T II K F L E S ir E R T O N A D V A N C E Febriauy 11 19.j9 Scottish Pride 66274 Ttie youDK iiuii .-.oliisli I'll. li! will Htsiid foi teiviro At Mr. K. W. MuliolholiV, lot bl, Cni>. a ArkeiueKia. HoottUli iiiidu in klio.l by HcottUli I'rlnco. « K>*u<Unii cf tho notuloifiil eliow cow •Jem of Hollachiu, Iiuii.. wliiiier of I'liilit piizu' *t Toroutoaiid lioiidiin.Uc^MuH Ixiiuu oliiuij'- lon (eiiiiile. Hliu wnlKhs ovi>r IlKX) )>otiiici», On* of thl« cow'« calvc« n>KI tor ?177a.(X!. Koottiili prido la nut of Lady ItiOla by tho ToroDto flrat prize wiimor, ("BplBiri May Kly, imp. aeCH. TLU yniiHK bull li»» I'love bliii- ii«lr aahti«bii)l tiaviuK gainml an i^icoura^'intf rocor^ tlili foil at Kovcmliaiii. Ho von first Iirlaraabvat bull calf, alno ili|>lonia for bwt >M11 any kgo. TIiobo liavhii! pure bred cows Hbould Bco tbl» IjlAljd hull liefora brt'ldiUK ilB they c&unotdu belter than Uh« tiiui. A liinitrp number of Krado* will be takeoat el.tUiKor pure breiln. •4.00 28,000 Maple Logs Wanted 18 iBclitaaiid Iare« ilefrcth-u licarti a<xept- «d pr ovi.llDB came ban ciKbt i- cboB uood Round timber on outi di\ PrlLUH raiiuinK ftccorrtinK , to liaalitv, to cut III leiiRtlm uf Ai au'l II iuche*. Cuhpald oiidiliveiyat KiiKcnla AI»o want- at taiiiu place, a laruo ijuuiitity of perfect maple loijii iniaaurinB from ai liiohes and fanier. at but 1:: to 10 feet Iouk. Hrjcen Paid, •IS (or tbouKand, to ba dellvured at J. \\ Morgui't uiiil, Knseoia. A Qreat School Ireat in Koputation, IJcsuUm, Inflnoncr <ii<i Thfirouk'lniun '. Now in the time :> .-liter tilt* Tlie?W>,CO fo'luiio 'if {). \V, Ti«W, tlK> iniKt r, who dial lit llHiniltim, vii8 nil latt'ii up ill Jawc.ictK, fXco|)t Kiirtii-icn'. to |i:iy iwd lU'ttH (if ^J.OOU B.ich iiiaUo hy tliii (ilil iimii. A iiiHii wli 1 diud lit (111) Widun A»y- Iiiiii »'it.s known AH tlio liuiiinii oit'i'icli. All incrrdible iiiiHinlly of iioii. uluss, nailn, wire and oilirr »liill' lliitt liis had Kwallowud WHS tukcn fiiim hin lioily. I ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. "-^' jiul prepare f„r proBtalile euii.lciynient ( bir graiiuates readily obtain gixMf iwaitii.nH ( )iir Handsniiie CaUlcRue ia free. Write f"r one to-day. .Studentu adioitted at any tune. Colleyc oihjii theentiio year. ^V. J. Klliott, I'inncipal > "iiRe and Alexander Stb. County Council to in- to for ill- fANADlAN^^ 1>ACIFIC K Special Trains Fo r Settlers travolliiig t-ii the West with livc- Htiick and ctlectiiwill If.ivc Toronto Ht 10. 15 p. 111. every TucsUiy dur- m\i Mitreh and Ajiril. Settlors travelling uloiiu and with llioir faiiiilioH hhoiild u.so reguliir tiains,J leaviii'- Toronto dully at 10. 15 p. in. (.'oloniKt and Tourist Sleepers attached. C. P. U. i.s the only direct ami through car line t<i the U'ctif, Ap))ly to S. Rand.s. C. P. It. Agent Fleshpito'i. Rec^diiized as the Best* WlMBB TiJUM AT Thh Commences January 5. ISKX). Three Couneg â€" Conunercial, ShorthaiiJ and Typewruinj; and Preparatory, for those nhose early education has been neulected. I.NFOB.MATIO.V KrEE C. A. F1.E.M1NG. Pui.Ncii-At. Owen Sound, Scliool Gbildren's Eyes Snpply Their Intellect ' Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect air progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. tlieoiiuniy council was reiiclud on Friday III >iiiii><{. Anotiier nieeliiii,; was In-ld in llio afturiiooii, arid the total iiuiiiher of inoeliliKit in the hcsmoii was six. A proposal from the BtllTi. lephono Co. to iiiKtal te'ephoiiofi in the Rhurill'i oHice Biid till' nt'istry t-Uioo, and a letter from reveial proferHional men of the town, were read by the dork. The matter wan referred t'l the ('ounty I'loperty Coiii- iiiitlet% of whiuh Tlmwias McClelland is chiiii'iiian. Mr. H«rnvH«, mana^'cr of iht liouso of reiuue, wrus |iruacnt and read hi.s rejiort for lyiw. Ueporls were nlmi pre.