r THE STANDARD BANK istiiM^ J873 OF CANADA *' ^'"""^ Banking Made Elasy There is no formality about opening a Saving's Accmmt with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first steps easy for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open an account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your dq>osits are entered. No delay in withdrawing yovu" money at any time, with interest to date. FLESHERTON BRANCH C«ortfe MitcKell, Manager BItAMCBftff Al«90 AT DVK.HAM AMD HAIUililTOII. 50 VICINITY CHIPS Claytons sell the best rubbers. W. A. Armstrong iasuev of niarriftfie licenses. W. H. Bunt went to Toronto on buai- neas Saturday. Two weeks from to-morrow spells ObriRtmas day. Divisiou Court will mset in Flesherton on Wednesday, Dec, 23. Claytons have a^lot of men's and boy's moccasins on hand, cheap. Rev. Mr. Kipp's subject next Sunday mortiinfi is "The Angels." Mr. and Mrs. Uobt. Phillips, Toronto, â- »re visi'.inj? at Rock Mills. HflF.d the adverliseineut of J. E. lArgo Eugenia, on last page. Foi iiale â€" Four head of young catth. Apply John Wright, Flesherton. W5. . 1 snow flakes fly a»d you wjut warm feet and dry, call at Clayton's. Ccaimunion service will be held in the Prasbyterian church next Sabbatli. The Baptist Sunday School tea and Christmas treo is to be held on the 2ht. Mrs. J. F. Lee of Dulutb visited with " her cousin, J. J. Thompson, the past week. For Sale cheap â€" 2 second hand cutters, â- one almost new. R. J. Suroule, Flosber- Xfn. The township councils will inent on Tuesday next, Dec. 15. to wind up the year's business. , The prices are the best rcasoKS 'you can have for buyini; your rubbers and overshoes at Clayton's Mrs. P. Hohnan has gone to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. John Chard, near Markdale. Calf for saleâ€"Good heifer calf Ironi good milk and butter stuck. Apply to W. A. Tucker, Flesherton. Miss Mistgie Rutledge of Ceylon, spent a few days last week visiting her fcier.d. Miss 61. Clarke of Prici'ville. Mr. Jos. Cornfield isdcwn at Trafulgar assisting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Cornfield, to wind up her estate. . Boet and Shoe Repairing promptly, cheaply and well done. U. Carriugtun, Armstrong's old jewellery store, Fleshor- OD. . We are pleased to note that Mr. Cecil Legate has resumed his place in the Standard Bank, hfter a forced abjence, due lo illness. The present is the danger period for colds and the moat prolific source is wet feet. Get a pair of Claytons' Rubbers or Overshoes. Mrs. J. Runstadler is altendinsr the D. W. I. convention at Guolph this week. Mis. JoR. Ganiey is represonling tlie Maxwell \V. I. For a gonuirio curiosity in advertise- ments read VV. E. Richardson'^ this week. It has tho Christmas spirit with a â- vengeance. Timber Lot For Saleâ€" 100 acres, all wooded, Lot 25, Con. 14, Artcmesia. Apply to A. D. Thurston, 431 Wellcsley St., Toronto. Tho little child of W. J. White of Rock Mills was severely scalded one day last week. Salictaetory protjress toward recovery Is boing made. Teacher Wanftd â€" For Rock Mills Bchool, .Vrtcniesia, se«ond cl.vis cortiticate, duties to begin Jan. 1, 1909. Apply to Wilfred Philips, Secretary, Max well P.O. Don't you think that boy or girl away from home would appreciate a Christmas gift of Tho Advance for a year. It will be doubly acceptable in its new form. T.ikb the hint. Lieutenant-Colonel Clelapd, of Mea- ford, has been appointed to the command of the31»t Regiment in roi>ni of Lieutcn- and-Colonel, Roiike, of Thornbury, who retires. Mr. J. V, nlkor Sloan of Mount Albert called hero this pnsfc week. Ui,s mother. Mrs, Jaco'^ Sloan of Eujjcnia, roturnid with him and will spend the winter at Mount Albert. Eugenia L. O. L, 1118, will bold thi-ir annual concert in â-ºhoir hall on Tuesday evening, Doc. 15, for which a buinpor progriim Ins hi-'-n prepaud. Sco hll- for full particviUr,i. For best Manitoba blended flour; also Ontario best family flour; also low grado feed flour, bran, shorts, chop feed, oats and peas, ro to Sproule Higginbotham & Co., Flesherton. All at lowost prices. Advertisers are requested to have tho copy for their changes in tho printer's bauds by Monday night, as we cannot guarantee the insertion of any coming in ' reopening of the public libraiy later. Opened This Weekâ€" Sproule HiKKin- botliam <& Co., Flesherton, fresh stock, Christmas candies, Urangeb,lonions, figs, nuts and a lot of fino chocolates, a/{ at rock bottom prices. Last week some stray cattle were ad- vertised in these columns. Before the paper was run off the animals were found. Wo cannot always guarantee such prompt results, but it an hot.est person found it. The Advance will belp you get it. