Ai'Rii, 8 IDOi) r 11 K F L E S H E R T ^' A D V A N C K If. \^ I) 1^ «<'.uV"v''-^3l, fegfeg!?;?::^^^:^^'-"-^---^-^^ I F.T.HILL & CO., iWarkdale | i THIS WEEK i BIG SALE OF HIGH CLASS SHOES. The Carey Shoe Co., of Southampton, were forced out of business, and we bought their stock at a big discount. $2,000.00 worlli of \]\ii\> Class Sixes mnde by tucV idiable fiiins as tlic Euipiess Shoo Co.. Joliii Mc- Pliersoii Shoe Co., \V. L. IJamilton SI ce Co, Vi( toiia thoe Co.. luipoiul and JMaple Leaf Hrands, in Ladies. CliiUh-fiis, Hoys and Youllis' bliOfs. This big pureliase of Sljces wo put on sale Wcdntst'Hy morning and tlie prices arc 25 to 50 per cent, less tlian regnlar. This is a grand opportunity to save money ou reliable makes of Shoes in good staple btyles. Be on hand eai ly. Rest always go first. 200 PAIRS CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES AND OXFOKDS. In Sizes C, 7, 8. 9, 10. S.le I'lice 75c. TKese cme in fino DungolHii, Patent Leather ami Vclour C'»lf Add 111* fiillowiii;! colors: liUck, Tkii, and Reild and all styles of Oxfords and KhpperR Hra included in the l^t. Carey Shoe Co. prices $L00 nnii tLlO »nd fL'io, «a!e price per pr 7bc. GIRLS SIZES IN SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS. 11, 12, 13, I and 2. Sale i)rice 98c. 180 ;>sir» OirU Fiuo Slippers and Oxfords. These I come in Kox Calf Hnd F<'ine Dongols in Strap »nd Cxf^rd »iyli-s. C.iliii», Hhick nnd Thh. Csruy Shi.o Co. piit-es tl.2.'>, 1.4U. and 1.50, Bale juic* per pair 98c BOYS SH(JES. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Sale i)rico SI. 25. 200 pairs Roys HosTy and Fine Slioei in Rox Calf, Cordovan, Dongola, nnd Velour Calf. In this line we have all the kizea, but more of the larger sizes than (he Hmill. They come ill Rlwcks and Tans, siid tiia Caroy Shoe Co. p ice for them was f 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 up lo 3 00 n pair. Sale price $1.25 U imWwhed every Ttmrsdny at S1.0oi<er aimum if psid i" advance, t\.M if not ».. l«id. NKT ADVKHTISISC; RAT1--S 1 column display one year, $<">0 Half oiluiiin one year, $30 Quarter column one year, tlo KortniKhtly chanRe* if requited Quotation. fo^r^^tr.u._iout^v,«rtUluj,^b. EDITORIAL COMMENT The returns of those deported from this country as undesirable citizens amply continn iho charge of lax inspection at ilie ports of entry. Such careless admission r,f undesirable iuimigranlB has certainly cost tlua country a pretty penny during the past fiscal year. Duncanâ€" Wiijrhtâ€" That the caretak- er's bill of $l,oO f.r heating hiU for the Women's Institute and Division court, be iMiid. Carried. Wiightâ€" McKenzieâ€" That this Coun- cil deems it aclvisAbln to eHlabl;th a devi- ation of the town line between Arte- mesis and Kuphrs!iia between lota 20 and 27, con. 14, Artrmesiii, provided the . Council of Euphrasia w.II concur in tlie iB.-heiue, md the Rce\e and Clerk urn I hereby appointed a committee to act with t a comniitieo of Euphrasia Council ni hav- ;' ing a hurvey made. Carried. I McKeiizieâ€" Cartonâ€" That the Clerk receive applications for a coMi|ieient man to opera: e (hu ro.vl i;rader, and man with fntfine to run the rock ciunber, spplicauta to state rati! of waives and said applica- tioMH to be in on i:r ht for a next iiieetine of this Council :>n the tirst day of May next. Carried. Council adjiuinied. « Our Scrap Book « I Rheumatism. More *.han nine out of I've ly ten c.iHes <»f rheupintlKiii ure Hiiii|i]y rlit-umutinni of the . ,. _. ,,„„;] I nomeleK, due tu cold nrdiiinpweiitherorchriin- The ArtemeFia township council/ j^. ri„.„„„ti„„. J„ ^leh eases im inteiual lias wisely invested in a stone crusher, 'f^f"'""' '» 'I^'l,"'â„¢''. 'f'". ff^f appliestion tias wiHuy luveoucu lu » ., [ |_f (Jhunil)BrlHiii\ l.miiiient im nil tiint, in mwl- ed, undit Ih ixrcniii to give a (iiiiuk relief' • iive it a tiiul and nee for yuursell how iiuick- ly it re.ieven the pain and uoieiie.