^ \ T JELION IK TEE C OICRETE Takes Something More Than Believing the Bible to Make a Man Religious 'He that doelh good is of God." â€"III. John, 11. One reason that religion means â- 0 little to many is that wc ha\e for a long timo been accustomed to thinking of it fr<im the wrung oiid; deal more than faith in Baedeker to take a man to Italy. You can never make a child know that two anrl two are four by re pealing that formula to him ; he Jesus and sons of Joseph and Mary. Those were James, Joseph or Joses, Simon and Judas (compare Matt. J3. 65; Merk C. 3). They are here clearly distinguished from the apostlos, which would seem to in- dicate that none of the four were members of the apo3tolic group. FORESTS OF CANADA. Recent Estimates of Their Area Greatly Reduced. BAGANDA MANNERS. Some Eight hundred million acres used to be accepted as the area of that part of Canada covered by forests; two hundred million acres is the cs- liinate of the commercially valuable forests as given by Dr. B. E. Fcr- now, head of the Faculty of For- estry at the University of Toronto; one hundred million acres, Dr. Jud- son F. Clark, of Vancouver, B.C., thinks, would cover the "actual E!i.st African Natives arc I nusually Polite. Neither manners nor clothes make tho man. Nevertheless, man-; cutting area, that is, the area on .....•-...» ^ -. mi-st somehow in his experience ^^^^ ^^.^ ^^ ^j^^j ^ p^^ of o«nduct which are found forests of commcr- we havn worriad ourselves over its j I"-* «*'* two and that two toccthcr. i ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ,„r„ ^^e cial value, as moaaured by presctt- forr.s iaa*««d of ubiaj iu »«mjplo i ,"•«â- »•«;'«"'» '»«<:o»««^*^«' *"' , iil»a •t «b«jr»«fcM-. A»«*rA«g te a dmy logging standardB," thin figure train them gradually to do strong work. In the sa'ue way we can, by judicious care, accustom evec a weak stomach to digest hearty meals. But wo cannot do this by forcing into the stomach more food than it calls for ; we must first create the need of a greater quan- tity by a proper amount of bodily u.^etrcise Of all cures for dyspep- sia, with its accompanying languor, exercise is tho best cure I know of." MLDICINE Foil HUNTERS. Simple Itrmc<li(^8 That May Found li'setui in Cainp. HEALTH CAR SICKNESS. Car sickness ia a very disagree- able affection, something akin to Feasicknesa and yet differing from it in several particulars. In seasickness it is rare to find the very old or 'the very young af- 1)0 1 fi3«;ted. If children are seasick they are very quickly over it, and rua- uir.g about at play as usual, but a Did you ever notice how awkward i baby will soaebiiaea suCor from f*ct«; v.ch»va«ulstitntidi»i>5l«-pi«''*'»' (l'8<'*"«o ^^•'P^!'')'. l":«**f- i writJ'im kke'Stoaad M."ia«.»'«.'ike raTludrngTheTrT^'rearinTtMber ?'*» ^^"^^'^ ^"^ "^^^'^ ^''* •**"'^'». ^'^;<^*'', "icltneM ia Jta baby carriage, •ophy for its practice, wo have ac- «»'• ^ke |r*re«t (i4«««lty m h«l»-| j„^^^^ mativos ♦f tJgwwl*, ia • • *- * '^"" ♦- '"â€" ''â- "' "" « *'-' '" »"" ^i^- ^â- â€" ' -'-' â- '» "»» '-• "-â€" quired the habit of thinking of faith , JfK.Pf^^P'*' \'^ .''')? 'â- *''*_«^'"V* • _^J! East Africa, are, so far as courtesy as wholly a matter of creed and ' "'^ " '"' ' ""'^* iBCiuuing Dne areaa De&ring unner " â€" ^ 7 - , 7 â- . . _. ., u - - o-. suitable for pulpwood or taw-tim- ! f «' Uo or "."0 d.ys oa a tnp ]^l'^,^l^ro^-^^-<>lJ-^'-^ a matter ojnaious. Iu those days when the reason feared to trust it«clf, when ignor- ance fiiAde the many slaves to the few who liought to keep a mono- f)oly of knowledge, men wore wil- ing to accept the authoritative statements "f the religious spcci- ftlistn that they mart give personal unquoi>ti<jniDg assent to those philo- •ophii-al statements prepared by the instit.iti< .is upon \7bich those tea- chers li\ (».d. Onre men gave the same blind al- legiance to the doctrines of relig- ion that they also gave to feudal overlords ; they knew not at all what the quarrel was about, but, btiiia t<;ld that they must defend tlie faith or be eternally damned they defended the faith, they paid their dues, anl counted that they had iK-rformcd their duties for ro- hffioD tliat wo arc insist. ug on putting the j^ como«rn»d, tk« piak ©f pecfoetr.n formula before the expononco. gj^ ^ Johnston has called them Let the definitions the descrip- ..