THE TRUE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM ; Caused by Urio Acid in Blood and . Can Only lie Cured Througli tlie Blool Not many years ago doctors thought rheumatism was only a • local pain caused by exposure to . cold or wet. Now they know tha't rheumatism ia caused by the blood ^ ' becoming tainted with urio acid. ' V This acid contracts the muscl«s, ^ stiffens the joints, and irritates the nerves. Then the cold iind wet make the joints and muscles • groan with a'ching rheumatism. , You blame the weather but the real cause is acid in the blood. If ' not promptly treated the stiffnesa ' spreads and the pain grows worse _ each year until you are a helpless " cripple, tortured day and night. , If the disease touches the heart it means sudden deatli. You can't • cure rheumatism with liniments, plasters or hot cloths. You must • go to the root of the trouble in , the blood. The one sure, scienti- 'fic way to cure rheumatism is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, beeause they •actually make new blood. They ,iweep out the poisonous acid, loos- en the joints and muscles, and 'bring ease and freedom where be- • fore had been paJn and misery. , Mrs. Fred. Sabeau, Canada PBOTISION MARKET IN AFRICA now Buying and Cooking is Con« ducted in That Country. Travellers in Africa find the standard of living somewhat differ- ent from what they arc accustomed to at home. One of the latest to report upon thia matter is Mary Hall in her book, "A Woman's Trek from the Cape to Cairo." The following paragraphs reflects a strong liglit upon the condition of market and kitchen in British Cen- tral Africa: When the native butcher proposes to kill an ox, notice to that effect is sent round to the white people on the previous day. Once they were appraised of the fact by the following startling announcement: "A bule will be murdered to-mor- row morning, at six a.m. This cold-blooded crime, so care- fully premeditated, â€" even to the exact hour,â€" was, however, not Committed, as the following morning a second notice was issued, as fol- lows : "The bule ran away this morning, so was not murdered." But this Vas an exceptional case. I heard one story which is so characteristic of the native that I repeat it. The man who related it told me that the incident occurred when he was on a journey, and was suffering from a bad attach of fever. One evening he fancied he would like some eggs, and told his boy to get two and boil them lightly. After a time they were brought to him as hard as bullets. He told the I Can't Praise Them Too Much So Says Charles Bell of Dodd's Kidney Pills. COUNTRY DRIVE IN RUSSIA. Speed Proportionate to Priceâ€" "Through Village" Roads. The Russian popular idea of driv- A Woman's Sympathy Are you dl»coura«edT la your doctor'J bill a. heavy Buanclal load? Is your pain a. heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to dclU;ate womenâ€" I have been dlscouragod. too; but loarned how to . . euro myself. I mg horses it to flog them along mile ; SSJ-WrbriirV^-nd'o -tLii tor you and alter mile without a moments euro myself. "I want to relieve your bur- Why not end the pain and o'.op Iha 's bill? I can do Ui' _ .. , wlU If you will assist me. .^ ^ , breathing space. The speed is I b„^V?ho"r1,m.d? ^'hfch^ai'bJei; Sia'JSS proportionate, within limits, to the price paid, but the horses are never Creek, N. S., says: â€" "Three years 'ago I was taken with a severe pain i boy he must get some more and boil â- in my right hip. It grew gra<lual- them less ; but alas ! these were .ly worse until it finally settled in I brought to him in the same condi- both my hips and legs. The pain,tion, and the poor fellow wished he was really almost unbearable. At •first I tried foot drafts and lini- .mients, but this gave me only the moat temporary relief, and I felt as if I was to go through the rest 'of my life as a suffering cripple. lA neighbor whose daughter had teen cured of rheumatism by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advised me fo try this medicine, and 1 pur- ahascd three boxes. Before they â- were all gone I was able to get my foot up on my knee and ahoe, something I had not to do for two years, and I bega:i had never ordered them at all. Being unwilling to give in, he made another attempt, and told his boy, "Come to me when the water boils." The boy did so. "Xow," said his master, "put the eggs in, and when you have count- ed fifty, take them out." The native method of reckoning is to count up to ten, and then be- gin again, arriving at the total by j the number of the tens counted. â- .1 • T u J ^ u "*'*^ i"!'