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Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1908, p. 4

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m^Hiiiii^ F. T. HILL & Co. "a^HMiiii Winter is Here; are You prepared for it? k If not, we can supply all your requirements and in many lines at much less than standard prices. uroy one was $250 and one or two more valued at 9150 pact). JanieR thought the priccH very IukH and canio nway without purcha>:in;j any.â€" Shelburiiu Free Preas. Buy your best Canadian Eubbershere. very biruo aitsnitnicnt »n<) a dig slack <>f liulilur ui <\ (/\;'i»l)s <.f all ki) I's fi r ftNn. Women, Boyg 1 iiiir Htock ri-prtKeiita llic liC8t nmiiiif nciuiuia m CuMi'ii, kuch sf: Gimily '{ulibir Ciiiiimuy, Jii«i\d, Berlin Rul>li(^rN iiiid the Cnnad inn I?ul btr Coni| nny ri d arc nil leaaonnbly piiced fi r j;ood (|iiHliii>« and «i' c«iry a »>rv laipi' varicv >•( HylfR. ier Wants for Women in Ladies' Worsted Hose. Exua heavy quality, S5c a pair, or (hreo pairs for $1.00. This week we put on sale a big lino of Ladiva' Heavy Wnrslod Hose, all pure wool, just what yim want for ..lh|» season utlha year, ^pecially pri cbd 3 [lairs for 81.00 n "Pur Caperines for Qirls that are g'oing to school We have'7f> Fur CsperiufS in Flock. 'h(y are nil of good larpi' k'zc, wide tihnuldcrr, cnpe with liitdi storm collars. They come in such fuis as Eltdric Seal, Coney. Kn(,'lisli Hun; and si nio Gn-y Luuib combinatioiia and ibt most casts is about one-'hird llivir vnlut-. For inktince we nic ritaring Capctines for 08e. For instance we ate clearing Ci<(crincs for 91.48. The bent we are sellin)- for $1.V8. AVli'cn they are B'jU »e don' know wheio we ci ulu buy them at the price. - f ^mmm^A MA^KDALE The Youth's Companion for Christmas Thero are three good roaHons why tho Youth'a C'<ini{Minion miikea one of the best of gifts for ChristmaH time, for bii'thday, for any occssiou when a pres- ent is in onler. Tt never fails to give ploHHure. There is sorr.othing in ©very issue of Tho Companion for eveiy nit'iiiber of the family. Tho children never jiass it by, and. (h« parents are restluKs until thu childriMi reluctantly put it down to (JO to bed. It in t nsy to order by mail. You need not g'> thi<iu({1) tho Vi-xntiun of ('hri.Htm is Khopping to make a present of Thu ConiiMiniiin. Sit do»n- in tlio ijuiet of your own hou.KO and sendl the subNcri])tioM. The Conipanion will be delivered whoroveiyou K.iy, <m Chiist- t!iiu> morning. It comes every week in the year. Nino out of ten Chribtmas ptesents havo lost their novelty by New Year's. Tho Companion provides a continual pleasure, for it is renewed 53 <iines, until Christuius comes sgain. Is thero another pros^^nt equal to it that costs SI) littleâ€" only 9'^ to sub- scribers living ill Canada / The new subscriber receives free 'he double holi- d.-vy nunihoi-8 and The Combnnion Calendar for 190S), "In Grandmother's Garden," litographcd in 13 cohirs. Full i'lusttated announcemeitt of the new Volume for l'.)0!