January 28 1009 THE F L E S II E R T O N A D V A N C; E The Value of Economy Many people fail to save, because they do not realize the importance of small ecouoniies. The practice, once begun, of layinjj aside a portion of your income, no matter how small, every week or month, will soon become a fixed habit. The result in a few years will probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start a Saving.? Account to-day with eo THE STANDARD BANK E-id,y«d 1873 OF CANADA " ^'"^" FLESHERTO^r BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BRANCHES A.1LSO AT DURHAM AND HARRI5TOM. j^ "N^v I A sr.iip in plioto.s from no* till VICINITY CHIPS ^i''«'y"'";''"g«tl5 ph.tosfor the \^ W. A. Armtti'onij iasuir of niarriase license-s. Diin't fail to take adviintafje of Notri.s Bros.' syecial sale. â- .Remember the Dough'.y-Davis concert, townh»Il, Feb. 2. Rev. W. A, Sinclii'r of Epsoin visited 1 his parents here this week. , Chopping done every Jsy at the pinn- ing mill . Thos. BUkely & Co i Norri-s Bros.' adverti-iement on page 8 me\ns nioneyfor you. R«ul it. i Hear .liminy Dnughiy â€" he of the lenor voice anU funny ways. Feu. 2. i Horse for Saleâ€" Good heavy wui\- horse. Thos. Feuwick, Eugenia. Gciod c'lw for snle, due to calve in , April. Austin Shivckulfciil.. B'lehherton. | renovated considerably recentlyâ€" new Timbering came to a »udc!en standstill paint, new paper, and a cei tain amount latt week with the departure of the snow, of remodelling have made thjs hostelry Growni'lMW Charming colt for sale *>i'"y f"»y ""J C'.rafortable. Look in « n coming 2 year* old. T. Lever, Flesher- tun. Jan. price of ii di zen. Don't miss Ihis chince, it only lusis ton days. VV. A. Uawkcn, photo artist, Flesherton. Mis.i Isliy Campbell, d"U«hter of Li- spector Campbell of Durham, has gone to &$an Antonio, Texas, to spend tile bal- ance of the winter, in cmupany with a !iidy friend. Croup posiively stopped in 20 minutes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Kemcdy. One test alone will surely pr vo this truth. No vomitins/, no distre-ss. A safe and p!eu6in j syrup â€" 50c. Sold by all dealers. Lieut. Colonel Cleland of Meaford was banqueted by the citizens of Meaford as a reci>;{niii(Ui i<f his a.snumption of c^>mniand of the :Ust re;;iment. The fund ion was a brilliant one and was h>.-ld in the town Iwll. Caiins' ho'el at the station h.i.* been 35,000 dry lath cut, from .stock Uat snuimer to dispose of, J. W. Deagle, Eugenia. A good two-year old off, iterry Masoii colt for sale on lot l(j2, con. 2, west. J. T. Parker. Two eood Colts for »ale â€" rising 2 and 3 years Fieiberton P. O. Mine Hi St Cairns when ym visit Ceylon. I Small horse for sale, price $50.00, has worked two years and drives well with another horse, also a good pedigree , heifer, 3 years old, will sell at 5c a pound. I J. Milno, Meaford Ro.-)d, three and a half miles from Flesherton. I Thti weather last week was lemarkable i far its mildness. It was a very good Heries of nieetiuss at Meaford. Reevo Boyd and Deputy iiiiitatimi of spring for several days wiih Id. App!y to RoU. Richird,on. , ^^.„ ^,,,, „,^„j^.^_ ^,pv^^^ ^_,^,^ ;, ^,, ,,^ and waggoning is the proper thing again. Cuderwood typewriter almost good as' ^ change to colder arrived Sunday nisfht new, aUso parbir organ for .sale. Apply i,ut, brought no snow wiih it. This at postortice, Ceylon. ! country needs a suitable amount of snow Rev. R. RlcUardy, who held specid to make times good. We are built that services hero last fall, is engaged in a way. An iiiti-resling meeliiig of the \V. L Ueove "'"^ held at the home of Mr. \V. II. McKcnziear« in Owen Sound attend- Bunt on Tuesday. Abcul 35 ladies were ing County Council this week. p-o^'ent. Ten books were leceiv.d as „ , e nr c 1 1 ,t, J 1 premiums from The Home Journal, with Rteve Agnew of Meaford was eloeted | ' ... .. ; Warden of the county at the tirs'. .session of the Countv Cmncil on Tuesday. , ,-" , ,. , shaw w;is appomtu Several Durham young men were hnea ' ' 94 50 and costs for distuibiii^ a Metho- dist tea meeting at Varney. ,1 & W. Boyd were busy taking stock dming the pait week. That burglar | eviiontly thought they needed assistance, j more to follow, these books will form a nucleus for a library. Miss Mabel Mun- d libiai Ian. At the close of the meeting 51rs. Bunt entertain- ed the Institute to a dainty luiicli. i Mr. Aaron Teeter, an old resident of Arteiuusia, died at the residence of his son, Isua'-, in Erin, la.st week, I He was nearly DO years of age. The Boot and Shoe Repairing promptly, ! j^_^^^^, ,^^ ^,^^^ .,_ g_,_^ Three sons •hcaply and well done. U. Carrn.Mhn, ^„^ ,.^,j,^^ ^^^ ^^^^ township-Aa.on j.. Armstrong's old jewellery store, Fle.her- j^,^^ ^,,j ^,^^,^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ j^^„, ^_^ era, llattic ai:d Edith. Further parlicu- Mr. Will Ludlow, who has been with j^.^. ,,.g |,r,t to be had. Will Moore for some time,- has uo^a tu j ,, „ i i • j .' . . Boyd a store was burglarized again on Aytoii to take up ;i .situation. N\ o wish „ , • i ,. ti j • i .' •• » >. "f • Siinday night. The marauders gained I admittance by forcing open the front door Mr. Pattison at Ceylon is giving nn ; ^n,, crowbar and wedge. It is not known eightday reduction sale and gives pur- 1 what ([Uantity of goods was taken. The ouering clothini; and boot and shoe departments were pretty well ransacked. L^rge of quiiintuies of burned matches were left on The Hopeville correspondent of the Durham Review is evidently sore about •ome'hing. What it is we leave our readers to guess. In liak week's i<8ue he said : "The Farmers' Institute meeting was held hero last week and wa« fairly well attended the ofticais and speakers come from Osprey and Artrinesia in Centre Grey Riding alihough wa are in Honth Grey and are not some of thum ap- pointed by the Koveriimeni? if so what is the matter that Dr. .Jamieson our mem- ber cannot get soma to attend to this matter in the riding he represents?" There is no (Juinine, nothing wh'itever harsh or sickenina in Prevenlics. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic, k fi'W hours â€" and your tbreaten- iiia Cold is broken. Candybke in taste, Prevent ics please the childrenâ€" and thoy break the feverishness always. And least of :dl is the economy. A large box -â€" W PreventicNâ€" 2.'i cents. Ask your druiiL'Lst, He km-ws I Sold by all dealeis. The band willuive a grand concert in the town hall on Tuesday evening, Feb. 2, when M'ss Evelyn David and James Doughty, ronder and entertainer and humorous vocalist, of Toronto, will render t prcgram. This talent comes from ihto Harry Rich entertainment bureau, f:cm which only good thin<;s emanate. Mi.ss Davis has been heard it ,M?ukdrtle nnd Kimborley and has given the best satisfaction. Mr. Duugbty can produce s 'iiie very flattering pre:* reports. He is a master in comic songs, stories, monoh'gues, etc. Hear him aing his novelty sonir, "The Toy P.;d- dler. " Admission 25 and 15 cen'.s. If your Stomach, Heait, or Kidneys are weak, try at least a few doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In live or teu days only, the result «ill surprise you. A few cents wi'l cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quick ly. Dr. Shoop doesn t drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to the weak and failing nerves. E.ich organ has its own controlling nerve. When these nerves fail, the depending organs must of necessity (alter. This plain, yet vital truth, clearly telk why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so uuiversaily successful. Its success is leading drut'gists every- where to five it universal prefen nee. A test will surely tell. Sold