. Li; 1 1 \ i ACUTE INDIGESTION Curei Tliroiigli the Tlmelr Use of Dr. WiUiamg' Pink Pills. There is no medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for sto- mach troubles. These Pills are not an artificial appetizer nor a stimu- l*nt. They act in nature's own way by making rich, red blood. This new blood gives vigor to ail the or- gans. When it flows through the tiny veins ^n the. stomach it stimu- lates them and creates that crav- ing which people call "appetite." Then when the appetite is satisfied with food the blood gives the eto- xnoch strength to digest it. The nourishmeBt is absorbed by the blood, a d carried to every organ •ii- the bcdy. That is how Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills cure stomach troubles and all blood diseases. That is how tbey give health and strength to weak, worn out peo- ple. Mr. H. Thomas Curry, Port Jiaitland, N. 6., says:â€" "About three years ago I was attacked with what the doctors termed acute in- digestion. The first indication was a bad taste in my mouth in the morning, and a sallow complexion. Later as these symptoms developed •my tongue was heavily coateo, especially in the morning, and 1 felt particularly dull. My appe- tite began to dwindle, asd even a^ light meal left me with a sense of j Everywhere Wrses were "feeding having eaten too much. As I grew i out," as per Canadian immigra- worse I ate barely enough to sus- 1 tion literature, whose assurances ALBERTA IN MIDWINTER MR. W. E. THOMSON'S GRAPH- IC SKETCH OF CLIMATE. Land of Little Snowâ€" Seldom a Foot Deep on Canadian Prairies. The following graphic sketch of winter cond tions in Alberta is by Mr. E. W. Thomson, the Canadian correspondent of The boston Trau- script : There is very little snow on the prairies ; not enongh to cover wheat stubble. Its goldexi yellow tinges fields of white. Every slough tnat bore high grasses last fall is now visible in ail its outlines by the duu color of that growth, which quite hides the snow. Generally the vast obvious ejcpanse is a symphony of white and grey austerity, wood- land and shrubland furnishing the darker coloring. For many miles in Alberta a singularly beautiful picture effect came of tne curious way in which recently fallen snow slung to the very tips of poplar and willow twigs, which thus ap- peared as bearing white flowers, while the main branches were stark grey, since from them the snow haj hlpwn or fallen off. tain my body, but still experienced the most acute pains. A wretched languor came over me which I could on this matter I never quite be lieved before. These horses, which lie down to sleep wherever they not throw off. It seemed as if I chance to feed last, appeared un were always tired, with but little strength and frequent violent head- aches. The remedies given me by Buy doctor, as well as many others, failed to restore me, or even to re- lieve me. I was in this very unhap- py state for almost a year when I read in a newspaper one day of the cure in a case similar to mine through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This decided me to give these Pills a trial. It was not commonly shaggy, for the exposure causes them to grow long winter coats. So it is with cattle. it Is No Trouble To Work Now So Says Wfss Elsie J. Allen After Using Dodd's Kidney Pills. n* Suff«r«d from Wcahntst and KItfnay TrMtbl*. feut th« old Rsllakt* Ktdnay Rnatdy Cured bcr CompUtaly. fied as to the buildings. Well, that is a vision of Edmonton lost night. IN LOVE WITH THE NORTH. Here the people are certainly in love with their nortli. What good fun they have all winter â€" skating, curling, eki-ing, dancing, using the season for enjoyment ; quite pity- ing all those who have not such a winter to be cosy in, ye unfortunate de|)rived ! It reminds of that grief which the sailor expressed during a storm at eea for the unfortunate folks ashore who were liable to have slates and chimney pots blown about their ears in bad weather. . 