^^^ Japanese of Africa." tions, the symbols of religion take jj , ^^ morning to a care of themselves. Let every manl^.^^^ ^^ ^^ English road, it is express US views in his own way. 1 ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^is surprise will His need 13 not some form of ex- 1 ^j,^^^ j,j„^ ^ .^^ ^ posture of self-de- . ,„ „^,, prossion identical with all others;- f^^^ but when two Baganda meet, " \'?^'' his need is to find bv the actual ^l.^ l- •_ i. --1..1- v. ^t-u^m o<> 'J ''â- "* his need is to find by the a<:tual test of living, by practical experi- ence, that tho religious way of life is the best, the ,mo8t satisfactory, the most serviceable. Do not worry over the forms and symbols that others use. Gi"t the fact, the grcat'fact, that life has in it higher values than those of the continues the second. they begia to salute each other as they come within ear-shot. "How are you 1" cries the one. "Who am I that you should care to knowV replies the other. "Humble though I be, yet I have dared," rejoins tho first. "But say first how are youl" I the woods I Fingers seem to get in' The gymptoius of the two disor- jtlie way of every ase, knife, ,^e, ders are very much alike. They fplinter or tSorne encountered, and coaaist of pallor, quick pulse, clam- tue result is a pair of hands more niy skin, giddiness, nausea and or lese damaged, says a writer in voiuiting. Woineu are more subject j Fore-st and btreaiii. -^ j [° car sickness than men, and this .... . ,, , , . Adhesive plaster is found useful, ' »* equally true of seaaickness, and which 18 practically the only work ^^^ j j^^^^ f^^^^.^^ ^^ compound made; one strange feature of car sickness in .uDglish treating comprehoamve- ^^ follows, most useful aad comfort- th»t haa been noted by physicians aspect of the subject. jj,g Equal parts by weight of Ja-i i» ^^hat it ia frequently handed down ber. B*tk Dr. Pemow and Dr. Clark are well-known authosities on for- estry subjects. The former is the author of the well-known v/ork, "The Economics of Forestry," beast and the burden bearer, that MAN IS MORE THAN DUST, that living for tlie good of all is tho "The better for tho honor you have done me," is tho answer. By this time they have alrjsady l)r. Clark has had extended espor- p„n ^^^^ mutton-tallow and vase- '•'trough the women of a family from ience in forest work in connection jj..^^ melted to 'ether. While warm 8*'P5'''*''ion to generation, with the U. S. Forest Service, and ^dj' jjjjjf ^s nv-ch gli'cerine. Fill ' " '"'^'^idual it immune all later as Forester to the Province a metal pria,*^ bo>: with this, and through childhood and early life, of Ontario, a position which ho re- at nijfht rub it woll i.->to the hands. 1 " â- ' -v,.ciupo car sioicnesa as an signed to go into private business Jt is neither sticky nor unpleasant, I *^"''> ^^^ f*"lt will probs.l>ly be ia British Columbia, whore he has and will cure damas-ed hands or;io""° to rest with the eyes a.id the had several years' experience of.ehappcd lips very quickly. I havei*'*i' 'â- *' avoid it is to travel with work in the woods there. j never tried to do so, but it r.»w | For a liong time 'the people ofi lin-seod oil will rai-i readily with: Canada were quietly aad complac- 1 this compound, it will be fi>und ad- 1 secret of finding all the good in life, passed each other, and there is only , "ntly congratulating themselves ; vantiigaous. Rubbiflg it *loue on Steadily reaeh out for the best in time for Parthian affability. tl'at tlieir tmiber supply was luex- t.ie hands 13 a good p'.an; but whne life