by all dealers. There are three level crossings on the Proton â€" Walkertiiii branch of rii"way that need looking after. They are a direct menace to life and property. Two of these are on the Durhtmi road on this bide of Priceville and the other four nolo* west of it. The first mentioned is (•specially annoying to travelln's, the sleigh plunuing down lo the tracks and sfi-aight up aL'ain to get out, with just sudieient width to hold a sleigh. Ii is impossible for an ordinary team to tike a heavy load over this ciossiiig. The third bad one is south of the six. corners, near the Durham Road. All of these are dangerous from the fact that an 111 pniath'ntf train from at lenst ( ne direction cinnot 1 e seen until it; is upon one. The township fathers should see that simiclhing is doiie before a .second Gilmsby accident ocours. Farmers Represented at Ottawa. The farraeis of Canad.i are to hare a representative in the House ot Commons during fche sesiion. The Family Herald and Weekl) St.ir of Montreal haa en- gaged a practical fiir.niir to attend che session and write a weekly Inttcr to tliut paper, telling the fanners of Canada how | Parliament is cinduclod, as he sees if. The man engaged is not only a practical farmer, but is we!l able to write luch a ' letter. Ho is said to be a man absolutely free from political prejudice, and, no doubt, his weekly letter wil be of great inteiost to all Canadian furiuer.'?. The Family Herald and Weekly Star only costs one dollar a year, or will be sent on trial to new subscrihers for the session (about six mouths) for only twenty-live cent«. Engineers Already afWork The following' is from the Goderich Signal: A.McD. Allan arrived in town last Friday from Great Britain, where he had been en^ayed for some time in pro- moting the Huron and IViitario Railway project. In conversation with The Signal he stated the work of construction on this railway would be proceeded with ill the spring. Engineers h ive [already been at work :'.t various points, Owen Sound, Meaford, Toronto, etc. Goder- ich and Kincardine aio on the proposed routes of the railw.»y, but just when the r.iilway compiiny will build this part of the road is a matter of conjecture. The undertaking is a big one, as 830,000,080 of a boi.d i:isue iudicati'S. Take Cold One way is to pa'yr no sttention to it ; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, " The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. A W« vubUah our formulas yers ^ W« banlih aleohol ^ from our modiolnes We urK* you to oOBBult your doetor ^ Thompson's Bakery â€""^{('2 Our Bread is delivered regukr- ly and kept for sale at Ceylon, Priceville, Eugenia, Kimberley Maxwell and Feveisham. ./ ^â- â- : I Ed. Thompson, Fiesherton Ut..- 4 When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances are absorbed into the bloodinstetd of beingdaily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this danger, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. I b7 th* J. C. Ajn Co., LowtU, Xau.â€" -* Continuation Classes The new school law doing away with high schools encourages the amalgamation of soho 1 saotions wi h a view to t king up high school work. Some of the boards in this township a'o making a move in this direction and a meeting to discuss the (luestion will he held in the school house here im Wednesday evening, Feb. 3, next, when In»pector C.impbell will be present to explain the advantaces in con- nection with such a move and the rei{iiirc- ments necessary. It is hoped the boaids of every section in the township of Artcmesia will be represented at this meeting. There will bo a large amount of useful information given, and the interested public are invited to bo pres- ent as well as the .scluxd Ixjards. The meeting will he held at 7 30. We Have It What ? The best stocic of fresh Groceries Flimr and