4- CHEER UP. Cheer up, chappie ; don't you fret. Smile, for that's the way to do. Not a bit of use to get Blue. Care's an easy thing to whip If you give it biff for biff. Try to keep your upper lip Stiff. Nothing like a grin and grit To repel a hard attack. Laugh at measly luck and hit Back. Better than to lose your grip. Nothing's apt to hurt you if You can keep your upper lip Stiff. Worry never makes you score. Hopelessness will never pay. Aln-ays darkest just before Day. Your day's coming, take my tip. Don't with fate get in a tiff. Just you keep your upper lip Stiff. + A Woman's Sympathy enough Are you dlscourased? la your doctor'ai Dashawav â€" "I want voii fn m<»*i+ bUI a he.iry finincij load? Is your piUn I », ft . •' , ,, °j ' . *° °l , a. heavy pUysicai burden? I know what: *l-rs. Dasher s eldest daughter. She SIXPENCE A WEEK. lU • FoBiily of Fire Hul to Lire on in London. A remarkable story of poverty was told at the Coroner's Court in London. England, last week at an inquest of Jane Alice Noble, aged three, the daughter of an unem- ployed bookbinder of S3'dney Grove, Goswell rood, Clerkcnwell. TORTURED BT RHEUXATISXI Zam-Bnk Will Gire Yon Easel Just at this season when the coU dry winter is giving way to a milder y-jt more humid season, the germs of rheumatism, sciatica, and allied ailments come upon their victim* with renewed force. , Mr. P. G. Wells, of a-W, Ogdea The mother said that she went, street, Fort William, Ont., says :â€" out to buy a little coal, fnd upon j <•£• oHo^jng ^y duties in attending o» ^ . XT T> ., , l'*"" ""^turn found her daugiiter in to passenger trains I often get w«« /c . n °'^; ,^,. "•• ^^'â- <:^ 15 flames. The child was wearing through with rain and steam (th« ^*P"*'*'>~t- . , P^'°* *°** fiannclette underclothing, and she Utter in winter). This with hours weakness which make life almost could not afford a fireguard. She, if duty in icehouswi in ounuoer unbearable to so many women are her husband and children came out -ag no doubt the cause of mv con- f • ^n"il <=«'?Pl«^ly., cured by -of the workhouse a few weeks be-itraeting rheumaMsm in both kneos. using Dodd 8 Kidney Pills, IS once, fore Christmas, since when her ; i^ft arm, and shoulder This (•« â- more shown m the case of Miss; husband had been doing a little' ----- "^ Elsie J. Allen of this place : hawking. 'I suffered greatly from kidney! The Coronerâ€" How much does trouble and weakness before I be- 'be earn on an average? Witness â€" gan taking Dodd's Kidney Pills. ' Miss Allen says. "I was so weak I could hardly get around, and Be bod that I could no longer work, and was laid off on three different occasions for several weeks, dur> ing which I was under the treat- ment of my doctor. I seemed to get little if any better, no matter what I tried, and this was my state when Zam-Buk was reconunend«4 to ine. I laid in a supply, and ta ing them and soon felt better. I j of coal, took seven cured me. "I can now do my work the year'dren lived Last week we only had 23. 6d., sir. The Coroner â€" How can you live T - _ , , I suppose you get outdoor relief ? work was almost impossible. Lifej Witnessâ€" No, sir, we manage as was a struggle till I heard of best we can. We have a penny- _ _ _ Dodd's Kidney Pills. I began tak-I worth of bread and a pennyworth my gVeat iorit~begin'to"cure mZ took seven boxes in aU and they| Continuing, the witness said that \ad\ hen '1 f^w boxerhLlTeea she, her husband and three chil- used, found I was free again froM ,^M„-i ,r.A A ^ t 1 •. M L u . '? °°* 'â- '^*"° **^ ^^® rent the pain and stiffness of rheum»- whi^h ,wi . r U ''• ^^' '''''u "L^*- \^^^- ^. !»»«« I b*-« h*<l no more troubU ,, wJ^l/^ t !, '?« ^"."'"•^'J The Coroner -That only leaves . from the disease and unheKtatingl, 1? well and strong and I don't feel , you 6d. to live on 1 Witness^Yes, i recommend Zam-Buk to all wh« any pains at all. ! sir. tiff f The root of women's troubles is ! 