Mrs. Gertrude McKlemaw, Imothcr and daughter praising pe ru-ima. MRS. QERTRUDE McKIERN- AN, 216 Neosho street, Em- poria, Kas., writes : "I suffered very much with a'se- Vere cold in the head and was al- ways complaining of feeling tired and drowny. When my mother jBuggestod and insisted on my tak- ing a fen bottles of Pcruna, I did po, and in a short time I felt like p, new person. My mother praises it Tcrj highly and so do I." Coafldence iu Pe-ru-na. Mrs. M. F. Jones, Burning Springs, Ky., writes: "We hftTB been using Peruna for ^ome time and have no hesitancy iu recommending it for the thou- Raad and one ailments of human- ity. "From ft personal test I shall not tiesitate to recommend it, especially fQ all suffering women. "Pemna has ga)ned fall confl« «ence and » permanent stay in our ome." A. Great Tonic. Mrs. Anna Linder, R. R. fi, Das- Bell, Minn., writes: "I took Peruna and am well. I would not be with- out that great tonic for ten times ItP cost." MOURNING IN BENGAL. Third AnniTersary of Partition oi the Province. A remarkable anti-European de- monstration was made throughout Bengal recently on the occasion of the third anniversary of the parti- tion of the province. The natives observed the anniver- sary as a day of mourning, discard- ing their clothes and footwear and abstaining from food. All shops were closed in Calcutta. Several police proclamations were posted everywhere forbidding meet- ings and processions after 5 o'clocK, and ordering tl e arrest of any na- tive found carrying weapons. In consequence of the alarming rumors that the Bengalis contemp- lated an attack on Europeans, two companies of Gordon Higlanders were turned out for patrol duty, and the remainder of the regiment was kept under arms in the fort. Two hundred police with fixed bay- onets marched to the scene of the principal assemblage in Calcutta, HEWFflDHDLm PAYS TEEUTE TO THE GRAND WORK DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE DOING. Fishermen Regard Them as a Boon to Mankind â€" Mr. Frank BanOeid Teila How They Cured His Back- ache. Garnish, Fortune Bay, Nfld., Nov. 9. (Special). â€" Among the fish- ermen here, who through exposure tti wet and cold are subject to those pains and aches wtiich come from diseased Kidneys, Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are looked upon as a posi- tive boon to mankind They are never tired of telling how their their Rheumatism the great Kidney Backaches and vanish before remedy. Among many Banfield, after WELL, WHAT OF ITt When a girl gets married she is practically the whole show. The man only plays a sort of bride- groom obligate. Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. I' u.sed according to directions it will break the most persistent cold, and restore the air passages to their normal healthy condition. There is no need to recommend t to those familiar with it, but to those who seek a sure remedy and are in doubt what to use, the ad- vice is â€" try Bicklt's Syrup. Before a thunderstorm, the Au- stralian humming-bird covers the BIG MONEY! for assuta selling our tollat aoaps Lots making $S.O0 a day. Write at | onoe for full partloulara to the MAP SUPPLY eo., Box 332. Toronto In Samoa the smart ladies tortoise-shell hats. wear FEATHER DYEINQ Ctaaalna MHt Cuillot and Kid Glons cleuMt TkaM on b« Mat bf »o«t, U pw at. thi Ittx pUc« u BHITISH AMERICAN OYEiHC GO. I.OOO.OOO 8XINS m mi wAiiiEi) p Hlgim.t priraj p»l(l. write (urpric* list. AiUrM* top of its nest with cobweb, which inimanHtmhaw, OMpBro»i«,»nii«»oiiiO».,ii.«. ii a non-conductor of electricity. ARE YOU SICK? ^SHaJV/'riS others Mr. Frank years of suffering. while five hundred other police, in- j has found relief in Dodd's Kidney eluding plain-clothes men armed j Pills, and here is what he is telling with revolvers, were posted in the his friends : â€" native city, in order to be ready "I find Dodd's Kidney Pills the to quell any rioting. best medicine for Backache I have Forty thousand Bengali.'