-'H. Price. SMti;i:UN(J ON LAKK IIUBON. I From the Rarrio Advance, May 24, 1861. j We undor»tand that Mr. Gihbard, the I officer in olmrge of the Government tish- cry nnd reveiiuo boat on Lnkos Huron [ and Superior, seized last week an Ameri- can smuggling schooner, with a consider- able stock of dry goods, groceries and prc- vi.sions on hoard. Thi.s|ves8oI was trading at one of our Indian villager, and awaits till! disposal of the Customs Department at .Slu'bananingâ€" reference having been nia lo to Quebec for instructicuis. Slie had no papers or clearanoe, snd was as usual in the whi.skey trade, so vmy injur- ious not ijily t.- the Indians anci half breeds, but also to the legitimate trade carried on by our merchants from Pene- Ungu^sheno, Cdlingwood and Owen Sound. Mr. Gibbard had orders to start very early, and was on the North shore before the ice broke up. With the machinery we now have our roads ouglit soon to got licked into pretty good shape. Pcrfuction would be sooner attained, however, if the road work was cotninuled throughout the whole township and the inonpy applied in a way that would produce boler icsulls. "Peiuiy wise and pound foolish" ftppUos with its full force to our present system of patch- ing and mending and Bpendiu^' o( township money in one division bo <:auBe the fellows in nonic other divi?iou are likely to pull more money out ol the tax^-'d than they. As Commissioner Campbell savH, the full benefit of oui expenditure will luver bs derived un- til a pennaueiit road overseer is ap pointed and the work systematically done. Mr. Ilauna's amendments tn the liijuor law ought lo he veiy acceptable to the temperance people. Tliey tend to tighten up the reins and tnake the law easier of euforcemeiit. There is no change in the thne-tiflhs clause, but Mr. Hanna says he has this "under consideration." GOO The Ontario Legislatmo will piorogue to-day after a busy session. Arteinesia Council W Aiteniesit Council met on Saturday last. The membert went all present, the Rasre in the ch;iir. Minutes of laV meeting were read and conlirmud. The Council went into committee of the whole on Rylaw 712, t* appoint niu- tiicipal ofticers for 1909. Coramittee rose and rrporlod RyUw 712 filled up in conimittoo. Wright Duuean-Tlial Rylsw 712 ss filled up in romniittwe an<l reported to this council bo now read a third time, ftiuuud, M'sled Ri.d riilered in the Kylaw b.iik. Cairied. \Vri((ht-- Duncan â€" That tliis townsh dn now purchase a rock crusher. Carried. McKenjtie-Csrson- That the account â- of Iiaao Trnynor, C. J?., Hniounting to '915, fiT survey and toiling bridge on iS.m'b Lino nt lot 27 28, 2 S.D.R., be l>aid. Carried. cent«; lar|{e »i/.e, !50 cents. K. Uioliarddoii. i'"i r bule by W. A Story of L B. Lucas (Toronto star.) A former resident of Grey county was up at the Legislature the other day, and nnd hud llie pleasure of seeing Mr. I. R. Lueas, M P. P., presiding over an im- portant commi'tee, and doiig it with skill and authority. "When wo lirst elected Lucas," said the visitor, "I predicted that he would rise to a seal in the Cabinet, and, of course, it is only a ipiesticiu of time until tlrit prophecy conies true. After the next sliudio lie will probably lie Hon. 1. R " Then the visitor hiiighed. "D d you over hoar " ho asked, ".ibont the joke cm I. R. when he was caovas.s- iiig for him.self ill that lirst eanipaign of bis/ Well, it was in the winter, and he had a friend wiili him in a cutter. They stopped at a farm house, and Mr. Lucas went in while the friend remained out- side, holding the horse. Mr. Lucas at thai lime, was, and is yet, very boyish- looking, but tliefarii;erand his wife made him very we'come, litoned to Ids talk, and promi.sed lo read the litcralure he gave them They followed him to the door and saw tlie m:ui in Iho cutter. '.'