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Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1909, p. 5

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F£i!Ri;AUYll l',)09 THE F 1. E S II E E T O N A D V A N V. E THE SIANDARD BANK Ertjjiubed 1873 OF CANADA *' ^"°^ Banking Made Easy There is no formality about opening a Savings Account \vith this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first steps easy for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Kot much money is needed. One Dollar will ot^en an account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your deposits are entered. \ No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, with interest to date. 69 FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitci\el!, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT DURHAM AND HARRISTON. Madman's Terrible Deed A SHRiGLEY LUNATIC RUNS AMUCK j Kills two People, Dangerously Wounds Three Othersâ€"Revolver, Rifle and Giiib the Weaponsâ€" A Story of Horror. dny aftt-rnoon he won Hltjvpiug ua Houndly I lis thouijh lit pui-fuct [Mtuct) with hiuuiuLf • iinil the world. I In IShulburne hick-uj) SuniLiy night, j howuvvr, hi» iiianut again luoku foith, and, althoiigli huivily iiiaoucietl, ho attempt^id to brain \m jailer. ' Dr. J. A. Hniith uf iSheiburne emiwn- nclcd a Ci>roner'n jury to viuw the rtiiiuiins at the S|)anhoitKc liDinu SuniL'iy iifwrnoon. Stuwart «a« rciwovod to llic county jail at tJrangevillu on Monday hy wnggon. Latur advicus stjtto lliat no tihutfl were One of the in.j8t terrible ti-agedies tfcit S"""? '*^ ','"' "',''*^"'""- , "'« .^â- .''-•'"?"' «'«™ , 1 1 • ti • f ' O'^stiijyed and wounded ^witli the cliii> VICINITY CHIPS issuer of niarrws'e H. C. W. A. Armstron licenses. Miss Rttta LeGard of Clarlisbur^ is •»i«iiiDg her parents here. -, Mr. Urijuhart, piincipHl of Dr.ndalk publuJ-wshuol, haa re-signed. Miss, Vida Kundlc of the P. O., spent Sunday at her homo in Dundalk. Chopping done every day at the yhin- ing mill. Thos. Blakely & Co. Mr. Johu Sled of Lnjord, Sask., is fisiting hia son, Thomas, iu the auburts. Hemlock logs wanted at the sawmill, EoRenia. Cash paid. J. W. Deagle. Grownslow Charming coh for sale eon)ins2yeari«old. T. Lever, Flesher- ton. Messrs. John and S. J. Oiborn of Notta*asaga visited at W. J. Bellamy's lai<t week. Mr. Mervyn Wright of Clarksburir spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs LeGard. 35,000 dry lath cut from stock U>t summer to dispose of. J. W. Deagle, Eugenia. A Eood two-year old off, Jlerry Mason j tolt fcr tale tn lot 1C2, con. 2, wef t i J. T. Parker. j Two Bood colta for saleâ€" rising 2 and 3 years old- Apply to Uobt. Richudaon, Fleihertou P. O. Jersey heifer calf f-r sale. thr^e months old, from good mother. W. Pedlar, FUsherton. Mr. Ed. Beutham of Toronto Junction spent a few dajs with his paioiits hero dur iu^ the past week. Mr. Charles Cr.-ft of the 4lh line, who was recovering from pneumonia, taken a relapse and is very low. The snQw fence ijuestion is a dead letter this winter. The transportation problem h-is taken its place. Bornâ€" In Toronto, on Thursday, Feb. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morris (noe miss Gertie Vanzant) a daughter. Aunt Jerusba's quiltin;.' party will be held in the town hall on Friday, Feb. 20, next. Watch for bills later. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ruustudiler and Miss Marguerite left on Monday to spend a fortnight with fiiends at Waterhio. Hound Lostâ€" On Dec. Utb, spotted, fclack and white. Any person detaining will be prosecuted. G. Cairns, Ceylcn. Boot and Shoe Repairing promptly, •heaply and well done. H. Carringt&n. Armstrong's old jewellery store, Fleaher- ton. Mr. John Bannon i,f Watrous, Sask., is visiiing his sister, Mrs. W. A. .