JFksbtrton jLiirattte. '•TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PRiNCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL XXVI, NO 1376 Fleslierton, Ont., Xliursday, November JO tQ08 W. H. THURSTON, ISpI^I ROPUIETOB The Newest Things In Jewellery Can always be found »t the Fleah- erton Jewellery headquarters. Watches & Clocks To liuit all tastea and all pocket : books. Jewellery Fur the ladiaa in great and latest patterns. variety we pride ourselves In hrtvin^ a great variety of the choicest ^oods ratnuFactared from which to choose. Come in and let ua show yuu what we have. W.A.ARMSTRONG Kimberley. Snow, Snow, Snow. Mr. E. C. Hawell is on a cnmtbined busihess and pleasure trip to Toronto this week. Mr. \mu9 McLung visited Eugenia frienda on Sund.iy last. What does this mean Amoa? PriceviUe The Italians are again working in this neighborhood, niakins; a ditch near the C. P. R. crossing at the east of the village. Miss Bertha James visited a few days in Markdale hat week. Miss Mabel Beiry returned last week I Mrs. John F. Lee of Duluth is the guest F"â„¢ visiting friends near Hamilton. of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Ferris Miss Mamie Weber has returned home after an extended visit with friends in Ediuooton Alta. Mr. J. R Fawcett wnd daughter, Maude stteuded the W. I. Box Social at Goring on Thursday evening last, and repoit an excellent timn. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson of Flejhertou, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles and child- ren, spent Thanksgiving with Owen Sound frieiid«. I Misses Jennie and Louisa Wataon spent Thanksgiving day in Durham. ' Miss Eunice Ferguson, Owen Sound, j spent Thanksgiving holiday at the houio of her uucle, T. A Ferguson. i Mirss Mitggiu McLeod visited in Durham 1 from Friday until Monday. I Rev. Laidlaw of Eugenia preached the Missionary sermon in the Methwdist I church Inst Sunday. Mr. Laidlaw is , a tine speaker. The cellection and sub- I scriptions were very creditable fi^ the ' congregation and it is liuped to huvo a iOth Line, Osprey. The weather has moderated and the tardy (mes are getting in the balance of the root crop. Mrs. John Weldrick. sr. has returned home after a few week's visit with her dauithtur, Mrs. Phillip Rolliiigshesd of South River. Mr. Alex Maxwell was the tirsc lucky man to shoot a deer in this p»rt this fall, i will hold a box facial in the public hall, Kimlierley, on Friday evening Dec Miss Agnes Heuchan and friend of j Beeton visited friends here recently. j Messrs Alf. PU'wes and Harry Sloan I are visiting CoUingwood friends at pres- 1 ent. .Mr. rnd Mrs. M. R. Hammond enter. ] tained a number of their friends on ' Wednesday evening lust, in honor of their guest. Miss Gertrude Caesar. Miss Simpson of Allenford spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Mrs. Joseph Ferris. We are pleased to "ee Mrs. Jas. R. Fawcett able to be around again after her recent ilhiess. The Kimberley branch of theO. W. T. The hunters are iauetiu<2 with fair success. Mr. A. Long got a tine deer near Rob Roy one day last week . Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. Colnuette spent Thanksgiving day with their daugliter in Collingwood. The Fowl supper given by L. O. L. 1085, Feversham, on Nov. 5, was a grand success. Suppar was served in the S. A. Barracks and a tirstclass programme given in the Orange Uall. 'Ihe proceeds wdl amount to ahout fifty dollars. Hallowe'en passed off veiy quietly in this part, a few gate.H carried away being the only tricks played. A feV of our citizuns took advantage of the cheap railway rales to visit the Queen City this wetk. Mr. Fiod Heron of the Eugenia electric light plant spent Sunday at his parental home, on the eighth line. Kev. J. S. Currie of Londsbor«, London Conferance.lprt'ached a ••â- ry in- teresting soruinii in Bethel Methodist church on Sunday morning last and was greeted with a he.trty hand shake by many old friends. Rev. Stanley took Rev. Currie's work on Loimsboro circuit on that oay. We understand that Mat 2onron had l{ood lin'k as hunter on Saturday lasf He had the luck to shoot 3 cojiis and a fox in one day. 4th .A gioil proKPtmine will be given. Come and have a good time. See bills fur paiiiculars. Miss W:ilker of Oreeinore is the guest of her brother, Mr. Jas. Walker of this place. Mi^ssrs. Huuh Oammrind and Jasper Stuart returned from Parry Sound where ^hey were in a party, deer hiiniing. There luck was not as good as usual. increase ovr-i lust years cuntrilmliga to this fund. Remember the S. S. entertainment at Ebeuezer, PriceviUe circuit, next Friday, at 8 p m. Rev. .). A. Mathesi'ii rcturnetl from hi* holidiiy trip to the coa.