*ay,' exclaimed the elector, 'why didn't ho come in? Is tiiat liiin't "Mr. Liicaa didn't understand. " 'Is that your father?' " 'My father- no.' "'Oh,' said the farmer. 'I thought mcbbe you had your father along. We generally like to have the candidate liim- sulf look in on us.' "Then Mr. Lucas had to go back into the house again nnd explain that he was not canvnsaing for an absent fither, but for himself. He had to expbiiu that he was a great deal older than he looked, and I giicHs ho has had to put up that old- age argument a good many times ainco." It is also related that when he tiisl at- tend I he Legi.slatiiro ho tried to paKs j IhidUgh adoor sacred lo ' menibers only," ip\he was waved aw.-iy by an attendant, and toll not to try a trick lik« that on an old stager. DRL'.M.MKP OUT. From the Globe, March 22, 18(>7. On Wednesday the ceremony of "drumming out," seldom pcrform.'d in Iho army at the present day, took place a' the Parliament barracks. Tlio subject of this unplea.sant ceremony was a man named Andrew Duggan, a private in the 17lh Regiment, and a decidedly l>ad character. His convictions fi.r larceny and have been so numerous that his comrades gladly welcomed a change thai was ti relieve them of tie slijiiim likely to fall on I hem through his mi.scondiict. Duggan. wasabout a immth ago, sent, need lo 50 lasho', hut these proving useless as far as his reformation was concerned ho I eceivcd a sentence of »ix months' im|.ri.soiiiiienl and an ignom- inious dischngi^ as punishment foi his last otleiiee. The latter part of the seiuiMieo wu.s carried out early yostordiiy morning, when the prisoner's clothing wasstiipped off. the facings, and nil eviiUtnee lo denote his connection with tlin regiment. He was afterwards marc! - ed boiween a driiiiimer and fifer through the o]ien ranks, cariying on his breast and b;u'k the W(ud "thief," legibly enough toiiiakc the cause of his dogra'lation mani- fest. He was af erwards s 'iit lo the civil prison in charge of a guard, lliu Kinallest drummer boy in the r.'giincnt being selected to give him a farewell kick as be parted company with hia regiment for over, a disgraced villain. The hardihood of the prisoner himself was scarcely cipial lo the trying circumstances, -a hundred lashes being eron more welciune than the disgrace with which he was publicly ex- pelled ; but the sentence was a just one, and the addition of six months' inipris< n menl will give him an opportunity fi r retlection whilo out of tie roach to temptation, of which it is hoped ho will lake advantage. Two young chillroii of Mr. Rnlieit Siirrct of EiHo wer,.- Iminud to death in a lire that dostroyud tiio family dwelling. From the Owen Sound Times, Friday, Oct 30, 1858. On Friday week a man named Hunh Graham of Tara, was beating his «ife, when a pcrsim named Wilnon wont to interfere, taking a loaded Kun in his hand, wh ch 'Jieleft at Iho outsido of the door. When Wilson interfered, Gralism took up an axe and drove him out ( f the house, inakiiiR hostili don.onstra'ii.iis with it. i Wilson Warned him lo desist, threatening to ahoot him if ho did not; but Graham still followed him, when Wilson fired The shot eitoredat one corner of liis in u h, can led awny hi." lower fr nt I leith, A piece of his tongue, broke hi« jaw bone, and passed out through hia other ohr'ek. VVil o i gave bi naelf ui>, ai.d is now in Coder ch jail awaitinit Ids trial. Gr>hiiii IS recoveii g from the ell'ojts of his Kound. Rheumatic poieous are ipiickly and surely driven out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's RheuiiH'ic Renv'ily-l.ipiid ir Tat let form. Dr. Shoop's booklet on Rheumatism plainly & intrtreslingly tella just liow tU^^ is done. Tell some suffer- er of tli's book, or bo ter siill, wiite Dr. SliO'ip, Racin.', Wis. for the bo..k and free lost samples. Send ihp money. Just j"iii with Dr. Shoop and I'lveiome suffer- er a pleasant surprise. Sold by all deal - ers. (iive Chamb^rl.iin'i" C(juj^h Remedy. It will keep the enuuh hmse, expecmraticm easy and render the tils of eoutrhini' le»« frequent and lei.rf severe. It irf safe and sure. For Kttle by W. E. liiiharilHim. Robert King, a r.