'The witness told that on one oc- " '°™ in the kidneys. There is not a easion a lady gave her Is. 6d weak, suffering woman in Canada; The Coroner's uiticer said that that Dodd s Kidney Pills will not he found the room very clean, help, and in nearly every case There was, howevtr, hardly a scrap ' ' of anything in the room, with the Dodd's Kidney Pills will work a complete cure. .-«_ been roust be more or less fed from hay i cur* or straw stacks, else they go very thin before spring. ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT. The quickness with which cattle and horses adapt themselves to change of climate is such as signi- These ! {^.t^dS^^edno^V'utTeS^n'iAo^I^ '\ ^^^ ^?^^ intelligent of the three myself. I want to relieve jour b'.;r- i Of them. Cleverton â€" "No, thanks; I've l^y not end tbe pula and stop tiia bill? I ran d« tills lur you and long before I felt some relief fromig^^ ^^^ ^^^ following facts, which I the distress after meals, and as 1 1 •..„ I_ tu^ „.,.i,„_f.„ „f \i. n^. continued tho use of the Pills all languor and drowsiness and head- aches left me and I began to en- joy increased energy and new strength. To-day I am a well man, enjoying the best of health, with never a twinge of the old trouble, and I attribute my cure entirely to the fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The-se Pills are sold by all medi give on the authority of Mr. Car- ruthers, Winnipeg, an eminent I dealer in furs and hides. Suppose, j he says, a cow bore twin calves, I the two indistinguishable. Take I one to Mexico and the other to ! Peace River, some 700 miles north ! of Edmonton. The calf in Me.\ico will grow a very thick hide and little hair. The calf at Peace River will grow a very thin hido dens. W"! doctor's b Wilj If you will assist me. AU you neoj do Is to wrl^ for a free box of the remedy w!ilch h.os been pir.ced In my b.nnda to be given awiy. Perhaps this one box Tsill cure you â€" It has done so for other*. If so, I siiall be huppy and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a Sostajte staraD). Tour lt?tters held oonn- enttally. T/rlte to-i!.Tir for nnv fr»e trf-it- Kest. UR3. F. S CUaiUil. Wiudsor, One rheumatism, muscular itiffness, etc." Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for eczema, ring-worm, ulcers, absco*- ces, piles, bag leg, suppurating wounds, cuts, burns, bruises, chap- ped hands, coid cracks, and a^ exception of a box, which was used ikin injuries and diseases. All drug. as a cot and table. The latter was used by the man and woman as a bed, tho covering being a blanket and a rug. He found not a scrap of food in the place. There is nothing equal to Mother , , .. T , â- , , Graves' Worm Exterminator for de- learucd more than I ought to know : ^.troying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. and stores sell at 50c. pel or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of pricow KStS cox, from the other two.' Repeat It:â€" "Shilob's Car* xrVl always cure my coombs and culUa." "This is the seventeenth time I I've seen you in the dock," said a magistrate, looking at a prison- There ought to be a plank in every political platform guaran- teed to give the candidate a waUD> over. Rep«»tlc:--'8blIoh's Car* will aJwovB cure ray eouatis acd colda." "Jane," began Mrs. Newlywe<( : â€" i ti.-nidly, "I dont suppose^-erâ€" that If a henpecked husband had asb.o" wou!d-er-obj«;t to_ my get-l^^air, but I've" never thought of complaining about it!" rep" much «pirit is a mouse perhaps his' '*"!? *d alarm-clock /" "Not at all, •wife would be a little afraid of ma'am!" replied the er sternly. "Yes; for eight years now I've seen you sitting in the CALVES Ralsg Thai Witbaat milk. Ste«l* Br<«gs .SoaJ C*., LtiL. Toreal* LOCAL AQENT8 WANTED him. A Recognized Regulator.â€" To hving the digestive organs into symmetrical working is the aim of physicians when they find a pati- sleepy maid "Then things never disturb me at all!" prisoner reproachfully. ugiit oi I Knlarf.dPnrtmlu. Fr»ni««»Jid Art Specialties lied the ! ^'^ profit*. FuII iiist.