NOVBMBKR 26 1908 yvwvyyywvy THE FLESHERTOW ADVANCE F. T. HILL & Co. Winter is Here; are 1 You prepared for it? If not, we can supply al] your requirements and in many lines at much less than standard prices. Buy your best Canadian Bubbers here. We h»ve a very largo assortmenl an d a big slock i>f Rubbers and Ov;ralI» of all kinds for Men, Women, Boys and Girls and our stock repn Bents the best maiiufsciuieis in Osnida, such as: Grsnby Rubber Company, Maple Leaf Brand, Berlin Rubbftra and tbe Canadian Rubber Conijany aiid aru all reasonably priced fur good qualitifs and ve cmry a vny latgn variey of slylfs. Winter Wants for Women in Ladies' Worsted Hose. Exira heavy qua?ity, S6c a pair, or three pairs for ^1.00. This week we put on sale a big lino of Ladies' Heavy Worsted Hose, all pure wool, just what you want for this season of th e year, specially priced .... - 3 pnirs for |1.00 Fur Caperinesfor Q-irls that are going to school Wa hnvoJ75 Fur Cajjerines in stock, they are all of good larjfc size, wide shoulder*, cape with hiuh storm coUara. They come in such furs as Electric Seal, Coney. Enfjli&h Hare and srroe Orry Lamb cnmbinatioD* and the most cases la about onr-*hird their valub. For iD»tance we are clearing Cnperines for 98o. For instance we are clearing Ch| erines for (1.48. The best we are aellinu for 81.P8. When they are S'jld wo don't know where we could buy them at the price. W^MRWWW MARKDALE mwmmf Is publiiibed every Tbumday at $1.(M per •Bnuin if |>aiU in advance, tl.Sc if not so paid Maxwell Items Mr. Alex. Hudson and Mr. Art Robin- sou returned homo frjm the west last week. A very enjoyable croning was spent at the home of Mr. Joseph Allison, last Friday, when a number of friends and noightKJis gathered and spent the evening dancinK the light fantastic till the wee â- mall hours of the mornini;, and all went home feeling that they had realy had a night of pleasure. A number of young people of Maxwell took in the leap year party at Hathcrton recently. Mr. Angus Morrison also gave a i>arty inhcmurof his niece, Mi.-ia small, who has been visiting with him during the past couple uf weeks and returned to her Dome io Shel borne this week. Miss Mary McLean of Rcgina ii visit- rg at her home at present. Mr. Scheniman left last week to spend the winter «ith his daughter, Mr*. Tbot. Maxwell, of Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heron and daughter, Margaret, left last week for fiu&Iu. The hunting party returned homo last Friday and were very successful this year. Mr. Scutt has with him a deer and a fine moose bead and hide, and he ha* had many visitors to inspect th^ moose, which is a very special feature of their game. Don't forget the Urange f3wl supper, Dec. 1st, and Forester supper, Dec. 8th- Mr. George Conron has returned ilie west, and is visiting his parental home. Mrs. A. P. Stanley received word this week of her grandfather's deathâ€" Mr. J. £harp, J. P., of Napaiioe. Miss Miiidie Hamlin of Toronto is visitin g with hererundniother, MrsR. Y. Burk, at present. Miss Francis Smith cf the I'ith lino, visited last week at Mr. Levi Pallister's. Miss Maud Ouy spent Siiturday and Sunday with her aunt. Miss Canioron. Mr. William QIarver, who has been employed at Mr. W. U. (luy's during past year, leaves for his homo in Chcs- nhiru, England. His many friends wish him a safe journey. Mrs. Harry Down look tea with Miss Alice Field, Sialurday. The Methodist church have arranged lor their Christinaa supper, Christmas night. The many friends of Rev Thi)S Scott, M. A., former pastor on this Methodist circuit, will be pieasud tu hear he expects to visit Maxwell uncut on New Yoars, to 'attend the Providence supper. Now Year's night and Maxweil New Year's Sundiiy. Ii is definitely announced that plans •rein preparation for the