m Feuri ary4 1909 THE F L E S II E E T N ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK E*j>iuhtd 1873 Qp CANADA " ^'""^ is a Bank of age and strength. It has a record behind it of 35 years of sound and successful business, and is strong in resources and banking experience. « We invite you to join the Itirge number of prudent, Sticcessful people who have found banking relations with it both agreeable and profitable. If you have not yet begun to save your spare dollars make a start to-day by depositing One Dollar or more in 9Uf Savings Department. FLESHERTON BRANCH Georg'e MitcKell, Manager BKANCBES AL,SO AT DURHAM AND UARR-XSTOIT. VICINITY CHIPS^ W. A. Ariiiition^ Lasuer of marriage Jieenses. The Ontario Leki^itturt is exiled Xj meet on Feb. Iti. Mr. Will Wilson is botue from To- ronto for a month. Mr. Ed. T;i<niipson is down again *ith another attack of appeodicilis. Chopping done every day at the j^lan- ing mill . Thos. Blakely & Co Horse for Sale â€" Goi)d heavy work horse. Thos. Fenwick, Eu<!unia. Miss Maidment of Foreal h*3 been en- gasad to teach the Ruv:kvu!« schonl. Gro»n»low CU»rmiii<; colt for sjile coming 2 years old. T. Lever, Flesher- toD. Beini; in I he s>w lutU bu.sinets <it Eui;eni:t, I am piepiire.l to do custom sawing. Will a'.so pay cisii at the mill for spmce and balsam in twelve-foot lengths. â€" J. W. Deagie. For Sale â€" One cook Jtove, 1 hijjh heat- er, 2 iron hedaieads, spnnssaiid niattress- e«, 1 dresser and stand, 1 sideboard, 1 extension table, C dining room ch.iiis, 1 rocker, 1 arm cb«ii', pictures, linoleum, carpets, blinds and curtalnc, all only in use one yenr. Must be sold at occe. Mrs. J. Quimby, Rock Mills P. O. The thaw of the fore part of last week cauiiht a gevrre -roid before this paper was off the press, and since then we have been treated to some senuiiie winter, with plenty of snow. The onlj trouble now is that the mow is not evenly distributed on the roads. Trau.ing is fairly K<><)d, how- ever, and the hauling of timber, etc., his Burglar Caught. One of the burjjUrs »hu broke into J. <t W. Boyd's general sti>re on Sunday ! night, Jan. 24, wiis captured at Ml. For- I est on Wedne«d:iy of last week. Some | of the );oods tdken here weiu found on bii person, includini; a complete outfit of | clothio?â€" haf. boots, leveral ties, etc. 1 When searched »oiue of Mr Boyd's price | tickets were found on the c-lothinj<. A | telephone message came here from the | Mt. Forest chief of p4)lice and Mr. Herb Smith, head salesman, went over and identified the grod.-*, Mr. B..>yd biiug , away at county council. 'Ihe trial takes ; place to-day (Wfdneadaj). The story < f â- the capture i.s t IJ by the Confederate as . foil. W3 : I Yesterday morning the town woke up ; up to the fact that it had h.rboired unde- sirable auests duriim the night. It was ^ f.)Uiid ihat three of our leading stores, B. i Scott 3l Co'u, J. T. Skales Co's, aud V. | Voissiu's, had been broken into. The ; method used was similar in each case, j The front door had betn pried open with : a (.hisel which was found with blood j marks on it at R. Scott & Co's. The j thick glass in the door at Scott's and I Skale's were also brukeii. At Scott's , there were also blood spoti on the donr . Gamey-Morrison The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morrison, Maxwe:l, was the aceue of a happy eveut Jan. 27th 1909, when their only dau;(hter, Edith Majp, was united m holy buuds ol uj«titmony to Mr. J. Wes- ley Uamey, .s-.n of the late Mr. and Mrs. J'>aiah Uamey, oy Rcv. A. P. Slanl-y. Mrs. Sjtjnby presided at the oijjan. i'he bride in a beautiful white ulk kohu trimmed with ribh->u aud lace,. WoS Klvc'n away by her faaher. MisS Annie Heron in a pretty while dress, aiiover lace aLd iuaeitiou iriuiiuin^!', was biiaesmati], while Mr. John Motruou, brother of tne bride, waited ou the ^rovm. Afi-ir the ceremouy ail repaired to tha diuii g room to enj->y the weadinij feasi. The bride received many useful and pretty presents, auion^ the gifts were notlcea a silver and gold berry spoon from Uic bnde's furuur pastor and Uia wife. Rev. und Mrs. Kemp of Walta.