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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1909, p. 3

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DISEASE COMES THROUGH THE BLOOD To Cnra Coiman Ailmants llib Blood Must 1)8 Madj EiGh and Esl. Nearly all the diseases that af- flict mankind are caused by bad blood, weak, watery blood poison- ed by inapurities. Bad blood ia the cause of headaches and backaches, lumbago and rheumatism, debil ity and indigestion, neuralgia and other ncTe troubles, and the dis- flguriua skin diseases like eczema and salt rheum that show how im- pure the blood actually ia. It ia no use trying a different medicine for each disease because they all Bpring from one cause â€" bad blood. To cure any of these diseases you must get right down to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is iust what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do. They make new, rich blood. That ia why they cure these dis- «ase8 when common medicines fail. Mr. Henry Baker, Chipman, N. B., says: â€" "About a year ago I was to weak and miserable that I thought I would not live to see Spring again. I could neither work, cui nor sleep. My blood was in a terrible condition. My eatire body broke out with pimples and small boila that would itch and fain and caused me great trouble, went to the doctor and tried s-ev- eral medicines buc to no effect. I wag almost in despair when one day a friend asked me why I did not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 decided to try them and took alto- gether eight boxes. By the time 1 had finished them I was like a dif- ferent man. They not only puri- fied and enriched my blood, but built up my whole system and I have not had a pimple on my flesh nor a sick day since." To enrich the blood you must get the genuine Pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around the box. Sold by ah medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CAPITAL OF AUSTRALIA SITE FINALLY CHOSEN IN THE YASS-CANBERBA COUNTRY. Lies 193 Miles South-west of Syd- neyâ€"An Altitude of 2,000 to 8,000 Feet. Ever since the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed in ISOl, the question of a site for the capi- tal has proved itself a stumbling block. It is now announced that both the House of Representatives and the Senate have agreed upon the Yass-Canberra site. The story of this capital in the wilderness in interesting. When the Constitution was first submit- ted to the Australian people the location of. the capital was left an open qu«stion, but as the fight for and against federation proceeded it became evident that Victoria was certain to secure the prize. The Premier of New South Walca, awakening to the danger, unexpec- tedly withdrew his support from the Constitution to which he had agreed in conference, and the re- sult was that the most powerful colony voted against union. The Premier gained his point and it was conceded that the capital ehoukl be in New South Wales, "at a distance not less than 100 miles froui Sydney." From this vague wording has all the delay arisen. A BUSH CAPIT^l^----- " Both Sydney *iid' Melbourne be- ing barred, a bush capital it was to be. Half the country districts in New South Wales put in claims, while capital site leagues sprang up in scores. Owing to the wide i-auge of the constituencies in Au- stralia most of the Members of Par- liament had not one site to advo- cate but often half a dozen, and as the keenest local jealousies ex- isted their task was difficult. The first attempt to select a site at the end of the first Parliament was in 1903. Failure resulted. The House of Representatives se- lected Tamut, a site close to the Victoria border, about half way between Sydney and Melbourne. The Senate's choice was for Dal- getj', a tiny to^rifhip oa. the Snowy River in the southeast cor- ner of New South Wales and much closer to Melbourne than to Syd- ney. In the next P£...