-ui:tlaiu. Catalatrie aaa I bajnples free. P9BTBAiTs«pn.Y ea, rs eascas sr. Toaanri cine dealers or you can get them ' and long hair. Again, consider i>y mail at 50 cents a box or six muskrats. A peace River rat has boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. OFFICER MAILED BY A LION. When Wonndcd, the Savage Beast Sprang I'pou Him. Among the passengers who ar- rived at Plymouth, England, the other day, by the P. and O. steam- er Marmora was Lieut. G. S. An much fur, and a hide so thin that it will not long hang together when sewed, hide to hide, as lining for overcoats. H^evnce it is a low- priced pelt. The best muskrat pel- tries are those of New Jersey, where the hide is thick and the fur thin, because such peltries endure when sewed up as coat linings. Know- ledge of these interesting facts in natural history once put a pretty penny into my" informant's purse. Every year he goes to England. R*p«at It:- ''Shlloh's rare will olwojra oura my oouaba and colds. " Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup i.s an unparalleled remedy for,' "Is the shoe too small ?" tender- , ^ colds, coughs, influenza and dis- ! ly asked a fond swain of his sweet- ent suffering from stomach irregu- , '^^^^^ of the throat and lungs. The , heart, who was moaning about jlarities, and for this purpose they j ^^^^ of the medicine rests upon' cramped toes. "Oh, no! The shoe (can prescribe nothing better than i J"«^rs of successful use in eradicat-j i< just right, but my foot is too big jParmelee's VegeUble Pills, which j '"S >hese affections, and in pro- ! â€"that's all." i will be found a pleasant medicine | t«ct:ng mankind from the fatal rav-| of surprising virtue in bringing' *?^s of consumption, and as a neg- ! "a uttie esid. tou Know," »m become a itroa* the refractory organs into subjec- •^'c'ed cold leads to consumption, J;?X Van?,*"Ni;1h^%':HMn 't'^'bf,a''w;rh I >\ â- ' K WANT BKLLVBLE V.Zy AXD WOMKJf r ill o»«r ian.vUi to wirk f-ir m dorlBg t>ir »P*re hour* Mlling oor high trade Perfume^ 5\ i»t RequUites. TeaJ. Coffee., %tc. So experlr i.ice n«<.-«.3^r>- W.>rk plaasaat in<t r«munerati»ek ih> Uome Specialties Co., Dept. W, Tiaabf ^veuue, l^'rvnto, Canada. Tfteity-Five Post Cards a)*)ned, l.-wiijcan»«. Sowers. »ie"s, c^mfot. etc., t-,r ten cent*. SOR-M.AS PKKL, London, Ont; tion and restoring them to normal action, in which condition only can they perform their duties properly derson. Eighteenth Hussars, of Once visiting the London hide ex- Dawlish. Lieut. Anderson, who ' change he saw a lot of hides put up has been attached to the Intelli- j for sale by number. He bid them gence Department, is suffering in. Ijccause he observed them to be from blood poisoning, the result: from Mexico, at the usual "by Some fellows can't even dis- charge a duty without making a noise like an explosion. Rep«at It; - 'IS'illoh's Cure wlilolwaya car* my ooui^hji aud colds. " _ .,. *!.->., '»*> tne inngi. >ip the p< one cannot be too careful to fight Allena Lung Balsam, a sure remedy ooatalaias in in its early stages. Bickle's ;•• ''»'*'^ Syrup is the weapon, use it. When a woman meets a man after her own heart, the chances are that he isn't. of a mauling received from a lion a month or six weeks ago, on the borders of Sumaliland aud Abys- sinia, j In company with a native ser- vant, Lieut. Anderson went out for number" price. "Now," said ho, "put them on the scales." They W'eighcd so much more than the usual that they weie immediately bid in at twite what he had bought at ten minutes earlier. Thus do » day's shooting. Finding a lion at. the tru'y wise profit in this vale of short distance, he fired, and the shot grazed the animal's skull, slightly wounding it. The infuri- Sted beast leaped upon the officer. much Ignorance. The only oth<-r important fact picked up during the journey is i that there is an orange marina throwing him to the ground, andl ,^^^ ^^.j^ ^^ p^;,, Scotland, and bit h.m through the knee just as ^ ^^^j^j^j ..g^^tch marmalade," UrS^r^tnf. X th" *^"^,;^?ri which is as superior to all other Darreled sporting rule through its' i j o i -n head. The animal continued io ' °'"r*^t, """T'^fi "' !