srae =a=r TflE FLESHEETON ADVANCE March 4 ]9«t9 Scottish Pride 66274 Til* yotinc bull hrottUli I'ri.lti will itend r.j- (crvtoa kt Mr. K. W. Nlcliol^oun. lut ST. ooo. 5 ArUnimla. Hcottisli |>rl>t« U alreJ by HoottUli Prlnc*. a Konilnon of tbu woiKlsrliil ufaow cow. Qamot HalUc'liin, Iiii|>.. wiiiiiernf rl|;ht |>rUi>> »( Toronto! anil I..<;iiduii.l>e«ldi>a iMfiriK cliaiiip- k>n f«m»le. Klie wui<ht over lUOU ihiiiikIii, Od« of tlili cow'ii calvM loltl fur fl7?A 7J.00. HeoitUb iirjilo ia out of L«<lr llrlla by tbs VoroDto Aral iiriza wliiacr. Captain May Kly TLii ynuuK liuil baa pioTe liiui- ahowbull liavlng Rainml an ciioourawinR |iri/o wiiioor. lUUJ "11 „ leeoH thia fall at Fuverahani. Ho wun tlrst imp aMW. Mlta prlrraat>««t bull calf, alao iliploma for boat any a^e, Tlioti* bavins; inire t>rc<l cowh " â- â- â- b-ifore brtwllng aa prlri biill •bould M>f> tllia (frand bull ihay cannot do Ix-ttorthau ui^o bin}. A liuiitep number of firadea will be takeuat ^1 'io: h'ur pore brad*. « t.OU 28,000 Maple Logs Wanted 18 iDcbtaaiirt larR* defrctive lieaila accrpt- â- dpr ovidliiK aauia baa eiKlit i; cliKSiinod aoiinil tlBb^on uutB'dfl. PtkoH ranciiJK uccwitituK Mtaaality, to cut in lan^tha of '31 and II luclio>. Ckabpaii! nudcliverv at ICnxenia. AIho want- •t aaiua placr, a lartie quautiiy of peifict n«f>l« lof(K iiu^asurini; from it inclioa ami but I'J to IG foot lonK. fricca H t I er tbouaaort, to bo delivarsd at Mor^au't uilil, Euguuia, B paid. J. W A Great School (Jraat in Riputatiiiii. Ki«ult<, Infliicnc'' and Thor<'ii;?l)in-M 1 Ni>\v i» the time i vntft the I / â€" ) TT f TT'V' ^T^ /1/f »u'l pr»|>arr for iiriifitalik- eiiplnyiiciit i Our Briiiluatps rraiiily iihrain rimmI iHwitiiinH I Chir jlanilsouie fatAli-ffiie ia free' Write fi>r one today. Stuilents luii.iitled at any jitni'. ColU-gc diwii thi'entiio yi-ar. ^V. .1. Klli<itt, }'riiici|>al Yonjfe and Alt-Zander Sts. 'CANAL.MN PACIFIC SEHLERS' TRAINS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By CanadlaD racific dlr»c> line For Saltlara travalllni with livattock and tfTacts S««l*n and tamlliai without liyattock thould us* Special Trains Re^ularTrains will Imt* Toronto leaylnc Toronto Each TUESDAY la lO.ia p.B. dally MARCH â- adAfRIL TouriM Sleaplns Cart at 10. la p.B. Pasleit Tim* COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Cbartfa for llartba ^ Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent lor full information and lre« copy o( "Settlers' Cuidt" or write R. L. Thompson. D.P.A.. C.P.R.. Toronto In Cotton Fields And Summer You CAN ENTER ANY TIME IN Cinadaa Lfadiii;{ Schoul of Cuimit'S'j and Sliorihaod vitliout c1i.s.idvnntage to yourbolf by our .'"â- pecial IVrhonal llelp System. Write for p»rticulHr«. C. .A. FLEMJii.Nd, Pitixi ir.a, Oi»eiiS*)Uiid * Ontfttio. Nic)iur« Rancli, Coinfurt, Tens. My Dear Tliuralon, â€" Uuiiieiiiboriiig your kiixl r«r)iiu>)t to let you knew liov wd like Texai, ( am writing to lay that tu fur wo tiava no r>-H>nn to rpxri't <)ur||coiniiii( Houtli. Il ix liitrd for us to bclievv it i^ slill Febnury. Somehow we lliiiik wo aru drvaaiiiig or a kink lins i.ol into the culendxr. To wind on'J'^«sl•lf up aix inonthii ahead, to trans- ])ort onoHf If itilo ){orid Cmiadian July and Aii/UHt ueiithcr, nnd nt thnKHme lime see the ealeiidKr coo'y Hiid (l.i'ly open and cx|)i'sing in bold type Febbi'ary i« enough to t/ive one the faiitods ik Mark Twain 'voild oripiiially say. But the c<iiiL)'iiiati"n