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Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1908, p. 1

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Jfksl|£rt0tt Jliljana* "THUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKlJS'CirLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, NO lo77 Flesticrtoii, Ont., Tliursday, Deeember JO 1908 W. H. THURSTON, r;?^pS?feTOB 1 0th Line, Osprey. The beautifuls now haa come a(;ain in qaaiitities to make f»ir eleigUini;. On Wed iiisht. Dec. 2nd. Fcvershaiii L. O. L. ISi'. 1085 elected tli«ir oHicers for the coinini; year an follow^:â€" W. M., Bro. Jiis. Fer};uson; D. M.. Bro. J no. Fraoci«, Chtp.. Brn. ,Ino, Tyson; R. S. Brn. A. T. Hutcfcisoii; F.S.. T?rr,. R.J. Colquette; Treas., Dro. S. Park; D. of C. , Bro. J no. Suniplf; r.,ect. , Bro. .1. Elliot; Cjtn., Bros. Ju". Ottowell, H. Richardson. Leu. Cunn, R •). Aiexaudfrr and Gi'o Elliott. Owen Sound Happenings Clipped from local exchanges. Judge Batlon imposed a .sentence of two aionths' iuiprisonraent with hard lalior upon Linn Sutton, the viudeville, who ii few daya iigo pleaded fiuilty ill the ixilfce court co having stolen a couple of coats. Thomiis Ridcliff and Mrs. Barlow, who eloped together hist week and were stopped at Toronto, appeared for the second tiuK? in the police cou> t on Fri- day . Mrs. Barlow lixd remained obdur- ate from the previous day and iigiin de cLuvd that it was her linu intention not , to go back and live with her husband has i She thought that she could keep one child Singbampton he Wo undersr.aiul that Mr. Gen. Thomp- fiOn, who hdii resiiied on theSproule farm near Fevershiui for .'•omc >ears. has „ bought a farm near Port Law and will be'and her husband could look .liter mpviiia away from this p.'irt. We wish other, but Mr. Barlow d:d not favor this them sudcess io their new home. amingetnent and sifd that he woulu Uke ,, ^ , , . , ,, both tLe chUdren. The uia«istrate found i If the owner of the mink scarf I'Sixhoui^.s Radcliffe guilty of liie theft of between Geo. Burk's and Thoii. Bemroses I |.jj,^j. ^j- jj^ Barlow's on 21at of Nov., will call at Mr. Ph'l'p! iHjl„„„in„8 di-suito the fact that Mrs Ottcvell's, lOih con , Usprty, ''ley n'»y | [jarlow averred that Riidcliffe had not hear of it. 'mown tliat the K'>"il» i" <luetition were We undert'and that Miss R'ld- ' j., 1,;^ (ruuk. The cii-se was lett over un- cers, our ti;achiT at No. 5, Osprey for 'Sh't[ Mondiy to see whether tlio husband hkI wife could not arrive at some ible arningenieiit aud oti Monday Ou Tuesday, December 2, St. Paul's Church which had been prettily decorat- ed witii au arch of evergreens dotted witli roses, carnations and chrysantheiii- uins for the occasion, was the scene of a very pretty wedding. The bride was Miss Emily Daiforn, daughier of the lata F. Daflorii, ot Now Southiiate, Enijland, ai.d the gruoni viaa Mr. Alfred C. Branch of JIaplu Valley. The ceremony was [leiforiued by Rev. A. M. I. Durotord, rector of Duntruoii, and was witnessed by many friends of the bride and groom. Misa L. Robinson played the Woddini; Marsh as the bride entered the church, and I he choir sang: •'The voiso that bieathed o'er Eden, The earliei-t wedding day. The Primal marriage blessing, It haih not passed away." The bride, w!io was prettily gowned in . ,>....„i,ol I " brown tr.-ivol'.iuc suit, was unattended. ^-â- Cl>*'litH , ,., years, has res'giu-d her p<:s'.tloii and will tearh nearer home. Wo are sorty tv Mia.s Rod^i'rsas she is h:::li!y esleem- e<l in this section. We wish her eucccbs aheieiiver her lot niav be cnst. Beware of Frequent -Coids. A succei^sion of coULs or a protracted c«Kl is almost certain t<i end in chronic catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give «very cold the attention it deserves and you may avoid this disa;;reeable disease. Huw ci-i y>i cirj a c >• 1.' W.iy n )!; try Chainbcilaio's Cough Remedy? It is highly recommended. Mrs. M. White, of Butler, Temi, says: "Several years I was bothered with my throat lunl lun;;.s. Someone told lue of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I be^an using' it and it relieved me ac once. T usc-d it for some time and it cured me. