•» - JfiF'-H. â- ^.,m< m wma^htrn'-mr-. yksb^rtai ^ftbana. matmmm-' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRIA'CirLES NOT MEN. V^ fOL XXVI, NO 1377 Flesherton, Ont., Tliuisday, December 24- 1008 Wn TBrnnwnN rditok . n. iiiunolun, propuietob â- en Swinton Park. We desire to extend our Christmas Itood wishes anl New Year greetings to je editor and family. Inspector Campbell visited the puldic â- cboul here last Tuesday and gave words •f eiicouiA^eiueut to tnaoher and pupils. List M'liid.iy evening Miss Mary Aid- torn hail a very successful ttntertainment in her school near Markdala and is now at her home here to eujoy the Christmax Vdidays. Miss Vina Knox is home from the Duiham high school. Messrs. ./. H. Ki-jhardson and D. Mc- Corinick are inakinij use uf the sleighing ly (jetting a lot of sawlogs out of tlieir WKodv on the 14th con. Mr. John McMurdo, blacksmith here, L-w ihown his <;ood taste in his .selection of calendars for the new year. Miss Wilson, tt»acher at Swamp Col- lege, deseives credit for the way the chil- ilren were trained for their entertainment vbiuh was held on the 18th. I^st Sabbath Rev. Mr. Mathesen gave hiq congregation here a brief discourse on the plans and new ideas discussed at the hymens' convention held at the Assembly tn Ornageville Tuesday of last week. It is a Wonder. Chamberlain's Ijnituent one .if the nuwt icmarkalJe prepaiatioii.'i yet produced for the ibeoniatic pains, and for laiue baqk, •{icmins and liruines. The quick rrlirf from And the angel said unto them, Fear not, for, beiiold I bring you t idin^s of great joy, wiiich shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, How they Talk Abou^ Us We rtre pleased to note gubstantal im- provements made in The Flesherton .Advance plant atd paper. Atworevolu- Maxweil Items Wedding bells are ringin;;. Maxwell and Fevejshim '>rancli Infli- tuto held the r meeiin-j Wednesday, Doc. 1 0th Line, Osprey. ~~ Intended for last week. Mr. John Herron, manager of the weatern branch of tlut Waterloo M.mu- facturiujj Co., at Wiunipi'K, h;is been roue .viii;; old acquiin tances in this part ^)r the lust fe>v jays, and lia.s re'urncd home. Mr. A. FTeron has returnel home after sper.diuga fe* days with his 8on,Slieldon, > of tlio Cat iract electric li^ht plant, and formerly of Eigeiiin, Miji Fjjfene Daman of Collin-jwood is vi.sitia.' her faiher, Wm. Duncan. M-. «nd Mrs. Harry Ho t m ofCol ing- wood visi ed with the latter's pironts a*' "Fairview B'arni " fjr a few days last week. Mr. Will rjrown had his horses run away from the Osprey Farmers Flour mill at Fevorsham one day la.st week. They ran a distaucj of li miles till they reached !:oine. Fortunati-ly the road wun clear and no damage was done to either horses or sliixh. tion Campbell press and Gasoline e-igine .^.^j^^ ._^ ^^^ Methodist l.all, wlioi, ti.ero were recently added, and the piper en- ^^^ ^ ^^^.^ ,,^,,^,^ ,^^^^^ ,^^^^ ,^,^^ p^.^^. larked to- that of a six column quarto- The Standard congratulates iti good neighbor on these evidences of proapority. â€" .Markdale .Standard. Star lenders conptratulattons to fain which it affords in ca-ne of rheumat i.sni is j The F'lesherton .Advance on its enlarged ainnr worth many times its cost. Price, 2."