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Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1909, p. 6

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'^S»'5! mm BURNED TO Fire From Unknown Cause Destroys House and Its Contents. A <Ipspatch from Brantford say-: g«dips ever recorded in this vicin- KCilics ever recorded in this vi in- ity wuB enacted near the village of Lynde.-i nn Saturday morning, when the home of Philip Vausickle, a rctirtd prosperous farmer, waa destroyed i>y ilio duvourig ele- ment. The disaster was couiplcte, not only dealing destruction to the houBC, l)iit claiming every uno of tJic fimr inmates, including tho father, son, duuglit^r, and sou-in- law. Nothing remains »{ the once subsUmtial lioniestead and wcll- knov.ii family but ruined walls and charred hodies. The Dead.- Philip Vansickle, aged eighty years, retired franior ; Martin Vansickle. aged twenty- tlire* year.«. his son ; Harry Van- tickle, aged thirty years, son-in- law; Melitta. Vansickle, aged forty j<nr.«. (laughter. CONUENStD NEWS ITEMS rilE WORLD'S MARKETS The origin of the fire, which was at first a mystery, has been traced to tho stovo in the front hall. The supposition is that the glowing coals from it fell on tho floor, wit- ting Are to the oil cloth and kind- ling a blaze, which either suffocated the inmates in their sleep or tut off tho means of exit when they endeavored to escape from the building when it bccajne a mass of flames. Thus far, however, all theories are based on supposition. But one fortunate circumstance stands out against the dark back- ground. Mrs. Harry Vansickle, â- with her three children, all of whom resided at the destroyed homestead, were absent at the time of the disaster, being at Trin- ity, where Mrs. Vansickle was vis- iting her husband's father, Wesley Vensickle. They returned last night terribly affected. TIE fiOYERnEMlAY HELP Fund to Assist Eailways and Municipalities to Do Away With Grade Crossings. A despatch from Ottawa says : In connection with the proposed investigation of tho Railway Com- inistiion into the question of level fund to be applied to the gradual improvement of existing condi- tions. It is suggested by the board tlu<t the Provincial and Fed- I oral Governments, which chartcr- rrofisings witli a view to evolving : ed the railways should out of the u K<'"eral line of policy to afford j public revenues assist the rail- greater protection to the public in ' ways and tho municipalities to all parts of Canada, the coiumis- | jointly bear the expense of pro- jiion have recommended to the j teciing or eliminating entirely the tjoveniment the adoption of a ! level crossings. The whole ques- system analogous to that in force ' tion is now under consideration . "uii i u in some of the States across the j by the Minister of Railways, but! the question of child labor is UAri'LNINGS FROM ALL OVLll THE GLOl'.i:. TcIcKraphlo Briefs From Our Owu oad Other Countries ol Ucccnt Kveiits. CANADA. Mr. G. F. Rice, jeweller, drop- ped dead at Orillia, on Tuesday. Hamilton Council refused to pass tho license reduction by-law. Tho C. N. R. IS asking Provin- cial aid to'wards extension in New Ontario. The opening of the Quebec Pro- vincial Legislature has been fixed for March 2. The civil servants of the Prov- ince of Quebec are preparing for an increase in pay. Toronto military messes, in vice of the London conviction, may ap- ply for club liquor license.