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well. " For I ale by W. E. Riehardsou, The Soo rail mills down fur repairs. huve been closed Burned at Walters Falls A distressing accidnifc occuixed nt Walter's Falls on Monday morning cf last week with the result that the victim p».«8ed away Thins d.iy after suffering untold iKi'ii. Miss Lizz'o McLean, whi^e sn attondiincc on her father, Mr. Win. McLean, sr., who has Imcn helplessly ill for .some time, was seriously burned by a lamp, which .set lire, i>i .some uuiiccounl- able manner, to the curtains. In her effort to e.TtinguLsh the tlames, her night clothing cauitht tire, and before assistance reached her she was seriously burned about the body. Almost from head to foot sIio was burned. Dr. McCuIUiugh was called and found the injuries of a most serious nature. Everything wrs done to relieve her sufferings and a traui- ed nurse brouKht from Toroi.lo, to be in aUeiidance, but the sufferer gradually Niuk until she passed away Thursday night. Decea.sed was about lifty years of age and leaves a number of brothers and sistrrs. Her brother, Mr. Wm, J. Mc- Lean, formerly Secretary of the Cenlral Fair, Waller's Falls, had his hands fevcrely burned in endeavoring to resi-ue his sister from the Harne.s. I'he family is well known, and the .sympathy of the commun ty is with tiio bereaved ones. iimc- Mrs. Barlo'v said that she Wius prejwred t'< lise wi'h her hu.sljand. The charge of theft against her was then dropped, a« was .also lIiH charge of abducting the chiUUeii which was brought against Rad- ditio. Magistrate CriMisor informed Kadclifl'e thai he would su.spend sentence for the theft of wliicli he had been cou- victetl provided th.t ho left for the <>ld country at once. Ilsdclitfe said that it was his intention to immediately clear imt for England, and he left the court apparently » cry much relieved at the turn alfiius liad taken. While playfully wrestUnst with aid. T W. Thompson, Mr. U.J. Edgar had his arm broken. He was proving hmi- .solf tiie best man when a weak |'Uue in the bono gave way. Kd is carrying his arm in a sling. The CJale- Hatch cvan«elLstic campaigri clo.sed on MoQd.iy evening and it is safe to any that those gentlemen have conducted the uio.-'t sensible and sanest evangelistic effort ever put forth in this town. Jidin Connelly, an employee ot the Canadian Heating & Ventilating Cos. works, was the victim of an accident. Wh'le bending over a liairel containing blackening ho lit a niitch and t mixture, which h-is benzine as one of its ingredients, immediately tiared up. Coni:elly w.-s burned about the head and face and it was at first tlu-ught that his iiijuiies were of a more serious chanicter than proved to bo the case, AUIiough suffering much pain he is recovering rapidly. John J., the l:5-yoar-old son of Andrew Pryle of Dornoch, died in the hospital of appendicitis The luink barn belonging to Enier.soii Long of Sydenham, was burned. Tho loss exceeds f^OO: iusuraiice 91100. The groom wjvs sugiported by Mr. G, B. Moore ot Maple Valley. After tho newly married couple had received the congratulatiuna vf their friends, the wedding [larty dtovo to the liomu of Mr. Gil>soii, Maple Valley, wl.'ure a dainty wedding breakfast nas panukeii of. At ihe conclusion <'f tho wedding hrenkfnsi, Mr. and Mr.