Feed of nil kinds, and at al prices, and everytbirc ehe in our Jiue, that is on su!u in Flesherton. We aUo have the prices tlmt suit our: cu^tolne^s, and .still unit us, as they I enable us to turn i-nr stock over in a { shorter term fhan with the higher prices,] and thus we keep oui stock fresh. I W. L. WRIGHT' Flesherton. Harness Goods. Having bought the stock of Wm. Moore, latu better prepared than ever to c^ter to the public. . We have a complete line of Harness atid HamessSundries, Whips.Bells, Plush Rugs, Robes, Curry Corahs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment. Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valises Telescopes. & Blacksroith'sAprons. Look in and examine our stock of Horse Blankets. REP.\nuM; PitoMrTLY Done: ^ ticulars in this issue. He is genuine banjains. Look them up. Wanted at Eugeniaâ€" A uuinber Koud men to Murk in the bush. Good wages will be paid to iir.j,''c:«fits(i men. ^\j{uiy to J. W. Mi;i)t^4n,' Eugenia. Diedâ€" At Thedford, on Tue.sday, Jan. 19, Mrs. Wm. Graham, sister of Mrs. the floor. The lock and I.-\tch on the front door was destroyed and the door splintered. A hiah priced revolver was also taken from the hardware department It is laid thai cement is likely to coma Isaac Sinclair of this village and Mr. j diwn to $1 per barrel this summer. If Arthur Johnston of the Meaford Road, i »uch a price prevails this viUasje cannot „ . nT 1 » „ L..,-,. ett the balance of their sidewalks dianged Cement Workâ€" Any person having i * » cement work to do this c >ming summer | should CO ninunicite with T. Lover, j Flesheitnn. Window sills ard tile made to order. Notice to the publicâ€" Having disposod of my harness stosk, I have a few setts •f heavy and light harness to offer at right prices for cash. W. Moore, Flesherton. Any of our readers who are desirous of to cement too quickly. The reason of such a falling in price appears to be that some of the big firms are trying lo destroy the little fellows, and thu.s get rid of competition. A gentleman who woiksin cement is our authority anent tbi* prophesy. The tender leaves of a harmless lung- healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvelous . curative properties. Tmht, tickling, or becumiii'! a member of the rc-oruanizcd ! ... â- â- ,, - , , t ^i . . '° . . '•_'•'''' * . distressing coughs, quickly yield to the healing, soothing action of this splendid prescriptionâ€" Dr. Shoop's Cough Rcm- i e<ly. And is so safe and good to cliild- Propeity forSaloatPiicevilleâ€" Abrick| ren, as well. Containing no opium, public library will confer a favor by] handing in their names to A. S. Thurston, I Advance OOice. •A brick' house, einht rooms, barn and five lots. Also lot 10, con. I, N. D. R., Artemesii, 50 acres. Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. tt I chloroform, .ir other harmful drugs, mot hers should in safety always clumand Dr. Shoop's. If other retnodics are otter- ed, tell them No I Be your own judge ! S(dd by all dealers. Being in the s.w null business atj Chalmers church has issued its annual Eugenia, I am ptepared to do custom j fi„,.i,„;i,ji statement which shows the sawing. Will also pay cash at the mill ; affairs of the church here to be in a vory for spruce and balsam in twelve-foot healthy and prosperous condition. The lengths. J. W. Doagle. stipend and general accounts receipta There was a wreck on the T. * N. 0., amoutited to $858.65. Building account 30 miles south of North Bay, on Monday, receipts were §551 97, bnd after all p«y- A mimbor of people were injured but !"'""'