of thediHCUSsion .Mr. Lucuh explained hiit attitude ou the preference of A simple ninjoriry, but felt that an atvci'So Vole on that qiKstioii might be construed as a vote of want of confi- deneo. He was in perfect accord with the general license policy of the gov- eaninent which had done more for teniiKTaiice in three or four yearn than any i;ovcriiinent which lind preceded It. He had, however, given a promise that a*, some time lie would pivc a vote for the repeal of the tiireo-f'iflliH clansc, and lie proposed to redecin that promise now. Kincc the g.ivernment liad been in power over Iwiiily amend- inents had been inndo in the license law, on only one of which tcmpcranco people divided. In this connection we might any that we nnderstood Mr. Jiiicns to be plcdfjiod to bring in a private bill liim- Hclf if reiiucBtcd, and that tiiis rc'iuest was forwarded to liiin by the Centre llrey Alliance. Why this waa not done by hitn we have no ineanB of knowing. PerhapH it will be explain- id at the Alliance meeting to be held in Maikdalc this week. Pujjcu'h Wau S«no. The following vernes were puldi.slicd by Punch at the opening of tho Ainericuu war iu 1801 : .lonn'tinn and JefTerson, I (.'<inie lis'en to my H ing ; 1 can't decide, my word upon, Wiiich of you is most wrong. I do declare Iain .afraid To H«y which worse liehaves, Tlie North imposing bairls of trade, Or South, that man enslaves. And here you are about to tight, And wai^o intestine war, Nor either of )-<>u in the right: Wliat siinpletons you are ! Too late your you will see, And when your pa.ssion cools, ".Snakes!" you will bellow, "How could we ]^â- ^.^ ordera for all he Have been such 'tarnul fools!" One tliiii!.' h (trtain ; that if you I'luiv out each others brainn, 'Twill be aiipan-iit what a few E.'ich bliickliead's skull c uitains. You'll have just nuthlng for your cost, To show, when nil is done. (Jreatiii'ss and glory you'll have lost ; Ami not a dollar won. Oh joined to us by bl.iod, and by The bond of kinilred speech. And fiirllier, by ti.e special tie < If slang, bound each to each, .Ml liied jionics, Kofihorii'd pair. Each other will you lick I You evl•rIa^lil^ diilts, fnibcar ! Throw down ymir ariiiii, right tlicW. You'll cha« each n|i, you two, Like till se Kilkenny cals, When they hud better tilings to do, Iniprovin' off the riit-s. Now <-ome, shake hands, toi^elher jog tin friendly yet once iimre, Whip one another not : and flog t,'reiil ion, na before t Here is a piirai>rapli from a recent issue of llie Karnieis Advocate which may be (if benefit to soiiie of oiir farmer readeis:- Ploug'ns c«n be run clnsii lo feiicei or (reef! by lengthening the i niido tiace a liitle nnd liitohinit both iraoi'g on the oulsidii book of lb.- wiiillletreoR â€" nitili tiorsa to plow from, and oflT hort-c to plow <.#t*Srd tho fence. Quiet Working hoittcs 4I0 not object tl tlii* bitch. .'1 Mr. .T. A. Kornahan of Fuverehain has I a in tinmoth si'gar bush this yearâ€" prob- ably, t he lai-g' st in western Ontario. At the present tiiiiK Mr. Kernaliaii h;s 80(1 trees tapped and will increase t' to ' llJtW or 120(». He is this week making I about 20 i;alloiiH of syrup a day, and it ii no ordinary syrup, either. The plant U I up to-datu in every lespect. Tho sap is ,c.iujht in new tin buckets and evapor- a'ed ilia new iniprot-el Champion evapor- jalor, which convirts it rapidly into the I choiscst brand uf maple I'yrup. It \» I drawn from the evaporator when it reach- |es 120 degrees, strained through felt jairainei'S ai.d canned leidy for market. Mr. Keinilrin believes !. is on tit to be 1 tho best nil tho market. He has fenl The Advance a generous tn<np'e of the syruji and we can say positively that it is fi ravelitio 1 10 us in the syrup line. He an iii'.ke but hopes s ion to ca-ch up. All orders will be tilled ill rotation, so if our readers want any of this i-hdco productiou it woulil be well to get your oriler in eaily. Thi- pi'icu put up ill shipiiina cms of one ; u'allon eich i< 81.40 including candor 1 1$1.25 if cans are returned. 