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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1909, p. 3

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NEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK GIRLS \ i t i4 J- r ,/* â- yMf ClD^te Bad Tliroagli the Eich, Red Blood Mads by D". WiUiams' Pini Fills. There comes a time in the life of dlmost every girl when sickness attacks her. The strain upon her blood supply is too great, and there comes headaches *nd backaches, Ipsa of appetite, attacks of dizzi- ness and heart palpitation, and a general tendency to a decline. The only thing that can promptly and speedily cure these troubles is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This is the only m«dicin« that actually makes new, rich, red blood and a plenti- ful supply of rich blood is the one tfcirg needed to maintain the health of growing girls and women of M,OM WITHOUT BREAKFAST. Sad Stale of Affairs in the World's Metropolis. A few weeks ago, while the Chris- tian world was making ready for the coming of Christmas time, Lon- don's Board of Education appro- priated J25,000 for the purpose of feeding hungry school children. The board estimated that 50,000 children were going to school each morning without breakfast. Only a short time before, Man- chester unveiled a costly monu- ment commemorating an act of bravery in the Boer war, for which Corporal Pitts received the coveted Victoria Cross. Almost at the moment of the un- veiling, when silver-tongued ora- tors were extoling his deed. Cor- poral Pitts, overlooked or forgot- ten, battered into surrender by the ; blows of an unkind fate, was plying for admission into the Black- burn almthonre. HEBE'S A MESSAGE TO ALL WOMEN MADAME LETOURXEAU TELLS THEM TO USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Read Whj She Gives This Advice and How She was Relieved oi Her Sniterings. St. Paul du Buton, Montmagny Co., Que., Jan. 11 (Special).â€" It is a message of hope thct Madame F. X. Letuurneau of this place sends j to the sufiering women of Canada. "After my last child was born," I she states. BY BEING FIRED. ' 'Ruggles, how did you catch that coldl" "Well, I'll tell you, Ramage. I lost my job the other day. It was the first time such a thing had ever happened to me, and I got kind o' reckless, you know, and exposed myself, and â€" and â€" " "I see. You caught it ta the first bounce." Hard and soft corns cannot with- stand Holloway's Corn Cure; it is effectual every time. Get a bottle at once and be happy. RAW FURS-HIDES Wrtim lor WaaUiy Pri«« Lists. JOHN HALLAM Shipmsitts Solicitatf. TORONTO. ONT. A PERFECT FOOD. . , I suffered with Kidney jj_. I Disease which developed into Rheu- bas had possession matism. Sciatica and Backache. Hover five years. In the thieves' Milk taken every morning and j evening in conjunction with Orange , Meat supplies the most perfect and CURIOUS RUSSL\N LAW. evenly-balanced food the human I, • . , .-Li , subject can secure. They are flesh Russia has a law which to out- f^^„ ^eat makers in the right -ide observers seems almost to put ; nroDortions I ^ premium on theft by which ,to-|P /^ additional reward is offered len goods become the property of j ^^ persistent users of Orange Meat. ; I A payment of fifty-two dollars a ' i year during lifetime, or seven hun- the thief if he can prove that he j of them TOBACCO HABIT 1>T. McTa^j^art'i i'>hmreo r«ni«*i/ r«iiuiv«s all d«^ir« fir tha if««d ia » /«w day*. A T«x*labl4 iD*Jicifi«. JiBii aaJj retiiiir«9 t /uming tb* wii(iU LIQUOR HABIT Mirrgilias r«saft: from taktH( his nmuAr taf tb* iiqii'ir tLibit. SaJ* ^xi iii*sp«a<iT« hoauf tr««tu«at ; ao hTT^'ttlmcmm in^vcuooa. ao publi- city, aa lt>aa uf Uui« fruin bu^iuaae, asd a cu.