-s. The late Mr. A. W. Hooper loft fifty thousand dollars to the Mont- real General Hospital. Several Ancaster people have been bitten by a dog which, it is feared, is affected with rabies. Wm. Seay was sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment for attempt- ing to kill his wife, in Toronto. The western Premiers have re- plied to the grain-growers, finally deciding not to go into the elevator business. Stove moulders at Hamilton' are said to have refused to accept a reduction in wages, and a strike is spoken of. Father Forncr was lost on the prairie in Saskatchewan, and drove two days in the storm before ob- taining shelter. The Ontario Government oflBcials are surveying the townsite of Gow- ganda, which will be withdrawn from the forest reserve. Emer: -jn, Man., was visited by a dcstruci ve fire on Friday. Tho Alexandra block and several busi- ness establishments were burned. Mr. Mackenzie King has present- ed an interesting report on the cotton mills of Quebec, in which a KErOUTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. NEW HOUSE OP I'llces of Cattle, Grain, Cliccsc and Other Dairy Produce at IIoiuc uitd Abroad. LREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Feb. 2.â€" Flourâ€" Ontario wheat 90 per cent, patents, $3.70 to $3.75 to-day in buyers' sacks outside for export. Manitoba flour, first patents, $5. SO on track, Toronto ; second patents, !J5.S0, and strong bakers', *5.10 to $5.20. Wheatâ€" Manitoba wheat, $l,09)-a to 51.10 for No. 1 Northern and $1.08^4 to $1.07 for No. 2 North- ern, Georgian Bay ports. No. I Northern $1.15 to 9\Ai>]4 all rail, and No. 2 Northern at )?1.12 to $lA2].i, all rail. Wheatâ€" Ontario, 97%c outside. Oatsâ€" Ontario No. 2 white 40% to 41c outside, and at 43 to 43^c on track, Toronto; No. 2 Western Canada oats, 45c lake ports, and No. 1 feed, 42%c lake ports. Ryeâ€" No. 2 quoted at 69 to 70c outside. Barloy-No. 2 barley quoted at f"" "Yt^"; u ♦., 56 to 57c outside; No 3 extra at ^"^ good butcher cattle was active, 54 to 65c, and No! 3 at 52 to 53c. »"d everything in this Buckwheat-5ii to 56Vic outside. '^» was Eoon picked up at firm Peasâ€" No. 2 quoted at 86 to 87c P^'^^ Various Denominations Are Represented About the Same as Last Parliament A despatch from Ottawa says : An analysis of the personnel of the new House of Commons with re- spect to places of birth and relig- ions gives the following interest- ing figures :â€" In the last Parliament there were 200 native-born Canadians ; in tiie nev/ House the native-born number 204. There arc six Eng- lish-born as conip.ired with four in the last House. Ireland sent four sons to the old House, but there aro only two native Irishmen in the now Home. In each House the membership included three men who were born in the United States. Scotland had three repre- sentatives in the last House; now it has only two. The new House also includes one member who wa< born in South America. By religioivs the figures are equ- ally int«resting:â€" The Roman Ca- tholics are of exactly the same as in the old House, the figure ii\ each case being 70. The Presby- terians number 46 in the new- House ; last year they had 47. rb» Methodist Church is represerited hy 50 in the new House, as against^ 50 in the last Parliament. The Church of England has 41 as- against 42. The Baptists number-, ed eight in the former House ; in this they number six. One addi-' tion to the religions is a Universa-. list. The Congregationalists are two, the same as last year, and- there is one Lutheran and one Farringdon Independent, just as' in tho last Hoube. and market firmer. The demand border. This system, recogniiing jionding the further report of the that the expense of eliminating all commission as to the result of the the dangerous level crossings is i investigation now proposed, it is more than the railways can be ex- 1 unlikely that any definite dccis- peoted or made to l>car alone, pro- ion will be reached and embodied vidcs for a central Governmental [ in legislation. THREE (iREAT ELEVAT0R8. To bp Erofted Iliirinp; Present Vcar at I'ort WilUnni. A despatch from Fort William says: Pile-driving on tho founda- tion of the Thuhder Bay elevator, situated a short distance from the Alikokan Iron W(;rks, commenced on Tueiddv, and a large fores of men is already engaged