-*ap"wp*s»»J yksb^rt0n <S.6trana. "TRUTH BEFORE aVuC." â€" •' PGlA-Cil'LEb NGT MEN. VOL ilV, ^0 !o?7 Flesherton. Ont., Tliursdaj'. P<>b-a^ry -4 IOOq w. a fnUXwJUil 'aad I'UOPUIETOB Jcv^cllcry ! Jewellery ! Biggest, - Best and lowest pric- ed stock in the country. Reli- able dealing. ^^^^^m/^^ W. A. Armstrong FLESHERTON. Victoria Corners Too lata for last weak. At last we Imve prt>vi"d tli* sayini; that " All thinas corau to him wlio waits," for we eeit;iirily had witite.I f^r t'lc recent thaw mid rain. Soap business ouaht to be uodd, as there is now mi excuse for hclt of water. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson priaclied an inter- «s-tini! Missionary serniuu ISunday last at this itppi)iutiiient. We Corner* people are sorry to U«e two of our most interofcted workers- Mrs. Tucker and her daughter, Viola Reniiio â€" but we know f)ur loan will lie some o'hcr place's !;aiii. We arc sorry to hear thut Millon Btu- Hon was home on the sick lis!. Mrs. Geo. Moore spent a fuw days at e»hertoti and KimlMsrley. .'is. Loekhart's lu.viy friends will be . rry to hear of her sericus illness. Miss Gr.ve spent the week end wiit Mrs. Tucker (nee Uunnie) iieir Droutore. Wo learn that Mr. Geo. Mo jre has purch.'ued a thoroutthbred Durham cow. Mine milk for the facuiry next year. We wish to extend our syinpsthy to Mis. Grorj^e Hannon, in the hiis of her motlier, Mrs. Robinson of Bethel, who was removed by death. 10th Line, Osprey. Sleijthin'.; li.tv come a^ain and farmers are on the move agsin gettin'^ out Ions and wood. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Duncan of C'llinsi- wood atte::ded the funeral of the former's mother on Tuesday of U»t wet-k. The remains were laid to rest in the Presby- terian cenietrey at Kovershani. The pas- tor, Uev. Mr. BalUntyne, conducted the «er\ ice. R. J. Colqiietle Is still in Collingwi-oj under the treatment of Dr. McKay. We undeistand that Mr. John Dyre has sold his farm to Mr, Wm. MeKinizie and hail bouijht a farm near Rob Roy, owned by Mr. lliiiry MeKennic. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Dyre aid family the best of suoce.s.s in ihcir new home. Mr. Win. Kiil' ing'a little s m has j:e covereU f\;om a severe attack i>tl»itincTiini. Mr. John Thoin.oii'j'oiTr Maw council- man is settling down into his new posi.iou and «e ale sure will handle the tiiiuiices carefully and honestly. R. J. Ooliiuelte piiid a flyinij visit from iMllinj'wood for a day last week. Toke caie of the receipts is heard < n every baud in this put A number of people would have had to pay accounts a sexiiid time, only t.hoy hid kept their receipts. Wonderful how business men, who were always county ;;oixl collectors, will let accounted run for three or four years after they leave a place and then present lliem for the lirst time since they left that pait. Keep your receipts. Asii Yourself the Question. Why not ii»--' Chauilieil.iin ." Liiiiiiient wlifu you have vhtmnatisiiiY We feel .sTlre that the Kjsult will be nrompt and .^alisfactoiy. One applieation relieves the i«iii, an I make: slotp and rest (HMisible. It has enrfd others, why not you.' Try ir. It costs but a triHe. IVice. 