\rni- strong. The Maikdale Standard says Mr Al. Littlejiihn of the staff uf that papal, has purchased t!io Chatawoith News. The Advance wiuhea Mr. Littlejoha all kinda of aucceaa. Any ladies interested in the formation of a Ladies Literary So.iiey will please meet Friday evening at 7.30 at the Baptikt parsonage. Bring your copy of Longfellow. Being in the saw mill business at Eugenia , I am prepared to do custom sawing. Will aUo pay casb at the mill for spruce and balsam in twelve-foot lengths. â€" J. \V. Deagle. The Disney and Devlin factory at Hanover has been purchased by Mr. Chas. Deibel of that town, who will start it as a chair factory, employing 20 or 30 handj. has ever been itcorded in thiH county to<ik pLice at thelittluhandet of Shrigley, i in Melnncth.on towTwhip, early Sunday nioniing, when a young man named George Ei-nest Stewart, during a period of iiuiaue frenzj-, murdered Johu Span- houKu, a neighVM)r, and his son, James ; lUiugeroiiKly wouniled Mi-s. Johu Sjwn- housu and Geoi-gc Beaumont, and injiued three other ix;rson8 whom he chanced to encounter before the fit of in.sanity liad pa.s.sed- .Stewart can give no reason for his terrible deed, but the cii-cunuitances attending it are such ;i8 to leave no doubt at all that Stewart for an hour Sunday morning was more dangerous than any tiger in the jungle. He is a powerfully built young man cwenty-nine yeiu-s of age. Four years wielded with the duiidly force of a strong maniac. Thi.s is the second hoiTor the Shrigley neighborhood lias experienced in slightly over three years, the other one taking place on Decendior 7th, 15)05, when James Coulter killed liis wife and son and diuii^htcr with an axe and then shot himself. A daughter fif Coulter is a tbiughter-in-hiw of John S(>anhouse. one of the men who wa:; umnleretl on Sun- day, Coughs of Children Especially night coughs. Na- ture needs a little help to quiet the irritation, control the in- flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is â€" give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. A W« pablt»h our formulms W« bkiiiih alcohol tt nrom ourmadieui** We urc* you to oonsuit youi doctor ijers rtr^ F Thompson's Bakery ^ ^ Our Bread is delirorod regular- ly and kept for sale at Ceylon, Pnceville, Eugenia, Kimberley Maxwell and Feversbnm. Ed. Thompson, lSu~ Flesherton j Holmes, Chislett .\ very pretty but quiet wedding w.i.s celebrated at the residence of Mr. T. t.'hislett, Ceylon, on Tne-stlay morning, wiieu his eldest daughter, >L»rie Lsabel, was married to Dr. H. G. Holmes, den- tist, of Owen Sound, the ceremony Ijeing performed by Rev. G. A. Woodside, also of Owen Sound. II you think constipation is of trifling j consequence, just ask your doctor. He i will disabuse you of that notion in short order. "Correct it, «t once!" he will say. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vecetable. » M Ilia liT tin r " tTtrTTT iTiir^~" "â- " The .parlor was â-  J. ... ^f ..„.\ \ „.„fi..i r^n « r.., ta.stefully decorated with smilax and daf- ago ne went west ana lix'ateu on a raucn. i , ,â- â€¢ •', ,- â-  . , , „ ^ I louils and wa« lighteil by wax candles, the ceremony taking place under an arch There he took typhoid fever, and in additiim had the misfortune to lose some money by speculation. The Mounted Police at Medicine Hat to<jk charge of him when he Ijegan to show tliat he was not quite "right, " aiul released him only on the promise that his friends would bring him home to Ontario and see that he wiis looked after. His father Ls Richiird Stewart of Maple Valley. Young Stewart spent Saturday night at the residence of his brother, William, who lives the way from the Spanhouse homestead, on the fourth Small horse for sale, price $50.00, has concession of Melancthon. worked two years and drives well withj He hatl l>een restless and Imd passed another horse, also a good pedigree ' ^^^ ^^^ ^ sleepless nights, and liis heifer, 3 years old, will sell at 5c a pound. ' brother as a conse<iuence felt anxious iJ. Milne. Meaford Road, three and » ai^,ut him. George went t.