electrifying o' «o fewer than 700 miles of the 0. P. B. system in the year future, and if thia prove* the success that is anticipated, the whole system will be olectriried eventu- The Youth's Companion for 1909. The amvunt «f good reading given to 8 ubicribora ty The Youlh'* Companion d uiing the year inindii-aled by the follow- iug suiiimaiy of cmt^nts for 1909: OOSIAII AUTICLK.1 Contributed by men and women of wide distinction in public life, in litertture, in science, in busiiiesH, in a score of profess- ions. 250 CiriTlL 8T0BIE.S. Including aix serial stories; flumorous stories; stories of adventure, character, heroism. 1(^0 UP-TO-DATB NOTBa On current eronts, recent diecoveriea in the world of science and nature, import- ant matters in politics and government. 2000 ONB-MIHnTB 8TORIB.S Inimitable domestic sketches, anecdotes bits of hunior, and selected miscellany. The Weekly health article, and weekly woman's article, timely editorials, etc. A full announcement of the new volume will be sent with sample copies of the paper to any address on request. The now subscriber for 1909 living in Canada who at once sead* |2.00 will receive free all the remaining ist-ues for 19t)8, includ- ing the double holiday numbers; also The Companion's new Calendar for 19U9, "In Grandmother's garden," Jithngraphed in 13 colors. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. A Clergymen writea: "Preventics, those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets are workiig wonders in my parish." Pre- ventics surely will check a cold, or the Grippe, in a very few hours, and Pre- voniica are so safe and hairoless, no tjuinine, nothing harsh nor sickening. Fine for feverish restless children. Box of 48 at 25o. Sold by all dealers. In Peterborough recently the police maeistrate refused to tine a man charged with being drunk while on tha Indian list. His opini<-n was that a person on the Indian list found drunk could not be convicted unless he were found on the piemises of a plucu licensed to sell liquor. The license inspec'or appealed against the decision of llie police mBgisimtu and his Utiiior Judtie Weller upheld iho in- spector in his appeal, lining the defend- ant ten dollars a. id costs. The ruling of the judge is an imporlant one and is of piovincial interest. Tickling, tight cnuaht, can bo surely and (juickly luisenbd with a prescription (IruuiiiHis are dihpenmiii; everywhere lis Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. An;l it is 80 veiy, very different than common cough medioini'S. No Opium, no Chloro- form, iibsulutely nothing barsh or unsafe. The tender loaves of a liarinlptis, lung healinu nionntainoue shrub, gives the curative primerties to Dr .Shoop's Cough Ilcnicdy. "riioso luaves have the pcjwer to calm the most distressing cough and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bron-e chial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, always demand Dr. Shoop's; it can with perfect {»eedom by trivcn to even the youiifpst babes Test it yourself and see Sold by al .dealer*. A movement in oppo*ilion to the mr- aona 1 rule of the Emperor ha* spreaa to the German army. Eight persons were killed and ten wounded in a Kght with a negro desper- *adoalOkmttlge, Ukla. J.«W. BOYD Dress Goods This week we are up at the front with a special sale of Dress Good* We have a number of odd lines which we are putting out at a price and ics only a matter of showing them â€" because to see them means to buy them. earlyâ€" They won't last long. Lot No. 1â€" Fancy Tweed* in Grey stripe all wool serges and ca*h- niereâ€" Regular 30 to o5c for 22c Lot No. 2â€" Tweed Dress Goods in fancy stripes and checks â€" a good assortment of colors - Regular 55 and 60o for 35o Lot No. 3â€".