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick house, eight rooms, barn and five lots Also lot 10, con. 1, N. D. R., Artemesia, 50 acres. Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. tf Last weeks Advance told that Messrs. Geo. and E. B. Ostrandcr h.id plowed 63 ,^c-e8 before the snow fell. Now Mr. .''.:drew Dingwall, of the south line, go(»s one better. With one team be had 52 acres plowed. That's working some. 125 acre farm for sale, or exchange. About 70 acres under cultivation, frame house and barn, about 20 acres ploughe'd. Immediate possession. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. App'y to W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. Winter has been with us in chunks for the past week, and slei^hiiig. is good, which should make the Christnms trade hum. No oua who reads our advertisinu coluraiw neid wonder what they will give for a Christmas present, Don'tBo "Busted!" Bring your accounts to Periyeojliisurauco ami financiii'i agen', Fcvirshamandget the cash. Insurance in tire, life accident and sicknefs, plate- glass, burglary etc. Policies in the biggest financial institution on earth. At a well attended meeting on M'lnday [ interesting evening iho officers of L. O. L~~5C9 ] Keitlember Oriiiige Valley, were elected for tho on- suing year as follows:â€" J. F. Malhewson W. M.; John Rennet, D. M.; Wm. Gib- son, Chaj) ; L. Irving. Ree. Sec,; Jai. Irving, Fin. Sec. ; Jas. Bcatty, Treas. ; Robt. Fiizsi-uoiKs, D. of C; Robl.. Burrel, Lect.; 1 Com., S. Spear, 2 Com., VV. Spcer. 3 Com., Jos. Bealty, 4 Com., S. Fiizsinions. Dr. Washington of St. Paul underwent an operatirm in Toroutoreceutly that was quite suoeesjful and the doctor his re- covered hi.s health. Tho Dr. is a brother- in-law of Mrs. Matthew Riehardsuii of Uiia place a.id has boeu a fre<iuent visitor here. The Eugenia Prasbyterian Sundiiy school will hold their annual entert.iin- ment and Christmas Ttee on Tuesd;iy evening, Deo. 22, 1908. T-a served from 6 30 to 7 p. ni. A program full of good things is in course of preparition. Mr. Ivan Bowler, who has heun out in Dalipta for a few months, has ro'ujned to his homo in Duiidalk and called oii friends here a few days ago. He expects to go west again next spring. Ho reports Mr. Jim Bowler, who led our b.'.nd ncre n couple of years ago, as doing well out west. He is at presout leider of a band'- consisting of 29 members, every gentle- Something lo interest man, who wants to be we Irish and Scotch . tweeds in suits and trousers at cost price. Worsted trousers at $3.60 to |6.0<). Come in and see thiwn. F. A. Tudter, Flesherton. Tho b.ind has been putting on throe fifteen-cent concerts this week. The program includes nn exoHllenfc moving picture outfit, singing and other speoial- tios. Mr. Rahame, who was with the Swiss bell ringars, in assisting. The machine used is ouo of ihu bust made and tho piotures are amu.sing. There is nothing educative about thorn, but if you want an evoiiinga fun at a low price, you could get it at these concerts. 100 aero furm about 40 acros under eullivation, ftmid house, loit stable and barn, svell A'Htered, would make first class 8tock farm. Will sell or exchange or otln;r properly. W. \ Armstrong, Fh'.sherion. Three elootrio railway men drove inio t 'Wn on Sunday from Grsnd Valley. Tbeso ueiitlcincii reuisloryd »s H. W. Middlemist,, J. W. Butlio and U. S. S. ill! tuck, all of Ti.r.into. Mr. Middle, mist '»* tho conal-ucnoii enniiieor, the othera we could not place. They were diiving over the proposed t;oute and on Monday morning took livery tor Kimbcrley, Thornbury, Meaford and Owen Sound. Good brick veneered houseâ€" eight rooms â€" for rent in Flesherton. Possess- ion Dec. 1. Apply to Tiios Snell, Port Law, or W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Having my saw mill again placed in Flesherton, I am prepared to do winter custom sawiu'2, and also solicit contracts for summer sawing. Geo. .A. Watson. For Sale Very Cheap â€" 1 