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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1909, p. 4

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. %^i3i*m < k M l * ^mim* *• Febbuary 11>0J) THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^^ ._ I- F.T-HILL & CO., = Markdalei Our Great February GRANITEWARE SALE C'oiDincncin^' fliis weok our annual Cmnitcwaic Sale takes place anil for the next fifu-endays wf willsoll all kinds of Kitchen utensils in Graniteware at a big savin"" in eost to you. In many eases the ])iieeH will i-epresent one-half to one- tliinUesi than you regularly i)ay, and the goods ire nuule-hy one of the best iuMUs in Canada, The MeClary Manufacturing i;o., of I-ondon. This sale represents i)art ofa biir piHchase we made some time ago and our prices to you are away below anything that can be purchased in the line in a wiiolesale way to-duy. It will pay you to take advantage of this sale. In pulilMicd every Tlmrsdny nt $1.00i'r|i aniiMiii if paid in advance, if}.U) if nut fto iwid. l^m^mi^mm^m^^m^mm^m^^^m^m^^^ J. &w liUTTEU DISHES. SEAMLESS, WITH COA'EU 75 only Hultcr Silo jiricd . . . . Dishes on fhIu, rigulnr l^uc vul Vftlrc. lOc. STOVi: DOTS, SEAMLESS, No. 0. KiKular 83c value, m.Ii? piice 480. 43 (.Illy Seatnleas Stove Pots, a'.aple »ize. No. 9, on fiile fiT *8c Targe SIZE basting "spoons 70 IiPIjuliir selling price 12f.c. 150 Lar^e Granite Ba«tinK Spoom, th<f kind jnu al- ways pay 12ic for, Piile price 7c "" DoTlJLEMILK AND KICK BOILER 4 qiurt D.'uWe Milk and Uice Uoili-rs, ti-sulur sale price C quart Double Milk and llice Boilers, rsRular ^1 00, 85". dale price ..fi8o 7IElT^TES ARE 1SCH1>KD AT SALE PRICE 20O lOiucli Pie PUlos in Graniteware, re„'.ilar 12Jc value. *ile pr CO "o 2fA) 9-i"cl>lPie Plate* in Grauiieware. rcKuIar lOo value,* sale price • • • • ' 6o PIDDING PANS. 2 quirl Sean.loas Pudding Pans, ruitular value 2(k-. sale price •• ••â- â€¢ â- ,â- â€¢"- 4HuartSe«mUss Puddini! Pans, rt«ul:ir value Jm-, kale price ^"'^ <iuart SiHmless Pudding Pans, rosulai value H3r, sale price ;.' â- â- ,'â- ,'â-  Olher siziMi scllmij at accordingly low prices. 20o SEAMLESS GRANITE DINNER PLATES on Sale 7 inch Granite Dinner Plat.«, regular value 10c, sale ' . oc price 8 inch (iranite Plaes, regular 12Jc pnir. »aj« oc price 9 inch Granite Dinner Plates, regular 121 pair, sale prioc.... This line repretenls ihe bifgesi kind of value. PRESERVING KETTLES IN ORANITEWAIIE ON SALE. 3 quart size Granite Preserving Kettle, regular .TOc value. Hale price •• â- â- â- }^^ 4 quart Hizo Grani.e Preserving Kettle, regular .loo value, sale price â- .•â- â- ;;â- â€¢, i a- 5,,uart »i/.e (Jianite Prenerving Ketll.s, r.gular4ac value, sale price :•:;••• •"" C quart si7.e Preseivinn Kettle., reKuUr ooc value, ka!e price • â- ,â- â- ',-â- - â-  â-  â- â€"°° 8 i.uart size PrcPervina Kettles, renular ,m value.^alo ' â-  .>nC nrice „ .;,.!, i 12 quart Mze GrnniKs Pre«ervin« Kcttle-i, regular fl.25, sale price 75c SLOP JARS OR HOUSE PAILS 10 qiiiirt SeanilcsK Slop Jars with tups or covers, regu. hit 81.00, stiliinj; fur 5;^^ SAUCE PANS ON SALE. ALL SWES 1 quart Sjuc'O Pans, r,'gul»r l.")o, sale piice.. ^ quar,; 4 quart 25c, 45c, . Oc .15o .280 PITCHERS. SEAMLESS 2 quart seauile.-is piuliu.i. teyular oOo for 22(5 ."