Ih here itll the S!iiiie, and whilii there in iiiucli to rc^jrct in the loss of u jolly, I'liliickinL' Canadian winter, llu-ru is muuh coiiipi'itjalioii in the onjuy- uirnt of outdoor life under a clear, blue aky, in an iileally bracini; air, nilh all Hfipuiid, till the vision is cut ofi' by the distant inoutitaiiiH, y. itiaijnitic'Hnt pictur- rFijun wooded lundRcape. It takt-K aljout three days nnd three niiihts i-teady triirellina to eel here from DurliHni. The journey is not so mipU'as- aiilusonu Would, for riii'rond companies now c(iin|)ete for the traffic by rovidini; day nnd ni^bt coaches in which he couifott and convenience of the travelliiiK public is ihehrst cun.sideriition. Though worn as a necessity, ' Uurin-; the dayli-.'ht hours there is always a beautiful eve "glass .someihniK to take one'« attentionâ€" read- S. RANDS, Agint, FLESHERTON Beauty and Utility;; artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician NORRIS BROS. f^arbvuare merchants and tinsmiths* "VrOW Stocktakiu'4 is over and liunking you, we liud iliaf wo â- *-' li'i\e had a most pro.spcrous jear. We are now reH'iy t'l ncne you ill i> inucli I'leater CHpaci'y than in the year jii.'<l closed. We inleiid to close out oiir prcHeii'. line of SUu-k l''ood and \\\\\ d i no re;;.trd!csi of first coal. The is the well known Hackney Stock Tonic A positively Ouaiiintefd Stock f-iod to clear nt ihe Sl.COpkn Slock Tonic. .60 •t tt (. .25 " Poultry K<iod .f,0 " Heave Guru . 2 5U piil lJo){ Tunic. . . following prictfs: .. . GJ7. WJc. .... 13e. .... .'iO â- . ....Si To. We hive been fortunate in sccurinsj ii (piantity of Axe lliinill")', second jjrowlh elm, haiul made and if you wiiiit .V (iOOL) AUTICIiE don't forget 1o hiok these (â- oods over. Washing Machines If interested in a Hinh clasa Wasliin,' Mnchinc, d.m't foincit the reli.ible Btoie where you will see ilie Kifg Wu.shcr. l^^^W^^l^^fii^A'kiiB Now i.^ llio tiino to buy yoiii- UiiUer or your Rlrinli. If you iiiteiul biiyiiif^call on us before pufclmsiiii,', us •,;i,' ItavG a complete stock to cliooso iVom, uiul pnei's thut fiiiit. First Cla^s Horse-Shoeing a Specialty D. McTAVISH, - F LES H ERTO N. DRs.KENNEDTatK£^IIEDY SUCCt:3S0R3 TO Drs. Kenmedy & Ker^an SPECIAL HDTI3E. Owinj tD Dr. Ker- ean l.cJng t K^ea n'., Dr. J, D. i:-nnc(ly, M*rdicul U.r':ctor, h&% •seoclatr.1 with hlrn Dr.krnrtdyjr, who han l>«cn wi;!i tho firm for rcvrral year*, »o h<r«(i!icr» will con- ducurl unUir Ui« name of 0«S KF.NNEDY 6, KtNNLOY it: fv«i^in «"»'/ rT'cu'if f'Uiiif I â-ºjmi-lo:i-»â€" Ol R Kl'.W AmTli'^l* cures t'.ieiu. Oyn NEW MF.THOD TREATMENT •'<>"« <'«n cure ynn, and m»l:c « y.At. Ub'Jcr li.> iMilu. itc'iiie t't.jit iKcoi'.tt-t tecuvo. the hti>ud purified t>o that all â- . 1 l-)t'"h«--i, an 1 i.I.rri ili-iip'Mjar, the lurvcn brconic strusm ca tt'-tl. hj that iirr- , l>ii"!ifii!R-,->.B Bn'l >lf*ixi«ilincy vanii>a, licrve Ivroints lirur'.t Ihi face full • • â- . I 'ic; IxKly. tlil;l â- â- M pi»^r/» vWal " i> Jttullarii, ' lor Hoic* Traalinaitt Rent «n nai|uect< â- r-ri-.a- ^-fiv . 4,1^ • if L'. observit):; through the window the difl'ereiit at peels of nntura without, nnd jstudyiii'.; human nature by ohgi'rving and I coin ersiiij: with some of the specimens within the car. This hist is especial'y intercsliitf;, and did I v>'ield the pen nf a jDickeiiK, or (he pencil of a Beng(>ugh I should send you some interesting; Kketeh- I es. liul [loor inel f^iidowed with no iKUehgiftl am eompelled to fall back ^^'T^TCJC JX^T I^T^H^ i upon ibo coniinonplaee and the real, j One tliir.K struck mo with peculiar ?»j«^^^^»«^».