^ T''*-' sick man heard the boy start ahoe, something I had not been able ] f^;^ ^^^ ^^.^ ^^ ^^^, ^^ j^,,/ ^^^_ when a second boy interfered, and •questioned whether it were the third or fourth ten. i This started a discussion ; and as they could not agree, it was decid- ed to begin all over again. Mean- while the eggs were still boiling, ferer to know that Dr. Wiifiams' ^nd getting harder and harder. Piuk Pills is a sure cure for rheu-jThis was about the last straw, and matism. and that if they will give]''! as <-he man felt, he was com- Ihis medicine a fair trial, their | Pel'cd to get out of bed and put a ^ains and aches will disappear as summary end to the cooking opera- to feel I had at last found a me li ^ine to cure the trouble. I kept on taking the Pills until I had iised, I think, a dozen boxes, wheti 1 was completely cured and I am as well and strong to-day as ever I was in my life. 1 want every suf- toinc did • Sold by all medicine dealers or "by mail at 50 cents a box or six • boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- , Haras' Medicine Co., Brockvillc, .Ont. tion. KISSING TUE BOOK. Practice First Came into Fu.shion End of the 16th Century. "Kissing the book," which is like- ly to be done away with before long in England, is a rather late de- velopment of the mere touching of the gospels with the fingers, which dates from the si.xth century. It is likely that the kiss was original- ly intended not to increase the solemnity of the oath but to signify reverence and affection for the book. The kiss appears to have come into fashion toward the end of tho sixteenth century, and would seem, from what George Fox says of it, to have been a Protestant Innovation. According to him, the unrefonncd method was simply to hold the gospels with three fingers above the book, typifying the Trinity, and two fingers below, typifying the twofold destruction of body and soul that an oath-taker Invoked upon himself if he swore falsely. Tliere is many a gtood-he.arted fool. The trouble is a man doesn't do his thinking with his heart. SAVED BABY'S LIFE. Mrs. T. Osborn, Norton Mills, Vt., aays : â€" "I have no hesitation in saying that Baby's Own Tablets saved my baby's life and 1 cannot say enough in praise of this medicine. He was so weak and sickly that ho took no notice of anything, and cried so niu'ch that I was worn out ^ caring for him. After giv- J ing him the Tablets there wa.s a great change-, and he is now a bright-cycd, laughing baby, the pride of our home." Baby's Own Tablets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds, destroy worms and keep little onos healthy and happy. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. «• Some men are such swindlers that the,y cheat themselves. He had Rheumatism (or Ten years and the old Roliablo Kidney Remedy Cured him oompletely. N-orth Range, Digby Co., N. S., Mar. I. (Special).