> centic; larjje size .V) cents. For sale I y W. K. Bkbatdwu. East Mountain dent, Mrs. Jos-ph CJa ney, ^avo a very interesting and instrucrive re,jort of the convention held at Ouelph. The- branch has done butter work tliia year than ever' before au 1 lus now a inLMubersliip of 45 in good Stan Hug. A new library hos also and very much improved appearance. â€" beeo added of some excellent reading. Creemore Siar. Tbtre ate 35 subscribers to the Home The Flesherton (Gray Co.) Advance ^Journal. The A merry Chr:.stmas and a happy New Tear to Ve Editor and the many readerb' at bis good paper. Election is very n'liet in this part, no •ne knows how the other is ^<>in^ to vote. Miss Nettie Martin oanie homo from Owen Sound last week, ' Numerous loads of telegraph poles ^o to Flo«herton every day. Mr. Thompson .Anon is projiarin^ ti luild a new ham next summer. Ho had K successful sand bee last Friday. Mr. Hutchinson and Mif.s Murtin of Bmlwi-ig spent a couple uf days this week with Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Martin. School closed on Monday and Miss Allen leaves for her home in Redickville to spend her holidays. has been enlarged, to six-column 8 page paper, and otherwise very much improv- ed.â€" Burks Falls .Arrow. The Fl.'sherion' Advance came out laat week in.eidaiged and improved form The improvement follow^s the installation of a new cylinder press and gasoline entwine. The Miil'or coiioratulatcs Brer, Thurstim on his enterprise and wishes hinijjgg<J]iuck.â€" Meaford Mimju*â€" ... The Fle.thertim Adviiice has adopted Miss Lizxie Hilyard of Colliu^wood isj visiting at her home here ut present and entertained a nuniber uf youit'4 fi lends at a card i>.irty one nij^ht last week. Mr. John Bemrose of Iijuace is spend- iu;{ holidays with his stste:-, Mrj. George Bulk. Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. Fleaher of C'olling- wudd \ isited at Mr. BurU's on Sunday, Mr. \V. H. Guy got bally hurt in the a>i enlarged and iluproved form. A ne\yjijyj.|, ,_,gj Thursday, but got oil" safe with- cjliiider press, a new job jiress and "(outnny bones beiii^' broken, only a badly g.solina engine have been in-tallod in the . i^juj.^a ^rm and shoulder. oHice. VV6 congratulate the Advance on . The Anylican c'ergy of Ottaw.t favor Government theatre censorship. thia bio advance. â€" Harristim Tribune. The C. P. R. has given au order for 20,000 tons of rails to the Algoma Steel Company at the Soo. An effort will be made to maintain winter navigation on the St. 'Lawrence from Quebec to the .'ea. \ serious pitch-in on iha Canadian Pactic tock took place at Manor, Sfwk., Mr. Ernest Hayes also raqt with a bad accident by which bis leg was broken. Rov. Geo. Buckiughani is spending Christmas holidays at his home here. Harvey Guy of Meafonl collegiate is also holidaying at his home. Miss Etta Buckinghk.n his returned home after spendiug a couple of months in Thoi-nbury. ' A j'dly cfo*d of Mixwellites, r.u>nber ing about twenty, cuttered over to Hath- ert(m Friday of las^ week to attend the tha t#Biou» wtit of "twenty minutes for 36 hours, and, believing the road clear to lefteshmen's" at Palmerston. I 1 Areola, were both asleep. Flesherton's Big Jewelery Store For Christmas Presents. This slore has never been so filled with choice goods for the ChtiAtmas saason as it io at present. We know how ditticult it is to dtcido just what you will buy for your friends at this merry Christmas time and with th»t knowledge we have decided to make it easier for you by suggesting a few i things ill the purchase of which you cannot go amiss. Wrist Bracelet WatchA â€" Watches of many makes, many designs and many prices â€" from $1.50 to |5C. Some elegant ladies' watches very suitable i for the Christmas season. In Clocks we have a nice Westminster chime, grandfatlcrs cluck, black wood mantle clocks "«nd a large variety of the lower priced class of gooils ranging from 91.00 up. Ladies Umiirellas '.An extraordinarily tine class of goods, vny suitable for 1 prosentatiuns of any kind, ranging in price from 3.51) to $8.00. These are the'richest goods ever shown here in this line. The Bruce Herald gives curruicy to a ^m Sunday, when a li^ht engine from report that IheGraiid Trunk in Iho spring ! Reston crashed into the rear of a west- will put a dining car on the line from j b..uiid freight. The tireman and engineer Palmerston to Toronto, .loii.g awny with ! on the light engine had had no rest for |S.S. concert, and all report a tirst class entertain iiient. l!cv. Mr. Little of Flesherton occupied the Pr(shyt«r;aii pulpit Sunday moriiiny and preached a helpful Chri3tina.s ser- mon. The choir rendered appropriate Christmas music. / The Ep worth League his a ki-id invita- tiriii to visit Iniscioge L â- ague the second Wednesday in January. Gur little hamlet is busy making ready for Christ mius -dinner parties and enter- tainments. Don't forget the Presbyter- ian Christi«a.s tr.e Thursday night and the meat and salad supper ir the Metho- dist hall on Friday night. Interesting • progia:ns are prep.-ired for both. , Chriatma.s song ai.d praise sorrica in ; the Methodist church Sunday evening I next. i The officers of Maxwell L.O.L. for the ensuing year are : W. M., Dr. Bon 1 ; Dep. W. M., Robe t Stock; Chap., R â- Kinnear ; R. Sec., W. H. Guy ; F. Sec, Marshal KertoR ; D. of C, Marshal Motri.soii ; LeC, Walter Kerton ; Coin., .lames Blakey, Herbert Clarke, Albert Morrison, Kniest Morrison, Frank Win- ters. The members of the lodge take this opportunity of thanking the Irusteec of the Methodist church fof the use of their liall on Dee. l.st for the occasion of their fowl supper. Mr. Sandy Mclnncs of Moosejaw callec on Mr. V,'. H. Guy Monday evening. We wi.sh everybody a mer ry Christmas and a happy New Year. . Rings and Jewell Cases and at all prices. Gold and pearl brooches, diamond rings, scaii pins, ladies' necktois, lockets and lorgnettes. In eyeglasses we have something special that tits any n<sc- the "Shur-On. Chase, beautiful I We also have opera and field glasses, and telescopes. Fancy French China and Cut Glassâ€" An e.xcellent lino of this beautiful ware just put in stock. Suitable presents in these range from 75c to §3.50. Silverware â€" We are making a specal display of Wedgew.iod and Crown Derby Silverware this season, that will bo worth c<miiiig to see. No priies can be quoted on these, but you can rely upon getting them at right ligures. Briar Pipesâ€" An extra tine line of these goods at right prices. Manicure sets, carvers. Hah servers, bedroom and hand mirrors, perfumes, work sets, fancy hair combs, whisks, Christmas and New Years Cards in great profusion, and, as tho auctioneer .says, other articles too numerous to mention The above are ouly a few of the articles T/e could luentiou, but yo u will be convinced from these that we iiava a stock that i? woi'thy of jour cousitleration in tQaking Cluistmas purchases, or purcliaso for presentations or private t\30. Come and look lliem ovev. (Tills Week's Iieiii'*)^ Mr. and Mrw. Win. Hudson and family of Eastview, Sask., aie visiting fr.ends in this neigh Uorhood. \'\v. Migiie Co'quette an. I son, Sheridan, of SirongHeld, S.isk., aie renetviiig aciiuaintaiices in ihtb part at present. Mrs. Geo. Hale, who was reported seriously ill a short time a;^o, died on Saturday tiiorning bist and was buried on Monday afternoon in the Presbyieriui cemetery at Fevursliam. The syuipat'iy of the neighborhood goes out to tho aged partner and family. Mrs. Hale, whose uriiden name was Sproule, was a sis.er of Dr. Sproule, M. P., of Markdale, and R. J , of Flesherton, .and Wm. John and James, of Manitoba, also Mrs. W'ni. Hi>r:on, of Vancouver, B. C. The Christni.'is se:isoii is at hand again. We wish Y'e Editor and staiia happy new year; Beware of Frequent Colds. .V succession ofcoMs or a protracted cold in alinoHt certain to end in chronic ciitnrrh, from which few persons ever wbolly recover. (iiv« t very cold the attention it deserves and yon may avgid this disof^reoable dii^ea^e. I low •11 y>i c ir; a c>!l.' W.iy not cry f'hamlierlaius Cough Riniiedy? It is liixhly recoinniended. Mrs. M. White, of Uutler, Tenn, ?ay»: ".Several years I was bothered with my throat and lungs. 