4.00 2.00 4.00 200 4.00 200 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 4 00 2.00 4.(H) 2.00 4.00 2.00 MAN KiM.un nv A .SHKKr Csptnin John RIcIniiiK, owner of the lisliin!> til!' Primrose, of Meiifonl, while briiigiiiii Us tiii» frnii Owen Sound, where it had wintered, fril ovcrboaid on Satur- day and was dio4-ned before iissia'anco could reach him. The accident happoiitd oirCapo Rich, ill rouniliiii,' which the boats are coii.pelli d to run for .si.iiie dis- tance ill the trough of tho ten. The deck boin« Coated with ice, Capt. Moloniii I'st liis balance while aoing from the pilot I houso to ihu eiiiiino r.ioiii, and, fall- 1 iiig over ihu Mil iiiro tlie icy »v.ater, sank I inline liately. Tho Captiiin was one of I four broihcrs iiporatin;{ fishing tiiss from jthisport. Ho leaves a wife and thrre young children. Tho Loiiy has not yd been recovered, tlnuijli llui lake wim d lauded all day Sunday in the vicinity of the accident. Preventica-those Candy C>dl Cure 1861.) ''"'"''''^''""''"•"'^'•''y "'"' 'l"'"''ly cheek all colds and the Orip. Tiy llnon mice and see! 4H-25c. S.dd by all dealers. (From ilio Riueo Herald, Juno 7, It is our piiinfiil duty llii.s week to publish the iiii'xt nielanclioly occurence which has ever taken place in Iho town-; Fiesh gulden, flower and Held .seeds ship of Hrant if not in the C.uniy of f,,„„ j,,,,,,, ,„ii^,,i„ seedsmen n.s D m' llruce iiself by which wehavelosi froin|i,v,.,y ,tCo.. and Remiie * Co.. at our midst Wm L. Hislo|;, a man respect- y^,.„^,,^._ iiij,^i„j,„.hau * Co'u ed ami esleemtd by all who knew him. ^^ . . , , ,..,.. It IS taid that a Hnllalo inventor 1ms discovered a new oil that is p.-irticuliirly adapied fur gasoline engines and autonio'- biles It is of higher power than any known oil and costs only about live cents n gal'on. The p-itent has been renistered in every country in the woild. The in- ventor ifi .lames Myers, a former resident of (luelpli. We take throe or four I'l'aiiis of salt with the story, but if it tie Hue indiody need earn whether Ningir.i power conies or not. Oonfoderato. him. On Tutsday iiornii.K l'u<t Mr. H. was in ihis village, in the enjoyment of peifoct health andtpiiils, I iit he had hardly been missed from our litreets when the nl.irni- injf news was spiuad like wildlire, that ho lind met with nn accident at his home,' about half a mile out, and had sustained suih iiijiiriuM that bis recovery was iiii- possil le. Tlioui'li often fals^, this lime rumor was too correct. He had been en- gaged ill sheepHhearinu on Ins own farm, and while leadini; a powerful wether/ fr mi the bain, the aniinnl by a sudden phiiigu threw him from his feor, bis lie.ul Htiuck tho ground violently and bis neck was iliHlociled on the spot. He was CoukIis thai are tiKhi, or dihtro8«ini( tickling coU'^hs, cet ),uick and certain liolp from Dr. Khoop's {;,,iiKh Unnedy. ^ conveyed to tlio house, and Drs. Scott On this account Druugisia every wheio and Seaman wore in nitcndanco nlmoit •re favorinii Dr. Shoop's Coiigli Uumody. immediately. But It was evident en The tender leaves of n liarinlest luni>- healing roountsiimus shrub, give to Dr. Sh'Kip's Cough Kemedy its curative I befor.