I gkBhcxion %hioanu. TRUTH BEFORE F .VOB." â€" " PrLNCIPI.Eb hOT MEN. VOL nV, NO 1338 Fleslnerton, Ont., Tliursciay, April lv^> IOOq W. H THURSTON EDITOR â€" aim I'UOPKlliTOK mmmi ^ jewellery! g^ B 3eu)elkrv!^ 5^^ and Cowist ^ P Priced Stock || ^int:ic€ount=^ ^ Reliable Dealing ^ §^3 Swinton Park. iliikiii;^ synij) is t!io uidi'i- of tlie d.iy with u, goiully mimlier (if the [leojilu I'.eie, gi'eiit pti'ii.iiiitions liaviii^ lieun made. Mr. Geo. iil.ick has about seven hdiid- Kjii trees dipped 'and with hiw ev.-ipor- »t<>r in makiii^j; e.xcillent .syrup. Mr. J. Kiehaidson, .Mr. (ieo. W. Farslow, Mr. Ferris and others liave secured new out- fitH and are prepared to do a rusliing lKUiincH.s aU)ng the .syrup line. Rev. J. \. Mathesoii attended tlie congress in Toronto and sjMike on the great Missionary iiioveuieut to his con- gregation liere on tlie following !S.ibl)ath. M Lss Marie Chislett an-ived home from ToiiMito (in (iood Friday. MLsK Isa Campbell of Mclntyre is houie lor the Kftster vtication. Mi.sK Mal)cl Knox, who h.-us spent tlie wiijl.er months in Toronto, enjoyed her dinner at home on K;ister. MLsN Sadie Heard, who has been in Toronto for^souie time, i< home. MLss B. K. Christie, accompanied by MisK Annie Kno.x, went to lier home nenr Fort Elf<in for Eiister vauution. MIks Vina Knox, who h^is been attend- ing Durham high school, is home. Miiis Mary Aldcorn is home from Mt. Forest Business College. Miss L. Aldcorn, from near Markdale, is home for her hohdays. Mi.-^s (!. Mcl'hail of Ceylon spent Sun- «liy lit Mr. W. Aklcorn's. Rev. J. A. Alatheson [ircaclieit an excellent sermon on Easter, from Matt. 28-18; ".\1I |x)wer is given unto me in Heaven and in earth." East Mountain Wood liees have been the order of the day the pHst week. ML«K Fttie Smith of Toronto, is spend- ing the Easter vacation at home. School closed Thnisday, and Miss Allen left Friday for her home in Redick- ville. Mrs, .John .\le.\aiidor of Thornbnry, is thp giie.st of her motliei , Mis. Walion. The Misses Olive and A!n);v Cumank tisited im Sunday at W. J. Martin's. The Mi.s.se» HiinibeiNlone arrived Saturday from their respective schools to upend their vacation at home. 1 0th Line, Osprey. During the hurricane which passetl over this district on Wednesday of last «eek Revetal windmills were wrecked â- nd a lot uf timber blown d iwn, but no buildings unroofei (o far a.<i we have heard. < )u April 3id a bwVfy «irl artived at the home :>F Mr. and Mrs. Jcihn F'rancis uf Fevevsham. Mr. Win. Kaittins, our popular auctioneer, his moved to Fevershnm, where he will be found by tho.se wanting bis servijes as auctioneer. Very cold weather prevaihd all last week and a scarcity ol feed is being talk- ed of . Mr. HoUingtworO) and sun of Ravonua met wil h a bad Uwa on Wednesday of lasi week and had a close cull for their own livfS. Diuinsj the wind st mn they weie driving along the town line, Ciisl of the 10th sileriad, wlu-n a irce was blown down killing the hoi se and bieiking the dash of rhb bug«y. We understand Mr. lloJlinnNW'iirlh's horse was a viluuble one and II a .suvere Iocs .-a this time of the year. Burnsideâ€" Rodger â€" On March 18tli, the home of Mr. and Mis. Wni. Rodger of Avonbank, iieir Si. Marys, was the scene of a i^uiet but pretty weddinu when their dauajliter Jean .