Makch n IftOS) niE FLESKERTON ADVANCE i^>v^^;:^7.;^:^^3.:l^:^^?^;s5^^:^^^ FXHILL & CO., = Markdale Convincing Proofs in Bright New Spring Goods This wf.'ok we litive placed in stock some very heavy .shipments of bright, new {^(luds iiichidiiif,' ninny new lines of Canadian made floods as well as the latest pat- terns in American and English linea. We wonld ask you to see what we are show- in}jj in the way of New Prints, New Gnighams, New Muslins, New Dress Goods, New Laces, and the new spring styles in !^hoes and Clothing. For this season we ire showing a very extensive range and the values never were better. 5ee the New Zenda Cloth In An\eriean Prints with the Borders, the Newest Thing on the Market ^ w o aio .'•lum in<! this wtck a new iiiid direct iiiipnrtiition of Ameiiciui I'l iiit« citUi'il /5;>mU Cioth. tine ol(Jt!i, fiist ciilois and tlio ])ntten)H arc entiiely new, Iwiiig ri>|>re.seiitod in all the new colors llie f.iiioy l.order, tiio style oii flio niurket. Kxtm .special value per yard , Tliis i.s ii very with -j^Q^ MILLINEI^Y MILCINEI^Y On Mi>iKUy next our Millinery Parloi-s will ftga II oceii for spring trade with Miss .Stein aeain in ch.irgo. Tlio advance styles for spring will tlicn I.e r>i)en for your inspection, b'nr early buyers who mh m.t prepared to wiit for the forniol ojjcnings wo will be jdeased t j sliow the new advance stylcM. GRANITEWAHE GRANITEWARF 5'' i I This is the week of our Graniteware Sale, so if you wish to take advant age of the opportunity to huy Granite\vare cheaper than it can be bought whole sale, be on liand this week. In publinlird ercry TliurBdiiy at $1.0oer|i aimumif i>ai(J in advancij, i^.M if not ho i>aid. NKT ADVERTISING RATF-S 1 culuniD diiii>lty one year, Hit) Half column one year, 930 tjiiartof column one year, tl."" Ki>rtni«htly clmiiRC'' 'f retjiiireil QuotatiocB for tramient advertising will tie given ou applicatiou The plea of insanity iu cases of murduF, as used so frequently now in the United States, has also been plead- ed to good effect in this couutry*. Probably the lirjt iustauceof tlie kin] vas that of a .^[ontl•eal uiau who was iried for murdeiing his wife in 1802, and wlio was defended by Thomns D'Aicy -McGco. The plea that decid- ed the jury f jr acqiiital in that case wuB that "tlic man was suffering from a bad ease of sinuUpo.x and was not responsible for iiis actions." i> The Alljerta I.f(.;ia!atnre jins been dissolved and the election tul(e!> place on Maicli 22. We notice that Dnncan llarshall, the erntwLilc editor of the Clarksbnij} Reilector, later llefonu candidate, organizer and ull-round orator in the old Iloss regime hero, lias jauntily plumed his pinions and will soar into politics onco inoro and probably into the Alberta Lt!,'i3latmc forOld.sâ€" at least he expects to get there litis time. Outaiio was too crowded for him and he wtiit west some years ago wlierc he conid expand with the country. Duncan was a good natnred boy and a favotitu with Itcfonn audiences as we rcmombcr liim hero. Wo havo received the first number of The Clarksburg Review, iniblishcd by E. W. Joiinstoii. Thornbiiiy and Ciarksburt; each had their local paper nutil a few years ago when llicy were united in The Uorald-Reflector and issued fro;n an oflice in Tlionibury. Clarksburg insists on liuving a print- ing oflice of its own, Jience the " Re- view. " Since the days of Jerome Farewell the Tiiorubury. Clarksburg dot on the county map has been noted for its restleHsncBs and changeablo attitude toward journaliBts who havo tried to cater to the reading public. Newspapers havo coino and gono like flowers in summer, and some of them did not leave a sweet odor behind. The people of Ciarksbnig hope that the present venture will prove inor«s of the nature of an everlasting posey. o A child died the otlier dny whoso father was hanged for murder. 