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Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1909, p. 1

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^sferrtuti A5iiana. TRUTH BEFORE aVOB." â€" " PElA-OiPLEb ^0T MEN. VCL iXV, SO 1SS8 Flestierton, Ont., Tliviisclay, Xlarcli 1 1 IOOq W. H TEORSTON '^^LT. aui) PB0?iUKT05 lUJr C. ^ Jewellery! ^ s^ BiddesnBest i:^ f^ and Cowest §g ^ Priced Stock g^ ^2int;teeoum=g^ ii '^- P ^ Sellable ^ ^ Dealing ^J ^ Armstrong's ^ â€" Tiesberton. ^ Maxwell Items L. (). L. 66(5 piMised ix resulutinii of Bynipitthy with Bro. Robt. Arnott, who recently sutlertU the loss of his Iwlnved wife. Himy Down tiikes the t.)|)ic nt the League this week. Mi-s. Field iftiiineJ from spending .i few tbiys .-it Roekv.ile, the guest nf her win. A nmiiher of Lulics of the Methodist church met at IJobt. Fenwick's to (juilt a lioripture iiutogr:ii)h ([uilt. The l)eautifiil needlework wits done by Mrs. Hugh SiHiflord in her 8i)th year. The cpiilt w.-us uiiide at the reipicstof Mrs. (Uev.) Kemp of Walters Fulls, in memory of ihe Wide Awake Missii>n Biind, tli.-it w:is held here 11 couple of years iigo. Mi-s. Kemp is {jiving ?:J for the quilt. ThoiiiiLs Benirose is very proud of n young daughter. John Benirose 1ms gone to Toronto for a few days. The<>spi-ey Milhng Comjuuiy shipiMjtl another carload of flour this week. X. I'ivinick has returned .after attend- in" the weilding of liLs sou in Xew York. Have you a puiiiâ€" iif any kind, any- where? Stop H miiiuta ant think I It matters not whether it be womanly pains, h«ad pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr Shoop'-slitiloPink Pain Tablets wi'l surely stop it in 10 minutes. Form uU pUiidy printed o.i the 25i:. box, Sidd by all dealers. 1 0th Line, Osprey. ]'>eautiful we-ither and good .sleisjliiug in this ncighV»jrh<Hid at present; and seed grain Ls a very high price. Wm. Duucan is cpiitting farming this spring, having leased his farm for a term of years to Thos. Heatty of Ma.xwell. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Heatty to our neighlKirhood, and also hope that Mr. Duncan may remain with us, though not engaged in farming. Wo unde.-stand that Samuel Sander.son lias i-ented the Kaitling firm on the 12lh line and will move ihoi-e in tho near future. .\lf. Sanderson of t'olliiigwood spent Sunday with his mother at " Fairview Fanu. " Sorry to rc^xirt Mrs. Ti. S. "McLesin on the sick at pre.sent, but hoin; to hear of her speedy recovery. Born- On March 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry .\le.xander, a son. Alf. Siuiderson of Hob Uoy has moved til Collingwood, where he will engiige at Ills trade of stone nutson. Mrs. R. J. Cohiuetto has returned honte after sj>onding a coujde of wwks with her daughter, Mrs. HiUTy Horton, yf Collingwootl. MLss M. E. Heron is visiting with friends in CollingwiKid at present. John Uicknell. who has Inieu engaged â- with Wm. Dtmcan on his farm for tho jMist three yeaix. will work for R. J. Ooli|uette for the coming yes»r. Mr. and Mrs. Rolxnt Tallister spertt Sunday at the hit ter's [Nirental home, near Singhampton. Mr. and Mrs. KuK" Tjougheed and family sjient Sunday with friends near Httthertou. Croup positively stopped in 20.'iiiiiute8, with Dr, Slioop's Croup Remedy. One test; alone will suroly prove thjs ti'utli. No vomiting, no distress, A «aft> and pleasing s-ynipâ€" ''Oo. S..1.1 by all dealoi s. Kimberley. Too Late for Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fawcett of Rock- lyn visiteil friends iiere on SumLiy List. Mr. artil Mrs. Thos. Soule of Duncan visited at the Litter's parental home here on Sunihiy hist. Ge.1. Hutchin.son and d;iugl»ter, R ichel, i-isited Dundalk friends recently. As.sessor Fawcett is busy these djiys. Mr. and Mis. John Gillespie are thus wjuk moving to their- new home near Griersxille. Tliey will be greatly niis-sed by their many frienibi here who wish them every success in theii- now home. W. T. Fawcett of R<Kklyn iwcupied the pulpit in the Methixlist church hen.