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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1909, p. 4

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I HI ' i| » M >»••«¥" i mi i»*» ii i ' l« n «»â€"<i<i '^n^'mwmlf^'^ Janiakv 14 li>OS» THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE ^v / FTJii&ai i -â- -- OUR GreaterJanuarySale Fnr Tho Navt PlHoon Hqwc ^^^ P"^ "" ""â- ' Annual Januarj Clearing Sale I Ul I lie nCAl I IllCCIi Uayo previous to stock-taking, when we will sell many lines of (lepentiable merchandise at prices in many cises that represent a big loss ^ and are much below wholesale cost of goods, but this is our way of doing as we like to start every season with bright, fresh new goods. This we believe, is good business. We never do anything for effect. That is one reason why you never see tho front of our store all placarded with bills; that is the very rea^n we don't tell you that we are going to close our store for any particular day to niftrk down goods. This is what we call doing things for effect. Anything we do must have good sound business .reasons for it. Com- petition is the barometer of trade merchandising and you may always depend that we are always willing to meet b(;,»on hand early. Compare our prices and qualities in this sale with what you can do anyvJiere and we will bo satisfied. Sale Comrpences Wednesday mornisig, January 6th, and Our Sto-r^ is the Largest in Markdale. DURING SALE Our Lidicd FJluclric Seal Cnat with Mink Mi.riii'>t collar niul trimniin'.'x. pntin lined. UeKiilnr price $35.t»0. .J.inimry Sale price $15.00 One tallies' l' Electric Si-itl Con', M.msrt fruiit, with xirJlc, satiti lintil. Ilegular price f3D (H). .Iniiuaiy Snle price $16 CO One Ludies' UiHck Curl .Shi't-pskiii Coat, Kariiicr siitiii lined and <|uilted. a very warm ijiid exce|)tiun»l gucid wu«rin„' ci>a', reitulai $14 I'lU. Jitiiuary h»1i- price $7.7i> 12 Li»<ii(M' llUck Aiiiracliiiii Kiir ContH, huiiio aatin lined, some KariiuTs' satiti lined, re'.'uliir $2i5, JHO and 140 value, .lanuary Side t)rici', 2.') per cut. less ihin tlie>o pric.'». 2o p. c. Di-scoiuit offall Funs in .stock. Tlii? nieaiK that cvcrythinii wc have in Fiira ia reduced in pricejJwnnjr-tW Sale. Vmi can l)uy Ciilierines, Stules, J^uflsTMitia and Firr OUfT, at one quaiter lifs limn reyulnr pricea. One 1.,'trlieK' Fur Lined (wipe. Ions leni^th, Ri|nirrol lined, Idack Tibet fur o'lar. IWg. $15,00. f. r $8.60 MEN'S FIH CO.VTS UEDUCED. One Mi'ii's Ixat ipiality Canadi'in Cnon Conlfwiih liest llii- inifi and triniininuK, run. ^"^ "^ \»Iiio, on nhIu fir . . $.54.00 $-.iO.(KI IVftck Chint Dnu Skin .."i.ata on Sale for $10.00 »2B.(K) HIack Cliina Doa Skin Coala on Sale fur $10.(M} $36.00 lien I i|ualily Black CulfCHii'a black uN'rachuii collar. Ona;tle for $27 00 $36.00 beat quality Kusaian llurHe HiduCuala in dark lirown |»elt, soft as a ylove. Sale price $'26,00 LADIES FALL AND WINTER BLOUSES. We have in slock alwut 100 Lidiea Fun. Cimtinnes, lustre and Hannel l.liiuKea, oonie are made in the (dain tduated style, s(.me have fancy linings and biaid trlrninii,i>8," some have Inni; sleeves. »oine aie J length sleeves, and all are 81.2y. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 values, and nil colors are iiicludi'd, cieani, white, l.l.ick, brown and grfen, al80 navy bl'ic. Durinj? January Sale, choice for 88 Prices Ucduced on Mantles 22 only Jjidies Tweed Manillas, li|{1il and medium colnra, all sizes, G4, 36, 3« and 40 Keaular $7 50, $8.50 $0.60 and "VrO.OO Coats. January Sale pricR, choice for $;t.08 ].4.oidy L.'idies Fii;e Black and Brown Coatv stylos, ^being our regular $8.50. $9.ri0, $10.00 and $10.50 Coals. J&nuary Sale price, lo clear $0 60 40only Ltdieo' short Mantles. These are not new u|i-to-date Hlylea, but thef are costs that represent aellin(t value in them of $6.00, $7.00 and $8.