«*^.***^^ff^:?^ i force as I came southward. For the first ^ I lime in toy life I re:ili/,;d that thoie wis rkff ian.)tlier race of peo^de on the e;irth. In /^ all cars nnd coaches, in all railroad st.v '^ tioiia, in street cars, etc., there is a par- «*« tiiion, more or less conspicuous on one iJB 1 sif.e of which you will aee plainly '" Fur (i^ Uliit.'j " â- .'f.-d on the other side "For ^ I Negroes " In lite luri;ei- stations the wai'in;^ rooms for the two races arc cun. nettod by a narrow pasRat^e <>r corridor. In the street cai.s the partiiion C"nsistK of a thort Hat buiiid, inovablo, no as readily to he adjusted to any seat, or tiansferrcd to either end of the car,accor- iliti<; to the direction tho oar is inovin;;. The nearest I Imvo seen to it in Canada is on tho Toronto street railway when occnsioniilly you will see the sign up "the three rear seats reserved for sinokera, " or words to that ellect. Wliolher the T. S. Hy. Co. desi;iiis to classify the citi/ceiis on tlie saiiio basin as sou'.heni railway coin|i;tnies and leij;islator8 1 have not learned. In all seriousiu'ssi, however, the separation of tha rnces does not SL^eni n ivisu thing to do, thoii;;h it is said by i.howu best ac<|Uniiittd ui'.h the (piestion I that it is necessary and unavoidable. I The daii<{er is that this is only the [ire- I ludc to ii wider sepiratian. The climate I is such, over wide areas of th«i south, that the labour ofjtho Nr^ro seems necessary lor at least expeJient for the prop^c developinenl of the country. How to I retain this labour and at the same time raise the social status of (ho Nejjio isth^ piobhiii that awaits solution [at the hand of soiiui iiinster spiiit. It is freely said that the hi^iier education of the Negro niakei' him iirrogunt beyond muasuru and useless as a laborer. How Iruo this is in general I catiiut say, bul there seems no doubt of it) truth iii individual canes. Hut this is no iiioiu tlisii can as truthful- ly lie said < f loiiiiy. whites. Cases of • welled hiails are not unknown even m Canada, and tl e problem of lodiieioL' them i< rat bur a diltieult one Even irilli thu short aeipialiitaiieo 1 have had wilh the raei! unesuoii here, and mueh of it is only iiitelliuent heresay, I believe the United States, in the not distant future, must seriously face the solution of one of the iiioslditliculr anil hiwirdous problems ever entrusted lo a nation to grapple wilh All loTers of liberty will hope ftr such a solution as will rvciire ihv domin- ance of the one race without the snalnve' iiient of tho other, and will pruy that this may be accomplished without violeiito or bloodshed. Texas, as a state, is not now so much concDrnod in this i|ue9lion as some of the more casierly or south-easterly statea.but with the development of the cotton in- dustry for which tho state is peculiarly sdapted, the increase in the deiiinnd for labor will make the (|ue.stion more acute. IhileKN a niHchino can bo invented to strip tho cotton plant of its bolls or pods and collect them in sacks, ns now dune by hand, the demand for labor to elfect this must steadily increase. Cotton crow iiig in Texas is only in its infan(y, although the numbnr of bales aiinunlly exported from the stats is already ipiite a laroH perccntaue of tho total exported from tho whole