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Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1909, p. 4

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â- .•^'â- " »«;>-( 1 1 ii n.ri ili iiM iw w IWWHIIIWI'WWWWW Ma mil 18 |U0«.> r 11 K F LEilllER £ O S A IJ V A ^ (' K :i > J ^ V > I '< > IK;' ' ^ • ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ â- -' ^ » â-  ^ . , ^ ::^L>l>^Z>::^ ^^^ ^ r ^ '?^ ^- -« ^'"" « "" « ^ « - .^: ^^»t^- v > \ "^^ The District Around Us F.T.HILL & CO., = Markdale Convincing Proofs in Brig^ht New Spring Goods This w(M'k we liave ]»Iacc(l in stock some very heavy shiinuonts of hrijjht. new jjootls iiitlii(lin;j; iiimiy new line.s ofC'aiiadian made j^oods as well as the latest pat- tiM-iis in .American and i''njilis<h lines. We would ask you to soo what we are siiow- iiii,' in the way (:fN(W l*rints, New (Jnij^hain.s, New Muslins, Xrw Dress (loods. Now Lace.s, and llie new sjjrinji styles in Shoes and Clolhiiin'. For this season we ii'e showin-,^ a very extensive ran^e and the \alues never wnv l>etter. 5ee the New Zenda Cloth In American I'rint.s with the liorders, the Newest Thing on the Market Wo lu-o yhdwirii tlrs wock ii new iiiut iliu'ct iiuixirtatioii nf Aiiiuriciin I'liiits cillid Z.'iicl.i Cldth. This is a vc.-y fine clt'lli, fust i-'lur.s iiiid tlio i-.-itleriis lire entirely new, Imin;; reiTesenteil in nil tlio new colors witli 1 Or* f'^ ilie f:iney U'fder, llio liitest style on the market. Kxtrn iii>ouial vhIuc i>er yikrd XvJ\»» "•a i :i MILLINEr>^V MILLINEI^V (hi Sli'Uiliy next nm- Rlillinciy Purlers will ii;iA n <'|on fill- spriiij,' t'uilo with Miss Stein ayiiiii in cli.iriio. Tlie alliance »tylc8 for spring' will then l.e open for your inspection. I'or oiiily Iniyoi.s who t,ie imt prepared to " lit for the foiniil openings wo will Lo pleusud to show tho u«\v lulvance .sty!o.s. GRANITEWAHE GRANITEWAHF This is the last week of our Granitewaro Sale, so if you wish to take a<lvant- ai,'e of the opportunity to buy Granitewaro cheaper than it can bo bought whole- sale, be on Inuul this week. .^ .j^ .A. -*. ^L^!j't^^^'-:^t..'^ - ^ -^^ '^ "^ ' - ^^ "^ -^ -A. ^ .^ â- . ^' .A. ,A^ .A. ^*J .^â- '' .A^ 4. '.A^;-,;|^.X.'^' .A.' .A. ^^"5^ *^ , (f:hc T^ |«>!i.-<l iviry Tl,uri-di>y lit -^LCoerii « Our Scrap Book Akk.uii ok Hon. iR (From Iho Giolieof May 17, 1801.) The prircipol lop'c nf cniivcrsation in A Rural tli}>h School From The Durham lloview. We imist congratulate the enterprisiii!,' township of Arteiiiesia and village of I'ltslierton on succeodin-; in forniin; â- â-  1" • " •â-  a-"<- (uirciiiui iui> t iM too, ci.. ii iii:i >o r ifsiierion on succeoilmj; in torniin" a ...â- .â- iiuii i.,i.l in mlvaace, ?1.50 .t m.t «. paid. I g^,.(,^.^. j.,,,„.„i..,y ,,„ ,.„ „„•„;, „{ |,„n»ur Continuation .School Di-strict with Flctsh- NKT MAlinislNC I'MIS between Hon. Mr. Des-«ul!cs. of tho.' eiton as its centre. This, it i.s â-  • • • 'â-  •â-  / council, nnil Solicitor General Morin. lis the first in the iirovinee and the 1 I'tluiun dii,i>l«v one year, $tJO rri. „..i ,..;..:„,.,.. j :„ „ ,i;..,..,.^;,.., I _.i .. â-  •., ,.,.., 1 I 'luiun dii,pl«y one year, $tJO Half column one year, MO • iiiiutci- ci'luuin one ytar. 81.") yi)rtni({htlv cliaii)fe» if if<iuiied Q'lOtatioDy foi ttamsicnt ailvprtising will be Itiveu uu appllcatioa I The quarrel originated in a discussion enthusia.siu with Avhich it has lH.