-liament the ques- tion was re-opened and Dalgety secured a majority in both cham- bers. Trouble at once began with the State of New South Wales. It was hotly contested that the spirit of the Constitution had been ig- nored by Parliament and that Vic- toria had duped the House so as to bring this about. The condition that the capital was to be "not less than 100 miles from Sydney" did not mean in the opinion of the dissatisfied residents of New South Wales that a choice could be made' of a spot such as Dalgety, as remote from Sydney as possibla and close to Melbourne. To make matters worse the Fed- eral legislators placed a very liber- al interpretation on the provision that the site area was to embrace "not less than 100 square miles." They boldly declared for 900 square miles, Of "A STATE WITHIN A STATE." The Government of the aggrieved State then fell back on the condi- tion that the site "shall have been granted to or acquired by the Commonwealth," and declined to grant the Dalgety site. The fresh ballot in the Commonwealth Parlia- ment shows that the State has triumphed. The Yass-Canberra site is much closer to Sydney than to Melbourne. Even now the question is not fin- ally settled. Parliament has agreed upon a wide district possessing a number of excellent sites from which a final selection will have to be made. This Yass-Canberra country lies 193 miles south-west of Sydney, its altitude being be- tween 2,000 and 3,000 feet. It em- braces farming and pastoral free- hold lands of fair quality which, when the requirements of the city are satisfied, will be leased to ten- ants. Some years will be occupied in the building of the Parliament, the public offices and the residenc- es for members and officials. The Australians are notoriously lavish in their expenditures on such matters and altogether the city of Canberra is expected to be one of the finest places in the world. ROST CHEEKED fiABIES. Nothing in the world is such a comfort and a joy as a healthy, hearty, rosy-cheeked, happy baby. Babies and young children can be kept in perfect health by giving them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets, which will keep the stomach and bowels in perfect or der. And when sickness comes there is no other medicine will cure the minor ills of childhood as speedily and safely as Baby's Own Tablets. Guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous drug. Mrs. M. Romard, Eastern Harbor, N. S., says: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the various ills from which little ones suffer, and find them a marvellous medicine. Thanks to the Tablets my baby now always enjoys the best of health." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Onta. HARD HITS AT MEN. When a man admits that he is never too old to learn you may be sure that he is getting pretty old. A man usually begins to apprec- iate his wife about the time that ho has killed her appreciation of him. Not one man in ten thousand leaves his impress upon his fellowa, which probably is fortunate for his fellows. Some men achieve matrimony, some men have it thrust upon them, and others are lucky cnoueh to es- cape it altogetuef. What a man knows will some- times make a book, and frequently what he thinks he knows would make an entire library. SX'sS.\x iKiONEY Biliousness Burdens Life. â€" The bilious man is never a companion- able man because his ailment ren- ders him morose and gloomy. The complaint is not so dangerous as it j ih disagreeable. Yet no one need suffer from it who can procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the liver and obviating the eff.^cts of bile in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. STAMPS FOR SOLDIERS. The Italian Government has in- troduced what may be culled "mil- itary picture stamps." Each regi- ment of the Italian ;\rniy is now pi'ovidcd wilh a specially designed stamp for the exclusive use of its own soldiers. Each regiment has its own design. Thus the stamp of one regiment shows a portrait of its colonel, another bears the regi- mental colors, another the regi- mental motto, and so on. The Rus- sian War Office is adopting a sim- ilar idea,, and it is believed that thete stamps at once increase regi- mental esprit do corps and height- en civilian interest in the army. THIS ATHLETE OP FIFTI-TWO YEARS SAYS HE OWES HIS WONDEK- FUL ENERGY TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Was Tortured With Rheumatism and a Crippio Till the Great Kidney Remedy Cured Uim. Six Nations, Ont., Jan. 18 (Special). â€" Fifty-two years of age, but still young enough to captain the lacrosse team, John Silversmith of this place can truly be looked on as a wonderful athlete. One would naturally think ht; was all his life a healthy man. But it was far otherwise, and he unhesitatingly gtat«s that his wonderful pncrgy and vitality are due to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I suffered from Rheumatism for over seven years," Mr. Silversmith says in telling his story, "and it finally made a complete cripple of me. My back was bent nearly dou- ble and when I tried to walk I bad to use crutches. I^atterly I could not get around at all and I suffer- ed excruciating pain. "Two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills gave me relief ; sixteen boxes cured me completely." Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure Rheumatism beuause Lhcumatism is caused by disordered Kidneys and Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure disordered Kidneys. RENEW YOUil YOUTH. Never before has the struggle for social and commercial success been so keen as in our own day, and to the victor and the vanquished alike comes a time when nerves and body cry for rest. Nature and sci- ence have combined to produce an environment wherij tired men and women may renew their joiitli. On the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway System, at St. Catharines, Ontario, is situated "The Wel- land," where the ills of life are alleviated by bathing in the Saline Springs of the "St. Catharines Well," under proper medical super- vision and attendance. Apply to 130 St. James street. Montreal, for booklet and further information. WOULD BE IN AWFUL SHAPE. A woman went to a butcher shop the other day to get a roast of beef. The butcher is a little old man, in- clined to be cranky. He began to cut the roast. She thought he was sawing off too much bone. "That roast will have too much bone in it, I tear," she said. The butcher stopped and sighed. "Madam," he said, "that's the cow's fault. These cows would be in awful shape if they had to r\m around without bones." The woman said no more. Time tries all things, and as Sickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a leading specific in the treatment of all ailments of the throat and lungs. It will soften and subdue the most stubborn cough by relieving the irritation, and resore the affected organs to healthy conditions. Use will show its value. Try it and be convinced of its cflScacy. The teacher was explaining to the class the meaning of the word homicide. "If I went out in a boat," he said, "and the owner knew it was leaking, and I was drowned, what would that he?" Little Willie's hand shot up, and his face was split by an eager smile. "Please, sir, a uoliday, sir." he said. Ohlldran Will 0> SMsMng. Th«; cnme horn* ooTor»d with snow. H»!f a t««.spioiiJuI nt Pain- killer In hot »WMt«n»il wat«r will proTant any UlaSBctt. ATold auhit!ttito<, tliern ia but ou* "VftiakilUr"â€" P»rrj DavU'â€" J5c. aud SOo. FOUL PLAY. Two Irishman were asking each other conundrums one day, and when their supply ran out Pat sug- gested that they should make tome up. "All right," said Mike. "Here's one. Phwhat id thot goes around a barn-yard in feathers and on two legs and barking like a dogl" "My, thot's hard. I give it up,'' answered Pat, after some moments of thinking. "Phwat's the an- swer?" "A chicken." "My, that's foine ; but how'd the barking of a dog get in there?" inquired Pat. "Oh, I just put that in to make it harder." A Woman's Sympathy Are you dlscouraeed? Is your doctor's bill a heavy nnam-lal load? Is your pain a heavy phyeltal burdenT I know what these mean to dellcato women â€" I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to euro myself. 1 want to relieve your bur- den0. Why not and tho pain and slop the doctor's bin? I can do this for you and WlU \t you will assist me. All you need do )* to writs for a free bos of the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will euro yon â€" It Ii.ts done to for others. If ho. I ahall be happy and you will be cured for 2o fthe co?t of & postage stami)). Tour letters hi-ld rond- dentlallv Write to-dnv for my frfe treat- ment. MRS. F. E CURilAlI, Windsor, Ont. OVER THE LIMIT. Crawfordâ€" -"Do you ever try flat- tery on your wife!" Crabshaw â€" "Yes, and it always works except when she wants a new gown and I tell her she looks charming in her old one." Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. HOW DO YOU SLEEPI Sow Different Nations of the Earth Pass tlic Night. The ordinary Canadian, in order to sleep well, likes to have a soft pillow under his head. The Jap, stretching himself out on a rush mat on the floor, puts a hard block of wood under his head, and is sleepless without it. The robust man of this country likes to have the window open at night-time, both summer and win- ter. The Russian, on tho contrary, likes no sleeping-place so well as the top of the big stove in his do- micile. The Laplander crawls, head and all, into a bag of reindeer-skin ; and often the East Indian follows a similar custom, using, however, a more porous bag. This, it should be explained, is intended as a pro- tection, not from cold, but from mosquitoes. The German likes to have a fea- ther covering, as w«ll as to lie on a feather bed. The Chinaman pre- fers a low couch, scarcely above the level of the floor. The people of Northern countries prefer to sleep where there is plenty of room in which to stretch ; while the inhabitants of the tropics are prone to curl themselves up iu a suspended hammock. Diversity of method in sleeping! Aftfr this, we should think so. Always a Good Friend.