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Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1908, p. 1

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>/^^ V- anct,'^-- '<'%â-  •-TRUTH BEFORE. FA VOR.--..pRi^.ciPLEh KOT MEN." VOL XXVI. .NO 1377 Flesherton, Ont., Thursciaj*^;; Decemb er 3 IQ08 W. H. THDBSTON, SS?e^-"^' lESPB WILDCAT KILLED_AT HATHERTON Interesting News From That Centre Farmers h.ive bjjfi busily eng.i^ed in torninj^ the sod ibe Im few wtf.jk., ftcv. A. P. Slfiii!ey inwiciu'd a very fine seniioii last Sabbiuh evening, in tlio Methodift church, MHXWfll,.oii ihe lead- ing quest on of the day, Teinperanco and Priccville ! The farmers hnve been enjoying tlie continued fine wtjHUier, yvliioli enables I "'^â- .11 to finish up the fail p'owliijj;. Geo. and E. B. Oiitrander, of the lOtb, Proton, bad G3 acres turned over before the Lwt snow storm two weaks ayo. Herbert Watson, who baa been in tha Eugenia. The Moral Rfforni. lie t.ok hij test from I west all season, arrived home last wee: MaUchi, second cliaptor and 2aJ verso. â-  He has located a homestead in Southern There was a hrge c .ngregatioii and rha • Alberta, and intend!! moving out there, choir rendered suitable selections. U., soon as practicable. Mr. H. Irwii) of Markdale, spent Sun- rr itr t ii t -i it c J . , I f •-"" g_ McLoaii, black.smit.h, lo.Ht a fine day in our burir. , . \, . . , i , • . .,. „ ,. ,, ,, young driver that took lock law, ,ind Miss Sadie Sjill.'y of Maxwell, snent j- , , , I . c. 1 , ..A..i<-ii, 1.1*1.111, tiled, a few days ago. I'St Sunday at h.r parental home. ,„ . , , , Miss Alice Soilley and Miss M. .lam it- ^^ ' -'^''^""" "''"' '" """ *"'' * son hav9 returned to Toronto, after ^"^"^ '""' ^''^^^' a pleasant visit at their iwreutal hopies. *^- """^ ^'^*'- ''• Brauder went to Little Miss Echel Winters, P„rt Law, Toronto the end of last week. TI?!'^'! overSundijr with hor lir'lu fvicud, j Five young ladie-s have beeu initiated Wilina Dovn. in ike A. 6. ^. VV. lately. Thi^ makes eight new members this year, three or four more are expected before the Neif WUi tliorebe an A. Mr. M. Gordon, who lias been ill for some time with inllani.atory rheumatism, i« gaining very slowly. H is m'jny frieo .> wish him a speedy r;<covciy, .Mr. Wultsi' Simmons «ass welcome caller in oar burg last week. Bornâ€" On Nov.lTlh, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Aruott, a sun. Mrs. Robert Arnctt, who has been .erinusly ill, h recovering nicely. 1 da-, ^^^^.^^t on the 11th, regiirdloss Mrs. Robert Menzie, who has been Rt- '^ ^^p,. „^,j^ g^^ tending at the bedside of her uitfco, «ea(h»r has been woncf^tftliy piil't fyr this seasm of ' Mr. Evcret McLeaili* who has spent Home time in the west, returned to his homo hero at Eujienia. He enjoyed bis trip but prefers Ontario as a homo. Mr. Richard Smith has none to visit his daughter at Sarni I for a few weeks. Miss arilly \Vil.<Kii!, who h?.a been visit- ing friends at Elmvule, h;.s tetuniBd home. Mr. Welliiiijtou Graham has been very ill for the past week, wiih heart diseaie and iiervjus prostiation. I Mrs. Tucker Phillips of Majwt-ll has day or' been the of friends at Eugenia for , a few days. Mr«. Rubt. Hawkins ia very poorly at prcst-nt. The Orangemen here are prepr-rititf t- hold an ei.terrainmpnt at 'â- '• * u n' TV ,- „ â- â€¢leir hall, on Dec. io. For p»- . , , .,, ,, „ .iticulars, see bills. -cillor, Mr. (samuul Pedlar of -.jimer Hill, has be^ii very dangerou.