- he waa complttvly parulyied from properties. Those leaves have the power 'the head downwards, and death niiclit tooaltn the mrist dislrissing Cough, and eisue at any moment. It is iinposaihlc to si.nthe, and heal the moit soiisitive to desrribe in wnnls the saddening effect bronchi »1 inembiaiui. Test it oiieo your- , this denlli Ims had upon Iho wlioli filf and see! Sold by all deilers. cumniuiiiiy iu whiuh he lived. exaininatioii that nothing could be done the stri'iiK and robust man of a moment Ooo. Whitlen and James MuManamaii of Melanclhon, cnnio to town on Apiil 1»1 iiid took on a load of booze. Cniuf Heiiipliill, with some askihtanco, got them into the lock-up whore they spent the night. Before P. MctJronir, Police Mii'/ialrate, they had to answer to ihe chai'ifus of using b;id language on Ihe streets, srd a second charge ng.iinst Mc- Miiianian of interfering with the con- stable, in the discharge of his dutin.s. and resitting arrest. Whitten was fined live dollars and costs, and McManiiman iweoiy live doUars mid costs. They settled.â€" Dudalk Herald. The East Orey .Agricultural Society will bod their annual Spring Stallion Show on tho Society's ({round at FLESHERTON - - ON - - Wednesday, April 28/09 The folluwmir prizes will be awarded ir. the varioUD 1st. 2ud. 2rd. Im potted Clydesdales aj^ed $6.00 «4.00 *2.00 Imported Clydesdales, fioin4yiMirH & under (5.00 Imported Shires 0.00 Canadian Bred Draught Horses 0.00 H^Wians 00 Percheroiis 0.00 Coach hursea 6.IX) Hackneys 6 Oi) Stiiidard bred borres.. 0.00 Entrance fee to a'l exliibitora, 8100; Horses I â- l<o i>i> the Kroiind at 2 o'clock sharp. Judging will he done and prizes uwariled ty gnvermiierit judje. There will also t)e special prizes ^iven under the foUowim.' iiriaocfiiieiir : The tiidd will he dividi-d into two clauses viz., 1, heavy lioritei wh ch w II inchnle Olydradiiluii, '.'aiiadian Bred Diau};ht Hoise^, Belgian-" and I'lrchi Tons. 1,'liss 2, which will include Coach Hm'ss, HicknevN, and StHiioud Bred Horss. SweepRlakii prizi-s in class No 1 will \w a silver mi-ilal. Sweepstake prizes in diss 2 will be a silver me lal. The Board of tli'H si ciety is inakinL' a "pecial ill'irl to iimke this one of the best Spring Soillioii Shows ever held in this county. We will have a very liii;o exbii'itioiiof lstclasshiirsjs.tii'1 faniieis of the surroiiiidiiii; vn-inity will be well lo p.iid for a li il'' day's visit to <uir liorse f.iir on Apiil 28. It U expecfi'd that « ouinbcr of hnmo buyois will lie on hand to purchii.'-e. (ieo MITCHELL, President- JOHN A. BOYD, S.-i;iet„i|. J. & 10. SBoi/d % GENERAL AND HARDV/ARE MERCHANTS Fiil-iiiii - - - Ontario. Oca Sill ill" Millinery cpfiiing will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday ai.d'TloTrsday, March .'iC'lh imd olst, and April 1st. We cordi- ally invito all th« ladies of Flesherifn ai d surrounding country lo come 111 and exmnine our veiy pxcelb nt, nriisiicand elaborate dis iilay of Ladies' Headwcar. MISS E. P. AMOS, who is an artist of exceptional fkill and much oxperieii'jo, Iiv charge of this department. Depend upon it, if jou huy a hatat BoyiU' yuu will have something that's up-t)-dale. No trouble to show ^ocds. w E ate openinK up a mcrcliant tailoving business under the nia'isL'inciit of Fred Motley who i.s a tir-st class We have a coinpli tu ran^e of new uiid up-to-date eto-k. We miaranieu a perfect ht. Call and .see the aooils-^ ill.