\lic<i wag united iu the bonds uf matrimony to Mr Geo. R. Buniiide of Feversliam. The ceremony was performed at C HO o'clock by th« Rev. R. Stewari. The biide w.n attired iu ivliiie batisitt trimmed with alovt-r lace and iiiseriioii, and wore tliu grooiii'n giti, an opal ring. Her g liujj away dress w.is black pallet'e silk The tjifis were beautiful and costly. After iho ceriMiiony the yui'Sts retired to the dinin.; room, wliera a sumptuous weilding dinner Was [lartakrjn of. The happy criui)le left on Tuesday for their ho:iio near Feversliam. We j'.injwith th-ir many fiiciuls iiiwi h- ing thein a happy ami piosptrous jourin y through lif*.â€" St. Mary'd Argus. Aliss .â- Vtlia Heron of Osprey Gleii is vibiiiii^ her aunt, .Mrs. R. .). Colijuett at Fa'r\ iew at present. Mr. HarboMle of Durham is vLsiting with lis broth.-r Ed. at Lady B.iiik at pivseiit. Mr. R. J. Coli^iietd had i(uite an experience facing the blizzud from Collingn-iod oil Wednesdiy. Bob. gays he don't believe the western stornn are in it with that one. Mr. Sheldon Heron of Ci«tsrai:t electric plant visittd his parental h"Uie over Sunday. Mr. .Jidin Hcnd-rson spent a few Aiys in Toronto hiNt wei k. He wiil return to the t^iieen City, whjre Iim hai sjcuied « position with the C. P. R. The old fashioned way of dutinga weak swniach, orsti'uulating the Heart or Kid- neys is all wroii'.! Dr. Shoop tirj>t point- ed out this erio-. This IS why his pre- scriptionâ€" Dr. Sboop's Restorativeâ€" is tlirected entirely to the cause of these sihne'.its, the weak inside or controllini; nerves. It isu't so dittictrft,- siiys Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kidni-y». if one sjoes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its conliolling or iiitida nerve. When these nerves fuil, then these organs tuu.st surely falter. These vital trulhi are leading druggists everywhere to dispeii.se iiid recommend Dr. Sho.^p'u Restorative. Test it a few days, and see! Improve- ment will surely follow. Sold by all deakra. Proton Station X ipiiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Coii.sley on Wednesday hist, .'\pril 7th, wh^n their second daugh* er, M i.ss .Vliee, was joined ill the holy bonds of inatrimoiiy to Mr. .John Kddy of TMi-mto. Rev. G. C. Little of Flesheitim tied the nuptial knot. The young couple will reside in Toronto. Wc wish them many years of happiness and [irosperily. Mr. J. C. Wright .spent the holidays with Kincardine friends. Mrs. Wm. Dlxckburn is viiting this week with her brother in St. C.itheriiies. Mr. A. D. Porter, Toronto, is renew- ing old licquuintjinces here. Mis-^es Maud Boyd and B. Gibson i f Flcsherlon are spending the holidays with Mildred Binnie. Miss Kathleen McLean left Saturday for Gweii Sound to attend business college. Mr. Peter Pickett is .spending the hol- idays at his home in W'est Toronto. Mr. R. Neilson, and son, Milton, at- tended the wedding of the fornier's nephew, in Toronto, Wednesday last. Mr, D. C. McLean spent a few days in Owen Sound hut week. Mr. .\i'chie JJeilson is spending the holiday with his brother, Rob., at Owen Sound. Mi.ss Ma'.:el Binnie, Dundalk, spent Good Friday at her home. Mr. Divl Uupkiua is in Durham this week. Rl'V. G. C. Little delivered an excel- lent Eu.stor .sermon la-l Sunday evening. Maxwell Items Mr. Harry Guy of Meaford is sjiend- ing a few days with his jiarents. .Vmoiig the Howois tli.it .-idonied the (inlpit Sun lay night many adniirud Mrs. John Kerton's niagniiicent priihrose. Geo. Buckinghaiii, B. .V., of 'ronnito, .spieiit two days with his father, Mr. .Jj k. Buokingliam. Misn Nellie .\iidorson, Warchani, as- sisted in the Eiuster song .service, ren- dering a beuntiful TiustcrsoKi. Miss Mildivd r.nclvingliani ami .Vr. Harry Field take the â- Leiigne topic Thursday niglit. The pop corn .sisiial .