November 12 I5)(i8 THE FLESHERTOH ADVANCE iMiflft Narvous, Diseased Men DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. Question Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reasonable Fees for Treatntent A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOO Wi 6uarant«e to Cure all CurabU CaiM of Strlotura, Varloooala» Mirvoas Debility, Blood PolsonSf Vital Wtaknastas, KiiUoy, Bladdar and Urinary DItaasts, and all Disaases Pacullar to Mon and Women. Don't waste your time and money oa chenp, dan(ferou8, cxi)erlmental treatment- Don't increase at your own cost your hulteriUi-'H by being expcriraeuteU on with rcniedlen wliich they claim to have just (il3<K)Ver«l. But coino to us In conlldencc. Wo wiil treat you cinncientlounly, liuneslly and Hicillf ully, uud restore you to licalth in the shortest pos- aible time witii tlio leust inedicloe, discomfort and exjiense pracUcaLile. Kae)i ca8<> is trcateti as the symptoms ludicatv. Our Ntw AUthod Is original and has stood the test for twenty yeara, DRsKENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St, Detroit. Mich. The Sensation of the As;e . • The Marvtl|5afetjf Razor e • perfectly pnc(icalj|ricor. The price ia 16c. This fnct alone tet8 the the town talking. Wh*) ever thought of rucb • thiuK T It niakei our atore a Mecca fur mankind, who crowd in to buy MARVEL RAZORS. Don't imniagine that the low price in any «ay inilitatta against theeffeclivene»g of the roziir. It is just as good as the $6.00 kind fur all practicsl purpoaei. Thabsolute guarante of the maker on every metal box to refund the money if the razors are not perfectly satisfactory. NORRIS BROS. In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, « Harrows, Plouglis, Cream Sep- « nnitor.s ami Wire Feiicinf?. « HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works C'AltlU^rrES, SI.KUMIS, ("IT'ITRUS. impf.r.ment ilKPATRS, CltKAM.SKPAUATOltS, Etc. Snecial utteiuion given to IIOIISE-SHOI'UXG and all kinds Wo havo a new stock of Buggies in, Cull and sec them be- fore buying. CREAM SEPAK.VrOJiS--We handle "the Mellottc." Cictonr our prices and terms. McTavish & Williams, Flesherton , The Only Way W. M. S. Coovcntion The annual conventiun of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Owen Sr>und district was held in the Meihodist church in Flesherton on Tuesday nf Inst week. The folio winK doleRates were present: Mrs. Packhatn, Mrs. J. H. Uuther- fiiid, Mrs. (Rev,)£dKe, Mrs. N. Large, from Uwen 8ouDd; Mrs. Bulsnd, a former district organizer, Gore Bay; Mrs. (Rot.) Wellwood. Mrs. Wm. Brerze St., Mrs. Wm. Breese Jr.,Chalsworth; Mrs. (Rev.) Kemp, Walter's FsUs; Mrs. Scwell and Mrs. Urabtree, Ruuklyii; Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. C. E. Noble and Mrs. VanDusen, Dundalk; Mesdnines. U. Irwin, Alex. Huiiry, J. Henry, J. Artley, R. W. Eunis, W. Rutledge, U. G. Noble, W. A. Aniisttou);, J. B. Waite, Markdale. The me«ting opened with Mrs. Pft-;kham, districl organizer, in the chair, who cun- coiiducted the devotional exercises. Mrs. Mrs, \V, A. Armstrong in a few well chosen wf/rds welcomed the dcle<;ates to our town and liomes, which tras replied toby Mi8. KdKo, Owen Sound. Encouraging reports were )fi.-en from, ()>ven Sound, Rocklyn, OhatbWurth, Dun- dalk, Markdale and Flesherton auxiliai ies; (Jweii Sound circle; Flesherton, Walter's FulU, Chatawurth and Owen Sound UiiiidH. Mis. J. B. Waite read a paper on "The Auxiliary as a Spiritual Force in the church," prepared by Miss Ida Irwiu, a former teacher in Flesherton public school. Mis. J. H, Rutherford gave a very interestiiifi map talk on the work of the W, M. S., taking bor audience oTer the Dominion, Japan and China, pidnt- iiig out the Mission stations, and naming the frorkers at each station. Mrs. N. Large deiiiihted her audience with a solo. Meeting adjourned till Iwo p. u). Afioracon session â€" After devotional exercises Mrs. SewcU of Rocklyn naTe a paperon ''the W. M. S. inraraldistricta," showing that the social aide of (he work as well aa the spiritual