-s Fal.s. Mr. and Mrs. Gamcy vvid leave fur their home iu Sti-athclaii', Man., in a few daya and the gixxi wishes of a boat oi : friends follow them tu their new home, { that their lives may form a duet of i harmony. Mia. Gamey will be ?reatly ; missed in church circles, especially in j the Epworth League and Sunday school, i Qoldi son the Chest Ask your doctor the medical name for a cold on the chest. He will say, "Bronchitis." Ask him if it is ever serious. Lastly, ask him if be pre- scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral for this disease. Keep in close touch with your family physician. A fm pobliak oar for yers W« baaiah alcohol tnm our in*<licm0fl W« xxrgm jou to cosati.l your doctor F" Thompson's Bakery â- V3 Our Bread is dilivered renular- ly and kept for tale at Ceylon, Priceville, £ugeuia, Kimberiey Maxwell and Fcreisbam. b^ Ed. Thompson. Flesherton nenon s I -I _i -if * â-¼hen you tell your doctor about the bad uste in your moatb, loss of appetite for breakfast, and frequent headacbcs, and when he sees your coated tongue, be will say, " You are bilious." Ayer's Pills work well in such cases. >yta« J. C. AjttCt., lowaU. If iMd f^- â- ^^^f- ^'^S^^m d finger marks of blood had been left ! Her travelliuij dress w*. a blue chiffon broadcloth, aud velvet jacket, with this ! suit !>ho woie a beeummiDK white velvet i hat iiiuimed with wings. ' bean resumed. 35,000 dry lath cut from stock list; Mr. Jos. Cornfield was called to sammijr to dispose of. J. W. Detigle, Toronto last "week upon the duty of Eugenia. I burying another brother, Mr. Jolin New- A jiood two-year old off. Merry Mason '"" Cornfield, who dicilathis home there colt for sale on lot 162, con. 2, west. »f''^«' at^oii" four weeks' serious illness. J T Parker. ' "' '''* "S^ "^ '^^ year*. The deceased _ J I t 1 â- • o _j .>' leaves % wife and four little children- Two good colta for saleâ€" ruing 2 and d , . ., , II A 1 . f> I. d: U..J , . '. hree boys .ind 1 oiilâ€" the eldest teiiig years old. Apply to R-ibt. Richardson,. •" „, , , , , „, . . n «« 1 Id years of ace. The funeral took place Fleihertoii P. O. ,, , ... I to Hambervale cemetery. It is just two Jersey heifer calf f .r sale, three months old, from good niot'aer. \v . Pedlar, F.esherton. Miss RebeccA Richardson, who has been iu Toionto for somo time, returned lo her home here last week. Miss Ruth Paul, who hu been with ber sister, Mrs. R. Bonthain, roturnsd to ' »f»te'i'»n her home at Eugenia last week. Hound Lostâ€" On Dec. 14rh, spotted, black and white. Any person detaiiiiog will be prosecu'ed. O. Cairns, Ceykn. Ue». T. A. Rcgers, pastor of Knox church, Owen Snund, cilled on a few of "uis ni-uiy warm friends here on Mon- day. Boot and Shoo Repairing promptly, cheaply and well done. H. Carriiuston, AnnstroDg's old jewellery store, Flesher- ton. Mr. and Mra. W. McCann of Kenora, who Kt9 ou a wedding trip, visited the foimer'a sister, Mrs. Ed. Thouips;>n, bcre this week. The band concert Tuesday evening was well attended and the talent all that could bo desired. A more critical rc- |iort will appear in next issue. The Ospray Farmers' Milling Coinpanj' â- hipped a car load of flour to MoiiinsHl from this station on Ktiday last. They also shipped a car load to Glasgow, Scot- land, recently. Wanted at Eugeniaâ€" A numbor of jiood men to .ttork in the bush. Good wages will bo p.iid to first cUss men. Ap^dy to J. W. Moig.in, Engeiii.