<eiited fr.)ni Fi- nHiiie, KomU and 15ridi(e!<, County I'rop- ference lo postpoiiiotr' eity, and Education C.^niinittees These ( yrant to .'Jlft Ueuimc ware all adopted, the report of Education heinif coiiiiiU'r. d ill ciiiniiiittee with Mr. MoCjuakcr in the chair, and afterwardu aJopted on a division of 2it to lo. At the afternonii meeting a bylaw to provide for the «epiu«lioii of certain t;irii) j liiiidn from Owen Sound and an'iexins j them to Sydonliain w.u introduced by I Mcsara. Legate and Uiinm. Another by- ! law WHR iiitriKluced to repeal mi old one } respectino Imrse thicviiip. These bylaws i and attveral 'ilheis wercj all linally patted. I (ieor){e I'inuie and C. A, Flemiiit; nere j appointed county audilors. U. McKnielit wa» It-elected tru.stce for I he Owin Sound 1 colle«iafe iii.ttitute ; Thoo. McKeiro! trus- tee for the Muaford hi<;li school ; Jno. Legate and iJtmes Coclirmie, niiinibiirn of the medical imard of audit. Mcsji.s. (iiirvie, Legate and the waiJeii weie appointed a Kproiai committee to examine the by U\tij of the c mnty and select a iiuinljer of those now in force, which they Hh.nild have printed in pam- " ard^n Amiew in a neat speech thanked fNORRIS BROS. I 1^ l^arbware niercba»t$ and Cinsmitbs. 'A "^â- (IW tlut StocUtiikiua i« over and tlMiikinj,' you, wo hud that wo â- *â- ' have hat! a most prosperous je«r. NVe are now ready to servo you in a iimcli greater capacity tli.in in Ilia year just closed. We intend to close out nnr prcseiu line of Stock FikmI and will d.) so re(,Mrdle8» of first cost. The li.ie is the well known Hackney Stock Tonic A positively (juunmteed Stock food to clear at the following pric^^H: 61.00 pk-- Slock Tonic fioj. .50 :50c. • .25 " Poultry Food l,-)c .r,o 50 lli-ave Curo p.iil Hog Tonic. .•iO.', $1.75. Wo htve been fort un.ite in sociuini; a quantity of Axe Ifandli's, â- ccoiid growth elm, liaiid made and if you want A GOOD AUTICI.K dnn't forjjct to look these goods over. Washing Machines c ' If interested in High clasR Wnthiin Machine, dui't fornct the rcliatio store where you will see llio Kii g Wiislicr. a^e^ff^ff'^ Flesherton Carriage Works Cutters - - Sleighs. Now is tlio time to buy your Cutter or your Sleitjli. If you intend buying call on ua before pnrcliasing, as v.'o iiavo a complete 8tocl{ to cliooso from, and prices tliat Bitit. FirACIa.-«s Morse-SliocinK a Specialty. D.McTAVISH, - . Prop. F LES H ERTO N. DRs.KENIIEDTStlCEIi^EDY SUCCESSORS TO Drs. Kennedy 8k Ker.^an SPECIAL K3TI:E, OwUie to Dr. Ker- 6uti ^c]nb'<:cccb: i.d, r. J. D. Kriincc'.y, Mfidl^ul Dircctrf, hufl A«kocIatc 1 w:<ti h.m Or. Kennedy Jr. who lUifl l.ecn v.i-li the firm U.r ecvfli:*! yeir â- . so h-tOflliT \;:.:.\ t '^n \v;JI tn'i- c! c'c 1 under tl.« immc ( i Dns KENNEDY NERVOUS DEBILITY 'iliou,;oiil9rjf ioi'!i" ^iid xv.VX 1> ef ( it 1 irn an- nnniiftllv Rwcpt t'l n premnluie graM- llin.imtt K.\kI,V INIilsCRhTKiNS, y.-Xv-'HSSliri A.NI) PI,t)ol) !Jlr.l?A.SKS. rf ytii liavcany of the f jIlQv.ingsyniploni.Hiouhullua bcfiir? iti.itoo UXr. Are you nervous iiml weak, dcsj.- uJent »iiU rlooiiiy, upci ka 1>efoTe thi- eves, vrithit.