** •e.'lAia. AdinmoT eoiualt Dr. McIauM*. TS Yongj StnMC. Toroat j, Cj â- I women _- mature years. The truth of this j Recent investigations n-a<'e by statement is proved in the case of .Lord ^o^thcllffe s newspapers show Miss Esther E. Sproule, Trueman- »n appalling state of aff-iirs In viUe, N. 6., who says: "At the ; Glasgow alone 25,000 heads of fami- nge of sixteen years I left my coun- lies are unemployed, unable to get try home to attend high school, work, bimilar conditions are re- The close confinement and long *^eal£a. 'P «*â- Â»'?«• ."ties. hours of study nearly broke me Official statistics show that tnerc down. My blood supply seemed to 1 are 7S6,2S7 registered paupers in be deficient, and I grew pale and London; it is estimated that there depresiipfj. I was dizzy nearly all ! «rc 50,000 empty dwelling houses the time, and pimples broke out ; there. ... on r.iy face. I was altogether in London is a city of sharp con- » miserable condition and it seem- trasts. It is put down as P'-fb^^ly; diseased Kidnevs ed impossible for me to continue! the wealthiest city m the ^orld ; for j^l'^aja «"r« diseased h-idneys my studies unless I found a speedy; example. Its property »s insured * I tried several tonics pre- ajamst fire for over f 5:«O3,003,OOO. | Mrs. Blotter (of a literary turn) -I , . . - 1 • t I- I dred dollars in Cash will be paid was fearfully nervous. My limbs j market-wnich is, of cour«! been- ^ ^^^ ^ winning the first prize 1 were heavy and I had a dragging sed by the police-goods that ad- ] f^ the Orange Meat contest. Full sensation across the loins and pains I mittedly nave been stolen (more WANTED to ^â- vmffiAn in the back of my head and through : than five years before) are openly f^^^j -^ ^ package of Orange the eyes. I was a perfect wreck. | offered for sale, and the place is^- • 'Chancing to read that my svmp- i a veritable Mecca for the light-fin- toms were those of Kidney Disease ' g^red gentry and their enterpris- I particulars on .Pla"<=«-i'«;Meat. private post card ia C»Md» «M I fill i»3 pn Mcatll tad mxjmaam* t* ffc* <imj. t'«Hi]P the jm n.L.aa . •i:!Vtt-y Q«w pUa ; Be «»^enebcfl xwjiumk Writ, for psmctLm. â- OTAl. ISISEBT t} I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills and began to improve almost at once. Six boxes worked a complete cure." Diseased Kidneys are the cause of nine-tenths of th? ills that make j ing friends, as also for the more honest members of sc>ciety, who se- cure many a tempting bargain. "Flavia Flipps is the most re- markable girl I know." "In what life a burden to so manv women : respect J" "Why, there isn't a _ Repeat in Canada. Dodd's Kidney Pills milliner in the wtrld who can make »t: â€"Shllohs ClU-e will always Jinks â€" "Mr. Manton says he nev- er spoke a harsh word to bis wife." "Yes," remarked a lady, "but was that due to kindness or caution ! Thai's what I should like to know." her spend one penny more on than she started out to spend. hat cure. ' At the same time, accordi 'g to sta- j "And, John, order a gallon of mid- I scribed by the doctor, but they, t . i i ' - proved useless. My mother urgeU I tistics of the county council, of the , night oil. me to trv Dr. Williams' Pink Fills, | 7,000.000 or so people m city and ^m t^id, i suburbs, "one person in every thirty-three is a pauper; twenty and I fin-illy consented to do so. 1 had hardly finished the second box before a change for the better took place, and the use of a few boxes more fully restored my health, and I have since been well and strong. I fee! that I cannot say t^o much ia favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I strongly recom- mend them to other ailing girls." Yea can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont. All our best writers,.! burn it." Tlw JnM •« It. Ttay »oppH«l th« Manthol persons m every JOO die m a work-; fo«oa ia -Thin at" .viMthii pixur. which house or workhouse infirmary. ; ^'.