25 cents; larjre siw. "0 vonts. for sale by W. *;. Uiohaulsou. being noticed by any. one. The insiil'-- anco on the buildin^j and cimtents amounlol to $2,000 I'lepaiatioiis are •inder way lor the erection of a nuvr church, as noon ns the 8prini{ opens, hiuI in the lueantiinn services will bo lielit in the town hall each Sundsy. Kimberley. Very cold weather at preieut. We ate sorry to report Mr. H. V. (jaudin on the ai^k lis t at presen*, but hope he will t-umi be able to bo around a;;iiin. Miss Ella Wic'ie.is \i-.ited Fleshertun friends recently. The box 80Li:d held here on Wedn.s- day evening, last, in aiu of the citizen's rink, was a grand success. F dlo«iiig ii the h.st of oftioers and plajeis of the Kimbeiley hockey club: â€" President, R. R. Fan celt; Vice Prcs., John Di*reiice;Sec. Trea.s., F.J. Weber; Captain, Lynrss Farvceit. Players: â€" goal, Alf Plewc-; point, .\.shley Fawcett; cover point, .\rt. Walter; centre, Elmer Kuott; left wiim, Lyiie.ss Fawcetlf right « iiiL', Harry -Sloan; rover, Ernest Proctor. While out driviiiu on Sunday inoning lastwiiha spiritej your.g horse, Mr. Rufus Wickeus had the misfortune to \n thrown out of the cutter, thu result beinR some two or three nasty cuts in the face. Dr. Brown of Mirkitale dressed the wouiid.s, which required some live or six stitches. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D iwn of U.it her- Pon were callers at Mr J. R. Fawceti's on Monday last, while on their way to visit the hitter's inuther. at Heathcote. Born â€" At Kiuiberley, on Sunday, Jan. 24th, to 3Ir. and Mrs. Georae McCuunell, a sou. The Kimberley branch of the O. W'. I. met at the home of the president. Mis. G. n. W'ulter, on Tnursdiiy afternoon luit, where a inont enjoyable as well as proSiable time was spent. The February ineelini; will be held at the home of Mrs John Plewes on Feb 25th- Valuablc Remedy for Colds and Croup. W. W. Gray, an att«>rney at Weiuitchee. Wash., .says: "t have uwd Chamberlaiu's CoukIi lieiuedy iu my family for coliU ami i-roiip "ith (foiid rc.^iiiita. 1 aim to always keep this remedy io the house." S.>ld by W. K. Kiehardson. Eugen ia. -Vfter the recent springlike wea'.her the clianj;e to zero, which which we have been having, strikes ua pretty hard. How- ever there is no reason for cuinpUints, as winter is psssing aloiij; without any of the sno* bhickades of former year*. News of int' rest is scarce. We are sorry to hear of the Rev. Mr. Laidlaw beina under th« weather, but hope soon to see him around again. There was no service in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, as Mr. Gaitdiu, who was the supply, could not come from Heathcite on accouut of the the storui. Mr. Louis Gonoo has been laid up for some time with rhouin it io fever, but is on the mend. The L;idies Aid of the Preslivterian church, are getting up a Valentine .social on Feb. 12, to be held iu the Oiimijo hall. A good time is ex- pected. All are welcome. Mii-s Annie llislop has been l.iid up for the past few weeks with lumbago. Miss Bertha Williams visited at Mr. Wm Hislop's in the valley, for a few days. Mr. Allcndde (•? Bobcaygeon, is a v;uest at Mr. Ducketi's of Pleafant Valley. Miss Ettio Thonipsoii of Flesheiton, visited her fiieiul, Mrs. Woodbnrn of Glentield, for a few days The Pre-ibylerian congregation of New Lowell has suft'eio 1 a lo>s in the burn ins; of their beautiful church, called " M iry Kirk." Th.i fire is supposel to hive originated from ihj furmco, and ha,l gained cor.siderablc headway befortl^ fitiins; Io tho thaw, but the ch"»nge of 8th Line, Artemcsia Miss B. Wood is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Win. McGce. Mi.ss May Jau'icson of Flesherton spent a few days on the line, InSt week. We are sorry to report Mi.ss May Parliament still c<intined to her bed, but hope by Dr. Rykmsn'.s attendance to soo. see her around ajain. Mrs. .