1 ho doctors say that the child Htarvcd to death. Its mother was in straitened tfircumstances because the bread- win- ner had been taken away by what we fiall justico. lie liad miirdorcd a fellow man, and therefore )iis life wan forfeited. Hut was the child's lifo of the old law "an eye for an eye ai.d """'^ «'f bis l»rg« property in the neigh- a tooth for a tooth?" If both queries *"""'"'"'^- . i- 1 •. • **ii motion of Mr. J. D. Laidlan* .lec- require answerinj' negatively it is, .,,,,„ liamiaH, .^ei, , 1 ' T. • o"'led by Mr. E. Marrow, it was resol- time some change was made. It is a , ,.,, ., „ , ' ^ " . v«d, â€" That the Postmaster General bo strange commentary on our bumanily ;^„iji„„^.j ,^ ^,,„„g^ „^^ ^^^^ ,,f ^^.^ that we can send hundreds of thousj[,u,toflice from Nottawasa«a f. Srayner ands of dollars to earthquake and post-oflico; also that the Northern Rail- famine sufferers, and at the same ""y Ci'mpmy be petitioned to change time'send malefactors to the gallows ''"* name of ihe station to .St.-iyner, in the without making provision to sustain '"*'"^ "^ "'" Toatmaster Geneial acceding the lives of those dependent upon""""" ""'"â- •• thtra for the breath of life. Thei ^ '"""" "f '''""•'s was thtn pa.ssed to State should look further than the;"'* '-â- '"*''â- """"'"'* ''^« '"'^*""S ««P»'"^«''. gallows and see to it that the penalty! is not meted out to innocent women and children in its aduiinislration of justice. Of course wc have binevolent societies and poor houses that are Reported Gold Discoveries. (Frona the Globe of June 13, 1802) The C(dlinQ«ood Enterprise says tliata , , , , , , , party of uidii seekers left that place dur- s'.ippo.scd to look after such cases, but :„„ ,i. , . . , , , , â- " ' , ini; Mio p'lst wt'ok, on board ihe AiijiiH the above is an instance where air Morrison, for French River, from whence these sources of rescue failed. They they will proceed to Lake Nipiswing, in ail have a good woik to dobut some'sBarch of gold, whore it i« said to exist iu way, Eonietiracs, dtserviug cases are: congidenibloi|u«ntitit«. Tim fouinlation overlooked and tho humane puhliol"'" "" '"'^I'^diiion is a vaHuerepoi-tsaidto receive a shock that makes them h""'' ^''""""â- '•''''•^''1 "•"*'"' ""'"''• *>"' Hluidder. There should be somei''"'!''!'''"''^'" "'" ^'•';'«'' "'"S. 'h»^ B'-U had lieeii found on L.ikc Iiiuifcamingue Wo know not, llio i.tory. Sir (hfinite plan for looking after cases of east of Lake Nipiasiug. this kind without relying upcn Boci-j ^,i,„ ,.„,y„ i^,,^^,^,, f„ fctios and organizations. The law, \, „,. Loyan is in England, hut Dr' Hunt itself should bo constituted the I can, perhaps, tell us whether there ia any gnaidian of the helpless ones where rcaaon to expect tho .lisciivciy of cold in llicy are left as was this poor woman I 'I'"*' region. The event wnuld have a and her little one, and not be allowed '"O' ^ ilfect in ..pening for settle- to consider its duty done when jt ;"'«"'"'« "I'P«'^'ttaw«. and iho region to . 1 .1.1.1 , the ea»t of tjjo Oeorciau I5ay. takes awny the natural protector and i . i_ ° ^_ provider. When Love Was Hot. i. cigar in tlie hniids of her beau causi'd a Walkeiton swi'cthtart to get so iiii- coniforiably hot on Sunday tliat fhe almost Our Scrap Book 'I'liu Advnnco man owiih a lot >,{ old 1 .â- , . ., 'went up in smoke. Tho couolc had been ne»K|>apirB dating bt-lwein Iho years ,,, ' , | n â- t.« . iRin ...,,i tu-o 7.. .1 II 11- .