and your religion will formu- "The honor is mine and I shall haustible.' E8tir.i«te3 like the it heals quKkly all surplus mii&t be late itself through cxperienoo. treasure it." Then follows a quav-| ab When men are sick they do not ering of delicately modulated, long- wi But opinion i« no more religion need pathological definitionsâ€" they drawn "Aâ€" -ir-a'sl" of coatemt- wake than a guide book is a journey If need the right life. When this meat and good-will, which gradual-! not only of guardmcf â- j r u ij you had a million copies of even ; world is wrung, when wo find our- i h dio away in the disUnce, le*ving other enemies the forests they now ^ Imcture gnndelia should never tha'whole svstem selves in conflict with the order of ' neither of them the worse ciroum- have, but of introducing rational bo omitted, as it 1. a rapid a:.d cer-j '^ a.c"^o. revolt ot the wtiole system the eyes closed, or, better still, to start with properly fitted glasses. It is easy to understand why this .should be so. When the eyes need glasses the whole nervous equili- lriu:n of the body sutfeM, even un- der the best coaditions. and when ra- temptatioB ough the windows the struggle turns Ln- so practical a code as the ten coin- mandments tbrre would be less ro- Jijion in the wholo pile than in one little kindly deed done BY ONE FOK ANOTHER. We seem to think still that you can rnaku a man religious by getting him to recite phrases of pious opin- ion. There are no meals in a cook book. Health is not^^fae same thing as a dooUir's book. You cannot buy wisdom at a book store. Nourish- ment, health, wisdom are all the product of vital processes. They come through life. You may define all these in words, you may describe them in books, but t*»e things them- selves you can neither put into such forms nor get out of them. Religion is not the bible, nor tho crei*d, nor the church. These are but its symbols, its descriptions, and guico books. It takes a good ^ ,^^^^ -v.«, â€" . - crease the growth Ot me lorests; ",'"=• V*"" V'\ "."'"-i'^O iu%...v^^ "•', «;p.a>;icknp«s a.rc net nnita fh» Rimi. tioa. that this dial ,gue is not an and get from them tke largest the bite, of chaigers, sand flees and _ ^^^^^^^^^^^ invariable ritual. The phrases may amount of timber they are capable mosqnitoM. I consider :t the mo;,tj. 8 good sailor and be varied ad infinitum to suit the of producing. valuable item in oae s ditty box ior^^^^^^^ dreadfully with car skk sumujer trips. _ â- • u-i i. A tRreo ounce bottle of equal "«'^''' *^''4 ^K'e versa, while its oc- parts linscod oil aud lime water is ' ^ ''!^'';r='' '" ^"^'"^ ^'^^V^ g» t^h^w worth its weight in gold for sun-| '"'' the sense impressions, that is . V- . X. . ...... I'lirn and for ordinary burns asi j^/^y-^^f "^Pre«s»o'» g»in«d ^y A Novel Expcrimont in Mnn!oipal:^;,i. An ounce bottle of chloroform! ^'^ '^f !l *'* ?^% iu â- *H? "T' t'* CITY'.S BUSINESS SIANAGER. iiovcrnnent. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERN ATISX A L LESSON, JAN. S. Les.'i'in %. The AscenHion of Our Lord, (ioldon Text, Acts Verse 1. The former treatise â€" Greek, "first treatise." The refer- eiue is to Luke's Gospel, which was written ___ _ „..„., primarily for the information and j rg;;"ia,VdH!"' Inthi rightncss, we need the fresh, in- stanced or the bettor iaformcl. vigoratiug experience of living for I must add, for the reader's cau the things that are high and wor- thy. We can all grasp religion in the concrote. We all believe in good occasion ; hut it will suffice as an il- livos. Wo have no skepticism as to I lustration of these roadside court- sincere 8i<rvice for sacrifice ; we all j csies. agree on the croed of character. We ] If you wish to make a Baganda can all take hold of religion at tho parfettly happv, all you need to do end of duty, of high living, of clean! is to say, "Way wally !" which citizenship, of social service, of ev- means a sort of supremely earnest ery day goodness, kindness and "Well done!" love. The moment this tallismanic ex- Doing the things that are right, . . . .