> qu: re " " " (iOc for 25c 4 quait '• " " 75cf..r 35o Cquait " •' "«100for 45o 25c ( ;iOc 40c 45c WASH BASINS AT NEARLY HALP rauiie Wash nasiiis, hiIo price Wd liavo (piantitiesof all linos .He ,.18c , .24c . .28c DINNER PAILS WITH ClPS Regular (!5i; value for 28c 100 3 quart Oranilo Dinner Pni!.s with cup on top inelinle.l, round shape, the kind you always pay (jjc fnr, sale i>iice 2.Sj LARGE KNEADING OR BREAD PANa ' Seamless with Iioavy rinnned Lid 17 qimtl KiiCiidini; I'lins. sihiuIcss, with Foot, n very useful article in the kitchen, $1.50 value, ou sale at 70o G R A N ITE dTsII PANS AT S A LE PRRJES "" 17 <iuirt Granite Dish Pans, seamless, reguhir 8.">c value, sale price 58c 14 <)unrt (jiauitu Dixh Panr, seanileas, regular 7oc Milu>; s.ile piico 48ij COFl'EE POTS SELLING VERY LOW IN PRICE n quart Ci>flee Pots in Gruiiieware, 45c value, sale price 22c 2 quart CoflVo Puts in Graniteware, 66c value, sale price 28o 3 quart Coflee Pots in Graniteware, 05o value, sale price '. ,aSc 4 >iuart Coffee Pots in Graniteware, 7Sc value, sale price "JXc 5 (juart Coffee Pols in Graui'.ewnre, 85o value, sale prico 48o "the BIGGEST KIND OF "VALUES IN ALL SIZES GRANITE TEA POTS 1 (|U»rt (ii'unile Tea Pots, regular 40c value, sale prico lito U qunrt Grnnito Tea Pols, regular 55o value, sale price 22o 2 quart Granite Tea Pots, regular 55o value, sale price 28c 5 quart Giimito Tea Pots, regular 85c value, tale piico 43o Wc aU" live in slock tlic follinving Hues of Graniteware wliicli nio included in the Sale at the eorrPBDondinkiy low prices : PAILS, all kinds. TEA K1':TTLES, MILK PANS, PUDDING PANS oblong Kl'f^' dEN 150WLS. WATER PAILS. CHAMBERS. Customers will please .lote that this "^ale is'onlv foi the moutli of Febniuiy, after that time the values cannot be repeated . F.T. HILL&Co., = Markdalef i^ ^ â- *â-  â- *â-  â- *"- â- ^ â€" â€" ~ â€"~ â€" ' Cey ion's Tlfeat 'nfarkei. All kiiiJs of fresh anil smoked meals, head chetsc, sausage, ahvavs on hand. - - CASH PAID FOP. HIDES. Jas. ^ceiocklin. El Dorado Farm. Of .Stiorthorn rattle and Leicester khecp. Bull.- ami heifcrd <>n hand f..i nale, aUo a niiinUr ..f «ii«l« and rnse coniti linmn leirliiiiii, and niiifrleCKiiil) wliite leK'niiii .•iK.keielM L..t ?.i C.,11. .->. Chas. .Hlatfiad. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Ijevinianand WinU'la". tl'e '>«»' "' l>roo(llnR aiiclquftlit". Hull, COW8 ami lieilera for sale at reanonalilc pricoa liOt 3!i,con.i CHA8. STAFFORD. FloslicrlOD Herefords For Sale. Three I >.ll» fit f'lr Bervice. and fiv iioue Iwtler. I'licesiiKht, I'l ^<Wtioll; farm half inili •'"'"="'^"- .7. A T.WATSON licifeis t Ottiuu, I'mton from Httiigeen Farms for Sale & Rent I^^aiiiiior sale, containing onr hunilrod AoroH more or less. bt>ln({ lotH 111-142. cuii. 1. N.* K, fl'nionio Kydennain toad, about eighty aoroH cloaiu<l; balance btiH)). On thn propurty 1? ouo frwnu! bum ItSx^r) n.i Motm hafcnioni with con* ciuluHtatjlin^ aniluood iii)pluniuntt*lii'd. Ki'^uie dwciliuK houae, Hniall orchard, two Kood welln. AIho two ^priiifjH on back end of place. Thuro arc thirty Bcrea (all plouKhed, tlvoaci-»B of tall will at, well fenced and in a^ood atatuofciilt'VH' tioii. ThiH is one oi*tb« be^t favuiH In tliu towiibhip and oan bcj bought riicht. It is aituat- «il one mile fcoin Klesliurtou and Dv« niiltiu (loni Marhdalc. Apply to KICAAHOSUN hllUK., Fleehtirton T otH ai and \S\ ron. Ji 8 1) H, IGO acrcH, ('« cleared ^-' lU aoroB paature, balance youd bush. Uaru liTixiX), driving ahed, good fratiio hoimo, tJ wullt*. 