January 21 lUOy T II E F L E 8 li E R T N ADVANCE -I. -h I dWWVVtWfil F. T. HILL & Co. WHiWiii^Y Greater Buying Opportunities Never present themselves to better advantage than in the Month of January. JANUARY is the month of all others that presents to the buying public the ^Mvntost buying opportunities of any month in tlio year. The biggest vahie is oli'ercd for your money (Uu-ing the month of January because it is the fmal wind- up of a year's business, and business men *A'y to have stocks at their lowest, and in order to accomplish this many lines of merchandise are sacriliced in price and in many instances sold away below the wholesale cost to the merchant. That is why we say to yon that the values we are offering this week represent big savings, and I)y returns for the investment of your money it will pay you to visit this store. Big Savings in Furs of all kinds. This week the men can, save big money in Fur Coats. Wc are stllirif; Ih'j lieit nuHlity U'nck China Di'jj Skin C>>ntK. rc<4ulnr value 820 to 822 f<ir $10.00 We niu »«fllini; t!io bvst iimility Black Calf Coats wiili lilnck .istruclmii cdIIhi, ro.!.S35 valu^) f..r Â¥27. 50 One LJiilit's Kli'ctric Seal Coat with mil. k nmrtiiot collar and triiuniings eatin liiitd, tliu iigular price is t"!.i.OO. January nCe price 515.C0 LmlicH Fine (,»iiiility BroaJcloth in colors of Hliick, Brown aiul Green, fur linoil witli iuu.= kra( jiriiiiKi "''tl' si"!)!^ collar, one of the best values wn have over oftVrBd, regulir aellin".; value 875.00. January Sale'PiJco S45.0O P.ENTS' FUUMSHINGS REDUCED. Ways Fine \Y(i(il Mu(fier«. just tl>p thing fi>r thesn ci'lil day!", fiO and 75e lines on sale for.. ,'Mo dozen tine Fleeced Lined rndrrwenr in Shirts ami Uraweis, leyular COc value, January Sale prieu 39c 7 dozen Men's Unshrinkable Uiider>vear, in ribbed Shins and Drawers, aUo E<ime tine all-wool lines lu the lot. This is a clcnii-up of all our odd lines, regular 7r>, 85 and 81.00 values, January Sale Price your choice for 48o EXTUAOUDIN.VRY Y.\U'E IN UNDERWEAU FOR THE CHILDREN. 10 Dozen Children's Fine Fleece Lined Diatrers and and WaisiB, regular 2ric valueii, January sale price 15t 10 Dozen Children's Lar^e Sized Fleece Lined Diawers and Waists, rigular 35c values, January Sale Price, per jiarnient lyj m^f^mm MARKDALE. mmmm^. It imbli»liKl every Thursday at 81.00 jier »nnmii if Jiaid in advaiiee, fil.oc if not so paid Chats worth liaa a weather prophet who pretends to give a forecast for each month of the your. So many of these wise men are coming forward throughout the country that it is im- possible to keep track of them. The auusually mild weather of the past two mouths has made the weather prophets sprout like a second crop of laspberrics aud apple blossoms. practical contrivance of this kind, if, tlie moclmnical geniuses would apply , tliemgelves to ilio question. An in-- vcntor of a safeguard of this nature would not only be a benefactor of mankind but would reap an enormous pecuniary reward. Tlie session of Dominion Parliament which opens on Jan. 20 will not be so strenuous as the last, when the pre- liminary skirmish to the elections was on. As a bit of information that is now widely known, wc migiit mention the fact that neither the preliminary skirmish nor the battle proper were successful in dislodging the entrenched enemy at Ottawa. It is the custom now a-days for those desiiiug