> will liesent with sample copies of the [Miper to any address free. The Youth's Coniimnion, 144 Berkeley Street, H<jst<>ii, Mass. gfr=yf=/r=^/=. Christmas Goods AT BOYDS ' r=Jr=Jf=zJ,z=Jr=J,^tr-'lflr-'' i ^ Christmas is approacliing. Yes, and we are alive to the fact â€" very mucfe so â€" and accordingly have made large purchases tc rtieet the requirements of our customers. Below W*» give some prices which will help you makd a selection. MMWWWW|>^ Hht rtdsy at 81.00 |>o.- fl.iH) if nut f« i>aid * *'â- Â«Â«'â-  P«pe. Mtkl Jkv f^ iiavt ad. A private ill a Ht Cailiorinea regi«. I mcnl was well iiij^li fatally injured in .' tlin armories by niiiain;.; foul of a brick wall in a blindfolded race, Of' The Huron And Ontario Again. That the Huron and OntaMo electric , , , [''"IwHyHcheMmis notd..«dis ovide.iced course 1)0 now regards tl.ut race as l,y , ,|,«,,a,el. from L.ndon, En„.. pub- one of llio most foolish things iuiagiii- . lislud in tlieTor.mtoN London, ews of F'l idny able, while before tlic accident it was 1 The derpntcli nnds nn f.illowp; cnts its •, hav- tboy- \ ome 1. the best of sport. Tiie same may be , '"""â- â-  27.-7TI10 Janadi-ni Associated Press noted in other cases. Tlio young ! '•^"'â- '"' *•'"' I" "d* "f the Huron and Ont- maii wanders around as tliougli bliuiUi""" 'i'<''»''«y to ihe nnn.unt of 5:502,400 havu been suld to II. G. Sluw & Co., East India inerchnni.-, at 84. A. McD. Allan, of GiKlorich, h»s boon hi-re for some months in regard to the iniuter. '-^. \v oVioi^.- folded, woikiii;; a week or so oti one jobaiNl then thro wing it up and linnt-> ( ing up aiiothur, All that is needed iu this case is that the young man rcceivo a blow â€" tliatlio eco liiinsolf as be really is and what ho will bciooino. If ho sees this lie will got tho blow from that very fact. A boy wlio 'orks u while at a job and i^rcwing d of it, throws it up, is forming a which will later devclope that '• Fpirit which infests the gcuus and h.i.s Uttiily hiid theatsiiuitce of T. M. Sanders, a well known en^iIleo^, who 11 to nnuia;.!o the entire cousiruition and enuipmeiit of ih^road. J. (;oriy,Lo.HUin, Oot . is the eoi.trodor, and H. Middem- i>t, Toronto, tho e. n^trucii.m tn'.'invPr. Tlie Shaw Company ii to (;ive the IImII- .v.iy tho U4U of tl.eip offices hero and throughout Euiope. Alia ai.d America j where (ho loud* in.d iheir interest I coupons ttio likily to bo piyaulo. / '/. chau 'fee air I at, wJiilo/an ! matter Uo K ^•'»- lAe "7* V 'vv% -^i,», liefort? •in tilt* oouri reei."-""'-.. , _, week rovcait tint fiautl that •<t Port! '^''""'<*'"" *'''y p'l'ntiful around t' io .| i neiHliborhood, hut the- foil .*ing incident 'n.wover wiwlh6 o'xpcriiuco of a Ken .. oaldent. He was rjut one evening . „ of affairs th*'' '' shnply | Allen . • a lantern and on reinming '^'7'," Ti,P ni.'ht before election 1 loconlly wim. ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^,^ ^^,^^ lou'^-.lmg. The ^^^ fifteen home .l«.o...'epp-.,^,.^.^^ ,^., ^, noil was cbangt'l """ •â-  i,U woodshnl »o.r. IHP'- ^itsfiom i.B "Vicinal 'Instant uon ,„ th« hu.t which was -^â€"-^ :. "lenWoreWu t,p from ^'^^ The premisi-s wore of course terribly <- ung m^" " ^ „„ lirvmA of '. . ...i: f . I... iiiiilodorous little ll,„rtovoloforCotjmoo. voteu nail » |an» TRADr ^TAfffK• COPVRIOHT9-&C AnronoBendlng askotrh and dcicrtPtiin'may ^ulcktr a*c«TtaWi our opinion frto whethM- «« Invontloii ti probablr pAlontnble. ('<-nTt:iit-nlcftt llonaRtrletlrciviadontlftl. llaudli -ok on r*Ment« »*nt troK iHtU'st nyCJicy for scri.nii^ paisiir*. pAlenta tivkoti tliruUKb Aliiiui X Cu. ril;trtTV 9p€ciai notic», withouc c liarg o. lii'uu $ciettfiflc Eim'Km^ neljr IllustratCil wopklr. ],nrt:e*<rjdK f any ncif.