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Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1908, p. 5

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T ii f: F L E S If e r t o n a d v a nc e Decimber 24 19.>8 THE STANDARD BANK E*.blUh.d 1873 OF CANADA 51Br«d-i' ' is a Bank of age and strength. It has a record behind it of 35 years of sound and successful business, and is strong in resources and banking experience. We iuvite you. to join the large number of prudent, successful people who have found banking relations with it both agreeable and profitable. If you have not yet' begun to save your spare dollars make a start to-day by depositing One Dollar or more in cur Savings Department. FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell. Manager BXANCHCJ AL^O AX DURHAM AND HARRISTOM. Inspecior N. W. C'Hmpbell visited our ! public Bthiirl hery (in Fridty last, and in ' conversation with The Adrnnce paid a 1 hiRh cumpliment t.i iha staff. Mr. Canipliell tliinka it is smne years since the school has been in as ^ood eonditiuri, ai.d he ihiuks Ihe staff is all that cjuld be desired. The teachers are away on their holidays this week ao we can afford to publish tliiisa goiHl opinions of (hem wihuut fiar of 8<.'e ng principal Hi-atb or h's lady ass'.st.<nls blush. Property for Sule at Priceville â€" Ajbrick house, eixht rooms, barn and five lo^s, Cough Caution Xt'vcr. po>iliv.-)ynirv<T[M>i>oii yoiirluuc?,, I. you coiurhâ€" v-vi'ii Irom a siuipU- fol<! oiily-yoiislmulcl always Ileal, mxitlie. aiid <«>» th>- irritauil kroii- c ilal tubi'i. Don't briiidly snpDnss It with a aliipefyiiig poison. It's strange how soijk Uiinga !'.ii;iJIy comi-abont. Fortwcnty years Dr. Hlioon has (i>n»taiitly nunii<l people not to tiikefonith aiiitures or pn-MriptiuMs oaitaininK Opium. Cnlorolorni. or !,ini;lurpuis<uis. .Inil nmvâ€" a littla lute thoiieliâ€"<i>ntfrn-ss say, "I'm It on thelalii-l. i: poisons art- in your L'migli Mixture." Good I \ erygno.!! : Hennfd-rforiiiisviTytvasonmotliere. c:iil others, shoulil insi^ton having Dr. Shoop'a ' ugh Cnn;. .N'o poison nmriis on Dr. Shoop's iH. visâ€" ami none In tlie niedltine. else it niuat by la IV Ix- on tlh! lalx'l. .Ami it'.s not only safe, but ft IS joicl to !).• by tlios«'tliat know it best, u truly r». I carkableeough r»-iiuily. Take noehoiue then. , jartieulorly with yimrchililn-n. Insist on havinif 1 Dr. Shoopstouifli (u.-e. Compare i-arefully tho i P.*;-. '^""OP P«<kagi> with others nml nop- the dllfereiiie. So are ea At,. 1 1. Hi - 1 T^r T* Tj * i. -I ""lereiiee. .>o pois^ill Ulttrk.s thel\'! Vou can iKolot IC. con. 1, ^. D. K., Artemesit, I always b« on tl>xif,- ., by demandii.V -=^. Teachef VVaotedâ€" For Rock Milk VIPINITY rUIPQ i'''cl>..ol, ATtemosia, second cU'scoitiScate, WlUinil I OnirO ^ ^ duties ro be».u Ja„. 1. I'JO!.. Apply to I Wilfred Philips, Secretary, Max wrll P.O. W. A. Armstion- issuer of maniase j Principal He. th. of the public school, licenses. \ j^ ^^ j,;^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ London, Kaine For Saleâ€" Four head of young cattle. \ \a at Gorrie, and Miss Chidlcy at Clinton. Apply John Wri«lit, Flesherton. | May their stoi.king be filled with t'ood - Municipal notuinations will be held on â-  ^"higs. Monday next. ; Mr. H. Foe.-t.