-. Branch drove to Duuualk and luft^ on the afternoon train on a trip to Enulaud .'ia St. John, N. B., whence they will return next tpiii.g. Among those of tho wedding party «ere Rev. Mr. Merce:', Mr.". I!;i'.igs and Mr. and Mis. \V. D. Taylor, of fllanie Vslley; Mr. and Mrs. Siewari, tonn line; Rev. and Mrs. A. M. I. Durufo.u. .Mr. and 51is. Branch are accompa.iicd bv the best wishes of ihuli host of friends. It is a Wonder. ChaniUn Uin's Liniment is '>iic .'f the uiost remarkable pr6i>aiatious yet produced for the rheumatic I'aiiis, and for lame back, sprains and bruises. Th« quick relief fron I.ain which it alfords in case of rh«uniatisin u alone worth many times cents: larife size .W cents. Ilichaitlscn. it" cost. Price, For sale Ly W. Fesherton's Big Jewellery Store For Christmas Presents. Christinas just what '. This store has never been so tilled wiih choice gomis for the season as it is at present. We know how dilKeult it is lo decide you will bu^ for your friends at this merry Christmas timo .<nd with 'h-»t knowledge we have decided to make it easier for you by suggesting a few things in the purchase of which you cannot go amiss. Wrist Bracelet Watches- -Watches ot many makes, luany designs and many prices â€" from $1.50 to $ot'. Sime elegant ladies' watches very suitable for the Christmas se-i.son. In Clocks we have a nice Westminster chime, grandfatlixis clock, blacU wood maiille clocks and a larsio lariefy of the lower priced class of goods ranging fiom ^l.CO up. Ladio'S rnilirellas .\ii extraordinarily tiiio class of goods. vt.iy bui'ablo for prosentations of any kind, ranging in price from 3.60 to S8 00. Tiiuto are the richest s'oods ever shown here in tliis line. Rings and Jewell Cases-, beautiful, and at all prices. G.'ld and pearl brooches, diamond rings, scarf pins, ladies' neckleis, lockets and lorgnettes. In eyeglasses we have somelhiiii; special that (its any - tho " Shur-()n. '' 'iVe hav« opera and tield glasAci, and telescopes. Fancy French China and Cut Glass-An excellent liiia (f this beautiful ware just put in st ick. Suitable pre.seii>s in these lange from T^v: to §3.50. Silverware- -We are uiakino; a sjneial displ.iy of Wodgew.iod and Crown Derby Silverware this season, thai will be worth comins/ to see. Xo pri;cs can be quoted on these, but you can rely np.ui ;:;ettiiig them at right ligurcs. Briar Pipes--.\n extra line lino of iheso aoods nt i:{ht prices. Maorcuro sets, carvers, tish servers, bedioom and hand mirrors, porfuines, work set.'-, fancy hair combs, whisks, Christniiis aii.l S-.-w Yens C.trds in gn-a' profusion, and, as the auctioneer i,-iys, other artic'es too numerous to moiili"!i Tbe above arc only a few of tlio articles v/e could mention, bat yoii will bo couviiiccd from tlieso that we have a stock tliat ia worthy of your oousideratioii in making Christmas puichai'e.s, or piucliaso fof pi'cscntaliotir. or private us3. Come and look Iheiu over. The World's Only Oustless Brush. Before purchasing sn jther Corn which disu'ibuti's dus. and disease germs all through your house, ci.1' and bee "The World's Ojily Dustless Bieom," whi.h is 40 p*r cent, cheaper and sweeps clean, with leas labor fiid without raisin'< dust and disinfects your Ci rpets, Liuo'eum ,iiid Floors. We guarantee ei cli and every s irtcpor to give entile liulU'fuc icn, or lu'uid tho price paid. - - - ^ Wo deliver you eno of these Broi ms and guarantee it to outwear a iloz'^n coru •brooms if [ ropcrly used for the p. icj ot six. Sprouie & Co , Age >ts Flesherlon, Cnt. Robert Cornfield Dead Mr. Roljert Ciu-nheld of Trafalgar, near Milton, pa.''d away on Friday last after a lengthy illness of pernicious anaemia at the ago of 46 years. The funeral look place to Milton ccmettry on Friday last. Docea.scd was a brother of Mr. Joseph Corntield of this place and Mr. James Co'nlield of Portlaw, and was the second Si. II of Mr. James Coriilield, sr., who is living with a daughter in Kansas. Lntil bi.v years ago the declar- ed gentlen;uii, who was born in this town ship, lived on the Centre Line, Arteme^ia, near Portlaw. At that time he removed to Tori'iiio, where he rcmaiiud a year, after which he purchased the farm near Milton. He leavrs a wife, (uce Miss Lima Diiismoro of Ciiinxaconsy,) I ut no family. Without A Rival. No newspaper or magsizlMO in this county pretends to ri\al the Family Herald ar.d Weekly .