on the work, it being tho intention of the contractors, Messrs. Burnett k McQueen, to rush tho work to completion at the enrliest possible time. Tho site of tho elevator is J, 000 feet from the hhore line, though the water is nowhere more than two feet in depth. With the comnienccment of the Western Klc- %.ator Company's building in West Fcrt William and the work already going on on the Grand Trunk Pa- cific elevator this makes three largo elevators which will be crer- tr<l in the two cities during this year. AGRK I LTl RE AND FORESTRY H. C. C. JanioR and Prof. Zavitz Speak nt Cobourg. A despatch from Cobourg says: Mr. C. C. Jaines, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and Prof. Zavitz, addressed the Counties Council on Wednesday. Mr. James gave an , ,, ^ • able address, showing the advant- "J'-""""'*^ feature. Mr. E. J. Chamberlain has been appointed Vice-l*resident and Gen- eral Manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, succeeding Mr. Morse. Arrangements are being made between tho Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie and a company for the starting of large shipyards in the town. The W'cntworth County Council decided to take no action on a let- ter from the Inspector of Prisons and Charities ordering the erection of a county house of refuge. John R. Ray was Fcntenced at Guelph to two years' imprisonment for setting fire to the barn of, Mrs. He pleaded outside. Corn â€" No. 2 Amerioan yellow, 08 to 08%c on track, Toronto, and No^ 3 yellow at 67 to 67}^c, Toron- to. Canadians, 64j.-i to 6ac, To- ronto freight. Branâ€" Cars, $20.00 in bulk out- side. Shorts, $22.00 in bulk out- side. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" Winter stock, $3.50 to $4.50 per barrel for good qualities, and at $2 to $3 for cooking apples. Beansâ€" Prime, 81.80 to 81.90, Sheep and lambs â€" Better demand for ev.'es and lambs; mar- ket firm. Hogcâ€" Select at $6.40 f.o.b., and $6.65, fed and watered. Steady demand for butcher cows. Good export steers and bulls want- ed. Milch cows of good qualtiy in demand ; common not wanted. Good veal calves steady. *. H.4RRIED ON A TRAIN. New Departure in Matrimonial Ideas in Nova Scotia. A despatch from Halifax says : Births and deaths are not uncom' and hand-picked, «1.S0 to $2 peri ^^ happenings on railway trains bushel. Honeyâ€" Combs, $2.25 to $2.75 per dozen, and strained, 10)a to He per pound. Hay-No. 1 timothy $11 to $11.- 50 per ton on track here, and low- er grades at $9 to $10 a^ton. Straw â€" $7 to $7.50 on track. Potatoesâ€" CO to C2%c per bag. Poultry â€" Chickens, dressed, 12 to 13c per pound; fowl, 10c; ducks, 12 to 13c; geese, 11 to 12c; turkeys 10 to 17c per pound. herealiout. but marriages aro a rarety. One occurred on the Syd- ney Express shortly after the train left Sydney, on Friday, both bride and groom being named McDonald, which was also the name of the GANANOQUE'S HEAVY LOSS. ' Turner's Blot-k and the Opera Burned. A despatch from Gananopue says : At 3.30 on Sunday morning in the' store of Jos. McCauley, Turner' block, corner of King and Stone- streets, flames were discovered, coming out of the plate-glass win- dow. The fire spread fast. A' heavy north wind was blowing,- which sent the sparks over the. buildings. The fire department played five streams of water on' the building. The fire spread to- the Opera House block, owned by. W. G. Rogers. It looked at this, time as if all of King street would go. The Turner block, owned by' W. Y. Boyd, is a three-story brick- building, occupied by Clifford^ Bine, druggist, stock $15,000, in-' surance $8,000, complete loss ; Cor- rigan & Coy, drj- goods, complete loss, insurance not known ; Jas.' McCauley, restaurant and billiard-- room, in&urcd. In the second flat. clergyman. This is the first train ^j,^ ^-^^j. ,^^„^gy ^^^^^ ^^^ jj,^;^ • 26.-. KILLED, 716 1X.H RED. Vii-lIniH of Lncoinollrc K\p1o!