«ly .Imott, for the prist two weeks, Y^turncd tc her hjiuo near Mcltityre, la.s: Satur- day. Mrs. Clark of Colllngwood gravel, •pent s few days *i:h her dauehter, Mrs'. G. Grummett, last week. Mr. W. Leitch, while inspecting his mmk traps, found in one of them what he supposed a common cat, but „n -.-lo-se inspection it was f.jund to bo a wild oat. Ittore his cap off and lacerated his side considerably. He ran and got his gun and soon put an Pnd to the cat's life, "ic was ought in Mr. \{ . Inkster's buoh. Ha'.herton S. S. iut,nd holdiog their aumver^iry. „„ De,.. isth, admi..sior I U W. k 1 ill with pneumonia for the past ten days ,,f p ,, t „ , ic , .â-  .,, .V „„ „„. I and is very low. His children have all ot fi.rt i..a»f. Such questum as the ab'jve o»-,ie pouring •' „.,„ t 1 , â-  r I 1 ** been sura moned from a distance to his '.n from miles around, QV , Letore the . ,-, y^^ ri,„,Il,„fr„v.- . .' ,;• , , I •"'•s'^":â€" Mr^ lioath ot Eisiuore, Miss late wiia h.xed but no-, t s .in estiiblushed I c i r -n . ., «• , , ,„„. T,,„ „„„,,„.â-  , i Sarah from Toronto, Mr. V, tsley from Nour.iska, L. S., Mi". Luther and wite, from New York, Mr. Chaa. from Nopawu, Manitoba. These named ha\e arrived. . His other children around and tX nom", Sec posters for particulars. ittee 'vwe â-  "ureu si "o of tl.8 liei^"- niy„t thac Ontario producp ^ a„d ^ ill. give the public a first of It ii reported that J. English of Ceylou has bought the Grier building and other property here. known throujhout Canada, and also in the old coUttty, has promised to preside ab the great concert oa the llth. have been dovo.od in their aitenuanoo on him day and niglii, also Dr. Bond, «l-y has been inosc fr.ithful in his »»-.Jcavor I to pres,rv.^tlielife of him w*;,^ struggled Grand Past Master Gibson, well so paiiontly with that ^^tal di-oa»e At, last accouTit, ^^^^^ ,^^.^ " ^^^ very Might hoP ,,. Lator-Mr. Pedlar It 4 a. m. , Tuesday. ^sbytcrian and Melhodint Sun- hools are each preparing f«»r their * luual Christ mis eiitertainmunts. A g Dd^piograru is buiug got ready and a Rock Milts passed nwuy The Pr- day Kimbcriey. Dout forgej fjjc bMX J 9'd on Fnd,-iy Svening n«tb. (!!ome antf euji.y yourself. Mrs. Hu-h Loughcetl id Sauit Ste -Marie, .Mich., is vi.siting friemls l.ero at present aud is t!ie guest of her aunt.lIraT Johu Plewes. Mr. and M . R. Iliimmond wero guests at Mr. .John Mcnuiy's at Doav-.r- d.ile on Sumlay lasr.. Misi Alma Camack Ims returned home after a two weeks' visit with friends in Thorubury. Victor Ellis, studeat. atnfche Mciford high .schotd, spent the -week end at his paiental home here. J R. Fawcett was in Rocklyn on on .Monday last. Miss Fanny Son'e of Duncw i- ' ' guest of her sister, Mi-s. -. ^ ^^^'^^^ fiev. J. H. \Vii'|ili\Sbu. p.iiitor of the Metbodift cftur'S:i here, delivered a must exi^Uent :iddrv.'so on Tenipeu.nco on Jl^unday morning hist. F.J. Wtjbcr, onu of our merchants, h'.d u new furnace installed rccenlly. Hisk:-t Bro». of Markd.ll,) did the job, Mrs. Lightf-iot of Torontu v^sic^d fi loads her J for a few days. Squire Stuart has retmr^.d f j^,,,, p.^.^.