â€" In health and happiness we need no friends, but when pain and pros- tration come we look for friendly aid from sympathetic hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rubbing in Dr. Thomas' Eclectiic Oil, for when the Oil is in the pain is out. It has brought relief tu thousands who without it would be indeed friendless. Teacherâ€" "Yes, children, when the war broke out all the able-bodi- ed men who could leave their fami- lies enlisted in the Army. Now, can any of you t«ll me what motives took them to the front?" Bright Boy (triumphantly) â€" "Locomo tives." There Is No 8uoh TliInK at a hannteo ennth. The trouble Koe* from h'Atl to worse un.ttis ch»i:i[. ed Allen's l.ung nalsaiu cures the wnrvt of •oidi. It allajri InBammatiou and eUan the air pasMcei. When a woman has ocoasion to visit her poor relations she .ihvnys likes to talk about the trouble she has with her hired girl. â- â€¢ Substitute for "The T) A V Menthol Planter, altlioiiKh SOU19 unsorupiiloui dealers may say theie I, Kecommeniled l>y ductors, lio.pitaU, olergy and everjbudy lur pleurisy, iliflnesi, ato. Sniggins (angrily) â€" "Do you know that your chickens ooine ever to iny yard?" Snooks â€" "1 supposed that t/icy did, for they never come back again." A lady writes: "I was enabled to 'remove the corns, root and branch, by tho use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it I have the same experience. Amongst the stories which ex- President Roosevelt is most fond of telling is one connected with an cpen-air reception held at Syracuse a year or two ago. A tall negro pushed his way forward through the crowd and eagerly grasped the ex-President's hand. "Yo' an me war bo'n on the same day, Mistah Roosevelt!" the darky said, enthu- siastically. "De-lighted indeed to hear it !" the ex-President respond- ed, warmly, taking a fresh grip of the black hand and laughing heart- ily. "So vou and I were born on the same day? Well, well!" "Yo' am fo'ty-seven yeahs old, suh ?" "I sm." waa the answer, "An' yo' w3rT)o'n on October 17th, 1853!" "Yes." "Ya-as, suh," then ex- claimed the darky, shaking with rapture ; "ya-as, suh, Mr. Roose- velt, yo' an me is bofe twins!" She â€" "I see where a fellow mar- ried a girl ou his death-bed, just 80 she could have his millions when he was gone. Could you love a girl like that?" Heâ€" "Where does she live?" I Gentleman Lodgerâ€" "I say, Mrs. Napper, 1 don't care for your ba- 'con this n.orning! It doesn't seem ] fresh." Mrs. Napperâ€" "Very 'strange, sir! The shopman said it I was only cured last week. ' Gen- 1 tleman Lodger â€" "Well, it must have had a relapse." ISSIE Na. «-•». Profe.ssional Faster â€" "I should like to undertake a fast of four weeks in this show of yours. How nnali will ymi pay nie?" Show- man--"! can't give you any salary, but I will pay for your keep." Useful at all Times.â€" In winter or in summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irregularities of the digestive organs which change of diet, change of residence, or variation of temperature- may bring about. They should be always kept at hand and once their beneficial action be- comes known, no one will be with- out them. There is nothing n.'iuse- atiiig in their structure, and the most delicate can use them conti- dcntly. Mistress (to new servant) â€" "AVe have breakfast generally about eight o'clock." New Servant â€" "Well, mum, if I ain't down to it, don't wait." a Hanging Oough driT«<i alsop ani anmfort aw»T Vun cun oonqiior it witli Allen's I.un; Baliitn which rolle»6s hard lii«ulliing, pain In Uie and Irrltiitloo of the throat. Uire It freely to the children. ENOUGH SAID. "\ man took $11 away from ane last night." "Have anything against yoi. »" "Yep ! a six-shooter." Paper-hangings for walls were introduced into Europe from the East in 1675. ^^liE^ The tallest masts of sailing-ves- sels vary from 100 feet to 160 feet in height. OAI If CO Ralat Tbcm without .MilU. IjAL iLO UooklM rnse. ""â- "â-  *** â- uel«Brlc:tSM<10o..Ltd.,Tor»r.te WANTED. Agents, Stores, everywhere ; hand- some profits ; sell our perfect, brass, kerosene, mantle, t.ible- Inmp ; hanging or bracket-lamp; 100 candle-power ; % kerosene used ; a wonder ; sells on sight ; re- tails $3.50. WEBSTER SPECIALTY CO.. AVaiorbury, C onn. A- J. PATTISON&CO. 33-33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stook Broksrs & Fin&nolal Agsnts and otb«r »tockB b^mcht aii<l s<>lil .