-irlt clK'lcftuu'ier them, \ve:ilt bui'k, ki.lupyi lirita- 1 1-. pilpitnli' n of tlTC 1jC4iI, lis'.hfnl, lireaiTiii and Io-fc<, setll- in c- ;il ill Mri;ie, pliiiplis oil t'.ic f ire, cyei i>i:iiken. tioUoir c !iei kn c.rrworn <xptc».ii'»n. p<i.)r tneinnry. H.'*rlc*:i, tli -trnwtfiil, lnclt "â- IK it>y ai"lst:.--;"lli, tlrfd nioiiilnfs reMlrsd riiithia, pliaixji'- iiMi- :v.. il'.icr? .1 innUoc.I,',>iCia*li'.ic lUcii}', bone i'alus, Imir lo,jic. iiwve Uu-(;.il i.U', in pn?s< lllooil roldons ... |i,,. ,.). vi iil'rdv l'-;i. .ilmn ri:01J I., lies Ihcin. V- jiii %u '^. Ije^islaturo, and protent the iiieiniriul at the next Kcuioii of tliu iiouic. Tho The fourth sitting of January .sitting of ''^I'""^ *♦"" "J"!'""!- The county clerk was instructed write iiuiiiiuipal clerks for certmn forniatioi: ros|itictiiig landu attnchud towns and vitiligos and asscMcd school purposes in order to obtnin formation neceseary to an equitshio ad- just mxnt <jf the claim made by Dr. Mearns on beli-ilf iif urban schools Messrs. Legate, McFarland, D, H. Sin- clair and Mastic were appointed a coui- mii tee to report till the treasurer's sure- ties at ths ,)uiie session. The Property Coiiiinitteo was empow- ered to ask for tenders for coil, wood, and i<-o. The ward.'ii informed tbo council that Col. Cle'iii d had telephoned him in re- consideration of a Uiment until next ses- sion. Py that time preparations would be under way for the annual c»mp and Col. CleUiid -issured him that the grant was entirely for the puiposo of increas ing the pay of private', which was only 5O3. per day. He was very desirous that the matter should be dealt with at this session. . Mr. Hsslie, as chairman of Finance, replied that ho was aware this tsas a subject on which thcie would be a great deal of discussion and there was no time to deal with it now. Personally he con- sidered the trant to the R-ginient had been in.ulo too long. The committee reported askini: Col. CleUnJ to appear at the .June session and explain to the council why the ••rant should be made. A niotioii by Messis. McFarland and i Smith to have the June session held at j Markdale, w.is lost, a good insjoniy be- i ing ill favor cf the coui.ty town. Before declaring the counc.l adjourned phlet form and supplied to each member of the coiiiily council. Mc-his Hastie, Legate and the warden were appoi.ited a sjiecial committee to draft u aiemorial to the Provincial Leuis- liituro asking the government to •;r4nt aid ill the coiislrnction of the mi. Biig link of railway between Uwon Sound and Meaford- The last meeting was on Saturdiy at O.I^O a.m. By a report tif the Finance Committee which was considered 111 couimittoe, it watt rucoinmeiided in reff rcnco to the ap- plic.ttion of Dr. Meuriis for a refund of taxes improperly collected by tho county ft iin towns and villages and rural iiiu- nicipHiities connected with urban dis- tricts for school purposes and distribuleil among the ruiMl sichools duiin^ the past three yeais, that the Clmirinin of Fi- nance, Dr. Mearns, and the County Treasuior, be a committea to investigate t e niHiter and re|ioit at tho Juno ses- s on. Some discussion took place 01, this cl.iusc mid it w.-.s tiiially left with Mr. Park, r himself to uriHiige tlio matter. •Mr. Mc'.,>iiaker |)oiuted out that the county coHLcil li:iJ been m.