-r has openL'd upa black- DJTision court wa^ held on Wednesday. ; »ni''h shop at Eugenia, opposite Henry Bep^rt next week. ' Cairu's store. He wishes us to imnounce To-mo,row is the day of kindly rcniem- ' "'"' ''« "'" '"''^ ~ ^*'"'-'* f'"' "^ ^'^'^''^ "^' liances. May we all be the barter for it. \ "*â- '* "'"'"/''' -'' '='*''^*' Bein;; in Ihe 8..W mill business* .it Eugenia, I »m prepared to do custoin^ Will aUn pay cash at the mill acres. Apply to Catherine Scott, J Prieeviile P. O. tf '• The Winnipeg Free Press in a recent ! .i«sue contaiuij a portrait of Charles A. I Haniilion, forujerly of H'dsteiu, who got 1 into Iri'uhle thera, having married two I wives. Over a year ago he D<airied Mary j Cow Tayh>r In Winnipea, but the union was not without its thorns and he made I a clmnsie ou .Tuly 2*3 last, when he mnr ' I ried Mary Kravels, a Ruthenian. The j tirst wife oot on his trail. He was ar- rested at Brandon, but both he and No. i 2 slipped easily out of the hands of the i police and got JawAV. He was again c;iuij;ht at Emerson and loU'^ed in Winni- pes jail. Ho is said to be 3:5 years of j age and h id a ra'her wild reputation be- ! fore he left here a number of yesrs ago â€" ! ! Confederate. Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure "ALL DEALERS" Chopping done every day at the plan- ing mill . Thoa. Blakely A" Co B. Holuian arrived home fiom the Toronto hospital on Tuf.sday. Born â€" To Mr. .ind Mrp. J. 'J. Pat:oii, on Wednesday, Dec. IC, a d^iughter. Mr.'R. P. Ugate of, who hat leen iu the Northwest for some months, returned home Saturday. sawing. f.)r .spruce and balsam in twelve-foot lengths. â€" J. W. Duagie. Lot 171, 2 N. E. T. and S. R. Art., contninir.g fifty acres, was sold at Moit- l>.ige sile here week, The purcba.ser was Geo. Uu'herford of Shelburuc. This prop.rty wa.« owned by Mr. John Kerr. schohrs, by the teaehei-s. Every scholar got a gift. Tea WIS .served for the children, after which the piMgi-iiiu given. It con- ^Kisted of recitations by scholars, b<jth j little and lirgor. Worthy of .sp»ci*I mention were piano duet.s by Elsie and Elmer Wright, and by Minerva and j Valeria Stafford, and Mis.s Flo Ricliard- 1 s<iii and Mrs. K. Wright. ' Tl»e Ceylon orchastra wai presiMit and gave a number of se'eetions, proriug I themselves apt entertiiuers. ' [ „ . , „ -â- ^ p«rty of young Indies from the "Red , PrcTeiitics, the new Candy Cold Cure „ , ... Til. , -iij -..1 r ouhool reiicated a very pretty run' drill Tablets, are said by drusff<i»ts to have four ' •' ' .' a " special specific advantages orer all other ! medicin'^s for a cold. First-They contain ' no Quinine, nothing hanth or sickaning. i Secondâ€" They give almost instant relief What Shall I Giver This i.s a fjuestion soon to become urgent. Alreatljr ilie knowinij ones are looking around in leisurely /jishion, picking up objects of appreciable value that iii.iy be (juite unobtainable in the last days oC rush .iiid hurry. Our .store offers a wide selection of such .iiticles in fancy Dry (loods, Pottery, Glass Ware md ;ill kinds of fancy Confectionery and Nats. They I rm a collection well worth seeing and you will be Mirpriesd :o aote the moderate prices at which they are obtainable. at their concert bt-st Miss Williams of Osprey, spent a few We have not heard the p'archase price. day»^wi-h .Miss F. C dquette in town j Djn'tBe "Busted'." Biinsj your accounts latt week. j to Peri.;eo. Insurance and financial agen', Mr. John Wa'scr, formerly of Mark- ' Foviriiham and get the c».s!i. Insurance which Wius given week. Will Wiltion give a-s a cornet solo. ".Sing me to Sleep " '•Billy" gives \ T,i,-.i Di . . .1 . . 