^.y S ,und, iHTiu^f <lS»pr„ed ..f his property t'lcrg. Mr. Den U^ Jop, asiiistod by Mr. H . Wilcor, toi>t. vhrrfse ot tho service in the Uu;oii •'hWich. hero oa Sunday evening labt. M*. Joseph Young, a traveller from Hapover, had the misfortune t) have his leg broken while driving iuU> Mr. J<!scph Ferris' lane on Saturdiiy last. Ur. Brown ef Markdale is attending him. FARLANDSt. Woor Eiderdown Reduced to 3{ C!> yds. plaiu and fancy W.,,,! Eiderdowns, 27 inch« wide, andiaf' colors and pal t..M us. g,..,d value at o-V, while it la.., your choice pecy.r 75c Cadt^s 0reasn f^lsigu^ood 6lo«>«s,l Lidies- AU^wool Cream Rinu'wuod, 15 inches lo»fr, pUi.v kiiiji and wjde nohcd cuff, sufli.iontly enoug.'; to go over th- sleeve. AH >>ere |5, n.iw only .... $KSO Pa?g Eisicn Cowels at ^St. '^^''^''^ *1.60 per pair, stamped "Pure Oltl Blcachrd Lituu IfMVo of Horal paltems, hemiufd stitohed ends, flightly soiled, size :iti x on f alo Bt per pair - Fringed Cowels ^educe^ to 25c. m^ 35paiTS Fringed Liiim Toweli with red miiiure. good large ^jpb sbJ .suld in the r.-uular w:vy ar 31) to ;i5o pr. whi'.e they last per pair . . to 15c. A !{ood prcginm is being prejarfd Idaughr Alfred Partridge ",^,(5 \Nedne».5ay work ii. a lu,„be, r ^^^ ^^.^^ DttfCau. .oy ia ill wi^^ quijsy. , . «f Mi«hia>n> >«• visiting nvr c>>usiii. , (jBorue M'HS Jennie I" Mrs. Ha«e Aids day Chamberlain's Coujjh Remedy Nature. Mcdiciufs that ai<l nature are always ni suc«8»ful. Chamberlain's Cmigli Her actsim this plan. It allays tlie ems' •xpfctorati.m, relieves the hmtfs, .â-  " .^ .-«!*. •ecretion.% there'a/ ..ii,linj natupo /»W8:th*r' >B|; off a cold and restoring the: ift 'throw- kealthy condition. W. K. Ric' ^^^^ »„» Mr. and Mrs. Joh Egremour, were reti with their two-ino- the baby becaii mother, to soof' By soiuumeai' structoi.' th' was strai) *ir -5ftoKachei'n, "of ..WiiJt fr.>iii Or<*nrd ^ha. nit. 'bhiM, ^.lien * r«*<:ass niul til a â- ' if, Jt;:>ve it >a' drink. M. Leech. Rudloy died at 'Jne home of his ^Mrs.Jas. Milne, on Wednes- ««W?ntiig, aged scvonty-three. Ho .«*!p;oiicer ot the Rock Mills district, j*M«i'iiig tho farm now owned by Martin fjPhiltps, though removed later to thcj â- '^iSf^rin where he dieu. Four daughters! "^"^ «nJ two sons, as well as two aged br.>lh-i ers, mourn his do.ith. He was buried ati Maxwell on Friday afternoon, K«v. I.. F. kipi) conducting the services. lacksou Radley, Cobourg, attenaod the fuBeral of his 'orothcr, (fewge. .Mr. M.ihn Wickers of Kimlwrley viiWed friouds at Rock Mifts-ou Sunday. good tiina pTomised the I'resbyteiians on Dec. 3'2iid; tho MothodiMt 011 Dec. 2*J For p.irtioulKni see bill.<. Mi-s. TJo'jert Thistle of Violet Hill and Mrs. J. J. Thjiiipson of Fleehenou, visiteii £Mi;«nia fiieiid's recently. McÂ¥ John Largo i>f Owen Sound was lh« gtreit i>* her so«», Mr. Win. Lirge^ .fi«r a few tlMya. J}V- f-'jS?^^ otW. Iho mikk mi ob- "' ipiiif* .'^f I'hu cMti that it 'f' tos'^ttolhor'.i arms. There uro said lo b» 'twenty well lutlieiui-ated eases of small-pox in Car- rick township. Walltorfon it- self in imminent daiigur of another ex- peii.sivu xisitation. f slierton s Big Jewellery Store For Christmas Presents. ISiiKfiioro hivsiiever been so tilled wiih cbiai-o goi its for the Christmas -season as it i.« at present. Wo know how dittioult, it. is 10 dtcide just what you will buy for your friends a', thin mer.