honorary oilicep, such as the Waidenship for inbtance, to got out and pull wires in order to make Xhe position sure, and we frequently 309 in our eschant^es snch statements \s this: "fleevp Blank was in town loaking after the Wardenship." Does it ever strike these gentlemen that the bonor, when secured in this manner, is a very small one indeed? It docs not require any great ability to pull wires or canvas for votes, and the man who does these things knocks off a big percentage of the honor pertaining rightfully to sacb a position if ho is •uccessful. The East Grey Agricultural Society baa undergone quite a thorough re-i organization and considerable new blood has been added to the director- ate. If all those who should be in- terested will second the efforts of the new board a degree of life will be instilled into the society that will be a matter of surpriite to outsiders. The new board takes hold with the one objeci of making the East Grey fair the best in the county. Tbcir aim is high, bat a worthy one, ; and we (rust their hopes and desires will be realized. Let every citizen of tbs place, at least, lend a band towards this end and the result will nndoabl- «dly bo satisfactory. Tbe terrible level eroising fatality at Grimsby, in which five persons lost tbeir livei, has stirred this country from end to end with the horror of it, and tbe level crossing is again coming ia for some bard knocks. Among the inventive geniuses of this country sorely some one can be found who will invent an automatic gate that would effectually close a crossing on (be approach of a train. It ought not (0 be a difficult matter t? discover a Eugenia. Mrs. Oillilaiul is very poorly. , Fine-winter weather and good .sleighin)» Mi.ss Evelina .Smith is visiting friends in Kiinherley at pre.sent. Mrs. .McMullen of Kinibcrley is visit- ing her friend, Mrs. Leonard Ijatinier. Miss Annie Carsion spent the past couple of weeks visiting friends at Owen Uuund. Mrs, Tjatimer, sr., is very poorly at present, suffering from an attack of rheuniatisin. Mr. Watson of Knox college filled Mr Little's appointment very aeeepl.ihly on Sunday last. Mrs. (Dr ) Carter of Floslierton visited Mesdanies Largo and Munshaw on Mon- day afternoon. Miss Kttio Latimer has returned to Meaford high school after a pleasant visit ] with hei' parents. Mr. Moigan has hii mill nbout ready tu start and wants a nuu)l)er of men to work in the hush. Mi.ss Lou (jordon has gone to viait friands at Shell:urne before her departure for Orange, New Jersey. Some of our young people have started a night scho(d. Messrs. Fred Heron and .Toll II Cairns are the principals. Rev. Wilkinson of Wodehouse filled the Metliodist pulpit hero on Sund.'iy evening. A goodly number was present. Mrs. Wallace Aamstrong, who was getting some better after a eeriuua ill- ness has had a relapse and is now very weak and ill. Mr. Henry Tudor met with a nasty accident when skidding logs the |msi week, when hii leg got caught by the cant hook alipping and bruited it very badly. A very cordial welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Bobcaygeon, who have taken up their residence among ua. May thoy find lifa at Eugenia very pleasant. to pay Hospital f.r Sick Children $.