^ very pretty range of suiting in suit lengths in navy broirn and greenâ€" all this season goods, regular 75 to 85c sale for 59c Lot No. 4â€" A range of Black Dress Goods in plains and fringedâ€" Reg. 35 to 60c •*Ie at 18o Four men were killed by an exploaion of dynamite at Port Daniel, Quebec. Big peat beds are reported along the Cuiiadian Northern from Edmonton, east to the Pass, on the Hudson's Bay line. I John Ncc, a wellknown man of [n!;er I soil, committed suicide Ihs' week, ft ij said that he took carbolic acid. Sheriff Moor.) of Owen Sound, blippod and foil down a basement stair, landing on the cuinent floor, fracturing a buiuII bone in hi* arm and bruiting his head. Irene Straith, on Owen Sound school- girl, ran away from her home. She wag overtaken al Priceville and headed for hoiuo. Durham people can now rest reasonably certain that their Local Option bylaw will stand for the balance cf the three years. The lust appeal to the courts to quash the bylaw faile<l last week. William Leach, Andrew Fogarty and Joahui W.rrilow, the Owen Sound men convinced of selling intoxi-vktine liquors and lentsnced to four months' imprison- ment each, must remain in prison as their appeal for liberty has been dismissed in the Divisional Court of King'* Bench. The credit of Orillia *tands high as is •hown by the fact that the tlO.OOO worth of 4^ per ceiic. debentures, which have just been issued, sold for 941,276. Amelius Jarvis * Co , Toronto, being the purchaser*. Three Rivera i* riting rapidly from her ashes in vastly improved form. The new buildings going up are almost with- out exception three stories in heiuht, and many of them wiii be handsome structure*. The streets thro- hout the newly built portion will bj Aide and no signboard* will be allowed to stretch out over the aidewalk. For the second time within ten days a case of horse stealing has been reported in the County of Peel. Thursday a horse and rig was taken from the stable of Robert Williamson, of Bolton, by a niun named Jacob Henderson, abarness maker who claims Toronto as his residence. Henderson Wint to Bolton a few days since and clainis to have been drinking so heavily that ho was not aware bo was conuniiting a crime. He i" now in Brampton jail, where he will remain until the Decf mber sessions, when his case will be heard and diNposud of. Canadian PA.CIFIO Only Through Line TO Western Canada Past Trains Dally Lowest Rates No Changes or Delays Talk it over with S. RANDS C. P. R. Aflfent, Plesherton, Groceries, Flour, Feed, etc. We keep a full stock of fresh and clean groceries, also a full stock of Flour an<f Feed, including the famous Five Rose Flour, every bag of which is guaranteed the best. If you have not been using this flour, don't fail lo give it a trial. Stoves, Tinwaire, Hardware. We keep in stock the best line of stoves that's on the market. It you need a cook stove como in and see the Canada range, prices right and workmanship guaranteod. Destroys Hair Germs Recentdltcoveries have thown that fallinc hair is caused by terms at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Ayer'sHair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. DoeMmlchmgtAtcolor*flh» tor. Z ycrs i£Mrjx:t kasiya Farm for Sale I. ot 10 (si xteen,) ConceHPion 10 (Ten) townsblp of Opprey. Close to thevlllage of FoverBbaiu framehuuso and bam, f tone table. Bi.\ty acres under cultivation. A^ply to A. U. Campbell J16 Uuibolme Head, Toronto. oo Recent ditcoTeries hare also proved tiut dandruff is caused by |enns en the teslp. Tberefore, te cure dandruff, the Intthns t* do is t» cemplctelT destroy ttese daa- draff germs. Here, tne same Aytr'sHsIr IHgor will gire the same splendid resnils. â- â- â- â- â- .S H yt>»*.»AjwO.>.