•"' *^'i'»' "'"<'« * balarce of §47.91 none serio'js. W. J. Stewart of Powas- r-niained on hand in this fund. The «an was on the train and received a slight ^»''^'*''* 8choid finances are also very •at on the Uad. Mr. Stewart's relatives «"i;f»<='';7. >'";« hein.g ^79.86 on hand. ,,.,.,,.,, , In fact all tranches of rlie work in this and friends at Kimberley and here will chvirch m.ike a very crvditable showing be pleaded to know it was not worso. ' iiuhed. . Married Clarkâ€" Vessieâ€" At tl;e Manse, Dur- hptn, Wednetday, Jan. 13th, by Rev. Win Farquhacson, William W»ller C"a k to Minnie Jacksi.'U Veasie, both of B. n- tick. The groom is a nephew of Mis. Arch. Bojd of this place. Croup And Whooping Cough. The niiithcfs of younp children have no need til fear thei-ii dineiises if tliey keep Cliainlu-f- laiu's Coi.gh Remedy at hand. >!r. M. Davenport, of Paids Vullev, Ind. Ter., writes; "I have UKCil Cliainlerlaiii'.s Coiifh Romedy in my family for «evei al years and have foiiiid it esi>ecially etfoctive for crotip and wliooping ough." for sale by W. K. Hicbardton. Mrs. Geo. Buskin Dead Another pioneer of Arteinesia township has passed to the great beyond in the person of Mrs. Geo. Bunkin, who died at her horns in Markdale on Thurstlay Ust, January 21. at the ago ot 74- years. The funeral took place lo Markdale cemetery on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 23 Mrs. Buskin's msiden name was Hannah Savage. Site was born in iMitrkhain of Yorkshire parents in 1835 and married George Buskin in 1855. They moved to Arteinesia in 1802, settling on the west back line, where 'hey lived until 1893, when they retiri-d and took up their residunte in Markdale. The deceased lady was highly estceiiiod and was a life- long member of the Presbyterian church. She leaves behind an aged husband and four chiMren â€" John of VVodehou.se, firmer; William, machinist, of Giielph; VVo.«li'y on the honiesluad, and Maria (Mrs. Frank Blair) of Manitoba. Don't Take The Risk. When .yon have a bad congli or cold do not let it drajj aloim until it becomes chronic bronchitis, or ilevelopes into an attack of imeiimonl.i, but give it the attention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough tKemedv and yiai are sure (f prompt relief. Fnmi a Hiiiall Iwi lining the nale and use of this pri'paialiion has extended to all parts of he L'nit;oJ ytate.4 and to in.tny foreign coutitries. Its many rtiiiarkalile ctires of cou)?hH aiiJ colds have won fin' it this wide rcpntiilion and extfnsivo use. For snle by W. E. Kichardnon. The February Rod and Gun. V» led in its contents, but redolent thioughont of the nianv ii> lights of the C uactian Winter, the February nnmbcr of "Hod a ad Gun and Motor Sp(irts in Cm- aOB," pullithcd by W. J. 'I'aylor, Wood- stock, Out., brings with it the broeziueas atiaohed to iliia particular season of the year. 'Ibo record of a line Buowst:oB tramp, â- u Indian tulu o! a moose race on the ice, ihc story of a winter in Northern Ontario and an articWou Snow Hlindnces l>j Mar- lu Hunter, an ex-Hiidson l!ay Factor, show how many sided ire tbo beauties ol the C»uadian winter sud bow thfjio-Rblv the inhabituuts ot tiie Domin.oD approciata atid enjoy tbcin. A tine illuttraiod account of the QualiiicAlion Climb of Mt. Hermit, in CO ncction with iho hist no ting of tiio Alpine Club ot Caiiida, is coulrihuied by Mr. D. B. Taylor, who has lieeu ti tiring tli« V\c8t. as repio'.cutaiivo ol tho Magazine since tiiat event. 1'., is evident from this ar.icio dist the spiiit of tiio n.ountuius sti/.ed the writer and nia.ln him an en- thn.siasi. One of tbo best papers written hy -Ml. Bouuyuastlo D.le, ' Ciuef Cinira Tl'- kopo of thu Skagits, ' with th.i an liior's illuati aliens, ul.a uf an old Indian Cliiei out in V'lucoiivcr Island, v- ho makes canoes with primiiivB li ols and lli^p')sc« of them •it aniieard o( piic^s. Notes on the liPl deer seaiOD, a eotiplc of yrave indictments agaiM.