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Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1908, p. 3

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rr=- COLD 6B0D6HT ON KIDNEY DISEASE BRANTFORD LADY SUFFERED TILL CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. A. n. Thomson had Heart Disease, Lumbago and Rheuma- tism, and Tells How She was Re- stored to Health. Brantford, Ont., Oct. 12 â€" (Special)â€" How Colds, La Grippe and other minor ills settle on the Kidnej's and develop Rheiunatism, Heart Disease, Bright's Disease and other terribly dangerous ail- ments ; and how any and all of them are cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills is fully shown in the case of Mrs. A. H. Thomson, whose home is at 48 Albion Street, this city. Mrs. Thomson was, some years ago, taken with Cold and La Grippe and Straining, which affect- ed her Kidneys, and the result was Backache, Lumbago, Kheumatism and Heart Disease, which caused both her and her friends grave anx- iety. She had suffered some years when she heard of cures effected by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and bought a box, which she used with Buch splendid results that she con- tinued to take them till she was cured. Since then she has used Dodd's Kidney Pills in her own family and recommended them widely to her friends, all of whom have warm words of praise for the Bandard Canadian remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Lumbago and Bright's Disease are all Kidney Diseases or are caused by diseased Kidneys. Y^ou can't have any of them if you keep your Kidneys sound. Sound Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. ♦ WHY THE NEIGHBORS SMILE. Little Willie was a perfect "dear"; at least, so thought his mother till recently. She missed the youngester one day for some time, and when he reappeared she asked : "Where have you been, my pet?" "Playing postman," replied the â-  pet. "I gave a letter to all the houses in our road. Real letters, too." "Where on earth did you get them J" questioned his mother, in amusement. "They were those old ones in your wardrobe drawer, tied with ribbon," was the innocent reply. Willie now wants to know what he was spanked for. RAILWAY TO SACRED CITY. Where Mahomet's Tomb Is Now Lighted with Electricity. The Hedjaz Railway is a remark- able undertaking. Not only does it link Damascus with Medina, the city that in the eyes of Mahomedans is second only in sanctity to Mecca it- self, but it has been regarded from its inception as a sacred work, says the London Illustrated News. It is perhaps the only Turkish enterpriKe in which bribery and cor- ruption have not had place, for those concerned in it, from the highest to the lowest, dared give nothing but their best to an enter- prise so closely a.ssociated with their religion. "The line, moreover, was built with the money subscrib- ed by Mahomedans the world over. It is likely that the line will be continued to Mecca, and in his speech at the inauguration Mukhtar Bey promised that he would use every endeavor to secure the end. The actual opening ceremony was performed by the Grand Mufti of Damascus, and some interesting speeches followed. In the course of his remarks Ali Kiamil said: "We are to-day cele- brating three great events â€" the pil- grimage to Medina, the opening of the sacred railway, and the first constitutional anniversary of the Khalif of Islam. The Prophet did not permit the railway to reach the Holy City before the Khalif had granted a constitution to his peo- ple." It was after the line had been in- augurated that the special mission visited the electric plant which has been installed to supply electric light to the mosque that contains the tomb of the Prophet. Later in the day the events of the hour werejce- lebrated still further in that most modern method, by the letting off of fireworks and by illumination. Medina, like Mecca, is torbidden to all but Mahomedans, but the barrier has been broken on two or three occasions- The railway is by no means the only modern thing that has reached the sacred city. Electricity too has come to it, as already noted. In the mosque in which the tomb of Mahomet has its place the lights are hidden in many strange shade, including some of ostrich eggs and others of Venetian and Bohemian glass. SCORED OFF TOMMY. A young Irish lad on a market day in an Irish towa was minding au ass attached to a ;art awaiting the exit of his parent from a busi- ness establishment. His arm was thrown around the neck of the animal when two re- cruiting sergeants passed by. One of them seeking to make fun of the youth, said: "What are you hug- ging your brother so tightly fori" " 'Cause," the ready rejoin- der, "I was aft-?.id he'd 'list." A Successful