<on pro- I conducted in the Miivervo and rlio l'i.y>. motul and organized speaks well for tho [Mr. Morin le-imed llmt Mr Dessaullos j appreeiation in which education is held in had spoken of him in contempt uous lorifH the district. Both of llie Durham hotel keepers Lave shiit ui> shop. On \Vedues4»3' of last week government dt'tectiro.^ swooped dowii on Mr. Halm ol tho Haliii lioitse and diseoN tied plenty of inioxicauts. Wa uudcrstatid thut Hahu liud practically diiicd tho authorities, uiuior.nciiig tlinl if he nus fined ho wutild shut his house. Atid tliat IS what lie did. So soon ns he found hiiiii-eir ca.ight he tni'ued outhia legulur boarders and locked tho doors, Not only this, but he succeeded in gelling llic upper lowu hotel man lo blnit hij door.t us well, thus leaving Durliatu wiihaut auy hotel accomuioilutioii for Iraveilera whatever. If the tuiupfraiicc people of Durham have any good uutal in their coiupoBiliuu thii act should bring it out. o Perhaps never befoic in tlio hiotovy ofUntnriodid a aiiirdcr ca^c attract so much attciUioii, and Eiich decided opiuions on all sides as does the Huiniltoii atTair now under cousider- alion. The detcclivcs and Mr. Iiluck~ Block have come in for strong abuHe at the hands of lliodo who have already ducided the innocence of those wliom the otficials arc probing. It is use- less, however, to form or attempt to form any opinion until tho inquest is ended. Tho autborilies arc pcrfetly justified in coiiductiiig the cast as they Lave been doing, and slionk', not bo ceuuured until the evidence is complet- ed and all tho facta brought out that it is possible to seem e. That Florence Kinradc has to siillVr is her great ini^fortuiio, and could luit bo avoid- ed, no inaltcr how utterly iiinucunt she moy be. mid sent Mr. De»saul!es n hi'ter as iii- suUiii;: H8 ho could pos^ilily frame it. Mr. De.ssaulles, challei ;:eJ Moiiii, and So far no fewer than si.x school sections have united, the nuiiihers lieing ;!, 5, 7, !>, 10 and 11. They are wasting no time on Saturday tho punies left for Inland having adverlisid for a teacher, otiering Pond, With their 8ecoLd<, Mc.-<si». Kierz- j one thousand dollars a.s an initial milary" kow.skiniid Uniusay, S.cretaiy to tho j T. Henry is chairiuan, and W. .1. Hell- Seigniorial Coniuiisitioii, Thoy met ' niiiy secretary. yesterday mornin«, hut "iiohody was The advowicy of The Advance, fi i huit." It in ic:jortfd tint they could which this information is taken, has liceii iiotaBiee about tliu wciipons, hii.I noj one of the chief factors in securing the «iiot W1.H tired. Tlio pirlies have not school. Wo them every success, yet rtlurned to Quebec. .They will hiivo early ditficultics in the We have, by the Montreal papers, an way of building, ecpiipment, etc., but •â- xpUnatioi of tho reason tho threatened these have, no doubt, U'en considered duel betn«en Messrs. DeeBiinllo and and are not insurmountable. Mof II) didn't eoino off uecordiog to ap ', Tho eyes of many similar districLs will pointaieiit. .\Jr .Moiin chosa f..r his Iw on tlioiii with h view to secure the 80COB.1.- Mr. Itamsny, Mr. Dcssmllfg, j Hnmo Hdvantagoc, especially since it will Mr. Kiorzkouski. Upon Mr. llanisay, be remembered that our ("ounty C.mncil as acting for the challenged p.