L'nilod States. There are several other tjuestions in which you are intereatcd but they iiuiat wait, as this has already grown to undue lei iijth. I don't wish lo tiie you out, so will wind up tho I eel this time rij(ht bete. I may say, liowevcr, that I fnund IsUy lonely but prelty well when I came bi fisn Antonio. As her lonehneaa would hinder, if not nltogotlier prevent, llie steady increase of resiniintf fureo against the usual sptiiig drpressuin. I feel that my enforced Hlisenco from linine is an »e- tual necessity for socuriiit; llio end in view. With best wishes for the health K;ippiness nnd prtupority of yourself, oiiily nnd nil friiMi Is, I am very failli- iiilly yours, •â€">[. W. Cami'iii'.li,, Flesherton Carriage Works Cutters - - Sleighs. Prop. Wanderings in Old Virginia.} Doiir Mr. Editor: â€" I'erluiim the luost interesting incident of my trip so far was the meeting of S. Mo<jrmnn Gregory, an old Confederate soldier. Ho was present at tho firing of tho fimt gun in the war at Fort Sumpter. He was wounded at the Imttle of tho Crater, where he lost jjart of two fingers of the right hand, but esca])ed u.s if by the hand of Providence. He was with Lee when he surrendered near Richmond. Although nearly seventy years of age liLs Voice is strong and clefir. He was out from the OhI Soldiers' (Confederate) Hume on u month's furlough, and brought his bottle and his lianjo along. Uotli jday.-d nn import,ant jiait in his existence. At my re(|iiest for war songs and on receipt of a tiji of 2.'>c he first took a sip from IiIk bottle to clear his throat and with his mutilated right hand brought forth the stining chords of a good old Soiithuni war song. He siing with his Voice, and he s;ing with spirit. His feet, head, his whole being took jMirt in that song. He warmed up to the theme, and .-^ong after song welled forth from a full heart. Those around beat time, and here and there a tear might l)e seen trickling down some wrinkled face. The old iilantation songs were particu- larly sweet, although somewhat jihiintive. The Southerner is in no hurry with his work. He can .sit down and let the World go as it may j he has no love for the strenuous life. The Confederate Museum occu|>ies tho White House of the Confederacy days, where Jcll'erson Davis lived some four | yours. It is a ftmr storied building! about fifty feet wide by seventy long, i with lai-ge airy rooms and is tilled with relics of the war. There may be seen shoes iimde from coon-skin tanned by I soldiers in caini), collar buttons curved I out of wood- in fact all kinds of inven- tions for war and comfort in camp. ^Old guns of all types, swords, daggers, shells j ••ind bullets gathered on many a hard- 1 fought field .-ire labelled and ananged in . order by the ladies of the' old Confeder- acy. Visitors to this jjart should not ftiil to see this imuscimi. A few hour.s" run up north nnd a .slmrt lido on the car laniled mo at Mt. Vernon, the home and burbil pbice of George and Martha Washington. Tliis jiroiierty came into the jiossession of the Washing- ton family in l(i74 by grant of Lou! Ciilpei>[icr, i'.nil jm-ssed to (ieorge W.ishinglon in ITM, who enhirged the estate until the plantation included nearly 8,000 acres. It is bei'.utifully situated in a eoinmanding position on Ihe western bank of the Potomac. Here he lived the life of a Virginian planter. Here he received General Lafayette, and I ;••• hero he died and was buried. .