Medicine. â€" Every- one wishes to be successful in any undertaking in which he may en- gage. It is therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parnielee's Vegetable Pills to know that their efforts to compound a medicine which would prove a blessing to mankind have been suc- cessful beyond their expectations. The endorsation of these Pills by the public is a g\iaranteo that a pill has been produced which will ful- fil everything claimed for it. Fifty police visited Kilbarry dis- trict and arrested in their beds twelve young men on a charge of intimidating and preventing Cap- tain Barton, of the Connaught Rangers, and a party from shoot- ing over the preserves of the Fred- erick estate. W'hen a young man goes around looking as though he hadn't a friend en earth it is either a case of love or indigestion. KEEP BABY WELL. No matter whether baby is sick or well Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in the house. They not only cure the minor disorders of childhood, but prevent them and should be given whenever the lit- tle ones show the slightest signs of illness. Children take the Tablets a!^ readily as candy, and they are absolutely safe. Mrs. Geo. Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., says:â€" "My baby was greatly troubled with colic and cried night and day, but after giving him Baby's Own Tab- lets the trouble disappeared. I ad- vise all mothers to use this medi- cine." Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Hagiatrate and School Commission- er Healed by Zam-Buk. Zam-Buk by its healing power has earned the praise of men and women in the highest stations of life. One of the latest prominent gentlemen to speak highly in Zam- Buk's favor is Mr. C. E. Sanford, of Weston, King's Co., N.S. Mr. Weston is a Justice of the Peace for the county, and a member of t.'.e Board of School Commissioners. He is also deacon of the Baptist Church in Berwick. Indeed, throughout the county it would be diflScult to find a man more widely known and more highly respected. He says: "1 had a patch of eczema on my ankle, which had been there for over twenty years 1 Sometimes al- so the disease would break out on my shoulders. I had taken solu- tion of arsenic, had applied various ointments, and tried all sorts of things to obtain a cure, but in vain. Zam-Buk, unlike all else I tried, proved highly satisfactory, and cured the ailment. I have also use 1 Zam-Buk for itching piles, and it has cured them completely. I take comfort in helping my brother man, and if the publication of my experi- ence of Zam-Buk will lead other sufferers to try it, I should be glad. For the cure of piles or skin dis- eases, I know of nothing to equal Zam-Buk." Zam-Buk also cures burns, cuts, ulcers, blood poisoning, ringworm, scalp sores, chapped hands, cold seres, and all skin injuries and dis- eases. Rubbed well on to the chest iQ cases of cold it relieves the tight- ness and aching. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box. or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, 3 boxes for $1.25. . 4. TOUCHING. "The touch of a friend," remarks r contemporary, "may hurt more than the cut of an enemy.'' "No doubt about it. Especially if the friend forgets the amount he touches you for." The efficacy of Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup in curing coughs aud colds and arresting inflamma- tion of the lungs, can be establish- ed by hundreds of testimonials from all sorts and conditions of men. It is a standard remedy in these ail- ments and all affections of the throat and lungs. It is highly re- commended by medicine vendors, because they know and appreciate it^ value as a curative, try it. Dollyâ€" "Molly Wolcott told me a month ago ohat her new gown was going to be a dream." Polly â€" "Well, that is all it is, so far. Her husband won't give her the money for it." NOT HIM. "Jimmie, your face is dirty again this morning," exclaimed the tea- cher, "What would you say if I came to school every day with a dirty facel" "Huh," grunted Jimmie, "I'd be too polite to say anything." A REST CURE. In giving due credit to the won- derful remedial Springs of Europe we are apt to lose sight of the value ot the ones nearer home. About one thousand springs of various medicinal virtues exist in America. Of one of them Hare's System of Therapeutics (1391), page 523, thus ' speaks : "A number of Saline I Springs exist in America and Ku- ' rope, very strong water of this kind being the St. Catharines Well ; in Canada, which contains about ' 275 grains sodium chloride to the ; pint, as well as 105 grains calcium ! chloride. Its prototype in Europe is the celebrated Kreutzach Springs in Prussia, which contains about j 110 grains sodium chloride (Kurb- 1 runnen)." Other references are ' Encyclopaedia, The Allbutts Sys- tem of Medicine, etc. The Grand Trunk Railway System's trains run ' direct to St. Catharines and fur- : ther information can be obtained , from their representatives. Apply to J. D. McL>onald, District Pas- senger Agent, Toronto. Anxious Mother â€" "How is it that! you have so much trouble with your ' housekeeping ? You told me your wife could cook." Adult Son â€" "She can." "Then what is the mat- ter i" "Sb* Von't." BIG MONEYl for agents selling our toilet soaps Lots making $5.00 a day. Write at | once for full particulars to tlie SOAP SUPPLY CO., Box 332. Toronto | YOUR OVERCOATS U4 t»ir« SiilU would look htut (1»«<I. It ,„ „,_ M aun la jour luwn. wriu dlract Ifonirckl, Uoi IM â- aiTlBH AMKJIIOAM OVKINa CO. 1,000,000 8i<INS m \m mm Iligtiost pricM paid, writo (<.rprico iiit. AJilrei* •Ulman Hin^aw, Dmp Iroak, Ann:>poU«eo , U.S. A. J. PATTISON & CO. 33-33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, StOQk Brokers & Finanoial /gsnts COJ and other Ktorks b-m^^ht an I s-ild on c^mmls^ion. CnrT«spk>niiauco inritdd. Oni»ri m^y U* wiimtafe THESE IT R C C RINGS r If CL Ci mim. iljteiii Qi^u icrwAt At'. A <'â-  •mto Pfotura Post Cards >.i (or ii.v. for bU. HZTfi* N« MO.VEY J.i«t Tnur ,.?-l>*M. b«i '.hr» at lA; 4 I'm*, xiio %ciA ua lir ^l.L$ and y^u %ill ifrri.e by Mlurn Bikil ]r"ur chu i • I^i-iKinp fr« lutvete *ni etiuail^ tt miifuf tT>^ iirid muny '''.li r <!•• itrniil* pMitiluws to rij.w»« frooi. Do licit ^rlxf Writ* t*. ijy ahJ »«-t Grr-tiC'l I'rrialum Uuuk-. AtJilr^aa Colonial Art Co., Oept 53. Toronto A Liniment for the Logger. â€" Loggers lead a life which exposes tbem to many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises cannot be alto- gether avoided in preparing timber for the drive and in river work. where wet and cold combined are of daily experience, coughs and colds and muscular pains cannot but ensure. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. when applied to the injured or r.dimnistered to the ailing, works Wonders. -*- Cumso â€" "The doctor says I must take plenty of exercise. 1 don't kiiow whether to try Indian clubs 01 dumb-bells." Mrs. Cumso â€" "I wish you would come out with me, and wheel the perambulator a little way." Cumsoâ€" "Um ; no, Maria. I don't want to overdo the thing ai, first, you know " Black A new sensation. Watch pleasure. _ . The big ^•»««» plug. 2270 "I am proud to say that my grandfather made his mark in the world," observed the conceited youth. "Well, I suppose he wasn't the only man in those Aays who couldn't write his name," replied his bored companion. A Magsing Oougli driT«<i sloop and oornfoK »w»y V.m cnil c uiquor it witli Alloiis l,un{ BalM.m wliich roli«v»9 hanl breiUlilug, piln in Uiacba't aii.l irritaliuo ol tb» tljru»t. 0it« it Inalf tu the cliiMrau. ell PIANOS ARE CANADA'S BEST AN3 cvcRYeoav KHOWa IT PAYS T« BUY THE BEST Brnii for onr Froe CMolugtio Nu. 75. The native puritv and delicious flavor of "Salada" Tea are preserv- ed by the use of sealed lead pack- ets. Never sold in bulk. It is richer, more fragrant aud stronger than other teas. SHE KNEW. "Have you any letters for m.el" inquired old Mrs. Brown, bustling breathlessly iuto the village post- office. "No letters," replied the post- master. "Dearie me!" said Mrs. Brown. "I was expecting a letter or a post- card from my daughter Martha to say when she was coming." "Well, I'll see," said the post- master. Then he called to his wife in the kitchen, "Here's Mrs. Brown want- ing to know it there's a postcard from her daughter Martha telling her when Martha's coming." "Yes, there is," replied the post- master's wife. "Martha is coming next Tuesday." The smallest screws are those made in watch factories. An ordin- ary thimble would hold 100,000 of them. A man got into a train with a bag of fruit in his hand, and at the first station he called out to a por- ter : "I say, porter, do you like fruit?" Porterâ€" "Rather!" "Then " said the man, "chew the date off my ticket." Why go limpir.g and whining about your corns when a 25 cent l.'ottle of Holloway's Corn Cure will remove then ? Give it a trial and you will not regret it. Daughterâ€" "I love him. He is the light of my life." Fatherâ€" "Wellâ€" that's all right; but I ob- ject to having my house lit up by him after nudnight." Tlisr* Is Mo (luoh Thing u a b.