*<:ar of Montreal. It is in a daus tntircly by itself. It is the gKatest family and farm paper print- ed lo-i'ay. It IS simply marvellous what \ able one gets duriu<{ the year in that great wiekly. A dollar invested for IOCS) will be the litst dollar you e>er spent. Maxwell Items The annual meelim,' 1)1 the W. I. will inoei. Wcdiuwsday, Vq-. Iii, at 2.30 p.m. in the Methodist hall. All nieiulicrs are re<iuested to attend, visitors welcome. The I'residcnt, Mrs. Ganiey, will give a rcisut of contention held at (iiielph Mid several :)th«r papers wil' lie rea<l. ij. Guy, Soi'. Who Will Be Next? To llic liilUiiiof Til'- A'li-amc. Deal Sit â€" 1 have received the encl otcd lellcr from one of our f..iriiier vil'age boys, one thiit our village may be pii.itid of, it in any degree helped to .shape and initiatu the noble character ho has dovolojicd. I am not at liberty t • give his iiaiiio but can S!iy I know the world is l.irgcly the better for his life and inlluence. .' I hipe this will start into 1 fo soiin helpful scheme for our village boys. Who will I).! the luxt to give aid and interest .and life to it? M. K. Ri.;hard.son. THE LATE SAMUEL PilDLAR By our Eugenia Correspondent The death of Mr. Samuel Pedlar on Tuesday <jf last week was a shock lo this coinniuuity. .Although having reached the ago of 7ti yeaw and nine months, he was still hale and hearty, and in .all likelihood of being spared a few wore years to his family. He had retired fiom active work on the farm, his son, Fred, taking control, lut the fatal pneumonia set in and from the tii-st tiiero were sliglit hopes for his recovery. Although all earthly iiiCHns were tried, on tile morning of Dec 1st ho passed peaceful y to that long s-lecp where all IMiin is over. His children Imstened to his bedside wlidn notified of his se; ions illness, all being present but Josepii, who lives in Nebraska, his health not permitting him to uike sucii a loir.; Journey. Deceased was a loving husband and father, a good and obliging aeiglibor, and he will be 'jreatly missed in this coiuiuunily. ito was an Englishiiian by birth, but came to Canada v.ith his luirenl.s when ipii'.o a youii:: !nd. He had lived for over lifty years at Eugenia on the farm v.hicJi he hewed out of the, at Olio time, wilderness, and with industry and cue amassed .-i goodly amount of propjrty. Ho served in the Municipal t.'ounci; for eleven ye.a.s. part of thi'.t time as Deputy Reeve ; wiui a J. P., and a ]>n niiiieiit .iiij iiigliiy re- spocUd member of this coiniuunity. U;; w;ui a past master if Eugenia Grair.'e lodge and s'ill took a'l aetivo part in anything connec ed with the or-der. In politics a Conssrvativ,-, in rel giim a Methodist, al. hough miuislers of a'l doiioininiit.o.i* stilifounda welcome under his hospitable roof. Ho lai.sed a family of thirteen children, all grown in maturity and all in go d positiims. His .aged p.irtner and the t wo youngest are at liome- Mi.s8 E11.1 iiud F'red. His funeralâ€" one of tho Ln-gest evor seen at Salem -wa,s held on FriiLiy .ilttfrnooii, fix of his sniis acting as pall beiu-ers, twelve of his child- ren being present at the funeral -John from Flesherti:n Edwin of Singhamplon, Wc-ley from Nebraska, Will of .S.tlem, Charles of