[^^'^If^tal^cl"- ''~^'"' "'"'^ Poor relief expenditure has grown to the annual amount of $70,000, 000." .GOSSIP. Gossip would simply die a nat- ural death if it were not for the breath of suspicion. A MESS198 0? HOPS TO ILL HOTEBRS Baby's Own Tablets come as a inessage of hopo to all worried mothers. There is no other medi- Eo popular is Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup as a "' ' ^^^ ^^^^^ the treatment of colds and coughs j j'^jj^^^^^t^f^j -ihemTo'r most o'f the or ailments of the throat, due to l -jj^ ^j,^^ p^^jg j^ ^.p„ng children and exposure, or suddeo changes o? j j^^^^.^ j,^^.^^ known them to fail." temperature, that druggists and all ; gj^jj J, medicine dealers or by dealers in pateai__!nedKmes keep | ^^^^jj ^^ 35 cents a box from The supplies on hand to meet the de- , p^ Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- mand. It is pleasant to take, and the use of it guarantees freedom SAVING LIQUID MANURE. Save the liquid manure â€" every drop of it. Urine contains a large percentage of the fertiRwng con- stituents of the animal's excreta. | To lay tile from the stable gutter | and drain it away, is to drain away 1 every year a portion of the farm â€" i or the farm value, which is much j cine can equal these Tablets for 1 the same thing. Straw, the cure of stomach, bowel and j leaves, air-dried muck, land-plas- teething troubles. They make ter and raw ground phosphate rock sickly, peevish, crying children; are effective stable absorbents, bright and well. Guaranteed to 1 which contain in themselves a contain no opiate soothing stuff. Mrs Long Valley, Sask.. says:â€" "I have ity. Lacking any of the above ab- | found Eabys Own TaJblets a bless- ; sorbents, horse manure may be Mr. Bunsby: "If that you»# man's coming here to see you every day in the week, you had better give him a hint to come after sup- per." Miss Bunsby : "I don't think's its necessary, pa. That's what he comes after." * SP:CIAL!5TJAS bafred. Cbiid Tcrtarcd witk Cczecu. cure '^'VvSlis and colds." , Wbeo all cbe faikd Zsih-BmIi Cared Her or poisonous ! greater or less quantity of one or â-  J. Laroque, I another of the elements of fertil- ' 'eâ„¢^'" «a"-h w«e »aYi«u oy inend*, but Once af aia th« ane4]tiai]e<i merit ol Zam-Bak u a heakr o( skin 4b«ase hu been deiaoa- amcoi, tbb lime at Laneubat^ Co., N.S. Mr. U. G. .MusMnia. of itaac place, wt> : â€" " .My little giil, iK"» oeariy thtee yrar» oiJ. whea about tuur moatn* of «ge be^an 10 be afilclcil with cczeiB^ lc>^DSLi>tetia*pe<.i-J:M who >ikl hu be>t fx the pour hitle thing, but the disease bi>^>l him, aaU after a \oaf tnoj 1 wa« ubUj(cd to aJmit that his Ireacneat was DOC duiu^ aUT guoJ. Tbea I Iru^ rarious Jfc* "Burmese p^fer coins with ; female heads oB tiem, as they are , supposed to bring iuck. j TtarOrr D^wn StyTrtJa oolbBot dvlay stona^. | Opium ^l«n ' iijeJc.:utf4 " m. ' cbffck CMuchiat;, | bat the ciM «t»»» Do not trBi- : wiMn jou b«xi<> lu coa(h take Allan's Lonic Baiaam, fn« tnu •plan, fall oi U*alia( pjwtr. Ik The man who can bo ?^nght al- ways thinks be cannot be c*;ight by his buyers. '^ One trial of Mother Gri Worm Exterminator will convi: you that it has no equal as a worm" medicine. Buy a bottle and see ii it Joes not please you. X& ShinmsnH to as lhl» T'"- *" <*.»'•. aJnn« dou6.« iajt jaar. TH Kin's A RK.isO.-*^ 0»CT two kaadrcd t-npp«rs -imd shfvpen wbo »»p â- hippv-l •L3««Mr Wav : t.iA»i l-i cur list. War >OT VOL Wo pȣ >>»at prUM, saii>piu( •ty«u >*» aaJ remit caaa Siuoe iLj. Prtc* U^i .'.: anp.icaUoo. A. & E. PIERCE & CO.. J07 St. PAIL ST. MONr»KAt. MT (Maa.* m tm ust Miaa u C^nids's CraatMt Cold Camp situta-I _ ts milaa claim Ibis dU- CALVES Kate* Tk-a W<tk*«rt Milk. B-o'istriM. S-.nh ntvtt S«*l Co.. Lfrt. Toroola ••SHKEH CRSKK. •uath • tinctlj futtrmiu... â€" » , . - - la una J»ir liii. miua has WUaa .^nc doRnt .•l-pm«nl <n*T t«U,i!Oil in «"'<•. a^taall? "'J'^jf f.,r it^U »Ba tk« »otk duaa. A r-.iu Stamp Mill is now ia operation, prwluciu* «r«:n the «•<•;«"« , tnii* ore »b Hit t O.o -1 per mouth. S^mc m.1) wg *â- > iunh ..