(X). The price we are «flVriii« tlioni does not cover the ciwt of making. Vour cln.ioe durinif our January Sale for 75o Gent.s' Furni.sbings Reduced 12 down Fine Fleece Lined Shirts and Dra<»er», men's, rea. UOo. value. During Junuaiy Sale I'l*'! 14 dozen Heavy Klastic Hibbed Shirts and Drawora, regular 76 and 86c. vglupi). Durinu ShU-, per Knrinenl 48c. 10 dozen Qent'a Ties, neirly all stylia, 25 au 1 a&c. value Diiriiiit our January Sale lie. You can have your choice of any 60c Tie in our store duriiio! the Sale foi :'6c HOUSEFURNISHINQ DEPT. All Prices Keduced. 10 dozen ylain Shades, in green and creom colors. During .January Kale 2(lc. 100 yards Heavy Linoleum, two yard* wide, ropular ll5o. yard Dutinu January Sale, price per yd Ouc. All Carpet Reninania from 1 lo 20 yards on aale during January Sale at 26 per cent off rcvular prices. All Prints Reduced As Follows: Rex. 10c. Prints reduced during January Sale 7ic. lief. 12(0. Prin's reduced during January Sale to Olc. 1200 yards wide Flannelette in slripa, during Sale 7ir. eOO yards 40 and 46o. Table Linen, ddring Sale fur 80 o Fine Botony Wool Blankets Keduced. 30 pairs 6ne Rotnny Wool Rlankets, liiiht weight, silk bound, uood large aizoi. On s-tle during January Sale Ht per IMir $1.08 Staple Prices Reduced. coo yauls ."ic. Chocked Olass lowrullin^r, Sale price .Ic 500 yards 10c Roller Towolliny, Sale price yd ' " 7Jc'. Buy Your Trimmed Millinery Now- VVImt wf lia\o in Trininifd Millinery is nil tliii seasons new- est ntyles iird are i nr regular line of best unodshnd were not intenJed to l.e»ohl Ht reduced prices, but hi- lnvo some I vrelity Uiit. left. I'iike your choice during January ,it just Half Price. Miss Sttin still in chartje. Crockery Specials on Sale l')0 doz-n \Vhito Cnps and Saucrs, heavy delph, roguliir Kt niiil !K)o\ uiluis. I)uriii;{ Jamiaiy Sale, pi r dozen 68o. 5 CJhina Tea .Sets of 6li pieces in best (iennaii Chiiui, regular $5 DO and lii(>.85 per s-t Duiinu sale, set for $4.85 5 .Si'ini- I'orc.'lain Dinner fSetn. nieoly docoratcd, 07 pieces to the Set, roBular $0.85 and $7.50 per set. During Janu .iry sale, p r sot $5.1M) 10 Toilet .Sets of 10 pipios. with plain cold decor- ations, new lustie ware, ri-gnhr $«.~5 v.due. Durinu our January sale, pel set of 10 pieces $2 85 Grocery .Specials during .ramiary Sale Canno.l Peas. Canned Corn and Canned Tonialoes on sale at per tin '. 7io l2bnrsJiuld Soap for 25,, lO cases Com Starch at per jiackaae (j 4O cases Canned Salmon at per tin , . . lOu 4 pounds new s deet Raisins for 25c KKtracts. all flavors, per bottle y^. Wjiy's Mufflers for Men Red need 75 only fine wool Mufflers in Way's style, in pliiin knit ami lioiioy coirb stitch, the kind you always pay 60 and 75c. for. Durinkt our January Sale, price 335 January Sale Prices In Ladies Dress Skirts. 25 only Lidies' Tweed Skirts in dark an 1 light colors, button and raised seam iiiiiiinings, \aluod up tu $4.60. On sale during Jnnuiuy Sale for .... 2.48 27 only Ladioa' Fancy Skiits with braid and pleated tiimm- ings, handsomely made, $4.50, $6.60 and $G.0O values. During .laiiuaiy Ssle clearini; for. . . .' $;i.75 15 iinly Ladies Tweed Skirts, button triinniing.*, a'so pleated tiiniiiiinvs, being $275, $;).00and $'t.5U Skiits, During our January Sale, your choice for $1,!