*r la.st Tuesdiy and reports a very enjoyable trip. His congregations were glad to see him and gave him a very cordeal welcome home. Rev. Mr. Berry continues to improve and eipect^^i bo in his pulpit here next Sunday. Swinton Park. How to Treat a Sprain. Sprains, swellintts ami laineiie s are prompt ly relieved bv ChambBrlain'.s Liniinont. Inis liniment I educes iuflamiuatiou and soreness ao that a sprain mav be cured in about oiiethinl the time re<inired by the usual treatment. 2.5 and .W cent sizes for sale bv W. K. Richardson. A .Clergymen writ>s: "Preveiitica, those little Candy Cold Cure Tablaia are wijikii-g wontleis in my parNh." Pre- veiitics surolj will check .•> cold, or the Grippe, ill a very few hours, and Pre- Tentics iire so safe and hainilcHS, no i^uiuine, nothing harsh nor sickening. Fine for feveri.sh rostlesH children. Bi.x of 43 at 25c. Sold by all dealers. Singhampton The Methodist church here, which has been closed fiU' some time, wss re-i>!>eiied on Sundsy. Rev. Phimister conducted the inornins; service and Rev. Mercer that in the evoninii. Thu church has been oewly papered and painted and is attractive. Mrs. T. Blown has none to Toronto for a few days. The Orangcnien intend holding th»ir annual oyster supper on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Remimitoii and family are leaving Singhampton and moving to Berlin. Out. We are sorry to loan them, but wish thewj succoss in their new hiinie. Miss Wriifhl of Cdlingwood spent Sun- day ^tuth Mr.s McKiiiiioii. Misses Minnie and Fannie Scott are spending a few days in CuUingwood friends. Miss Sadie Sinclair of Cdlingwood speiit Sunday with Miss Winnie UosneM. Miss Maud Neft spent Sunday at home. Mr. Herb Gosnell is on th» sick list. We all hope to see him around soon again. A number of th« young people attended the fowl supper at Duntroon on Monday evening. Ceylon Mr. Wetherall of Corbetton section was in t<'H-n on Sunday. Chas. Hodgson of Homings Mills vibited hts cousin, .\nira Chislett, a couple of days last week. Mr. j leg. McDonald of Corbetton, who has jiisijieturned from the west, spent Friday with his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Sproat. Mr. H.irry down spent Wednesday with Ceyh>n friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomiield Ferris visit- ed thair aunt, Mrs. John Chislett, last week. Mrs. T. Chislett. and daughter, Anna, spent Wednesday evening witli Mrs. J. B. Egan at Dundalk. Miss Siidic Love of Meaford is holiday- ing with her brother, C. H. Love. Miss Marie Chislett has ro.signcd her position in Owen Sound ami is homo for a c 'Uple months' holidays. Miss May Stewart is holidaying at Mono Centre. Miss Florence Ferguson has returned ^ to her duties at Jas. I'attison's. Jack Ciiirns has gone to Eugenia for ' the winter months. It is pleasant to hear I ho sleigh bells chiming. The children are counting the days until the evertful evening when Santa Clause will visit their stockings. Mrs. Richard Heard has the pleasure of entertaining her cou.sin, Miss Eaton, from Kiiiastuu. Miss Isa Campbell, after a week's stay at home, has gone to resume her duties at her school in Osprey. Mr. Howard Watsi.n has returned to Toronto, having spent a week at his parental home here. Mr. Willie Cair.pbell left here labt Wodn-sday for Virginia. Kev. .} . X. Matlieson arrived here Sivfe- ly, looking bettor for his vacation. Last Sabbath he preached an impressive sermon from .Acts 5-25, showin-; us that we should make our influence felt in the riaht way as it will go on to all etetuity. He read a communication which he received from the General .Assembly in Orangevill* stating there was a L:iymen's Missionary Convention to be held at the .Assembly on Dec. l.^th, for which the fidlowiiig d«le- catfis were appointed to go: Messrs Robt. Knox, John McLeod and .las. Pattou. Prayer meeting, Tuesday evening in St. .Andrew's church. Chamberlain's the Most Popular. "Wo h;ive in stock niiuiy ettlic atul diivrrtioea medieiiies, " says K. M. SVhite, a iiromiiieiit '®'y ! merch:nit of Turtle lUyon, Tex., "but t<ell '; mure of Chamlwrlain'.s Coiii% Cholera and Diarrhoeii Reimsly tliftii of all other.s put to- gether.'' Korsiileby W. bj. Rich.