>rly, it is ' i„crea.sed the grant to these schools Ity wiid the duty devolved of providing the 50 per cent, at its session. inp'.oHifiits of war. When tlu! diNimt- ants reached whereon w,i« to be , ^'othiiig in tho way (>f a Cough is i,uite waged thtf deadly conflict, Mr. Morin's ^" """"yii'K as" t^eklmg, teasing, whotz- second discovered that ho had furjjotten ;'">-'.hroncliial C^ounli. Tho <|ui(kosl re- (0 tho bullets. ?"list want, however, wr.s'''"f ='""«â- '* pof haps from a proscriiition (ifler a whilo suppliii.l. All appealed '''''own to Drug-.iists everywliiro as Dr. ready, when gieally to tho ilisnppoint- 'Whoop's Cough Ki'medy. And besides, iiiei.t of ihe Solicitor Ceiiftal Eist, it i'' '""" 'boroughly harmless thiit mothors was fi;uiid one of ihe pstols could not bo B'*" 't "''b perfect safety oven to tho Ihod. The end of tliu iimtter wai that !)'"""«••' "'''abon. The tender lua\c8 of ii tho irate pair had to return to Quebec "'"'P'" inouiitain tlirub, ^-ive to Dr. without diawing blond. !f?hoop'» Cou^b Jloincdy its rcuiaikablo curative efl'ect. A few days' t«st will leih During the second yiar of the American ^old liy -til deiil-.-r.s. war, Aiti-iiiiUH Ward instated by the old we»kly Toronto r,«.uW to huvu .suid; I.OVCS his Gaoicr "UnUss there's diliVr, nt urn. uuomeiit of , i^ ,, „„,,„,.,,, ^^â€"^ f^_^. ^^ ^^^^,^^ ^^^ ,^^ lliow«rni.htoir,tlieAi.icncan '"«!« «dl ,vg.,rded by a prisoner ea an ide.U task- linvo to disguise himself as n Slim. i/hai ;,„,.. „,. Vi,, ,i, ..^ .... . .• B " ;'«u8tei, tut tlieio are exceptions to every rooster and make Hacks for Cannda. , ,,,1^. In tho opinion of an elderly nmu whd. the God Ws of Liberty will have | ,„„,„,, j„„,,, „^„,„,.^ llmolliciHl wli.> to uo out doin' gon'ral housework at two',,,.fo„. ,,,,,,;,,. „, o o . i r f acts HI gaour at tliven Isi uiul is one tf dollars a week. i tho best men in the world to work fjr. I I'laincN appe:tred in tho police court on As Advertised. 1. Monday iiiorniug of last week having 1 l";>^j..l a l...ttk. ..f ri,uii.herlain'«C;olie, 'just left prison after hervin.; a six months' ( lioltra Bi:ii Uiiurliiuu Uiiiieoy, hikI li.uiid It , -., •• toll! nil ilnimcil (or it ill tin ndvcrtiMMiieiitK. '''''" h'r V'luraney, Dealtie had lieoii 'niif.M.f iliefaniilylmv,..i«,.d it will.. i,'.md |, cut down at his own rrtpiest, as ho re- resull« in Hiiiiiiiier coniiilaliit.â€" II. K. lluwe, Hihliiiliir r.f til.. I'reiw, Uiglilaiid, Win rkIo by \V. K. KicbrrdiiKU. j,>, ;. fused to go to the llmiso of tiefugc. Horse Beat (iraiid Trunk. He li»s beoii in the habit of doing ibis sort of tiling for several y. ais, and be ciine boforo niagi^triito for â-  - the purptue of inkiii.^ that ho bo ontitlnd Mr.S. C. Maltby, traveller of Ihi.,' ,|,„ ,„.ivilego of spending another six to.n, was on the G. T II. train leaving j ,„ „,„„. j,, ^«,.i. Chief .McAuley ii.form- Luckn .w Wednesday of last week and he ,.,1 the iii»;.,«trale of Iloatlio's deMro, and andth. other paHsengorH were interested |,h„ Magistrate re!iiarked:-"You want in the efforts of on the track lo'g.x „,„iith», do you, dam.-M / Alright k. ep ou. of tho way of tlm locomotive. |„-ay you go.' ileattie was urateful and Tho hoise which belongstolheMetliod:st|^l,„„kedtlmMagutratoforhi8 kiiidnon n.inisicr at Lucknow uin away out of the, H, waited umil he rooeivod thenecos.s;.ry station yard at that place and on thejoidor for his imarceration and, uii Oack just ahead of the train, which itjaccompsiiiod by the police, m:ide Hacks ke|.t ahead of past iIk" next station, Rip- jf„r ,lu< t;a.,|, r,i..r to the appearance of ley, managing locrohsuvo bridges mi Iho I, i„ MAgistralo, lleatiie inforiued Chief throws them all in the shaoe. Ono of ' ""y "ud after it was caugh. and »t»Wed j ajoAuley that ho would rather work for horses bo l-ou^ht at Win. Arm- M''' ""' »l'l«"«> much the woise for its Mr. John MiUor, gaol;'!