enlarges the life. A paper by Mrs. (Itev.) Edge on "the value of Miwions aa an educational agency io training the young." She re- minded ber hearers that our children arc our country's moat valuable assets and while the men are busy with political affairs, we should be busy moulding the minds of the coming generation. We should teach the children to live the Missionary spirit, which means the un- selfish spirit. Mrs. (Rev.) Wellwood read a very helpful i>aper on "the W. M. S. and systematic giving." Mrs. Large sang a solo, which was much appreciateid. Mrs. Packham. in niving her report, stated that in the Toronto conference there are Its Auxiliaries with a membership of 4,440 and last year raised •16,690.00. Mrs, (Rev.) Knmp addressed the Mission Band ineinbership, who attended after tour o'clock, from their watchword, "Ye â- re the livfht of the world," illustrating her talk with candles. The young people were intensly interested, and their attention never for a moment Aa)iged. A praise service was conducted by Mrs. Boland, and Rer. J. S. I. Wilson, Mark- dale, pronounced the benediction, The evening its.'<i'>n opened with Rev. Dr. Caldwell in the chair. After the choir had given Si^oUiction, Mr. R. W il- cock sang a aolo, which was followed by a duet by Mrs. N. Lareo, Uwen Sound and .Miss (J. Howe, Dundalk. Dr. Murr.-iy, MibN Ituwe, and Mrs, Large sang solos. llov, W. N. Chnntler, Oiven Sound, rtddrcNsed thenioelingon "Iheopportuniiy and the power." Our opportunity lies in the fiict tlitt nsttuiisare net only coming to our duorH, but ciiteriiig our Dominion, people who are filled with Kuropean and Asiaalic ideas and if they are not tauuht to think SH wo do, they will form a doiiii- aiit paity, and inllueiice politic* in a wron^ direction. Mr, Cliaiiiler ni:ido a n Btron^ v>lea for parents to train llioir Honn in Oliristian livinj{, niul then lul 'Jieiii uo west for tht-y sro needed to Icavoii the ^^reat mass. Our opportunity is to I'ducKlo till 80 w'lo liiivo coino to our Und and iiiiiko (;ood ci iiscns of them. Our power lies in tlio fact that the church \\M iiionty aiulBluiuld use it for that pur- pose. An invitation was ric jived from Dun- dalk Aiixiliiiry to iiico^ there next year, II lid was iic.opted. McDiiiiu; closed with Benediction by Ui, Caldwell, Honor Roils. 8. of Report of Ceylon Publii School, S. No, 10, Artemesia, for the month October, 1908. Class 4 jr-A. English, M, Hemphill, E. Ohislett, J. J. Pattison, L. Legate, M. McVlullen, P. McLeod, M. Rutleilge. CiaMS 3 sr. â€" F. Rutledge, C, Chislett. Class 3 jrâ€" M. Legate, E. McI..eod, J. McMullen, S. McLeod. Class 2 srâ€" R. Rutledge, M. Legate, L. English, A. Love, G. McMullen. Class 2 jrâ€" W, Pattison, P, Whitney, L, Ridley. Pt 2-E. Msdill. Psrtl-^G Whitney, J. English. E. McMullen. P. Hemphill. R. Rutledge. Class 1â€" J. C. McLaughlan, A. English. No. on Roll 3,3. Average attendance 2 6 Pearl McGkeoor, Teacher. lll[JliLKtIS. Carefully Coriected Each Week Oats 35 to 35 Peas SO to 80 Bsrley 45 to 45 Wheat 83 to 83 Hav 7 00 to 8 00 Butter 22 to 22 Et'gH, fresh 21 to 22 Potatoes per bag 40 to 45 Geeso 8 to 8 Ducks ... 9 to 9 Chickens 6 to » Turkeys .' 13 to 3 Weak Kidneys Weak Kidneys, snraly point to weak kldnar Korves. The Kidneys, like the I Heart, abd tiia Stomach, find their wealaiess, not in the ocas Itself, but in tlie nerves that control and fluta and strcngthcai them. Dr. Shoop's KostoraOTais a medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor tho Kidneys slna^ Is futile. It is a waste of time, and ot money as well. If your Inck aches or is weak. If the miaa icalds. or is dark and strong, if you have symptoaa of Brights or other dii>tressinx or dangerous kU. ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Rt-storatlve a month- Tablets or LiQuldâ€" and sivi what it can und wUI do for you. Druggist recommend and aell Dr. Shoop's Restoritive "ALL DEALERS" We noticed last week that one of onr nearby contemporaries had taken a couple of looal news items from the News but didn't give the paper credit for same. Now when we clip news items from oor exchances nre give criidit by naming tho paper ihe item was taken This contempor.iry we 'peak of is in the habit of ste.iling our items weekly and senc ing it out as their own prodi c ion. Wo ref»r to the Owen Sound Sun.