-sking lli-j error of levying scho.d taxes on the entire countv and disinbuting them only to tho rural suctioin. Another clause of tho Finance report roromineiidod that 110 grant be miidu to the Pioviiicial llorticulturnl exhibition. It was moved to amend tins clause by giving a grant of ?25 or JiO, tiie object uf the grunt being to enabla Messrs. W. N. Chisliolui aiil N. Urown to coUi'ci specimens of fiuil from this cnuiity for txhibition at this societ-y's shew at To- ronto. It. wa3 contended by Moit^is. llust:o and ICaton that the Ccoi<.'iaii Pay fruit Hssoeiatiidi had erhibitid fiuit from the county of (Jrey anil won prizes in both KiiL'luiil iiiul Irehtiid without iiiiy asjistaiicc from the uouiity couiiuil, and tho ab.endmuiit was voted down. Another iiii|ior;iint clause w.is tiiat the claim of Noriianby townshiji for $11,'!0, cost of arbitration proceeclinijs, be lecog- iii/.ed t(> the Client of §1000. 'I liereporl was adopted as amundcd. A repxrt of llie Koad and Hriilge coin- niitteu was adup'cd after a statement had bi'cii niiide by Sir. Smith in reforeiico to a bill for oveisoeiiig certain road work ivhicli was clHimed to be larger than the entire coKt of llio work which was done. Keports of County Piopcrty and Kdu- caiioii weie adopted as reail. \ rejiort of the House of Uofugo com- niittuu was presented by Mr. Smith. Time was isk^d for con^uleration of the tho nienibers for their hearty coopcraiioi and kindly spii it to himi>elf, which had [ contributed 10 make his duties as presid- injj otlicer very pleasant. He complim- ented the County of Grey on the fine appearance of its legislators and said that the new iiieinbers reflected credit on the municipalities which they represented. ,Ho hoped for a continuation of the linr- 'monious ivlationship a'ld mat nil the i members woiill be present in good health at the Ju>ie sorsion. A st.inza of the National Anthem closed the proceedings. The only nourishment that bread affords is that which the flour contains. Bread baking is merely putting flour ia appetizing form. Flour making is merely putting wheat in shape for bread making. Royal Household Flour is made from carefully selected Manitoba Hard spring wheat. Every pound is almost a pound of food; clean, and nutritious. It goes farther, does better baking and is more satisfactory in every way than any other flour. Ask your grocer. ^^ Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., Limited, MoBtreaL Honor Rolls. Report cf Eug'.'iiia P. S. for J in., 1909 Class 4â€" Laurie Fisher, K. Armatron^. Highest nvpra'.;e 96 per cent. Class 3 srâ€" A. Wilson, L. Hislop, L. Ctmpboll, K. Pbintl, M. Park, M. Camp- boll. Highest average 91 per cent. Classajrâ€"H. McLean', C. Fi.sher, C. Park. Highest average 70 per cent. Class 2 sr-.J. Arinstr mg, M. Williams' and D. VViIion, "equal, C Willmns, W. Wilson. Ili:{hcst averasic 58 per cent. Clas»2jrâ€" \V. Lstimer, W. Willi.ims. Sr part 2 -Margie Park. Jr part 2â€" W, MoMaster, W. Fisher. G. Field. Class Aâ€" M. Hancy, 0. Large. Katk C.»i,uek, Teicher. • •••â- ••••••• •â- •••••••••••••••••••••••••>•«•••••••••••• •••••••••••«••••••••• II •* •••• •••- •••€ •••• ::« ^as, tPattison^ Cei/ion, Ont^ . iji: Huron & Ontario Ry. Preparin!* •••e ••a •••e '••e •••• •••• .â- •• •••e •••e â- ••e •••e â€" .e •••e •••• •••• •••a •••• •••a •••a '•%• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ..•a • <• • •• .•• • •« • •a 'V Somn gtf at bargiains slill on as we have sotne Winter gooJi s'.iil left yet in Wool Blankets, Heavy Guernseys, Wool Socks and Stocking*, Winter Mitts and Gloves, Fur Caps, Pea Jackets, Overcoats anil nuiuerons other articles. We make it worth your while to buy hnio. We have also a lot of short ends and br^jkei! latt?, which we will run olfat very low prices. We have a lot of New Prints and dicss goods for spring. If yon want a bag of good Flour ask for tho West" at82.'J5Per IJag. ' 'Cream of the a*.. a«.