- on SuniLiy evening last in the .alienee of the [xistor, Rev. J. R. Wilkinson. Mi-s. Harris and daughter, Eva, of W(Klehouse, were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. W. C. Harris on Smulay hist. Henry Wallice and George -Kiiake of Duncan were callei-s in our vilLige on •Siiturtlay hist. A hockey team from Meafortl joumeyetl over to our vilLige on Friday evening List and pLiyed a frientlly game with our home te;iiu. The visitors were the victors, by a .scoiv of (5 â€" 1. .\lf Flewis visited the "Lome House," Rooklyn, htst Siinilay. A number from Heathcote attended tho hockey match here on Friday evening. Krnest Proctor visiteil Metiford on .S;iluriUiy. Mrs. Jiick Rmdle of Meaford Ls the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pi-octor. .Mrs. Riindle is a sister ol Mr. Proctor. Mina Weber of Epping s[)eat Saturiky and SuniLiy ;it her parental home. We are plwi-sed to see little Edna Biin-itt able to \k around agtiiu after her recent .severe illness. Walter Loucka of Flesherton visited at R. \\ji;kons on SiiiuLiy List. Nellie Wickens visited Flesherton frientis recently. This Wcfks' Items. Beautiful weather .at time of writing. Born â€" At Kiuilicrley on Thursdiiy, Mai-eh 4th, to Mr. Geo. Conitield, a son. We ;nv sorry to report Mi-s. John Plewes on the sick ILst at present, also her daughter, Klsie. W'e hope they may soon 1)0 ai-ound again. R. R. Fawcett sjient the week end with frieuiLs in Dundalk. ' .Vlf. Plewis visited CoUingwwid friends recently. Jivsper Stuart has gone to Gow (landa for a .short time. Maude Fawcett was the guest of her friend. Mi's. Will Martin, East Moun- tain, on Sunilay List. .\ number from here attended the W. I. necktie social at Vandeleur on Thurs- (Liy evening and rejiort an excellent time. Ella Knott of Thornbury visited friends here on Saturday and Sunday List. Kate Davis of Vandeleur visited friends here last iveek. Mr. Wesley Breen. wife and family, of Flesherton, were visitors at H.V.Gaudin's week. Mr. aiul Mi-s. Andrew WalLice .and family have moved to the farm lately vacated by John Gillespie. Mi-s. Hugh H.immond of the suburbs entertained a few of her lady friends to tea on FriiLiy of last week. .\lmeda Ferguson visited Heathcote friends recently. Wilfred and .\rthur N\'alter visited their uncle at Redwing on Sunday. I'. (!. Devitt of Epping wa,s in town on Saturday last. Sleiyhing will soon be a thing of the jwist in our bmg. Miss Dora Pedlar T>f Rock Mills visited Etta Wickens during the [last week. Swiaton Park. Wedding lielLs have Ijeen ringing near the Park. No particuLu-s are to liand. Robert Knox, accompanied by his iLiughter, Miss Jenny, vLsited frieuiLs near (iueljih tliLs week. * Miss Ethel C'auipliell sjjent Lust week with her sister at Mclntyre. Miss B. J. Stephenson of .\yton is visiting her cousin, iL-s. J. S. Hjirdy. Mr. and Mrs. Mc.\uley. who have i s|)ent a couple of months with friends in this pirt, luive returned to their home in southern Manitolm. Mrs. IjiwTenee lias l>een contineil to her bed for the piust four weeks with a severe att^ick of .sciatica. Mr. ami Mrs. R. HaniKin's little girl is under the doctor's ctire at present. J. Batcheler has leased J. McMurihi's farm, and intends moving to it in the ue:ir future. Mr. Coseiuan had a successful siile on March .3rd. Miss Christie spent Sundiiy with her friend. Miss CLirk, of DreamLmd. Unequalled as a Cure for Croup. "Besides tjein^? an excellent remedy for ci)ld.s and throat troubles, Chan.berlain'.4 Cough Remeily i>« tme<jualled as U cure for croup," says Harry Wilson, uf Waynetown. Ind. When (riven as soon .i? the cnmpy conch appeari), this rt^uedy will prevent the attack. It isiised succes-sfully in many thoiwandd of h<mi»g. For sale by W. K. Richardson. Singhampton The Pinafore play on Friday night was well iBceived, but on accoant of bad weather did nut have a full iiousa . Morgan & Co. of Stayner had an expcri- ei'cu in getii-ii/ here. Miss Mary Steward has returned home after a t«u week's visit at the parsonage. Mr. Diin.Canipbell cunteui plates learn- ing ".he bakery busines.s in Coliiiis:wof)d. Mr. Mult head of :trd line c:f Osprey, we are xlad to auuounce, is on tlie ruiid to heulth a::ain. The Eye-Opener concert at l!ad'.;"r'>s on Tues. and Wed. of last week wasii de- cided su:cess, Shylock and Portia de serving praise, Shylock being especially good. Mr. Janes h:is a tine stock of dm on hand and will soon begin operations. Mr. Cripfid ut Honeywood is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Ed. Jamieson, here. A wedding of much interest took place at Singhampton Episcopal Church on Tuesday, Feb. 23rJ, at l.:fO p. m., when Miss Lizzie K. Koberl-son, second daughter of Mr. Daniel Robeition, became 'he bride if Mr. William L. Taylor of Sing- hamptoa. The bndu entered the church on the arm of her Father to the strams uf Lohengrin wedding march played by Mrs. T. Brown. