Grey Highlands Public Library Digital Collections

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1909, p. 1

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'•â-  ->. ^ >^ X ^^ VOL XXVI, NO 1S77 I •• * i: We wish our cuMnnieis Jitid *-^ ali <l<2>^«>rvinj{ peoplu u prosperous and bii|jpy New Year. jM ' ' % kg -WTitli grateful f«.-linKS f.. ^ gi VV the psKt p>itri>nago iimi ^ jP hopinsj for :» eontinuatiou <lui- <W 58 iiig l'*<^'*i yours to serveâ€" ^ i ^ § W. A= Armstrong, | y FLESHERTON. ^ % 4 Swinton Park. Mr. Dort Martin spei't N>!« Yeaisdiy in Toroti'o. Mrs. .1. S. Hardy IihJ a sueces-sfiil wood Ixio Ust FriJty. Miss Flwsie Cair.pbell l.-iive» hore to- day to spend ihf winter iji Turonto. Miss Alice Campiiell.who hss been uu- der thd doctors care. Is improving slowly. Mr. .Joliu Feijju.suii is drawinn brick snd in«kini5 ready to build a house uexi summer. Mr. \Vm Aldooiuhad the uiisfortuno of crushing liis tinker while lifting a bur- rut uf coal jil. A uuuiber of yonug penp'o fri>ni heri' took iu the FMre.stm's Uilly at Dr»njinc on Friday niLhl. Mr. Janios l*arslo«-, wlio has been vis- ilin!( his many friends here for the past couple »f mouths, le.ft last M-Mi.Iny for bis home in V'aticouv er, B. C. The Pure Food Law. Strretary WiUm ju.ys: â- ( Mic of theolijwts of the law ;« to inform tlie eoiir<«ui«r of tile prciH-nceof cwtaiii liin-mful drug-* in nudi cineK," Thi- la^v ie<|iihes liiat the amount .'f ehhirofurm, opium. mori<biue, and other liabit furmiiiK ilrui^ h« stalwi on ihe la'wl of each buttle. The ifflsnufacturers of t"himlx:rlain'« Cuuxh Kemtdy have always claiuu-d tluit tht-ii- reuiedv did not cimtaiu .my of these dnnfs, wut the truth of this cLiim is now fully provcu, u no ii.ention of them is made on the label. TW remedy is not ouiy one of the .safest, but one »I the IJest in use for coughs and cMs. Its value has been proven Iwyonil nuestiim dtu-ing^ie many yeiu-'. it ha« been in ijem ral rem. ffm xiilf l>y W. K. Kichardsou. '^.^ ' ~~ 'W bugenia. Th'j weiitlier keeps very pleawtnt for the seM.soii. Crowi are still flyinx atuunJ. Mrs. Wdl Gordon <»hvo a rasf bee to .i Biimb«r of frienils. A good lime was enjoyed by all. Mr. Sam Haney of Gillies Hill was the guest of hi* brother. Robert, here fi>r a few Jays recently. Mr. Charley Haiiley, Maxwell, and sister. Miss Feurt, were tlie »ueHt.s of Mi«s Daisy Smith over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Uobert IJorley j;av© a pirty oi»»FifiJ»y evening. A lar^e num- ber enjoyed their ho.tpitHlity and h»d a delightful time. Rev. Mr. WUkinson of the *;iijrfira»iV 'iaiȣcit will preach a/'iia>i<inary sermon at Kugenia un Suuday eveiiing next. Ue will also prescb , at Moiittt /ion and luiitioge. A number of yiiuiijt men fed very much ch>)trined at the way outsiders are carrying off alt our pretty girU while they are fooHof; sway their time. Better get «p a bachelor's sale and i;ivo them a chance. On WedtiesJay laai a very pretty honi • «eddiD}C was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .faines Armstrong, particulHrs o( which will be found elsewhere.' All unite in exteudinsf hearty coiigratulations to the youDK couple and all winh them aaueh prosperity and happiness. .. Xbpni** ^- Ktlison ha^ invei.ted a •JMSge Uttery for (Kiwer- propelled cars that will euable them to run 100 miles o«ntinuoualy. He has expre«»od confidence that it will prove entirely practical. Don't Take The Risk. When you have a bad cough or culd <lo not t«t it dra^ aloug, until it hecumes chivnic bronchitix, or develt^ws into on attack of ynrumonimbutKiveitthe attention it deserves and ({et rid of it. 'I'ake Chanilierlain's Cough iRemedy aud you are sure I f prompt relief. Krorn a small boginniuK the sale and use of this prefxiration has exteuded ^) all parts of be Uniteil Stjites and to many foreign coimtries. Us many remarkable etirea of couKhs an 1 colds have won fur it this wide leputatiim aiut cxttn.sivc uw. >",>r sale by W. K. Richardson. Thornbury and CJUrUsburg arc bothet- «d with petty thieves.

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