\rinlssa ennitli. The tnmblo Kusa frum bad to wurte iinieas obcok- •d. Alleii'5 LuiiK Bal^iiim euros the worst iil •Sds. It allays iuUaiumation and claara tba air DsasA^OJ. ENGLAND ON THE WATER WAGON. Charles Roberts, M. P., in his book on "The Time Limit and Local Option'' brings out the fact, re- vealed by the Home Office returns, that of the 12,995 civil parishes in rural districts in England and Wales there are 3,903 (more than 30 per cent.) in which there is no license. In the county of Lincoln- shire 45 per cent, are no license parishes. ISSUE NO. 48-t». Regularly prepared manuscript- sheets were circulated as newspa- pers in China, Rome and Venice long before the invention of print- ing. â- a Substttuta for "n» t) 4 1. " M«nthol PImIw. .ItT.!!!." .me utiKrupul.Hi. dealers may .ay th«r« U K»c..ium.n.le.l by .Inctors h,,p.tal,. erg, lid averybody (or pleurwy, »tiIIu«M. etc. Adaâ€" "No; Priscilla will never marry unless she finds her ideal.'' Ida â€" "What sort of a man is her ideal!" Ada â€" "A man who will propose." A Carefully Prepared Pill. â€" Much time and attention were ex- pended in the experimenting with the ingredients that enter iuto the composition of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills before they were brouglit to the state in which tbcy were first offered to the public. What- ever other pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of much expert study, and all persons suffering from dyspepsia or disor- | dered liver and kidneys may con- lideutly accept them as being what they are represented to be. In some parts of Germany gla^s telephone-poles, reinforced by wire, i are in use. Miltdren WIH Co Sleighing. Tbcy cnm* homo eove «dwith ^liow. Haf a t.,a«|; â-  'Kjul ..f Pawl- kUl'rin hol«e«tt.i.o.i wat«r wil. protoiit .any melfocU Av.i.lsuh.tituWJ, ther« w but ou« "paiSiui«r"- ferry Ua.U'-25o. and oOo. "My dear," remarked a gentle- man, opening the dining-room door, "the girl has left the vegetables on the hall table." "Don't be so stu- pid," exclaimed his wife "That 13 my new hat "' I116Bel!P!0[10 5 0[9{!Il(iO.,lli!..GuetOll, Maktraof Ball Punos, (til Crgant and Autonela P.attr Pianos. Large Manufacturing FLAT TO LEASE 67-71 Ade!a:de St. West About 40x200, lighted by thirty-five windows, the en- tire length of three sides, also from ten large skylights, most up-to-date manufacturing flat in central part of Toronto; rental includes power, steam heat, water, eleotric light, at 10 per cent, less than city rates; lowest insurance rate; immediate possession ; low rental to high-class tenant. S. FEAMI fILSOJI OWNKR 73 Adelaide Street West TORONTO, ONT. Miss Woodbyâ€" "So Mr. Smart really said he considered me very witty â€" eh?" Miss Know â€" "Not ex- actly ; he said ho had to laugh every time he met you." Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant to take, sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best re- sults. FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER FIIKC TO VOU AND tVERV SIITCR SUPP.:RINa FRuM WOMl>.N'« AlklMaMTS I .ini .1 woman. I know a's suficrings. I have lound a cure. 1 will maj, tree ot" charge, my horn,; treat- ment with full in.struclions to any suflTcn'r 'rom women's ailments. 1 'Aaiu to lell all wmni-n about the cure â€" you, my reader, for yourself, iLur daughter, your inulhor, or your sister. I ".inl to tell you how to cure yourself at home, wlihoul the help ol a doctor. Men cannot uii- vlirstand women's suflferinKs. What we women linow Irom experience, we know better th.m .iny doctor, i know ihat my home tieatnicnt is a sale pnd sure cure for all feni.ile wc.ik- nesses peculiar to our sex. I want lo send you a complrte lo days' trenlmcnt entirely tree to prove to you Ihat you can cure yourself at home, easily, o.uickly and »urely. Remember it will cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to continti-*, it will cost you only about li cents .i week, or less than two cents .-» day. It will not inter "ere with your work or occupation. Just send Tne your name and address, tell me how you suffer, if you wish, at d I will send Vou the treatment for vour case, cii irely free, in plain wrapper, hv return mail. I will also send you free of costmybijk - "WOMAN'S OWN McDICAL AOVISEK," aith explanatory illusir.itions showing why women surt'er, and how they on easily euro theni.selves at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says â€" " You must h.ive an operation," you can deci>le for yourself. Thou.s.Tiids of women have cured themselves with my hjnii. remedy. It cures all. Old or young. ToMotMraof Daushtors. I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually ci'res Painful ond irregular Mcnstruatioo ill yonnjj Ladie.s. I'iumpnoss and he.tllh always result from its use. Wherever you live 1 can you to ladies of your own iocsliiy »^o Know and wi'l gladiv tell'anv sufferer that ihis Komo Treatment really OUrMall woman's dis- eases and makes woiiien strong, plumpaiid robust. Just saitl IM ycttt' Address, and the tree ten days' treatment is vours, also the l>ook. Write to-day, as vou may â- ol see this offer a^ain. Address :' MaS. M. SUM URS, BOX 103, Windsor, Oni

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