SBS FKiiurAUY 4 l',tOl> T n E F L E y 1! £ R T N ADVANCE ^diiii^Vaii^ W^/UWWÂ¥^WV>^ Greater F. T. HILL & Co. Buying Opportunities J Never present themselves to better advantajice than in the Month of January. ANI'AIIV is the month of all others that presents to the buying public the f,Mvatost biiyii)"^ opportunities of any month in the year. The l)i<;<rcst value i-i offori'd for your money during the month of January Ijecauso it is the iinal wind- ow) of a year's business, and business uumi ^ry to have stocks at their lowest, and in order to accomplish this niiiny Vnwa of merchandise are sacrificed in price and in many instances sold away below the wholesale cost to the merchant. That is why v.c .say to you ihai. ihe values we are offering this week represent big savings, and by returns* for the investment of your money it will pay you to visit this store. I MAKE MONEY. Hilling IVILjuji'h rceilifm Fruit and Oriiaiiit'iital tifeB, i-hi'iilw, etc., (lurintf tlie winter iiiontlm. We offtT you dteady and |>riititaUle tinployineiit \i\ yciiir (iwii diiitiiit at K'">d jmy. W K K-VVK I VKK (KKt A(.l{KH(if clii.ic<: nursery »((ick uliiili V 'u will dell dirttt ti) your cuHtdUiciH. No (lixwisi'd or dried out Aiiivricun stock ^u|l|llie<!. KHtabliHlitd ii\iM' ;I0 yfur.H. Writf for imrticiiluri'. . . . Pelbam nursery €0. Toronto, Ont. I Big Savings in Furs of all kinds. This week the men can save big money in Fur Coats. Wi. .-ire scllini; tliu l'e»t quality BInck China U.%' S\.'r.\ ?,.n'K, regular valuo Sl'O tc. 822 fm- 810 00 Wtf mv Rolling the liest ijuality Black Calf Coat-s with Mack .vslrncliar. collm, ic2.S3u value f«>r 827 BO One Ladii's Electric Seal Com with mil. k iiiariuot coiW and triiuiiiiiigs fiitin liiml, tliu regular price is §35.00. January ta'e piice $1.">.00 Ijudits Fine (Quality Bioailclotli ill colors of Bl'ick, Brnwii ainl Green, fur lined witli iiiuskriit lininj;, with aabti collar, one of the beat >alucs wo have <i\ cr offered, rogulir st'lliii;^ value §75.tK). January Sale Piicu §46.00 GENTS' FUUNISIIINGS REDL'CED. Ways Fine \Vc.ol Muffietn. just tliP thing for thoss cold days. 50 and Too lines on sale for.. .'JSc ') dozen Kiiie'Flecced Lined I'nderwear in Shirts and Drnweis, legularCOo value, January Sale price 39c 7 dozen Men's Unfchrii.kable Undorwoar. in lilihcd Shins and Drawei>:, aUo foino line all-wool linis in tJie lot. This is a clean-up of all our odd lines, vcKular 75, 8n and 81.00 values, January Sale I'rico your choice for 48c J. & W Boyd. General and liiardware IHcrcbants. FLESH ERTON - - ONT. EXTRAOl'tDlNAUY VALVE IN UNDERWEAR FOR THE CHILDREN. 10 Dozen Chililren's Fine Flooco Lined Diawers and and Waisis, regular 25c valuoi, January Bale price 15c 10 Dozen Chil. Iron's Liiriio Sized Fleece Lined Dawcrs and Waists, ri'!;ular.3jo values, January Sale I'rice, per u'^i'iiioiit 18o The Canadian Way to the Canadian West Dally RorvlceolexpresHtralns by the most direct mid Interorestinfcj route. The Only Through palace and Tour- ist Sleeping Cars, From Toronto d'lily at 10.15 p. in. See S. Rartds.Agent, Fleshei- ton. * ^^f^mmr^mmnuw. markdale. ^mmmmmmmmm (The Is puhliHhfd every Tliursday at Sl.Ooper annum if paid in advance, tl.SO if nut so |wi(l. value of every property so improved. I in t hi County dvan, Ireland, and my i A few cvcrgrepiis pliiUcd judiciously i "'."'.'"^'' ''.''«'V "" '."'. lOi) years old. I lived I , 7 . ,. ' ,, " I with my husband in Markdale, Ho iworkswoiidens ill this respect. l'.