11 â- , ' promise of l>ecoining a first rater. Thtin j Thirdâ€" Pleasant to the taste, like candy, f, "J , there were songs and'ch >ruse.s. j Mr. A'len, the suijerintendent, gave ths report f n the year which wxs in iKirt j ;us foil iws: average attendance, 21; vensea Muniuip'il aspirants in Arteinesia hare \ by Iwys, 250; by jiils, 30'2_: visitors, 24. uf ! Fourthâ€" .\. lar}»e box -48 Preventici--at i 2oc Also line for feverish children. Scld ; , by all deal.-rs. dale, his been engaged as foreman at D. McTaviah's blacksuitbing establishment. James White, an old and es'eenied res- ident of Orangeville, was found dead in bis stable, of heart failure. Hisa Bella Loucks, who has been attending high school at Mcaford, is home for the holidays. ~ Mits Myrtle Thurston ati^eoded the wedding of a young lady fiiend at Har- tistori on Wednesday. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. F. Malheson, on Friday Dec. 18. h, twin.sâ€" boy and Rirl. For Sale cheapâ€" 2 second liand cutters, one almost new. R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton. Misa Wilkinson has returned to her knme at Leamington after a season in T. G Karsfedt's millinery parlors. 5Ir. John Kerr jr.. is visiting at his bome here. He has be.2D on a visit to England *be past summer. Mrs. Badgerow from near Toronto, is TisitiDg at her pareuta' home. Win. Davia'. in fire, life accident and sickne.*s, plate-, burglary etc. Po)i:ies in the bggest fiuancial institution on eaith. The Kimberley Methodist church will git'e a tea a'ld entertainment on the ev- ening ef New Years day for which an excellent program is being projia'cd, for which sed bills. Tea from b.'M o'clock. I'sual prices of admission. Owing to unforeseen dttticulties F. G. Kaistedt was unibie to secure the drill shed for a riok. Now Jas. Patton steps into the breach -iud announces his inten- tion of Conducting an open ;iir rink. He will use Nuhn's pond and will usu. the egg packiuif (or a dressiug room. The rink will be in readiness by Christ- mas day. Tjpewritten notices are posted up around town calling for men to sacri6ce themselves on the altar of public .service â€"to receive the hiithest position it is in the power of the town to give, that of Police Trusteeship. To all appearances the otfice will seek the men as is its cjstoin. For Sale Very Cheai>â€"1 s cond baud The funerals of the late Empress of | h^u h .nging lai'np and porcelain shade. late Emperor cost $4,200, | y e.xlension dining table alm-st ! filling leaf table, 2 closed wash China and th 000. Worcester, Miss., has the distinction af being the largest prohibition city in tbe world. Misses Lily and Mal>cl Boyd have re- turned home from AVhitliy ladies" colU-ge, and Miss Lulu Mitchell from Owen Sound Timber Lot For Saleâ€" ICO acres, all wooded. Lot 25, Con. 14, Artenie.sia. Apply to A. D. Thurston, 431 WolKsley St., Toronto. Among those home fnun Toronto for Ihe holiday were, Clias, Ottowell, Florence and Artiold Thurston, Miss Trances Bellamy, and Mary Wilson. A tot of new Biblex and hymn books just in, veiy choice for Christinis presents, at ihe Depository. W, H, Bunt, «i;ent. We are sorry to report Mr. Ed. Thonip- ton