^. Cement Work- -Any person having ceiivent work to do this c 'ining summer should communicnto ti'ijj^i^. Liver, ^**lftwh«ltOU. _'Vi,iuliiv<^ni III '1 til*-' '""^l"' tu order. Notice to the pubKoâ€" Having disposed of my harnv-M stock, I have a few setts •f heavy and light harnesa to offer at right ptices for cash. W. Moore, Flwherton. The hdies' Aid of Clialmcr's churcH will hold a box ^ocitil at the homo of James Milne,. Meafoid Koad, ou Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 10. Teams will be ; months since Joe had to perform a similar ; duty for another br jther, Robert, at I Milton. The annual roeeti'<g of the Flesherton Hotel Co. was held on Wedne.'tday after- i noon of la.<it week, wlieu about 2j shais- I holder* were present. The financial showed an iudabti'dncss of ^121.85. The old directors were all reappointed. The meeting was quite enthiisiaiiic and additional stock was tiksn al the meeting to the extent of <i8 shares, or ?C80, half of this con.liiional upon a sufficient am >unt being raised to clear off the jindebtedue«s. Messrs. W. Buchanan ard J. I. Gr.iham were ap- pointed to solicit purchases of stock. The Chosen Fiieuds at Ceyhm save an oyster supptr aii.l .\t Home o:i Friday evening lasr, when the Orange ball was crowded with gueats aud members. A aotid proijriim was rendered, presided ever by Mr. Dounld MoLeod. The solo- ists were Mussrs. W. Pedlar aid A. Mi- .\uley. Donald McLsoJ, Wilaim Mc- Mullen aud D. Brouie, pliycd the violin, and D.tn McDonald the piculo. Miss Zilla McLeod presided at the organ. Capt. Mcl.aughlin and Ihe Master of the lodge Kavs short addresses. Theie were oysters and ollio? eatables galore, and everyone voted emphatically that they had never had a better evening of pleasure â€" physically and mentally. on Borae of the show ci-ses. The burglars were evidently after money, but only got coppers or small change for their pains, except at Skales' where a case of a dozen good watch chains is missinji, and at Scott s, where the amount of change was about $45. When Station Agent J. Hogarth went to the G. T. K station in the morning he f.mr.d the door of the b:tguace reom \ opei. and a man lying inside, apparently j in an intoxicated c uditiou. Ha soon j went away and came down town to the j Queen's hotel, where ho was arrested by ^ Chief Cringle later in the noruing. His : knuckles were skinned and he had a lot i of copperc in his possession and abou', |48 , in silver and snail bi Is. The bills he obtained from Mr. Hinchy at the C.P.R. station in the morning. The evening be- fore he is said to have "been "broke." Matches were also fouad on him, the same kind Mr. Voisin keeps, and tobacco of the same brand that is kept in one of the sture«. He had also a glazier's dia- mond, aud there are marks ff a diamimd hiving been used on Skales' window. He I gave O'Brien as his name. I A New York mininw syndicate have O'Brien is known in this locality as a j secure-' a lease on a piece of property neir < ditcher, who for th« p-ist couple of years . Wiaitoii, which, accordina to the report, â- has liiada his lioadqu.wt>!rs in Arthur i of the geologist of the Western University, i township. He was held on the charge of j Dr. S. V>c>olvertoii, is highly mineralized. I breaking iuto the baggage room of lh« The property consists of 100 acres, situat- We Have It What / The orsc stock ot fresh Groceriei Fliiur and Feed <-f all kind.