-;!, in the cmner roni y MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. N MEN'S FURNISHINGS we have all the new nnd latepi styles Hats, Caps, Fancy Vests, Socks, Shirts, Collai.s. Ties, Etc. gVgi; Moots Cp- oAoes Avery larire rani;e of Ladies and Gent's Fine Bieits and Shoes in Box Calf, Vice Kid, Don;;, Oxolood, Tan an Patent Leal her. N EVV Dress Goods in all the new shades and patternsâ€" prices 55c lo tl. 50 per yd, also a Isiije assorlinent of (Jiiig- liani.s, Zephyis, Liiiciiii, Prints and Muslins A complete ran}(e of Ladle's Ready- to-wear GaiiiiL-nts â€" Skirts, Jackets,Wiii<ts, Uuder- skirtii, Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a lull stock of Flour sr.d Fcf d includins Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and Ihe fam>us Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of the Wocdb MillinR Co., Ktwatin, tvery bag of which is {guaranteed if not satisfactory return il and get your nioiiey. Hardware. JR Ve liaiea well asfoittd fctoik of Hhrtlwaicâ€" pailies coiilttnplatii'g im I ui'diiii! will do wi II to (.et ( nr I'tios bcfc le purchasing ehewhere â€" 'JJL also a nice line of stoves, tinware etc. l^arrow$» Plougbs, €rcam Sep- arators and lUire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard' s Carriage Works Notice to Creditors 111 the matter of the estate of Samuel Pedlar, late of the Township of .Arteiuesia in the Comity of (jrey, Fai iiier,deci!<l. NOTK^R Ulierebv liivon iiiirsimiit to tho ic- viK«'ilStntlll('aef Ol'itftl-io, WI7, Chap. -l'.".l limt nil the ereilitors Htitl ntllHrK Imvin^,' eluinls ai^ainst tlui cBtatu of the itai<l Saoiiiel Peil ar wiiodiedonuri.hout tlie day <>r l>e(u*lnt)ei. UH14. aid ro|iiirecl on ui- befovo thtr 'J4Ui ilav of Apiil, lllUll. to BH'il l)v port pie- ohIiI or ilellvni- lo W. II. \Vrli,'ht,Ui«(iii Soimil. Out.. Hrlie.ilolH f.a- the exeuutorh of tlui hihl Win.'inil Tiinti,iii oit of the Hiii'l (lec(.aHeiI. their cln'isttail mill Hiiriiaiiieit, aiUlrimsuH alul itu- RcriptioiiN. tt.'o full |)Ai-tieularM of their cl.ihii!*, the Ktiteliientof their iictiotintK niirl iliu nature of the seemities (il >in\l held bv iIkioi. ANl> FUllTIlKIl TAKi: NOTll-K that nftor siu-h laHt ineiitionoil iliitti the »»ai(l execu- tora win iHoceed t> cliktiiliule the asKels o the dm euried a.noo^ tho parlies toititluil there- to Imviiin refiaril only to tilt* cIttiniH (,f whU'h thoy ahall tiien liavo mitico, ami that the said exociitoi'K will not lie liuli'.o for tiie hhIiI aitKotti or any part thureof to any person ,>r persoufi of wiioHt' clainiK liotiuo nliall not liave been VBCelveil hy tllolo at Ihe time of mell dis. trilmtioii. Ilaloil Maieil iMn I, A. I). I'JOU. â- , W. H. W.tlUil I', e.vjii H.iiii I, On., Koileltor for the Executors. Herefords For Sale. C'lWs and lieifei-R for sab', none lietter, t'rices riKht, I'ost Otbce, I'l'oton Station; farm half milu frnm Saiixeen .Tiinetion. We have .sold all our ' nil"- J.*l'. WATSON. S.M.OSBORNE Qeneral flercliant : Purt Law MILLINERY OPENING Our (lisplay of tho latest styh^ain spring and .sunmicr Millin- ery will take place on WKDNKSDAY APJUL 7tli, and following ilays. Everyone lUelcowe* Farms for Sale & Rent l.^anii lor sale, contalnliiR one Ininilred aeios I mere or leas. heinK lots 1 ll-H'.'. con. U N. K. Tnroiito SydonliHiii load, ubiut ilBhty acreu cieareil; balnnce hii«li. On the pro|'ertv li" one fr'iiiie harn .'i.jX.Vi o.i stone Lavement witli con- eretoBlahliiiK aiidC'i'^il iiiiplemenlKhed. Kriiiio owollinM house, small oreharil. two nmM W"lli<. \Ibo two i-prii K-i on hack end of place. T lie';o aro thirty acres fall plouKhc'l, live aeres of fall will at well fenced ami in a|;ooil stateolcolt'vii- tioii This is one ot ihe hest fariiis io tho township and can litJmiiKht right. It is sitiiat- „.t onomileficm H.sherton a;;!;,,|>/« '"'A'l' fr..n. Markdale. Apply to KK'HAUUSON lllluS. Klcshurtoa T ots M and ;i.i. eon. :i S 1) It, 160 aeros, ft", cleavoi) â- -' 10 vres pastille, lialalico Kood bush. Ilarn (Wix.'-ii drivinK shed, i;ood framo house. 