â- to Lliit-Iey and were dnvinL' homo wh;-n IMn 'iiiu IKill. ill iness (lid iiu'ilications , , , . . we lind li \a»t immlijr of itcniH (hat, will prove inleioKtiiig reading and wo iiilend lo divoto H corner to them each week for a tiini>. How Stayner Was Named (Krom th« Globe of Oct. ;f, lKt}2) A meeting w«h held at Noble's Hotel, NottawasBga Station, on ThurHday even- the afcu'said toau dropped a lighted IciuHr oi) a horse lilttiikeL in tlio cutter, j Love being Mind and the liufl'alo robe think they did nut see the hluzo which wan graaually eiivuloping tho boltom of the cutter. Ax thuy drove on ihoy beL'an to feel the climate gotling nultry and the youiiK Indy hfgan lo i amove her furs. She would hkod to havo jumped into a Know bank, but m tliis waa unfasliionabls dccoruoi HUesatitout. tier temperature however, c.)iitinuii>|j on thii liso, aho in,?, Ihe 28th ult., to consider tho pio- jsu^mMed di«;:«nsing with the roho. On priety of changing the name of this .ainini, the robe a volley of llamea and thriving little village, in coiiwiu.nce of ;„,„„i<, yi.oi „ut which caused tho occu- there being a village and poat-oftice in J iM,,t8 f. slare jawod with lurpriKe. the »»mo township ii«med Nottawa ; the The clothes of ihu young lady were dis- Mimilarity of naniOH canning much incon- jcovsrod to he on (ire .â- mU before the blazo »enicnc«-IetterH, paptr«, and even goods ^eoiild bo oxtinMuished shewa« badly forNoltawasagabeingfrequently sent to burnad nnd ahuoti, i.udo.- The younu Nottnwa, and vice ver«a The chair was occupied by Anuns (hum, E«i|., Mr. I'Mward .Marrow auting ag Secretary. On motion of Mr. 11. Itoas, sorondod by Mr. \\m Smith, it was reaolved,â€" That It in deairabloto change the iiaiiio of min u( couiKo camu in for the blame, not only at the hands of tho girl, hut of her father who c'liostnlaled with him thus. "When my (buighter left home with you iho was coinpo.fod of (IbhIi and blood. You have rot urnod her to mo » burnt offering." A Morchod horse blanket and this vilhigo from Nii( (awanaga to some /a piece of burnt woman's apparel wero other name tlial may bs agreed upon al'srolicsof tho coiillagral ion which wore found in the cutter when returned lo Ronnie's livory on Sunday night. â€" Tiinea. (liiN menling, Iho inhabitanlH being at lirenent put to much inoonvanienco by iheir letter*, etc., often going loNoltawa poHl-oftico, and Ivlters for Nottawa fre- quBiilly coming hore. On motion of M. (i. rhillips, Uopuly Reeve, seconded by Mr. John MoKeggie, it w«H lo.iolvod,- That ihia villago bo named ".Stayner" f..r the future, in h.mourof T. A.Blayner, Ekj,, for tho inlertst he baa always taken in tho proa- forfeited as well? Do our laws take I perity of tlie village, and the many BO COgnizaiioo of any further claim ' boneUts conferred by the expenditure of upon them beyond tlie b'riiu execution) •»<'"")' en.our roads, and the improve- Lame Shoulder. Wliftber iPKoltliiK fidni a vpruin or frnin rlicuinatii; jiaiiiK, IIjiit in mitliiii); ho ^ood (or a lainn Hbiiildiw iiM ^OliainliorlaiiiH Liniment. .Vpiily it frei-ly ami rub the parts vigorously III Kaeli api>lUati(in and a iiiiirk eiire. in eertiiii. For aale t>y \V. K, Itiehunlnoii, The District Around Us NV. J. White of ('olliimvuiod lown.ihip In>tja vatualilo eoU in a poauliar umniier. Tho animal reared and Htruck it« head on A benni, killing itieU instantly. Grand Valley will havo a Carnegie library. Tho villape will havo to put up $7i>0 per anniMu fur niaintonance. Tho Clarkibiirg Briisa and Heed Band haa been te-ori;aiiissed. and will be under the lotdcrship of E. NV. J.ihnston. â€" Review. Myer Gcddatein, one of tho victims of tho C. P. U. wieck at Iiigolf, east of Winnipeg luiit week, was a partner of \Vm. Fawcoit, the horse-buyer of Alliw- lon, formerly of DunJalk. Tho horses, of which Mr. Goldstein h:«d charge, were purchased by Mr. FaivceO. â€" IJerald. The inspector for i.sylums \iH;tcd and examined Geo E. Stewart in iheOrange- ville jail laat week aud is of the opinion that his case is hopeless and that his dny.s will bo ended in the asylum. Itisespec- t ed that ho will be removed to Hamilton ibis week.