laid up with a alight attack of apiien- dicitis. He has been confined to his bed »inc« last Thursday. Good brick veneered homeâ€" eight rooms â€" for rent in FIcsluTton. Possess- ion Dec. 1. Apply to Thos Suoll, Port Law, or W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Remember the Presbyterian Sabbath achool entertainment on the e%'ening of Christmas I'ay. A splendid 'programme has been prepared, for which too bills. Having my saw mill again placed it, Flesherton, I am prepared to do winter •iMtom aawhiv, and also solicit contrac's for aummer sawing. Geo. .\. Wa^8on. The regular meeting of the W. L wil| be held Tuesday, Dec 29, in the town ball, at 2.% p. m., when the delegate to th« prorinoial convention will give her report. Viaitow always welcome. Rev. .''8. Slracban, of McMnste new, 1 stjiiuls, 1 centre t.ible almost new, 1 sett single driving harness. R. J. Spruule, Flesher- ton. While operating a circular saw at Coo- boy's cariiage works, Toronto, David Blair hid the top of his left thumb taken off. His injury was dressed at St. Mi- chael's hospital. Mr. Blair's inauy friends here extend sympathy. Leather goods â€" Music rol's, purses, p.icket booka, ladie.s and gents fancy cow- bpy gaun lets, bells, blankets, robes and all winter goods in the line at W. Moore's harticsa shop, Flesherton. This week our columns are crowde<l with advertisements but next week thare will be it relief and the usual amount of reading matter will henceforth appear. There is not a great deal of local interest happening this w«ek, anyway. All are too busy buying Christmas presents. If you have not bouaht yours look over the advertisements iu this issue. They ate intere«tini>. Something to interest every gjntU- man, who want.s to bo well (>re.s8ei'. Irish and Scotch tweed.s in suits and trousers at cost price. Worsted trousers at $3.50 to $5.00. Come in and see them. F. A. Tucker, Flesherton. The annual concert given by the pupils of S.S. No. 3, better known as " the rtd rchool," on Friday evening last, was a hugs success. The now school room was packed to the doors, many baring to stand in the cloak rooms, where one of our h>cat arttats gave an exhibition of foot work rarely surpassed, as a side line between acts. The program was very lengthy but gmid, and did Mr. Rydali, the teachpr, much credit. It consisted of choiusei by the pupiU. recitation.", been keeping very i)uiet this year, appar- ' p >riodicid.s distributed, 2.0l>l); amount ently waiting to set what nomination day | ni iney Piised by .school S'ii.tHI. A j would bring forth. The cmly au-horized | luinlicr of boys anl girls in the school i statement we have to niake this week is had come to i .sjiving kno'*le<lge of the that Mr. J. A. Btijd will again ie in truth and joined the ch'.nx'h. | the field for the raeveship. We are in- j 'fhe p.istn referred to the lisld formed, however, that Mr. Beat will : each Wednesday for Bible study. Dur- ' retiie and^Mr. UcKenzie Duncan will ing the year this has grown in attenc'- ask for a place at the council board. Mr. ! aice until at presi-nt, teachois from all; McKeuzie is likrly to again run for the : the schools in the village are alteudini.'