<ions In Fre Vcars. A despatch from Washington says : In respon,se to a .Senate re- solution. Chairman Knapp, of the Interstate Commerce C<rmmis- »ion. n;i» forwarded to that body a table showing the number of em- jd<n(-s and pu'sengcrs injured dur- ing the \ears 1903 to ]»08. inclusive, from locomotive boiler explosions, to be 205 killed and 710 injured. Board of Tra<lc, and others were present. Prof. Zavitz dwelt upon tho advantages to be derived from Tcforestry. Northumberland coun- ty has H,()00 and Durlium 7,000 acres of v.astu lands suitable for this. Ho showed how some foreign coun- tries wore deriving large revenue from lands reforested some years ago. A committee was appointed by the Counties Council, whoso duty it will be to further the inter- ests of agriculture in this district. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints, 24 to 25c ; tubs and large rolls, 22 to 23c; in- ferior, 20c ; creamery rolls, 27 to 29c, and solids, 26 to 27c. Eggsâ€" Case lots of cold storage, 25 to 2Cc per dozen ; picked, 24 to 25c, and new laid 23 to 30c per dozen. Cheeseâ€" Large cheese, 13/^c per HOG PRODUCTS. in excuse ago of teaching agriculture in the that he had made love to tho wi- pound, and twins, 13%c high schools. Tho School Board, tlow and had been rejected. members of the Collegiate Insti- The resolution to increase the tulo and public school staffs, the Ralarms of the inside civil service • - - - ' ,vas introduced in the Commonson Friday. Sir Wilfrid Lauricr inti- mated that the claims of the out- side service would receive atten- tion. Neil Macauley has been ac- quitted of thofl at Regina. When he was committed for trial he vol- unteered to convey himself to court and, after some difficulty, hunted up a mounted policeman, to whom ho Burreudered. i marriage in Nova Scotia that the I railway officials have record of. I Tho ceremony was performed quiet- ly while tho other passengers looked on. The bride and groom were unattended. <-. BIG JEWELLERY ROBBERY. Mfstcrions Affair in 'VVestmount That Baffles the Police. A despatch from Montreal says : j A robbery involving the loss of ' several thousand dollars' worth of jewellery was committed some time on Wednesday in the residence of Mrs. J. H. Stanford, who occu- pies suite sixteen in the Metcalfe Apartments, on Cote St. Antoino road, Westmount. Despite diligent investigations of the Westmount Baconâ€" Long clear, 10% to lie ^ per pound in case lots ; mess pork, ! police no clue has yet been discov $10 to $19.50; short cut, $22.50 toiered which will lead to the appre- NEXT GOVERNOR-GENERAL. Opinion in Rrllain that it will be .Mr. John .Sinclair. .â- \ despatich from London says The Daily Mail declares definite 1> that Mr. John Sinclair's elcva tion to the Peerage is merely pre liiniuary to his appointment as Governor-General of Caua<i(i. This appears to be the general opinion in Liberal circles. STEAMEB FLORIDA LIBELLED Seized at New York for Sinking the Steamer Republic. A says despatch Counsel New York from for the Oceanic fiteani .Vuvigation Company, own- ers of the White Star Line steam- er Hf'puhlic, on Friday filed a libel in the Fnited States Uistrict Court against the steamer Florida of tho Lloyd It:iliun;) Lino, which ran down and ^u.•^k the Republic off Nnntuckel light.ship. Dani.-igcs amounting to lill,,')()0,000 for tlic loss of the sliip and $500,000 ffir tho loss of cargo and cITccts of tho pas- seugcr." and crew were claimed. It ii ttsfccrtrd in the libel that the col- liHifiM was due to no fault on the part 'if Cnplain Healby of the Re- allrge<l further, that the Florida fuilrd t(i indiciite her changes of helm, that, sin; was proceeding at an ijuinotlerate speed and did not stop or back her engines. The Iiloy<l llnliuiui Societa di Navigntioiie, owners of the stcani- bhip Flnridfi, also lile<l in the Unit- ed Hlatea District Court a libel and petition for a limitation of liabil- ity nguinst tho Florida, her freight and passage money. Tho papers state thnt tho collision was caused Kololy by the fault and neglect on the part of the Republic. Tho pe- titioners say that the damage value of the I'lorida now does not exceed $2i!l,000, and ask the court publi-: b'tt wholly to tho fault of to (i.