-y Uhrismias time snd with thot, knowledge we have docided to iimke it easier for you by sugsjesting a few thiuijs in the purchase of which you cauimt go niniss. \ imv 'Wrist Biwcjlet Watche»--VVatche8 of many make-i, many designs and in (price* â€" from $1.50 to $50. Some elegant ladies' watches very suitable ' for the Christmas season. In UlocltH we hare a iiico Westminster chimo, graiidfathirs clock, black wood uiautlc clocks and a larue vnriety of the lower priced class of goods milling from i^l.Ol) up. Ladies 'Umltrellas- -All extraordinarily liiui cla«8 of goods, vtiy suitable for prasentatiuns of any kind, ranging in price from 3.50 to $8.00. These are the richest goods ever shown here in this line. Rings aud Jewell Cases â€" Chase, beautiful, and at all prices. Gidd and pewl brooches, diAinond rings, acan pins, ladies' iiecklew, lockets and inrgaetten. In eyeglasses we have somclhiiitf special that tits any U"se" the "ShttU-On. " We also have opera and Beld glasses, and telescopes. Fancy French <3hiua and Cut Glassâ€" An excellent lino of this beautiful ,ware just put in stock. Suitable presents iu these lango from TSc to $3.50. 8i|lvQi'wi»re~We are making a special display of Wedgewood and Crown Derby Silverware this season, that will be worth corainif to see. No priws can •Ue quoted on these, bat you can rely upon Ketliiig them at right figures. Bri»r Pipesâ€" Aa extra line lin-i of these ijoods at ight prices. Maurcure sets, oarvera, lieh servers, bedroom and hand mirrors, perfumes, work sets, fancy h*ic combe, whisks, Christinas and New Years Cards in great profuiiioB, and, aa the auctioneer says, other articles too numerous lo mention The above are ouly a few of the articles t/o could mention, but you will be convinced from llieso tbtit we have a stock that is wortby of your cousideratiou in makiua; Cluiatmas purchases, or puicbaso for pre8eni'.atious or private use Come aud look tbom over. W. A. ARMSTRONG It IS a Wonder. Chanibarlain'a LiiiimeuC \» »ne M the '-»?r**t rcuiarkaWe prepaiations yet priMlneed for tlic rlieiiinatic pains, and f'>r tame brfik, sprmns and brui.-ics. Tlio cunok Tclief fmin p.-un which it affords in case of rlieuinatism is aiiiao worth lo.vny times it* ci>»t. PriL-.', 2'> ont*; larue size iH) cents. l''or sale ly W. K. Kichai-dsoD. 1 0th Line, Osprey. The beautiful snow has all disappeared and iwo weeks of tine Indian summer wealhcr h.ts let fnim-'is j^et a nice lot more plowing done. Mrs. (iieo. Ha'e is on the sick li»t st pri'sent. We hope soon to hear of her recovery. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs." John Tyson, a son. We are sorry to report tho dca» h of Mr. aid Rlrs. John Coulthard's Lite grand -daughter, only daughter of Mr. and ^'r». .Jacob vVismer, (nee Mis-j Miry Cuullhttrj) of Manit'iuiin Island, aged 13 yeai-s. The sympathy of I his n8i'.jhb,-jr- hood is extended tc the bereaved pArubta and friends. We understand ww are gi>iii2 to have a new sawmill and planing factory in Fev- prsjiain in the near future with Mr. U. r>iackenbury, jr. as proprietor. Our non-union blackMiiith intendi en- larging his sh^^p and will have t'-i employ exiira help Oil account of the rush of bu«- A Trutl! Plainly Put Recently a church congregation in a little town buil", a church. To pay for it the were obliged to call upon