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Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1908, p. 8

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November 26 1908 THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY SUCCESSORS TO Urs. Kennedy & Ker^an NERVOUS DEBILITY Tiiousanda of youn',' ami t»iddlo m:< il •â- '•ra are annually awcpt ti a proiTir.luie gr^ve through 1-.AK1,Y 1ND1SCRKTI0N8, KXCliSSUs AND m.OOD IJInl'ASIiS. If you have any of Ihe f.jlIowi:;3: svini-toms consult us bcf-ne it i.s loo late. Are you ucrvousaud wfat, despondent atid f.loomy, S7-ecks before the eves, with datk circles uiidcrthciM, v;cik fcaclc, Vidueysirrita- blo. palpitation of i:;e heart, Ijas^iiul, dreams ar.d Ioise»,.Redi- imeiit ill urine, pimples on the face, eyci siwikeii. hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lock <iier(ry Hodetrenitih. tired laorninjrn resil»-!.a niehts, chtrge- «Me motxls, -rrcak inauUood, prcuialuie dtaiy, houe pains, hair loose, sore throat etc, BLOOD POISONS ^^i:^ ij.cvalcnl tiuKl lifcf.t Ci'ji .ons disfiwcf.. 1 iity r.*ip the very lite ulotxlofthe victim, and unless entirely t radicated from the « .; "in niavniffctt' •â-  futur- P'-ncation. r';waro of ilcrcury. It ouly aupprcjsss the eyiaptomu-uUlt Kt.W MI'.TUOU cares them. OUR HtVJ METHOD TREATMENT a'.°"« ,«^'\, ,""\* y°"5. ",•"' !V''J=','; tnTiofyoo VudiT iisiiifhKiic- the br.:iubvcor.i>r3 active, the blood puiificd so that all 1,1 ii'l'^s, Ll'->tfh.-\ ead ulcri disappca.-. tho u< rvcs become ttroiiK a» steel, so that uer- ToiKae»«. bashuiloeii; and dcsiwndeacy vanish, t'.ic eye b-conirs bri;:l'.t. t!ie face full and cliir, enen-y r^-turns toWic iKidv, end the moral, phviical, Ky>iteins are invjK- o-ntcd: all d-niim crnwâ€" no m^re vital waste f ro-ii Ihe pysteni. Doat let quacXt aud rcbycu of > our haitl earned dollars. V7« will ouroysu or no pay. F'x f^ n pY f" C""* N" ;^» iter who has treated vo'i, write for an honest opinion Free i SLM U* fc. 6"l ti CLitr^c. roOliS r:;]i£-"The Gulden Uoultor" (illustrated) QuicU*!'. List (or Homo TrsstmantSenl on Raqu*i<. SPECIAL NQTiCE. (" wirir ta Dr. Ker- irnn lci".g*'c=caseJ, Dr. J. D. Konnedy, Medical Urccttr, hia R'.soclatcl wi'.h U\m Dr.Kenr.edyJr. v/ho h \t l.e?.i wi:h li.e t^rin for r-everrl vejtr;T, fo h'realler 'j ;*,i::e-.3 wi'.l Con- diLtcd under the r. nr.'.e of C(;3 KENHEOY iYi:IEIiNEDY Gor. Kiclii^an f.'/e. zd Grlswold St. - DETROIT, WU. Stoves 81 Ranges We have a iiiosl eoiiii)li;tc liiiu uf .Sluvc» .iiid lUiigos When in need of a Hunter •examine our stock. Fricon range from »4.00, til). Saws and Axes Our lino of Siiwj iucludos Siiiiond.s, L«iider, and Uufftth) Bill. Don't fuil to cot our price beforo buying. We cnn irivo you ii choice of 4xe.s not surpassed.' by «ny. Try one of " NyrriK BroH. Six)ei:tl " axes and you'll Iw HJitistiyd. Wo have only one price for everybody. NORRIS Bros. i 1 mm i%^^^^^i^x^i^'X^^ss^ds:- x^is^xx/SQ%^; ikm In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggoii.s, Harrows, Plough.^, Cream Sep- arators ami Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY Heard's Carriage Works _i: XlS/SS/XX'X^KX^X^I^XiX^XSii/X/^^ Colds and Croup in Children. ".My Utile (firl issulijecttn colds, "B,iy« Mrs. Wni. H. Serih', No. 41, Kifth St., Wheeling, W. Va. "Last winter she had a »e>'ure spell and a terrible oounh, but I cured her with Ch.vniberlaiii's Cougli Keuiedy without the aid of a doctor, and my Ifttle Ixjy haa been pre- vent<d many tunes from havinf; the croupby the timely use of this syrup. A» soon as he i.hows any sijfnH of croup I give him Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy for three oi four days, whii'li prevents the attack." This Remedy ia for sale by W. E. Richardson. John Wesley Keinnierlini{ has been elected to the Michi<;ati Slate Legislature f.'oni Monroe County. But he does not know