-tirei farmer of Grand Va ley, was instantly killed ut his f^rin near Erin town line, Thursday hint, where he had g >ne on Tuesday. His wife when inrormed (hut he had aiet with an accident, wasstiicken with paralysis and died next day. Mr K>ni! wss cult ing up a fallen tree, tlio butt of which retted on the stump. It turned over suddenly and struck him on iho back of the neck . We understand that the H.thn Ilouae has been rented to Mr. LochisM(.Kenzie, who takes possession in the course of a couple of weeks. Just wlut plans Mr. Hahn hai in view we are unable to cay, but are informed he is about to enter into business in 8:>ine eiher town and Urusselt i^ named as the place. We will bs sorry to loss Mr. Hahn but hive no doubt the excellent reputation of (he hou.^e will b* kept up to standard by the new propriet- o<: â€" Durhkni Chronicls. A cam of deep interest to farmers was r'csntly tried at Walketton. The town- ship of Brunt passed a by-law prohibit'uu aheep from running at Urge on the high- way. A farmer allowed his sheep to run the highway. A cattle drover came along and bis horae was frightened, ran Hw;,y and was killed. The drover sued the farmer for dainaxea. The case was tried before a jury which awaidud ihe full amount of damages. The farmer ai)peal- cd to the Court of Appeal which sustain- ed the verdict of the jury. According t > the altov* decisiuo, thtt farmer is liable, even if th« towoship has by-laws prc- hibiting live stock to run at laru*. Canadian W- PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Spedal Truaileare Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 6, 20 MAY 4, II JUNE 1, IS, 21 JULY 13, 27 AUa. 10, M SEPT. 7, II Second dan tickett from OoUrio tUdou lo priadpftl NorUiwMt potato »! LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipes and return $32.00; Edmooloo uk) rvture $42.30, and ta other poiDti in propoilioa. Tickets sood to return withia 60 days ftom goiof dale. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all eicureioo*. Comforulile l>en)ii, fully aquipped wilh bcddinc. caa b« Hcurad at moderala rales tluoush local aeaal. Early •ppllcatlon must b* made ASK FOR HOMEaCKKCRS- PAMPHLET coDtainiai rales aad hil iafonailioa. Apply to »arat C.P.R. Aieol ot toR. L. TluBpeoB. DiM. Paa. Asl.. Toroato. ONLV DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CAR! J.&W. !3oj/d GENERAL AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS Fi shrton - - - Ontario. OUli Millinery opening will be held on Tue<.,|ay, Wednesday ai'd Thursday, March .•Wth sod ^llst, and April lit. We cordi- ally invito all the Udies of Flo.sherton a. d surroni ding couiilry to come in and e.x«mine <mr ve.y • x.'ell.-iit, artisiio snd elaborate dis_ „!ay of Lsrties' Uesdwear. MISS E. P. AMOS, who is an artist of exceyti.,nal ^killand much experieiue. his charge of thi.s department. Dei.ena upon it, if you buy a bat at Boyds you will have something that!' up-to-date. No trouble to show goods. w E are openina up a nierchai,!; tailorina business under iho manauinent of Fred Morley who is a first class workman. We have a compli t« range of new and un-to-date stO'^k. We Kuaramee a perfect tit. Call and see the uoods â€" jiiiit ill ths oiiner r"om MRS. SMITH'S Of-D STAND. N MEN'S FURNISHINGS we have all the new and latest. Ftyles Hats, Caps, Fancy Vests, Sock», Shirts, Collars, Ties, Etc. 