\ngus Tooey and little son of Markdale visited for two weeks with her tuoiher, Mrs, J. Parliament. Mr. Win Bon.soii is ivenrin,' a bro:id smile since Jan. 2l>, he being diddy- of a baby girl, Mrs. D. Smith of Ot'.erburne, S,isk., who h>« been visiting her mother, Mr.s. Sim I'ltMnr, is, wo are si. rry to say, oc the sick list at preier.t. Times' were ratlnr dull for » few diiys weather made a ch»n[;e f> r the timbering men iu this section. Mr. Charlie Hanlcy ({tvo a party to a number of his younu friends recently, all having an enjoyable tiinu, Mr. D. GenuB and sister. Bell, visited Kimberiey people over STiiday. Dundalk â- lohn Dobliertheiu, of the back line. Proton, is the owner of a cole 18 umoths old which incisures 5 fe^t 5 incbc) in height, girth (» feet one inch and weight 1110 poun'Is. A Dunrfalk '"Voung Pe u'es Club" was firuai'ized on Monday night for the purpio.se of advancement in lita-ature, music, drama: â€" Patro:s. R.'v. H. Miller. Rev. Father Murphy; Hon. Pres , J. R, Melntyre: Pres., Mi«» Minnie M rgm: Vice-Pres., Mr. C A. Lim.m; Tie is. Miss L. Hmb'jry; Sic, Uisi Burnett; Ex-Com., Slisses Hull, Clarey. Ri-.chie and Messrs. R G. H inburry, P. Morg.-i i, S. H. McCiell.ind. It is expected tint the C u') w;ll !>e a source of much bei.elil and pleasure .md it will be t'le endeavor of the otticeis to make it a permanent iostiiute. J. F. VanDu'cn's jewelery store was entered early M ludry niornini; by burg- lars. El. trance WiS forced at the fiou; door where a glass was removed and the door pried open. It is evident th<t the visitors were disturbed as no: very iiiucb time was spenc iu the srore S lai* old watches, that Van. did n^.t consider of mo'e than met d value, are the only articles mis^ins: from the i:ock. The safe, which contained the more valuable of the jewelry stock, «us n >t t-mipered with. .\n irou pry, supposed Io be part of * railway brake, was th« <mly c^ue Irfi by the par;ies. At 1.30 Mr. C. A. Lainon, who sleeps over the Bank of Uainilton just across the street, he.tnl the breaking of glass 4iid got no bu' there was no one in sight in any direction k diainoiKl was used on the glass but the whole pane fell out unexpectedly. Mr. V, is in luck that his loss is not gieat.r. Heral-i. Save Money by Buying Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Yon will pay just .IS iimoli for a butile if Chainlierlain's Counh Rei"iis1y a-s for any o,' the otiie.' ciiii|;h inedieiiies, but yon save money in buving it. The saving is in what you eet, not what you pay. The sure-to-eure-von (piality is in I'v.jry bottle of this leinedy, iinil ^vou ({et goixiresnits when von take it. Hay- ing con;.'!! uiedieini* is :iii iiiipoi-t:iiit niutter. Nejflected eolHs often develop serious eon- ditioos, iiid when .vou biiyaeoiigh inedicinK you want to be sure yon are getting one that will cure your cold. When you Iniv Chamber- Iain's Cough Reniidy yon take no chances. It always cures. Price i"i and .50 cents a bottle. Kor sale by W. V.. Ricliards.m. Maxwell Items The reguiar monthly meeting o! the Women's luatitnte will be held Wcducsdav Feb. 10. at 7 o'ch>ek p.m.. ft the home of Mr. W. H. frUT. The report of .Miss Smith, dis'rict. delegate to Uuelph ronveution, will be read by the Secretary. Quflt »nd rng patterns will be excbar:ged. .Members are reipiesteil to bring p:itterns with them. It will also be deeioed when ths W. I. .sociil will be held. All mombers are specinlly in- vited to attoDil. Mrs. Joseph Uamey Pres,, Miss L. Lilly, Sen. Swinton Park. We were all glad to sea the snow again after the big thaw. A large number of people arecomiilain- ing of sickness tlirougli coughs and colds. Tl'.e annual congregatioihd niee'lng of the Presbyteii.in church w.is held here recently, busioe&s for the year having been done very satinfaclorially. Robert Kf.ox took a trip to Port Elgin last week. Miss .M. .U.lcoin and fiieml from near Mount Forest visile! fnenJs here recently. Mrs. Hardy, .