â€" "I am so filled with gratitude to Dodd's Kiduey Pills that I cannot praise them too highly." These are the wor<i8 of Mr. Charles Bell, well known hero, and they are echoed by many an- other who has been freed from the tortures of rheumatism bv Dodd'a Kidney Pills. "I suffered terribly from rheuma- tism for ten years," Mr. Bell con- tinues, "I was so bad I could scarcely get in and out of bed. After trying various medicines without getting relief, a friend ad- vise<l me to try Do<id's Kidney Pills. Six boxes cleaned the Kheumatism right out of me." That's what Dodd's Kidney Pills do to Rheumatism â€" clean it right out of you. They do this simply and naturally. Rheumatism is cau'sed by uric acid in the blood. When the kidneys are healthy they strain this uric acid out of the blood. With no urio acid in the blood there can bo no Rheumatism. Consequently to cure Rheumatism, cure your kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pilla always cure the kidneys. * MIDSEASON HATS. It is very difficult to fa-ce these last fe^v we&ks beforo spring with- out providing iu some way for headgear. It seems an absolute necessity that some sort of pre- paration should be made, so that] the heavy fjr toque may be^ dis- carded and the hat of lighter weight may be substituted until the days for straw hats conic again. When you are buying such a hat â€" and I am furc you will be una'ole to do without it â€" choose some small one which will fit well down over your marceled liair. Let the crown be flat on top, and lot the general effect be chic. So much for the shape. For the trimini ig, let thefe be gold or silver, or one of those charming tissues which are silver with a tint of some light color â€" violet, pink or green. This charming material may encircle the crown or outline it by a litlle baud, and the orna- mentation may be given by a few flowers or by some fancy feather, v.hich will stand directly in the middle of the front. But whatever forms the trimming of your new hat, be very sure that there is not too much ornamenta- tion piled upon it. The generous- ly decorated hat has lost its place for th« nonce. One of the French toques is termed the "Mario Antoinette." It is made of soft straw or shir'red liberty satin, and trimmed half way to the high crown with a wreath of hand-made tiny roses mixed with gold ones. Snooper-â€" "There is nothing per- fect on this earth." Swayback â€" "You forget Gilley." "What about Gilleyi" "He's a. perfect ass." Impurities in the Blood.â€" When, the action of the kidneys becomes impaired, impurities in tho blood are almost sure to follow, and gen- eral derangement of the system en- sues. Parmelec's Vegetable Pills ..... . . »I7T . . .u .. 1 will regulate the kidneys, so that What Is the Best Thinj U strciiRthon woxk ', •>, • . • , i, , .• back? â- Tho i> * 1.' Menthol i-i.-vater. It will ' tiicy Will mamtain haallliy action euro lumb-m;.; anJ rheumatisiu. »1 rulls inako | ,,,,^1 prevent the Complications (ocon -isa. plaster*. Umia <fc Lawrence Co., I , . , ' . • ,1 i j^i. kiuutreai. i which certainly come when there is I derangement of these delicate or- I gans. As a restorative these Pills ; arc in the first rank. Have you tried Holioway's Corn Cure ? It has no equal for remov- ing these troublesome excrescnces as many have testified who havo tried it. Most men are cheerful givers when they have a chance to hand out advice. Palnlilllor in winter checki ohllls, breaks op Ciilili anil tlius preTflntu Unuicliiti", l,.-igtipp8 ami Ull» Unequ.^llOlI .-vs ii llniniBiit tur fr isl biton, cUillilaiiu. brulitofl, t.|)ialnii. Suld bjr ail druggiotd. Only oaa I'ainkillorâ€" I'ony Uavia . Stewai-doss â€" "Madam, I've at- tendee! to you the best I know how, supplio>d every want, but you are still unsatisfied. What do you waut now I" Seasick Lady Passen- ger â€" "I want the earth." Repeat It: "Shlloh'a Our» will atwaya oui-e my coughs and colds." Ascum â€" "That little boy of yours seems to be nervous. Does he in- herit it from you?" Henpeck â€" "I guess so. He c-ertaiuly did not get it from his mother, for she's got more nerve than ever." A Cure for Rheumatism. -- The intrusion of uric acid into tho blood vessels is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unheal- thy condition of the liver. .