\pril 20, Thurwhiy night, in the Methodist church, pivmiises to be a first class entertainnient. Better d< in your spring Inmnofc, and come idong for a .social h<mr or two. Miss Gamey of (ilen Huron returned home this week after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Spotl"oi-d. Vandeleur. PI itt'ing has commeoced. This hai) not been a sat'sfaotory s-'aso i for sugar making in tliis vicinity, aceor 1 iii.{ to rep Tts from many who hive tapp- ed. Mr Ei. Baker visitel friends at Coiliiigwi-od ri'can'ily. .Miss Jean Wriglit .'.pe-.t Easti'r will her parHnis, Mr. and .\l.s. (ico. Wr-ght. Mr. .1. I. (irahani tins been laii up for the past week with fciatic;!. Mr. an I Mra. Keid of L;nd-;iy are vis;tin'i the f.irmer'.s fistor, .Mis. Jos. Bnchan.in. Mr. Ben Buchanan of Muafoid hi^li sclioid is home for the ho'idxys. Mr. Tlios. Shannon of Corbetloii spent Ea-t^r with his brother Go"r.ie. Mr. Marshal Beard, jr., vas i;i Hainiluni la.st we,k on a biisiiit-ss trip. Miss M. Vi-niey is speiulin.' her holi- days with her puien'i al Tottenham. Mr. J. J. McGec lias been laid up with an .ifack of ilnnimatism. We hope soon to Inur of his r.-covi'iy. ftliss Eiliia Henderson jf Chatsworth ipent Eister with her friend, Jliss Rite Gilbert. Bairdâ€"Hislop Hope House Farm, the home of Mrs. Hislop, sr., w.us the scene of a very pretty u eddiug on Wednesday, April 7, when her granddaughter, Minnie Genoe, w.is united in marriage to .John Howett Bah (I. eldest son of Mr. Hugh Bainl of Markdale. Rev. A. Shcppard tied the nuptial knot in the piuseiiue of about 50 guests, nearly all being relatives of the bride and groom. Miss Baird played the Wedding March as the bridal ))arty en- t.'ied the parlor and took their places under an arch of evergreens jirettily dec- ohited with red, white and blue Christ- mas bells, rtrtgs, etc. The bride was hindsoincly attired in pearl white silk, trimmed with over-lace and jieurls and carried a IsMpiet of white carnations, while the bridesmaid, Mi.ss Liihi Genoe. was prettily gowned in jiink niulle and carried pink carniitions. The groom was very ably sn]i|iorted by his bother, Mr. James Bfiird. .\fter the ceremony the guests re(mired to the dining-room,wlieie a dainty wedding su|)]ier was served, after which the young jicople spent the evening with music and dancing, while others sought the relircinent of the par- hir and enjoyed the evening in a social way. The happy ci>up1e left the next inoriiiiig to visit friends in Toronto, Hamilton, Stratfoid and Mount Forest. Many of their fiieinls remained to see t'.iem off and to shower iheiii with con- fetti and hearty good wishes. The britle's travelling suit wius of brown ladies cloth and silk and hat to ni;ttcli. (hie of the amusing fe.itures of the Slipper was a cake in which was a ring, button .â- iiid a tive-eeiit piece. Ono of oiu' promising young men got the ring, signi- fying that he will not runwiin htng in .single blessedness. The button was gotten by the hostes.s, showing that she never will many. The silver piece was found by Mr. .