„ ^â€" ._r-,.~ following the light of high ideal.s, j tive to whom it is addressed will xhe old form of administration, _,., why fret and quarrel or even give| probably fall on his knees, and bodied in a Mayor and City Council ourselves special concern over de- ] clasping his two hands together, | chosen by tho voters, has been left Bcriptions, definitions, creeds? Take will sway them from side to side, „njisturbed. but those ofii-ials, the facts of the right life, enjoy its as if he were playing a concertina, ' ;,)io are politically respo :sible to a experience, and let the logic of j while all tho time his face beams Eelf-govorning community, have with a most benignant and conipul- elected a business ma.iflger to sivo smile, and he purrs, "A â€" o !; ,\.i,oni they have turned over all the aâ€" o! a--o!" as much as to say, | purely business fuiiclions of tho "My cup of joy is overflowing." ! city government. In his relations • , . , , . This action, as performed by the to the City Council, the business epecia equipment for service, ra- Baganda,' involves no servility. • manage- stands somewhat in t.'ie thor than the satinfaction of thcirlonce you are used to it, they do! same relation that the general man not seem to lose at all iu dignity Only they win your heart. forestry management so "as to in- , tain cure for ivy P-^i^^^/i^'^ ,^^'1 j ''^pj^o'' 'rooTthircar sickness and ot the forests 'alleviate the suffering induced by I a'io prooi mat car sicKness ana ci._.,„, „ v: :„; -t t 1 away. Lackiflg this, use grain or otaunton a Virginia city of some » > o T_„i.; ,1.:. „;v, ....I cause in very tiny babies the sense .12,000 inhabitants, ia tryiuif an in- i- j i n « ii 1. pression has left your Hps, the ra- te.e.sting municipal experiment. : ^^r^;^'J;::d by ordinar^' ' ry tmy 1 > i_ 1 1-i.i- 'i ul I '"ipressioas arc undeveloped or at wood aloohol. Lither one must bei.^i 1 .. t.-ui.. j ?. 1 such a life give its own account of our faith. HENRY F. COPE. tho best very feebly developed. As a further proof of this car ein-i » ,. X- u' * " â- }\.; i ' Eictness often comes on during sleep « -I A tiny tin box of mercurial oint-- „j „j^^^ ^^. , » P me:,t will prevent rust in firearm ^^^^^^^ ^^^ „^j ^j^^ .^ barrels m which mt ro powders are j ^^^^^^^j^^ ^,^^ shot if t'l? barrel n clfared thor-i*^- oughly beiore applying the oint-i moit on a cloth patch , ^4^^^ „f collapse being so extreme Iu places whsre s.:nd flees andi^i^^j j^^^,, is ohon feared. It is ticks are bnd, it will prove the rignt: comforting to know that this fear is thing for the occasion, thoa-h not {^,„„^j^j ^^^^ ^j^^^ ^^j^ j^ j plciKant to apply to one s person. • o r ^ - Sliollac or ."^par varnish will keep' Tho symptoms of car sickness may be of a mose appalling violence, the Bpocuhilive cittiosity, is to be their portion. \ Wilnessosâ€" SimiVlv testifying to that winch they hadseen and heard and oxperieaood. \ Jerusalem . . . Judea . . . Sama- ria .. . tho uttermost part of the earthâ€" Beginning with their testi- inony, or witnessing, in their homo cit^j^f-trnssioii is to extend gra- â- fteaily into over more distant regi- ons, including first of all tho prov- ince in which Jeru.saleni ig located, then the somiforeign provinoe of ! and flowing, and was bamarta, lying just north of Judea, | like 4.ing Charles's FABHlONi IN leiUi' TAILS. Harmony Bolweon Wig of Blaster and Tails of IlorscH. a cut closed if covered with a bit ager of a large corporation does to,"^ !^r^'\. \ 'T^'"? f-"'A°i the board of directors. 1 watches, the heads of wln^h have U Staunton's cane the mana^jeri ^""", {^'.''P]*^ in she hic and dried. . • XI ^° : should be kept handj- m a vaseline He prcse:^ts ^^^^,^ rj,^^^^ ^^^ .,g„„,i„ ^^^-^ cine when everything is wet. Horses' tails have been subjected to curious changes of fashion. In the time of the Stuarts tho English â- , . coach-horse's tail was worn long j himself so eflj"ient that his re-elec- is elected for a year a report every throe rjoatha and be i» perm-tti)d to sfg^o.