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. A. M, 1. Durnfi^rd under a beautiful arch of ofurgreens triinniei with white chrysan- themums and riblMin. The 'orido wore a gown i-f barred »ilk«trininiod with point d esprit and white s.itin ribbon, and cirried & dainty Prayer Book suspenJed by white rlldion. She was attended by Miss Clara McLean attired in pale blue silk tnuU trimmed with net and insertion a'ld wore a bUck picture hat. The groiMn.Kman was Mr. J. Hamilton. The newly mauied couple left im- mediately for St. Johnsliurg, Vt., V. s. A., after which they will visit Toronto, Ottuwa, and other cities. The btule was t.istefully dressed in a green travelling suit of holies' etoth. As Advertised. I |iurrha,ie<l a bottli of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera a'ld Oi.irrhi>ea KfUiedy, and found it to be all claimed for it in th( advertisements. Tliiee of the f.iniilyhave nsed it with Rixid results in sninnier complaint. â€" U. K. Howe, publisher of fill" IVess, Miifhland, Wi.-i. Ki r sale l>v W. K. llicbri-dsoii. Victoria Corners A failing tiny nsrve -no larger than i the finest silken threadâ€"takes from the ; heart iis impulso, its power, its regular- i ity. The Stomach also ha.n its hidden, ov | ««? of Fleshortou spent Sunday Mrs. Tucker of Droniore (neo Mrs. Rennie) spent a few d.iys with friends around tho corners. Mr. Thos. Clayton and Mr. Thos. Bul- al Mr. inside njrve. It wai Dr. Shoop who Gist j ^Viil Heard's, told us it was wrong to drug a weak or! We afe sorry to leirn of iho death of failing stomach, heart or kidneys. His | Mij. Dowdle. The deceased was a niece prescription-Dr. Sbooi-s Reatorativo-- ; „f j[,., j,,.,. Strain and former teacher of is diiected stiaight for thacauso of these i »t i..i, ,,i ailments â€" these weak and fallernig in-, side nerves Thii, no doubt clearly ex- | Misa Elsie Gallagher spent Sunday in plains why th« Reslorati»o has of Into '< Duidalk. groin so rapidly in popularity. Drui-g- 1 _ . , , t. . ists say that those who te-'^t (he Rtstorat- 1 A p^rty of young pcopls from Prot, n ive cren for a few days soon l.ecoiue fully j have bc«ii at Inisti'ge foe a couple of convinced of its wondet fid merit. Any- ; g^„^^i,y». way, don't drug the organ. Trc.itin<< thp !„.,.. ,, . , cause of sickness is tho only sensibU. and ' ^''^'^ have again !>uco.>s-,ful way. Sold by ,dl ueabrs. paid us their annual visit. Proton Station Mr. John .McLean, Owen Sound, visit- ed over Sunday with D. C. McLean. Misj lala Lyons, Port Law, is visiting her fiiend Miss Gertrude Lyons. Mr. Roberts and Mr Inkster -iiid dauahtiT, Eva, of W.-irehini, ariended church here .Sundiy Slcsurs. R. Doykand D. McL^muuni, Dundalk, Sund>iyed with Proton friends. Mm. We.s. Lyoi.Ksp.-ut a few days in T. r-mto last week. ftlisses Ida and f^ena Park spent Satur- day with Mr^. J. Ciinttield, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Colaau and finiily spent a couple of days with Dund-iik friends. Messrs. P. Pickett ind J. .\rm.strtiiig -'^undayed in Du:ida!k. Mr. Win. Falkner SundiyeJ at Inistioue. McFARLAND&CO. r.i.A.D>:KD.vLi-: oxrAi<io NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY We're receiving the Now Spring It.ilv. France an<l case <^fter case Gijoils consisting bale of after hale of the English. American Minutaccureil <'ooils German, and it's tieedles.s losay we are busy as busy can be opening marking and placing in stock the new arrival.-^. up. WareJiam We wish til ex'end our -sympithy to the beresvi-d ones who have suH'ered the loss ot a frteinl in the person of Mrs. Robert .Arnott, who tut well known in our neighborhood. Wb are ijlad to hear that Mr. .S. .