(8 Boys And Men'.s Clothing Reduced During January Sale. 75 pairs Men's Fine Tweed Pants, also heavy frieze and full cloth lines, regular $1,60, $1 76 and $2 IM) linis. During our January Sa'e, priee per pair $l.So 25 pairs Men's Ligld. Weight Tweed Pants, diirk and liylit cidors. regular $1.00, $1.10 and $1.26 values. During Jan- uary Sale, price per pair 880. .16 only Men's Heavy Pea Jackets, in blue heaver, black and blue and giey friezes, regular $3 76, $4.00 and $4.60 value. During our .laiinary Sale, price $;i.2fl All Men's and Roys' suits reduced durins tho Sale, All Men's and Boys' Oveinoats reduced during the Sale, Got our January pricei un Suits and Overcoats. They are interesting. Ladies Vests Reduced. 150 Ladies Fine Knit Vrsta, 26 and .33o. values. During our January Sale, per Rarmeut 171,.. To more than meet competition we have cut prices wide open. Wo have not gone to any great expense to tho sale, feeling that it was unnece.ssay,that the values wo are offering will accomplish this for u.s; feeling that our best efforts have been put forward to make this sale one of the biggest raicce.sses and the values the best that have evor offered in Markdale. We would ativise you to shop early, and tho highest niarke prices will bo paid for produce during this sale, so bo on hand earlv. TERMS OFSALEâ€" SHIICTLY CASH OR TRADE. F. T. HILL & Co. Markdale. Ts publUhed every Thursday at $1.0o ptt annuni if |iaid in advance, tl.Gc if nut so paid A U-MOB0U8 SITUATION Tlie Siiperintcndeiit of Education and the editor of the new school readersare Usmonstti, but not hum- orists of the Josh Billings class. They purpose retaining in the new rcaderii the letter " u " in its many useless forms. Dr. ISeath uses what lie calls logical arguraeiics in favr.r of its retention, bnt the most illogical of tbese is the argnmeut that because the United States had dropped the " u " Canada should not do so. Another of Lis illogical arguments is that Canada siiould not initiate such a reform until the mother country adopts it. Canada has not waited for the mother country in adopting its monetary system. Our currency is the same as that of the United States, and who would have it otherwise? Many other reforms and customs have also been adopted in Canada without asking the pleasure of Great Rritaiu in the matter. This country is old enough now to suggest national reforms and to put them into practise as a proof of its wisdom. It was in Canada that the movement for closer trade relations with the mother country began, and the result has been gratifying. If Canada waits until Great Britain gives consent to initiate her reforms she will hlagnate. And this letter " u " is superfluous and is not wanted â€" neither will it be used by the public at Urge, even though it be included ill the readers. It is a licile too late to make the insertion of that letter a popular move. We iiave been dropping the letter for a long time, now, in everyday life, and only the older people remember that it's use was ever held necessary. We consider the Roosevelt spelling too drastic a change, but that " u " is the limit in the other diicction. A RANK MAIL SERVICE In coiiseqneiicc of new postal orders and a clmnoe in postal arrangements between Flcsilicrton and Durham, the postal coiiinuinication between this villiigc and Triccvillc is of a most un- satisfactory nature. It now takes two days to get a letter ft cm Fleslierton to Priceville. In order lo get a letter acr38s five - mile stretch of CDnutry on any given day it must be posted tlie uiglit before. The same necessity prevails at Priceville when writing to Flesherton. With the beginning of the year only