-vt new Iik;- islation along the lines whore ho is active." In making contracts for .ill municipal work an3 in the bu,vi:ig of city supplicH, ho is given a free hand. Tho experiment began last April, and the manai|tcr has shown cut square. 1 tion for a second term has been de- as was the book of Acts, | and finally even distant and fore: I craringTross" •s verse the author Life Miys that it was adorned with ! P . A..„ I _ -f . . . . . ' contracts charger atltcrnnned upon. Ouo instance in Eneli.^h Country f â- *^'l>'''h the now business maaa>i;cr '"roved '-•- ''â- •- -' -- - TARE PLEASURE SADLY. Some Queer Iloliilay Customs EDglisliwcn. of ••s-''^ â- elient," which in all probability is 'bbi- equivalent of our cxj)ression. lOi'out excellency," and which, ^t',refore( implies that the person s uddresKcd was a man of high â- , perhaps a Roman official. The ezpreKsion is UKcd in addrcss- iFelix and Festiis the lUjman fr^.i '• 7T>rnors( Act* StJ. 20 ; 24. 3 ; 20.20). !Mre proper name iti-olf means liter- ally, "Lover of God," and may V.0II ham been simply a title or 'pithot pr«dGlpied by personal (ripadthiy r#lb«r thAn tho real lame b^ whiuk this individual was 'wn in general society. Tatil the day in which he was '"ti up â€" Luke's Gospel nnrra tive, I which he intends that this seco • coi .nuHtion, concludes with the recoril of (he ascension of Jcstis. For thii commandment here refer- red to loiiiparo Luke 4. 44-40. The 1! ' Hpiritâ€" Jlefcricd to in (he proiT !(' of Jesus, recorded by Luke (Luii- 21. 4!)). that the apos- tles who!i iie had chosen should bo "clothed i li j(ower from on high." ' the soqiionce of tiiought to be fol lowed in his "present narrative, which begins with tho story of Pen- teco.^t and ends with the record of the proclamation of tl^f gospel in tho imperial rapital at Rome. 0. He was taken up â€"Luke in con- necting his prcHcnt narrative with his eiylier treatise repests and am- plifiog*-<he rex'ord of tho closing verses of tho earlier Gospnl story. 11. Ye-s\irn of Oalilfe-The Gaii- laon diale.t was a marked peculi- aiity of the apostolic Kroup ; though here assembled in Jorusa- lam most of them were (jalilaeus by birth and e-irly training. Shall so come in like manner The interpretation given to this promise by the aposlles and their ribbons on gala days, and strapped up in a loathcr case in winter weather; thus a certain harmony was preserved 1 etween tlie wig of the master and the tails of tho horses. . By the time of George II. a sh'ut wig and a pigtail had taken the place of tho flowing curls in which the cavaliers of Charles I. and the rakes of Charles II. 's court de- lighted, "The brilliant idea occurred to Lord Cadogan, a cavalry oflScer of It has been said that Englishmen talTe their pleasures sadly. There is no doubt that it is true in the case of a man who has a mania for his worth was in placing .copying epitaphs from tombstones. 3 for granolithic paving at . Every year when the holidaijs come may be dr«adfully ill they rareTy, if ever, succumb. â€" Youth's Com- pani4)n. 71 cents a square yard instead of tho $?, tho Council was paying prior to his appointment. GOOD NEWS FOR UliNGRY FOLKS. Ucrp'a an Expert Who Sings llie Prai-'ics of a Square Meal. "Many middle aged women who are rather stout, but youn;? and ...w. have received treatise (the Acts) shall be i inmicdiate followers and successor's fctreamers. filled tho Christian miiuls during! Or it may be that the debased tho apostolic age with tho reverent' tfcstc of the age made him think joy and hope of Christ's early ro- ' the appearance of his regiment was turn, and thus became a source of really improved by bobbed tails, inspiration and sustaining faith in That is the question that history the hours of trial and persecution ' doen not decide, which shortly came upon the chiirch. 