1 acre of orchard and stone wall undur ham. tiau(;een river crousea bauk of farm. Well fenced and in M<>od atate of cultivation, :( niile^J from I'rotuu btaticD. Foe turnia apply on premiHua to JAMEH H, VAUtiK, Vroton Station L^or sale cheap, oi rent, tmmediato posaeaaion -* Lot HO con. 14, Arteinbaia, about 75 acrua clear, comfortable log house ami fraum harn, Apply to V. J- Sproule, Flusherton, or John J MaithiiOOioBathfl ruad from aaid lot. ] otfl K \ 8 and 1). Con. i:J, in thn tnwbship of ^ Oaprey, iriOacrefl, large clearing, good franto bavn and atahlup, good dwelling aud well. Ap ply on the ptemiHAf) or to |W. J. Brm.a&it, FleahertoD L^oraate cheap and on oaay '.tBrma, good com ^ fortahle frame dwelling, Btahle and driving houKe. nltli tlireo village lots, in Ceylon. DweU ling well built and finished aud good bearing oruhaiU ou the property, Apply to U. J. Si'BouLR, Fleshertoa VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE n^\\o u nrtMHlBiicd lias a Rood \ acre lot in Prlcoville for Bale, rontainliiR roiiKlin««t I.OUM. good liai'U, Kood ordiard, two wollx. oto. AI«oa:i'tcrn vactut lot near tlie utatioii, tinder cultivation Thewlnta iiiunt 1 B «ol(> an 1 am InarlnR or tlie west ttil» iiiitlnH. Amilv for toiirti, etc., to -HERHKBT WATSON, I'llceTlllr, K»l'. 0. idOU. Uor oa'io or rentâ€" 100 acio farm, I acre of ov- -^ clisrd, 10 acruKbimli including fi acres iiaid- rwood, well watered and good feiicoB, l>iick I lioiific. fraino barn.Ili mllca trout school anil I ]io»t ollioo, :i miles fioni I*roton Station. For price and tcinifi of sale apply to Wui- Taylor, ot7il*7^, cou 1 uortliof Durnaui road, Arteniesia Who wouldn't givo 2.") criiu to aloi) a pain tw»i>ly tiiiiPi/ Juat one litild "Pink Pain Tablet"â€" Dr. .Shoop'aâ€" will atop any pain in 3*) iiiiiiulcs, curi'l noad tin- formula on iho l-oi. Dcctort say it can't lit" bettered. Check* womanly pains, head pains, any pain. 2t» tahloU 25c, S Id by all dealers. T ot« n.'i, fi6 and (17. con :i Aitemesla, I.W acres -'-' 1*15 cleared aud un<ler cnltlvatiun, all fenced twf. good orchards; largo frame ham, Ifaseuient haru aud outer frame barn 'J4x:i(l, fraino dwell- ing, This will â- )« mad* a gooil thing for the right lutu \V. H, M0NALI.Y, I'orllaw l,\.r Bont-Iot :17, con K, Artemcsia. 100 seres. a"i *â-  to W vlearcdaitdin cultivation, oomlortablo dwelling, hank harii. atona stalilius. in a flrst class settleniaut ami wyjl worth) the attention of those rcquiilng such. II. J. tiPROULB, Flesborton Poultry Raising Advancing. At the recent Poultry Instituto meeting in Giiulph, Mr. G. A. Putinan, auporin- tondeiil of Farmers' Institute*, aaid: l'i;til reci-utly the Farmera' Institutu.^ had not piid much attention to the dis- cussion of poultry quoeiion*; in fact prominent inenihers of institutes had at tiniua expressed a distinct avertion to thu discussion of such trivial Bubjeois. Re- cently, however, iho poultry spirit haa developed ninons? the farmers. Many of them have l)ecum;< unlhusiaslio poultry- raiseij, and now niany institutes have Hpecial poultry mcutiiiK.. «t vv'hich export l)oiiliryinen or women lecturn on ».miio phase or phases of the poultry industry. This has caused a rajiid improvement of the farm poultry hu.siuess, hut still yreal- er improvement may bo looked forward to in the noar future. Through the Women's Iiistitutes already organissed, and the local Farmers' Clubs, which are hei.iR organized in different parts of the Province, tha best methods of hous- ins/, breeding, feedinf, marketing, etc., are kept before the people, (t is doubtful if poultry-rai8iiiK«8 an exclusive