(! . claw and bite him, while Lieut. I â„¢o' c"*]/ acknowledge themselves And?rson, fighting for his life. ! ^. 'l*' *° "^%^ ""'"*'!. 7 "^"- ^ clubbwl the lion with the butt end . *"®'^ ^'j^ Paisley article, and pro- of the rifle. All the while blood ^®^^ ^"^ ^* * connoisseur m the pre- serve. Every time the average man makes a good guess he has a lot to say about his superior judgment. lite Japa Old It. Tliey snppMed the Menthol fonnil ill -The HAL" Menthol Plul«r. which relieves Instantly backache, beailache, nearalgia, rhoumati&m and sciatica. A small boy's idea of politeness IS not to ask for a second piece of pie. Holloway's Corn Cure is the medicine t remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs curo'my coughs and colds." the small sum of twenty-five cents "Mr. Bubkins," said the proud father, shaking the young man warmly by the hand, "let me tell you that you are a man after my own heart." "Oh, m., sir," pro- cause dyspepsia dulls the faculties tested the blushing suitor; "I m „„^ shadows existence with the Suffer No More. â€" There ate thou- sands who live miserable lives be- after your daughter's!' after a Cold Drive tlont tM to take a testpooa. fnl of I'ainiiller mixed with a g'.-wt uf hi>t water and sugar. It surelr prevonu chilU. AioiJ sub- stitntes, there Is but one " Painkiller"â€" Penr Datia'â€" Sic. and Ma ' A physician upon opening the door of his consultation room ask- ed : "Who has been waiting long- est?" "I have," spokd up the tailor. "I delivered your clothes three months ago." Rep'at It:- "Shlloh'8 Car* will always < e rloud of depression. One way to j dispel the vapors that beset the vic- tims of this disorder is to orucr them a course of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, which ar? among thej best vegetable pills known, being ^asy to take and are most efficaci- ous in their action. A trial of them J will prove this FRUIT LAND. rive acres, cljse to rail and Vane jorer. B. C Prico I ',410. terms. Also city and suburban lota and Ai*r«a£s. GEOBOE A. KKNDAM, Healer in Koalty. tit Uastiogs St. W.. Vaueouire r, 10.0. Dyeing I Cleaning I Vet kb« vary kost tawj |-9«j work ta (As ••â- aiTtSM AKIRICAM PTIINO 60." Itfoe fsf aavet ta r*** town, or aoae eir«ea. Msatrsal, T«rooto, Ottawa, Qaek*% And the old hen moves in a of her own. set was stteaniing from the wounds of the lion, which was of unusual size. The native f^crvaiit, although practically unarmed, rushed to the aid of his injured master, and at „ . length the animal, exhausted frtmi ' commonly imagine this dear north NOT IN GEE^VT SNOW BELT. Down east, down south, in all aged parts of the continent people You can't have a mild winter and hear the jingling of sleigU bells, too. Repeat It:â€" "Shlloh's Cure will olwan cur* my coughs aud c olds." Many a man who never suffers from gout will tell you that his left foot never feels right. the loss of blood, slunk away, leav ing Lieut. Anderson almost over- come, and iu a very precarious condition. Subsequently dead at scene of the encounter. The in- jured officer was conveyed to the coast, and at .\dcn embarked for London, where ho will be treated in a hospital. to be a region of much snow. That is wrong. The great snow belt in- cludes Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, etc. It does not incluile Winni- ucntly the lion was found>peg, Ilegina, Calgary. Edmonton. a little distance from the g^.