-:, and at al prices, and everytbine el>e in our line, : that is on sale in Flesherton. i If you would have a safe yet certain i Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr. I Shoop'sâ€" at least once. It is thoroughly I unlike any other Cough preparation. Its j taste will be entirely new to you â€" unless ' it is already your favorite Ciu^b Remedy. : No opium, chXuroforiu, or any ether stupifyiug ingredients are used. The tendir leaves of a harmless, lung- healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Rtmedy us wonderful cuia'.ive properties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by all dealers. A Box Social. Ill aid of the Ladies' Aid cf Eugenia Presbyteiian church, ou Fri., Feb. 12. A go(>d programme consiatiug of music, singing and drills. Zinc Deposits at Wiarton. VTe aljo hare the prices that suit our' customers, and elili suit us, as they enable us to turn our «t(«;k over in a shorter term *:han with the hiiiher prices, aud thus we keep out stock fre!>b, W. L. WRIGHT Flesherton. ; Harness Goods. Having bought the stock of Wdi. M<M}re, I am better prepared than e'-er to cater to the public. We have a complete line of U irness and HarnessSundnes. Whips, Bells, Plush Rugs, Rotes, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment. Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valises Telescopes, & Biacksmith'sApruns. Look in and examtne our stcck of Horse Blankets. REFAiaiNu; Pkomptly Doxe. O.W. Phillips. FLESHERTON. ONT. G.T.R. station. Ill sickness, if a certain hidden nerve : goes wrong, then the or««n thai this j nerve conlroli will also surely fail. It j may be a stomach nerve, or it may have : Kiven strength aud support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made to di'se the Sto»aoh-nor to temporarily stimulate the ; Heart or Kidtioys. Tlut old-faahioned method is all wro:ig. Pr. Shoop's Res- j torativa goes directly to thesj failing j inside nerves- The remarkable success i of this v.resciiptivin demoustratss the [ wisdom of treating the actu'il cause of these failing organs. .\nd it ed in Albermirle township, Bruce couuty. Three assays have bein made, all of which, it is said, have shown the properly to contain zioc and sulphur in large quanti- ties, with truces of silver also. It IS $aid that the syudicnte is cndeav- orimr t > secure le.iscs of surrounding properties, which are also aupp->etid to be iu minerals. Mining ou the property now leased, it is understood, mil le started about the first of June. A large sum has been paid down for the lease and 25 per c.nt. of the output is also to be paid over. The Toron'o News says il s understood indeed that Dr. Sproule, tiraud Master i f thu Auction Sales. An auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held at Maxwell on Tuesday, Feb. 9, H»09, 1 p. m. Clias. Lung, pfop ; D. Mcl'hail, auctioneer. MAKES A DISCOVERY An Artemesla Bo> Adds a Valuable Contribution to Science From the Moi.treal Witness Dr. J. Stafford, lecturer in zoology at McGHl, lint contributed a paper of con- /| siderable scientific value to " The Amer- ican Na'^uralist " for January, on "The larva and spat of the Canadian oyster." The paper is th« result of information gathered on behalf of the Canadiau Bio- prcvidcd for those going from the villago. j logical statio.i during a summer spent at .» . » c I .^ T» • II » i>,;..b Malpooiiue, I'liuco Edward Island. Property for Sale at Pricevilleâ€" A brick I t^ { ' ,, r, ;,.„,. , . , , 1 c . 