^, doiiifion ; Thos. Scott, eiJ.S.'i, telephor.e, expre^s, etc. ; Henry Heifinan, §5, po.sl stamps to clerk ; V. Irish, g3, J. W. Oaniey 8;J, I. H. Ptrigo J3, C. A. Ed- waids$3, Thi.s. Scott J3, Tlios. Freethy |3, Jas Gordon ?.'J, Wm. Norman 83 fur scrvicrs us Deputy Returnii.g Otticois ; Jus. Meiizie J2, Chaa. LmDij $2, James Spoors J2, Willis Nefr«2, J, Pi.tta $2. A. E. Cameron f2, John Louijheed f2, John Moore ?2, for services as Poll Clerks ; W. II. Thurston. »20.75, for piintii.g and stationoiy ; Firman Irish $2, Marshall Kerton $4, A. T. Hutchin- son $2, A. J. Spiott «2, Huxh T. Roberts |2, Jas. Mullen $2, Wm Sprott *2, John S. Winters $2, for places used as polling booths ; Peterborough Times, $7.00 for electiim stationery. Taylor â€" Buie â€" That the standing coniinittees for the year bo composed as folloms:â€" On Roads and Bridges, E W, Norman. A. E. McCallum and Wm. L Taylor ; Treasurer's Securities, E. W. Norman and Archie Buie ; Printing.', A. E. MoCdlluni and John Thomnon ; Fin- ance and Assessment, the Reeve ami all the menibcra of this Council â€" Carried. Buio -McCallum -That the Clerk order six copies of the Municipal World for the members of this council and [tbe Clerk, and that the Reeve issue his order for 9b in payment of the tame -Carried. By-law No. 514 appointing Jos. Allison assessor at n salary of $80 ; and By-law No. 615 apppointing Robt. Heron and J. S. Douglass auditors ; and By-law No.510 appointint; E.W.Norman, Thos. Scott, W. L. Taylor, A. E. Mc- Callum and Archy Buie, members of the Board of Health, were read the necessary number of times and passed. (/ouncil adjourned to inoet at Fever- •hani on Feb. 20ch next. â€"Thos. Scott, Clerk. Osprey Council. The members elected to the Councilof of Osprey far the year 1900 met at Max- well on Monday, January 11th, and severally mad* their statutory declara- tions and qualUfcation of ofHoe, viz., E. W. Norman, reeve ; Wm. L. Taylor, deputy reeve ; A. E. McOalluiii, John Thomaon and Arohy Buie. Minutes of th« last meeting were read and adopted. Comrounications.accounts, etc ,were received Ironi the Hospital for Sick Children, asking for donation; Municipal World, asking for renewal of lubscription ; Henry Heitraan, account I 15.00, pottage stanipi to Clerk ; Thns. Soult, accounts $3.53, for telephone, | express. Cartage, etc ; Peterborough [ Timea, account $7.00, election stationery; ' W. U. Thuraton, account $20.75, for printing ; Applications for the appoint- j mont of aiseisor were received from Jns. I Allison and Robt. Morrison ; Applioa- tiona for the appninlinent of Auditors were received from Robert Heron and J H. Douglas, Oiders were issued on the Treasurer Artemesia Council Thenawly-elected council oi Artemesia for ths year 1909â€" J. A. Boyd, Reeve ; T. R. McKeiizie, Deputy Reeve ; and Messrs. J. A. Carson, Geo. T. Wright and J. M. Duncan, Councillorsâ€" met in the town hall, Fleshertun, on Monday, Jan. 11, 1009. The councillors as abov* were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of Dec. 15 session were read and ordered to be signed. The following communication*, bills, etc., were present- ed and read : J. Ross Robertson, tn behalf of the Sick Children's hospital : Ontario Municipal Association, asking Council to join in petition to Legislature r* repealing Sec. 606 of the Municipal Act ; Jos. Blackburn and R. J. Sproule, asking for the appointment at auditors; C. W. Ballamy and David Msthewson, asking for the appointment ot assessors for 1909; the Clerk, account for election •xpeuaes, $74.50 ; J. A. Heard, wiia for fence for town hall lot, $6; L Johnson, account for gravel, $2.25; J. Buchanan, wood for hall, $7.10; Lucas, Wrigh', account for legal services, 1907, 1908, $30.65. Bylaws 707. to appoint an sssessor ; 708, to appoint members of Board of Health ; and 709, tu appoint auditors, were introduced and passed after under- going the various readings. Following Are the appointments ; Assessor, 0. W. Bellumy I auditors, Jos. Blackburn and R. J. Sprrule ; Local Board of Health, A. F. Pedlar, J. P. Ottewell and W. J. Caswell. Wrightâ€" Duncanâ€" That the account of Lucas, Wright A McArdle, tor legal ser- vices as follows be paid : 1907, $27 55 ; 1908, $9.00 ; tuthl. $.'J6. 55. -Carried. McKeiizie-- Duncan â€" Thai election ex- pti:ses as f(dlows bo paid, boini; for fees, rent if polling booths, etc. : Wni. Mc- Loughiy 88.50 ; T. Clayton, tfiOO ; Geo. Moore, $8.50 ; A. Gilchrist, |8 50 ; D. G. McLean. $8.60 ; Geo. Wailing. $8.50 F. W. Nicholson, $8.50 ; Geo. Meldium, 88. uO ; J. Thistlethwaite, delivering bal- lot boxt'S, $3.00 ; the cleik, holding no.ii- inaiioii. $3.00 ; W. H. ThurHon, poll books, eleccicn slatioi.ery, bi'dots, etc , $14 00â€" Carried. Wright â€" Duncan â€" That John Buchan- an be paid $7.50 and .1. PiirliHineiit be paid §7 50, boiug fi^r tluco cords each of furnace wood for town hidl. â€" Carried. Carsonâ€" Wrightâ€" That tho following be paid : L. Juhnstnn, furgiavel, ^2.25, J. A. Heard for wire for town Ijall fence, $(i.00.-C,irriod. Duncin â€" Carscm â€" That the appeal of J. Ross lt'>liert.son for aid to the Sick Childieii'.s hospital, Toronto, ho not en- tertained . â€" Canied. McKeiizie -Duncan â€" That the cleik have the tu»n hiiU insured in snma reli- able company for the sum of ^DOOOO.- Cariied. McKenzie â€" Wright â€" That this Council Concurs ill the 0|iinion of the Outurio Municipal Association that Sec. OOC of the Municipal Act, 1903, imposes ar un- just liability upon inunicipalitics and that the section should le amended so as to relievo uiunicipalilies from civil action for damages caused by non feasance wheru actual notice in writing of the difent in till highway has not been received, and the reeve and clerk sign and forward the petition accordinyiy.â€" Carried. Carsonâ€" Duncaii-That the clerk order six copies of the Municipal Wijrldfor the use of the niembcis of '.his council and clerk for 1909.- Carried. McKenzieâ€" Carson â€" That this council do now adjourn to meet for trnusaclion of business ( ii the first Saturduy in each month during 1909, except in the month of December, which meeting is fixed for tho 15th of that iiionlh. â€" Carried. Admiral Ilojcstvensky, tho hem of tho Dogger Bank affair, and wliosa fleet was anuihilHled by Adminl Togo at t! e Battle of the Sea of Japan, is dead. Where do all the noodles go? is u question often asked by the busy house- wife. Look in your pincushion for an answer. A Meafjrd Udy ripped up one of these reoeptacles and found 1G3 needles. Tho cushion was 17 years cW. PAIN Pain In the heailâ€" pain anynhero. has Its cansa Mn isconKestioii. palii i;* blood pn'fwiireâ€" nothios else uauttUy. At least, .so mjs Or. Shmip. ami to prove It he has cruntfil a littki pljik tubk't. Tha< tabletâ€" cat ieil Ur. Shoop's llcixlacliu lYibletâ€" coaxes IiIikmI priM.'tura away from puia contara. Its effort is('haniiing,plua;>lii|(lyd.