- Shelburno Free Press. Tho Winrt on junior hockey has been pxpelled from ihe O. H. A. a.s a result of leaving the ice during u match at Stratford recently. They will probab- ly form a league with several neighboring toani.s next year, and will ulay in their own back yard. When the case against Mrs. Siinmona of theCoulson H(m«o for keeping liquors for sale illeRally was called at the police court on Wednesday, the defendant did not appear, and it was stated that she had left town. A sontcuce of three moths imprisonment without labor was pronounced by Police Magistrate Cresaor as judgment in the cate.â€" O. S. 'Tiser. At a meeting of the Soutli Grey Tem- perance Association held on Tuesday night a proposal to buy the Hahn House was diicuased. A committee wat appointed to brinj in a report with a view to the formation of a joint stock company to accomplish the purpose. Mr. Hahn we believe is willing to sell, and already ofTera to lake a amount of itock have been nisda. Tho scheme is feasible, and with • good man in chargo there would Le no diflicully in financing tha running of it. â€" Durham Review, An intrrcatiu^ dog killmi; case wa.s tried at Diriiioo Court on Tue-day be- fore Judno Widditield. Thouiu.s Hyslop chariied Conrad Krone with having nhot a valuublo bound belonging lo the plain- tiff, and sued for 825 dainagos. The defendant did not deny the killing, but held tlii.t he had a ri);lit to c'.o so, be- cause the aniiual was a sheep killer. Thoro was no evidence forthcomin?,how- ever, to brimr the guilt of sheep killing homo to the dead canine, and Hfier hear- ing evidence as to hi.s value His Honour gave judgment for the pUintill for {."> and costs. It appeared to bo the opinion in t he court that tho cuiinlry would suf- fer litilo lo.sR if a few more doys woio dispoaedof in :i similar way, â€" O. S. Ad- vertiser. Recently Mr. Robert Tjoughced of Gibraltar BuflVred a heavy Inss by ?.youni; team being smothered in n snowbank Tho teanihadbeen inCilUngwood with a load of wood and wero being driven home when they hocnmo fii'jlitened iind run away. Upon roachin<j; tho corner at (iibraltar luitli aiunmls fell into a snow- bank, and before they could bo releaied, smothered. The team was \ alued at 1300.00 -Herald- He (lector. A ({uiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irwiii of Proton, when their younjjer dnughter, Miirthii .lane, was united in nmrriago to Mr. Win. J. CoulttT of Wcyburn, Sii-nk., formerly of Proton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. James Buchanan, |iastor of Ei'skino sburch, in the presence of iinmediato lela'.ive.s and fiieiicls of tho conlracting parties. After sponding a few week* visiting in Ontiirlu the happy young couple will go to their new home in the West, Tho best wishes of a lar^o circle of friends go with Ihcni.â€" HeraU. Fut tify now against the Grip â€" for it cornea every Ken8t>n sure! Preveiiticn â€" iho little Caiiily Cold Cure Tablets â€" oH'er in ihiB roapteta moat ceitain and depend- able fafcsuarJ. Preventics, at tho "sneeze stage" will, as well, also surely head i tl all common cidds. Hut prompt- If all-important. Keep Preventios in tho pocl<ot or purse, for iimtanl us.'. IJox of 48 for 25c. Mold by all doaleri. John Runiluy, a.<ed 20, ion of Oapt. David Ituniluy, nccidcntally fell into the (.pen hold of tho steamer Tagonnat Owen Sound, alifthtiog on his head, and was instantly killed. Eggs for Hatching. RHODE ISLAND RKD I will havo a few settings of Rhode Island Red ogi!» to spare this spring for liatchini; at MIc and 91 per sotting. Tha supply will be v»ry liniiied, so it will bo necessary to leave ordsi's iu advance, when they will bo tilled in rotation as fir as 1 can supply t loin. W. H. Tm'RST0^.