-ic til. flUoged iuctficieucy of the Oiita^io Fisli ami Game D.'partm nr., one of ibo iiav. A. Murdt ell's capitil buntins sloiies. Soma (.)ld Time R'tniuiaeencia of Ontario, intouiely intoresiing as telling of pie n «r dtt}S, anil stories of otmpinji and tiahiug trips, ar. noma of the futlhcr papeis making up a ntimb.r strong in every de- partuient of outdoor life with which tho magiizine deals. It is C'.iiiadi..n tliiDugli- out, imbued with th« fpirii of the Domin- iou, aid ad gco I. A seedless apple bearing a sweet apple that looks something like tho sheep iiose haa been found on tho tarni of C. E. Boll, at £]>kridge, Kau. A mishap oocui-ed in the C. P. K. yard, Dundilk, about 10.30 mi Monday niorii- inj by which six cars of the south bound way freight were derai.ed. The train wa« taking the west switch at the north end when it is supposed some obsLruciion at the frog raised iho flango of the w heel. Four cars Imded with pol>;» and two cat* ot wh.Ht wcncolf. The switch track was torn up for s nuc di>tanco and one tail on the main lino was badly biint. It re- quired about twelve liouri woik with the ussistanco of a gaiijc from Oy-eii Souinl to put matters linht-â€" Herald. Wlioieia favistock? Tavistock doesn't know. The village was incorporated some time ago and want tho Pro»incial Secretary lo tell it. Its territoiy is par- tially in Penh and partially in Oxford. As an incorporated vilfagc, it must bo in one county or the other. Just to com- plicate in.y.ters, its Reeve has been duty elected and thereby qualities feT a sea', or. one of the county councils. But which? The Ontario cabinet ivill have lo decide. At a regular Sunday service held recent- ly in a rural church in the vicinity of Prescott, the corgrcgsition was asked for a liberal contribution f..r a special pur- pose. While the colleelioti was being taken up tho choir sang the hymn on. titled. "I Surrender All." On jtreceiving that tha entire collection amounted to only 34 cents the pastor stopped the sing- 'ng of the hyir.n, saying that he couldj,iot permit them to go on singing what was so ubvioualy untrue. O.W.Phillips, FLESHERTON, ONT. U i F.G. Rarstedt rjsm-iMnaaaiaemfna^-amtiJffii PREPARE FOR SPRING, Shop oarly.See the variety and get the best. It always goes first. W e have a full range of the following at popular prices. LINOLEUMS 13 pieces of Linoleums and Oilcloths in 3, 5, 6, 9 and 1'2 ft. widths at 25 and oOc. sq. yd.. Inlaid at SI. 00 sqyd. CARPhTS, Tapestry, Biussels, Velvet, Wool, Union and Stair, from 35c. to $1.35 per yd. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN POLES A full lino if Lnco Curtains in 2.V and 3i yds. from 50c. to S4.50. Curtain Poles in Mahogany, Cherry and Oak for 25 e. per set also White Poles, u.-mplele, for 12c. STOVES AND RANGES Now is the time for purchasing a Rativ'e. Move your old s'ovo into the .summer kitchen and get a Range for the dining room, at the popular price of §40. 00. PRINTS \NDQINGHAnS We will have our Piints and Ginghams in stock abou*-. the first of the tnoi.th.the best that ever came ir.to town, just Hie thing you want Come and mo thuin. Popular price 12 to 15c. per yd. SPRING DRESS GOODS Wo are the headqusrteus for the new and up-to-date DressGoods, Wo carry the >no!-t up tj-dutc line shown any where. They are Iho besi that can be bought and are arriving every diy. CiAua early and pick your dress goods, in suit lengths, wo will put llicm by until you need ihem. •^ ^"^ '"^ Ladies' New 1^4 Footwear Those are the best Ladies Shoes on tho Market. "Exxxpi^css" means quality. Come ami in- cur full line. ASKTOSEE THE MANNISH PESiGN FOR WOMEN ffcT -TO- Biiyins foot Come where you cau save money. We remind our friends that we have a good stock of Kubbers, Overshoes, Leggings and some felt goods â€" ^just the kind to keep your feel comfortable in the cold weather. â€" frost ))roof and warm. Also a lot of Trunks â€" Telescopes going off cheap. Shoe polish, all the best kinds. Custom work made to order, first quality material used. Try LAYTO