Nep.iwa, Man., Frank o.'" McLoan, S.isk. ; Lulherof New York, Mrs. J. W. Hoath of Ehiiiioie, Mrs. David Smith of Olterlsiui lie, Man: M;ss Sandi of Toronto, Fred anil Elk at home. His l»Brcaved widow keenly feels her Uxw, although it is well with tin. ir near depart- ed one. The t'langeiueii ail iiiai'che'l from his lale home in full rogaliti to .Salei.i, where, with all th.e solemn rites connected with the order, they laid their oldest brother of Eugenia loduo to await the glorious rcsureclton. Revs. Little and Kipp of FleAerton, and L;iid- law of Eugenia, conducted the service at his lale homo. Tho I ereaved family have the sincere sympa'hy of this cominunity. Their dour one is not dead, but gone to sleep, for the Lord li's precious dust doth keep. Aiiioni' friends from a di.stance weie Mr. Edv/in Glondenning of Miriprsu, Mrs. J^niies Warren of Whitby, Mr. J. W. Uoath "f Elsinoie. Mr. David Smith ot Ottertxiunie and two children, Mr.s. Luther Pedlar of Ruehesier, N Y , and Mr. and Mis: Dale from .Mariposa. ISZT-y Mr. Henry 'ludor has cot himie after spending the summer at the Cataract. Mr. George Gordon spent a few weeks visiting friends at Shilburiie. Mr. W. H. Fenwick of Tor.iilo is visiling irieiids at Eugenia tit present. cFARLAND&CO. . K. Uichaulson, jac Fviend:~Voii may bo W. A. ARMSTRONG is&SO Mr. .M Dear Friend :~i oil may ho snr lo get a letter from me, but several wet-ks ago I noticed a letter in the .\dvauce from one of tlie village boys, asking that the liorary l>e started again. 1 am uol ac'iu.iinled with tho local conditions, but if there lias been any move made, or likely to be made, in that or any other diieclion of a piaelioal manner for tho young people, I wouhl be pl'.vlsed to forward §25, al-o would prefer not to have my name known. 1 feel I owe a debt to'tho Villiigo Fattiors, ai^d you pailicti'arly, for trying to surround me with up-liflitig inrtuenci's that 1 etiu noyor repay, 'with best wishes to yuurseif and ery inci.iler "f y"ur fauiily, your friend. M.\ECKDALE OXTAl<IO Wool Eiderdown Reduced to 38c y« 6!) yds. plain and fancy Wcol Eiderdowns, 27 inches wide, and all good QQ colors and paitcitis, gi.ud lalne at oOc, while It lasts your choice per yai-d at ^^J 75c Cadies €ream Rindivood Gloves* 50e* Ladies' ,\l!-w.ioi Cream Iliii'.'Wood Gloves, Ij inches lotii.', pLiiii knit finc^ers and wide riobed cutf, sutiiciently enough to go over I hn sleeve. All .sizes. CZC\ Were 73, now oitly sJ\J Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Prop- erty in the Township of Artemesia. I'nder and by virtue of the Powit of S.ile 111 -v certain Mortgage fnnn Peter Srviuour to ih« Vendors, which will be piodiiced at the lime of sale, aid on ec- fault buinu made in pivyment <f iiioiieys thereby secured, I here will be oH'ercd for salo by |;ul)lic auction by U. J. Spiooh', aiictioncer, at Munshaw's Hotel, in the Villauo lit Fli'shei toil, on Saturday tho niiii tcci.ili day of December 11MI8, st twelve o'clock noon, the foliowiiii; prop- erty, iiauiely: The noitli-rast part i-f Lot Number 171 in 'he .second ciiiiees.sion norih-i'iist of ;!io Toronto and Sydeuham Riad ill the siid Townshi]», containing fifty acres morn or less. The property is situate a'ui ut- three miles from Fles'ier- ten. .•\hoiit tweiily-live acres are »aid to ho clean d and the bal.mcc is said lo be p-inci|)ally hard wood bush. Tennr -Ten nrr Ci'iit. ac time of s.alo and fill' I he b.<)ance lerms will be Itbernl, and will be made kiio'.vn a.; lime "f .sale. For further pariiculars apply to W. ,(. Iielliinv, Fleshoiton.or to Mefsis. .\yles- rtorth, V.tigiit, Moss and Thompson. Vendirs' SidicitoLs, Toronto, Out. Dated Ih.ils'diyof December l'.,H)l>. For Sale One 1)0130, ."