s.cond hane hall hanging lamp and porcelain shade, 1 extension dining table almost now, 1 falling leaf table, 2 closed wash stands, Icentre table almost new, 1 sett single rivir.g hnintt a. B. J. Sproule,Flesher- ton. To stop any pain in 20 minutes, take one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See formula on tho box. Ask your doctor or druggist about this formula. It can't be bettered. Womanly pains, head pains, any pain Kets instant relief. Box of twenty Pink Pain Tablets, 25o. Sold by all dealers. We draw special attention to a short letter appearini; in this issue regarding If out- siders take so much interest in the wel- fare of our young people, how much more should we as citizens be interested in providing something that will elevate as well as educate tnem. The rejuvenation of the library and providing a reading room would be a proper more. The small amount of interest that has bocn taken in our excellent library is a stand- ing reproach to the intulliguncu and boiievolunco of us u'.l as citizens. Wo should get after that $25 and a few more from benovolenty-iuolined people. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak •tomach, or stimulating the heart, or kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out the error. This is why his prescription â€" Dr. Shoop's Restorative â€" is directed entirely to the cause cf these ailments â€" the weak inside or controlling nerves. It isn't so diffijuU.says Dr.Shoop to strengthen a weak stomach, heirt or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Eicb inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are loading druggists every- where to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days and see! Improvement will promptly and surely follow. Sold by All D.;aler8. St. Columba Sunday School, Priceville, will hold its annual eutertHiimipnt on Wednesday evening, December l(i. Tho program will be up to the usual high standard and will consist of songx, solos, choruses, drilh, inarches, recitations and addree.ses, The Droinoro choir wil' supply music. Miss Berry and Mifs [jiinin of Uurimm will also assiat. Rev. Mr. Plialen of Homing's Mills will deliver I an address. A Christmas tree will be an feature. Usual admission, the date â€" Wedncsday.Dec.lG. Coughs that are tight, or distressing tick ling coughs, get quick and cattiiin help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this account druggists overyweere ara favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy, and it is entirely free from opium, chloro- form, or any other stu\>ofyiiig druj:. The tender leaves of a harmless lung- healing mountainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Run.edy its curative properties. Those loaves have the power to calm the most distrossinL' Cou'^jh, and to soothe .itul heni the iliost sensativu bronchial ineinbrane. Motluas should, for .safety 's sake alone, always demand Dr. Shooji's. It can with porfect freiMlom be given to even the youngest babioi. Test iton;e your, selfaiid see! Sold by all daa'er*. Chiilmer's cliuiub Ladies' Aid hold I heir lust totjular niHtting for the year at the home of Mrs, .A. S. Van Dtisen on Tuesday of last week when tho follow, ing were cdected oHiuots for the ensuing year: Honorary President, Mrs. (Rov.) G. C. Little ; President, Mrs. A. S. Van- Dusen; Vice-President, Mis. J. Ridley ; Seciotary-Troasurar, Mrs. J. Bhckburn ; Visitinj! Comnuttoe^Mr. Alex. Stewart, Mrs. Fred Tucker, Mr-i. H'.'rb. Smith. The Secretary's annual mport showed the society to ba in a prosperous cuiididoii a'ld to have had a prosperous yeir. Over ilrcssed. 1^100 W.IS raised and v.iluablo assistauco wan ;:!iven the managing board on manse and oliuich shed imptovonieiits. Eifjhr, new members were added duiin;; the v»»ai-, making the total 4.'3. By dualli one was removed, in the person of Mis'. Wm. Nell, one of tho oldijst members in tho sooiciy. PrevenlicB, the now Candy Cidd CqM Tablets, are »aid by druggists to have four spooial speoitio adv-intages over all utllur iuod;cin'!3 for a cold. First-Tliey contain no Qiiinino, nothing harsh or sickening. Seci'iiJâ€" They give almost in.sl!int relief. Thirdâ€" Pleasant to the taato, like cam y. Fuurlllâ€" .