business would be a tuccoas on nios": of thu (tiitario farms, but each farmer should ^receive a Urge profit from » Hock of 100 or 150 hens treated as a side line. The work of cariue for poultry is light, and can be porformsd by children who often- times bars no other regular oinployment, and who will nearly always develop a love forthe work if they are given sufficient iiiteresl in it. The profit* from farm poultry m»y be greatly inorrased by co- ..peratioh in liuying and «ullini{ stock and products. T o».S, ciP. 1 Onircy. MiO acretl well tinihprert .'^'r'jrma etc. I'PPly to 1!. Itoborvs, Ladv Uauk P, 0. Three Frankfoid hotelkecpers have been acipiillc J on a charge of selling to minors, us Ihe younu man in iiues'ion looked to ' e over tlio luj{al ago. Tlie winter is wearing fast nway. A few more weeks and birds, bcos, 1 butterflies, bugs and bndij with U8. This item was written by the ugricuUiiiftl editor. Ho 1ms "b's in lii.s boiiu?t," as the bcotclinian puts it, Yes ! Get lid of the Senate by all ineaus. It is a useless expciiFe to the country, Alilioiigh P.iforincd, it appeals to be as useless as ever, Bcsi ies, the editor of tins paper never expects to get a scnatorship, or a divorc3. Some person sent us a copy of a paper called " The Biirumg Bush, " This is publisher! by a new religious sect that has sprung up in Wisconsin, Criticism of its tenets'wonldjbe useless, as it is one of the epliemeral land aud cannot exist very long. It is lacliii)g iu one great essential of Chiistianity â€" cliarily. It's sole object appears to bo to venomously attack the great existing religious bodies, instead of attempting to evolve and place before tlie unregenerato something better. The literary standard of the paper i« of an exceedingly low grade, and we fancy the whole outfit will appeal to very lew â€" altliongh anything that calls itself a religion will liud fallow- era ill these days by a few of the foolish lambs who love to be shorn, The Cuban government, now that Uncle Saiti's guiding hand has been withdrawn, has lost no time in gett iiig in a blow at their (luondam guardian that will make him grunt â€" and iucidentallr make others grui:t as well, including many Canadians, and even some Artemesia people, to bring it nearer home. The Cuban govern- ment have introduced a measure making it illegal for aliens to hold property in the island. Whether or not they intend to confiscate property already held by outsiders we cannot say. We can say, however, that if they begin that sort of thing trouble will resultâ€" it will not be emly gruutp, but howls. A most important congress is called for March 81 to April 4 in Toronto, when it is expected 2,000 delegates will be present to disctfts the mission- ary ([uestion. The delegates are made up from the five great churches in Canada. Thii event marks a distinct step in advance towaid a closer federation of at least three t f these ohurolies, and may add material- ly to the cause of church union, which is now before the people, A large degree of unanimity appears to prevail as to the benefits of church union. It is noticeable that in the United States the tendency appears to be a multiplicity of religious bodies --of the making of sects there is no end, as of books. In Canada it is pleasing to note that the tendency is rather towards concentration of effort along church lines, which is as it should be. [o Speaking at Stratford last week Mr, C. M. Hays, manager of the Grand Trunk, said