â€" Chats worth News. BUSINE.SS Cards UOUiajOUOH ft YOUNO <n Baulier Markdale Do a general banking baslnvit . Money loaned a r easo nabia rats Ca ll on u». T ohislett; â- Po«tmut«r, Oeyloo, Commiisioner in H, C. J , ConveTaoeer, deeds, mortgasea, Immii, wills etc. carefully drawn ap Jolleetions mad.", charge* reasonable. Alio groceries, flout, feed etc. kept in •took. Prices right. I RJ BPBOULB Fo<tmaataT, Flaaherton wommlasioner in H.C J., Aaetioneer Cod- veyaneer. Appraiser aod Money I^eodet Beat Bstata and iDsaraoes Agent. Deedi Bortgaaes, leatet an4 willt earetally draws op and valaatioDs made on •hortest nctiea money to loan at lowest ratci ot interest. Col •ctioos attended to with promptnesi charges low. Agent for Oeean Dominioo 8 »«ams h tp Oempany. A call solielted. DMePHAIL, Lieensad Anetlonear for the • Cotinty or Orsy. Terms moderalo and •atitfactioD gnaraoteed. The arrangement! and datea of talea can b« made »,*. Taa Advancs office. Kesidenee and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 8.07. T W KAITTINO, Licensed Auctionser for â- '-'• " • the counilM of Urey and Simeoe. Farm and Stock sales a specialist. Terms moderate, satisfaction ' guarantted. Arrange- ments for dates may be marie at the Adraoc* office, or a: T^ HutcoiuBon's store, I'erersham, or by addressing me at Fevetiham, Ont. Lot 13, con, 12, Osprey, pUDiJ ^MAfHKWg; MaTkdale, Lic^li^sed " auctioneer for the county of Gre.v. Good service at reasroable rateb. Dates oan be made at The Advance. 1 o 0S>. Medical DB CARTER M C P ft 8 Ont, Physician, Bnrgeon, e Office and residenceâ€" Peter at, Plesberton T P OTTKWELir' ~~ '•' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sscond door sonth west on k.ary street. This street rans south Presbytorisn Church . n WILSON, niacksraith "• 'iraduate of no Veterinary Science Association Residence, Durham itroot, op- posite Hoyd, Hiokllug's hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. IMURRAY I,. D. S., dental snrgeon hoDOi- graduate of Toronto Uoiversitv and Keyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, (Ian aduitnietored for teeth extraction. olHoe at residence. To ronto at-e'j!;!''! )^h ,rto:i Legal LUCAS WRIGHT ft McARDLB Itarristers Kolicltora CoitToyancors, etc omens- Owau Bound, Ont andMarkdalcOnt W It WnioHT, McAiiDLK 1 n LCOA N It -Flesherton olUco, MltcbeU'a auk Bverv Satiu'dnv. ~W^ J. O'NEAIL r.arri.<ter. Solicitor, Conveyancor, etc. t)IHcoâ€" Sproule'8 Block, VIcsherton. INCUKAHK YOUR HALAKV IVojier propiir.ttl(m duu^ it. Attond , TOROI^TO, ONT. '"^ And thi time ti> commoiiee is right now One hiindiod and one ftudoiits fioiii other liiiMineKH colleKe.H have imtroni/.ed this college within one year. Wliat docs this prove? We give the beat. Nothing else would satisfy us â€" nolhinB cl«tf sfiould satisfy you. All ffrntiiates readily secure employment. Write fur catnloifiie. W. J, ELulOn", Principal. Cor: Vongeand Alexander St »*«»•«< To nmko siiio of u'cHinua thoroii^;li Busi- ncsHor Sliortlmiid tiaiuing i*) lo iittiMul tho IT LEADS. Special Department for hc'se whose early education has boon ne. tected. Infoimation free to any addross 0. A. FLEMING, Pbincipat,, Owen Sound, , Ontario How t) Cur.: a Cold. lie as cat tf nil syoucMn voii will •i«'.->.'-ionally take euUI, niid when you do, i;el n iiiediciiie of known relir.liility, one thnt h:is nn Cbtablished irl>ut»tiiiii mill in certain to effeet n iiuick <\nc. Such n uiedioiiie is ('linmliiMliiin's Oi.ii,i;h ,Kem- eily. It ha.t ^-aionl a world wide repiil.'itlon Uy its uiiinikiiblo cure.', of iliiMinust cv/iiinuiu niliiii'ia, aii'l can aUv.'iVM lie depended ti|K>ii. I*, acts nil nature's plan, idiovix Iho Iiiiik", aids e.