- Fleoherton Wooden Hens For Sale. ThCKK IntcrMtuil 111 pooltry sro hiv-teil to csll ami Inspuot, llio ihauliliiu work. 'I'lio in-, (iiliator we null Ih not a lit Iratloi tliau tlio lidHt, but timt a Utile l.olter tlimi lh« ronl. 1 will liateli elili'kciiaou cuntrtetat tlio rollow- liiK prIvoH fie, for oacl; «a«, or uv: (or uacli ehtckuu one wuek okl. Valuublo reooi|>tM tjlviMi f'-miliiUiiiK liow 1(1 tiout all kiiulii ot (.tlaoase* in fowl.oKlsuil NoiiiiK- It A, NVILSuN, V'ktliorlon, Jlo.s till'-. <<1 »iiii J. & W Boyd. General ^nd l!lardware IHercbants. FLESH ERTON - - ONT. W E have made arangeraents wi'h Messrs. Belding, Paul & Co. of (jf Toronto, wherby we have engaaed their Miss Sipanns, who is an expel t Itacher (f Silk Embroidery in its various hrnnclu'S, to uive free lessons in fancy work to any of our customers who WLsh 10 take advautaee of the opportunity. The free lessons will be given III our millinery show rooms, beeining March 1st. and cou- tmuini.' f(ir two weeks. This i.s an excdlent opportunity for any cne » ho has a taste for fancy wiiik and sbrmid not uoxlect to take advant- age of hours of lessons, !> to 12 a. m. and 2 to 3 p. m. FURS FURS FURS .« the end cf the Ecas(n for furs is approaching we have decided to dl tliLi bidance of imr stock out ut prices without regard to cost. 2 men's Coon Ce als, regular ?oo and §60, No. 1 stock at 845 1 only Bulgirian'Liimb, ivg f 32, No. 1 stock at, |24 1 only Australian Bear, reg §17, No. 1 stock at : ^20 2 ladies' Astrachau Jackets, re» §35 at . . $20 Caperines, Collars, Sable Mutfs, Caps, Robes', Gauntlets, etc., at prices never before l.c.rd of. Golf Jackets in white, navy, cardinal and black, Reg 82.25 at §1.75 '• §1.75 " §125 Childreiis bear skin ciats, sizes 22, 24 and IC, reg from §2 25 to §2.75, selling at §1.83 M en's Overcoat*, regular §10 and §11, selling at §7.50 Men's heavy Rubbers, at prices below coat. Flour and Feed. Wo keep on band a full slock of Flour ard Feed includins Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the fam'ms Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of the Words Milling Co., Ke»atin, every bag of which is guaranteed if not satisfactory return it and get your money. Hardware. We have a well aseoitid 6t()(.k of Hardware â€" pailits coiilemplaliDg buildins will do wi II to get our prices bcfcre purchasing elsewhere â€" also a nice hue of stoves, tinware etc. ^ S^:e»:^^:8:e:^ce:e3^»»:^cfi:83^»:8:^^:e»:^<e:^^ ^iMM Tn Ski gbs» BugaleSt ttladdons» l?arrow$» PlougbSt €ream Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent loo ncres choice liuul, I'lt 17, con. 11, ttuvii- shi|* of Onpri'v. one uiiW fnmi KeveiNhaiii. i*ai>f»' bank luiiii, striiw Hhe<liuljoiiiin»f, Iniple- mriit huiijic. Urj^e fraint* dwfUins hou.^c, giMuI orcliaivi ami wrll, 47 yoivs fill i)l.'Ugln'<l, 10 ai'i'i'H (Toud luixh, balance aeerjfd <li»wn, well firuced, Applv t« Win. DAVIDSON, Robrov, Out. 1.'*arni for sale. contAlniug one hunrlretl acres more or Icbb. bting lota 141-1 il?. con. 1, N-t ^'. Toronto Svilyiiiiaiii rouil. about eighty Hcre» dearofl; bttlance busli. ()n tlt« iiroptrtv ih onu fr»nu' barn :i'.x5o o.t st Jiie ba;:«iiu'nt wltb con* croti' HtabliuK and good inipleinentHlied. Kranie ilwclliiit; lioiiHe» small orchard, two (;ootl welU. AIbo two fipriiiM» on back eml of vl**-'*'- Thcrti urtj thiityucreh fall ploiighcil, live acres of fall wht at.Wfll fenced and in agoo^l state of cultiva- tion. This iH one otUhe best farms in tho townnbip (iiut can bbbotifjhtritfbt. It is sitnnt- ^ «'l one mile fro in FlcHhertcn a'lil tlvo miles from Mmk(*HU'. Apply to HHOH. Klosliortou KICHAKD80N Cet/lon's 9?feat All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, liead cheese, sausage, ahvavs on liaud. - ^ CASH PAID FOB HIDES. Jas. ^ceiocklin. T Ota :H ftiKl 'XS. i-oii. HMD U, lOO aorco, (V) cl(iai"il *â- * 10 a(!re8 pKHture, balajico yood bo«li. llaru O."ix50, driving «lu'(l. KOOd fraUKf hout*i'. 