-, than any man •trong'l Mlo for rWO, and the ,„l,or he """!•'• •"â- â- Â»"'' f"'"-"" "f 1" ""• 12 niilva.- l;,, j^o world. Ueiltie is a very respecl- With a view toeffectiirttly protecting tho black Iftss. niankinongu and speckled trout fitliory, in tbe province of Ontario, •II order ill council has heeii passed pro- hihitinti the Mle and export of tto'c fish for a period of fivp years from tlie;iOth of May next. It is provided, however, that any person from a foreign c .untry liaving •n angler's permit may take luck with him a lawful catch of two days' tisliiiig. Win. Ijoog of Lnuise has a team that cost lii.n an even thousand dollars. There ire aoine pretty g.od farm horses in that locality, tut this team of Long'i, liLiii^bt from Graham Hros. of Clarcmont .«l f70<'. Thoy BIO so well matched that it Would lake an uxpeit lo toll < no from Ml. Fuiesl Itopreseniativo. lineqiialled &» a Curs for Craup. able lookinu iii'in. Ho is wiihour. rel- atives, and ii more tli:.n coutent when iindir tho regiinn of the ga .1 ollioifils, .•\;ox l!o»H, the Carizill livi rynian, had a voniig man named John Anderson up for hor^e stealini.', and ilio case was triid hy Judgo Klein on Monday, wiili th« re- â-  ili that the priaoiier was discharged. Aiidtiison, it siiems had been working for (toss. i,nd on W.-duoKday last, in Rosa' bud hitelud up a hor^c to drive a traveller to Wi.lkeiton. He put tho I liorso ill 'he Qili-en's hotel sable between 5 and (J o'clock that night, returned about 8, and drove tho traveller up to the slalion Then lie g it pret'y f-jll of «hi.-ky, and tttiit driving around lown. Mr. Frank Heniiie f.u.ul llie li.irso lied to a telegraph about half pist ten, and knowing that llio horso h.-louged to Itoss, untied the animal and put it in the Queoii's stable Anderson cniiiu iilooi.' next iiioining, paid the bill, and drove oir, but instead of go nj; back to Cirgdl, 8>eins to have gone out into Beiitick. That aften o<>ii He s^ came to Walkoiton and Hid an infurination against Anilurson for stenlin'.' the horse. He was arre.sted by Constable Rus.sell, and when brought b.fore the iiiaiiistrHfe, plea.led yuiliy, and w 18 siuit up f-jr trial before Ihe Ji'fdge. Thu Juduo however did not think thnt the evidence bore out a charge of theft and let Iho prisoner go, with ihe admoni- tion not t J get drunk again. -••Wftlkerton Telescope. Edd'e Moriison, the four year old .son of Mr. and .Mrs. D. .\. Morrison, who live ill ^'icker's Bljck, was thu luro of an escapade on Monday, wli cli was a re- in irkable one for nis y.mthful years. The parotiis lire deaf mutes and their laiiii'y consists of two boys, the eldest about eiabi years of age. On Monday aftciuoon Eddie wanted to go to B..yd stieet schoiil with his brother and made somii threat of going away on the train if he was n.)t allowed to go to school. No notice was apparently taken i>{ his r quest and during tho al'ternooii he dis- appeireJ. He was soon misled and a search instituted but no trni-oof him was found and it was thought by ilie aftbc'cd parents that he must have been drowned. On Tuesday it was learned that he bai been discovered on a freight train at Orangeville by Conductor Wilson, who snod ascertainid from the lad that he was from Owen Sound and con.uiuiiicated wi'li the police hero and SVednesd^iy morning Mrs. Morrison went dowa to Orangeville and reeo^ered lior hut child wiih whom she uriived home »n the 1 p. m. expieis.