•!• cxiti mission. Corr«*puDd«uo« tarittU. Ordou iu^i b« wirtdak Cold'Sores Are your hands chapped, endkti, or sore? Have you "cold cracks" which open and bleed when the skin b drawn tJgbC ? Have you a cold sore, frost bite, dtilMaiiu, or a "raw" jftece, which «t> times mokes it agony 'for you to go abaat> your household Idacies? If so. Z,«in-Buk wOl give yon reUef, and wiU heal Lbe fraM-dam«S«4 «kin. Anoint, the sore places at night. jZam-Buk's rich healing esssnoes will s<nk into the wounds, end ths sasrt- ins* xxi will heal quickly. Read this Lad^s Experience. Mrs. Yellen, of Portlsnd, sayB;â€" " I consider it only my dntjr to tell yofl iof the great beneSt I hare deriTed froia iZam-Uuic. My bands were so sere sad jcnMsked that it was agony to pot thea [near wster. When I did so they would smsrt and burn as if I lisd scalded theia 1 seemed quite unable to get relief from snythios I put on them until 1 tried Zam-Buk and it auoceeded wben all else had fsiled. It closed the big cracks, ga,y« me ease, soothed the infiammatioD, and ia a rery sliort time healed mj hands oompletelv. It ia a wonderftu healer and should; be in erery home." ^am-Suk iilto evrft ehx'f^, rashes, trIiiMr ertrtnu. ]4lti. uietr^ .fisUrins •ores, sore /uaiti niui 6ac*i. aiietn's, ijimpUs, hns-irerm. tic. cuts, bumi, liruUei. tcitdt. .irirnlni. Vstd as an intin- emUsn. it currs riieiintatltm teitiua. luumlfi*. etc Of ali drit'ji/isti uni I'.ortt, or post A« tom JV r/im-Btik Co. Tarmla. Pr ie* U) c. a l>ftU I 'or t'-.U. I imBuk LADIES' . . . ** Vu^Vs- Oi* b* 4aD< parlactit kj oar fMiMh rroauL Tit IS SSiriSM »ME«I«<M DYSIMO CS. BOXTSBAfk XOROMTU OTTAWA a QUIBCa I All ths Strength ;of Prima Ox Beef is Concentrated in Bourll. BOVRIL \fi palatable, very nourishiug» and easily digested. It ia no trouble to prepare. A spoonful of BOVRIL stir- I rod into a cup of boiling I water is the finest tonic and I pick- me- np. BOVRIL [3 LigUID LIFE Josh B'Ulngii, tlie qnitinb fthiloscuber whose luux- m^ aro (nil of liomely wiedoui, onoeEaid : "Thu lonKer I li^o the m"re I iMlleve a tfond eet of l>ow- oli ar« worth more itinn » Kood >el }( brains.' Celury KIiiK makcR cood bowels. 25 cents, nt deal- ers or bf mail. S. C Wella A Co., Toronio. BUV SHAnit IN THI HST MINE m Canada's Greatest Cold Camp "SHKBP CRKBK," »ito»t«d •om« «« •"i.'e* I .«ulh o< NeUon, cwi umlnubudljf claim thl« dii- , ' tinclii.n. OiiB >«ar» J«velopm»iit has nro<Jac«d ; tour mines, the creatett of which i> the â- 'Nugget. . In one rear this raise has taken out during de- ; filopment <.ier 1(111,(100 In gold, aclually paymg fur iUelf and Ilia work dope. A F'lur !«arap .Mill li now ill iiperaHoii, i>r..diiciug froni the eecond ' trade ore ab>'iit »in,0(K) per month. Some »6flO,O00 worth of ore i« now blocked out. and we ran aale ; ly nredli-Hliere will be oT«r a million nextsyrlnii- , To olTeot ofonoroic work it la necessary to «,ect a larger mill and tramway. For tlile pur- n,ij8 :i bloJk of J6,iKH) sharer. \v now offered to the miblli' at 7Sc per ihare. We inTile fnlleat in?ei- i ! tigati.>ii. I MiaHTOM * OAVANAUSH, Drawer 1082, >'BI-'30N, aC i Bend for (free) Catalogue No. 75. Tho BEU- PIANO «OrAan Co.. DmiT-sd GU CLPH.ONTARKJ, BUOIvBHS, â- XtsASW m'XTStStn Mhipmeiit^ to us this year, to date, almo»t oulife lait ye.»r. IHRRB'S A RSAMOM. Over two hundred trappers and Ahlppert who had prevlouily shipped aiideJ Vo our llet. W H V NOT YOV T We pa? elsewhere nare been bent prices, shipping expense] and remit oaeb xarae day. Frloe lint on application. A. & e. PIEROE & OO.. M9 3:. I'AUL St., MO.NTRfiA.1/. HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. â- ins eompleted. mining this faigiiii itals, A new tOAlu.e i« Sae SflUiiiil A majalflRent len-stiry Bns-proof addition is tost hoit hoetelrr the newest and mjil up to-date of AtlauMo City ujts sixe of the bed rooms, areragiug i0 feet square. jttery r.iom ooma»and» an ocean tIsw, bith attached with sea and frs h water Chen'. glais in erery chambar. r»w?orature rejaUtet by 1 the late t deraUp j»;il '• steaa heating, le.eph >ne in erery room. OoU priTiUie.. Capaoity HOA Wtilefoi iUuitr.tea DOOKlet. CHARLE3 O. MARQURTTE, Manbgcr. TRAY.rrOnS MOTEL COnPANY, U. S. WniTii, Pres.acn!. â- "*• ^f* "M^tj #» ew« '«'"Mr<^«"Mty»^iWi^«(/rt;A«y?S]^i

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