it, and the pt-ople don't know who John Wesley is. He is said to live some- where in the western part of the country. C. Wesley Kenimcrlinf; is iho man who ijinde the caiipaij^n and spent the money to bo elected but John got the votes. It all happened throu)(h a iiiistako m print- ing the nameK on the ballots. The Board of CaiivaseetH will i.ssue a certilicnto to John|Wesloy Keinmcrling, while C.Wes- ley will pretest. Incidentally, t!ie raittor will huvc to be settled by th j State Legis iBlure. Flesherton Carriage Works CARRIAGES, SLiaCiIIS, (JUTTEUS, IMPLEMENT REPAIRS, CREAM SEPARATORS, Etc. Special attention given to HORSE-SHOEING and all kinds ^ of REPAIRS. We have a now stock of Buggies in, Call antl s(;o tliera be- fore buying. CREAM SEPARATORS--We handle "the Mellotte." Getour our prices and terms. McTavish & Willi ams, Flesh erton The Only Way To make sure of KottinK a thorough Busi- uesHor Bhorthaiid training is to ationd the iifm^^ Winter Ttrm open* Jan. 4th. Arrang* now to atlend the ftmoua ]/Qkujott TOROHTO, OKT. This school stands tn-day without a siiiMiri- nr in the Dominion. Nearly all colleKes claim t'l Iw the lieat but claimiuK t<> )>e so, does not make them so. (tut our catalogue. K«a(l'it from cover to cover. Hue fur your- self what this cnllege is doiur and the advantages il offers. Vv. J. Klliott, Principal Yuunge and Alexander Sli. IT LEADS. Special Department for hose whose early education hog been ne. tected. Information free to any •ddrei'i C. A. FLEMING. Primcipal, Owen Sound, « Ontsri Wiiat Farmers Want Tiip progressive fnrnier now-n-diys is the ono.that keeps himself po.sted on the latest devices and practical knowledge of expi-rts to uiiike farm work easy, and at the SMiie time (^ot the host naults. The acricultural coliiniMH of Tho Family Her- ald and Weekly Star ot Moutru'il a^e ad- mittedly the bent in I iii.s country for the Ciiiadian faruicr. No purely agricultur- al pi))cr csting twice the r..uney furiil- »!us the farmer to-day with as ^ood in' fi'niiation um the Family Herald and Weekly Star mid at the ssmo time sjet.s a Weekly newKpaper without a peer and a mag.'tzine cqu.'il to any uf the best English or American publication;". A weekly newspaper, (n;ii;azii>e and agricultural paperâ€" all th •e conibiiied â€" for one dollar a year is what one gets in The Family Herald and Weekly Star, and no farin«r's homo in Canada can itduid to be without it. Send one dollar fiir ISMIDand you will tiiid it more than tilts the bill. How to Cure a Cold. He as carefid as you can you will 'iccaKionally take cold, and when yon di), i^et a medicine of known reliability, oue that has an CHtalili^hed reputation and is certain toeft'ecta quick eire. .Such a medicine is Chamlierlain's Cou^h Rem- edy. It has gained a world wide reputation by its reniarkalde cures of I his most couunon a'imfiit, an'l can alwnys lie de|«.-n<led upon. It ait" on nature's plan, relieves the liuitfs, aids HXpectointiciu, oixmih the and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy conditiiiu. Unriue the many years in which it has t>ten in (,'>"neral use we have yet to barn of a single cise of euld or attack of the grip havinpt resulted in pneumonia when this remedy was UMcil, which shows omclusivrly that it is a certaiti prevtntive of that dani;er<inM disease. Chamlierlaitrs Ctiugh Kemtdy contains no opiimi or other narcotic and may lie pven as coiifideutlv toa baby as loan admit. For sale by W. K. Richarilaou. Nearly 300 miles of line for power transmisHiun purposes is to be put up by the (li)tario Hydro-Klectrio I'owcr Com- mis-sion in order to supply vaiioiis towns and cilies in Ontario with electriiity gcneri'ted at Niagara K«!l«. About a million prumls of aluminum wire will be used. The line will contiat of three cables supported on towers spaced 650 fell npatt. Frask Arkloy who came from Petur- Imro and took possession of the I'acitic llo'el about six weeks asc, was at the police Court on Wednesday charged by License Inspector Beckett with broach of of Ihe license Ii*. The chief witness fur the prosecution was a boarder in the house named McDonald, who also brought a charge <if assault acainxt Arkley. The defendant was lined §100, and co.sts amounting to §0, ;\nd in default ef pay- ment gets ihi'oo months in gaol. The assault cuso was dismissed, but a wage claiiii made by Mtry Turcott against defendant was ordered to be paid.