2 \ven!. 1 acre of orchard and stone wall under Imrii Sainioeniivercrofses hack of farm. \V"II fenced Kiiil liiVood staio of cultivation, :) niilus from Protou Stall! II. KoiteniiK apply ou preiiiiaea 'â- ":';. l*rot "" Ceylon 's 7?feat 'nfarket. All kinds of fiesli and smoked meats, head cheese, sansage, on hand. - « alwa\ CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^tceiockti in. JVMKSII. V.vusi: itoii static li-or sale nluiup, oi vent, iniiiiediate poaaession ' I,ot:iO eon. 1 1, Arteiiieaia, about 75 acres cloar. oonifortalile los liiMiao and fraiiio liarii. Apply toH. J- Spioule. Floshelton, or John J. Marti II, ao.oBB tho road from said lot. LotB K i S ami (I. loll. 11. in the township of Osprev. 150 aerea.lartfBclearing, Rood frame harn and atahlei', pood ilwelling and well. Ap- ply o'l tho pioiiiiBOS or to iW. J.Hki.i.amy, Flesherton b -or sale cheap and on easy terms, roi.1 com- fortable frame dwellii R atablo and driving houBo, wllh three vill'iRe lotp, In Ceylon. l)wel~ lioK wull built and Ht.iahed and kooU bearing orokard on tho proi^rtY, Apply to 11. J. 8rRoci.K, Fleiliarton F'orsalaorroetâ€" lOOaoroftmi, 1 »cro of or- chard. 10 acres biiah inchi<1ii>g5 acres hard- wood, well watered and Kood fences, Inick lioiise.framo barn, IJ iiiiloa from Hchool and (iiiBt ollioe, :i miles tvom Proton Station. For iirleo anrttevnia of sain apply to Wm- Taylor, lot 7:1- 74, con 1 north of Durham road, Artemesia [otsM, (Wand u7, eon :i Aitemesia, l.W acres ^ I'l'i cleared and under cultivation, all fenced '.w(. Kood orciiards ; large frame tram, basement liavii and outer frame barn !il4x%, frame dwell- in.'. This will Ije uiad» a Kond thicR for tho Itilituiau \V. H.MoNALLY, lortlow F>i,r Bent -lot :57. con 4, Aitemesia, 100 »ci-es,S5 lo (10 elenri d and in cultivation, coniforta'.ile Iwollinit, hank harn. slninfl atabliuL', in n tlrst -lass settlement and wall worthy tho atteutiou if those leiiulriug such. H, .1. hPKOlH.E, Fle«herton roi:i. con. 1 Ooprei, UH> acr. a well tmibvri d -i For turuiB etc. apply to H, llobor.s, Li dy <auk P, O, \.^i9> For Hatching. 31-owii I.ealiorn I-^gcs for hatchini;, from first. o IBS pi u. All prije liirds at Kast (trey f IP lair am iu thi» peh. Fkmb .TOe per aettini! ol 15 IjEVibettb, FI9 ' wton: Good Farm For Sale. r ot 19, con.n, Osprey containing 100 acres 80 ".dearea. f:anie liouae. (ranie l,arn,8ton» (oundatiou: orehanl. well waterod. Una tlioiiaaiKl tlown and lialance to suit purchaser Immediate possession, .\pply to K. N. KtNNRAi:,Ma.iittl\ P. O. El Dorado Farm. Of Shorthorn cattle and Leicester sheep. Hulls nnil heifers on hand for sale, also a number of single and rose comb lirown lenlioni, and aiiiKleivimh white Icghina cockerels Lot :t2' Con, o. Chas. S tafford. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Levinias and WIniplBS, tho liost of breedlna Slid quallt". Bull, oowB and heifers for oaU at reasonable prices r.ot 3ii,oou.3 CHAS. STAFFORD, FleslMrtoa VILLAGE TROPERTY FOR SALE n'ho unrtersicneo laa a g.odjacie lot is â- » 1 ricoTille for sale, containing roughcast UoiiBo. good barn, qi>o(l orchard, two wells, eto. .Also a .J-acre vacant lot near tho statloo. under cultivation These lots must he sold as I am leaving tho west tJiissptlng. Apply for terms, eto . „ . ,„ „ , -HKRUF.RT WATSON Piicevllle. Fst), 9. jIIOO. PXJIVIP Wooden pumps manufactured throughout and repjiirs promptly and satisfactorily attended to. I «i.-. seeiit for tinea of the beat iron pump nisnufMturersiii Ontario. A card droppnl to ma at Coylon P. O will have my prompt attention Your patronig* rttpectfully solicitvd. JAMEiS A. M CLE AN, Curris's Corner, Ceylon P. O.