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Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1908, p. 1

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b tf'.w^ M W . â- â€" â-  l-*I H JTUsfetrtan Jlftijatia, "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBI^CIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, NO 1377 Flestierton, Ont.^ Tliursday, November 2e t908 W. H. THURSTO.N, EDITOK PKC'PBIETCR « , s The Newest Things In Jeweliery ^ Ciui always be fouud at the t'lesh- erton Jewellery headquarter?. Watches & Clocks T« suit all tastes snl a':l poiket: books. Jewellery For the ladies in Rreit variety aad Iat<»t. p itterus. we pride ourselves In hnvin.; a great vniietyofthe choicost Konda ni inufActuied fnuii which to ch'Kise. Come in aud let us show vuu whnt we have. W.A.ARMSTRONG Mr. Duckett his the foandatioa of the . nsw mill reiidy for the fr?mo. It will I soon be ready foe the machinery to be . set in. I Some impudent person went into 6ob| WilliuoM' stable one night last week tind took ouc his bu^j'iy »mi one of his horses! and almost ran the poor horse to death, { and put it back in ics sr.ill the next moru- I ing. If he timls nut >he party be will I miiko them pay Joar fur their trip. ! Mrs. James Williams widhe.s to thank ; the ni.-i<.!hbors who so kindly assisted iu inoviii'' her liouae. Singfaampton Mr. D.iviJ Gadke has rented the saw- mill from Me.ssrs. Hamilton Bros, and has purchased a timber limit from Mr. Robt. Taylor. Durintt the winter he will take out Iml's in order he may operate the mill next summer. L. O. L.. No. 686, celebr.>ted Gu.i- powder Plot on the lUb. the delay being due to sickness in the homes of a number of thi% raeinbers. The celebration took the form of an oyster supper followed by speeches ani ro!1<»9. W. L Taylor, District Mister, preside-!. Ihe attend- ance was about TU and all bad an enjoy- able evening. Mp. Albeit Hindley,who was injured in Curran's mill last summer n inipri>Ttng and strong hopes are now held out for his ultimate recovery. The Presbyterian aud Methodist Sun- day schools will celi;br»;o duriuK the holiday oeason, tho former at Christmas and the latter at New Year'*. Mr. J. lines Hamilton has returned from the VVest alter an absence of several months. He is intureaCea in Boine farms in Saskatchewan. Chamberlain's the Most Popular. "We bav.?in st'H-k manv colic .ind diarrlioea medicines," says It. M. White, a prominent luerohaut of Turtle liiyoa, Tet., "'but neli more of Cbamberluin's Colic, Cholera and ifiarrhoea Remedy than of all others put to- gether." Foriidebv W. K. Ricb:»rdiiua. How to Treat a Sprain. Spruinu, swelliiiKS and lainen>?':.s are prompt ly relieved by Chauiljerlaiu's LiniinenC This hnim^'Ut icdiiccs iuHauiiiiatiuit and ko that a sprain may be cured in alumt one-third the time reipiired by the iimial t-eatinent. 25 aiuliW cent sizes for "sale bv W, H Kichardsoii. Eugenia. Woddinj belU have been ringing all around, and still a'o expect lo hear them soon aiiiiin. Eti'eiiia boys arc getting discoura.;e(l, as all >>ur prettiest Kt'''^ ^'^^ being picked up by other youn^ men from adis'aace. Servos are boys j'lst ti^ht f or bein'.; so slow. The Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Fleaherton celebrated a veiy iiiterostinK wedding oc Wednesday last at nuon, in the church, Ku'^eni*, when Mi»s Ruby Graham of £u^<jni'i was united iu niarri- aije to Mr. Thomas Hoggard of Thorn- b^iry. The bride looked charming. She wore her traveling drqss of brown and was unattended. Alter the poiigratu- lations of a large circle of friends a splendid dinner was served at the home of the bride's parent*, where s large Dumber of the nniujdiate friands of the family sat down tu enjoy the wedding feast. After dinner the happy couple started on a bridal tour. They will re- side at Thornbuiy. .