-.ilUn Jo.iriml. 'i'orni». OTtf months. fL Bold (jyall noivHitt-tiw^ Xmas Furs rutf(5aiw. 1.50to9.00 Fur rtuft* 1^ to yxoo Ladies' GauntleM .... ^JOO to 5J» iMdwM'jkcVtH ,...20.00 to 40.00 Mciv'« *'*t8 . . , . 15.00JO 60.00 Ladies' %\i gloves' 1.00 to 1.75 Men's kiiigfows 7dc to 2.25 Linens s^d' Novelties S. B. Scarfs ..-. 25c to 1. DO Tray Clol lis. . : Ini t» l.OO Pillow Shams, -eitch. . . .50c to l.OO Table Napkin!:, Joz 86c't»3.75 Silk Piano and 3<^an 'Drapes ,.. Ii50 â-ºÂ»4.50 Drawn Work Nj»rtli#s-lBc t«»I^ Hamtlier^ttiefs, etc. Fancy EirtbroiJery K^ndkerrhiefs .. 5c ((7 25c Hem stitch'-3lW"do; . . . .2f>c to 7oc Fancy silk dii. .loe to oflc Gei.ts' .ilk .Vfnrtif ... .25c to 1.75 Ladies fancy silk' Collars ^3c to ^ Men's Neckwear ... . 35c to 6O0 Fancy Sllpiieps In Felt, Carpet, VeWet & Leather Children'* 25j! lo 45o Misses' 25c to'45c; Women's ifOc to l.Jn Men's 506 CO 75a Woollen G%o^ Gloves 35c to 50t: Clouds (white & colored) 25c to 55c Hitawis i 55c to 1.50 GoH Jsckcts 1.7o tV)'2.6» .MiAndsomeljr lllustrAtCil wopklr. «ulAtlu;i cf any liL-ie.".llUn Jo'.inmt rear UrM\k> oaicc. (S» V tiU V/Mbtuii,.ti \, ^ Farms for Sale & Refltjir' ror 8nln cheap, or roiit, innitcliHt^ p'>!»sc.<.*T'Wi. 1 " Lot :>.0,Cot).l l.Ai tumoAin.Abuut 7'> acrts fjwir. coiiifortatilo )of( tinuKo at) J frame barn. A]vr^' to It. -I. Si>r<Milti. KI'sNlK'itiiu. or Join: .J. Mui\ld, ncroBsttiL* loari (roui oali lot. T ot 10 oixtueK,) i'oiici Kpiiiii 10(Ti'nltowi>jh4|l^ â- *-'of OHprey. C'loiw to tho vtllspo of FBVprKltiun frauitt I1OUK0 and b.^rn, ftoiiti tsblt>, Hix^vaiv*^^' uiirter ciltivation, Ap|)l.v to A, U. UaiupUSH* 310 XuRbulmiiKoacI, Toronto. 00 T <.ts R. is and 0. Cni<. 1:1, in tlio tuwiislilp- if -^-^Ouprey I5U acri'ii. lar^o clrnrint;, k^o*! frii.-il» barn anU d'abio^. goo'l tlwelllnf{ and wi-iL. Apply on thopremispfl or (o W. J. KklCamt, Fleahcrtou...' F*or nolo i*lie«i> anil on eftdv tfrnw. Kood oonr- fort^iblo fL,iii:o<lwi'Ulni;, stable aiirl dri\ !4ir lioiv.ui. witbttiioi! villauo l.its, luCuylof. l)w. .V- tni! wvll built anil tliii-itioJ. nml itiX> I buari tf oiulmrd on l!iij pinti jrty. Apply to r. .1. Si'int'i.n. Klinhertoii . ed ono was Th Some of IfiiJil'y .bekilliuKof the malodorous l.alf a dozen ,„â-  ti,.. caicas was huni! on a fence I ^^^^ ,,1,, „,„„„,. .,t directly ""''-;-'•;•;' that tho sociindslfimU was J<)ti<Gj, tiOsnil W.c'>o.:i. Arti-uiesln. LWaciest ^IM.'ioluar.iI nnl und«r oiillivallo:i, nil femviki twf i,'00'1 oichirdi.; i.MRK trutue baiii, liau iiiinnV Imrit and outer fjnni»» horu -4 x .^l lifui^ iiwi-IUii^i. Till* will bo nmdo a Koud tlilnk -"Ja tbu riulit man. \V. H ^:eNALLY . Foil tern I/ov Hunt, lot ?n, on, ♦. .*)t'inie«bi, IW ac.«.», i 85 ti> UO clmlfd »ii.| »» cc'tiTatton.O'Ul JiXr ablodivellluR. l<.i»h burn, stoiio slabbnt'. . i»a |i nmii'luxi* -well vforlby tho *i • t?titlcii d tUuKU r^tintrina nrvi li ^, .». ttiTKot UK. PliHliarVa. [ T au 31 a»A «. mq. :trt. U. ^^. ItV) ucr. * -ft), ^-"uloared. !• .ic .•€>»»«»• lui 1- ♦, hwJaoi'" «oo' I 1 i»b. I llaru 05 X 1*1, (Ifiv Ins •.