> bed, but half miUs from Flesherton. ; removed only Ins l>oots and socks. Wd- An extensive auction sale of farm stock Ijam slept on a lounge, without undrcs- and implements will be held on lot 13, sing, so that he might watch liLs brother. con. 0, Osprey, near Ferersham, on Fri., ; About five o'clock Sundiiy morning Feb. 19, when a largo list of stock, etc., ' George rose and crept to the door. will bo offered. F. and J. Hale, props , brother followed and tried to prevent Wm. KaiMiug, auctioneer. r him from leaving the house. Failing, he 'Et e \ r\ 1 . 1 u- u 1 t ' followed the now furious maniac into the For Saleâ€" One cook stove, 1 high heat- 1 '"" er, 2 iron bedsteads, springs and mattresS' es, 1 dresser and stand, 1 sideboard, 1 extension table, 6 dining room chaii.s, 1 ^_ ' ysu-d and attempted to force him back into the house, but was choked and knocked down, though not dangerously injured. Leaving liLs in a semi- roeker, 1 arm chair, pictures, linoleu.n, conscious condition. Stew.u-t took a carpets. Winds and curtain!", all only in ' heavy stake from a wood-rack in the », . , u , „„, > yard, and set out on his horrible quest, use one year, fllust be sold at once. , i, , , , , • ,» , r „ ' . i â- > He had jxis-sessed himself also of a revol- Mrs. J.Quimby, Rock Mills P. O. j ver, and was still without either cap or The trial of O'Brien for burglary abj'^""'*- Mount Forest was adjourned until i He crossed the roiid to the „, , , c ,u- .... I, U'.> ..., io» i pLice and kuoekeil at the dom-. It was Wednesday of this week. We under- ' , i nr i i c i i •^ opened by Mr. John t> who, stand the inforniatK.u baa been amended f..^,,, t,,g c„„,iitio„ „f the body when it to include the burglarizing of Messrs. J. • w.ts found, came to thi*- door hurriedly * \V. Boyd of this place. | without pu. ting on all his clothes. As Al of mi by fire. Mr. Fergu.son hadayoui of smilax and red and whit^j carnations. Tlie bride wiis unattended except by her flower girl, Miss Elda Karstedt. Only immediate relatives and a ct>upleofyoung h«ly friends of the bride â€" Misses Lou Newman of Ei-antfonl and Lilian Sproule of Markdale â€" were present. Tlie bride, who was given away by her father, wius prettUy attired in navy blue broadcloth, empire style, with chiffon trimming. The groom's gift to the bride was a costly mink set and to the tlower gii-1 a signet ring. Tlie bride carried a bouquet of white and ferns, and the flower girl a biisket of red roses. After enjoy- ing the early wedding breakfast the happy couple left for Toronto and other points amid showers of confetti. They will reside in Owen Sound, where Dr. Holmes priictices. Mrs. Jos. Feowick Dead Mi-s. Joseph Fenwick died at the home of her husliand, back line. Artemesia, on Monday Jast, at the age of i7 years. The funeral Ujok place to Flesherton H;s ' cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Mi-s. Fenwick's maiden name w;is EliiKibeth Croft. She was twice married, her first husl)and being Matthew Gillespie, who died some years Jigo. Six months ago she married Mr. Fenwick. Her death w;is caused by hemorrhage. Mr- Fen- wick and the family have much .sympa- thy in their sad bereiveinent. We Have It What ? The best stoci* of fresh Groceries Flour and Feed of all kinds, and at al prices, and everyUiin!> elite in our line, that is on sale in Flesherton. i We aljo have the prices that suit our cui-tomers, and still suit us, as they enable us to turn our stock over in a shorter term than with the hi|{her prices, ' and thus we keep oui stock fresh. j W. L. WRIGHT Flesherton. Harness Goods. Having bought the .stock of Wm. Moore, lam better prepared than eVer to cater to the public. We have a complete line of Harness and HarnossSundries, Whips, Bells, Plush Rugs, Robes, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment, Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valises Telesciipea, & Blacksmith'sAprons. Look in and examine our stock of Ilorsu Blankets. RKr-»iRi>"i; Promiti-v Done. 