\ny one subject to this painful affec- tion will find a remedy in Parnie- lee's Vegetable Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restor- ing healthy acvion, they correct impurities in the bloo<l. Customer â€" "What do you mean by selling me that stuff you called ^lair-restorer, and telling me it (would restore my head to its ori- ginal condition?" Chemist â€" "Didn't you like it?" Customerâ€" ,"No, I didn't. If I had kept on much longer I should have been en- tirely bald. Original condition, indeed!" Chemistâ€" "Most people 'are born bald. sir. That is ia« original condition." "What is the honeymoon, pa?" "Well, the honeymoon is the only period in a man's life during which he considers it funny to come home and find that his dear little wife hasn't diniwjr ready in time." Repeat lt;-"3hlloh'8 Cura will alwaya cure my ooughs and colds." Hul)by â€" "I don't see why you do not exert yourself to make ine happy." Wifeyâ€" "Why, of all things ! You know you told me when I accepted you that I had inado you the happiest man on earth? What is the use of my try- ing to improve on that?" It is easier to prevent than it is tt cure. Inflammation of the lungs is the companion of neglected colds, and once it finds a lodgment in the system it is difficult to deal with. Treatment with Sickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup will eradi- cate the cold and prevent inflam- mation from setting uu It costs little, and is as satisfactory •« it is surprising in its results. If a man keeps his ears open he will sometimes get a lesson in the accurate use of language when he least expects it. "Bessie," said papa, "won't you have a lit7t.l« piece of this ehi'cken ?" "No thank you," said Bessie. "What! no chicken?" "Oh, yes, I'll have chicken, but I don't want a little piece." at any speed allowed to slacken, writes a correspondent of the Lon- don Standard. The higli road to lluza runs in a series of up and downs like an end- less "switchback," yet the "jam- shirk" (driver) never once al'owed his horses to rush the last of a de- clivity to carry them up tho next rise, but kept the pace steady up hill or down, a regular rate of one verst in five minutes. We insisted several times on giving the poor brutes a few yards at a walk, but at lest had to acquiesce in the cus- tom of tho country, with the result that at Ruza it seemed better to take another team for the remain- ing four miles across country. The way now lay over what are called 'through village" roads. These are simply a tract of Mother Earth bounded on one. sometimes on both sides by a rough ditch, and only otherwise differentiated from the surrounding arable land by the surface being cut up by wheels in- stead of ploughsâ€" and the Russian plough liardly cuts a deeper furrow in tho fields than wheeled traffic on such a "road." In order properly to understand .some of the conditions of rural life in Russia it is necessary to travel in the simplest manner of the native ; our impressions of the same road when we returned behind a pair of fine horses in a properly balanced carriage with a sufficiency of springs were wholly misleading, if more enjoyable. * ECZEMA OF THE SCALP. ZatU'Buk Cnrps a Biiiy who Suffered for Three Years. Now and again mothers find that soi-es or ulcers on the heads of children refuse to heal, despite all ordinary treatment. Then is the time to prove Zam-Buk's healing power. A case which mothers will read with interest occurred recent- l.V in Winnipeg. Mrs. C. Keep, of 692. Alexander Avenue, Winnipeg, says: â€" "A year ago my little girl contracted eczema of tho scalp, and notwithstanding all I did the sores spread until tho child's sealp w.ns- completely covered. I toijk her to hospital, but none of the- loti â- n•^ and ointineuts applied had any ( f- fect on the disease. By degrees t' e child's hair cameuut, until she wa-: quite bald. We were at this stapc strongly advised to try Zam-Buk and did so. From first commenc- ing with this wonderful the child 'got relief from the itchin« and pain. The sores were quickly ban- ifihed, and in a remarkably short space of time the child was curetl. The hair soon grew again, and is now quite long and in a healthy condition." All wlio have care of eiuldren shoukl know that Zam Buk is parti cularly otlapted, beoause of its purity, to the tender skin of chil- dren. It cures with equal dispotch ringworm, blood-poisoning, ulcers. cold-cracJjs, chapped hands, frost- bite, piles, bad leg, etc. Used as an embrocation it eases the. pain of sprains, and cures rheumatism, sciatica, and neuralgia. All drug- gists and stores sell .at 50c. a box ; or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. * Somehow hone»ty manages to parade in public frequently. Use the safe, pleasant and effec- tual worm killer. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator: nothing equals it. Procure a bottle and take it home. A spoonful of success is better than a gallon of failure. Repeat U:-"8hllol»'sOttro will alwa/a core my coughs and colds." The man who acts little makes a a big mistake. AB Fire Sprenda In dry griws, no does an Inflam- n,"tio. in the throat srow down Iho lungs Ueal proinplly with a<l a< wilh ii ll.«. and when jou begin to ouugli use Allou'a Lung llal.Ham. Optimism and dyspepsia are not on speaking terms. Reveat It.- "ShUoh'sOnrowin alway* euro my coughs and colds." In my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you â€" It lias done so for others. If so, I Bh.all bo happy and you wlil bo cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held confl- dentlallv. Write to-dav for mv free trent- MUt. lina V. S CURRAH. -Windsor, One It doesn't take very much to en- courage a hopeful person. It is Good for Man and Beast. â€" Not only is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil of incomparable value in the household, but tho farmer aud stockman will find it very service able in the farm yard and on the cattle range, often saving the ser- vices of a veterinary surgeon. In injuries to stock and in cases ot Gough and pains it can be used with good effect. WR W.\NT RKUABI.B MBN AND WOMB» ftll aT*r Canada to work for ui dirlaa thoir apare bonra wiling our hl^h (t^e I'erfuniu, ToiUt Bequiiitoi. Tou Ccifleei, otc. Nocxparlr ence ntoeuary. Wirk pleataut and ranunerktir*. Tb* Hum* Hperia.Uai Co., Dap't. W, Trabay Aveuu*. Torontu, Canada. Important Auction Sale of HhurtUorn bulls, cows aud hutf«M, at WOODSTOCK, ONT., MAS OH 4th, 1B0I in ^'alo I'aTilion. Fortv baad are in tlio ufferlog. yarmeri and breeder* in need of herd liuUt wii| find thorn at t hi a sale. Apply for calal"Koai tc H. J. D%«i9, Wooditoefc Capt T. E. Bobion, Auctioneer. LET ME SKNn VOU A Dofflo Cream Sf paratoi to your heme for 10 days' Fras Trial. The Trial will not cad /on a panu*. I u'd ml macliiuatitrictir onltn mailtj aud it Uat to be batter lbii« atban(nat simply ai goad) ta (tand a chance in o.imbatU tiun. It IS l>ettar, aud U la< troducad iu a uuaie-daal way. My Free Trial and az< ainluation plan should inter eat you. Wtita for Circular "W ta NO 2 OOMO Qraam Separator PBlCKIiO.OO. What you give why. is measured by Repeat It.-'fl'iUoh'B Cur« -will always ctiro my ooualia «"><* oolda. "Granddad," said a child, "what makes a man give a woman a dia- mond engagement-ring f "The woman," was the reply. J. H. MORROW. BBiaUTO:*. . • ONTAEIO. $5,000,000 iwaitsCIainiaiits in Britisii Cliaacery Wo rcfiuiro the next of kin of Edward* UcQurk, vrfao uro entitlvd to uu eata%« valued at $Z50,C0<li ne havo also valuabla ictormation for the following: Allcn'a Luntr Balsam li especially Intended to brealc up ii«Klected o â- ufbi. and many hupoless oasoa havo been aavad by ita uae. Coutaiua no opium in any furm. Don't antagonize a man *i'-,h a cool million ; he is in a positi in to make it hot for you. Repeat It: --Shlloh's Cure -orUl always cure my coughs and colds." You may have noticed that ther<3 are iTK^re men with blockheads than wooden legs. CALVES Raise Thtni Without Milk. Bi'Ok'ict FrM. Steela Brl«s» Baad CcLU)., Toronto FRUIT LAND. Fira acrei, cloie to rail and Vnnriuver, H. C. Price i?'KI. terms. .KUa city and suburban lota and at^reage. UEOBOB A. KKNDAI.l., nealer in Uealtv. 