1 ,io While the record ol Dr. Stafford s obser- bouse, eight rooms, barn and hvo lots, -i. ,-,... ,.. , . • vation.t IS too technical to be undurstood Arteniesiii, ... S'ltt ^y *"y ""' scientist'. It ts quite evident ' that these observations have an import- eaiy to irore. A simple five or ten days test will surely tell. Try it onoc. aud see. S"ld by all denlevs. Mrs. Henry Richardson Dead. Mrs. Heniy Richardson dietl at hor home here on Monday at the ago of 72 years. The dece!i."sed lady w is born in the county of Wexford, Ireland, and came to Canada in 18J2. She was married shortly afterward and lived fi^r S'lne years near Stroetsvillo, ,iflern-ards coming to Artciuesia, se't ling on the Collmg- wood gravel. Over l«ouly yoais ago they moved to Flesherton. Mr. Richard- son died here five yearsiigo Mis. Rich- ardson W.1S tlie mother of a Urg« family, the survivals iiieinbers of whom are: j-No vomiting, no distress. A eafo and Will. John, Rob and .\uuio ire all living ' pleasing .sjvup â€" 50 c. Sold by alldcalets. S<jvervij;n tiraud Lodge of British S-nlh .America, will retire from ihiit position at the annual meeting to be held id St. Thomas in March. It is believed that he finds the correspondence and other duties associated with the positi intake up too much of his tine. The probabil- ity of retiremeut i.s the subject of much discuss'ou iu Orange circles in the city. Among the canditlates t<T the p<xsitlou should Dr. Sprouio deoltud re- election, are Col. J. H.Scott, the present Deputy-Grand Master, and dd Sam Hughes, of Lindsay. - Croup pt>8it;vely stopped in 20 minutes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy, One test alone will surely prove this truth. Also lot 10. eon. I. N. D. R. 50 acres. Apply to Calhorino Priceville P. O. If MAKiUEi>~In Detroit on Jan. 27ih, ant bearing on problems and methods of oyster culture. One striking discovery by Dr. Staflord is that at a certain period in the early stages of its existence the 1909, at the lesidoiieo of the bride's niece, 428, fourth Ave., Mr. William H. Allen of Toronto, (lato of Flesherton) to Miss ' yygtt,, has a foot Catharine McKachern of .\cton (hit. fhe organ, which Dr They will reside at 101 Olive Ave., Toronto. Stafford claims the privilege of having first recognized, i.s, he says, of immense iutcreet to zoolo- gists, and of vast importance to the sni- Mr. Win. Poole ot Lady Bank wishes mal. The adult oyster is usually a qui ui to state thai his wife is not ill, ns e.cent animal, solidly cemented to a i.Hjk . ,. , 1 . ,,. 1 I- 'oranother shell. But previous to this per- sisted in last weeks 10th hue cotvfs- 1 . _j ^^^ ^^^ ,^i^,^,„^^, ^^ ,,,3 ^ f^,^,f_ ^y^]^^ pondence. Our correspondent t"i'»' the doctor says, is a moat capable organ, hare been misinformed. We are very ' by moans of which the animal can creep glad to make a correction of this n.-»ture, t'-'l'';"/ »l>^'"' '"I'J ^"^'^lY'^- "'H' '^^ ''f*^y I shell from one side to the other. Small horse for sale, price $50.00, has , •• j have no doubt, " he adds, " that at worked two years and drives well with the end of the freo swimming \>etHKl the another horse, also a good iH-cl'«'eo f-ot proves to be of the grcatost service V ;, o >, -,,„.- 1 in fioeinj! the little animal from over- beifer. 3 j cars (.,d, will soil at oc a pound. ,,,,^,,„i„. sedimei.t.creepini.' on to a »oliO J. Milne, Meaford Road, three and a gib«liat"i». «ud clearinj; n suitable placo balf milos from Flesherton. for fixation." here; Ed. is at Iron River, Wis. ; Henry, at Cooksvill?; Mrs. W. Guest, (Lucy), Hemderson. Me. ; Mrs. Jo». Dotille, (Minuie). Sodus Point; Mis. R. 0. Mc- Intyre, Toronto; Mrs. Rickmaii, Hanover! Mrs. T. Maun. Dyers Bay; and Mi*s Ada Rochester. N. Y. The funeral took phice to Flesherton cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Prince Arthur At Home Prince Arthur Lotlge, -V. F. A X. M., gave their anuu-U -•Kt Homo ou Friday night 1 1st, \*heu S4 people were pitseiit, including 21 visitors from Mai-kdale, 2 The Wiarlon Board of Tiade las* Tuesday evening niaac a grant cf So to each of the Ijcal papers for their .