^ver-| f„i.,„„.ts „„kn(,wri and 1 have not THE MINEUALBOOM The mineral boom ia Canada I August, tliou<>li uot quite so success 6°«« fully on and is bouud toooutiuiie. Scarce- left soil him for twenty yearn. I do not know whethi'r lie is dead or not. When he left I was the liiiest h)okinK woman tii the County of Uvey." She i.'i of the true Hibernian • tvjie, i» c, . . ,, .. , I .• : nearly six fert tall, and lias .shoulduis Spring 18 the proper time for plaiiUng ,t,,„t ^.,^,„,,.,i envy in most of the male these, aithoiigli it can be done in I in court. Ill the bo.v she stated that she had -'ot greens can easily bi^ secured in tliis country, and niouy more of them should be pluiiUd around our farm houses, and as hedges to the lanes. / ly a day passes without new and im portant discoveries being made What is there in the way of mineral that Ontario has not got? The lat- est discoveries .ire: Finds of zinc at Wiartou and Port Arthur, and an ; important oil and gas field near i Toronto. Three years ago Cobalt | startled the world with its riclinOHa; Gow Cauda, in the north di8tiict,oiily discovered within the past three said to outstrip even Cobalt in its silvor ricliness. Canada came third as a producer of silver last year, and if the discoveries in (^)iitario go on apace aa they have been doing recently we will soon take fir^t place. There are thouauiidg of square roilr s There is another aspect to this, too, and that is the wisdom of making a home whose suirouiidiiigs are so attractive that the young people can point with pride to tlitir bitliplaco and! Women who wore roomers wore upstair.s remember its charms wherever duty I" '*'" ''»" "^""^ ^^^>'- t'aswell with calls them; who will not feel a tinge of into debt ami had boirowed money from Lyons An security she alle>;es that she gave over tlio deeds of her various pieces of pn)))ortyiii M:»rkdale. Lyons w;is put iii the box and told of a scene which oc- curred hi ihe boarding house kept by Airs. Caswell. "I went up there and found the men boarders outside the door. Farms for Sale & Rent T oil .il and :r>. con. n S D R, 160 aorea, M olpavcil ^ â- ' 10 HcroB pasturo, liaiance {jood biiah. ' llarn , rrix.'iO. ilriviUK slierl. nnoil (rauio house. '2 wells. 1 acre of oroharrl ar.d stone wall niiri«r barn. Rauitcen river croancs b-iok of fanii; Well foncud and 111 Rood utato of cultivation, :i mile^ from Proton Stal i(. n. For t"rnm api'lv on uroiiiises to J, \»ES H. V.\t;SE. Proton Station For sale cheap, oi rent, immediate possession Lot ;» eon. H. Artcniesia, about 7'> acres' clear, comfortable loK Iiouso and fr.anio barn. , Ai'iil.- to V. J- Sprnule. l-'lesherton. or Jolm J. , Martin, auioss the road from said lot. â- FEBRUARY SALE OF WHITEWEAR. Corset Covers 13c to 7.5c Drawers, 25 to 75c Gowns, SOc to $L25 Underskirts,.'? 1.(0 to $2.25 A big assortment of eiubroidciy from 8c to 15c Corset Covers, rcg. oOc for ,22c Corset Covers, reg, 75c for 63c Drawers, rcg, 80 for 22c " " ooc for 43e " 7uc for .-. eSi! Night Dresses, reg. 75c for ,.63c •' Sl.OOfor 85c " 81.25 for 1.00 Underskirts, reg. $1.00 for 85c " SI. 25 for Sl.OO " 81.75 for 81.45 •• $2.25for 8190 Ready made Sheets. - ' Heavy twill Cotton, Hemmed all around. Size 68 and 90, Sale I'lice 90c Embroideries, 8c to I5c Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a full stock of Flour and Feed including Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the famous Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of Ihe Woods Milling Co., Kewatin, every bag of which ia guaranteed if not satisfactory return il and get your money. T ots K J B and B. Con. j;i. In tbfl towhship of â- '-' Osprov. l.Wacris, luriif cleariuK. Roo/i frame barn anil stables. Rood dwelling and well. .