\t the death of Mrs. Washington the furniture w;is divided iiniong her four grandehild- leii but the estate vemainod in the Wa.shington family, and idwiut fifty years hiter one of them oflered to sell it to tl.e national government as a national |K'.rk. This was refused as was also the oti'er to the State of Virginia. To nie it seems a great blot on tho men then in power to alhiw the home of "the Father of his Country " to jhvsh into the hands of an Associ.itioii that ch.-irges an .idmi.ssioii The light bread or the leaden loaf is a matter of c/wice â€" not luck. Choice of method â€" choice of yeast â€" but, above all, the choice o( the //our. Royal Household Flour is made from the finest, selected Manitoba wheat, which contains more gluten (that quality which makes bread light) than any other wheat. It is milled under the most sanitary conditions,â€" there is no other flour in Canada upon which so much is spent to insure its perfect quality. Aslc your grocer for Ogilvle's Royal Household â€" the flour that makes light bread and perfect pastry. Ogilvle Floor Mills Co., liuulti, Montreal. ^^ •••••••••••• •••••••••••â- •••••••••••••••^•••••••••••••••••••••«««»* •••••••••11 _* •••••••••â- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••III. •••••••••â- ••••«•••••••••«•••••••••••«•••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••5S«, ••< ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •«• «o« ••• >••• ••• >••• •*• ••• ••• ••• ••0« •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •â- •• â- ••9 •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• ••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ^as. iPattison, Cej/lon, Ont, -m^ Some great bargraius still on as we have some Winter goods s'.ill left yel in Wool Blankets, Heavy Gnernseys,<\Vool yocks and Stcciiing..,, Winter Milts and Gloves, Far Cap3,.Pra Jackets, (Mcrcoats and uuiiieiond other articles. We make it worth )nnr while lo buy here. We have also a lot of short ends at)d bro!;cii lots, which we will run oft' at very low prices. We have ''a lot of New Prints and dicss goods for spring, If jnn want a bag of good Flour ask for the "Cream of llie W'cst ' al %IM Per liag. Highest prices paid for Pro. duce. Our mono 1$ ''Small Profits and quick Returns.** •••• •••• •••• •••• •••â- •••• ••• •••- ••»- ••*- •••- •••• •••• •••- •••- •••- •••• •••• Societies BrsiMcss Cakds h aM«Mi>Q«m<a;gCTSWWBwafy«ma-a?i»wa.'t.aMM»»ngQ^ NERVOUS DEBILITY i hoii'in'!3 of youiii: roul luuMlc u^ttl rv,u air unutially gwrt)t I > n i>rtinnline gruv.- tlirouKh I'.AK1,Y I.NDlaCKUTlON'rt, H>:i"KSsi:.S A.VI) IJI.ODl) l)l.->l'A:,i:s. If y.,11 have any o( Ihe f jlloni-.-.u kyn:ia:>iu.s cm suit us l>»fnie It is too late. Arc you nervoui fttia -ncau, dci.|ionUcnt ami f.lo(iniv, at^cckit before tlie even, with «l.-»rUiircV«uiiJcr tiicm, we.ik hack, Vidncyii Irrils- til» . prii;,ita'.ii'n of the hcorl, luin'iful, dveuniK nii.l I Hues seill- inietilluuri'ir, I'/lnipicsoiithc fme.eTCinunkeii. hollow ehi-i in cjrrworu PiiJitwicin, jxvir inetnnry. lifclens, ili-trur^tful, link en'ryyrnrl strength, tfrnl niunilnvs rcntlriis nliihls, clianirc- •bleinoodn. nrnS^ inrinhood,preualure decay, boue Jiaiua, hair luubc. sore throat etc. Illood PoIhous Rie the nin>t BLOOD POISONS tev.iient niivi itmst sciiou.' ili^^r.tcrs, '1 he, i -tp the very lilc 'jfilr-ftbe vitl:nt, fiiiil wtlI*^!• entirely eindlcite*! fr-jtitthe nrmtioti. 