\. Hisloii's little boy, John McFarliind, who got the bust piece on the plate, imlicating riches. The ])resents to the bride were nnmeionsaiid costly. The groom's present to the bride was a gold bracelet, to the bridesmaid a ]iearl ercs. cent, and to the giooiiisinan a ruby tie pin. Rheumatic poisons are ipiickly and surely driven out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's UheuuLitic Uemady â€" li(|uid or tablet form. Dr. Sh.iop's booklet on Rheumatism jilainly & interestingly tells just how thii° is dune. Tell some aufFor- er of this book, or beter siill, write Dr. Shoop, KaciiK', Wis. for the book and free test samples. Send no money. Just j.iiii with Dr. Shoop and yivo some suffer- er a pleasant surprise. Sold by all deal - ers. Tlie Bi it i.sh Hotel .'t Tata has been purchased by the tennieiunce people for Si:{(X)i>, and will bo tittcd up and put in gnod shape at once. A joint stock coinpuiiy wt».i fornu'd nnl the shares 8<i!d fer too oao'u, and it did n i' tike long to get tncumh stielt subscribi-d for to go ahead with the puic'iase. Victoria Corners How many eggs did y<m eat t Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. Ludhiw hiivi! Iieen ill -with a severe cold Init are improving. The entertainment with which .school closed on nim-sdiiy was most sncci.-.ssful. Besides .selections by j[^the pupils, Jlr. Wm. Patim rendered .some splendid pieces on the violin. Mr. Stevens aelved as chairman. Mi.ss (xove is visiting her si.ster in Chesley. Miss Marjory .\cheson of Di'eaniland ii; liolichiying at her gnindfather's. 5[r. Mdton Bannon is at home imw for the summer. SL-. Heard, .sr., is recovering fi-om a severe cold. Mrs. (Dr.) Savigny of Owen Sonnil spent Eiuster witli li.'r brother, Mr. Geo. .Moore. Park Koirse Banquet The Park House bani|!iet on Fridaj' eveuiiig usl 'was !)â- t f.eely jialroiii/.ed by ul ageis, 111- re biing only about 7"' ]ieople [ireseni allogetlier. .Mi;e Host Davi-on ))iit uji a splendid supper, in- cluding oysters and ice cream, .after which all retiied to the parlor, where a nice little program wa.s presided over by the h'inil.''<iiiie projirietor of the Durhiin Chronicle, W. Irwm. Mr. Irwin gave a short I hall iiian's speech during the couisu of which he t;>ok occisioii io .say that 1 e did ni.t think the leinperance cause was suffering from the three-tifths claii.se. Mr. P. McCnllongh of Markdale '.;ave a teniperaiice address. He thought the prohibition question should be made a political matter. The people should support those who would support temper- ance any time and anywhere. If this were done there would soon be no bars. <jlood accommodation did not depeiiil on till? Ijars. In Detroit there were only .iboirt thirty bote's that carried a licen: e losell iiito.\icating liipior. The^speaki r laid great ttross on the duty and |)ossibi'> ti'S of Women asa factor in llie aiiti- liipior eam|Miign, and indicated that he WHS in fav jr of the fiaiichise for wvuieii Mr. SlcCullongh's address was we;l received. Mr. J. M. Davis of Vande'eur spoke ftir aUml ten minutes, altto on tomper- ance lines. He had been a temperance man ever since he was thirteen years of age In closing he advised the ladies to (latronize the Park house when iu town. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson of Markda'e was the hist speaker, and as the evening was lale he w.is obliged lo curtail his address, which was entitled "Woman â€" God bless her." Those present wer^i extremely Sony that Mr. Wil.son wis unable to give his address in it.s entirety. He said that woni Ill's triumph began with the ^'ilâ- gill Mary. Her present position in christeiKhmi w.is due to the julvent if Jesus Christ. It was said that the age of iletestability in young me'i was from I" io 21, bub there was no such age in woman. Young women sometimes tliiiik they cannot do much, but they di not apiireciate the inlluence they can wieM against sin. He referred to the work of Joan of Arc, Frances Willard,|aiidotlieif. Down in the south the initials W.C.T ['. were interpieted as woman continually torment us. Her i'liportant sphere was as a home maker. H« believed in say- ing well done, even if the biscuits were binned. Tell yiur wife she is pretty - even if it rennirea a stretch of the conwieiice to do it. The end jii.stilies the means. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. The speaker closed by saying woiiian in a mystery still. She has been called theconundrnin of (1 e 2()th century. Still, if we i-aniiot sjiic: s liei we' will never give her up. Mr. Lou Kar.stedt of Durham in.ide a short address. Dm- iig the course of the evening iiins'e was suiiplied by Mi.ss Rita Irwin of Dnrhaiii, Messrs. Hugh MeCrae, W. A. and Edwin <!las.saiid F. Benton. Durlmni; Mr. Davi.son, the host; .Mis. Blickbmn and Miss Ella Karsledt, and Miss TiilihU Bun'., Flesherton. Votes of thanks to chairman and Isl- ent biought a very plea.sant evening to a close. McFARLAND&CO. MA.I^I<:IJ.-\I^IS O^TAKIO Small pox of a mild type has been ilii- covered in rarnms parts of Ontario latrly and thia week Durham was surprised to hear tha": there was a ca.se near ti^wn, M-, Stanley McNally, who contracted it at his school in Nomiautiy. The ca.se ha< been cmnplelely isolated of coiuse, and nothing further ha« sjirung from it, nor i.s likely to.â€" Durham Review. The Senate h.is killed the Lancn.'.ter crossing bill again. House Furnishing Department. Fintn tills dfipnrtmoiit wn supply the wants for a great many home.'? and if yon iiave not visi'ed liiis ilepartiULMit, we iiiviie you e.spi'cially to liave a look anil .see tile v.iliies and the largf; assortinonl in the new arrivals to selrct; fioin ami then you will iiiideistniiir why il is a busy place. NEW W.\LL PAPER!!). W.. h ivt new Wall Paper ynlore. which roijfcsents all the shades designs, snil they aie every one hanilsoimi and worthy of a look fr'iin you. Renie nher, Bord- ers aie aaihe piice pi-r roll as wall. Pri^H starts per roll at .")c and g >ea by easy steps up to ;{.")c. New Lace Curtains We have a nia^jniiicenr lot of New Lacu Cu;tains puicli»se>l brect from ihi) msnu- fac urar wiiicSi enubl.s ns lo supply ymi with yoiir wants at vi-ry c'ose 'n- ces (sav. iiig you the mid ll.t man's piolit-) am', yon lieretit thereby. Per pair uO.; lo 8.i,l'0 NEW CARPETS, ARTS(,>UAREs, LINOLEUMS AND OIL CLOTUS. W'e sell s«li~fai:iion as well as tl.ior covi-ring*. We would rallnT m .ss a sa'.o than L'ive yoii soin • hi'ig inf rior, a, id tiocaiisu of that vve handle such luiikes as we ^can roiiohl ^ leo'inoo'inl Wr make a speciality or I ul M. ( 'ar o s it iMM V U'i I) )â- ..â- »,")•, 4.JJ, ."(Oc, anil \\\ U'oiil (.'a:p •!» >ii p. M- villi 7"'e. "I'X', an I Tipe-itry \ri S.pian-s- ai S7..'iit, .^;» t)l). 810 (jO, .*li).,-)0, 311 .",1), alii V,.|\«t; ai'd Urii-^s.'ls .\it Sipuie at .?1H.(I I, ;?1!)..")U, ami Tip 'sriy (^arpi ts at per yard .Ti •, 4.'ic. .">t»o and B. ns-els u iietn at per yard !)0 •, SI. 1 1), ami . . :>Sc . . . *i iia. . . 8l.'!..V). ...»2:i.0() Sfie. ?12* If you waiil t J li.' sure of Carpec (J lality and uiiipusi oiicd value, try us. /VlcFARLAND COMPANY Time to Choose Your Spring Costumes Now A ••I'oJ range in DresA Go ids and Silks. Ordeis taken for ready- made Suiis, CoatM, DrtfS.sea. Can have yoiir ord-r hlli d livri! wiibin a few days. Spei.-ial barKaiim given in reajy-inaili' Siimmer Dr.ascs in all the laiesi styles and drsiyi.s. .A full line of Fancy Waistinn, Mar.iihon Linen Suitings, etc., frmn 15 to 20 ci-nis a yard, MILLINERY OPENINGS APRIL 8. 9 AND 10 Thiii'silay. Fiiday and Saturday, and will have mi display all the latest creations in spiiii^ stylis f'r younj^ »inl old. Hive opened up : "' . . r V.'