.. deputy-reoveship. but his oppositi< n has and interest is excellent, not been made known \Vli„ the other ^ After the prognun eamo the event of aspirants are, temaius t . ho made known the evening to little hearts, the on Monday next. \ n,^ tree, rnfortuiiately Santa Clans The old fashioned way of dosing a weak hiwl lost his whL-kei-s so Rev. Kipp dis stomach, or stimulating the heart or I tribnted the gifts. kidueys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out :he error. This is whj his '. Auctlon Sales. prescriptionâ€" Dr. Shoop'.s Restorativeâ€"! is directed entirely to the cause if these j .\.n adminislrat-irs' sale of farm stock, ailments â€" the weak inside or controUiii", etc., will be hold on lut 25, netve.s. It isn't so difticu't says Dr. Shoop! cou. 1), Oiprey, on Thursday, Jan. 7ih, to strengthen a weak stomach, he»rt or ' next, the properly of the late J^hn kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Etch ! Spencer. Ttrnis will b* ci-«h st time of inside organ has it» controlling or iiuide \ s*'*"- See large bill*, Wni. KaitJDC. nerve. When these nerves fail, ihen -'"ctioneer. These ' R'"* *''^' ""' f'"' "" extensive credit Fancy Dry Ciood5 itimlkerchiefs from 5c to 75c iiiylies from 10c to 75c I'anehj from l.OlJ to 1.50 Fascinator.'! at .50j TtMiues from 25c ro 50c Gloves \Voollen. ladies', gents', children's froni I5c to 75c I. idles' long kid. black 2.50 I.ediea' short kids,Mocha "j to 1.50 • ients" .short kid, lined or unlined. 1 from 1.00 to 1 50 C-LnU' Mocha, lined, fur cuff, .... from 75c to 1 .50 V'oya' 3t"clia, for 75c Fancy Gla.sS'w-are FiQcy Tea Se.t.i 1 25 to 2.50 .. '• Fruit Dishes 65c to 2. OO i '• Vases, all size*. . . . 15e tc 1.50 " Jardineres, fr'm. .75c to 1.50 " Ltmps. trom.. .. 85c to 2 50 " Water Setta.late8t,l.C0 to 1.65 " Cups & Sauce's .. . .15c tc 50c " Pitchers, from .... 15c to 50c " Plates, from 2.'h: to 75c Dinner SetLi, 100 to 108 pieces from 5 OO to 13.50 F iv« O'clock Tea Setts, 2.50 to (J.60 Fancy CofifectMDcry We Lave a lureo stock of the following: â€" Gross Candy, each Ic Royal Mixed 20e lb Chocobit/^ 20 to 4<}clb Bou Bons 30 to 50c b:»x Fancy B;scu'ts trow. .10c to 18c lb NuU, all kinds 15 to 25c FURS FURS FURS We have a large stock of F'irs, including L)idy".-i and Gent's Fur and Kiir- Lined Coais, Lndiea' Ruffs, Muffs, etc. We have a full line. If you arv thiukiuii of buying, a>iw m the time. Don't wait till the best snapped up. Call and see our stock. It will conviiica you. srs F. Q. KARSTEDT General Merchant ?^M'^^ those organs must surely falter. These' Bills are out for an extensive credit) M vital truths are leading druggists every- auction sale to be heldou Thursd,iy, Dec. ] m where to and recommend Dr. ' 20. »* 1"^ "• «-'^'n- f^- Osprey, when a large | ^ Shoop's Restoranve. lest it a few day»-I "mJO""' "f ">'"<=''• implements, etc., will and see: Imprnenient will prompily anJ | beoffeied for, tlm property of Mr, surely follow. Soldliy All D-»lcrs. j NV^A. Kert.n Sale at 1 p. m. Wm. Kaitting, auc ioneer. -TO- A Much Travelled Man j Mr. John Chadwick of Yellow Gras,«, ' Sask., is »i^iting friends in tins locality. I It IS thirty years since Mr. Chadwick left hero to seek his f-rlune. We do not. kuow j'jst when he discovered it, but evidently ho did so as he ow^ns property in four of the western provinces. Smcti leaving here he has visited many lands, including the Klondike, Fiji, New Zeal- and, Australia, Hong Kong, England and South Africa. He stt'l^d down for sure in Saskatchewan and Siiys it is the beat of j the p»6viuces. Two years ago he paid a visit to the scenes of his youth here. Election Card Ti) the liiiiip ! ijrfi of Aifriiii'aui: â€" LjniKsanilCtaNTLKinN -t am a cnndiitaie for tli« Uaeve&liip rf .