\ lar«o boxâ€" 48 Pr(»vei/tics--at 25c. Also fine for foverish children. St Id by all dealers. A rme treat was pniniised when it was aHiiininced that the "Old Sonihlana Sex- tette" would give an eveningsi enterlain- luMitliere, and it was realized lo the fullo.sfc. Kvrry member showed thein- selvoH to be artists thioncrhont. The pio- gniui was vrived and could not but pleai-o all. Mr. S, R. Ovfrstnc'. the nnnagng dirooloi.iuatiilniliar Sguio to a Flesherton aU'lionci.' ant lu spite i>t a slight Oold was attfe to sustain his reputation. He is a superb basso with a voice as large as bis body, which is considerable. At ihn close of the program ho congratulated the audience on ordir maintained and .said it was the best that had greeted thorn for some lime. This 'or a town with boys of such reputation! Really the boys appear to become more self respecting. That is good. Until the close of tho entertain- ment tho Older was excellent, but with the begining of tho Natiomd Anthem many of the audioncu sprang to their feet and with a rush wore pouring out before the singing was finished. This looks bad, very bad for an audience to act as though they cared nothing for the King, The hour #as nut late, and every- body could without inconvenience have remained respectfully standing till the cl.'isu of the anthem. Tho hall was com- fortably filled and everybody agrees that the entertainment was excellent and would be difficult to improve upon. Good Cough Medicine for Children. 1 he season for couKhs and culda is now at iiand and too much care cann'it \» iis^d ti> protect the children. A child is much more likely to contract diphthnria or scarlet fever when he has a oold. The quicker you cure bis cold the less the risk. Cbamberlaiu'a Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried it ; are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. : Staicher, of Ripley, W. Va., says: "I have never used anything other than Chamber- Liin's Connh Kemedy for my children and it has always given good satisfaction. " This remedy contains no opium or ot'.ier nai-cotic and may l)e given as confidently to a child as to an atiult. For sale by W. E. Richardson. On Thursday evening Miss Alma Deacon, a young girl about 12 years of ago, daughter of Mr. George Deacon of Colbock, accompanied by a number of friends, was wending her way to a religious nioetine, when she was run into by a rig driven by a young chap named Legato. Tho rig was coming at a fast rate, the niybt dark, and on account of tho high wind, tho girls did not see or hoarihe rig. The shaft of tho bugKy entered her mouth without making any external injury, fracturing the palate bone and the septum of the nose and tore the soft palate. These injuries ware all repaired under chloroform and it is hopod no permanent deformity will remain. It is said that llie «irl was carried a rod or more on the shaft before the hor-e could bo brought to a slop.â€" Grand Valley Star, Aids Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Nature. Medicines that aid nature are .-ilways most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acta on this plan. It allay.s the ccmRb, aids expectoration, relieves the luntts, opens the eecretions, thereby aiding nature in throw- ing off a cold and restoring the system to a healtliy condition. W. 1'.. Uichardson. A year and a half ago the Thornbury Herald and Clarksburg Reflector were combined undoi one management but the two orticos wore kept open. Another forwaid etop is tho oreotion of a modern building in which boih plants will be combined. Tbi» nrranKemeiit will be more convenient. Ontario temperance people are now proposing to ask for an amendment to the liqe r Act forbiddinz a saloon keeper to sell .njuor by tlio boiSU and compel- ling the buyer to drink what he buys before leaving tha bar. What Shall I Give ? This is a question soon to become urgent. Already the knowing ones are looking around in leisurely fashion, picking up objects of appreciable value thai- may be quite unobtainable in the last days of rush and hurry. Our store offers a wide selection of sucb articles injjfancy Dry Goods, Pottery, Glass Ware and all kinds of fancy Confectionery and Nuts. They form a collection well worth seeing and you will be surpriesd to note the moderate prices at which they are obtainable. ^^ Fancy Dry Uoods Handkerchiefs from... ;. .oc to 75c Doylies from lOo to 75o Panels from 1.00 to 1.50 Fascinators at 50e Toques from 25c to 50o Qloves Woollen, ladies', gents', children's from loo to75o Ladies' lung kid, black 2.60 Ladies' short kids.Mocha 75 to 1.50 Gents' short kid, lined or iinlined, from 1.00 to 1,50 Gents' Mocha, lined, fur cuff, from 75o to 1 50 Boys' Mdclia, for 75c Fancy Qla^sware Fancy foa Setts 1.25 to 2.50 " Fruit Dishes 66o to 2.00 Nuts^ all kinds " Vases, all sizes 15c to 1.50 " Jardineros, from. .75c to 1.50 •' Lamps, trou . .. 