\v- ply CD the uieuiians or lo ! |W. J. bKi.i.iMy. Flesherton Hardwear. F'oraalo cheap and on easy tBrnis, Roid com. forlable frame dwcllirR. stable and drivini- house, with throo villaRo lots, in Oylor. Dwel- liiiR well built and nt.ished and Rood boariug orchard on the prop?rty, Apply to B. J. SPBoci-B, Fleaberton Ij'or sale or rentâ€" 10.1 acre firm, 1 aero of or- I chard, 10 acres busli includinR .1 acres hard- wood, well watered and cood fences, brick house, framo barn, "IJ inilcs from school and post ollicp. .'I miles from Proton Station. For price and terms of sale anply to Wnv Taylor, lot 7:1-74, cou 1 north of Durham road, Artemesia an axo, threatening to cut everyone to pieces. I went upstairs and found all shaiiic when some distinjsuishedj tlio windows open. The roomers had J visitor may call, at the slovenly approach, even though luxury may dwell within. The an.Kiety of young people to gel away from the home will be largely prevented when home surroundings are made attractive. We would like to see our country jiomes made more bcautihil, because wo know the rewards are great. Sometimes a mere hint of this nature will start people to think, and if this ] will not bo wasted. yet to bo prospected in what is known to be mineral-bearing country, ^ui^^^'ri ^^cccnU m Mng iUh the space jnillioiid will be produced where to- day the pioducts are uot available owing lo the need for shipping facili- ties. We predict that within fifteen years from the preeent time Ontario •will be known as one of the richest mineral proviuccs in the world. It is uow kii^vii that a mineral-beaiing belt rnns from the extreme west of this province to tho cast, extending into the provinces on cither side. This inodus work and wealth for generations to come. BEAUTIL-y THE HOMES It is time that our farming com- munity came to a better understanding of tho value of beautiful surround iugs. In early days when hard labor was the only asset of the settler it was impassible for many to poy much at« tention to tliu acstlietio, but with advancing pio?pcrity that excuse ii void, and at the pifsciit time there are few who could not spend a little more time than tliey do in making their homes more pleasing to themselvts and to all lovers of the beautiful. IIow often in travelling through the cou ntry do we see a comfortabln farm liouBo standing out bleak and barren without shade tree or lawn to relieve tho roonototiy, and a homo that should beco><y and coiiifortablu-looking outside as well as in, remains a cold and forbidding spoctnclo. Too many people think that when they iiavo erected a respectable, and maybe costly, house, they have done their whole duty by tho family, without attempting to beautify tho surround- ings, and tlio front yard id thus left to scorching suns, chickens, ducks and gccso, with weeds growing at their own HWtot will. A very little lime, and very little money, woiill change all this as well .as add hiindrcda of dullars tu the Will Join The Star Mr. .Joseph T. Claik, in whom Flesher- ton clainia an iiilerost as bciii!; a native ot our town, and editid' of Saturday Niijht for tho last three years, has rosijined that [losition, and will n-join the oilitorial RtalTof The Daily Star. Tho clmni-e will take place on February loih, wlioii Mr. C. Fred Paul, city editor of tho Montreal Bi-M, will aucceod Mr. Clark on Saturday' NiKht. Mr. Chirk is onu of the pruminent writeiafcr tho press in Canada. His contributions in Hatiirdiiy Ni^lit many years ni!0 over the signature of "Mack," when he nas to Mr. K. E. Bhupjiard, attracted