\rtemesia fur tlic year 1009. Your vote aud iuaueuca rÂ¥9t'i.'<^t-uUy solicited. ; | JoaN A. BcxD. I Flo'liei-top. Cec. 2?. ItO'. I Notice to Creditors 5^ Buying Toot mear Come where you can save money. We remiml otir frieniis that we have a good stock of Kubbers. Overshoes, Leggings and some felt goods-^just the kind to keep your feet comfortaMe in the cold weather. â€" frost "*'^^-^-'^,f and warm. Also a lot of Trunks Telescfs^^oing off cheap. .Sb all the beSrKiiWr*!~ â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Cu.stom work made to oriler, first material used. Trv CLAYTONS Chamberlain's Cwgh Remedy Aids Nature. Medicines that aid nature are always nio«t succiswful. ChanilH."il«in"s Cmigli Kenieily acts on this plan. It allays the eolith, aiils expectoration, relieves the lunps, (•pens the sccrvtion.'s th^^reby aiding natnre in throw- ing off a coKI :ind i-vstorii (t the system to a healthv condition. W. K. Richani.Hnn. Toiversity, Toroneo, lately jwstor of the drills, dialogues, « speech by Rev. Mr. Thornbury Baptist church, will probably j Kipp. and music by Proton and Ceylon preach in tho Baptist church next Sun- j orchestras. Mr. John Sh>an, an ex- Jay. The pupils of Ceyl m school gave a abort- concert on Tue.silay. After the vsu*! i^rogram, Santi Claus apiwAreil and treated tho childroii tron the heavily K>aded tree. Miss Mc(!rogor,tlie tencSier. is spending her holidays in Oa-eu Sound. pupil, appeared in a di dogue and brought down the house with his Irish blarney. The crowd was kept in order by Inspector Campbell, who acted a« chairman. Fleaher'on, of course, wns well represented, there being about 75 present from our burg. The aniounkd tv $2!> 46, Lost and Found Ram Lot-tâ€" On Thnrsdiy, Nov. 12tb, Lei-'ester ram strayed away from iiiy premitc-i. Finder comniunicato with Robt. CaiiipHell, lot 2-t, con. 12, .\rte- Die'^ia Iijst - \ loadini.' rant hoak bel*ee« west back line, and Cylon, on Fri Nov, 20th, and an axe between Ceylon and Hesherton ou Sat., Nov. 20th. Finder plea,se return to W. A. Ariiistr;)ng, Flesherton. ^ S'rayedâ€" Four sheep strayed to mjr premises about Dec. 1st., one ram, 1 ewe, and 1 Iamb. Finder prove prop- erty, piy axpensci and take away. Jos. Parks, h)t 18'2, con. 3, Artemeaia, In the matter of the estate of Patrick Burns, late of the tiwnship of Os- prey in the County of Grey, fariuv.'r, deceased. Kotice i' liorabv (jiren porsnint to The B«» vised Statutes of Ontario. l.xpT. rliapter ia>. that ail ciuJitor* aurt otliers tiaviiiit claims A;:a!nat tlit> ostHtc of the naiil Patrick tlurus. wno dio'l on or about the tMiietPDUtti flav of .\nKiist r.ios. art? rt»i|uire.l on or before thv ^th day of -lauuary. lllHi. to son»I by pout prttpHid. or deliver to Mess.n. I.ucas. NVviKlit AMc^rdle. Ow Ml .'^ouiif. Out.. Rol'citor for tlieaJiiiiuiKtra^ tor of tho estate of ilie said dvceaseil, tl2«ir ehriftian and sninaine^, a«Mre«»rs and 'U-scrip- j tion^, tho full particular!! of tlicir o!aiin>«, the | !*t»teiiit)tit of tlitiii* a count inJ tho nature of j the securities lifanvlhold by them. I .