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Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1908, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE NoviMBiB 26 1908 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ErtaUaW 1873 51 BraoclM is a Bank of age and strength. It has a record behind it of 35 years of sound and successful business, and is strong in resources and banking experience. We invite you to join the large number of prudent, successful people who have found banking relations with it both agreeable and profitable. If you have not yet begun to save your spare dollars make a start to-day by depositing One Dollar or more in tmt Savings DeparimeTU. FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BXANCHES AL«0 AT DX7R.HAM AND HARR.I.rrOir. VICINITY CHIPS Plain aewiDS done, â€" Mrs. John Bell- «»y. W. A. Armstrong Usuer of marriage kcnses. We have a (ileasioK surprise iu store for oar readers next week. Everybody is guini; to hoar the hod Sextette" on Dec. 3rd. 'South- Urs. E. G. Binghani uf Shelburne is Tiaitiog the Misses Munsbaw. For Sale â€" Fi^ur bead of young cattle. Apply John Wright, Flesherion Toluuue geese for sale, firnt class stock, apply to R. D. Mcldrurn, Port Law. For Sale cheapâ€" 2 second hand cutters, •ne almost new. R. J. Sproule, Flesher- tan. Hear the 'tMd Southland Seit«tte" in the town ball on Thuibday eveiiint;, Dec. Sid. CJomfortable frame dwelling in Flesher ton for sale or rent. R. J. Sprnule, FlesbertoD. Notice - I will not bo responsible for •iiy debts contracred by Herbert Rubin- son.â€" Mrs. U. Stuiie. Calf for sjile â€" Good heifer calf from food milk and butter stock. Apply to W. A. Tucker, Flesherton. Mes«r». Victor and Noble Riley of Allistun visited their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Caswell, ani other relatives during the {mat week. Mrs. John Runstadllor has been ap- pointed delegate t'> the Winter F«ir at Cuelph by the Flesliorlon Women's losti'ute. The Clarksburg constable has tieen in- •toucted to "hustle" small boys and gi.'ls to their homes who are on the streets alter nine o'clock. Mr. K. H. Wright has gone to Alberta Buttt and Shoe Repairing promptly, cheaply and well done. H. Carrin^'ton, Arnistrong'.s old jewellery store, Flesher- ton. For best Manitoba blended flour; also Ontario best family flour; aUo low grade feed flour, bran, shorts, chop feed, oats and peas, gu to Sprnule Higginbothain & Co., Flesherton. All at lowest prices. Opened This Week â€" Sproule Higgin- boiham & Co., Fljiherton, fresh stock, Christ roa-i candies, Orangea.lemons, figs, nuts anil a lot <.'f fine chocolate*, aU, at rock bottom prices. farm aboat 40 acres under good house, log stable and 100 acre cultivation, barn, well watered, would make first cinssftock farm. Will sell or exchange for other property. W . A Armstrong, Flesherton. 125 acre farm for sale, or exchange. About 70 acres under cultivation, frame house and barn, about 20 acres ploughed. Ii)ime<li*te poRsessien. Will sell cheap and <in ea.»y terms. Apply t*i W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. Rlieuinaiism promptly drivtn from the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy. Don't waste time with com- mon remedies. A test will surely tell. In tablet or liquid form. Sold by all de'ders. The Epworth League held a "Pumpkin Pie Scciiil" on Monday evening. A good program wa? given, followed by pumpkin pies and cftee. About 100 guests were present. The function netted the League about $7.30. Read the pain forniu'a on a box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask you doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion â€" bluod prt'SHuro 8'>inewhere. Dr. Shonp's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, wnmanly pains, pain anv where. Try one, and sec! 20 for 25c. Sold by all deales. It is not often that a hotel goes into liquidation, but such is thn case with the Gliibe hotel in Cnllingwond, run by John The Bad Boy Question A public meeting was called in the town hall Friday ereniiig of hist week by sinne purm>n to diacu^s the bad boy quextioD. Mr. J. A. Bi.yd occupied the chair. About 25 nitepayurs r ere present. It appears that some of our tuainess men have been much