\ large number of useful presents \v«re received by the bride, as she was one of our most highly esteem- ed young ladies. The best wishes of her many friends here accompanies her to her new home Mrs. Uenry Fenwick is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Totlon of Toronto, for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Munshaw is going on a visit to her friends in the city. Mr. George Gordon has gone to visit his brother at Shelburne. Mr. Willie Campbell 'jf Toronto, came up to spend a short holiday with his parents in the valley. Our boys who went west on the har- vest excursion arrived home the past week, Messrs. Oaorge Paul, David Geuoe and Fred Smith. They all enjoy- ed the trip aud intoud to return in the spring. Mr. IVf unshaw brought home a couple of splendid deer and is treating his friends to a feast of venison. He mys he enjoyed his outing in the woods and {ee!s benefited by the trip. A number of young people spent a very pleauant evenins at the home o( Mr. •nd Mrs. John E. Williams last week, music and games. A delightful time waa spent bf all. Port Law Wednesday of last week marked an important epoch m tha history of this section, the event being the public op. n- ing of our new school building. The poop'e of the section turned out and a number of speakers from a diatauco also responded to an invitation to le present, while .some others sent their regre's. .\ftei the meeting was called to order. Mr. U. D. Msldruui, secrotiury, upon motion occupied the chair. The piog'am waa starteil with music by Mr. and Miss Osborue, who uflerwarJs intersperjed the speeches by instrumental and voc^>l selections. Short addresses were given by Reeve Muir, W. J. Bellamy, Charles StaQord aud T. U. McKenzie, followed by tha speaker uf the occai>igu. Dr. Sproule M. P., who occupied about an hour, the must of the time being devoted to salu:ary and practical advice to the pupil:! with a let>.ser share for the parents. We a'e sorry at our inability to give a synopsis of the Doctor's address, and if /it could bo published eui'rely it would be prolitablu at>d interesting reailing for th-:» public generallv. The buildini; is built of red l>rick upon a stime basement, the tioor of whicn is cemenr. The school IS twenty-eight, by thiry-eijjht feet. Also teachers room eleven by twelve feet and two cloak rooms, six feet by twelve feet. The nindows are of white diamond aod prism lilnss placed so that the liKht enters to the left aud rear of the pupils. The air and tloor space is suthcient for all 'he pupils of the suction. The hea'iiit: apparatus is uf the latest improved and tho ventilation is a system approved by the de()artment. The seats and de<<ks are of the individual kind, sixty-six in number, graded iu size to suit pupils in the various stages of developement. The rest of the furniture ^including teacher's desk and chairs are ne«', A slate black- board extends entirely across the room with sh.irter hy'opla.e boiirds at each side. The enuipment is all tirst clas-s. A new bell has been placeil in the hand- .sonie belfry. The interior is linished with oiled maple. Messrs. Goo. Woods and son of Dundalk wore the contractors and Mr. C. G. Gilby of Chatsworth, the architect. Tho building in every way meets the requirements of the act aud will grade No, 1. The cost will bo be- tween $3,400 aud f»,500. Last year more land was added to the ground, bringing it up to 1^ acres. A new wire fence was aUo built and the ground leveled. Altogether the ratupayera are proud of the production and justly so as «e have now at least one of the best rural schools m Grey. May those who are now beaiiiv the burden bo rewarded by seeing the rising veneration securing such au edu- cation as will them to battle their way thrcugh life to the citadel of success. Mr. Samuel Badgerow has taken unto himself a ymrtner in life, in tho person of Mits Violet Warling of Chatsworth, formerly