tho merch- ants of thy community for donaiions. The uerebants re«punded lilieraily, .and $300 was raised from this snurc«. Tho man to cubscribe was John Smith, uiercb»nt. "I will give you $5 00 if you let me add something lo your aubsoripion list," he said. Permission was accorded him and he wrote at the bottom ot the list: John Smith, merobant $3.00. Simpson &. Co $0.00 T. Eaton & Co $0.00 Tho church peoplesaw thopoint when the minister read from the pulpit tho list of donors to tha building fund. Since the dodio.ilion of that church there have been no miil orders scut out from that little town. Beware of Frequent Colds. A siicsessiiin of oold.i or a protracted old is jilmimt certain t 1 end in chrtmic cat.irrh, from which few iwrscns ever wholly recuvur. tjivo every cold the attention it deserved and you mav avoid this disngreoablo disease. How ;ri-\ yii cirr a cillf W.iy not try l^hanCwrlain's C<>iigh Ramedv? It i« hiithly r. commendeil. Mrs. M. White, of liutlvr, Tonn, (lays; "Several years I was bothered with my throat and Iiniifs. Somnone told me iif Chainbtjrloin'a Coagli Remedy. I be;ran iiMHir itaud il ivlieved ni3 ac ouce. I used it f'lr some timo and it ounii me. Now my thMat and luasa ar« sound aud well." For mIc by W. K. Richardson. Don't forget Us w*hea you are looking for vaii Fiii-s of all kindsij Men's Suits, Overcoats, Gems Fur ings,Dress Goods, Costume Clothes, Millinery, etc. (iepartment crowded with brigbb new goods. We areagouts for the best known, Celebnitetl Stanfi^ld " " We are sole iigents for Kaiitr^nVck E.'ibbcrs. Where luu you do better than come here s every wants. , "Ik McFARLAND Si COMPAd Swinton Park. Young peoplu heru aro prac':ising for their annual S. S. vnlerr-iinment, which is to^bo hel.l on Oce, 23rd. Miss Smith has ret'iriii'd to h»r lioiin iu Toronto aftor a pleasint Ti»;t with friends' at tho Park. A number of 3'ouog pi-ople spent, k plea.><anl evening list week ai- (he home of Mr. and Mr-t, (Jen. H.iw. Last week .>Ir. Wm. .•^hlcorii wcr.l ti> Toron^ m.'v ko"-, with a vuluatlo h>: of fat Citile. Misses .Mary Aldoorn and Gracj Kimx c.ill«cted money on, for tho U.lde .Society. Mss M. J. Martin entertained a few of iier lady friends one evuiiiti!! recently. We are glad to see Rev. Mr. Berry able lo t)e out again and take charge of Ids wi rk a' .'^alt-m chuicli. Siiuo of the ladies of this vicinity had tin ir feather bods cloiuied and di.<iiittcted by the Dominion Feather Washing Co., who set ;;p their machinery ;it Hopevllle, duiiiig the pjst week. Those wh-i did not avail thenibelves of this o;>portniiity of having their beil.s demised, missed it, as they wore broHaht back light iiiid (lilfy. 5Ir. and Mrs. .lake S nytho of the 12ili concession, Pr.iton, are mourning the loss of their b.ihy, seventeen months old. tho funeral took place at Swiutmi Paik cainofery on Thursday. Rev. Mr. GiJ)- suii of HopoviHo, took charge uf the funoial services. Tiioy have Ihe sympathy of their neighbors, aa Ihis is Ihe third child they have been called up- on to pait wiih inside of three years. 8? ^XX'V ''"%% THE UPRIGHT HOUSE r ""^ â€" 1) Now is the lime we all iieed Rubbers.. '>V^e bavejust >-'.'< .(jL large number ot the best quality rubbers. Any oue r#*> rubbers for tho muddy read, will do woli to call ou us i VS. pair to suit you. All sizes. ^«<r do .