0< ware oi Metk.ury. It only suiipresioi the hetri'jr'l, i.'iyfl al, and nyUms arc in»:(;- i?le f'o-i 111*, j y.tcm, i'l'i.t let c[tiack4Siin fakirn Wa will oHriyou or n« (:i>y> JTa mattrt who hns ff»Rl-'1 yon. wil'e for a" hnn"!"! o;-'"! ".n I'lee i; Change, I'Ki'il;â€" "The U-jUlcii ihloniioi" (ilui.Ualod) fee to .see the homo and burial pbice of l one .so generally revered. The Associa- tion controls al)out 240 acres of the old estate, and has collected the furniture and bchmgings of the family as far as possible. Even the pajier mi the walls bus been restored from some old .scraps found in the hnuse. Many old pieces of fnniittire actually used are now placed in the position formerly occupied. Others have been duplicated. His sword, be- iiueatlied to his .sun with the iiijnnetioii never to unshcath except in self defence i>r in the defence of his country, may be soon. The old coach houses, with the veritable coach he nnle in, the ohl spin- ning wheel of Martha Washington, the old candle moulds and many other relics are there lo voice the life lived and the associations enjoyed by the family. Time and space forbid lingering on .so delightful a scene. There amid ojik, sycamore and other sbntely trees lie the remains of George and Martha Washing- tiui. It is not a custly .se|)ulchre but thousands tread this Mecca of the.Xmer- iean w itii reverential step. To-day is the anniversary of his birthday and the lioiue- cotning of tho fleet was timed for the occasion. I am now in Washington, and this letter is long enough, reaching from Riehniond In Washington. It will surely burst your paper. The weather for tho last week has be(>n warm and si)riiiglike, budw are well out and fruit growers fear frost will sjaiil their crop, â€" C. W. Chadwiek Washington, IV ( ., Feb. 22, 'Ott. U W I each month Norris' lilo. k. Flcfliortoi .Miloh TliiUh'tnWiille; Hoc uieutH 01. the lart Monday WAI.TGB I.OUCIvB in their Iooro room | " lluilila I'iu., W..(. Ilul.aniy. ViaitinKbrcthrc t ii.vitcu Ontario. •r and Con tractor Ht 8 11. ui. M. \V..| I'or Itrick, Stoiio anil frauitf resijenoen. Ea- ('. II. MuiKihuw; ' tinmtes cheerfully Iiunishetl, Kleshurtou I* o PUINCK AUTHUll LODGE, No. :«.1,A.FAl A r.I. •.ncctB In tht Masonic hall, .Arm- j ItiJ ; , , ,., JULLOUGH & YOUNG sti-onuM Hall Fleslierton. every I'rltlav on *«• Hankers MarUdalo or liofore tho full ii'ocn. Thos. Ulakelv.W.M.; I Jo a Konoral banking buaiiiesa. Money loaned Ilorb.c.inith, Soifoliirv. i »t roasouablo rat<s Call on us. I • (lOrilT FI.KSHiaiTON, no.-.. I. p. !•â- . ir cot» in | ^ ('layton'K Ulocli th<» liiKt Wednosilav evetiinfi' of laeli month. Visitiiit; Korestors li«iirtilv ; weloiune. II. H., Dyson; It. H., 'i'. Hor.ry; . Kin. Kec, ('. N. liichaiilson. l'I«a»e pay <lue« to l"in. See. boforo the ttiBt (lav of the month. I TOHlShETT, • Postmaster, r^oylon, Coinmissionur in H, ('. J , Couvoyanccr, deeds. inortfiuECS, leases, wills etc. ciupfully ilrawu up JoUeotions uiad-'. charges reasonal le. Also Kiocerics, Hour, food etc. kept iu stock, Prices riuht. CIIOSI-.N KhlKNPS-FlcBhcrton Council of Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall tirnt RJ Sl'ROULK Podtniaster, FloshertoQ and tlilnl Wcduosilav uX each mouth H p. _. i uo„.i.-nv, . . .vnuonuu Pay assessments to the liecorilcr on or before ! ,.,ouinii89iouor in H. J., Auctioneer tee fli'st ilay of oaoli month. Cliief Councillor T. lIlakelovtBecnrdor, \V. H. Hunt. Pure Bred English Bcrkshires andj Tainworths. veyancor. Appraiser and Money Leude Real Kstatn and Insurance .