'J woUs. 1 acre of orrlmrd and fltoiie wall tinder barn. •Kaoj^eeii rivt-r croysttK back of farutl NVoll foiicod Rod in ^ood Ktaio of eiiUivation, :i oiitcfl from Trotou Ktali( ». Koi- torniH ajmlv on ]>vend8eH to JAMl'IS II. VAUSr, Pvotoo Station l(*or sale clu'ft|i. (ii rout, imnu'diati* yoflxcKHlon ' Lot .'W con. 14, Ait(uiu.i*ia, aboot 7*t ocnjs clear, ootnfortablo lo^ bout((» and frann* barn. Apiilv toll. J' Sjnoule, KleRlmrton, oi' Joliu J. Martin, aoior.R the road frotii said lot. Iota K \ 8 and 0. Con. l:i, In ilie towhslilp of -^ Oi(|>V((y, l.'iOaoroH, lavKo clearios. ^ood frame barn and litabluH, eood dwolling aud well. t\x- ply on the inoiulKes or to |W. J. BiLLlUY. Flesliortou â- yoraalo cl)((ap and on eosy 'teriofi. Rood com- " fortablti frame dwolllnti, stable and driving house, with three villiiKo lot!<, in Ceylon. llweN linu well built »ud Hhlsbed aud Kood beu'lug orchard on the propertv, A|>|dy to K. J. SruoCLB, Flo8h(;rtou Ij'or Hftloor rentâ€" KXl aero farm, 1 acrii of or- chard, 10 ncroa bntdi incUtdio^j .j acrcji hard* woo(l, WdU watered and tiood tonctm, biick houao, franinbarn.'li ndlcH from «chool and |io«t olHco, a ndlea from I'rotou Htatlon. For jirico and torniH ot aale »VV'v to \i\\\- Taylor, lot 7;i- 71, colli north of Durliani road, Arteuiesia Iota 03, W aii'l 07, eon ;i Aitomosia, I.V) a(!rc9 -> I'lS cluarcd and under ciiUivatlon, all ftnicud two good urcbarda ; largo fraiiio barn. baHoinont barn and oiitor framo barn 2U:Ui, frame dwi'M- liiK. Tbl» will bo m»(l(> ft Koivl thioK for th« ii(!htumn W. 11. MoNAt.l.Y, lortl&w 1('or Ront -lot :i7. con 4, Artcnioiiia, 100 acios.H) to 'JO cleared and in cuUivatlon, comtortablu dwelliiif!, banlt barn, stone ntablinx, 'O a tiret ctasH HottUMnctit and wull worthy tho attoction of tliuao rvijuirlnu Hoch, h. J. SfUGUr.K, Kloshorton I Ok :>. con, 4 t)«i>roy, 100 acvM well tlmberad. ' ' I'ov toruu etc. Bl'l'ly to It. liank I', O. Kobartu, Lady El Dorado Farm. Of Shorthorn cattle aiul L(.ict8ter sliecp BiilU ana lieifcra on hand (11 .sale alao a number of siiigle and rose comb branu IcKhoiii, and sinKlccdiiili »i,it(' k'Khotn ciickculs Li.t 32' Cm. \ Ch as. StiSford. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. l.ivvinmsand Wii,„,i„,, the best of brcodiue aiidqaalitv Hull, cows and boifere f or sala at ruaHonablo inicos Ijot 3icon.5 CMAS, STAFFOKD. Floshertoo Herefords For Sale. Tlircc lit for .sf rvicc, and five heifers 11(1110 licttcr. Vriccs ri^ht, I'lmt Olficc, Proton Station; farm half mile from Suuecen •uiiictKin. J. & T. WATSON. _ VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE Tn. "ii^'ys'Kued ban a ncod \ aero lot iu I ricotille (or sale, ooutaimiiK rounhoaat house, good barn. Rood orchard, two wells, oto, , , "° * •';.•'"''; vacant lot near tho Btatiou, under cultivation. Theao lota must be sold as I aui leaviuR or tho west this sptini!. Apnly for terms, etc to r, • ,„ „ , -HKKBKKT WATSON Pi iccville, Feb. i), lOOO. ' PUMP - MAKING Woodeii [lumps manufactured throughout and rejiaii-* promptly and satisfactorily attendod to. I i»ir. agent for thiw of the best iron immp lusuufaciurortiti Ontario. A card dropped t.j me at Ceylon P. (). will have my prompt attention. Your pntronsge ivapectfully solicitnJ, JAMES A. M CLE AN, Currie's Corner, Ceylon P. O. OPi