^ Iti Shoes we have .received a n£;^(«.;iiftup-to-daie stock. Don't forget C'ollinsou's .-^ 1. Groceries, always frtsb aud al reasonable prices. Manitoba and Ontario 1' lour, L>iau, bborls aud Feed I'lour. Keen intereot was evinced in Now York ocer a rojioit th»>: Mr. .'amcs Stilhnai:, president of khe National City Bank, popularly known as the "Stnrdii-d C>il Bank," is controlling owner "Outlook," of which President Roosevelt next spring is to betuiuo a "contributiDg editor." Tho treaaurer ot the "Outlook" Company, when questioned, declined to answer, saying that the company was a private concern and under no obligation to lell its private business to anyone. The Oiitari" government received r. i)hf^;:' â-  : -:,.â- â- â- . .. i i s share (rf H»8 pro- Ci't'ils !•'. ;â- ;,' <'â-  •-</">-â-  DR. BURT 5pocialltt In ditonos ot tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Bring along your produce. Highest prices given for Butter Eggs aud all kinds of Fowl. Csv/on's Leadi.ig MerchLints C 0,]L.:i-. IN SON BEOS, ti-->-^r..' J. E. LARGE, ^ UCENIA,ON Having gone thoroughly through our stock, wj^ find many odd' and bro lines wliifh we wish to clear regardless of c^st. Carefully read list of burgaii.s that go on s;de this week. WOMEN'S ASt) MISSES' BOOTS ANDSHUKS. Selling at a bin savina, So pairs Women's and Misses Shoes, odd liiu^s. Cle.-iring for ."J80. MEN'S TIES M only Men's Silk Ties, rejular 2oo. S.lling thio «'eok for 2 for 2oc. BIO. REDUCTIONS IN HARDW.ARE Maoj lines of hardware at big roducMou Highest prices paid Butter, Eggs aud Pmltry. MKN'S AND 150YS' CAPS ; 24 (Uily caps regular 45' 50 tfc ( lines. While I'lu-y last BOOTS vt SHOES 15 only pairs Men's, Boy's, Worn and Ciirls' Shoe*. 13 only pi some worth 82.00. Clearing at Wo are headqusrtcrs for DryOo Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Go FuriiisbiifH, Groceries, Flour 1 Feed etc. OIL C!ANS AT 3ft 8 only oil cans, all glass, sheet i CB8S. regular uOc. for J (-iri'i til M krkilfflev ^i S !o 12 a. n». i^ilit^ Vafldeleur. The farmers are takioft advantage of the tiiio weather to finish the fall plowing. :ir. Wm. Neely f Washington, U. S. A., is visiting his brothers hero. Master Elmer Warling gave a i>arty to a numlier of his friends on Thursday evening last in honor of his birthday. Mr. Ed. CiiUis haa erected a new windmill for pumping. Miss Eva Gillicrt of Markdale is visit- ing hor parents for a couple of weeks. Mrs. M. Board, jr., has been somewhat indisposed for a few days. We hope to soon hear of her recovery. Mr. Geo. Wright is making prepam- tibfis for buildiiiga-iiew house. Mr. -'^. ^ r*nn!op, wh-i h'^s bcon visir ing friends here for some time, ! turned home. Mrs. McCallum of Eugenia ip«i day at Mr. Geo. Warlinn's- Mrs. Harris and daughter, K the guests of Mr. Wm Buchjwai Mr. Wui. Hammill of Living was driving hjino last week With, attached to a wagon. Just aftatl od the O. P. R. track at Brown's tho horses made n jump a» if tor- kicking at the same time. Th« pulled the team so ijuickly that I the horses month broke, and intl instant tho animal drop|>od dead, mortem examination showeo th* died of stomach trouble. Mr. refused ^^2tl|;|^r the horse on W< of uoek, so the Htm i» n bMi Criia,; Valloy ."^tar. * ^Sji

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