«r,, rotuniel home on Monday alter spending a nioiilh with her ilaughter in Owen Soum'. J Hannon from the W'e.st is v siting his [Kircnts here. Geor.ie Martin is visiliii.- fiiend.s in Dsjirey at present. Mrs. Uarjravo is under the doctor's care. Miss Lizzie Watson h:is hid a slight attack of appendicitis. Our school his been close ,1 this piivt week, a.s Miss ChriSi.iu has the measles. We hol.'o soon to hear of her recoveiy. Mis. J. .M.Uorii, accompanied by Mrs. John McVIurdo, visited frit-nds in llrauipton list week. Rbv. J. .\. Matheson wonbd hi) way through ih') st.inn List Tabbalh and preached a good sermon here to a siinill congregation. Rock Mills - 1 l:!oni--To Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid! PiiilUps, a daughter. I SJi'ts Ij. Maidnient of Fiu-esl has taken ' charge of the Rock Milla school. I Mr. Lewis Podliv cut his too ss:verelyi one day htsfr week whi'e splitting wood. I Word was received here fiMiu PariUit, I Idaho, tluit tbcy have had ei^jhteen j uiches of .snow. Tile like buK not l>eeii t known there fo r ten year.s. *"^ { Mr. Richard Hoy and faiuiLv :trc t-<lk- ing of going west in the spring. Sorry to hear if, .us they will he gie.atly misjicd. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lei ch are bilking of goi'.i'g t > Idahoagain this spriug. Proton Station \\ e 4re pioased to tee l!i» sn"W ajain ti nuke the pi lee bu?y. Thj f.inneis have resumed hauling timber. Mra. John HaiiK-y Hpi-nt the p:i.>>t week with frienrls in Dundalk. Mi.ss Lzze Nedsoi v>ited her sister, M «. J. JIjDuiiI 1, Ceybia, a few d.iy.s Uat we<;k. Mis. Jos. Park Hiiil son, Elz>-r, sp>'iit part of Xii.'. we. k wirti the fo.-iiier's s ster, Mrs. El. We Uo «J. Dundalk. Ge<>rg« McLean i^ spending f. fet' days with fritn-s i.i pri.cville. Mr. J. C. Wiight shipped :i c-ir-Iotd of p >t«toes to Otta*a Thurstlay uuirning. Dal. UopLnis Went in charge. Herb. L-m*!. Msr'xdale, spent a few J.i;s 'asi week at the home of D. C. 3dcL an. Miss Len-i Park sp^'iit Wcdii. s I ly with ftieivls in Duiidalk. Mr. aiid Mrs. John Wilson and daaghter of Midland are visiliiig at the bome of Mr. Peter Consley. lienor Roils. Report of C'yhm Public Schoid. S: S. No 10 .Vrtcmesii for January. I'JOO. Jr. 4-M. Hem))hill, A. English. L. Legite J. J. Piittison, E. Ch slif, A. McMullen, U. Gilmon, M. McMullen, M. Rutled e, P. McLeod, B Rdfour. SrCla-sli-C. Chislitt, F. ButloJgo, J. Hemphill. Jr Cbi.s»:!-.M. Legate, J. McMullen, E. SlcLeod, S. .McLejd. CliLss 2 srâ€" .\. Love, R. Ritledge, L. English, M. LegJite. (i. McMullen. Cl.i,ss2 jrâ€" W. P;iitison, P. Whitney, L. Ridley. Part 2â€" Susie Mcl.'lockJin. Part 1-E. McMullen, J. Eiigli.sh, G. Whitney, P. lleinphill, Rob Rut ledge. Class Iâ€" .V English, J. C. McLaehlaii. G. McChicklin. Xo. on roll .'55. Avenge .iltcndnnce 2;>. P. McGrehor. Teacher. The Uoeklyn fair has a balance to the good of l?l!W.t)t). The receipts this year were SI, 154, expenditure .?!)71.0(J. Janics Loudfoot, a lU'n ef about c4 or j3 years of age, died at Orillia from the effect jf drinking wood nlcoho!. Three young men were fined ?5 each ai.d costs for disturbing the peace in Shelburne. LaOies iuterested in the