0. W. Phillips, FLESHERTON, ONT J . , . r>.,..u as StcVari, eiitered he tired at . X. Ferguson, a fanner living u «ouple Sj„„,i,„„.,^.. Thoix> are sevend bullets iu ilea west of Mai kilalt, lost his barn i the old man's body. Mrs. Simnhouse ittor I was awakened by hearing her husbaiul Mr. H- M. Diuglass recently sold a fine youn.; driver rising 4 ye^ra uld to a crentieman in New York city, for the haiidaoine sum of f400.0lj and auo'ber to Mr. John Kelly, of Listowel. realizing nearly $30C.Oij for thelaiti-r. The former sired by the champion GauthiiT, won first prize at Toronto in 190t> as a yearling; ist at Ottawj and SI;erl,roiike, Quebec, as a two year old in 1907, and was one of th« aroup to win the Gold Medxl the aame year at the Dominion Exhibition. Beaidec winiiint! the Championship of the leadiu" Cinadiaii and Ameiicnn jhows, Gauihier is faal makin» a reputa- tion for himself as a sro of high-oUss Uf Of Oil ilif \lit ikf <^- ^fe^^&^^^^^^^S^^^*^^^^ ^^«?r of pies and in order to keep them^warm ! '-''•y out "I am shot, "and rushed to the | harn.^ss horses and breeders should avail . '^ ~ . ... , T^ front of the house- there .slie saw the | (iietr.selves he placed a stove in the barn. In son e ,,,,,j.j^.j^.^. ^^^ g^.^,^, at her huslmml manner the barn took tire frun the stove. , body. She ."ought refuge in her bedi-oom The live slock was mostly saved, but barn and .Stewart followed. He .shot and and feed were destroyed. , ;dso clubbed her with the st;ike he had in i his liaud. She recovered consciousness Mr. N. Campbell of Durham was un- ; i-jt^jr, but is not expected to hve. expectedly called to San .\ntonio, Texas, j xt this moment the -son, James Spin- last week, leaving Durham for the south j house, appeared. He had heard the on Friday. He expects to be absent five I "hots, and, with an <dd mditary rifle in , , . 1. » u k ..... ' his hands, and without .stiying to diess, or SI.X weeks, and may take a short trip , i ., .. • l.-. .. u ' â- ' j*^ I came down the stiiirs. Stewart, who was through the West Indies for his daughter s \ waiting, attacked him as he entered the health before returninij. ! parlor, seized the rifle, and, clubbing it, struck a terriftic blow upon Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe of Dundas are visiting friends in this vicinity. Tha occasion of their visit is an interesting one. Thomas. Heppeiistall has been appoint- ed manager of the Royal Hotel at Mea- ford, which will ba run as a tertperance house after Feb. 1-?. Mr. Harry Wilson lost hisdririt^ig ponj^ last week. The animal waastricie.itrith paralysis and Dr. Rlurray shot it. The Dr. is rather an artist with lircarms. Miss Kane, teacher of the iatermediate form in our public school, placed her | death in a family of nine children. Mr. resignation in the handa of the trustees, | Potf lived at Bird's Creek, Hastings to take ett'ect at Easter. county. Wanted at Eugenia -.\ number of | The council did the right thing the head, crushing in his .skull ami break- ing the rifle stock. Tlie blood-spattered floor and walls when the victims were they having been married tha other day. i f"'""^ Y^ "^"-''"""^ *'^"^'^ '" "'" ^"""^ »i t-i HI- T m 11 of the blow Mrs. Sharpe was Miss Louie Phillips, daughter of Mr. Tucker Phillips of the OolUngwood gravel. Last week Mrs. Joseph Clinton receiv- ed the intelligence of the death of bar brother, Mr. Sylvester Poff, on Jan. 26, at the aga of sixty two. Mrs. Clinton (eels her l'.