â€" 0. S. Advertiser. -A siuKiilurand painful accident happen- ed soiuo time hist week to ihe nine iiHintlis old child of Mr. and Mrs. Albert AlcCaiin, Seymour street. On Sunday morning H bile bathing tlio child, Mrs. McCanii iioiicid a white thiead protrud- ing fro;u the back and eoncludiug that a iiocdie was «ml(dcd in the Hesh, imitjed- lutely summoned Dr. Druuunond, who advisi'd that the little paiieiit be removed to Culangwood hospital. The child was taken to the hospital on Mondiiy morning and the needle removed by Dr. Drunmi- ond and Dr. McFaul, of Cudingwood. liow the accident occurre 1 or the loiig'h of lime tiie i.o.die had been iu tho boily is a matter if cnjeclure as thu baby had not appeared to be unusually fretful. At pro>eiit tho child is resting lasilj aud should no cuiiiplicatioiiB ensue u fpuedy recovery is ex\jectcd.â€" Mirror. Misrepicseiitatiiins generally recoil upon the head of the p,'rpelratiir. Kenneth MeKoiizie cf Kincaidiiio h>is leaiiiid this at considerablu cos'. Ho leiited a farm nben ilii. siiow wis on the ktro'Jiul to one T. E. \\itlker, stating that It was Well wateied and free from weeds. Ii turned out, however, that tlio place »as full of wild .jaU, and til tt early in the suiiii III all the n liter dried up, there not be:iig oven enough lor domestic purposes. Walker's crop didn't amount to unyibing and he lost money on his cattle because there waa no n.ittr. To luiike tilings worse .MoKoni'.o had eei;;ed his catt o for rill', so ho dain:iges all uiound. The case w«s tried wiihoiit a juiy, and the .ludge salted KcKeiizie to the tune of §600 and costs. However, in rendering jui'giiieir he outi rid u slay of proceed- ings for ;iU days in order to give the dolendaut time to appeal, if besodobires Lafayeita Dales, who tltuires ns a foini or citizen of Oivoii Sound because of lia\- iii^ lived here aboul live years a'.;o, a-u., louudguilty of iho criuij of murder in Saturday last at Ogalaht Nebr<iska, .iiid sonleuced to life iinyiiaonmeiit. Hi-i pattner, a woman nnnitd Mrs. Smith, whom Dales asserts actually tired I bo shot which killed Volley Mann, was sentenced lo impri'onmentfor a term 'if thirty nii • yeais. â€" O. S. Adveilisor. Hvrberi Lawrence, of Toronio, son of .lolin I.*wrence, of Egremont township, came home last Tuesday for a short holi" day, and was assisting ono of his brothers in felling some treef, when a branch of one struck him, uillictiiig such s.-vero ii'jvrica that be died in leaa thaiinn hour. „,o other. Tho youimes^ on-, i. rising 1 ^^^^i 'Sdl^rrilaluSa^'S:^ «'"â-  ''^«l ''i'" '•'"^'y J. & W. ^oj^d GENERAL AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS Fiesherton - - - Ontario. w E are openinsr up a merchant tailoring business under the niaMMKiiiont of Fied Morley nliois a first class workman. We have a coiiipli te range of new and up-lo-daie stock. Wo giiaraniee a perfect tit. Call and see the aoixls ~ jiL'.t ill the collier r..oiii MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. N .MEN'S FURNISHINGS we have all the new and latest styles Hats, Caps, Fancy Vests, Socks, Shirts, Collar^, Ties, Etc. m dSoots d- okoes Avery laree range of Ladies and Gent's Fine Boots and Shoes in Box Calf, Vice Kid, Dong, Oxiilood, Tan an Patent Leather. N EW Dress Goods in all the new shades and patterns â€" prices 55c to 81.50 per yd, also a large assortment of Ging- hams, Zephyis, Linens, Prill's and Muslius A coniDlete range of Ladie'a Ready- to-wear GariiifUtsâ€" Skirts, .Jackets, Wai its, L'lider- sliirt--, Etc. Flour and Feed. Wo Krcp 1)11 land a full sloik of Flour ard Feed including Feed Flour t-boris, Bnin and the fatuous Five Ro;ea Flour made by the Lake of tli... WnidK Millii'g Co , Ktwatiii, tviry Lag of which is guaiauteed if not EKtisfuctoiy rttuin it ard s;et yi ur money. Hardware. N\ebaicuwe!l a^seittd sl< ik of Hi idwartâ€" pailiis coi.tcmplalirg building^ will do wi 11 to t:ct c nr jiicis btfi re purchasii;g chewhereâ€" also a nice liuo of stoves, tinware etc. l^arrows, Plougb$» ereatn Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY "â€"nii i 1 1 i "f »«.j»ip ^i Heard's Carriage Works ; 0ce:^^»:8:^c8:8:^ocB:^^:8:e:^C8:e::f oo»^3:8>^ Farms for Sale & Rent UK) jioii'H chnice land, lut 17, eon. 11, tnwii- 8iii|i (if Ohjutv. out* mil^ finin IV>t'isha!n. l.:ujje bank Imiii, straw f*!ieil luljoiuiiiK* Inip'e- incut lnniHi\ \w\%\i framt' dwelling houj-c, (.jimhI oiclinrJ aiui wcH, 47 hcits f-iU pltMiplir'i, IC :vcivH iroud l>nsh, Imlaiicu m'edtn duwii, well ftuced. Apply to Will. DAVIDSON, KuUuv, Out. I^fiitii for Mle, containing ono lumrtred acroe iiicvi* cr IcRH. bi inn lots l-*t-Hi?. con. 1. N.* I". Tovoiuo S^iUiilaui icnrt. iib.-ut linlity ncrt-s olfiiifit; Imltinoi- bij"*!'. On the? piop rty it* one frinif hiun ;i«x,Vi o.i stort*! bat^mient wiUi coii- ctoto stHl>lii;|{ Kntlpooi! Jiupli'iiitMiiKlieO. Ki"inir i.wcHiii^ lioii^f, f moll orehaxt. two ^:t)(ul ntillK. Also two f-piii jiK on baili t'ntl of jliu'e. There iivi' tliitty UC14H full jloii^^hetl. five aiTds of fall will ut.Wt M ft'iced and in afiood state of cult v;i- tion. This is one of the liff-t farnih in tlio tcwiisliip Bid ean bb botif'ht rielH. It i^ HJtimt- •i[ otiu mile from Flesliviton antl live niiljs front AiHili.'ftU-. A|»yly to IIICUAKUSON P.IIJS. Kie,-il»tnti>n Co^ ion's 9^ eat 9?far/cei. All kiiiJs offresli and smokeil nieafs, head cheese, sausage, always on baud. CASH r.ui) FOR hides. Jus. ^Ue/ocklin, T otH .H-i and .v., ron. .'t S I) 11, um arvi'P. 0.') clpur-il ^ 10 tiTMs p.istmc, liiilat'i'o .voimI bii«*!i. Ilai't* ro.x.'O, (Irtvin^ sbefl, K"0'i ftauit^ honic, 2 woll-;. I aevo of orehartl \\\A Rtone Wdll nu'lerbaiii. Sanueen viver cvoshch back of farm. WeM ft-nced and in Kood ntaie of rnltivation, :i miles from Piofcon Stati* n. For terms apply on prcniisvs to J \Mi:s H. V.\US::. rioton station \\0r nule clump, ni rent. ImmotliHte po«"Ry8iiion ' l.Pt:JO eon. 14, .Artcmeain, alnnit 7"> RcieH clear, oomfortablo loj* houito and franii' barn. Ajijily to It. .!