success of the Full Exhibiiioii of Midland each ycai call a meetiiu; eaily iu January to revise (he list in fancy work and tlieu submit sninc to the diivctors for their approval. We think this a 1 ery good idea, hs it intro- duces the ii.iwer work and thus keeps the ladies' depirlnient of the show up-l>dule. While Mr. R >bert Dainin was working on his swamp io' during the fall and wioter tiiknig out timber he had traps set al.iiig the banks of the S:iugeen, an I ei ' far has suceeeled in c itching over twenty iiiioks, the (K'lts of which a'e wiuth $.5 eieh. Th s has lu-ii'eii a very pii'titablc in J interest ng sideline for Mr. Dimni. Ill the fall lieh)ro ihe river was (ro:i-ii over he watched ono of these animals fish a laigi'-szed trout out of the water, and run oU' with It toJ| its hiding p'ac. HHly Meyer u- Henry (Javser of S'eusta it, Mr. Danitn thinks, coulil no' have made a .-lieker catili tlnni this sly little aiiimii. .Again one u.iy when cleaning up a'ong the river he lem.ive.l a stu'np and fMuu'l uodor it part of a trout which was no itoubt caught in a siioihir manner, solhat the Siuge'ii Fishin.; Club his inoro than one kind of poacher depleting their n sjrvo. - Aytoii .Vdvaiio^.'. Our Clubbing List The following piic-'s ire for strictly piid iu ajuiiic* subscriptions only. Wo have IO accounts with other pai.e-s. Advance, iiid Toronto World, daily S ;5 00 Torimtn Daily News 2 BO Weekly (Jlobo '.80 MiiilEiiifiire .... , '. To Family Herald & btar 1 80 Toronto Star 2 39 Fanner Sun 1 80 Fanners .\t, .oCAta 2 25 â- Weekly Wit ,h>«i; 1 75 Srttiirdny Night 2 TaO DR. BURT 5pc>:iaUst In dis asos of .he Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat <.)l£loo lUt.-oslSl. - OwGiiSoiiiicl .\t the Revere hoi'.se, Markdalo, Isl Friday each montli f. i 8 to 12 a. n». McFARLAND&CO. r.I A v' K D.\ L (0 ONTAt^ro Now i.s th^ ti;n3 for a ^.ja:>r,il cleia-iip of o.Us an! enfis after th;i bt^ H lisâ€" ;n .so:n3 inst.=iii.x»3 tha *izc^ are brokeu anilassoitiu^ais not iai'^3â€" Ii>w.>v,?p, if yo;i ara iucerested in prices beini; cut evjn lower i;i sjau line;? than during the s-ile, you will n.}3.ltc» 0:11; d)o.i fv>.' wi pa.-ji3S3 disposing ofall r.ln wi:i*;?r g.Tj h we eaa at prices aw.iy DOWX^ DOWN. Here's jiLst a fetv ([uotations that will give you an ill; I wait's a »i);nj: nnv a'l I wish \vi o'.ilil insntion everything oi !)irgvi.i c- }j 'iters. Cjiupira th3 regular prices wica p -.034 wj a:-3 sirislii 1 witii while th? j^ )o:Is last an<l .see if voa evi stivawiv from in liu^n-'nts like theui. MEX .\NU 1; )'is ovEa.;i)Ar.>< K.N'IFKD We havi) a'lo'it 4 ) 0.-crco4t.s lef: which include ali our .\lio'.s aid B lyi" Dress tl^«rcoal8 in the house and ha>e marked ilwoi down iH fol: >w,° I! g. ?2.7;> Uvercji's for il.91. «.V7.-> '• '• «2.4.S. th.m •• 9:5 7.->. 87..-MI •• " «j.4.">. $10.00 '• " S7.7-J. $12 30 •' " »;).75. 8:!.2J LADIES GOI.K JACKETS FOR §2.00. 3 only Lulies Eton Ijolf .Jackals in Creant and Cream and Rack mixture, puce all- wool, that were .svlliiig at $3.:.'.i, wUdo they la.st they are marked down at each ?2.00 ?K.o0 MANTLES FOR SO.OJ. 11 only ui.-diuin and dirk fa-icy Tweed Maiith's, '_hi-ee-<iu.ir'or ieng'h, styles that w«re s dd at $'.' OJ i> $10.30, size- :{4 t . 38. \ourc'i>ico tVOJ Ail other Mintlcs luarkcl dowu for ipiick selling. $2c!.0).ME.N'S tra CO.VTSfor $19.00. 4 only Mill's Bli--k Siwrian D<g Skin Coi^s wich .\<tr.»chan Carl C.dlar (a very stionganl djra'de fur) s z s 42, 4t and 4i>. Regular price $2S.