1-2. Then returned they unto X9- that period, to reduce tho tails of ?â- â- *>=»'' '?okipg, diet with tho idea of his dragoon horses to a short d«»fk. . IMproving their appearance. They Poiwbly this was with Uie view of 1 "^c a few pounds, hut their faces saving hii soldiers the trouble of | •'ocomc hnggarr and wrinkled. In cleaning those long tails, and avoid- ! ?'â- ""?""''':« ol)03ity, ' accordmg to ing the nuisance ot the splashes » ^rii^^* m Outing, the most of- uniforms and accoulcrmonts must , fect,'ve remedy is exercise, gradually from such haii- For a list "f tbc apostles compare ' riisalem â€" At this p()int Luke t.-ikes vorise 13 of thi.s IcHi.on ; conipare up the thread of the story and con- also Matt. 10. 2; Mark 3. 10 19. By tiniies the narrative llo.yond the the treachery of Juda.t the number point at which his Gospel record hftd been roduce.d to elcvci, but ended. WM Booh after this time again in- 1 A sabbath day's journey â€" .About ijlW*»»ed to twelve by the soleftion j two thousand cubits or yards, the of Matthias, wl><) was chosen by lot maximum di.stanco which it was **:' to take the place of .hidus 6, BapMzea in -Or, "with." ' 8, B)Mi*r« the kinjdoin to Iur.iel-» The diwiplesof Jemis, includiag evea tbs twelve epokllos, shared with their fellow-countrymoa tho p>r.'nifctod by the pharisaic intorpre- tatnon of tke Sabbath law to jour- ney on that day. 13. TUo upper clinrr.ber - ,\ large guest room like, and perhaps ide-i- tisal witk, that in which tbn Last Tlio next step was to turn bob- tails into pluattnils, by cutting all the hair for the lust two or three inches of the dock. Having thus suocerdod in disfiguring the hind quarters %f dragoon horses, some monster devised the additional bar- barity of cropping their cars. made vigorous, supplemented by a change of diet, but never by star- vation. "Statistics h.ave shown the great value of abundant food. Dr. J. Robertson, an eminent surgeon of Manchester, England, has reralirk- ^^„ ._ .„, ed that the families of working j ity"s thatof a ia7iy\.MndVpendcnt people when well fed maintained means, who every summer rents round he spends them in visiting as many village churchyards as ho can crowd into a day's march. Ho usually leads off, or finishes up, with a day or two in London cemo- teri-js. Theft is a man living not many miles from Stoke Newington who suffers with tender feet. He invariably spends his week's holi- day sitting in the -gn,rden all day with his feet in a foot bath, wioh a packet of sea salt or a bottle of Sanitaa beside him, much to the ainusememt of the neij;hbors on either side. Another man, a Post Office offic- ial, being a slave to tho clock all the year round, makes it a prac- tice for the first week of hi.s annual leave to stoj* all the clocks in his house and spend the whole week in bed. He has a supply of news- papers and tobacco brought to him every day. This he declares is the happiest week of the whole year. Yet another example of eccentric- HEALTH HINTS. Warm salt water held in the mouth will sometimes banish tooth- ache, and at least make the afflic- tion lighter, while it is both safe and easy to try. Nothing strengthens the feet more than salt. The right propor- tion is one heaped tablespoouful ot salt to half a gallon of water. Bathe the feet in this once a Week. To ventilate your rooms, open the windows both at top vid bottom; the fre.sh air rushes in one way, while the fi>ul air makes its exit the other. This is letting in your friend and getting rid of your en- emy. It is always a mistake to tell a child that a medicine is nice unless it is stri<.tly true. This is a com- mon error among mothers, but nurses ought to be above adoptiag a course that in the end will purely lead the child to distrust their word. If a dose is very disagree- able, the nauseous taste may to a certain extent be overcome by let- ting a small peppermint drop dis- solve in his mouth just