«*wrt>. » IM I Farm for Sale Lots No: 161 and 162 lit north-east of T. & B. Road, Artemetia' Tlicre are good buildini;* the prenilseB' TandeiB will be received up Ootobor tlie 90th 1008. Apply to John Wrigh Klosherton. Fair Warning I hereby forbid anv person or pernoiifi cutt- iiiR or ronioviiiK any timber of and kiiul what- ever, panturinR cattle, huuting or treHpassinS on my property. Lot 33, Con, 11, Artuuiesia, except by tny written aKvoeuient and couaeut. I have ui ado araiiKetnentH whereby I Hhall be kept informed, and will prosocuts to the limit of the law, any trespassinK on tuy pvoperty as abovo deacribed. F. T. C.VHU Scottish Pride 66274 The youi)^ bull Scottiuh Prido will Ktand for service at Mr. F. \V. NichoUon'B, lot M7, con. 5, ArtcnicHia. Kcottinh pride iB Bired by Hcottish Priiico. ft KiandHon (^f the wonderful show cow, (lom of llollnchin, luip , winner of cifiht prizes at Toronto and liondon, beBidtis beiiiK chanip- ion female. She weighs over 1900 pounds. Ouo of this oow'b calves sold for J1775.0O. Scottish pride Is out of I.ady Holla by tlie Toronto nrBt prize winner, (Niptain May Fly, imp '.iHW-W. Tiiis young bidl han prove him- self a Bhowb\ill havinq gained an oixcnurauing record this fall at l''evorshftm. lly won nrst Iirizr aa best t)ull calf, also diploma for beet )ull any age. Those havini; pure bred cows Bhould see thia grand t>nll before breeding aa they t^annotdo better tbau use him. A limited number of grades will be taken at $1,30; For pnre breds, $4.00. Came Astray Came to the premises of the uudeiBlgned, lot 7'2, (;on, 2, Artcnie8ia,on October 2ud,one hound. The owner is reancsted to prove property, pay expenBea and take the same away, Thos. Tatlou, Fortlaw Roosters for Sale. Three Rhode island Kud rooaters for aale good atook birdi. Apply at thta oiSca. Golden Legend Pure Bred Taniworth Boar for service on Lo 170, 2nd K. T. & 8. R. Tenn» 11.00. KICHAKD ALIiEN. Bush Lot For Sale. lots, coil. 14, Osjirey. ICO scrca, weH timbered. 1< or tetnn, etc. apply to R. Rob- trts, liady Uank. For Sale One span of LlghtniLg Oolta ecming tbrM m atcbed. Ready to woik. Also one ShorthorB B ull iightecD months old, bred by Geo.Briatow. HobKoy uuinbe)-68<« in volume 24. Nameâ€" Village Captain. ALiJl.^RT E- HANLKY Lot *, l- on. 10, Osprey, Feversham P. O. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE For Bale cheap and on easy terms, good com- fortable frame dwelling, stable and driviuc hou»e, with three village lota, in Ceylon. DwaT ing well built and flniBbed. and good bearinc orchard on the property. Apply to R: J. Sfbodlb, FlaahertOD. Farm For Sale or Rent. r Tf^Jn^r * '''^".'•'; o'""'; immediate posBewion. Z^l^;?.^' ]*' A^'enxiBla, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log house aud frame barn. Apply to R. J. Bproule. Flesbcrton, or John J. Mai^ aoroBB the to«d from said lot. ^ Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Levluias aud Wimples, the beat of breedins andqualltv Bull, cowa and beiferg foraala at reasonable prices t »9,con.5 CHA8. STAFFORD, FleahertOB Pure Bred English Berkshlres and Tamworths. Ihaveafinelot of young piini bred from prize winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices. I can give a bargain also guarantee satisfaction on all mail orders. Oeo. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O. Farm for Sale. In.tsE.JS and 0, Con. 13, in the tow.iship ol p sprey lOO acres, laiRo clrarlng, good frome barn and stabies. good dwelliua aud well. Applyou thopj-emiseB or to \V. J. Bkll*mt, Fleshertou. Thompson's Bakery OO Our Bread ia deli?0Ted rotjular- iind kept (ortalo at Ceylon, Priceville, Eugenia, Kimberley Maxwell and Foveisbam. Came Astray. Came to the premises ot the undarfllgnod, lot 6,con.O, Osprey, about Aug. l.l.laat, one Bteer, 1 he owner la requested to prove property, pay eipeuses and take tbe same away, P. Â¥ BoMBM Uaiwell Ed. Thompson, Plesherton « • - « r 4.