-\rnolt Sr., who was rather unexpectedly taken ill, is on the mend a<i;>iii. The L«?ague lesson, which was " I.ife lessons from the Psalms,'' was carefully and thou^jhtfully dealt with by Rev. Mr. Stanley oi'i Friday eveninsr. Skating seem-, to be the prime amuse- ment in our burg uow, the open air rink being unthusiasticaliy patronized by young and old. The Leaguers lonlt forward to a ple.-is- ant time at their next session, Friday, March H, as it takes the form of a » cial evenini!. The program will be princi- pally musical. All interested in this young people's society are cordially in- vited to attend. Mr. Joseph McCur^heon of the Simth Line liiis left for t)wen Sound, where he will take a course in the N'orihern Busi- ness college Prof. H. A. Howell, of Havana, Cuba, Recommends Chamberlain's. Cougii Remedy. **.As long jiijo a-^ I (--an remenilH?rniv mother was a faithful ns<»rantl friend of Cli.-init-H-rliiin's Couuli Remedy, liiit never in my life have 1 realized its true value until now," w rites IVof. H. .\. Howell, of Howell's .American ScIuh.I, Ha\ ana, Cuba. "On the nitrht of l-'ebriiary 3r<i onr tmby was taken sick with avery severe cold: the next day was worsi^ and tlie follow- ing niu'ht his condition wtis desperate. He c<>uld not he i}o «vn an.l it wus neces,s;irv to have hiu> in the arms every iiionn-nt. Even then his breathing was ilifticult. I did not think he would live until in 'mini;. At lu-st I thought of my mother's remedy, Chamberluin's t'oiisrh Ri'inedy, which we gave, and it alfortl- ed prompt relief, and now three days later, lie ll:i8 fully recovered. I'nder tile circumstan- ces I would not hesitate a moment in saving that ChamlHirlai'i's Cough Reu.edy, and that only, .-.ivmI the life of our dear little boy.' For sale by W. !•;. Kichardson. Address and Presentation. The otlicers and members of the young people's (tuihl, of Chalmers church, Flesherton, met on the evening of Maixh •tth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Legsite, Ceylon, and presented Mr. Cecil Legsite with a Uibleand:uiiwc<miiianying address which re.-uW: â€" Mr. t'eeil Legate: â€" Dear brother and fellow worker, â€" We the members of the Yming People's (biild of Ch'.lmi-r'schiireh, Klesherton, Ont., desii-e to |.'ive expression to the high estteni in wl.ieh you are hi-ld t>y us all. on this evening of your deiHirtu.'e from airor.gst iis. We have all en- joyetl very niueh your presence wi'.h lis, anil have protited very greatly by your christian ex-impleimd kindly spirit. V..ur love for the cause of Christ .ind your faithfulftess have lieen clearly manifesttd by ytmr servict^ in and attendance of the meetings of the tiiiild to the full extent of your physicial ability. We ai"e very .sorry to lose you from our church and lliiild, lint we .sineeiely hoi>e 'â- he change niny bcoonie a grcnt l^netit to you and w-.' hope it may Ik- onr fortune to have vim eomeliaekagiuu to iisat nu verv distiuit day. .AS a visible token of our g-M«l will mkI kindly a|)preci:ition of vonr amiable <i;s|>o.sltion and true oliristaiu ehnraeter we ask you to .-ici-ept this little voimne of the scripture believing thut owing to your love for the word i'< tiod it. will atfoid yon guMt pleasnro .ind cimifoit of heart when far away from th'." "Old Folks .\t Homo", than nuv other article that v.e might choose a* an ex- pression of th â-  christian atl'ection to you. Wishing you tJ-id spwtl lonl all true pn s- pericy, wo will ever rciniiin deeply interested j:i your future welfare. Signed on behalf of the", ui Id â€" Rev, ({. C. Little, Hon. r;es. : Chas. i^tewai-t. Pies, East Mountain Geo. Gorley, wife and family, aie visit- ing friends at Homing's Mills. Clara Smith h;.is returned home from Chicago, where she has-been visiting for some inonthf: Maude Fawcett of Kimberley visited Mrs. W. J. .Maitiu last Sunday. Mr. Oraham has mtroduoed a resolu- tion in iho Coniinons to grant S20<),t.K)0 yearly for Svo yeats towards a fund to do awny-wilh, or protect level cros.siuga in Caimdn. AVe invite you to visit our store anil see the new Styles, Weaves, Shades, Etc., when our salespeople will Ije pleased to show yon the New (loods, and you don't neeil to buy be- cause you lookâ€" no trouble to show goods here. Come in and .see the New Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, "Spring Jackets for Ladies, Dress Skirts. Gents Hats and Haberdashery of all Kinds, Men and Roys Cloth- ing, Wallpaper, Velvet and Tapestry S'luares, Carpets, Etc. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY. Big Reduetien Sale Still on at the Peoples' Store. Here, are .some of the grea; number of barJaius chat go on sale this week. Men'!' and Boys' winter Caps, re:;ular 50c lines for 10c ilen'sand Boys' clothiu,' â€" > Tew otily Men's Suits in Seige, Tweed and Worsted, nicely lineil and 'riiuined, "20 percent, otf. 10 only Boys' tw^i and three piece suits clearing 'iO per cent. olf. Bovs' Toquvs, clearing 2'2c Girls' Tarns, clearing 10c School Handkerchiefs tor the boys and girls, 2 for i>c Ladles' Uimciskiris, §1 0" and |l.23 Skirts selling at 68c. Toweling, ruoular 10c for ... .7ic A Vew only. Men's heavy Cushrinkablo I'nderwear, regular SOc .ind $l.(iO on Sale at 63« Coiue and and see our trimmed Millinery- It is yours at half price. Choice stock of fresh groceries always kept on baud. I>tdbest I rices paid (or Produce. J, E. Large, BUG ENi A. The Durham Cuinent Co. did not pay a dividend the piust year. John Sutter tell into a hole in the ice, at Walkerton but wss pulled out none the worse. Win. Finley of Honeywood has been in Toronto for some weeks uudcrooing some speci*! trea'inent for the eyes. It is reporied that one of his eyes had to be taken out in order to save the other. â€" Free Pres,^. Gordon Westicolt, a young man, a son of William Westicott, of Melanclhon, hiis just been .sent to the insane asylum at Hamilton, being conveyed there by Con stabls Fred Fostill nf Hornin The youni; nan has bi weeks, and his fri Spanhouse I raoedy dec chances. Quite a " thriller" occurred alxive the mill dam on Monday of this week. Geo. tiesoh wns enyaned getting out ice and had walked h^s S4(X) team over the same route of the ice on the river as usuid when there was a cr&sh, and in the horses went. As the team went down the sleigh shot np in the air. It appears that one horse s{ol on top of the uther in the water, with the result that it was turned on its back. It was indeed quite a mix-up. Unci horse, it is s:\id, was lost .sight of at one ' time as it went cumplotely under the ^ ice. By cutting the harness and under great ditliculty the team were at lenii:th '• gotten out, but it was a very narrow escape. One horse was pulled out with a' chain around its neck. Ton men were; STEADY EMPLOYMENT F.'r A Reliable Local Salesman KKl'RESENTINtJ Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN FIe.<ht:rton And Adjoining Country. Yoij will ttinl thoro is a t:ooti doniaud for XunnTv Stock ou accuiiiit o( tlie liiRli prices that Ri-owers liavo realized ou tlieir fruit this seoooii. Our sate^lnlnI are tnrnini,' in a bia business to us tliis vuiu'. He one of tlivm and earn good wa«e9 tlii'ouijb tlie winter nioutbs. Turritorv rBScrve-l. Pay Weuklv. Fre« samplooutflt, etc. Write tor pnrticnlarx. STONE & W E L L I N G T O N t'oiitliill Nurseries (Sol) acres) TORONTO Ontario ,.sMd„:!@^ )ccn insane for some ' v}v^- _ __ ends in view of the! \ SEASO^i ABLE GOODS leciueJ to take no 1 ^ "* FURNITURE at work Post. lauding the other. â€" H.inovert The lars-est and liest stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice tliinj,'s in Side B<«rds. Dinin;,' Room Chaii-s, Ptirlov Setts. Bod Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to Re- duce the stock. .>y',*>^. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER lesherton r>R. BURT 5p«:lalist in diseases of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat' Office 1 il 1-" cost St. - OwoiicSoimcl At the Revere Miu-kdide, 1st i Friday each month from 8 to Vi a. tn. i TERM OF 1909 I British I CAN.XDIAN Ten per cent, chcaperj BUSINESS ten per cent, better for^ COLLF.GE Biismesf, ShorHund andi TORONTO Matrie. booklet free. ]i..[ \. Faniuharson. B. .V Fpa'. Corner^ YONGE & BLOOK .STKEKTS. <,,

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