before giv- ing the medicine, or sucking an orange before and after swallowing will often tide over the ditficulty. To Court-Plaster a Bad Cut. â€" â- Fold a piece of court-plaster length- wise directly through the middle. Tho plaster should be larger than the wound. Now slash the plaster at oven intervals nearly to the edge. Straighten tho court-plastor out flat, and cut the slashed pieces at opposite ends. The straight edges should bo stuck to the flesh on ei- ther side of the wound; this will bring the narrow strips across tho cut. Take a strip from each side. iiWetak** hfo»«i»Ti<o caneeptipn Sniipor was eaten, and which the , hieh looked for _ the rc-cRtubliRh- 1 apostles were now using ns n com- , ,,,nt pi the Jowihh ntate in great mon living room. ( ,\offdot under tho Tci.gn of the 11. With the womenâ€" Or, "with ?.l.i9aiaht' Jesi's docs not directly certain women." Who these were vi'er the question put to him but! its not indicated, but amon^ them (1» repX0VC3 t''® apostles for] Mary, tho mother of Jesus, la sing * WORSE JOB. "Holloa, Jack, old boy, writing home for money?" "No." "What are you taking so much treable ever, thea? Yeu'vo bnon fussing and fuming o/«r it for the last two hours." "I'm trying to write home with- out asking for money." rl' «â- â- 111.: 111. means, wno every summer rcnis ai , , . " â- -•â- i- .. ..•^«.. .. ^j^.t., their health surprisingly, even ^n.-vll cottage for about a month in I 'V"'' '""ving moistened them, dr.-:w while livins- in cellars, and he ob- some secluded country villafie for | '^"'"" together gently, elosuig f'-,e served that during four years of | the soKi purpose of giving her cats i ry*',,^"" stisk the plaster in pku-e prosperity t.K- number o' fever cases ft holiday. She generally takes ' " """ * ' ' admitted to the MapchoRter House ahout t-tm or a dozen away with her of Recovery were 4:il a .^^,ar. while in a large crate, in two pinching years 1,207 cases a year were admitted. "The ultimate effect of curtailing the food supply is to weaken the stomach bo that it cannot digest .what it once coulej easily. "Thus th" source from which our energy is derived is weakened, to our great detriment. "Now, «9 man is really no strong- er than his stomach, an<! as good digestion waits on ax'petito, and health on both, should we not rath- er seek to strengthen the stomach by giving it ejiercise than to en- ifitatifig an unnecessary curio- wllJi r*«ard tJ fhe future. "fa wall receive p(jw.r ~ A feeble it by dieting! Loss of weight Printing from moveablo typo was I is tho first .symptom of failing led out as especially worthy of Uicn-jknown iii Korea over a century be-; health; and cutting the food supply tiyn. _. . . â- ^"iforo the invention -â- ' "â€" -â- â- ' •- ' ' --11- >â€" • • â- • I Uis brethrenâ€" Tho brothers ot, Europe. of the art in ! invariably cautics loss of weight. j "To develop p iron g "'"'"y'lJHâ€" , Wft 1 â- "â- f ' "J'^" CONTRADICTION. Ascumâ€" So you think the Bible is contradictory in spots? llenpock â€" Well, yes, I ^,0. A.scum â€" Whore, for instance) Ilenpcck â€" Well, I can't reconcile tho statement that Solomon was the wi.iest man and that he had so man wives. > After acquiring a business of youi own learn to attend to it. Cripples have running expenses the same as other people. It's the unexpected that happens when a man makes a fool of him- rJ^kMAif' Do the same with all the strips, and the cut will be dressed in a manner to efisure as perfect healing si is possible. * PHYSICIANS IN FRANCl . The number of physicians in France has nearly doubled in 10 years. There are now 20,000, and nearly 2,000 are turned out every year by the medical schools. Fees have de&reased alarmingly because of this competition, and becaui<s ot the diminution ot disease due to hygicnio precautions. In some dis- tricts in Paris a frano is all that ia changed tor a doctor's call. It's easy to talk philosmhieally if the other feUow is paytag tLo l^rdfhfc.