â- Â»Â«o. anu 1 frauio bmi ifc % wo l», 1 BO»» of o»<HHMd »ii»; »»oni' wall iiiu'iir. b.irn, t<aii)»»«» rJretJ e- <>i«>i> tiack ot 'iftiui fonu.d ma& li» (a»»ii Miwe o( oultiviiwii. ;iiiiil..iilriii«i l'rotui»!Mali.«u, Forterum tw*>l,v ' AVMKSVM. V,VVsa.Troton b'»<u»n T ot 3, CO*. U, 0»i>r«f!r,. 100 aci-e»,,.*«Jl 'â- "tiinlxTed- Vit fc.-rius.ntin. avply ^ *»«*"• erta. Lady B«u»k. »â-º '., csoapatlo. everybody U the ri suit was I , caso whoro P«^i'^T:''?i!:::S^Z»ityi" thob»dnes.of tho an increasi ftlmoaphcro lepora of Owen Sound ed thcm3olvc9 beyond apathy, and tboir dcfi \ order for the pasl few •lownthom up aa out- at water, aud in truth ilhM loi,' b!o;» con- hcy were. lis a Round Advertiser. jxt morninij and thero Nvas !88 of the â€" Owen couseii«oncc. ScottU'a Piife 66274 Tho yonnii bull ^ootlUb M rKlo will f »m«» f« hoiy'cB at Hr. I*. ^V. Ni«b».«oir», lot : V.v»».. J. Artoniosliu hf oUiab y«l<l<» i« sirmt b' jio^mtifb Pvlute. a Mkii-lHou . ( »i»« wiwuloifnl *Vi »««. Horn of uSUrJilD, luvr . wire mof .â- ii tt« ,Ffl-'<» Onu ot tliU oow'rt cifc«v«a Rt-Id ti a *W1.^-'0. SoltUb i.rUU. b. ont U Lady 1>.' *»«»;1»* ' 'I* â- V' yiiiintt bull >jui. fiu»i» iniU' I Toronto 1 ; Imp 11H<«.">«. UfbowbuMbayiiiR nainort an Ju.-ouratium j|,,,wmtr*>;»t SVyominK to see a couii „„,.„i,».. anseleme„tlanfr.fpo..iblou.keacoup,eofpu.cha. As outlaws to bo treated. It would ^htto Beo .month what it has IobI, :e more tho hconao b"!" „, ,hichit could defy liceiiBol^^^ ither law which it chose e belter tknicnl of Owen 1 indeed, tinder 8. hide their tto scarcely be that lhry|v •--.Ive* to be whipped Biich diflgiaoefulj - invoked by the â-  county town. itUwry ought f thoso who Itmay b.^ no'""'" ""'"""' ""''"".I"'" ,0 sw. bat Janio. Fennel of Muaranh IS he wnerofafoxkontulandinteiusto ;.,. foxe* on fcioutitic prmoiplea for ;::u;:^apro«^W.or Wo weeks a,o James visited hi, bro he r Petroha, and •hilo 'l"'^» 7^" *" •" '" loofkoniieUlheto own stock. Buch heads in cs to increase his prietor received him ,W liiin out to see the in oomant four or live came out huautiful attention The pro. courteously and sliimals, which konnols in ibo locord tlila lull at l?a»o»»hr.m. â€" - . nrlMMb.^at bull cat. al«o d p •uu.- «" bost. ; ould7ortbi»(!raua bull >» '"â- â- Â«-«««'?i«.'^i;'l U ,.y cannot do f.otW. ttian u.- IJ*. A '.'v *' i miinbBr of ( villi bo U ko»>»*. W;ii. •» *\ paio breds. a<' JO- Came Astny; Oamo to the premlKia cn»M.»uden.lili>ii*,l<>» B oou (1. cll>.«y. alK.ia .\nK,tWa»t,,0UM *W. For Sak tf ri^htoJ^nt^^rtb..»l bicdby^^^^ ,,obUoy,.»".nt;.«' »?*«-,.\i;a- 1! ^IQUBV., \^ kept Kvound. Only while bo was the.o. One a black fox. took Mr- Fennells :':ola:kin«.hM.-ofo« «U,od ot «1000. The pr.03 of a silver Teacfc«r_W«ntwlx county g' ^"•J'' ,",„'",„ Am,iUkt,ion,», i*»ttbl{: The Christmas Dms: Store Come hero for your Christmas Presents aofi, for all your Holulay Drug Store SUoppwg. IHSTv^eK'i were nevet in better condition to itteil the requirements of the season. Xo» »»d y"""^ friends are coidially in*itcd •o coino and see us iu uur NEW STORE We have an except ionally fine skowing ol Chrislmas things, such as ladi*»' Dressing Cases, Writing Do»ks, Faucy Notu Paper, Fountain Pons, Manicure