of this place. After their honeymoon trip they will take up their residence on the fourth line. Wo join their many friends in wishing the young couple a Ions and happy wedded life. The Royal Templars expect toinitiate a batch of new members at their next regular meeting. Mrs. W. J. and Mr. Emerson Bellamy of Flesherton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Osborne last week. Mr. Charles Napier arrived home after a three mouth's sojourn ni the wei^t looking hearty. Mr. T. R. McKenzie is attending County Council in Owen i^und this week. Miuety thousand more lettent than usual were carried by the lirst three ' steam«hi|Hi that left New York for Eng- land af':er the two-cent rate for letter ' postage to Groat Britain went into effect on October 1st. Of course many of these letters had been held to await the reduc- i (ion in postage. One New York firm I mailed twenty tbauaand advertising ! circulars at a saving of sis hundred dollar* from the old rate. 10th Line, Osprey. The bc/iutiful snow was with us last week and the sleigli-bell jinule was heard on every siJo â€" but it is gone again. Miss Pearl Barber, who has been livin-j in Collin;iwood for the past year, is vi.sit- ing lierpaiun'?, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barber, of the 10; h line. Mr Richard OtteweUhairetumpJ fmni the wear, where he spent two or three months. There will lie Royal Arch raeetitis in Feversham Orange Hall on Nov. 25, 7.30 p. in. Tho threshing is about wound up for this year lu this iiart. Mr. John Jordon of Dund.ilk vi.~iied 1-st week with Mr Joe Irwin. Mi»s MaiJie Hamlin of Toronto i.H visiting her grandmother, .VIr.«. U. Y. Burk, at Mjpie Grove Farm ac present. While Mr. Tho.s. Dyru was cutting wiK)d in Ihe bush a few days ai;o. a slip of the axe gave him a bad cut on the hand, the services <jf Dr. Bond of Max«-«L being reiiuiret to dress and sew u? the cut. A bad acci lent ix-cured one day last week, to ilrs. John Duncan, sr., by her falling, while cros.-iiig th-floor, and break- ing her leg near the hip. As she is near- ly SO years of aiie, little hope is hold out for her retoveiy. Mr. Fred Ottewell, V. S.. of Thornbury paid our vi;lai;e a sliort visit last week. McFARLAND & CO. M.A.R'.CD.^LE ONXAl<IO The Youth's Companion Calendar 1909. Fof' "Granddmother's Garden" is the title of the beautiful picture painted by Charles C. Curran for Tha Youth's t^nu- panii-n panel Calendar for 1909. It is printed on the finest finished stock, by the most recent methods of litography. -\11 the strength and beauty of the origin- al painting are faithfully shown by etu- ployiog thirteen (>eperale colors. This is the Urgest Calendar that Tho Companion has ever issued, the picture alone measur- ing 8 inches iu width and 24 inches in li-ngth. Below the picture are amnged the twelve nionchs. Great car has been taken to nuike the date hgures legible, and to insure a practical .ind useful, as well as .in ;u'tistic cideudvr. The calen- dar is given to all those who pay their subscriptions to The Companion fur 1U09. Kimberley. Dtm't iforge; tha scho >l concert at Kimberley on &Iouday evening, Dec. 21. .\n excellent program is boingp r'opared. Come and enjoy a treat. The Kimberley branch of the O. W. I. will meet al the home of .Mrs. Jas. R. Fawcett, on Thursday afternoon, Njv. 2«£h at 2.30 o'clock. .Mr. Percy Fawcett accompanied by his sis'er, Miss Gorlio Fawcett and Miss Hazel Boviir of Ucaihcote, were visitors at .Mr. J.'is. R. Fawcett's on Sunday last. Mr. Chas, F. Stuart and Mr. Seymour Charters of Ueathcote, visited at tho former's parental home here, on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wickens and daughter, Nellie, have reiurued from the Western pr'jvinc. Mr, Harry Sloan is visiting friends in Owen Souiia. Mr. Ezra Fawcett and Mr. Wilfrid Waller, who tiK-k in the harvester's excursion to the west, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Soule of Egypt, visited at the hitter's {lateutal home here on Sunday last. BARGAINS IN 50 Lines o! DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE TjTava you been in fo get your share of the 50 Lines that -»-»- are selling at p.ices AWAY DELOW REGl'LAR PRICES? If not we wish to state emphatically that you are miss- ing a great opportunity of saving DOLLARS and DOLLARS. We sent out an iimr.ense quantity of circulars through th» mail latt week sivina full particulars of ths 'Sale of 50 Lines of depondabie Merchandise" which commenced last Saturday, Nov. 14, and if you haie not received one it has been an overst;;ht on Oir parr. We cann.t describe to your satisfaction in this space what 'is going in the way of bar<faiiis. Many have taken advantage and you will hear it s.-iiJ by customers all through'the stoie that the goods are being sold as r.-presetired in the circularâ€" in some V.aet the prices cut in two and the q lantiiics in u:any cases unlimited which means this sale will continue fi'r some time, in fact till every doll.srs worth of the 50 Lines are sold at the dre|<e8t cut prices. Wo must admit ff you want a big assortmeDl in a'l lines yuu cannot come tu soon fur your sliare. Come and inspect the comis and prices. If you do this ynji wil' pro6t by it. No disappointment here. Shop as early in the day as pntaibla for your own convenience and avoid the ru«b. McFARLAND & COMPANY \ Jew was suspected of stealinc a bag of oats from a Bruce C<'Uiity farmer. Tho bag was woitb almiit 75 cents. The coun'y undertook to punish the Jew and spent 81iO in the prosecution. The Court could not bring a verdict against the Jew and so heiaout â€" su is ihefanuer and county to<.>. r r THE UPRIGHT HOUSE € 1) Now is the time we all ueed Rubbers. We Lave ju<t reccivctJ a large numbtT of tbe best quality rubbers. Any one requiring lubbers for the muddy read, will do well to call ou us aud get a pair to saiip you. All sizes. ^ " %. Ill Shoes we have received a new and up-to-date stock. Don't forget C'ollinsou's A 1. Groceries, always fitsb aud at reasonable prices. Manitoba aud Ontario Flour. Brau, Shorts aud Feed tloar. Biiug aloug your prcJuce. Highest prices given for Butter, Eggs aud all kinds of Fowl. t^ Ceylon's Leading Merchants COLLINSON SBOS. East Moantaln The cold weather at present makes J everyone think of the approaching winter. ; Miss (lertie Hewson and her brother, ' of Heathcote, visited with the Misses . Stafford a week ago. I Miss Nettie Mania left on Monday for I Owen Sound. | .Miss Allen we hear, ha.< l>een engaged i for another six months to wield the birch, i 5pttlaliat la diseases ot the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 13 Froat St. . Owendound At the Revere house, Markdab, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. J. E. LARGE, EUGENIA, ONT. Having gone thoroughly through our stock, we lind many odd and lines which we wish to clear regardless of cost. Carefully r list of bargains that go on sale this week. broken read this WOMEN'S AND MISSES' BOOTS AND SHOES. Selling at a bit; saving, 25 pairs Women's and Missos Shoes, odd lines. Clearing for 38c. MENS TIES 40 only Men's Silk Ties, reiiular 25c. Sv.-llipg this week for 2 for 26c. BIG REDUCTIONS IN HARDWARE Many hues of hardware at big reduction Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS 33c. 24 only cap'. ri'gular 45 50 tft 60o. lines. While they last 3Si: BOOTS A SHOES 15 only paiis Men's, Boy's, Women s and Oirls' Shoos. 15 only pair, sume worth f2.C0. Clearing at 9S We are headquarters for DryGoods Millineiy, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishings, Groceries, Flour, ainl Feed etc. OIL CANS AT 39 8 only oil cans, all glass, sheet iron' case, regular 50c. for 38b. ^^ â- â- ^--Tx-;

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