annoyed of l»tH l>y mis- chievous youngsters who have been guilty ot grave msdumeHnors tbdt bring them within the jurisdiction of the magi- strate's court. Some of are sous of windowH or poor people who are not in a position to pay luw cukts and buai- nese men hesitate tu prosecute for that reason. There is another side to the question, however, that touches the town as a whole, that is the ob.scene and vicious lauguage that is sometimss fired at strangers from our street curners. Th^t 18 something that wilt have to be dealt with seveiely for the good name of the town and from a busines-S point of view, if for no other motive. VVe cannot aflford to have customers or visitors insulted by anyrowdy element, bowsver small it may be, A iaruu number of those present expressed their mind freely in thin matter and a resolution waa passed asking the police trustees to see that the by-law prohibiting throwins; niis»iles, riding on sidewalk* nnd the use nf profane language is strictly enforced. If these things are not immediately (topped prosecutions will certainly follow. In this connection, however, we wish to say that, as a whole, our boys are no worse than are the boys of other small place*. Clarksburg is discussing the same question now, and judging by somi visitors we have met, some nearer neigh- bors also hav • the same class of material. That makes it no better or easier to bear in our caae, however. We would appeal to parents who have young boys to see that they are off the street at a reasonable hour at night. \ street night school is the worst kind of a school at which b<jys can learn. This school has graduated ail the thieves, thugs, murderers and rascals of evtry description. It teaches nothing good and everythiL-g bad. a lad has reached ycar^ of discretion and a solid moral founo'tion baa been laid, the youngster who runs t le streets at night rarely es- capes -A'iihout more or less moral degrad- ation rha. leniains by him in afier life Are the parents rospoiisihio for this? \v'e believe they are-the ttleiit entrusted to their care has been neglected, ignored â€" .nd au accounting will have to be made, perhaps in heart-breaking through the actions of their offspring, perhaps in some other way, but retribuiinn will surely come. Rheumatism I have found a tried and tested care tor Rhea, matism ! Not a remudi' that will straighten the distortod limbs of chronic crlpplus. nor turn haaj rrowtlu back o fltuib again. That li) inpoaaible. Bat I e&n now surely kill the paiiiA and pungs ol this depioruble dlfee«6. In a,?rauuiyâ€" witli a Chomlst ir. tho City ol Darmsladtâ€" I found the last Ingrodlent with which Dr. Shoop's Bhaumatie Reniady was awda a periectiid. dup«ndable prescription. Without that lust lngn^dii,nt, I succaiufully treated ma.ny, many ca^i, of Khtumatiun ; but now. at lost, it um> ioniily ciirL's tl\ curable cases of this henoofoie much drailBd dlsuane. Those sandllku gmnular wastc-s. foimdUiIlhuiunatiollIood stwm to dissolve and pass away 'inder the action of this niinedy as Ireely a^ dots siuar whan added to pure water. And than, when disfiolvGd, these poisonous wastes ireely pass from the system, and the cause ol Rhwiimatism is gone forever. There is now no i«al needâ€" no acnial excuse to sufler longer witti- oathalp. We sell, and in eonfldanca recnmmenrt Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy "ALL DEALERS" A fowl supper will be held under the auspices of L. O. L. 666, Maxwell, on Tuesday, December first. Supper will be served in the Methodist hall from six o'clock until eight A first class program of local and. foreign talent will be given after supper, in the Orange hall. Ad- mission 25c. Au ction Sale â€" Farm Stock, etc. â€" Tuesday. Dec. 1 â€" East back I'ne, near Flesherton (t'le Sinclair farm). Blooui- tield Ferris, prop.; D. MePhail, auc tioneer. 1 o'clock . See bills to look around, and if he can 6nd what | Scholea. He has been in business there â- aits him, will take up a homestead iu the Western province. Mr. Arch. Boyd fell out of a hay rack •«« day last week and cracked a rib. Tbe injury, though painful, does not •enfine him to his bed. for five years, starting without capital Liabilities are tlo.OOO. with assets placed at (12,000. The house will be run by a manager until it can be sold. Good brick veneered house â€" eight rooDM â€" for rent in Flesherton. Possess- ion Dec. 1 Apply to Thoa Snell, 1 Apply •W.J. Belli l«w, ur W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. For Sale Very Ceeap â€" 1 sfcond hand hall h'ingiug lamp ami porcelain shadg. 