\ud fuvthcr take uotico that after such List niuiitiouud date iho saii adiutiiist ator will! proceo'l to disiiibute the asKots of the (l*>cea.sod ; • intnii the parties entitled thereto. liRvin){ ru- j ijai'd au)j to the clsiuis <}t wUicU ti« sball tbvu h«ve juitice. anil tiiat tin* said adiuiiiiHtiator ' will not ha liable for the !*tii.l a-^set;* or aiy part j thereof to *mv pji-sou or pi.rsoiis of wlioaj clalin notic*^ !iha1i not have boon received by I bini at the tmo* of nuch di!«tribiitiou. i Dated Decumber 17th, \. D. J'.IOT. I LiieaR, Wriicbt A McVrdh*. Owen Sound', i Out., SoIieitoiH for Janies Michael Burns, .\d- } uiiuibtiator of ^lio estate of tbo said deceased. I CHRISTMAS! Everylhing Nice for Christmas Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Ci-aubenies, Table t'igs, Nuts and Candies of all kinds, ftesh Salmon and Ojsters, New Kaisins and Ciiriants, Celery, all kinds of Fancy Cakes. Nice tilings fcr Cliristmas presents too numeroas to mention and prices cannot be beat. Granulated sugar. Gold Yellow Sutrar. New Raisins, New Cleaned Currants, BriglitB. Uice, Best Baking Soda, Clothes Pius, Extracts, Produce wautetl tat Highest Prices. - Car of Potatoes wanted right away. Our Motto isâ€" "Small Profits and quick Returns." Market voiu' Poultrv now. JAS.PATTISON CEYLON. Notice to Creditors In The MaMer of The Kst.ite of William ' Spencer the elder, Ime of the T«>wn- .ship of t)»prvy in tha Coun'y of Grey, faiinei, deceased NOTICE in hereby Riven pursuant to the re- viwdStatulosof Untario, IK>7, Chap. I'.'li that all creditora and others having claims a,;a{nst theetitAto of tliesaiil Williaiii Speiicor,rleceaae<l whodiodonor kbout the eleventh day of Mav. lOUd, ave rcquirod "u or before tho 2Cth day of Januar\. A. D. 1W8. to rjimI bv (Kjet prepaid or deliver to Meaarm f^iicifi, WriKbt A ^ \lo\rdle, 0*en Sound, Ont, 8<licilois for the! adininiatrator of theeatateof tht>);aiddecea.M«il. j their chi'iatiau iindHurnaniea, aih.lrea.teH and, do- ' Hcriptloiis. the full pirticulars of their claiins, the atttoiiient of their accounts and the uature I ,,f fl,.. u,, .;„• lOf tho aocurities (if aiiyi held bv them. OI tno tiiptisl .^sD FVKTHKIt T.XKKSOTICKthnfc after on auch lai't ntentioue.l date the saiU adninis- ! - .. . I trator will proceed ti diati^il'Ufto tho assets of' w;va .a flinctum to . thnde-caaed a.n.>iiK th«p»rtiej eutitlod there-; i,l.>:i^<« lhi> lilllo onoH anil w-w ••iiiiiiioMtIv I to havinc ro>,'»rd only to the claims of which pliikse tno lUtit oni.saim w,ls luuniinciy n^^^. j,,^^, j,,^„ ^^^.^ notice, an l that the ' said adniinistrat,>i- will not be liah'e for tho I jiatd assets ov any part thereof to any person or ^ at tho door and netted the si-Ihk)! ^llout 1 p>'raan.« of whose o!«ini< notloi- shall not have -,.--, ^, .«./-,!•. t beeu roceiviil bv them at the time of auch <!1 • ?U.OO, Of COHIHO the Christuia.s trie , ttibu-ioo. Pat.-d Decoinbor I7',li, a. n. lUUC. w,^ thero, U>.vled d .wn with gift, in' l.uc*s, McArdle.Owei So„u,', >M«e amo-.f,itins{ to nhout $1 0.(W for the «Saii Baptist Entertainment. The Sunday achool church here held their entertHinnicn» Monday evening. It please tho little o 8ucce.s.afu'. .\ silver Collection waa t.aken In Sleigh?, Buggies, Waggoti.'*. Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIAI I Out.. Solioltors (or John Spea>-«r, Adutluittta- I tor of lh«>svAte of the sail deceasc<l. Heard's Carriage WJ

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