> %%â€" •••â- â- ••- a«*- e«*> a*** a*** a**- a«»- •••• »••• aa«. a*.* e**> %»'• • %•' e*«* e*«- e«»- a*** •a • •e ••a Mr. Chas. F. May of Toronto, to whom the local manuger.s of the Huron and lliiturio Electric Kiiilway ( rtiiisfei red ' their eh.irter two or threo years ii;^o, spent Siiiul.iy with friends in Walk'.'rloii, ! •••• •says The Herald, and ''avo u favorable I account of the luilwdpiciit and present I standing of tho company. Tho pi-esent j couquiiiy »<dd the bonds to an English i conii«iny for S;{2,i")(0,00'i. This is now on do|Mi.Hit to liuild the road, and opera- \ lions have tilre idy commenced at Oltaw i. The comimny are applying to Pailiuiuent to have the charter aniendi;d so us to go I to Sarnia, where connection wid be made with the FiirneKs line of steamers. Mr. Massoii, a prominent lawyer of Owen Highest prices paid for Pro= duce. Out* SHotto Is ''Small Profits and duiek Returns.** •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Societies esr tho end of the session. Sound, has been engaged to .secure the manager's report .is it w.is presented too I right of way froai Meaford to Southamp- ton. Options tm water pov»ers have been secured ahuig the route, and Mr. May expects to have a good portion of the work comideted during the present your. Mr. Ha-ilio appaionlly voiced the pop- ular sentiment by romnikim; that il was a sliaiigo bylaw which provideil tint the tit.iii.i.;ei of the house of teftige should Im Ills own iiispeolov to repot t mi his own work This mailer wr<uld liavu to bo atlii'ded 10 at iie.xt senston. A nqiorf of tlio Printing Committie ViA^ adopted, awardiii'i the cnitriiet for ciiunty print 11,' to Uieliardson, Kmd «t Wright, Owen Sound. Four tendeis had been received. Their tigtire for printing tho miiuile.s was 8C0. per paije. Mayor Harrison at this juiielure was invited by Warden .\i>iicw to address tho cinnicll lis a foiiuer inutnbcr. His Worship availed hiUHelf of tho oppor- < ttinily of exp;'essiiig himself stiongly in fsvor if the adoption of a good roads schenio which had boon turned down by the council last year Hh pointud out that if the county h.il adopted the sohoine tli.it the item of SilUOO for the new biidge which hail been built last yi'iir, would havo been reducud to SiOOHil lis tho I iovnnimetit nould havo eoiitrib- iiled one tliiid of the oosl. He held that 1?-' spent sfiv'iuitie:dly w;is lietter value ! many friends here. She has a very ihan §:! expendod in a ^mp linzaid way i ple<i.siiig and attraetivo presence and will and advised i-ooonsidftiiitioii of tho good 1 bo gladly hoard agatti. Her speciiilty ia rimds scheme. Mr. iJsrri:<oii iieoeptod I along lighter line-*. She ia an exoclloiit the iiivlliitiou of tho warden to aseat on j child impersonator, yit iii tragic story A U M' meets 01. the last Monday { 111 each mouth, iu their loiifjo room 1 Norris' blocL. Plcunerton, at 8 p.m. M. VV..I Xliloh Thintletliwalte; Kec, C. K. Munshaw; 1 Kiu., \V..). liol.amy. VIsltluRbvotbrso iLvitecl \ PUINCB AUTIU'U LODtlE, No. :«3, A.F .* j A ?J, niout.H in tbt Masonic hall. Ann. stronqs Hall Fleahorton. every Friday on or before the full ipocn. Tbos. Ulakuly.W.M.; I Ilerb..jniitb, SBc.