â€" Owen Sound Sound Advertiser. Tiverton people are agitating for the extouMum of theSuugeen Junction branch lo that place from Walkerton. The C. 1'. K. have promised to have the trattic man- ager go over the rente aud if his ruport is favorable engineers will be sent to survey the extension at once. m MiiKHS. Carefully Correotod Eaoli Week Data r 33 lo 35 Peas &0 to 80 Barley 46 to 45 Wheat 83 to 86 Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Butter 22 to 22 Eegs, fresh 22 lo 22 Potatoes per bag 40 to 45 Oeeae 8 to 8 Ducks 9 to 9 Chickens to 8 Turkeys 13 to 13 WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia S tocfc » « Be» t Stoek Belisi Blanket$t Kob^s Fnr lined coats, pooketbooks, latohels, razor strops and other leather ((oods. Cuttersâ€" best makes- and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont The hard work of bread-making should be done in the. flour mill â€" not in the kitchen. When it is necessary for you to make bread by main strength, the miller hasn't done hi» part. His flour is not fine enough. Royal HoeseloM Flour is made from hard Spring wheat â€" which is capable of finer grinding than any other whsat â€" and milled by a process that insures the finest, and most nutritious of flours. Get enough to try from your grocer, 13 OgUvie Flour MU's Co.. limifed. HootreaL Bi;siNE.s.s "Cards MCULLOUGH & YOUNG Hanker Markdalo Du a Reaeral baukjuR buaiuess . Money loansd a reasoDablo rate Call on uh. TOmsLETT, * Pofituiaster, Ceylon. CommiiDiionor iu H. C. J . Convovancer, deeds, niortRa>io«. leases. wilU etc. carefullv drawn up .-â- oll.'ttioiiii tuad.>. charges reasonalile. .\l50 (.â- roceries. Hour, feed etc. kentiu utock. Prices rlKht. RJ BPUOULE Poatmastcr, Flesherton >^ommlssloner In H.C J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, .Appraiser and Money Lender Ileal Estate aud Insurance Agent. Deeds oiortsaKes, leases and wills carefully drawn up and valuations uiado on sborteKt nntice money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. Col eotioas atteudod to with prouiptnest charges low. Agent for Ocean Uouiiuion B taams hip Company^ A call solicited. rS McPHAil,, Mcrnsod Auctioneer fot the 'J' County of Giov. Terms luoderate and Kolistaction guaranteed. The KiTangements and dates of sales can be made a». Tup Ar)V.\NCK i.mce. h«sidcuceandP.O.,Cevlou, Telephone connection. Dec. «.07. T SSJ KAlT'J'ISti. LIceuKed Anctionser for *-"• " • the conuties of liroy and Siiucoe. farm and Stock sales a sjieolnlist. Tecins niodorato satisfaction guarantteil. Arrange- niontsfor dmes nmv bo niadeat the Advoucs nflloi', orA: T. HutchlusouH store, teversham oil)yaddrf8sinK me at Fevetshaiii, Ont. Lot Ijl, con. 12, Osi>rev, DUDI) ^ Mi TH KWS, SUrtdaleT^'Lioon so rt auc'.ioneer for the county of Orev. Good Bervico at rcasmable ratts. Dates can be made at The .\dvancc. 