his railway had 3,000 level crussitiga and that it would ccsl $.50,000,000 to abolish these. It is difficult to believe his figuresâ€" one thud the cost of the Grand Trunk Pacificâ€" but if Mr. Hays makes the statement it must be ccrrect, Kven if it amounts to that sum, it must be faced. The people are themselves not wholly blameless for the maimer in which eur railways have been built in the past, aud should bear a portion of the coat of reconstructing crossings. But their eyes have become opened to the folly of allowing unprotected- crossings to exist, and we may look for an improvement in future railway building, providing our legislators do their duty. Inspector of Continuation or Rural High Schools, K. H. Cowley, has re- ported to the Minister of Education a largo increase in this class of institu- tion and marked good resulting. Mr. Cowley says that " in ilie Continua- tion School may be found the solution of the prob'eat of rural cducaiioi. " At the same tunes ho poiiils out certain improveme:»ta necessary and .'egislaliou will lo brought down dui'- Bencral and Ijiardware Itlercl^ants. FLESHERTON - - ONT. WE huve made arangementa with Messrs. Beldina, Paul Si Co. of of Toronto, wherby we have engaaed their Miss Sitsoiis, nh<; is Hn expert teacher < f .Silk Embroidery in it.s various branchos, to give free les.sons in fancy work to any of our customeis who wish lo take advantaL'e of the opportunity. The free lessung will be civin in our millinery show rooms, be!;inin;4 March Isf, and con- tinuiiit' for two weeks. Thi» is ao excellent opportunity « ho 1p\s a taste for fancy work and .«hould not tojjlect to take advant- age o' hours of lessons, to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. FURS FURS FURS A.s the end of the season fur furs i.s a;iproachin,'» we have" decided to sell iho of our slock 'jut at jiriees without regard to cost. 2 n'eii's Coon Ciats, regular ?;;5 .md *60, Xo. 1 stock at §45 1 only Bulgirian Lamb, reg 8:52, No. 1 stock at, §24 1 Australian litar, reg ?17, No. 1 stock at ; gSg 2 ladies' AsttBchan Jackets, te/ 835 at §20 C»p.;rines. Collars, Sable Muffs. Caps, Robef, Gauntleta, etc., at prices never before bcArd of. Golf Jackets in white, navy, cardinal and black, Reg. S2.25 at 81.75 " «1.75 " ^1 25 Childrens bear skin coats, sizes 22, 24 and 16, ren from $2 25 to 82.75, selling at $1.33 Men's Overcaats, regular ?10 and $11, selling at f 7.50 Men's heavy Rnbber.s, at pricus below cost. % Flour and Feed. fl? Wo krep on hard a full slock of Flour and Feed includinffFeed Flour ^ t^horls, Bran and the famous Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of •IIb the Woods Mdlii J! Co., Ken HI in, every bag of which is guaranteed ^ if not satisfactory return it and get your money. 1^ Hardware. ^ We have a well aseoi ted sleek of Hardwareâ€" parties conlen:p!slirg ^ luileiinc will ('owill to ^ct (i;r pric.sbefere purchssing ehewhercâ€" ^^ also a nice line uf stoves, tinware etc. itiim In SlclsbSt Bugalcs* iUaddon$» l^arrows, Plougbs, €ream Sep- arators and Olire Fencing horse;shoeing a specialty Heard's Carriage Works ing the present session "placing these schools ou a definite basis as part of tlio secoud ary school system of the province, as are high schools now, providing for their maintenance, etc." "All the facts of their growth,' declares Mr. Cowley, " indicate that the Continuation schools are i*daptable to Tiieet the demitnds of the rural dig.