-wdaoii. Catedon Wreck Claims. "«'â- ""'^ 1 Ori'aevirio, at ^OilO:' Wi Maikdalo, and Miss Coi by of Vandeleur. Mr. M. Beard returned home last week after speiidinu a week hunting in north- ern Oiitaiio, where ho was successful in securing a c< u|)le of fine deer. Mr. Beard has our thanks for a tine roast of venison. Mr. Speer of the west back line was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. H Holley, last week. Mr Ben Buchannan left List week for Meaford to attend high school. Mrs. S. Douglas has sidd her farm to Mr. J. M. Davis. Mr. J. L Graham has shipped several car l.)ad.s of ajiple.s to Fort .Aithur this fill. The Foresters hue had cemaiit ti'e lai.l and the ditch tilled in front of their shed, making a neat approach. Mr. S. Gilbert had iho contnicf Messrs. -Alcox and Gilbert, our li>cal butchers, are doing a thriving triMle Mr. Duol.'pof Toronto, is visitino at Mr. Geo. Wa-ling's. Mr. Win. Bnchnnmin and Miss Tiilie, visited friends near recently. riie Wodehous! Epworth paid a fraternal visit to the R:):\.l Eiiwortli Leaguo at the R isd church i'M Wijilncsday evening last i\'i»3 Wnmio Weber r^ turned homo on Fridrtv, after speiuliny the summer iie.ir VIoosu Jaw. Repot ts from New Ontario state that large numbvrB of mooso are being slaughtered tor the heads alone, and the carcases left lying on the ground to lot. Sin suits for damasjes ag.iinsl the C. P. H. a." a result of thoCalod oi wreck, Sep- tember, 1907, were listed for trial at the Oraiigevi'le'assizes, which oo"n<?J Mon- day beforeChiof Justice Mulock. Four were .settled before couif opened. W,.l. Uohios.iii of Toronio,~foriiierlv of No«h B.iy, at l?8(](i(i.- W. J^ Kent of r. «!ud of Shclburii at $20110 kMch. The action lirouiihl by 'Dime" Stewart who sues for J25,0t;0 aamiiies, was open ed, and three dooors te^iitind that the pl.iintiff v.a.s almost a nervous wieck, an.l that it wimld be two or throe years before he would be in a condition to do ordinary work, Jas. Uussoll of Dundalk, who cUims to have received a double rupture in the wree.k, is suing for unstated damaee-s. . E. F. B Joh.iston is acting for the C. P. I C>"'^'^ ^ •"• ^ '•"-^' «* R., and R. U. MoPh ersoo for Mr.' At the Revere house Stewart. Friday d»ughler ML'aford Leagues Meatord Meaford McFARLAND & CO. MA.EJICDAI.E ONXAl<IO BARGAINS IN 50 Lines of DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE Have you been in to get yoor share of the 50 Lines that are selling at prices AWAY BELOW REGULAR PRICES? If not we wish to state emphatically that you are mis8> ing a great opportunity of saving DOLLARS and DOLLARS. We sent out an immense quantity of circulars through the mail last week aivinit full particulars of th's '"Sile of 50 Lines of dependable Merchandise" which cniin enced Inst Saturday, Nov. 14, and if you have not received one it has been an oversight on our part. We cannot describe to your satisfaction in this space what [is going in the way of banraius. Many have taken advantage and you will hear it said by customers all tbrough'the store that -the goods are being sold as represented in the circularâ€" in some lines the prices cut in two and the c|uantilies m many cases unlimited which means this sale will continue for some time, in fact till every dollars worth ot the irO Lines are sold at thedeejiest cut prices. Wo must admit ff yon want a big assortment in a'l lines you cdiinot come to soon for yonr share. Come and inspect the goods and pi ices. If you do this you will profit by it. No disappointment here. Shop as early in the day as porsible for your own convenience and avoid the rush. McFARLAND & COMPANY SI? S? s? THE UPRIGHT HOUSE Now ia the time we all need Rubbers. We have just received a l&me number ot the best quality rubbers. Any one requiriug rubbers for the muddy read, will do well to call ou us and get a pair to suit you. .All sizes. ^ ^. In bboes we have received a new and up-to-date stock. Don't forget CoIUnsou's A 1. Oioceries, always fresh and at reasouable prices. Manitoba and Ontario Flonr, Bran, Shorts and Feed Flour. Bring along your produce. Highest prices given for Butter, Eggs aud all kinds of Fowl. Ceylon's Leading Merchants COILi TuTN SON B :bos. I>R. BURT 5pecialiBt In diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat - OvvciuSovincl io, M.'»ilid>ilc. U' each (uonth from 8 to 12 a. m. Having gone thoroughly through our stock, we tiiid many odd nnd broken lines whiuh we wish to clear regardless of cost. Carefully read tlii* list of bargaii.s th*t go on sale this week. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' BOOTS AND SHOES. Selling at a big saving, 25 pairs Women's and Misses Shoes, odd lines. Clearing for 38c. .MEN'S TIES 40 only Men's Silk Ties, regular 25c. Sjlling this week for 2 for 26c. BIG REDUCTIONS IN HARDWARE Many lilies of hardware at big reduction Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Piultry. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS 33c. 24 only caps regular 45 50 & 60o. lines. While they last 33o BOOTS & SHOES 15 only pairs Men's,Boy's,Women8 and Girls' Shoos. 15 only pair, some worth 52. CO. Clearing at 08 W e are hentifinarlers for DryGoods M illinciy, Boots and Shoes, Gents F uiuishings. Groceries, Flour and Feed etc. OIL CANS AT m 8 only oil cans, all glass, sheet iron case, regular 60c. for 39c.