1 extension dining table almost new. 1 falling leaf table, 2 closed wash stands. 1 centre table almost new, 1 sett single Port ! driving harness. R. J. Sproule, Fleaher- I ton. Having my saw mill again placed in | Mr. James McClockiin. who has beenin Tlasherton, I am prepared tu do winter Mr Wilson's butcher shop for several years past, has purchaaed the butcher business from Mr. John English at Cey- •ri. ii/Mj o ...ui _j o ».,.»»" _:ii :.. . i 'on- He haa moved his family over there The 'Old Southland Sextette will give • . • m c j ilt I... . 1...11 .... Ti .Ti.... and taken posMssion. Mr. Fred Mc- Cliicklin of Durham takrs Jim's place here. The latter will bring his family here immediately. We tender a hearty welcome to the new-comera. •ustom aawiug, and also solicit contracts for summer sawing. Qeo. A. Watson. a concert IU the town hall on Thursday eveniDg, Dec. 3rd, under the auspices of the Epworth League % cents. Admission 15 and Sargent's stable at Markdale was burn- ed on Sunday, presumably from defective electric light wiring. thought the town wai in was this happily prevented. 80 acres, - no clearing, well watered, will make good farm, no buildings, >'' t has building tim^or on it. NViU ^i-e Itood ch^iiice to uian who will Work. W. A. Aiinsirong, FleshertoL. Don't forgot the entertninmont to be given by the pupils and others, iu the R»d Sihoil 111 ihe evening of Deo. IS. A gO' d [.'nigrum ccnsistingof dialogues, iciilatioiis, music, etc. is being prepared Property for Sale at Prioevilleâ€" .\ brick house, eiiiht rooms, barn and live lots Also lot 10. con. 1, N. D. K., Artemesii, itO acres. Apply to Catherine Scott, Prieeville P. 0. tf I About 30 guests enjoyed a jully even- ing at the residence of Mr. ThMinus Betts GoUingwood gravel, on Friilay, 20th A lasiy Hupper wus supplied liy tho host- ess, afier which the fun was kept up until Xa. m. Dtm'tbe "Busted!" Bring your accounts j lo Perigeo, Insurance and financial agen':, | Fevershatn andgei the cash. Insurance; in fire, life Hccioeut and sicknecs, plate ghtHs, burglary etc. Policies in the biggest fioaucial institution on earth. Mr. W. C. Uaiiley, uf the 8th line, Arteiuesia, has L»'en away for several weeks viHinng his daughters, MrH. C. B. Wilson, in Torontu, and iVlrs. Auibiose Fiiidiay, at Kendal. While there he Utended the fuueial of Mr. Findlay's lather who died at the age of 04 years and •aa buried in Orooo cemetery. It isn't so difficult to strengthen a Ai'one time it was j "eak stomach if one goes at it correctly. danger, but ^^^ this is true of the heart and kidneys. ! The old fashioned way of dosing the ! stomach or stimulatinsr the heart or kid- ' neys is surely wronn! Dr Shoop first pointed out the error. "Go to the weak or siling nerves of these organs," faid her each inside organ has its controlling or , "inside nerve," When thes" nerves fail ' then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is leading drugyipts everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Re.storative. A few days lest will suiely tell. Sold by all dealer-s, Lost and Found Ljst â€" \ loadinir cant hoek between west back line, and Ceylon, on Fri Nov. 20th, and an axe between Ceyhm and lilesherton on Sat., Nov. 20th. Finder please return to W. A. Armstrsng, Flesherton. Lost â€" On Sunday, Nov. 21st., mink scarf, bt'twenn G. H. Burk's aud Thus. Bemrose's, Osprey. Finder will bo suit- ably rewarded, and will oblige by leaving at Maxwell P. 0., or Advance office. Lost â€" On the Meaford Road, between Vandeleur and Flesherton. early last Bummer.a British bull dog revolver, large size. The fluder will please leave at this office. Ram Lostâ€" Ou Thursday, Nov. 12th, Leicester ram strayed away from my premises. Finder communicate with ilobt. Campbell, lot 24, con. 12, Arte- mesia. Stra yed from Markdale, one red steer, two years old, dehorned, weight about nine hundred. Any information as tu his whereabouts will bo thankfully re- ceived by W, U. Pickell. de4 Sheep Strayed â€" Nine ewesst rayed from my premises, about the tenth of Novem- ber. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Elijah Paul, W. J, lot 35, Cbn. 10, Eugenia. Li>st â€" A caperine between 8ih line of Osprey and gravel road, about the last of October. Finder please leave at Mr. Paul's, Fevershain. Mrs. Sanderson. Teacher Wanted. For V. S. 8. No 2, Bgreuiont and Noinmndy, county o' Grey, male or feinslo, boUling flrsc oi Bocoud class oertitlOAte. .Applications, stating salary, qualiUcabious, ex^oriuaco and enolosiiig tfistiinonals wil) be received up to SatuV'la^ , Dec. lOih. f^uties to cominonoo at the ing of the New Year. Wm Bradley, seC'-Treas., Orchard, Onr, 11-5 3t "Peerless Peninsulars'' Are Cast-Ir«n Rauges Butlt Like Steel Ranges "Peerless Penin.sular" Ranges have the Drop Oven and Low Closet which have heretofore been exclusive features of the most expensive steel ranges. They are also the only ranges made with Fire-Box on right or left side, as may better fit the kitchen iu which the range is to be placed. "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges are splendid cookers, are very economical In regard to fuel, are strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service. Let us show you their many features of saperiority. 7; Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily S 2 60 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe '-80 Mail-Empire .... .... j. 76 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers .%uiOcat2 2 25 Weekly Wit.iBSB 1 75 SatnrdayNight 2 50 A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED For Fle-sherton And Adjoining Country TO REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Qreatest Nurseries. While business !u Eome lines may ha dull, farmers were never more eijcourai^ed aa regards fruit growing than at tUa pi esent season. High prices for all clasfes of fruit have been oD- tained the past Beaaou. aud there is aa a couaa^ quence an increased demand for nursery .ttook. Our aiock is coniplute iu every dapaitment. iuciuding a new list of specialties which wa alone handle . The right man will obtain a pRrmaneut situ- ation with territory reserved 'or him. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Wrlta for particulars. STONE &W ELLINGTON Foiithill Kurseries (850 acres) TORONTO Ontario WE ARE OFFERING FOR Fall Wear a good stock of new and fashion- able goods. Boots, Shoes, Slippors and Kubbers. These you want for WORTH AND WEAR, CHOICE AND CHEAPNESS Also a lot of Trunks, Telescopes. Seasonable goods and reasonable prices. A lot of ladies' and child- rens summer goods oftiering very cheap at CLAYTONS ^r'^^' '^ Jr=Jr=JfSur=Jr=zitâ€"Ir- 1 F. G. KARSTEDT Large Reductions In Our Groceries We will until further notice continue the following articles at a reduced rate â€" Granulated Sugar.regular 16 lbs for $1 00 18 lbs for 1.00 Yellow Sugar regular 18 lbs for $1.00 20 lbs for Sl.OO 3 Cans Oorn for 26o. 3 Cans Peas for 25c. 3 Cans Pork and Beans 25o, 2 Cans Tomatoes 25c. 3 Pkgs. Starch 25c. 3 Pkgs. Star Ammonia. 25c. 3 lbs Raisins 26c. 3 lbs. Currants 26o. 1 lb. gixid 35c. Tea (t;reen or black) 25c. Ladies' Black Coats at 2.50 We have a number of Ladies' semi litting Black Coats, trimmed with braid, well made, lepular 7 50 and S15.00 values for ^2.50 Also Children's Coats, rcKular 85.00 values for 82.60 Bargains in Gents Suits. 20 only Suits in Tweeds and Worsteds, all sizes, winter wear, reeular 6.50 to §10.50 values for f4.98 CASH OR PRODUCE TWO WEEKS' sale! On Men s and Boys' Suits w» are gnins to i*ivo ynu genuine barsaiii.s. If you are going to buy a Suit for yourself or your boys why not take advantage of this sale and SAVE MONEY In all lines we think wo c<ii save you money. (.)ur business i.s steadily increas- ing. This proves the satisfaction of our customers. Come once and you will como again. We cau give you splendid vnluo't in Boots and Shoes. Sugars are down again and butter is up. WANTED-Potafoes, Butter, Egps and all Farm Produce at highest market prices \ F. 6. URSTEDT, - m FLESHERTON Jas. Pattison Ceylon.

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