wide itttcniion. In IWM ho first joined ihc htalf of The Star where he remained uidil three years a'.;o, when tho proprietorship -if Saturday Night changlnv, he was iiiducril lo assume tho uditorKliip. Now for tho sec'did time ho leaves Saturday Ni^ht to join The Star. esicaped over tho roofs." " Did yuu ever pay a fine for her !" " I p.iid i-everal fiue.s, both when she w.ts convicted of selling li(|nor and when slio i{ot inio trouble with her i.eiyhbors." Atr. .Mct.'uUough then attacked the Ntateliionts of the witness that he had paid for provisions, rent, and lodgiii^;s for Mrs. Caswell. " Where ate your l;ills ? " " I have only a few. I nsiia'Iy paid cash and had tho goods sent in her name." •'Were you not living with this woman ai her huihand? ' " No," thundered the witness. " How loni; did you board with the plaintiff?" asked Mr. McCullough "(>nly about three months in each year," replied Mr. Lyons. In discussing tho action Mr. .luslico Lalchford referred scathingly to Lyons, ii.\yiii(i;, " I re^^ret very inncli boinj coni- poUid to find ugaiiut ihe plaint itr, for 1 believe that he gave ihis woman as little money a' a mail of his mean disposii ion could 'I'lii'io is no doulit that he told what was untnio in the box. Hhs was evidently iiifalnated with him, and believed lui would inuny her when her husband died, and kept him friendly to her all tlnw) year.i by doiiii; more for him than a ami of his mumi di.s|iosilion iias likely to do for a woman who lhoii),'lit so muchofhini." Defendant had to jiay tho COHtH. Iots To, fiT. and fi7, con 3 Artemnsia, LM acres ' 1V> cleared and under cultivation, all fenced | twc Rood orchards ; larRe frame barn, basement ' barn and o ntorframebirii24x«. frame dwell- I Inii. This will bo made a cood thinn for the right luau W. H.UoNALLY. loitlaw i J ["or Boiit -lot :•?. con 4, ArtcmeBia. 100 neves. a"> i lo 10 cleared and in cultivation, conifovtablo dwcllii.i,', hank barn, stone stnbllnK. in a first I class settlement and wall worthy the attention | of those It nuirinc such. Il.J. BI'KOULE, FIchherton i Iota, con. 4 Of prey. ItO acrea well timbered. ' ' For teruiB etc. apply to 11. Itohens, Lady 11a nk 1'. t>. We have a well assoitcd stock of Hartlwarcâ€" parties conlcuiplating buildin<» will do wi 11 lo get our pricis before purchasing ehewhere â€" nlco a nice line of «t(jves, tiiiware etc. J. & W. BOYD SKATING On Nuhn's Pond, every night I VV eath er PermiltinR J. Potion InSleidbs* Buddies, maggon$» l^arrows, Plcugbs* Cream Sep- arators and iUirc Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard' s Carriage Works A Markdale Lady Sues From the Toronto Star of .Moii.lay Kli/.tboth Caswell entered action this Morning beforo Mr. .Iiittico Latchford, BKaiimt Air. Alexander Lyons, a cattle dr.ilerof Markdale, f..r $:i,3(W and costs. This BUm rcpresont.s ten yearn' board at 94.50 per week. The pl'iintill' claiii that not only did tho dofeiidaiit refuse lo pay her, but when he left about ,lan. Hi llMt7, ho ans'ulted her as well. Tho de- fendant said that, during his sojourn in Mrs. ("aswell's hinise he had bought por- visions and paid part of thoritnt. W. K. Itooney, K. C, apiieamd for the defeinl- ant. ami .L W. MoCullou'jb fm' plaintill'. " Why did you keep him all Ihojo years / " askevl Mr. Itooney. " Because ho promised to marry in« when my huabnnd would die, and he said he was working for both of us." " Did he ever (jive you any in moy I " " 'IVii conl.s niicn ill a while " " Itiil he helped yon out of Iroublo/' â- ' lie paid -ny fine whoii I was convict- ed of selling liipior, when everyone else was doing tho stme. " IIow iniieli was tho lino ?' ".