'mm SBoots cF" ofioes very lafae ranye of Ladies and Gent's Fine Boots and Shoes in Box Calf, Vice Kid, Don},'. Oxblood, Tan an Pattnt Leal her. N EW Dress Goods in all the new shades ar.d patternsâ€" prices 55o lo 81.50 per yd., also a l»r(;e a.ssoruueiit of Ging- hams, Zephyis, Linens, Prinisand Muslins A comuleto range of Livdie's Ready- to-wear Garments â€" Skirts, .Jackets, Waiits, Uuder- skirt-i, Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a full stoik of Flour ar.d Fc»d includine Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the famous Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of Ihe Words Millii'R Co., Ktwatin, »very bag of which is guaranteed if not satisfactory return it and gel your money. Hardware. ^ Wehavcawell awoittd sttck of Herdwarcâ€" patties conlenip'stirg <K buildnu will do wdl to t:et < nr pricis befire purchasing ehewhere â€" ^ ^ also a nice line of stores, tinware etc. a| S. RANUS, Agmt, FLESHEKTON Notice toCreditors In the matter of the ostale of Samuel I'edhir, lato of the Townshiji of ArteiiKwia in the County of Grey , Fai nier, deceased. NOTKtK isheruby f;ivon iMirsuaiit to the le- vlfiellStalules of llnClirio, 1S97, i;iia|>. I'.'U lliat •ill tlio eieillti>i8 snd '.cliurs liMviiic elivniiB f'tiaiiiHt the eHtiite o' tlie sai'l Saimii-l l*i-,l a,- whnilio,! nil urKl'OUt ..'..t first dny of liei-enibtT. llhH. fti-o ri-fiulreii on '>r beforu thtj i>4fh •IrtV of Apiil, liWil, to 8')i«(i bv l>OKt ine- priiii or I'ullvor lo VV. H. \Vri«ht,0*eii Soniid. Ont,. KcUeitorH X^ ( the e-Keciiiors of tlio lawl Witlioifl ToHthtii mU. of the salil dituuaHod, tliuir clu'lKllan nn<1 Hio'iimiieK. HddreHHBR mid do- H(M'lptioli8. the fliU O'litieulars of tludr rliLiniH, the Ktoteuientof their nuooutit^ hihIiIio tiaiure lit tlio anuuriliea (it aii\ ) bold by lliuin. .\ND FI'UTUKh TAKt; NO'riCH that after Riu'h lapt iiiOTitionod date the xaid e.xcen> tora will |iioeeuil t> divtribule tile aHHtiti* o tlio do (iiki^ed atuonu tlio i>arties untitloti there- to baviiie recavd only to the cliiiiiis of which they dliiill thou have notice, nnd tliat thu said exocutnrH will not bo liable for tho said asHots or any oart tlioreof to any person or pt'rsons of \vlioHe claims notice yliall not liave been receivi (1 by tboin at iho tiinuof Biicli dit:- tribiillon. Dated Marcli '.l-Jiil, A. D. liK).l. W. H, WKiaai". 0.van S.niiid. Out.. iiolicitor for the Kxcoutor!i. Herefords For Sale. Cows and heifers for sale, none lielter, Pr)cei ritfht, I'ost Ott'ice, I'l'oton i^tat ion; farm half mile fnnu Hausfeen .liinctiun. We have sold all our 1 nils. ,1. AT. WATSON. S.M.OSBORNE General Hercliant : Port Law MILLINERY OPENING Our (li.spluy of the latest styles in spring and stunmsr Millin- ery will take place on WEDNESDAY APIUL 7th, and following days. Everyone UJclcowe* In Sicidbs, Buda1«s» aiaddon$» l^arrewst P!ougbs» Clream Sep- arators and iUirc Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent 100 acres choice land, lot 17, con 11, town- chip of OKprey. one mile friiii I'evei'Mham.'L'e hank Imin, Ktiaw slieil :idjoiniia,', linple- iiiciit house, li.iKe frame dwellinii house, t,'ord oreliai'.l and well, 47 acres f-di ploiiKhed, 10 acres Kood biinli, baliuieo seeded d..wn, well fenced. .'\ililvt(> Win. D.VVIDSON, Robroy, Out. Farm for iigle, Gontaiulue one hundred acres more or less, belliH lots Hl-llO. con. 1. N. V. Toronto Svileliliani road, abmit tightyacres cleared; bai'ince bunb. On tile ]*i'orei ty is oiio fr'Oiio barn ;i.'ix.Vj o.i stone bast ineiit with con.- orotostabliiiB sndy.i^id iLiiplenieiit^^bed. I'r'oiie dwelling house, small orchard, two j^ood wells. Also two spi'iii(is on baelt end ol place. There are thirty ucres fall ploui^hed, five acreb of fall will at well fenced and in ayood state of eultva- tioii. 