>as keenly, for this is the first good men to jsork in the bush. Good wages will be paid to first class men. Apply to J. W. Moi-gan, Eugenia. Cement Work â€" -Any person having cement work to do this coming summer should communicate with T. Lever, Flesherton. Window sills ai-d tile made to order. Notice to the publie--Having disposed of my harness stock, I have a few setts of heavy and light harness to ofl'er at right prices for cash. W. Moore, Flesherton. Mr. Geo. Mitchell drove over to Meaf- ord one day last week. Next morning Saturday, when they instructed the clerk to notify the Railway Comnii.s-sion of the dangerous crossings on this end of the Walkertou branch of the C, P. R. Some of these croesings certainly need the attention of the Commission. While the C. P. R. has assumed responsibility for at loHSt one of them, still nobody wants to get killed iu order to get daiuasres for his family. Paulite Johnson and Walter McRac, the entertainers, fooled a Dundalk audience on Monday night of last week. On two occasions they did a like act with Flesherton societies and attempted it again last week. They wanted a date There remained but one other person in the house besides the murderer, the Spanhouse servant. Grace Christian. Terrified by the sounds from the encoun- ter, she remained qui^-'t until Stewart, carrying the rifle and still without hat or boots, left the h.^ Then she crept downstaii-s, .sjiw that only Mi-s. Span- I house had life in her, and from the Ostrandor farm near by telephoned news of the tragedy to Shelbiirne. At her request also tlio JametJons, the near- est ueighborhs, went to the assistance of ! IVL-s. Spfinhouse. MeauwhUe Stew.irt started the fielils to his father's house, abtuit three | JuUes ort'. When near Maple Valley he ] knocked at the door of a occupied I by William Wilsi,n. Entering, he j attiicked Mr. Wilson with the old mili- , tary rille he had helped himself t^i after I killing James The stock wjis ! partly broken off, and Stewart carried it j l>y the tuirrel. Mr. Wilson wa.s one of j the luckiest c,f the victims, his injuries being [jainful, but not -serious. From here Stewart, his thirst for bloixl apparently unabateil. made his way the roa<l to C. .1. Pound's, who is absent in Cobalt. The liiied man, George Beaumont, and the housekeeper, Mrs. Gowan, were attacked here, Blniu- iiiont being .so badly clubbe<l that but slight hopes are eut«rtained for his recovery. Mrs. t^owan's injuries were of his service. â€" Meaford Express. If you would have a safe yet certain Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's â€" at least once. It is thorous-hly unlike any other Cough prepara'ion. Its taste will be entirely new to you â€" unless it is already your favorite C.)Ugh Remedy. No opium, chioroforin, or any other stupifying ingredients are used. The tcndir leaves of a harmless, lunu- healing mountainous shruh, giro to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonderful mutative properties. It is truly a most ceitain and trustwotihy prescription. Sold by all dealers. We were surprised to learn the ether day that over $2600 of 1W)8 taxes are yet unpaid, Tlii* *ill uow bear the burden of 3 per cent, added to p»y the collecltr, who is now on duty with no option but to collect and compel payment if necessary.â€" Durham Review. Mrs. James Kennedy, an old womin over 90 yens of age who lived alone in 0<reu Sound, was f juiid dead in her bed. F. G. KARSTEDT nartin=Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paints. Ju&t arrived '. a large shipment of the well- known "Martin-Senour 100/,' Pure Paints, includ- ing Floor Paints and Wall E'aints. No need to brag these paints up. they sell on their own merits. Also a large .stock of Alabastine, Jellstone. Kalso- iiiiue and Whiting, Raw and Boiled linseed Oil Turpentine, Japan Dryer, all kinds of dry Paints and Brushes, Building Hardware We are the head' quarters for all kinds of Building Hardware including Nails, Hinges, Locks, Knobs, Bolts, Barn Door Hangers and track, glass, etc. All at the lowest possible price. If you are building, you will do well by investigat- and getting our prices. % m m m m f. Ulg -*-*• Shelf Hardware Fully .stocked, in all kinds of Granitoware, Tinware, Galvanized-ware, including Pails, Boil- ers, Kettles, Tea Pots, Preserving Kettles, Knead- ing I'ans, Dish Pans, Wash Tubs, Oil cans, Cream Cans, Strainers, Collanders, etc. etc. Also all kinds of