-ligntful.Uently, though liately. it surely equalizes tho blood clrcik lation. I( you hav^ a headnclin. It's blood pressure. I( it's (lauiful i»Tli>d:> with women, same causSL II you are sli)i'plii<. rciitlesa, nurvoiw. It's blood cougestioii â€" btmxl prt-.ssure. That surely is a certainty, for Ur. Shoop's Hpadacliu IVblets stoB It iu W uiinutHrt. unit tlin tubletd simply dlstribut* tlie uniwturul blcjnd pri'Siiuru. Bruiso vour linger, and doesn't It get red. and swell, and pain you'.' Ot course it ilucs. It's con- â- estion, blood pn>s.'<urc. You'll llnd It nhure pain lirâ€" always. It i Hiniply Common .-^eiise. Ws sull at 25 ceuli, oud clieerfuily recommend Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets 60 YBAR8* .EXPERIENCB TBadi Marhs OnioK* Cot^RiQHTa 4e. AaroM aandlnt a sketeh and description ma* qnloklr aaoartalo our opinion free wiiether an Invsntlon la probably patentablfk Communlea. otjhr omadetitlaOANDBOpiT on P>t«nu . OI<]«at agsnoy tor seonnjiiirpatants. Uonsstrlotlr itfc N««t1« wnt (re.. Oldekt aasnoy tor seonimirpateni Patants taken through Munn A XXIk NO VMtal fM>«««, wlthool eiiarga, la tns scientific Jineilcati. A bandsomaly Uluatrated weekly. Lsigest oir- aolsllon mjar sclentlflo Joomil. Terms tor Osnada,U.1S a yaai, postage prepaid, SoiA by •u aewsaeMen. SKATING On Nuhn's Pond, every night weather permitting:. J.Patton, STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Reliable Local Salestiiau REFRE8KNTTNG Canada's Oldest and Greatest N urseries IN Pleaherton And Adjoining Country. You will And there is a good donmnd for Nursery Htflck on account of the hish prices that growers have realised on th«ir fruit this SQAnOU, Our sa.oKuieu are tnrnluij iu a bifi busiaessto us thi9 year. lie one ut them and earn good wases thiougb the winter mouths. Territory leaervort. Pay Weokly. Free sauiple outflt, etc. Write for particulars. STONE & W E LJL I N T N Fonthill Kurseiies ('BTiO acres) TORONTO Ontario J. & W Boyd. eencral and ffjiardware mercbants. FLESH ERTON - - ONT. FEBRUARY SALE Corset Covers 18c to 75c ^ Diawrrs, 25 to 75o ^ Gowns, 50c to $1.25 ^ Umloi'8kii-ts„51.i0 to 82.25 ^ A big assoitmeut of embroidery from 8c to 15c ^ Corset Covers, reg. iiOc for 22c •^ Corset Covers, reg, 75o for 63c 31 Drawers, rtg. CO for 22c ^ " " 55c for , ..43c ^ «• " 75c for Cae JL Night Dresses, reg. 7.^cfor G3c J^ " " •' Sl.Oufor 85c (T " " •' 81.25 for $L0() J^ Undcrsliirts, reg. $1.00 for 85c jl " " 81.25 for 81.00 ^p " " 81.75 for 81.45 sj^ vC " " S2.25for 81.90 vj/ da Ready made Sheets. yji 4^ Heavy twill Cotton, Hemmed all aioiind. Size 68 and 90, Sale ^ Embroideries, 8c to jlSc ^ Flour and Feed ^ We liPejion haiiJ a full stuck of Flour and Feed including Feed Flour ^ bliorts, Brail and the fiini'ius Five Roses Flour m:ide by the Luke ,of ^ the Woi'da MiUiiiK Co., Kesratin, every big of wliich is guaranteod ^j^ if not satisfactoiy return it and grt your money. ^ I Hardware $fc ^ We liavo a well ;is.sortud stock of Hardwareâ€" parties, contenipiiitiiig ^^ ^ buildins will do well to net our i>rici's before purchasing olsewheio â€" ?ij ?K also a nice lino of stoves, tinware, eic. jj? IJ.