â-  Sproub>. Klesberton, or Jobu J. Martin, ac;ot>B thu roa.l fi-oin naid ha. T otH V. J 8 anil P. Con. l;i, in tbctowtiHliip of '-* Osprey, bWucrea, latKu cl«ftri n^. Koud frame baru and Ktublea, &!ood dwolUnt* and well. Ap- ply on the pieuiisen or to IW. J. hKLLAMY, Flcsbcrtou l,''orMale ebeap and on eHsy tovnis, vs^'^X com- *- lortable frame dwelllrK. stabto and driviu;; lunise, wllh three villniio Wtf, in ('e>Uti>. Dwfi* liii^' well bnilt and Anisbttd and Kuod beariug Old. aid on tiie piop-ntY, Apply to K. J. Si'HoiLi:, Fk'sheitou 1^'or sale or vei:t~-10v) aero farm. 1 aere of or- ^ cluird, lU aeroM buHli inchidii.s i acroH hard wood, well watered and yood fcneua, biiek ItouHfl, framo barn,' 1) ndlea from sehool and pi'Ht olhue, Ii miles tio'n Proton Station. Kor pii'-e and terin.H of HKhi avtply to Win- Taylor. K>i 7<('71, con t northof IHuiiuni road, .Vrtoinesia ihrv^o yoarn oM, anil weiglu ItJOO llw, i Hemcdv in une<nmlled a-* ' I ifarrv " " WiU â-º cure for croup, f \\vii, hid. ... i,tii /I • f \f - j: i f ^..»" â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â- .? .» iiTLn, Ki If t«viit-Li)\vii, iiKi. 1 A divoroo bill u» i»ri'Vi*itt tho iruiltv M..«l!,ll«ntnogof\\ajpm died from wii-n Kiven «« kooi, ... the croiipy •o.„«li I p-uiy in « divorce nmrryii.g ag»in in loel*jaw, c.ui.e.1 by riiiniins » luMy "»•• 1 ^''1'*,'''*; '"^ '''""7^^^^^^^^^ """'-I'/ C''i,.».U w».s imr..duce.l it. the Seiiato l.v , , . ., I U inuneit «ucciKMully 111 iiiuuv tnonsiiiiclit of u ^ r\\ i . i' â-  i ' into her foot the wei-k jirevious. homes, I'^m sale by W. K Uic! f>id-. m. »enut,.r Clornii, b»»" Juday. Hnvo you a [miiiâ€" of any fcind, any- wliereV btti)) just H miiiut* »iid think! It niRlltrs not wbither it be womanly jniiiis, hend jminn. or uny kind of a imin, I one of Vii Shin-|.'"slitilorinU Paiiil\iblct« wi 1 niriily Ht.ip it ill 10 niinntes. F.irni- nil pliiiily I'lintido.i the 25c. box Sold by all dealer*. I otH e.'», 00 aii'l i>7, t'oii ;i .'\itemi^.<«ia. I.'iO iicrot* -*â- ' I'O cifttrt'ct anil iiutlsr cultivation, ftll fonccd twcKtiiirl orcliaids; Iaiko Ivaiiie t>arii, t>a.Hoiuoiit Oarii and oitttir Ii-aino l>.ii-ii '.M.x:kl, fraiuo dwe'l* iiih', This will bu iiiailo a koo.I tliiux fur tlie riylit niau W. II. MoNAl.LY, 1 unlaw Vol Ront-lot 'A, con 4, Ai toiiiuhia, 100 acres 8.» ^ lo IK) rloartil ami in cultivation, coinfartatjlc (IwulliiiK, liaiilc lini'u, ntouo 8tal>lln^4, ii< it llrnt c!aH>4 Buttluineiit auit vull wuvtliy tho iittfLtiun o; tbouo i-cqniii^i^ s;icli. 1I..I. SI'UOtr-l-;, Ilc.-hui-lon j ,it:l. con. il'siMcy. lie acri'K well liinbiTuil. •' r-'or toruis uto, ainily to It. lluberm, Lady I'.ftiilil'.O. El Dorado Farm. Jliecp l.nlls and h.ife^ „„ |,„„j ;;',:!!';â-  " "" " "•"';'"â- 'â-  "/ ••""â- fie ami io«. comb n.HMi loKhori,, ,mc .Mi,>;lccoi„h white 1okIi.,,u eock.-.cls Lot 32' Con..\ Cha.,. StiUfor." Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. an.NnalU-"'"' ni.o""'""' "'".''««' <" bioodi.iR at .-'."onaldo ,o,'c":. «>«'"*'""'«ifcr» fur «l5 Lut ;;icc.u.5 fHAS. i.VAFKOKD. FlcshcrtoD Til Hcrefords For Sale. „„>, i'?; '''""if'- '"' M'ive. and five heifem s n "% '"",'* â- ;«>". I"o«t Oltice. f.otOtt JiincUun. '" ''"'â-  '""« f^'"" S""«--'«« J. A T. WAT,SOX. _ VILLAGE PROPLKTY FOR SALE uud':?o''.,itirtiun'"-*'"' '"' "-'• ti.:"st';ar: PUMP -MAKING "oodei, ,u,„n,a m.inuf;ictiired thn.iixliout ana reiaii-8 promptly r,hI sntistactorily attended to. I «.o ni-cnt for thiee of the bent iiou lumip manufacturera in Outaiio. A cnrd drop,, -d t., im, at Ceylon V. «ill liHve n.y prdinpt aitentioii Your I"itr.,nige lesiH-ctfully solicited. dAMEbi A. McLean, CurrlQ's Corner, Ceylon P. O. t 1

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