018 Ila<tiuii9 St. W., Vancouver, B.C. OHENn.LE CURTAINS tmA all klnUs ol houso llaustugt. also LICI OURTAIHS °'"^,^u'ii-^^r"' Writs to Its kbout yours. WITIttI AIIIBIOAtt DYSIHa Oa, ••){ 1CB.Montroal A. J. PATTISON & CO- 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, 8took Brokers & Finanolal Agant* and other stocta buuiiht and sold ui cimnilaMoih, CuiTaipondeuoa Infited. Urd-jra may be airadatl iaoxaaBeau. AGENTS Good profits. Even boys and girls oarn $6.00 to $12.00 per week. ONTARIO SEED CO., U)S King St., Waterloo, Ont. DEVKLiirEil Will develop your bunt from two to tllrco inuboa in a very short time. ABS0I.UTKI.Y I|ARMLE!^8. Price ll.iK) prepaid. (.'omtnunicatiuns ctrictly priTivte. THE BOW -XROS MEDICINE COMPANV ttU liathurst Nt., Toronto, Out. Garritt UalUEtooe Qilca HacKlwaia Gudlrsy Ualtmaa Goodrioji Murray Qoodmau Ualloy Qrey Muin Oray Major Gilder Morria Orears Norval Gelder Normaa Gates Newton ailbert Owen Cillilaod O' Galley GreavcB Petcra Hayca Tcrter lioiUerinelou Packet Herbert Phillips l^lcmming Porter Uillford Pasket Hartley Porter Honcll Pitkin Uale Prior Ilay QccU'h Harper Rk.ine8 Uatsell Bostron Uoare Kudgcr Hatfield Roberts Hill Robertson Iloditcs Baudall Holdferlh Kabeo Howard Ridley lltulcy Kobinnon Karris Reynolds Hardman Kamtdale Hunter Kcsticauz Hucliua Rattery lloyl Riley Uaya Rabini Heatlcy Hosers Holmes Sarjcaaut llutcliins Scut I Uildred Htcck Jackman Bummer Jones Sheldon .lackson Himoos .Tr^lTs Sobago Jeukinn Bchradei Jolly Bejton Johnston Smah Knlly South Kp;ino Rcholts Kiiapp Seymour Lamb Sime Ijp'-s Stronj Lfhy Thomson liippsliuti Tafln Long Viliiers Lewis Von Ueichbur Little Vunn Lone 'WillinaiB Tiangley Winn Lee Welch Lashbronk Whieh Lea Whitehead LesTO White Litrht Wilklnfon Mai Ion WoodroITe JIcKc'ina Warren Morortith Walton Mofoloy Warschawskl McGaffln Watkins Ma<-«regor Waller Mi-JIwraith Walsh McttV:owa Wray I'cT'hio Wylan Morrffion Young Middleton Wnlker MatiKor Warion MiPliillips Wnbb 7.fcMnno Wrichl McMar.nci V/akcford Murray Young If vour name is iw the Anovn i.i.<;t i.rito us, quoting pr.rticulars of birth, f^to., and enclose SJ. our only fee, Alsd Wamped addroeeod euTolopp, and we nill Inail particulars. Qunrnntpod authentic, AddrP9s all communicationB LEVISO.V & H.iRPER Room 6, S2 Adelaide Street East, TORONTO, Canada. Adolphus Allau Aikin Appleton Allateon Anthony Aikin Uatoman Billing' Barillet Barnelt Bool Boll Ilo:inie Douham tieunie jBayley iiaxtcr HUks liuckmnster l3l:' BoBc:o Brown Boyd Balmforth Brrnnan IJolicg Barcby Brooks Uaruap Blair Barillet Campbell Coghill Connor GovUburn Carptntcr CUambi^rs t/'rawtord Crow Coo;ior Orighton Clark Cavpaiigh Cavnafh Collaid rhnpma'i i Cromplon ' Crim Dp raaine Davics ; Deus Devino Darby r.urham , Ualo I Dykes I Diiwnon i Tlnriier i Edwards I .'ivnns I ETens Eggar Elliott 1 Fulton Trench Torbs Port Field Forrest Viddes P.-ihy "uilayaon o'ter llzger.ild ebu: nllowny [â- ^IiBRan llchrist rniogpr tirncnwcod pcnmett finuS The iUSt Tn»y ons.SpM «"' ,!»' ISSUE NO. 9-09. SEE? "If ycu wants to see do bright side o' life," said Uncle Eben, "you's got to be willin' to put in n. little patience an' hard work to help keep it polished up." Gentleman (to dog dealer) â€" "I gave you a high price for this dog la.sf week because you warranted il, to be a good house-dog. My house was broken into last night, and tiio dog never even barked." Dog-Dealer â€" "No, sir; I quite be- lieves yor. He was too busy lookin' at the burglars, so as to be able to identify 'em, to even think of barkin'. If you was out with this 'ere dog, and was to meet them burglars, he'd know 'em in a min- ute. He ain't no common barking dog ; he's a reg'ler 'tectivc, an* worth 'is weight in gold, he is." WANTED IMMEDIATELY 200,000 MUSKRAT WE BUY AU OTHER KINDS CF FURS. SHIPMENTS SOLICITED. The Monteith, Strother Fur Co. ' ^ ""'* ioronto " ^' RAW FURS-H Write for Weekly Prioa Lists, JOHN HALLAM Shipments Solicitad. TORONTO, ONT. USED IN Leading Con$ervaloric«, CoDeges, School*, Theatre*, end in thousands of homes where a piano of diftinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the • only piano with the Uhmitoblc Repeating Action. tree) Ci Send for (freej" Catalogue No. 'fj MiPiOS IKTMlXr PIANO <8 Or^an C<r« Ui»iM GU CLPbaONTARKJ*