< ora is now btaekad oai aad we cm •»!••/-'" I predict there wiU beo»«ra miUio.-. aext jpr!i«-/. 'o «ff*-t more scon .mic work It is aeceoKirr tf ^ l*l»rtermia «jul tramway. for this pi/ » a Wo. k o« i}.<}M ah.u«i is now pu0^atTScperahsi*. We ln»lt« -r J OH, l\-aw*r tOSi from throat and lung diseases. ith ao better result. Next 1 Ckiled in another doctor â€" still the ..,.^i/.;r.n in '"^""^ -"•'J " ^ â- â-  â- â-  , „«. -, â€" - .^ â-  , djicase co«lioued to »i:reaJ ! It be);an in the meaitinc m j -^^^ ^^^^i to my children aud myself. , used to advantage m the glitters of , {0,0, ^f ,aaU spots ami pustules on the * â-  the cattle stable, though this is not j 'ehiid't heati. These iucrc^scd in siie and to be recommended for a stable 1 dwrharged. The du':hari{e seemea to spread where milking cows are kept. : •n'«tt>^ to «'"" P-"". "* t'" ''T b" '*>« Where the horse manure is not used in this way, it is desirable to ^^^^^ throw the surplus liquid of the cat- 1 •• When the second doctor failed to give tie stable onto the horse-manure »ny relkf. I wssat aU-ss what to Jo. Sume- pile. The -.Australian rabbit-proof fence which was recently cdiiipleted, is 2,036 miles in length. -k LIttta e«ld, y*« Knew," will become a (teat danger If it be allowed to reach down the throat t'< the lun(s. Nip tha peril In the hud with llUn'i Lang Balaam, a tare remedy cestaiala^ |M spiatas. ville, Ont. In Japan, on the impress's birthday, all the schoolgirls have to eing ti.e national hymn and lis- ten to an Imperial rescript on edu- cation. Repeat it:â€" "Shiloh's Cure will always cure my ccughs and colds." diseased area iuctea^ aatil at last the poor chiiu's head and face accmed to be oae great Bepe&t it. â€" " Shiloh's Core will al- ways core my coughs and colds." "Ah, my lad," said the stranger, with an encouraging smile, "'I can coo who had tried Zjm-Buk stroo){ly aiivtwd Bie to {ive it a inal, and 1 did so. The tiist few appbca'.iofls dwa't seem to have toy ettect at all, but aithuugh not apparent it oiost tutve been altacking the Ttrv routs ol the disease, tor after (icrseverin^ with the trea nient for a btile while we noted t maiked un) lOveiBcnt. l^ncuuii^cd by this we conuaued with Zam-But and Icf. otf eTefyilunu else. The OHCNn-LE CURTAINS liOl CBRTAIHS ''"'Z.M'^r" Writ* U» tt* ftbodC lourm. MIIUM fWr**^"* aWJIS ea. tox UX ISaatrMi A- J. PATTISON & CO. M-35 SCOTT STRKT, TORONTO. Stosk Brokers & Finansial ^ganta and other stocks b a^ht ami si^M "n oummtssioK Conespondauce invited. Orders may be wired ai •wesveas*' oJ x«l«,n. c*a uiiJ-.ubt»ily olaim this dlsr ,n. One > s .ie»«lopm«o« h*a »rv.*ice4 iiu«4. t!i« greatest ..i which »• the -^ugi*^ . ..^.rtiii, mine has taken '^nc dannx «•- for tills fuf '» - ' offered to tr ^ I (uUa:it ii^ ^1 /"-l â€" A Cup of «*i If a chamclon beconaes blind, it loses its power to change its hue, and remains a blackish color. It: â€""Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." Little Maggie (after watching hor small brother devouring several large sections of chocolate cake) : "Mamma, isn't it Tunny how much larger Jimmy really is than he ap- Repeat pears to be from the outside V ' see that you were cut out for Eonie-* ^^^^ ,„ gtadwiiv suouued. the itching thing big." "That may be, mis- I £„» l^sa^-ne, and ihe li.Ue one's suArriag According to an ocv.list, 90 per cent, of neuralgic headaches are caused by defective eyes. To Prevent is Better Than to Ke- pent.