•â- -ervices ill reporting th^ir lueelings dcring the year. We desire to acknowledge our • ppreci.ition of the gift. It takts money tu lun a printing offi'.'e, :tnd the Board I'f Trade, being coinpoeed of business men, knows it. We have frequently seen tjwnand tu^vn^hip councils jewing ; a printing otiice down to the last cent, 1 not recogiii/. 112 the fact that the publics- | lion of all their proceedings is worth very ' CoiibiJeisble to tliein. The nowspaiicr is 1 as iml>ortant a business factor iu the life { of a community as exisits, and while it is from Dundalk, and a representative from 1 only too glad to boom rlong those thing* Sholburne in the person of Mr. Sid Rands, C. P. R. ;»gcnt at this station. A short program presidttl over by Bio. M. K. Richardson, was rendered, includ- ing a <H>uplo (>f speeches from rev. ifontlenicn and I. B. Lucas, M. P. P., a solo by Mr. J. Caesjvr of Markdale, a recitation by Mis-s Gladys Corn Hold and a solo by Mi.ss Irene Wilson, .After the progr.'iiii a choicrt luncheon was provided by Caterer Ed. Thompson. The balance of the evening was occupied by games alid social iiitetc<.mrse. Princtj Arthur Lodge has one of the ciisicst aud iiio.st uf)-to-d«io h'dgo nHMus in the com. try and their jtuests on this wcasion, as on former events of the kind, lho;oiighly enji.>yed thcmselvo.s. [ that make for the success of a town or township, it is iicvertlielcss an act of good will and f lirncss up<.>ii the part of any corporation lo acknowledge it. â€" Wiarton Echo. Hotel to Rent. Park House, Flesherton, $3<X).O0 per year, 13 bedroom?, furnished kitchi-n range and refrigerator. Applications in the f>>rm of sealed tenders, must be in hands of the S.'cretary on or before Mareh 1st, 1900. E. C. Murray, Secy., F. 0. Karstfdt, T'les., Flesherton. F. G. Karstedt PREPARE FOR SPRING, Ladies' New Footwear Those are the best Ladies Shoes on the Market. "Enrxpx'ess" means (lualiry. Come anil in- spect our full line. THE gPBE§) ASK TO SEE THE MANNISH PESICN FOR WOMEN SPRING DRE53 Q00D5 We arc the headquarteus for the now and up-to-date DressGooi's. Wo carry the most up-tvdate line shown any where. They are the besi that can be bought and are arriving every d.iy. Come early and pick y.iur dress goods, in suit lengths, we will put them by until you need them. Shop early.Sce the variety and get the best. It always goes first. We- have a full range of the following a' popular prices. LINOLEUMS 13 piecfs if Linoleums and Oilcloths in 3. 5, 6, 9 and 12 ft. widths .It 25 and 50c. 8<,."yd., Inlaid at 8l.(X)sqyd. CARPhTS. Tiipcstry, Brustelfs Velvet, Wool, Union aud Stai^^ from 35o. to 91.33 per vd. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN POLES A full line uf Lace Curtaius in 2| and 3^ yd.", from 50c. to ii4.30. Curt:\in Pu'cs in Mahogany. Cherry and C>ak fjr 25 c. per set also White Poles, ccmplme, Tt 12e. STOVES AND RANGES \o* is Ihe time for purchasing a Kaio'e. Move your old s'ove into the soir.mer kitchen and get a Rargc for the dining rt.om, at the poputar price of S4'HX1. PRINTS \ND QINGH.^nS Wo will have our Piints r.nd tJioghams ip stock abouttthe first of the month, the best that ever eime i'.fo town, juattk© thing you want Come and see them. Popular pr.co 12 to 15c. per yd. r r y' r r r y y y y y y Â¥ y y Buying Toot (Uear Come whore you tan «\ve nuniev. We remind our friends that we have a good stock of Ivubbcrs. Overshoes, Leggings and some felt goods â€" ^jjist the kind to keep yonr feet eomfortahle in the cold weather. â€" frost proof and warm. Also a lot of Trnnks â€" Teleseopes facing off cheap. Shoe polish, a!) the best kinds. Custom work matle to order, first unality material used. Trv CLAYTONS