-o'.KVy, 1 BusiNE-ss Cards TWALTEU LOUCKS " ituilder uiul Contractor For liriok. Stone and frame re«iil«nco9. F.s- timates cbeerfully furalsbed, KIcsbevtou t.O, Ontario. ^ ULliOUQH * YOUNG llankors Markdale Do a Keueral banking business . Money loaned at ruasouablo ratei< Call on us. POIHT I'LKSUKKTO.V, " lUytona nioek the lust Pfl'.. I. 0. V. neotsin Wednesday eveiiiiiii of each iiioiitli. Visltiiii; Foresters lieaitily ' welciinie. H. It., DvBon; K. B., 'i'. Ilet.ry; ' Fill. Hec,, t'. N. Hiebardsoii. I'lcssc pay dnea to t'iii. Sec. before tlio first day of the month. The Band Concert. Tlio b.itid concert held in tho town hall on Tue.«day eveiiiiiK of last week whs well attended, tho [iro.'eoJs amounlitig to 935.15. Asa niitterof fuct, however, the band will not be in pocket, owing to the expense incurr.d. The concert was 0|ieiied by a few well chosen wordi from Ruevo U'lyd. The tnleiit tecuied for this entertainmont was Mr. .lain;* Diiuwiity, comic, and Mifs Evelyn Davis, leader. Mr. Dougli'y is abeve tho ordinary in his lino, his selections being Well chusen and innocent of anything bordcriiii! on tho objectioiiiible. His "Toy Pedlar," •'Ho.» U.ire Vou," and "Nobody's Dirl- iii^,'" created much liutgliter tuid hiought fuilh rousing eiicoros. Miss Davis greet- ed a Fleshertou audionco for the tirat limo, lis did Mr. Dou^ih'y, and uhe made CH0SI:N KltlKNUS-Flesherton (.Council ot Clioseii Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and thinl \Vednes<lav uf eaeh iiioutli H v>. m Pifcy lissesAiiieiits to tlio lleeorder on or before TOHtSl.flTT, • PostuA.ster. Oeylou. CouinilABioJcr iu H, tj. ,) , t'onveyaneer. deeds, '•JortKaKes,/leu»oa, wills etc. earefullv drawn up JoUeatioiiH mad-, cliaryes reasonable. .VUo Kioen^ius, l^our, food ete. kept in stock, TricM ,'ioen(iu!i, Ikiur, fi i-i«ht. â- •. ^ RJ SPUD U Lb; Poitmaater v^oiumissioner iu Fleshortoi] H.C J., Aiiutioneor tro first day of oacb month. Chief Councillor .-^'oyaueor, .Appraiser aud Money Lenda T. Iilakelev:Uccordor, W. H. Hunt. Keal Kstate and Insurance Agent. Deeda I ooortKages, leases an! wills carefully drawn Pure Rred Fn^lUh Rerk<;hire<i nndl"'' »nd valuations made on shortest notice I ure ureu nn^'.iisn nbrKbnires ana ,„o„ey to lom at lowest rates of intei-est.NJoi. TamWOrthS. Ilectlous atteudoa to with promptnesa 1 luveafiiie lot of ycmng pigs bred from 1 S vf '«*". '°",; ^geut for Ocean DomiuloB prise wiuiiiiig stock, f.lr sale. Write me fori »>»»''"''"V Company. A call solieited. prieen. 1 can give a barRaiu also guorantee. utisfuctiuii on all mail orderK <ieo. W. UOSa. Jla-xwell P. O, Golden Legend l^^^e J$red Taniwnrtli Hoar for service on I.i. 1:0, 2iid K. T. & S. K. Terms §1.00. McPHAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the »" County of Grey. Terms moderate aud satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangomonts and dates of sales can beiiiado o'; 'ruE Advanpb omeo. Kusidonoo aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Doe. (1.07. KICIIARIVALLKN T, VV KVITTING, Licensed Auctioneer tor ji^. If . the couuties ot Gioy ami Siiuooe. For Sale One span of LiKlitnii.K Colts ocming three iiiiitclied. Heady to work. .Mao one Shnrtlioru Pull eighteen iiionthn old, bred by Uoo.Uriitow, HobUoy, iiuinbu''.'>HH.'>, in voUimo 24. Naice-- ViHaiio Captain. ALHKUT K- IL\N'L1-;Y, Lot 1. Con. 10, Ouprey, huvutsham P. O. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfoctiou snarantted. Arrange- ments for dates may bo made at tho .