â€" A little medicine in the shape of the wonderful pellets which are known as Parmt'lte's â- Vegetable Pills, administered at the proper time and with the di- rections adhered to often prevent a serious attack of sickness and save money which would go to the r. In all irregularities of the ter," replied the diminutive farmer boy; "but it generally happens that something big is cut out for me." "For youl" "Yes, dad's trousers. These are a pair I have on now." dont ran to taXe a teaspfM*- 'â-  , hi ot Painkiller mixed with » f1a*s of km water ; and soinr. It sureir prereots ehilK A»oid.s«l»- ; I itltatsa. there is but one " Painkiller --Perrj ' basis'â€" X.IC. and iOa. The inscriptions on an old coin worn smooth may sometimes be de- ciphered by placing it on a red-hot iron. It Has Many Offi?e8. â€" Before the German soldier starts on a long march he rubs his feet with A Toni; for the Debilitated. â€" Parraelee's Vegetable Pills by act- lag mildlv but thoroughly on the; 5;;;-^; ^__ .^„.„..„.. --. . . ^ ^ secretions of the body are a valu- 1 j; .^i.e organs thev are an invalu- Ullow, for his first care is to keep able tonic, stmiulatiug the laRS'ng , ^ble ^corrective and bv cleansing . his feet in gixni couduum If he organs to heathfu action and re- 1 ^^^ J,^^j ^^ ^j^^^ the'skin of im- " " storing hem to full vigor. They jL^-^.^, can be taken m graduated tlose^ L"--- T I ,,.„.! t\ioi *K.... nan K« ^'â- â€¢'^' \. "In fl»d<»r to be happy a woman must get a "Vvi'^ hold on ber tnd 80 used that they can ^<}, -^L continued at ativ.l,nie without re- turn 'jf 4l.w ailments which they were used to allay. The frigate bird, whose wi.igs ♦prcad out from ten to twelve feet, can fly at the rate of 100 miles an hour. BtpMt it:â€"" Shilob's Cure wiU al- ways cure my conghs and colds." NO OBSTACLE THERE. "Mr. Spoonamore, Iâ€" I hardly know what to say. Have you spo- ken to papa yet]" "I have Dora." "\Yhat did he say?" "He said: 'What! Herl Gosh, yes:'" jealous disposition. A Woman's Sympathy knew that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil would be of much better ser- vice he would throw awav his tal- low and pack a few bottles of the Oil in his kuapsack. There is no- thing like it. Are you aiscouraged T Is your doctor* bill a hett%'y Biianclal load? Is your pain a hcaVT physical burd<?n? I know what thrse Itieiiu to dellialo womenâ€" I have been disroitraxed. too: liut IcoinciLhcw to cure myself. I want tt> relieve your bur- dens, why not end tho pain and stop llie doctor's bill? I Clin do this for >ou aud Will If you will assist me. â-  - , " ,'• ., # ii i i AU you need do Is to writ* for a fre« i Therefore, the room of ttie late King Humbert at the Quirinal is STRANGE SUPERSTITION. Italy has a remarkable supersti- tion. It is believed that dire mis- fortune will befall the present mon- arch, if the chamber of the dead king be interfered with till at least two generations have passed. DODDS v^ j^^ KIDNEY •^//, PILLS ^-s \\-^<:-~mv issue THO. 3-09. I yo- box of the remedy which has been placed In my h.-»n<3s to be ifiven away. Forhaps this one box will euro youâ€" it has done so for others. If so. I Sfiall be hapi)y and you will b« cured for Jc (the cost of a postage 8tarau>. Tour K-ttera held confl- rtetitlallv 'Write to-day fv niv fr^e treat- ment. Mrs. F. B CL'RRAil. Wludsor. Ont. ^YILES OF THE FAIR SEX. Representative George Glenn, a married man, who has j,ist been visiting summer resorts, has intro- duced into the Georgia Assembly a measure relating to the wiles and blandishments of the gentler sex, The Bill provides that "If any wo- man, whether maid or widow, shall betray into matrimony any unsu- specting male subject of the State by scents, paints, powder, or per- fume, cosmetics, artificial teeth, false hair, iron stays, corsets, pads shut, no one except members of the ; royal family being permitted to en- j ter it. Thus it will remain, silent; and unused, like the apartment of ! Kiug Victor Emanuel, King Hum- 1 bert's father, which is just as it; was at the time of his death, about' 30 years ago. I FELLING THK CHESTNUT. "Vernon told me this morning," j related the lady with the cold, blue ; eye. "that he passed the tree where i two years ago he carved your iui- | tialsand his own, and incircled | them with a heart. He said he felt . so glad he almost danced for joy." \ "Ah," said tho tall brunette, j anxiously, "then he must still love : me. after all I Did he tell you 'why or r.tdding, hoops or high-heeled "j , happy f" !