8<>nienne tolil tne of Cliaii.bei I lin's Cough Remedy. ' I began Uhin(^ it and ib relieved 1110 at utice. I used it for some thir.' and it cured me. Now iiiy throat and lungs are sound and well. " l''or sale by W. E. KichSrdsoiu W. A. ARMSTRONG Some Owqn Sound hutelkeepcrs have an ingenious way of swearing that they didii t sell whiskey. In the course of [evidence taken at the trial last week one I of them sworo that ho know tho defective ! as soon as he saw him. Tha bar-keeper ' w.is intonnud and the "spotter' was ' served with only soft drinks. Ho also ; warned tho other holiilmon. Now what ' was all that warning for? -Coiifoderate, ; Mount Forest \ The January "Rod and Gun." The Near Y'oar number of Rod and Gun appeu's vs bright and interesting as ever. The leng aiid varied litit of con- tents (f the January issue of thi.s mag.azine, which is published by W. J- Tayhir, Woodstock, Out., is in keeping with the p isilion taken and so thorough- ly well niiintji^ned by this leading Canadian publication of outdoor life. Exiiloring and pioneering stories are intarmingled with hunting and liMliiiig yarns of the best, all redolent of the woods and of the .lotiial, and far ibove, from tho Kp;nt.sman's view point, tho averag.j of .such contributions. In addition there are many short but in- teresting papers on various phases of life in tho open, all of the de pest inter- est to the ever-increasing arm of such d^'voteos Tile game laws for the past ycir, the eltbrts at iinproveufOnts and t'le change) mile form tha subjects of an intofccting ariicle, while .an i lustrated aocoutit of tho Survey of the Selkirks siiould bring vividly home to Ciinadi.Mis some of tho wondei>i of these iiiountain regions The Vovages of the Vikings is a dive into the early history of Canadian exploration, while a .story of experiences of pioneer 1 in the Oiitaiio bush may be iitiofnly road at tho same time, ooth doing .semethiiig to picture those d.-iys which are so far off when measured by actual proL'ress, but near in the history of a new country. Whatever inclination individual sportsmen may foUnw. they cannot fail to find matter of inloiesi to tlioiiLselvos in this number. 5peclall8t In disoasos ol tho Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Oftlao 1 a Frost St. - OwefiSouncl XI the Rcveve hou.so, Markdnle, Ist Frid^iy each month from 8 to 12 a. m. McFARLAND&CO. :.i a.i?k:d.^i:,k oxtai<io Christmas Gifts Galore! Our .store is crowded wnh I he'ntw things f.ir Chri»tm.t.s. There are hundreds of :;r!icles to choose from in th's big siuru which sro so aduia-ably adapted to lh» wants of Ihosj looking for something Ix.th elegaiu and las ing that you can cj.iie here resting assured you car. supply y,iur every w.int and at prices that fear no conipetitioii. Buying in larg'S r)uaiiiiiies as we do onablos u.s to give yroi h» close pri esas it is possilile toget anywlure. W^j are ipiite piepared for a big rush of ChriatnuKshipners, having secured fhe .services of several extra salesman and .snlesladies a-id evc-ryoiie will ivceive ciireful attention. It would bo useless for ns to a tempt uiving a full description of the iii-Aiiy lines suitubU for presents and do j jHC.ce lo s.im« if we could use thii entire paper. Toys and Fancy Goods in large Variety. Our phice is abloom with Toys and F.iiicy CJ.jods and in this collection you could not hardly see a better or larger a.ssortment any place, and when you think of how low the prices are jn iliu«e goods here, why would you spend tnue lookiug else- where. TOYS OF ALL KINDS AT 2o, .3o, uc, To, 8.