\f;ent. Dotxlc wovtKaKes. loasos and wills carefully drawn op and valuations made on shortest notio* uionoy to loan at lowest rates of interest. JCol- • lections attended to wilh proniptueaa I have a tine hit of vn.nii? oie-s bred f>-,.m' "'''*''''**. '""• Acent for Ocean DominioD I iiavi a tme lot ot >iumK |ii),s Died liom , staauiship Company. A call solicited. prize vvimmiy stuck, fur sale. Write nie for prices. I can give a liarjtain ifnarantee; JT ,,,„„,,, , , , \ ~ ! \ itisfaction ,1,1 all mail onlers. D- Con ntv of f- ^.v"'" xi.V,';''?.'!!?' '»" ""I <• iv t>r».:u \f o i> <â- > l^ounty of Urey. Terms modorate and I. en. W. KU.VS. Jlnxwell I'. O, I satisfaction guaranteed. The airauKoiuent» â€" I and datesof sales can be made at TuK Advancb Golden Legend lotnce. Kesideuceauai'.0.,Ceylou, Telepbone riiro Hred Tannvorth Boar for servico on ""nVTn'm' Lo 170, 2iul K. T. A S. R. Terms Jl.tlO. _^_^^^2zL HlCHAKl* ALLF.N | ^ \y KAITTINO, Uconsod Auctioneer for - â€" - . JLj. ri . the counties of lirey and Siuiooe. For Sale Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms One span of LiRhtnii.R Colts ccniinR three moderate satisfac;,ion uuarantced. Arrange- inatolied. Heady to work. Also one Shortborn >'";"*" «"" ?»'»? >»»y ,bo made at the Advano« Hull elsbtoen months ohl, bred by ()eo,ltriatow, o""â„¢. O'A- T- Hutchinson's store, Keversham. Hohltoy, nunibe-.iW4.-., iu volumo 24. Na«;eâ€"| ?,"; ''â- *'»«',>>â- »"»'"« me at Fevershaw, Out, Lot Villttiie Captain. AI-niflKT »!• HANLKY, Lot bLoou, 12, Osprey, i. Con. 10, lOsproy, Keversbam P. O. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY 1,, O, S., dental auiseoii honor Kiaduato of Toronto University and Itoyal (.'oUcKu ot Dental Surgeons of Uutario, (las administered for teeth extraction, otiloe at rusiduuco. To roulo stroatti'ljHhflrtoTi 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Ol, mm\, ^.ZM.X-' Charlie Elde^ of Cnrgillsold atwo-ycat- old 2olt (111 Fit lay to John Zottel near Nenstadl foiyS2'«>5, spot o.tsh. That's i<oing soiii* It would have cost Charlie Elder aaAnich to raise a steer as it cost bin) to Also thai e 'It, but for tho steer be wouUl ^Ik' pot iibotit $C0. Tho moral wj/r '40 bf, raise colts instead of Vcopo. TbADG ^':ARK• ... , DEaicr.3 . > « * 5/^ ^ COPVRICHTS &C. AryotisnpiidlngBKkMi'har..; 'oi^.-li'lonma? Qutv'icly I'-^cor*..!') <r,ir ci iMcn I't'o « i,, :hor an llonsni.- ; ll.ltlUll'JnXonl'rU-uU aentfi'-.' :u\r ir^r sot'uviejr t^:'."cnts. I'li'ci , \ . -uL-b Muitn & CO. rocclTO tp*':l*U': â- ;uc, >â- â- iltuiul ChsVTO, lu tb'3 %^^^^^m^ Mmtim* v-oekly. Cjarsostdr- I tiomal, Tcrtna lor all liflA.-;cl,(ilfi ..o iiroiialf!. O^r'^r^'tHliL'J^ Sold br DUDO MVTHKWK, Markdale, Licensed " auo'aoneer for the county of Grey. Qood service at reasc.nable raten. Dates can be uiade at Tho Advance. 1 o C9 Legal n; 11. WRIOHT. Barrister, Solicitor, CoiiTey- "aiiccr, etc.,â€" Owen Sound. and Flesherton. N Itâ€" e hertou otIlce.Sproule'H Hlook every Saturd Medical SOnt.rhyglc onico and rosideuceâ€" Peter St., FlesbertoQ DR CARTKR M C P& S0nt,rhy8ician, SurHeoo.e JV OTTKWP.I.L Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sjcond door south weat'oD Mary street. Thia street runs aoiitli I'rosbytariau ChuToh. H. WILSON, Ulackpniith ^ratUiato of no Veloiinary Scietio* A.4sooi*tlon , UcHidonco, Durham itreeti op osUu Uoyd, HiokHug'8 bardwavo.