1 j) W. Medical DU CAHTKR â- ^ M CP& SOnt, Physician, gnrgeon,e IXfloe and residenc eâ€" Pe ter St.. Flesherton T P 6 TTKWKLL " 'â- ' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" e3conrt door south we*t on Ji-ary street. This street runs south t'roHlivtarlan C linrch. n WILSON, ITIacksbiitb "• "iradnate of ne Veterinary Science Association Rosldcnce, Durham itreet, op- posite lluyd, IIiclilii.g'B hardware. Uextistuy Dr, E C. MURRAY I,. O. S, dental surgeon honoigradiiRto of Toronto L'nivoreitv aud Itoyal CoUego of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas adnihiistorod for teeth extraction, otflce at residence. To ronio sc m »t"'i »^h^rtoâ- ^ Lecal LUCAS WBIGIIT ft liIcABDLR Barristers Hollcitors Conveyancers, eto OIBcesâ€" Owen Bound, Ont aud MarkdaleOnt W H Wbiobt, McAhdlb I B Ltica N IIâ€" Flesherton of&o», Mltcbell'a auk •very Bakurdav, EVERYTHING We have everything tliat you could desire in iiur line. Groceries. Coiifoctionery, Flour and Feed, etc. This is a strong statement, but a visit lo our store will prove it's truthfolness. Our Grocorie.s art' fresh and prices pleaso. f^loux* Ford's Patent Flour, per bbl «6.00 Perfection Blend Flour S5.20 Motnini; (Jlory Flour 95.08 W. L. WRIGHT'S GROCEUY FURNITURE The liirj; and best stock (if Furniture ever shown ill Fleshvi Ion. This without fear of con- tradiction. Couio and see some of the nice thingH in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Pallor Setts. Bed Room Setts. A spccia! '.educ- tion just now on every- thing, in oi-der to rt>- ducu the stock, . . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER ESHERTON W. J. O'NEAIL Barrister. Solicitor, Conveyancer, eto. Otfiooâ€" Sprimle'a Block, Flesherton. Societies Ac U W meat* ou the last Monday in eaou month, in their lodge room, Ohrlstoe's M.W., Frank Chard ; Sec. T. Blakely, Finaaoier, W.J. Bellamy. Visiting bretbrao Itvited, PKINCB ARTHUK LODGE, No. S.S3,A.F* A M, meets in the Masonic all. Arm- strong'H Hall Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full mocn, Tbos. Blakely.W.M.; Horb.Smith, SeLrotary. (iOUUT.FLBSHEKTON, V^, I. C." Pi rrseti In " Clayton's Block the last ^'edoeidav evening ot each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome, H. K., Dystm; K. 8., T, Hei;ry; Fin, 6eo.. C, N. Hiohardson, Please pay dues to Flu, See. before the first day of th e month. CHOSEN PhlENDS-pTeisherton (Council of Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wednesdav of each mont 8 p. m Pay assessments to the lierorder on or before ttoe first day of each month. Chief Coonolllor T. Dlakeley; eoorder. W. H. Buut, Farm for Sale TiOta 34 and 3S, eon. 3 B. D. R. IM aorea, cleared. 10 acres pasture, balance good bosh Barn 61 x SO, driving shed, good frame house. welU, 1 acre ot oichard aud stone wall und barn. Bangeen river crosses back of farm Well fenced and in good state of oultlvatlon, 3 miles from Proton Htation; For terms appiv on pramisas to isl Oct. JAMRS R: VAU8B, Proton Stettoa FARM TO RENT Vor Rent, lot 97, ooo, 4, ArtamMla, lOA faorM, M to 00 elaarad and ondar ealtlTatlon, oomtert. abU dwalling, baak bars, itoa* itabllnc, 1b Brat elaia Miilamant, and wall worthy th* â- !• ttoUoa ot ttaoM r«4nlrlni ia«b. B. i. 8ta«ou,Piwh*rtoii BESI BUSINESS TRAININQ at reasonable prices. Start any time. BRITISH C.\NADI.\N BUSINESS COLLKGE. Cor. Yonge and Bloiir Sts., Toronto. Fall and Winter, •^.%^S^.â€"^SH^^Biâ€"^^V â-  We have a complete line of FaH and Winter goods, consisting of - Whipt, Plush Rugs,Rote», Bella Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Oiittinont,Barneas Oil, Gall Cure Trunks & Blacksmith'i Aprons. Look in and examine our Btock of Horse Blankets. We Manufacture Marness And do repanng Cheaper than elsewhere. 0. W. Phillips FLESHERTON, ONT. El Doradu Farm. Of Shorthorn cattle and l.^ioeatw ttheep. Bulla and heifcra on IuhmI for sale, also a number of single and rose oomb brown leghoru, aid single comb white leghiwa cockerels. Lot 32' Cua. fi. Cfaaa. Sti^onl, Farm to Rent Lots SS, ae and 07. con. 3, Artemesia, 190 aorta, 135 olsared and under oultlvatlon; all fenoad, two good orobards; largo frame barn, bat>maal barn and outsr trams barn 91 x M,i ham* dwelling. This will bamade a good thloii Ikir tbs right man. W. B UoKAUiTi Portia* V

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