^?!.V ''^.!::?L^n^*'„J*'^r:::u"i: -Yes. dear! he rai gated, drop-stitched, or rainbow Dosiery, or by any other deceitful means or artificial practices, the marriage, upon conviction, shall be null and void." There are 50 miles of hair on an average womaa't bead. id some men | were cutting the tree dow.i ;' Repeit it: â€" "Shiloh's Cure will; always cure my coujjhs and colds.' The United Kingdom consumes 1,900,000,000 pounds of Jour yearly. was reiiCTcd. Then the areft of the setts Krew less and less, and in th: end every trace cf the dreadful e<.s<nia was temoeed. Not coly so, but there kas been Bo scaniug <-c uatkiBg iHt lo disti^u.e the chiki's bee. â- â-  1 here is now ao trace of the cisrise which eaa^!«d W iBuch sudciiag kafiled vae >()ci:iaiist and «se piacitioner. ted defied every reniedy I could ebtaiii ȣTe Zam-Buk." Zam-Vuk is Nstute'i vwb beating balm, ueiDg comrcsvd of piae herb*! essences. It is a »nr« cure for teuisa, r>rg-wcrin, uicrrs, fats, ^luos, bruises, po.scoed sures, chronic wounds, bad Irg. pilea, festcriag sotes. chapped hands, cui(i-^«r«s, fT(»t-bi:e, and ail skin k'jiirtcs and di eases Driifgists and stores tvecTwbere k:1 at 50c. a bo». or post (tee for pr:c« horn Zam-buit Co., Tuionto ; X bvacs $1.25. Vou are waned a^kiost Darinful iniitaiioBs suiu.liuies ie(>ies«nled t* fce "just as good." . * Hearty Party • (meeting old ac- quaintance) â€" "How are you f Haven't seen you for years. Hows the wife I" Old .\cquaintance (very much married, gruffly^ â€" "She's all right." H. P. (pleasantly)â€" "Ha: I brought you two together, you re- member." O. A. (resentfully)â€" "Oh, it's you, is it. I owe a grudge to 1'' Money In Metal Building Materials We want a Representative in some districts for our ce- lebrated "Eastlake' Shingles, Metallic Walls and Ceilings and other sheet metal build- injt material. Our goods have been proved by nearly a quarter century of use in Canada, and sell readily on their merits. .\s th9 adnsiST^ ef using metal in buildings become better known, the s.iles are rapidly increasing, and the Agency for our line offers an exceptionally good opportu- nity for a hustler. Exclusive territory to the right man. Write for parti- culars. The WetallicRoofineCo., Llmltea M\^l'P*'^VfIl*^'tH TORONTO AN") WIMHIPEO WANTED. i .-Xgents, Stores, everywhere ; hand- I some profits; sell our perfect, I brass, kerosene, mantle, table- i lamp ; hanging or bracket-lamp: 1100 candle-power; ^i kerosene â- used; a wonder; sells on sight; re- tails 33.50. WEBSTEK SPECIAI-TT CO.. Walerbury, Conn. -s-is good for children, â€"'good for the Invalid, v; â€"There is no better j tonic and no - pick-me-up. I BGVRIL IS LIQUID LIFE ^ Send fo> (free) Cata' •jhi atlX PIANO 'fiOriL«n Co- LimiUd o;rue No. 75. OUCLPH. ONTARIO. 7% Interest Return With Safety, Seldom can we advi*e Investors to purchase a security yielding as high a rate. We do so only after mo«t cartfu! investigation has proven the value of the security. Sufficient details to permit tho Individual to form judgm.?nt will b»' furnished on request. A. E. AMZS & CO.. Umitod. 7 KI.NU 5Ti<EEr, . TORONFO FREE Send me s<J(Jt*»s o( two tr^p- p^rs. â- Â« J 1 « ill seni.1 you Irte a n-ink slrttching ;>attcru. 1 pay hittwst prices lor ruw'ur^. Will sell yvj B Fur Coat at Vlltal*- •ai« rrtce. Wiiieloi price list. Send 2?c for trial box (3 oa.l ov ••BETTCRa*!T.- Best bjit n t.w \vorlJ tor catchina nv.n!!. lox. bear. etc. Puurjd tw.xcs. one dollar. Writetcd»T. -if^^- ^ - i^<^f m ^ m i ^^^lM^M^^ . . â- >i*«k.,i». â-  â-  <wi Mi m .».!fe 'f'f I ; ^'.^-^^nfi^ >" iiiji>ii'w>wwiii I'.iwBpi 'm^fymt, <**«;-.

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