\dvsDce oflSoe, orAIT. Hutchinson's store, beversbam or by addressing uia at f sversham, Out, Lot 13, oou, 1^, Osprey, tlie pbitforiii until thoulosj of the session A report of Comiituuications and Moin- orials comiiiitleo recnniineivUd that de- letmtes be not sent to tho hospital for Ciin-iiniptives' convention, but that n giiiit <if 810 bt, maJo mid tlint tho Coun- ty's vfipi'esontativoj 111 tlie Lttgialaturc Inwisked to Ruppoit nua.siiic-i for the bcnetit of the iiistitutioi). Mr. L<gatu pre.senlid rcpsrt t.f tolling she occupies no orainary pofilion as evidenced in her lendering of "The tUs.sing Cup Riico." Some of tho othvr food things qiven by Miss Davis v/ero: "I'ho Bridge of Sighs," and j"Pcekin' through tho Window." Slie 'also asiig ill duet with Mr. D.iuahly, ' Rouben and Rachel," which brought foitli much applauso. bo'b artists wi-ro . ^ilieo with iii.v.res and Kept the iiii'licnce '1111 the best of humor. A defect in tho D .Dentistry B. C. MUKRAV L, .:). K., dental smt-eon honor^ruduiktu of Toronto Univertitv aud Iloyal Collcgo ot Dental Snri^<--ons of Ontario, If AS udiiiiiiititei'cd for tuetli extraction. I'ltlco at rcr^ijcnoe. 'roroiilo ;i6.*ooti''lj3iijrtou • ,iVlpriaini)tont, and oiio that ' v.bttt olheiwise Would \v\\\\ bcil' k'ablo prir-iMii, Wits tho auimint. of Had the audienco mBrrc<l a very r.pe:iiil cotiimittoa appointed to draft a iut>moii«llo tlio tliitarh) (iovernn:oif. This imtnijriid asked tlio Oovertimriir. ti,, eitiuMitec hnnds of a comp-mv bHiidiip.''ii'"J f ..,„„:â- ,„.„ i„,.,.i .1 .1 i> .. <> â- <s 1 liuid inusiii remiered t I'.i road biitwnrti Osven Soutt and , . , , , , k.,i» ii i Mt ,1 ;» 11;,; . I .1 . , j,.,.,^n . wen treated to about one. half tho aniouul etiford in (ullition to tho •â- r;itit of M200 ; , ,,, , „ ,â- t ,•,â- ,, ,. !,>/ r. â- it would havo been more salislaomry. which had ivlieady been provided for. (t I â- , ,;.,,„ s •, , . . was also rec urineii Jed '.hat tho ward-n ' i^*" """ ^"^^ '''" ''â- '" "'iiing tho suifiiiig accoiuiJir.y the doputstion from the Owe.n 'â- ' ^ '|>" >! 'tiou il Atitli >;n, bat it was prao- Souiid and Meaford Ksilway Company ;' ''•''*"â- >' 'uuored hi thj scramhlc to don ftiid others whb would wait on the "^"'â- '''''"'*'''' \\ Dorado Farm. Of Shorthorn c.itlle and Leicester sheep. IJnlla and heifers on liiiud for sale, aluo a lumiber of tingle and ro.-ie condi lirown legrhorn, ftiifl shiRliicoinb white l^ghotn eockurels. Lot Si' Con. .'). Chns. Stiitford. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Lovii.iiisiiiui \V iiiiplt.-", tin; l]..'Bt (.â- ( |.i-eoiTiii|j airnipiii; l';itl, cuwii and heifers for eile at re . â- ?» • I'bt ; . . IA9. BTAFi-'ORD, riishoiton llerefords For Sale. DUDD MATHinv.S, Markdole, Licensed " anCioncer for the county of Grey. Good servioe ati ronsr.iiablo raton. Dates can bo inado at The Advance. 1 o CO Legal nr n. WKIQUT, nan-lslor, Solicitor, Convey. " Biioer. etc.,â€" Owen Sound, und Meahonon. N IIâ€" KUwuertou oUloe, -Sproulo'u niook ovory Saturday. wTjrOTllEAIL Barrister, S olicitor, Convevuiieer,etc. Otlieoâ€" Siuonle's Block, Flesherton. D" Medical CAHTF.R M C P & a Oiit.Fhmician. Suruectn.e Oaica audrosiil- " -i'-'.m- • "o.,. ,,'.,-.... Three It', noiie Imttvr. >Uution; fr, Jiiiicti'.n. .lifi.', Ulld i. t.-iiidit. Post Oil if.-. 1 > ; half mile tixiiu Waii;;ei. .1. k'W W.VTSON. T P OTTKWlli ' \otorilobly .^'.lU'^vijll Uift<1nate of Ontario Votartiinry CoIIeiie, r, . .1,1,1!. •â- .â- â€" ,1..,,,.,-, ,1 .-%•• i....,th' wo«t;op riins south H Wlf' â- lllitll '1 oe Votoi"^!; Association lUiii.ience, Duri' Voslte Hoyd, Hlcttliuii's bardwai .,_ / ... t