> veari olil. tft'Tingo; nn.i riiaro 1 voar oUI, in foa': one mare ilsii'g 4 vtain. in fool; oim niaru lisiiiK 1 v«iMs; two spibxi colts. Lot 151), con. a N. K. T. * 8. It. V. Mvu. i"or Sale Olio spaa or LiRliinii.u Colts <xmlnR tkroo niatclmi). Kca'iy ti> woi k. Also oi;o filiotMiorn Hull 1 iRbtcion nioutlis olil, bru.l by Ueo.Bri»to#, Kotillov, iniiiibc- "i»:4;i, in vnlunio 'J', omri â€" Villnpo" Captain. .Mj!<1''KT K- HAN.L.KY, Lot 4, Con. 10. lOsprcy. Kovoishani V. l\ $1.50 Pus*e Einen Cowels at ^Sc. Regular £1.00 per pair, st.oiipcd "Puio Old B'eachcd Linen" huckleback weave of lioral pattern;), bemmed ^tltohed ends, ^liuhlly soiled, size 20 x 4-1 QQ on talc at per pair KJ^^ Vnn§zA ZoKVzH K^dtic^d to 2Sc pr. 3.^puirs Fringed Linen Totvelj with red mixture, good large sizo and OC sold ia the regular way ar .'50 to oJj pr. while lln'y hist per pair ^tKj Specialist In disease* of the Eye, Ear,!iliose and Throat Office 13 Fi-ost St. - fjvvcn bonnet At llio Revere hoitse. Markdji-lo, l>:t Friday each month ft'oiii 8 to 12 a. ra. Don't foi-^'ot lis when you are loolcing (oi- values in Furs of all kiiiil.-i, Mens Suits, Overcoats, Geuts Furniah- ini^s,Dress Goods, Costuino Clotlies, Millinery, etc. Every tlepartment crowded with bright new good.s. We are agents for the best underwear known, " The t.'elebratud Staufield " We are sole jigents for Kant Krack Rubbers. Where eau you do better than come here for your every wants. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY a? ^QC -^i:^ THE UPRIGHT HOUSE i We arc veil supplied wtth .ill the special fancies for Christmas eating in new ficsh goods, jnst opened. We got regular shipmoutB from the leading houses in Canada and are able to give you the best values yva ever not in Nuts, Candies, Figs, Currants, Raisins, Dates, Oranges and Lemons. ^♦^ ^"''^ Another shipment of best enides of Flour just ariived. Come and get a l>ag and be convinced for yourself t!iat w j sell the best in town. 5AVVS We sell the famous Siinnnds Cross-Cut Saw. No ne«J to sdver- life these. Onco tvijd no other used. Every saw gaaranteed. Ceylon's Leading Merchants C OLLI NSON SBOS. THE MARKDALE MUSIC STORE DON'T FORGET When you are in need of a Piano, Organ or a Sewing Machine that I keep the best. If you need a Sawing Machine just drop nie a oard or call when in town and 1 vviil bring you a Singer, and you can keep the machine by paying §2.00 perjnionth until you have it paid for; or sold on any terms. As to organs I have tho best money can buy. The Tbomas Organ of Woodstock, Sherlock- Manning of London, W. Doherty cf Clinton, 1 he Beit and the Uxbridge. All good makes. Pianos I Bell the high grado only such as the Heiiitzmuii Co., Newcombe of Tiironto, Ncivscile, Williams Piano Co., Stanley of the Stanley Co., and other makes of Pianos. Our l?oador â€" Tho Wilhs Cabinet Grand. This piano htLs ihe greatest name of all. What Some Ot fh&Creat Pianists Have To Say For the Willis Piano, such as Carroui), Hamburg, Kubelik, Peppetcorii. Sir Frederick Bridge, Otio, Chen. Wo honestly boUero that the Will.s Cabinet Grand Pi.ino is the very best high grade piano mado to-d»y ;u tho entire dominic-n of Canada, positively^ without exception. Em lo Sauer, the world's greatest pianist.said upon his recent visit to Montr< il, t'no Willis Piano has a lovely tone, I am surprised and delighted with i;. You bavi) a pi.uio to bo prou.l of. Those are his exact words. P lucr | knows [.iivtios better than any man in the world U>day. The V i.'ii* j i? a piano with a Soul as bcauliful and iwro as its body of superb sir. i)i;ili | and Kracefulaess. Tho Willi.i Cabinet Grand was used by the Shuffif''' j Choir while tjuring ea.stern Cana-bi. Tliesc pianos can bo soon ftt ui; j store at any lime. Markdale M usic Store, T. F. WILSON. -^

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