\pe(*t<irati(in, ojiens the seeretioiiH ami aids nature in tcdtoiiiiB the .".VHtem ti> a lieivlthy conilitidu. During the many yearn iu which it li»H been in Kcneriil use we have yet to learn of n siiihleciiHi. of cold onittaok of tifieKriplmviiiK resiilUid in pneumonia when this remedy was usei', whiuh slinw.f eoncluHivi'ly Ihiit it is a eertuiu preventive of tbat (lnll^t'rollS dixeuse. Clminberlftin"« Ciiu(;h Keniedy contains no (ipiuui or otlier naiextie and uiiiy bo given as eunliileutiv ton iiiiliy nt to an admit. For >iule l>y \\'. ]•;. Kichiinlson. Societies AG U W moots oil tho last Monday 111 oaoii month, in their lodge room, Ohiistoo's block. 8 p.m. M.W., Flank Chard ; Sec., T. Hlakuly, Kiuancier, W.l. licl.amy. Visiting bvothrcn li.vited. PUINCK Al'.TlU'K IjODGK, No. :«t,A.r& A r.r, meets in tho Masonic all. .\nn. 8tronf;'fl Hall Klofihorton, evovv Kridav on or before Mio full inori: . Thos. lllakclv.W. M.; llorb. ,uiith, Sncrotary. noi'UT KLnSlIU'ltTON. lS).->. I. 0. K. ncctsin y Clavton's Illook thnltt:'t Wedneodav evoiiioR of each month. VisitiuR Forcsteri licvrtilv W('looir,B. H, R., Dyson: R. 8., '1'. Hei.iy; i''lii. Sec. C. N. Klohardson. I'leaso pay dues to Kin. Sec. before the fli«l iliivofthi- month. CHOSEN KUIUNDS-Floslierton Coniicil ol ('liosen Vrien»'.i lueots in Clayton's liall first (Old third Weilnefiday of etch moot 8 y. i:i I'sy asRf^s'-'mentfl to the Keeonler on or before tee first davdf each month. Chief Councillor T. lllakeley; eoordor, W, H, Uuiit. Tlio Owen Sound Sun not heodinr; oui' re pieat to papers thnt steal lociil news fiMiii our columns has in their issue of Oclnber 27 no less than five items of liicnl news taken from tho Leaner of Oct. 22iid and without giving any credit to tho Lesdor. Not only this but items sent It tho Leader from our correspond- ents aru also clipped and inserted as their own, it is an easy way to get tho news, but it is not honest, Tho Sun may clip all they like from our columns but they should be willing to give the custoiu:\i'y credit to the ume.â€" Tan Leader. EVERYTHING We have everything that you could desire in our line. Groceries, Confectionery, Flour and Feed, etc. This is a stronc statement, but a visit to our store wi3 prove it's truthfdiness. Our Groceries are fresh and prices pleaaa. f loui* Pord'a Patent Flour, per bbl KLOS Perf ecti<m Blend Flour t&.n Morning Glory Flour 95.0t W. La WRIGHT'S GROCERY SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to i-c- duco the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER ESHERTON A UELTA15LE LOCAL SALDSMAN WANTED For Fle.shttrt(.n And Adjoining Country TO REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries. Wliilo business In Fouifl lines may bo dnll, favmors w<m-o never more oiieoiirnRed as vegardn fruit growiiiw tliftii at thopiescnt season. Hieli prices f<iv all eliis»es of fruit havo been ol>- tainod tho past season, and thoro l!> as a eonse- quenooan iucreased demand for nursory stock. Our a'ock is comploto in every department, iuoiudinR a new list ot siioclalties which we alono handle. The right man will obtain a permanent aitu- Ktion with territory reaorved 'or him. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write for partioulars. 8T0NEAWELLINGT0N Fonthill Nurteriea (SaO acres) TORONTO Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Big St ock = = Bes t Stocli Bells, Blankets, I^obes mmiimmmimmtmmk Fur lined coats, pocket hooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather yond.s. Cutters-best niakes-and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. BESr BUSINESS TRAINING I at reasonable i>ricc». Stnrt any time. IinUTISlI CANADI.^X BUSINKSS COLLEdK. I Cor. Yonge and Bloor Stu., Toronto, wummmmmrvKamMimmm Fall and Winter. ' -^s.^^^BV^^BoaaMan'^V.^ We ha\ B a cumplotu lino of Fall and Will lev goods, consisting of Whips, Plush Rug8,Role», Bells Curiy Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment, t>il,(}(ill Cure Trunks &, Blacksmith's Aprons. Look in and examine our slock of Horse BInnkots. We Manufacture Harness And do reparing Cheaper than elsewhere. 0. W. Phillips FLESHERTON, ONT,