-i tho liability at not more than Florida, wliicli, it is alleged, that amount. After tho filing of the papers in the priveiHlings llnited States Mar- ihe did r.'U kcc]) a proper cmiriie, had no ndilicient lookout, did not give I ropf r whistl>8 nor pay hoed to shal Heukcl seized tho Italian vos- vv/ii»tlc» i.f the Republic. It is sol under a, writ of attachment. $23. Hamsâ€" Light to medium, 13>^ to 14c; do., heavy, 12jo to 13c; rolls, 10% to lie; shoulders, 10 to 10%c ; backs, 10 to 10%c; breakfast ba- con, 14% to 15c. Lardâ€" Tierces, 12) ic ; tubs, 12Xo ; pails, 13c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Feb. 2.â€" Peas, No. 2, 94 to 95c ; oats, Canadian Western GREAT BRITAIN. It is suggested in England that the Karl of Beauchamp may be Canada's next Governor-General. Mrs- Carrio Nation was pelted! q^^^^-^ ^^ g ^^ q^j^^j^ with eggs while ledunng in ( an- j j^,^ ' ^^ ^^^ . jjo. 2 barley, 63% to 65c; Manitoba feed barley, 55% to No. 2, 47c; extra^No. 1 feed, 46%c; ^o. 1 feed, 45).aC; Ontario No. 2, terhury, England, Monday night The British Labor Congress at Portsmouth endorstKl tho Socialist platform and denounced tariff re- form. Right Hon. John Sinclair, Sec- retary fur ScotlamI in the British Cabinet, has been raised to the Peerage. An English syndicate has been formed to extract radium from pitchblend deposits of an old Cor- nish copper mine. UNITED STATES. Four mm lost their lives in a firo in a hotel at Fort Worth, Texas. Three men are dea«l at Fort Du- ptint, Del., from drinking dena- tured alcohol. An eighteen-year-old boy has been condemned to dvath for mur- der iu New Jersey. I'^our children lost their lives in n firo which destroyed their homo near Pittsburg, Pa., Antonio Stuto of White Plains, N. Y., lost over forty relatives in the Calabrinn earthquake. A severe storm in the middle •western States tied up railway traflic and <:rippled the telegraph service on Friday. The Senate of tho United States will amend tho waterways treaty ao as to provide for th« division of the water-power in the St. Mary's River. GENERAL. Three Japanese spies have been arrested in Ecuador. Bcnoit Constant Coquelin, th« best known of French actors, is dead. An unoonfirm«d Paris despatch tells that King Menelik of Abyssin- ia is dead. 56c ; buckwheat, 563a to 66c. Flour â€" Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.60 ; Manitoba Spring wheat patents, seconds, $5.10; Manitoba strong bakers', $4.90; Winter wheat patents, $5 to $5.25; straight rollers, $1.00 to $4.70; do., in bags, 82.15 to $2.25; extra, in bags, $1.75 to $1.85. Feedâ€" Mani- toba bran, $21 to $22; Manitoba shorts, $24; Ontario bran, $21 to $21.60; Ontario shorts, $24 to $24.- BO; Ontario middlings, $24.50 to 925 ; pure grain mouillc, $28 to $30; mixed mouillc, $25 to $27. Cheeseâ€" Finest western, 12% to 12?.4c; eastern, 12^^ to 12%c. But- terâ€"Finest creamery, 27 to 27 %c; fresh receipts, 25% to 2Gc. Eggs- New lai<l eggs, 35 to 40c; selected stock, 28 to 29c; No. 1 stock, 25 to 26c. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Milwaukee, Feb. 2.â€" Wheat-No. 1 Northern, $1.11 ; No. 2 Northern, $1.08 to $1.09; May, $1.07% askeil. Ryeâ€" No. 1, 75%c. Cornâ€" May, 63c askeil. Barleyâ€" Standard, 06c; samples, 59>aC to 63c; No. 3, CO to 62c; No. 4, 59% to 60c. St. Louis, Feb. 2.â€" Wheatâ€" Cash, G2%c; May, C5%c; July, 05%c. Buffalo, Feb. 2.