cutlery, including Pocket Knives, Butcher Knives, BreadKnives, Knives and Forks, Spoons, etc., also Heavy Hardware, including Hinges, Boltg. .Screw Nails, Axes, Sawsâ€" Hand and Cross Cut, Snap.s, Augers, Bitts, Wrenches, Plyers, etc. Sap Buckets and Spouts. A Box Social. Ill aid of the Ladies' .Aid cf Eugenia Presbyterian church, on Fri.. Feb. 12. A good proxramiue consigtin-; of music, sin;;ing and drills. Put in your supply of Sap Buckets and .Spouts before the spring opens up. Be ready, the first run is always the best, dont wait and miss it. We have them, vou want them. ili Hi m 3 Or ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^i/^ Hotel to Rent. Park House. Flesherton. S3<X).00 per year, 13 bednoma, ' furnished kitchen range and refrigerator. Applications in the snow was all soue and ho wa.s obliged j '"â- "'« and asked for a telegram of accept- ,^^, ,^,.^,,.^^ and after Stewart loft the to grind his way home on Ur. grouud. """^^ "'> ^^«^l''«''f y »ft"'t.oon to be sent house .she w,.s able U, telephone to W. ,,,.,,-.. . to Grafton. Before the telegram was D. laylor of Maple N julev for a,ssistance. He diu not enioy the experience. ,. , , ", . , :», V, , , . i , .", was sent it was discovered that they hrd made a date for Owen Sound on the very evening they aaked us to take them! People whc do this .'<ort of thing deserve John Agnow, an old gentleman aged about 70, died in Markdale Saturday. The ^ funeral passed through here for Dundalk, Monday, where the deceased to be luu off the road, and wdl formerly resided. | soon. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick liouse, eight rooms, barn and five lots, Also lot 10. con. 1, N. D. R., .Artemesia, BO acres. Apply to Catheiino Scott, PriceviUo P. O. if Mr. Taylor started t-o the rescue and met Stewwt about half way between thi Valley and Mr. Pound's. He endeaveu-ed to plaeate the crazed iiiaii, who, however, first tlueatened to shoot liini and then be vary , snapped (he gun at him, but it was either not lo,ul',;d or not in condition. At any . , • •,„ ' •'•''•v, luckily for .Mr. Taylor, it missed Croup positively stopped ill 20 minutes, ^^, Stewart was then aUowed to re- with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One some hi.s journey unmolested to his test alone will surely prove this truth, father's farm. Here ho attemptetl no No vomiting, no disfess. A safe and '';""''^'';, '"'^ r'"-!', l>«-'"-'--='hly to Ivd. , . ,_ £, , , , ,, , , "hell (. onstjibles IhoiiiiiHonaiid Wathani pleasing syrup-oO c. Sold by all dealers. fi.o,„ Shelbunie went to arivst him 8un- the form of sealed tenders, must bo in hands of the Secretary on or before March 1st, 1900. E. C. Murray, Secy., F. G. Karstedt, Pre*., FIcsli(?rion. Weak Kidneys V(^k Ktdnpy?!, snr.?ljr point to weak kidney NiTTcs. Tlie Kidneys, likn Uio Heart, and the Stomach, find tlieir weafcio?!;, not in t!i,> organ Itself, but in tlio iutvcs Uuit control and guide ' and strtiigthin ll.piii. l)r. shrap's Itestonuive is a mixlioino spt-ciflcuUy prepared to rtMch tliese controlling nerves. To dooior the Kidneys alone. Is futile. It is a wasto of time, and of inouey as well. U year b.ick artes or is weak. If the urine •calds. ori9ilftr!t:i!id.<t.voii|7.if youlmvesymptoraa of BriKhts or otliiir dls!>-,->iiiR or danserous kid. noy disease, try Dr. .^lUH)i) '.- H â- >toralivea montJiâ€" â-  Tabli'ts t.r Liiiiiiilâ€" ami s,.' « imt il can and wUl do for rou. Ilruggist rucomiuuid and sell Dr. Re '^ % s a? r ^ y Buying Toot Olear Come where you can save money. We remind our friends that we have a good stock of Rubbers, Overshoes, Leggings and some felt goods â€" ^just the kind to keep your feel comfortable in the cold weather. â€" frost proof and warm. Also a lot of Trunks- Telescopes going oft cheap. Shoe polish, all the best kinds. Custom work made to iHaterial used. Try order, first tpiality CLAYTONS "AuL Ut.'^Ltrtii

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