(^,.pp„ Sudbury, Ont., and Fort William the white blessing dimin- ishes notably. It is seldom a foot deep on the Canauian prairies. In Edmonton the street cars are run without any expense for snow- shovelling, an item of great cost iu Ottawa and Montreal. Here the streets are covered by a thin uni- form white ; no heaps from side- walks aud car tracks; sleighing ex- cellent. Fancy a white e-xpanse two hundred fret wide ; a single row of uncommonly brilliant electric lamps down the middle as far as eye can reach ; around every lamp a prismatic halo; more stars over- head than you ever dreamed of, and every one seeming to dilate as it sparkles : chimneys giving off a white smoke that disappears almost instantly ; men and women fur- coated and largely face-covered in fur, all striding fast; footsteps crisply grinding dry, hard snow ; a sense of exhilaration with every br«ath e.xhaled as a little cloud; all this in streets remarkabljr citi- ToarM; Sewn Slgn^le does not dslaj itoms. Opium-ladea " me>lciin«>s " miT cho'-k couffhiae, but the cold Htavs- Do n^tt tritle . whenvoubeaia to cough take Allen's Luiix BaUam, free freae epiuB, full of healiug power. PROMPTING HIM. "If my memory," slowly answer- e.1 the reluctant witness, "serves n e rightly " "One moment," interrupted the «iwt *liamiuing lawyer: "please rt iieuibtr, Mr. Slick, that your memory is nnder oath." BEAUTIFUL TASTER P33TCAR3S Crosdes, Aneels, Kabhit-«. etc., and your name in gold on each for S.fo. Norman reel M'f'g Co., London. Out iiins DEVELUPEil Will d«TeIop your bii»t fTom two to ibr«« luchet in ft vary short timd. Absolutrly HAii^iLKss. Pr(c« $1.00 pr«paidi I'oairauiticatLons strietlT prW:it«. THK EDWaR7« MSDlClNi COMPAMV (ia li.illiurst >t.. I'oi-vuW. Out. KSEP CHILDREN WELL. An occasional does of gentle la.\a- tive such as Baby's Own Tablets â- will clear the stomach and bowels of all offending matter, and win Jceep little ones well and happy. For this reason the Tablets should be kept in every home. Mothers have the guarantee of a govern- ment analyst that this m^dicine coutaius no opiate or harmful drug. Itfrs. Geo. McLean, Springfield, N. 6., says: "I have used Baby's Own (Tablets aud know them to be a Jure for all the minor ills of child- ood. I recommend them to all mothers." Sold by medicine deal- Jirs or by mail at 85 cents a box rom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Got. Mrs. Blunder has just received a telegram from India. "What an admirable invention the telegram is!" she exclaimed, "when you come to consider that this message has come a distance of thousands of miles, and the gum on the en- velope isn't dry yet." Wjp can always bear the troubles of other people with admirable for- titude. DODDS J, KIDNEY^ /, PILLS ^ ISSLE NO. 11-00. A negro was passing under a scaffoldiug where some repairs were goins? on, when a brick fell from a^Qve on his head, and was broken by the fall. Sambo very coolly raised hu head and exclaim- ed : â€" "Halloa, ycu white man up dar ! If you don't rant your bricks broke, just keep 'em off my head!" Time Has Tested It. â€"Time tests all things, that which is worfvy lives; that which is inimical to to man's welfare perishes. Time has proved Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil. From a few thousand bottles in the early days of its mauufae- ture the demand has risen so that now the production is running into the hundreds of thousands of bot- tles. What is so eagerly sought for must be good. PROOF. Indignantâ€" "Your boy threw a stone at me just now, and barely missed me." Mr. Grogan â€" "Yez say h© missed ye?" "That's what I understood my- â- self to remark.'' "Well, it was not my b'y." He â€" "Do you remember the night I proposed to you?" Sheâ€" "Yes, dear." Heâ€" "We sat for one hour, and you never opened your mouth." She â€" "Yes, I reniember, dear." (Heâ€" "Ah, that was the happiest hour of my life." ree) Ci iSSoS AR;;r Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. y^BElL nANO'«Ori|ianCo., UmiKad QUtLPH, ONTARIO. RAW FURS WANTKO IMMEDIATELY 200,000 MUSKRAT VI MY AU WnKII KHItt tf fW«. The ll<Hiteitb, Strother Fv Co. â- â- muMTt «eticiTip. 1tM413ClH»diSt. lOffONTO ^j^lh£abi'r%- »^ ,, ^, •^^f^0'^^^fi^0>igli,/g^9f^