- tricts for secondary education, while the experience of the past two years as clearly suggests that the people appreciate these schools and arc pre- pared to go as far as iiiay be necessary to place them on a substantial basis.'' ( The March Rod and Gun Fish and Gamo Protection work throughout Canada forms a prominent topic ill thu Mau'h issue of Rod and Ouii and Moior oporls in Canada, publisbod by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock, Out. In addition lo a s-kotch of the meetings of the North American Fish and Came Protective Associatiou, the organizations of three provinces a'so receive attention while in (Intario it likewise comes in for special treatment. Although so much space is given to this important work of aiding thu con.sorfation of Canada's natural re.sourcos, sportsmen will n(it be disappointed in the usual fare provided for them. The Hon. Chas. Sc3»t tolls in graphic lani^uaite (>f a successful moose hunt in New Brunswick, w^hile the Finest Hunt of the Wolf River Hunt Club is one no sportsman will read un- movod. K\\ incident of Iho wolf hunt now ill piogross in Northern Ontario should not be ovevlmiked, while Dr. Hornaday's Ideals of Sportsmanship will roconimend themselves to all. These i.leals ^^iil bo cherished, aimed lit and worked '.ip t<i and cannot fail to have a marked stl'o.t on iho future of spoit thiouuhout tl'o Ntiitlierni portion of ihe c.viiiiiieiii. A description of Columbii's now Ruiiie prosnrvp, »it'i many other articles, incUiiJiiig a particu- larly good one 00 Fur Trading With Indians in the Far North, depaitmenti replete with iiiforma&ion and a special account of the Hamilton tiap shooting tournament, make up a number appealiag to every lover of the great out-doors, and one full of vivid inlereat to them all. In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail. It may be a stomach nerve, or it may hava Hiven strongih and support to the Hoar,. or Kidneys, It was Dr, Shoop that first pointed (o this vital truth. Dr. Shoop'a Resiorative was not made to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That old-fashwned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop'a Res- torative goes diiectly to theas failing inside nerves- The remarkable succes of this proscription denioustrates, the wisdom of treating the actual cause of Ihew failing uigans. And it is indeed to prove. A;simple tivo or ten days teat will surely tell. Try it once, see. Sold by all dealers. aud Cityhood For Owen Sound. A motion was introduced in the Town Council by Councillor James H. Uutheiford and unanimously carried, that a special committee be appointed t;> take up Ihe (jucstion of securing the inoorrmra- tion of Owen Sound as a city. The re- commendation was made in Mayor Harri- son's inauguiMl address that these steps betaken. The town, with its newly- ac(|uircd annev, ihn most thickly populat- ed section of the town plot of Brooke, has now a population estimated at 13,000. Manager Frunz of the Lake Superior Corporation, which was reccMtly taken over by English capitalists, have issued a statement that the company would immediately ronimcnco extenaivu addi- tions lo the open hearth furnaces at the Al!,".im» Steel plant in thu Canadian Soo. Other improvcmeuta aro to follow fjist, the intentions being to make it the gieat- cit steel concern in Canada. It is report- tid that the company will Oiect new blast furnaccH an I a struoturi'l steel plant.

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