85c to 2.50 '* Water Setts, latest.l.OO to 1.65 " Cups & Saucers I5c to 50e " Pitehers, from 15c to 50c " Plates, from 25o to 75e Dinner Setts, 100 to 108 pieces., . . from 5.00 to 13.50 Five O'clock Tea Setta, 2.50 to 6.50 Fancy Confectionery We have a Urge stock of the following: â€" Gross Candy, each Ic Royal Mixed 20o lb Chocolates 20 to 40c lb Bon Bons 30 to 50c box Fancy Biscuits from. .lOo to 18o lb 15to25o FURS FURS FURS Wo have a large stock of Furs, including Lady's and Gent's Fur and Fur-Lined Coats, Ladies' RuflTs, Muffs, etc. Wo have a full line. If you are thinkiiii; of buying, now ii the time. Don't wait till the best are snapped up. Call and see our .stock. It will eonvinoa you. R~G. KA^TEDT General Merchant Lost and Found Ram Lostâ€"On Thursday, Nov. 12th, Leicester ram str.iyed away from my premis.0*. Finder commuiiioato with Robt. Cainpboll, hit 24, con. 12, Arte- mesia. Strayed from Markdale, one red steer, I wo years old, dehorned, weight about niiio hundred. Any information as to his wlieroab(mls will ho thankfully re- ceived by W. LJ. Pickell, de4 List â€" A loadina cant hook botwexm west back line, and Ci'ylon, on Fri. Nov. \ 20th, and an axo butwoon Coylon and [ blesliorton on Sat., Nov. 20th. Finder please return to W. \. Annstrjng, Flesherton. ^ ^ s? ^ T T Buying Toot ^ear Come wherCf you can save money. We remind our friends that we have a good stock of Kubbers, Overshoes, Leggings and some felt goodsâ€" just the kind to keep your feel comfortable in the cold weather. â€" frost proof and warm. Also a lot of Trunks â€" Telescopes going off cheap.^ Shoe polish, all the best kinds. Custom work made to order, first quality CLAYTONS TMASI Weak Women To weak and nillni; womon, tticra is at least one way to liclp. But witli tlmt way. two treatmonts, must b,'! combined. One Is local, ono is coujtltu. tional, but Iwlli are iiaporttuit, both ceeoatlal. Dr. StiooiVs NIglit C\u« Is lii9 Ixjoal. Dr. 8tiooi>'s It««tior«tlvo, tha Constitutional. Thoformui^-l)r. .Stioop'rtNIffhtC'tiro â€" isa topioal imucoiismemijrune Buppoiiilory rcmody. whilo Dr. Shoop's Ke.stoi'utivu Is wtiolly an internal treat- ment. Thu UestoratlvK nati^tatis ttarousliout tha entlra systtiin. m?*;kinit tiio rupalr of all uerve. all tisiine, .niid all btoud iiilmt'itts. The "Night (.'tJ!^3". aa lldnumn Implies, does Its workjihilo jnusleep. It sooth<>« Born and InSam. ed mucou.i siirfac«.s. heals local weaknesses and discharge:), whilo llm Itontorntlve, oases nervous excilement, bIvhs rfeoowod vijfov and ambiUoii. builds up waited tissues, briniting about feuewnd Wrsngth, vigor, and onorgy. 'like Dr. .Shoop's lUetoreOvijâ€"'rabletsor Liquidâ€" aaa general touio (o tho sj'6uiu. For positive local help, ua« as w«U Dr. tShoop's Night Cure ALL DEALERS" Everything Nice for Christmas 0i'an£»e3, Lemons, Grapes, Criiuborries, Table Figs, Nuts aud Caiulics nf all kintlp, fiesii Salmon and Oj-sters, Now Eaisiijs and CmraiUa, Celoi-y, all kinds of Faucy Cakes. Mec things for Cliristiuaa presents too numerous -to mention and prices cannot be beat. Granulated sugar, Gold Yellow Sii«.ii', New Raisins, New Cleaned Currants, Biiglit B. Hice, Dost Baking Soda, Clothes Pins, Extracts, Produce wanted at Highest Prices. Car of Potatoes wanted right away. Our Motto isâ€" "Small Profits and quick Returns." Market your Poultry now. JAS. PATTISOj^^ V! CEYLON. / XI VIAS. COOK^ G! To hulp you in your clioioo of iiigrodisnts for timl Cliri-stniiis Pudiliiig aiid otcettr.iB wo mention tho followiir,' which wo sell ind guarantee freftli and worili wli.it you pay: Riisins, seodud .ind (â- ilierwisu, cleitnod Cnrr.int.'!, Spioos, sholkil Wiilnu'Si :ind AlnioiuiH TcinR Sn!;nr, HweeteiRMi and un.<iwooie»iril Cli'icohili', baking iind table SyiupK; MorninL' (ilory Flour, tlio best pastry flour sold. SALMON TROUT W. L. WRIGHT Til Rt liable Grocer. In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALS? ./ Heard's Carriage V/^