-. 10c, 12.-, 13.-, 18c, 20c. 25c, etc. FANCY G )(JDS AT 5,110, 15, L'o and .JOceiitf. The following is just a partial list of su?ge«tii>iis that nny help you to arrive at a couclusiou as to wlut lo get for the person in mind. Suggestions for Ladies. White Lawn Uaiulkerchiefs. f.mcy. ar •• 10c 1-2.W-, 1.5e, 18c, 25c, and 40c White Silk handkerchiefs, phtiii or in- itialed, at 2jc, ."Jo. and .50o Kaiicy collars at 25c. .'lac, 5IJc, 7.>!, 85, and T. Sl.OO Perfumes iu hai.dsonie buttles, 15 a-id 25c gi'illiugs in buses, 4 and 5 in box, 15c and 25c Fancy Bells, S5c, '-io: 60c, 75 and 85c. Golf Jackets i2.2r> and ?3.2n Wi>ol Sweaters SO .25 Kid Gloves. Too, 11.00. $1.25 anJ $i,.50 Rinuwuod (ilovos. 25 and 50c Leather Satchos. 25e, 4!)c, (J9c, and S'Jc Envelopes and puperto match infancy boxes, lOc 15c and .....,25c Fur Riilfs and Mutt's ac all p ices b'ur Jackets .?20 to »60 Fur Lined Coi.ts, best quality, |58.00 Fancy Sli|,peni, tiCc, 75c. 85c, 1.00, 1.25 and .11.35 McFARLAND 81 COMPANY THE UPRIGHT HOUSE Wo are well supplied with all the .special fancies for Christinas eating in new fresh goods, just opened. Wo get regular shipments » from the leading h( uses in Canada and are able to give you the best values you ever g.it in Nuts, Candies, Figs, Currants, Raisins, Lemons. ' v v •: .Another .shipment of best grades of Flour just snivel. Come and get a ba^ and be couvince<l for yourself that we sell the best in town, 5AWS We sell the famous Siinonds Cross-Cut Saw. No need to idver* tise these. Once tried nu other used. Every saw guarautaed. Ceylon's Leading Merchants COL luIM SON^ BBOS THE MARKDALEMUSIC STORE DON'T FORGET W'ben you are in ufed of a Piano. Organ or a Sewing Machine th«B I keep the best. If you need a Sewing Machine just diop nie a card or call when in town and I will bring you h Singer, and you can keep the machine by paying $2.00 per month until you have it paid for; or sold oa any terms. As to organs I have the best money can buy. The Thomas Org^n of Woodstock, Sherlock- Manning of London, W. Doherty of Clinton, 1 he Belt and the Uxbridge. All good makes. Pianos I sell the high grade only, such as the Ueintzman Co., Newcombe of Toronto, New.scale, Williams Pi am* Co.. Stanley of the IStHnley Co., and other makes of Pianos. Our Leaderâ€" The Willis Cabinet Grand. """ piano has the greatest name of all. This What Some Ot The Great Pianists Have To Say For the Willis Piano, juch a.s Carruno, Hamburg, Kubelik, Peppercorn, Sir Frederick Bridge, Otic, Chen. Wo honestly believe that tho Willis Cabinet Grand Piano is the very best high grade piauo made today in the entire dominicn of Canada, positively withont exception. Kmile Saner, the world's greatest piani8t,said upon his recent visit to Montreal, tiie Willis Piauo Ims a lovely tone, I am surprised and delighted with it. You have a piano tc be prou I of. Those arc his exact words. Sauer knows pianos better than any man in *the world to-day. The Willis is a piano with a Soul as beautiful and pure as its body of superl) strength an I gracefulness. The Willis Cabinet Grand was used by tho Sheltield Choir while tjuring eastern Canaila. These pianos can be seen at my store at any time. Markdale Music istore, T. F. WILSON.