Sets, Hair es. Hand Big*, Purses, .Jewel Oases, rerfuiiies, Shavinit Sols. Shaving Mugs, Safety U«zor«, K«*.r Strops. Collar and Cult Boxes, Neck-tie Boxes, Oent's Couipinion, rsal Meerschum Pipes, mounted P.pes Books, Picture Books, ABC Books, D-.lls big and l.tll». Dressed Dolls, Doll HeadN Tea Sets, Dinner Sots, Bedroom Ssl.i, Cups and .Saucer*. Washtwi Sets, Toys of all kinds. Drums. H.twis, Mouth Organs, Air Ria*.fi, Buildin[{ Tools, Christmas Cards, Chriatmas Post Cards, BiMiks,^ Hymn books. School Books. Fancy Books. Gift Books, Candieaof all sorts, Bon Bons. and Chocolates, Oranges and Nuts. Gameii of all kinds. Lost Heir. Checkers, TJlUjle Croquet. Table Tennis^ t'it.Ctokinole and Parchesi. Come a» wrly as you caQ. Early selections are apt to b« iuor«,4»ic». W. E* Richardson. & Son Druggists PlesKierton. Heart Strength r*"'I'J' wi;irouumt\h"fioart"m"« "^ntmos ' ^V7:ff atiJ lb. ">ol«ct' and kldiu.,i also hav. („, wu»k »';J»'";f. '^,'", iLlpltatlnf. »uflo»J. tb. .»<!« 0*1 "'"Jf "^'^^,5''. iu.rtoratlve-thU i,d.vy.q«a"B""'°»•JJ•„»\y;;^-;â- ^-ioH.wrd»,y; ",8%f tlii NVtlr Voar. Wm mad».y.»«*-^ '»•*â- â€¢ Orcliard, On* XMS. COOKING I Thompson's' Bakery â- Â«â-  =» uinion mlity In -n. y .lanie. IS k«pl 'JP povular H'"'''' 1', ';" n.rv* T«b.« Tt b»IW»i ^„»k a"? *"'3 ""al S^ ul" h.-arth.-lp.„ firtUin. tlr.iniftbi.n thoio Jiurvw Qioiti as uiwui-d. with Dr. Shoop s Restorative "ALL DEALERS" Our Bread is delivered re*uUr- and kept (or sale at Coylon» Priocville, Eugenia, KimbetWj Maxwell and Foveiahaw. I Ed. Thompson, Flesherton XVil)plV'S'>»» '" y""'f choice of ingredi»»»» 1 loi; Ihivt Ckktiatnias Pudding and ot«»««taa tiBt»»ni»«» the following which «« »e)) and gaatatiteo (reah and wortK «ial you paj; Baiains. seedetl and «nKerv»ite, olMued Currant*. Spioea, aWWd Walnuts aod Almonds Icing Silil«*« aiveetenod and unsweetened Cho«i)at«, baking and table Syrups; Mornina Olory Flour, the best pastry flour sold. SALMON TROUT W, L. WRIGHT The Ritiab^i Grocer. Cr&cKery Dept In ihi"* department wft-hitve tli^aiost extensive line of novelties ever' be- fore ihowii. The urtHini^eirreat is compute. You can have anything f6 BUit vour taste and pcWset. PKices raugiau from 5 cents to 3.58; ' Dinner Selti, cstra r»lue 97 pieces 7.50 to 14.00 ^ â-  Tua Setts, exlhi^alae 44 pieces 4.50 to o.CO ^ji AVe have many lines Which' spneo will not permit us to enumerate, but ^^ «nou({h Is said when Wd'tell you our stock and prices in general will ^ ^â- tliparti favorably with"any stock shown nor'h of Toronto. Wo aibh t|? you a h:ippyChristnia8 aud a pio.<perous New Year. ?R ^7^ ^^^r^^^K^^r^/fv.^/y\^'P>,ls. f^/Hv/W^^.-f >/W\/^/1^-i» 1 Til ' Ploil •»my. W. icensei^ A 8tW. Divi on Wed Mes from I Uev. day < Fori Apply â-  ToioiJ XPV'J i •Mrs. I TiSited I for S;l oiies1iu| toT. •Mrs. I tbV nuel Mjtchell INlr J o(>an ui otf Moi. ?' ton fv'i Flasher Hear Flishei »I1^15< Mr. danssh'e J.Thon Jsotii any del son.â€".] Calf good IU , W. A. Rev r>Th IU ,Mi»» BUendir Sir. am â- The |:l6scd, 1^ bee Xhel »son- 1 Awisn i 1 CANADIAN P/VCIFI Only Through Line TO We stem Canada (<«ft Trains Dally Lowest Rates No Chanies or Delays iTalk It over with S. RANDS |c. P, R, Afent, Flesherton,

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