«J , while they last you C'«n hav.j t .eoi lor Sl'J.OlJ. $5.50 GREY LAMB MITTS FOR $2.19 7 piir left in nice even Curl Grey Lamb Mitts for Lidies wear which ai-a sold in regular way at $5.5tjHnd tlirj priee now is less th >n hilf, per pair 82. 1<) ?4.30 DUE.SS .SKIRTS FOR $2 .4». 17 ordy Lidies inediutn and dark fancy twe(Hl!>, P.inamas and Lustre Dross Skirts not ui.iny of anyone kind but have been sotlim: in the regular way it $4.0(1 to $4..')i>, voiir choice lor $2.4S K.!gular J7.0D and $7.50 all-wool light f.iiicy T-tced Dress skirts reduced tu esc h »3 95 A Uood List 40 pairs Lulies Fancy Wool Ringw^od | Gloves, tegular 25 and :iK-, for pet paii lOe! 16 piirs GiiU blick or White Imitation Miii.s, hmg cuU. »eij s.-Uing at .")0c pr. Mile price o8c 15 |.a'.rs Men's Itiie ipialuy line! Mocha Kid Gloves, reg. §1.25, while they la.>'. per pair 85o 2H only Wool Caps ami Hoods, regular prio! o3 tu 5<lc, a 1 marked i-t one puce each 25c. of Bargains 5 <Ioz, Men's Wool Sucks, the 25c kind for 19c. 17 only plain and fancy Wool Tuques, reg. 25 for 5c 15c Gents Bow Ties for 8c 15c Cellulo M Cuffi for ^. . . . 9c 25c Men's Fine ipiality suspei>dersfor 15c .''c Whi'e Lawn Ilemsti':clied Uanrtker- chlefs for 2c •'iOc Men's Leather Mirta, wool lined for .'J2c: McFARLAND 81 COMPANY. Big Reduction Sale Still on at the Peoples' 3tore. Here are some of the grea; number of bargains that go on sale this vcek. Men".- and Boys' winter Capii, regular 50c lines for Men's and Boys' cloth'ng â€" ^ few only Men's Suits in Serge, Twued and nicely lined and 'rimmed, 20 percent, olf. 10 only Uoys' tw.i an! three piece suits clearin.; 20 |)er cen*. off. Bovs' Toipifs, clearing Girls' Tunis, clearing ... Sch'iol Hundkercbiofs tor th-.' boys and girls, 2 for Ijidiea' Inueiskins, $1 0(t and $1.25 Skirts selling »l Toweling, regular 10c for. A Few only, Meii'.s heavy I'nsbrinkable Underwear, recular 85o ami Sale at Come and and see our trimmed Millinery -It is yours at half p Choice stock of fiesli gioccnes ahvays kept oti hand. fiidbest riiccs paid for Produce. J. E. Large, E tiQ EN! A. l!te Worsted, 22c 1.3c DC . . . ,«Sc. ... .7.'.e $1.00 <•» CS; rice. SEASONABLE GOODS IN SEAS( [ FURNITURE The hiij^e.-it and l>t>t .sl4)ck of Furniture ever .shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and .see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, I'aih.r Setts, Bed R(s>in Setts. A sjujciul reiliic- tioii just now on every- thing, ill order to re- duce the stock. , . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER J I Flesherton 5TEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Belialile Local Salesman REPRESENTING Canada's Oldest and Greatest N urseries IN Fle.«herton I And Adjoining Country. You will flml there is a :;ood deniaiul for Nursery Stock on aceouut of the liiglt prices j tkat Kiowci-sh*veroHli/.«don their fruit this SCHeOll. 1 Our saleHuieii ai-e tinninc in a bin business to usthisiear, lieoiie of them and earu yood wttKcs through the wir.ier oion'hs. 'I'orritorv resorveo. I'av Weekly. Free sauu>looiitftt, etc. Write for nar! iculars. STONE & W E L L 1 N G T O N Foethill Nurseries ;( too acres) I TORONTO Ontario Ceylon's Butcher Shop. J^ TERM OF 1909 British CAN.VDI.\N Ten per cent, choapcrt lU'SINKSS ten per cent, better foi] COLLKOE linsinc.ss, Shnrih.ind and! TORONTO Matric.b .okkl five. W \. Fanptharso'), 15. .\ Ppal, Corner YONC.K & BLOOR STREETS. ; All kiii^s of fresh and saioli- ed meals, bead chct-sc, saus- age, alwavs on IiauJ. I Ciish raid For Hides. J. McClockliiv Ceylon. n'fiTiiiyiiti I'lii • . ^att>Lie>.»Wiite iiA^.- :• : .