\bout JIlOO." Mrs. CaswoU's history as told by her- heir is an interuHiiiig one "I was iKirii Many Sleepless Ni>;hts, Owing to a Persistent Coui?h. Relief Found at Last. "I'or »< vend winters imimI inv wife Inis bicn tr(>ul>U'(l with a n.iMt iicrnistrnt and disuijiee- nhle Coiiuh, ivliicli invaiialily cxteniled ever a period of Hcvcrat weeks iiiid canseil her many alecpliss niv'litH, " writes Will. I. Ilayner. iilitor of the ("uiliy, Oolo., Ihillotlii. "Various remedies wire tried each year, with no heiie- Hciul results. In Noveiiilwr last the chukIi aKainpiit in an n|>|)eur»n('euii(l my wife, net- ilig on thesutfKestion of a frienil, |iurclmsi'd a bottle of Cli:unl>erlain'Ht'oUKli Kenedy. The recult was, inileed, nunvelons. After tlneo doses thi' eiiugli entirely ilisuppenred iiikI has not nianifesled itself since." Thia remedy ia for sale ')y W. K. Richardson. Morsu Dlunientlml acquitted of tho charge of floducting an ariopte.l daughter of Mr. Luwia of Anmranth station. Great February CLEARING SALE AT THE BUSY CEYLON STORE fitomaeti trnnldn Is but a yymptom of. ami not hillwK n true <li».aae. We think of I'ys'.ieiiala. IKarlburn, and IiidlirestUiii ns ri'ul illseuses, yet tlicy are syinptonis uniy of a eurluln nixiclllo Nerve slcLin'.wâ€" nothiiiK else. It was this Iiict that II rst correctly led Pr. Slinop In tile en nlloii of that now very popular Stoinueh lleinedyâ€" lir. .''hoop's Heilomllvu (lolnu dirt'Ct to the ^lomaeh nervi'.t. alone hnmnlit that Hiicce^ and favor lo IT. Slioonaiul his Ki-.storavive. Willi, nut Unit orlKlnnl and hlitidy vital principle, no tu( li lii^itlnKaeronip'.lahuii'tiH wertu'vertolsi Inid. For sLoniach distress, liloulluif. billonsne.ii, Isid br.ntli 1111(1 fallow coiuiiloxloii. try l>r. S1hiop'« Kcstonillveâ€" 'iaiileta or I l.iuldâ€" and ««o for yonr- gelt what It can ind will du. Wo mU oud cheur- fully rucoiuiiiund Dr. Shoop's Restorative For 8 days ( Illy, commencing . I AXI'AUY 2'.», eiidiui; Tl'K.SDAY .NKJHT FEB 9ih w., i ,i • grcateat .sale ever witne.s.ed around here. Those who hul a share in our last Kbruarv Silo a n l*"'^ i *". ^*'''* Bale this year, which we expect lo ho better than last year's We were so/rv soi ne of mr^e^^^ ' "'•' v'"*"'^* '" ""' not uettiii« out hist year on act.nint of terrible storms and blocked roads but hone thev ma ho f "*e V" ''''"'l'l'""'ted in and reuda thin year. We will just mention a few lines u. t-ive you au idea how ^J '"' "''"' ^''""'' ^'"^*"''''^ Dried Apples at 4c a pound ;^ Ladiw' Pvui^n I^anih Captiine. SaUe trimmed lonir W) pounds sack Rolled Oata for SI2 60 ^ front, res-iilar «20.00 for SlO 5§ 100 liinmda, Uedpalh Granulated Siiisar for ^.75 fS V'oys' Tweed I'anta, lined throuuliout for 40o Americm C\mloil, 6 yaUons for $LCO ^ Men'a KWce.Uiueinsey.s roRular 50 and oWfor".".: .40c isarma W ater W Into, 6 ijallons for 80c <^ M en s W ool (Suernseys, r. xular To and 85o for UOc TpoumlHl'ot llarley for 2r.o ^ ^j «'!« «<'•! ^""""'ys, rt^ular ?1.00 and SLfiSf;;^^ 7 pininds UuB for 0^ Men a Heavy Rubbers, Suae Proof regular >' 25 for«l 90 2oc tea. 5 -.onnda for »1.00 '^j^ Men', Heavy Rubbci-s; regtdar »2 W for Ii'tS 30c tea, 4 pounds for Sl.OO ^ Men's Heavy Rubbsis, teeular Sl'twi for Sl'sS Mete. :tpou.uIs for. $100 ^ >«-; ll-vy Ltiinberuin's sX, reglr'^^ (iirls bur Milts, reuuhir (kic for 25o X for.,.,,, .. t,M.a. ,^ o..u Ladies' Kur Neck .Scaifs, regular f5.50 for »4.50 <j^ Men's HotsetmeMittsJinc j^ ' regular" $1 26 and ' ji *;» '"'â- .' $L0O TERMS"Cash or its equivalent. • * Jas. PATTISON, ceylon.