one mail is carried each way on the rail- way and it makes business matters most annoying. Previous to this a letter could be sent to Priceville und au unswor received the same day. Now it takes two days, as we have Slid. If the postal authorities think tho business men of this section will tamely submit to such an imposition without a vigorous kick they arc very much mistaken. Priceville people tell us that the bundle of last week's Advances did not reach there until Saturday ! These were mailed here Tliursday forenoon. Three days to go five miles .' And a daily mail ser^ vice over the route, too. But that is tlio kind of postal accommodation we lire getting put np to us now. We beg to enter tho strongest kind of pro- test against this degenerate mail ser- vice and hope the business men of b.ith villages will back us up. What we want is a renewal of the noon service direct from Pticevillo to this atation, which would relieve condi- tions to a cortain^xtent. The rank railway connection at this end of the Walke<-tou line is responsible far enough hard language without iTdding tj tho (juantity by giving theC. P. R. our mails to cairy over this route. Frionda in town roceived the aad news nil Tuesday nf the dea'h of Mr Clinton Adair iit Grand Valley. The deceased lived in Dundalk for aoine years up tolaat sprint; when he and hia father purchaswl a photograph husineas in Grand Valley and the family iniived thete. Two or three innnlha ag I he wag stricken with ('iinHiMnptinn and hia decline has been rapid. Much aymiwthy i<< f.h hero for the aorrowinif family as ho waa their tnaiu Riippiirt and a steidy induatriona youne man. lie was t\venty-on« years of a.e. â€"Dundalk Herald. F.vdjMjjchniiiniiro reported to have Woir Troz 11 lu di-iiuTniiil of EJnioiiton. ( Drowned At Owen Souiul. Owen .Sound, Jan. 10.â€" Breaking t hrough the ice while akating on the l>ay here this afternoon was the caune of one death and the nirrow escape of another. Roliett Hammond, an employee of the Keenan wood ware factory, aged 20, in coinijany with Miss Margaret Lynvh, were skating together in a crowd, when the ice gave way and precijiitated them into water little more than three feet in depth. The youn^ man sprang out on the edge of the ice, and was attempt ing to pull hia c ompunion out when the ice gave way. Other young men jumped in to their aariutance, and got the young woman out. but before they could get Hammond out lie becayic unconacioua, and slipped from their graap, and sank into water about six feet deep. The rescuers wore no be- numbed that they could not continue the attempt at rescue, and Hammond's body was not found until half an hour later. The young man's parents reside near Jones' Falla, three miles from Owen Sound, and a brother was one of the Canadian South African contingent who lost bis life in the Boer War. Centre Grey Conservatives The annual meetintt of the Libora!- Conservative Assnciatii-n of East and Centre Grey was held at Markdale, Thurs- day. The attendance was very large and ropresonlative. The following were elect- ed officer* for the ensuint; year: President, Dr. J. C. Campbell; Vice-President, N. L. Curry; Secre'ary, W. Turner; Treas- urer, W. J. Shortill: Auditors, John Lyons and C. W. Rutledje. "Vice- presidents for the different municipalities weiealao chosen. Short addresses on the public questions of the day were jjiven by Dr. Sproulc, M. P. ; I. B. Lucas, K. C , M. P. P.; and Messrs. Dr. Ego. 8 J. McKuight, Geo. Mitchell, Joe Forpuson, W. J. Shortill, M. Armstrong and J. R. Fawcetl. Votes of conlidence and appreciation weie unanimously