-»>"i.X.l* tlLI^«-t^V. •_â- â- •#•â- .) â- â- •â- •Ilk. •«<-â- â- « ItllV. ^TB*.**,-!* •-â- Illllif^ •••â- •II â- â- til, •. (Ill .Vmericiin put ems, »"me of the latest .stripes in deO|i blue and tan, etc. J. E. Large, eug eni a. SEASOr.tABLE IN Fleshertsn School Report. Report of Flesherton P. S. for ending A]nil 8th, lilOl). Chi.ss 5, Mal'icuhitioii Elva Laura .Vrinslrong, Gordon Laird, aiitchell, Adda Wright. Class 5, Ordinary â€"Robert Belhimy, (Fred Bellamy Charlie Crossley). ecpial, Fred McTai ish, Lilian Rnlled<{e. Class 4 sr- K.ithleen Milligni, Ednai Piitloti, Eddie Loucks, Maud MacDoiialdJ Lilian .\rnmtrong, Ethel Trueman. Class 4 jrâ€" Gladys Corntield, Percy ILuslie, Howie McCauley, Willi* Wilson, Tcna Let.iuiil, Ve'ni.i Ta'.bii', Ethel Richardson. Class 3 sr Dell Thurston, Ivs Mitchell, Horbie Sullivan, Irene Wilson, .VI Uriel MacT.ivish. Class :! jr- Lillian Bunt, Elsie Wright, Maud Boyd, Vera L aicks, Walter t'argo. Rii.s,sel Lever. Cla.ss 2 sr â€" Leone Thompson, Roy McCauley, Har.ld Lovor, .Mlie Williams. Zeta McCloeklin. Chiss 2 jrâ€" Fhireneo Bunt, Ella Karstedt, (ieorge Palton, Fred Mac-, â€" .jâ€" «« „ I, â- ,„ , ,.., M- â- 1 ,. I R«t ui iia made at the close of the nresen* Mil en, Maurice Wright, Elmer Wright. 1^, ., . . , • >"« l"e»«-nii „ ' „, , I 1 I •; 1 o«cal year sho»» that before they have Part 2 srâ€" Clara Lever, Jack Little,,, _.. ^ . , e m y nave t, 1U1 1 1 r> 1 ,y loe*" two y»*i'«ui thecouiiiiy i,ol«8«th»B Pearl Blakely, Reuben Cargo. ii -no i â- ••-nmn !>...• A,i 1 r ,^ 1 II 1 T • 11 '^'< "(J "'«"«"'•' women were found to be Part2ir-MedieLeGard, Bobs Trimble, >â- ,,.. , , ' Frank Thurston, Mabel Thompson. I'"'<^";'«b « citizens, and have be.,, de- Pait I sr Mabel Field., Roy Patton,!.'""''""- ,^'"";'"» ""'" "'•'•• "•"•• *.««> wi • 1 M ,.] 1- ii'i '"""""Krants who w»r« reiected upon firtt Shirley Muri'HV, Charlie Hynu. . i i »" u|f..ii nni. „ ; , . /.• , ., ,11 IV . vv ,„. '"u<-'hiii!; the country. Another intwral- Vart 1 jrâ€" A lola McCloeklin, Wesley â- ' ••â- •â- irai- .Arinstrong, Jimmy Wilson, Rena Cargo. Class .\ sr Clarence Fisher, .Vrtliin (iiiest, Feriiic Whitten, Knsserrruenian. Chisa A jrâ€" Jean Reid, Ethel Fields, George Mitchell, Harry Cnrringtoii. Will. Heath, Principal M. E. Chidley, 1st iLssistant. Ethel Keariis, 2nd a.s.sistant. FURNITURE The laigesi, and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Siile Boards, Dining I^ooni Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. .\ special reduc- tion jnsl now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton ing fact noted by the Department is the Iccreaae in immlKratiou from .Japan. Durins; the whole paac year only 500 have coma from that land, an coinijared with 7,452 during th» preceding fiscal year. tjive Chnmberliiiirs CoiiRir Romedv. It will keep the coiiifli looge, expectoration" easy and render tliv His of c«ii»rhiiii>' less fiequeiik and leta severe. It is »«fo anA sure. For •nile by W . E. KiclmrilKini. Read the pain formula on the 'oox ol Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask y<nn Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion, llooil pressure sime- wlieie. Dr, Shoipp's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womiiuly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and sec! 2b f ;r 2m. Sold by all dealers. . BXJRT ."Specialist In diseases; oi the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Olflee i;j K.oMt St. . CHvoMcrlouiia At the Revere hoUKe, Markdale. 1st Friday each mimlh from 8 to 12 a. m. >