'I'liirt is Olio ol the bofit farms in tho township and can bo bought riulit. It is sitiiat- »l one mile from Kleshurtou and live inilos from Mark'iHle. .'^pply to KICUAKDtiUN lllli'M. Kieshortou Cej/lon 's T^eat T^arket, All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, head cheese, sausage, alwava on hand. » s CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^c(Blocklin, T ots .'M aticl ;(,), roil. ;iS D K, IGOarros, U't c1ohv<>i ' * 10 loios paHtun», batutico [;oocl busli. Han ii.»x50. driviuc shyd, K"o^* fiauio liouse, ii wells 1 aero of mclmi'd at.d Btono. Wftl) uiifl(*r barn Sauueon river cro^aeB back of farm. Woll futicei and in m^ful Hfaio of uiiltivatton, :i niiJon fron I'rotou Stall' n. For t«rmH aiijily on vreiiiiHui to J AMl'H H. VAl'SK. Vrofcon Station per sale ehoai', o» rent, iinincdiate pottKoBhiun ' Lot 30 eon. H, ArtiuneHia, about 7"' acres clear, coinfortatdo tou houue and frame barn. Aliply to H. J- Spronle, Kleshorton, or John J. Martin, aU'OHHthe road from said lot. r oltt V' i H BMd y. Ton. l.i, in the towLnbip (d *-* OHprey, l.")OaereH, lart^o cloarlnt;, Kood frame haru nnd Ktables, Kood dwelling and Well. Ap- ply on tho pieinisen or to (W. J. Ukllamy, Flcsherton l^^orBale cheai) and on oany terms, ^ood com- " fortablo frame dwellit r stable anddrlvintj bouse. wUh three villH^e lots, in Cevlon. Dwel- ling' well btiilt and f\hibhed and ijood beariijfj oichard on tho properly. Apply to It. J. Si'Hori.K, Flcsherton â- L^or »alo or runt â€" 100 acre farm. 1 aoro of or- *- chard, 10 aoreHbuBh iitclndiiiR Ti acretibatd wood, well watered and kooiI fences, hi iclt houHo, frame barn.' li niilcs from achool and pnHt olliee, :i miles fioui Truton Station. I'or price and terms of sale apply to Wm- Taylor, ii>t V3-71, con 1 north of Duvham road, Arleiiieula T otfi fi.\ Wi and 07, cot» \S AitenipMia, IM) aeres *^ n.'> cleared and nuder cnUivation, all fenced two goud orcliRrds; lavRC frame barn, baHoneiit barn and onier (ranio b <ru 'J4x:iO, frame dwcM- ihp. This will be mado a wood thinKf^rtbo rigbtuiau W, H. MoN.\LLV, I'ortiaw 1^''t,r Rent -lot :t7. con H, Artonn-aia. 100 ncrec .s,', , to W cUmvi'd and In eultivati'in, c..<nifortahlo dwellttiR. bank barn, ntoiiu stnblihit, it> a OrHt class settlement and wull worthy tho attention of thobO rcquhinu sneh. H..I. SPKOULF, Klo-ht-rton Tni;t. con. 4 0-'»piev, 100 bcvcb well tnnb«!)i>d. ^ For t<rQi8iJtc. apply to U. Kubm'bB, Lady lU'jk V, O. Good Farm For Sale. T ot 19, con.6, Opprey containing 100 acies, 80 â- 'clertiud, f'.atiiu bouse, frame barn,Bione foundation; orchard, well watered. t<ne thousand down and balance to Buit piirch iser liuniodi&tu yosseshion. Apply to K. N. KiNNKAB, Muxwell P. O HI Dorado Farm. Of iSln.rtinnii cuttle luid LeiocHtor sheep. BuUh and heifern on hand for tial»\ also a niiniber of single und rose comb brown le(,'hoMi, tvnd sinifleoonih white leghorn cockerels Lot :^2 ' t'nn. r>. Cha.s. Stafford, Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Leviniasand Wimiiiup, tbo ijoRt of broodins and <iiialit". Unll, cows and heifers for fc ale at reasonable prices Lot 32.ooii.j CUAS. 8TAFF0KD. Fleshorton VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE ^rho^ undcrsitjnea has a (if ( d }i ncro lot in ^Iriceville for sale, contsinliK lOUKhcast house. KOod barn, «ood orchard, two welTs. etc .Msoa :i-ecr« vacant lot near tUo htation, under cultivation. ThoRolotB must be sold aa Iamloavin« « the wetit thiB Bptimj. Apply for terms, eto , . .. â€" HKU.HKRT WATSON 1 I ireville, Feb. 0. i!HKI, I>XJMIP WiKiileii )mm|).s inainifHuturefl thrnugliont and retail's pr<iiii|itly nml stitiafiictorily attendoJ to. I niM nBont fur three of thu best iron jiunip luanufacturorsiii Ontario. A curd ilroppsil t.) ine a* Coylon P. O will have my prompt aUeiitioii. Your patroii'ige respectfully .solicitod. dAMKbi A. McLEAN, Currim's Corner, Ceylon P. O. T-r