pass- ed, endorsing both Mr. R. L, B.rdt.11 and Sir Jas. P. Whitney, and also Mr. I. B. Lucas and Dr. Sproule. As lias be.'n customary, the members • upplied supper for all delegates present fnmi a distance. The folloaing vice presidents were appointed: Euphrasia, Jas. Erakine; Osprey, Jns. W. Gamcy; Holknd, A. Gillespie; Artemeaia, H. McLoughiy; Collinnwood, \V. .S. Ahercroinbie ; Sullivan, Jon. Thompson; Chatsworth, Win. Bieese; Proton. Jts. Oorbclt; Thorn bury, M. Sne'sliiger; Dundalk, S. Bell; Markdale, O. Walker. Mrs. Kie, an old lady of 7«1 who resi dcd with her son, Wiiliani, on the 8lh con. of Eiireniont, suddenly. W h-n her sou reiurned to the oftor doinit Ins inorniiif; work at tho bjrn he found' his mother lying on the fjoor partly; dre»8e<l and in an unconscious condition' from which hho nev^r rallied, breathing her shortly afterward. 1 Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Osprey Agricultural Society will be held in the y. Orange hall, Feversliam, on Friday, Ju^ '23nd, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the Dufpoe* of receiving and passing on the annual report, election of oHicecs for the ensuing year, and tho transaction of such other bu.sinese deemed necessary in the inter- eat of the focieiy. J. A. KERXAHAN, vSecretary. Dated at Fevibsham, Jair. Otb, 1909. Notice Of Annaal Meeting. The annual nieetii>g of the nbareholdeia of the Osprey Farmer's Milling Co. (Limit«d) will ho held in the Orange Hal in the village of Feveraham, on Tuesday, the lOih day of January, A. D. 1909, at t o'clock p. ni. for the purpose of receiving and passing on the annual financial state- ment of the Board of Directors, Electing a Botird uf Directors and such other officers required by law for the enauing year, and such other business as required either by the Company or law. W. G. ALISTER, Secretly. Dated at Feversham 6th day of Jantiary, 1909, A. D. Nbticeof Annual Meeting Notice is hereby givan that the annaal meeting of shareholders of the llleaber- tun Hotel Company, Limited, will b« held at the Park House, Flexhertoti, osi Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1909, at o«e o'clock, afternoou, Bl'SINBSS lâ€"To receive the report of Directoia for tha past year. 2â€" To elect Directors for the eniuing year. 3â€" To make necessary arrangements m cinnection with the Hotel premises. 4â€" Any other competent business. By order of Board of Directors. E. C. MURRAY, Secretary. F. G. KARSTEDT, Pn». flesherton, Jsn. 9th, 1909. Auditors Report Re Fleslierton Citizens Band fro* Nov. 25th, 1807, to Jan. 9th, 1909. BECEIPTS Bdlnnce on hand as per last audit 9 8 8S Coucerls, garden parties etc 88 24 Donations and Subscriptions 85 85 Band engafemenis lOB 28 Total 1289 18 EXPENDITURE Livery rigs 17 CD rtent for hall 12 00 Stove-pipe.s, Coal, wood, etc 10 88 Band instruments and music..... 85 8t Mr. Tncker's instrument, f47 cash »2.i 72 09 Electric liiilii aad installii.u 11 50 Band members for eiif;a<>enicnt.'(. . 19 25 Expenses, re concerts and garden paity 49 87 Frintint;, phoning, etc 9 79 Balance on hand 1 CO Total 8289 IS We, 'he undersiffiied. having been af»- pointed .-xuditorb, Knd the Treasurer'a lio.)k» correct, showing a balance on band of one dollar ($1.00.) Wn» HFATH 1 JOHN RU.NSTADTLER/Aulitoa. m OUR SALE Will coMinue until Thurs- day night, January 21st. Up till that time we will continue to offer our goods at greatly reduced prices. Don't fail to take advan- tage of this opportunity of buying goods cheap. i J. & W Boyd. * li I « If ^"^^^i^i^im^mm^mmi^m^mmm

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