â€" W'hcatâ€" Spring firm ; No. 1 Northern, carloads store, $1.13%; Winter, firm. Corn Higher; No. 3 yellow, 04%c; No. 4 yellow, 64>ic ; No. 3 corn, 64c; No. 4 corn, 63%c; No. 3 white, 07}^c. Oatsâ€" Firm. Ryeâ€" No. 2, on track, 81 %o. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, Feb. 8.â€" Exportâ€" Mar- ket is firm for choice export steers and bulls. Butcherâ€" An active d«iUftn<l for choice butoher fi%ttle, hension of the burglar or burglars. There are no servants in the house, and so far tho robbery is shroud- ed in mystery. MONTREAL SHAKEN. Shock of Earthquake Alatrma the Citizens. A despatch from Montreal says: Montreal was shaken by an earth- quake at 11.46 on Sunday night. People in all parts of the city-were awakened by tho shock, which was so sharp that it was believed to be an explosion. Men wer» sent out from the police stations to in- vestigate. While the shock gave a scare to the inhabitants, uo damage is reported. â-  * A MEDAL FOR BINNS. French GoTornnient Will Recognize H\» Work. A despatch from Paris says ; The Government has deeided to award a medal for life-saving to John Binns, of tho Republic, for his fine conduct after the collis- ion between that vessel and the Florida. club rooms ; W. Y". Boyd, insur< • anco office, and Professor Jackson, . musical studio. On the third story . the Colonial Theatre. Nothing . was saved in the building. Insur- ance not known. The Grand Opera ' House, a concrete block building, and one of the most up-to-date ' opera houses in the Province, waa completely destroyed. W. G. Rogers states he has $3,000 insur- ance on the building. Mr. Rogers' OSS will be fully $25,030 Peters Bros, had a restaurant in the 'building, which is also a total loss. Tho W^orkmon and Canadian Order of Foresters had their hall over tho stores in this block, and it, too, is a complete loss. The total loss is estimated at $104,000. GRAIN CROP OF MANITOBA. Provincial Report Estimates It al 113,t)5S,18S Bushels. A despatch from Winnipeg says ; The provincial crop report was is- sued by the Department of Agri- culture on W'eduesday morning. The total grain crop of the prov- ince is estimated at 113,058, isa bushels, corapare<I with 99,010,283 bushels in the previous year. The total yield of wheat is placed at 49,252.539 bushels, an average ot 17.23 bushels per acre. The total area under grain is given at 4,- 818,611 acres and the area under all crops at 4,987,493 acres. GRIZZLY MOI'NTAIN RESTLESS Daqger of Volcanic Eruption Near San Francisco. A despatch from San Francisco, Cal., says: Grizzly Moutaiu, lo- cated in Lake county, about 73 miles north of San Francisco, is reported to be showing signs oj eruption. The mountain is local- e<l in the St. Helena range, which nibounds iu volvanic signs, while the geysers near by spout hot wate» and steam. THE BAI LWAY COM iSSli Each Member Will Have Special Charge of a District. A despatch from Ottawa says : An important re-organization of tho Railway Commission is an- nounced by which the Dominion is divided into districts, each in special charge of one of the com- missioners as to the routine appli- cations. Chief Commissioner Mabee will, of course, have a general supervision over each district. 'The Province of Otario, with the exception of Port Arthur and the district west thereof, is place<I under tho immediate jurisdiction of Mr, D'Arcy Scott, the Assist- ant Chief Commissioner, and he aill be assisted by Inspectors (M. J. McCaul. James Ogilvie and James Clarke. Tho Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Eilward Island and Nova Scotia are nlloted to Hun. M. E. Bernier, who will be assisted by Mr. E. C. Ljjonde, in- spector. Commissioner S. J. McLean takes charge of Manitoba, Sas- kat<'liewttn, and that portion of Ontario west of Port Arthur, with Mr. W. S. Blythe of Winnipeg as inspector. .Mberta and British CoUimbi-i will he UH)kod after by Commis- sioner Mills, assisted by Inspcctoj

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