& W.Boyd. I « In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, « Harrows, Plougbs, Cream Sep- « arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY; â- ^ Heaird's Cairriage Works a NOTICE To whom thia may c>)nccrn|! I hereby (sive notice that all account* (I'jt to RichacdsiHi'a- Drug Store MUST bo p.id ly the first of February, 1909, or they will be put in thu hands of a collector without further nutice. {Farms for Sale & Rent I per sale cheap, ovrcut, imraedlatB possession. J ' Lot 30.t'ou.H,ArtBmeBia,»bout 73 acres olear, I comfortable log house and frame baru Apply I to h. J. Sproule, Flesbcrtoo, or John J. MarUa across tbe load from said lot. T utB E. J 8 aud 8, Cod. 13. in the township of ^"Oaiirey 150 acres, larKe clearing, good frame Barn and 8»;abies. good dwelliug aud well* Apply on the premises or to W. J. Bbixamt, Flesharton. @- :€) W. E. [RICHARDSON Flesherton. I ing well bulls and ttnished. and good twaiiog I orchard oil -the property. Apply to j ^ R; J. -Spsoclb.^ FlesharbM:.- I T ots 05, 66 and 67. coo. 3, Artemesia. 150 aons. I IJo cleared aud under oultivatiou.all feuced. I two good orchards; large frame barn, basjiueat barn and outer frame barn 84 x 30. frama t^^^l^i m«!' "'" "" â- ""'*•' • "O""* ^'"°'' "^ \, W. H Mo NAqLY • Portlaw por Kent, lot 37, con, 4, Artemesia, 100 acres, •hiorti^i?? «'«,»»ed and tn cultivatlou.cotofott- ftrltouSl .?;'*"* ^''â- "- 'tone stabling, to a tsution of !t, ''"'*"': ^""^ "*" "Of'hy the «. tsutioii of those requiring such. ; I*. â- 'â- Spboulb, Flesherton HarlfJ^'';^''',*?''?' l'«'"'>>«e. balance good bush. bar,?' L^*^*^® o'o'obard aud stone wall uncUir Wonfnn?..?''®''., <"â„¢'' '"â- °*»«» back of farm, 3 mi i» f^n, ."i"* I" 82°'' »""« "' cultiTatioo, oa"X'r.r to'"""" '*"'"°''- '»' ">"",'??&'? JAMES H; VAUSE, Proton Statioa ^â- •tiJi "^A- J''' ""Prey, 100 acres. weU erts,"udy^BH5r '""""'*'• â- "'P'^ '° ^*^ Notice toCreditors III the matter of the estate of Patrick Burns, late of the township of Oa- prey in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased. „i?.^"o! i' 1'8'«''/ !fl»en pursuant to The Eo- Ji.f.S*""',^! °' Ontario, 1807, chapter 129. that all creditors and others taviuD olaiuis aqamal the estate of the said Patrict Burn, who d ed on or abeut the i-ineteenth day of August 1908, are required on or before tho Mth day of January, 1906, to send by iwat prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Lucas, â- ^Vright & ilcVrd o pw:u Souue, Oiit., 8oHcltor for the adminlstra-' torof the estate of iho said deceaaed, their Ohvlltiau and surnames, addresses and desoriu- tiona, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their aocouut and tho nature of the Boourlties (if any) hold by thcni. Ami further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said aduiiuistiator will proceed to distribute the assets of tho deceased amcngthe parties entitled thuroto, havina re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thornot to auy person or persons of whosj c aim notice »liall not have been rooolved bv bim attho time of auchdiatribntiou. Dated December 17th, A. D. 1907. . r>.,. l'",".*?: ^^'"r''* * McAi-dl.i, Owen Sound. Diit., Holicitois for James Michael Burns, Ad- ' niiulstiatorof tho cttatoof the said deceased ' torehi?d°,»*""-~K"*u'°" '»"». 1 '"•o' wood i«n -^" S"'**- '"eluding 5 acres hard- PHcs^,l VLil'i'*'.'"?'" P^o'o" Station. For lot 73*i4 „*oâ„¢*, "' «»'; 'PPly to Wm. Taylor. ArtomssV " ' ""'^ *" °"'''""" \^ Ceylon's Butcher Shop. All kindi of ftesh antl smolcH ed meats, head cheese, saus- age, always on hand. Cash Paid For Hides. J. McClocklin Ceylon. .» -' t-