* paraded | ever used. I only used two boxes the streets, the procession being a i and they cured me of Backache I mile and a half long, and stopping ' had had for five years. It started ONR OF THE BK8T oM Ubm rcmsdiaa for aU «•"<>'"•'•. auro cure in er.ry o»m. If u )r«u«' ax- akin such u Eozaun. Ringworm. Soiklil. . £•"•"':• m Oar.nauv Kiici»„a and Canad*. Tko hand ajui almiUr iffactioiu la W»av«ri ferata. ,' 5*",, "'" ln»o»'»l Woika, ISj Bantoa UtiM^ It li an niutmaat U»t has brau(ht raliaf to I »»run. onUrta thou all traffic. Sure idranath Baner jee, the "uncrowned king" of Ben- gal, was escorted by a bodyguard. He walked beneath the standard of Bengal. The police prevented any speech- es being made by the agitators, and ateempta^ to create disturbances were promptly suppressed. A Euro- pean corporation official was attack- f,-' outside the university, and his carriage was stoned. One of the footmen was severely injured, and only escaped death in consequence of the bravery of the coachman. through a strain. My father's back There is nothing more uncertain than a woman â€" except another wo- man. FREE The delicious flavor and aroma of "Salada" Tea is preserved by the use of sealed lead packets. It is never exposed to the sun, dust, i dirt, air, the surrounding odors ITHESE I RINGS Tr7Sci.iniroBl)rl5P»tic»^««f<»ttr |m>4(>'ifiu'ittkij[« enMl* An * CmmI* PIctups Post Ospds aix tuT 100. for ftix, I HBMO â- • MONEY Jii*l jmv 1 Q&mt mi'd Aiiilnm. W« oujI i»r4M I ]KM>>|<*:>I. nci: inemit luc a rkc% I knd send ui «ur tL'^O itiid fttu "lin icwlvo by r«tum mall yniir ck» c# •^r thr^ Wbrrut«d Uk SoitdllaU I.kiiiKlnc« «r* haT«a« •taI Miuall^ I b (.itttriil trW iiiid luanr oth rd« klrublo I'rvMii'taiR iv ehtf*** fVoi^ I>o nut d^tiy. Write to-'lay ard r"* a ompkt" r«(idox fv«iQ t*aiiada'4 'ir^al^l hreinluia Uuu»e. AddniaA also bothered him, and he got some j jjnd contaminating influences of relief from one pill I gave him. ^^ther goods as bulk or loose teas Colonial Art Co., Dept. 53, Toronta They were too precious to give him 1 are ^ teapot test will show the more. All persons suffering from difference Backache should use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Why do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Backache? Simply because Back- ache i.4 Kidney ache, and Dodd's Kidney Pills positively cure all Kidney aches and ills. This has When a girl yawns it's up to the young man to get in the home stretch. The superiority of Mother i Graves' Worm Exterminator is A BRIGHT BOY. "8ay," queried the father, "can't ^ou give my boy a position in your btorel" "I don't know," rejoined the gro- â- cer. "What can he do?" "Well," rejoined the parent, "I don't suppose he could do much at first, except buy and sell goods and manage your business for you, but later on when he gets a little ex- perience and sense he might be able to sweep out. do up packages and cun errands." Ladyâ€" "I am looking for a gover- ness tor my children." Manager of Intelligence Office â€" "Didn't we supply you with one last week?" "Yes." "Well, madam, according tc her report, you don't need a governess. You need a wild beast tamer." AMPLE GROUNDS. A little b.y, aged five, had been severely punished by his parents for disobedience, and the ne.xt day, without a word to anyone, he hur- ried off to the family legal adviser, who happened to bo a particular friend of his. "Well, Johnny," said the man of law, after he had shaken hands with him, "what can I do for you?" "Please, Mr. Brown," said the young litigant, "I want to get a di- vorce from our family 1" BiSrS WELFARE MOTH£R'S CHIEF CARS. Every mother is naturally anxi- ous that her little ones shall be healthy, good natured and bright. Every mother can keep her little ones in this condition if she will give them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tab- lets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds, destroy worms and make teething easy. Equ- ally good for the new born baby or the well grown child. Mrs. W. E Stewart, St. George, N. B., says:â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little ones for sev- eral years and have found them re- liable in all emergencies. I can- not praise the Tablets too highly." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. been proved in thousands of cases j uj,own by its good effects on the i;-. Canada. If you haven't used ; ^.^jiypgn - them yourself ask your neighbors. 4< SAFE INDEED. The modern troubadour felt hurt. "Oh, wall," he remarked, "if you don't enjoy my songs I shall sing to the man in the moon." The pretty maiden laughed soft- ly "Quite safe, Archibald," she chuckled. ""The man in the moon is over 200,000 miles away and can't reach you." A. UTTLK quIK T la tha bast of kll dlat, yat 'i» will nut mijia Ui>n« and nii'Wla but " Karrurlia " will. Trjr it. AU intf ami gananl iturM. |l give It a Purchase trial. a bottle and There are in Qi^ebec to-day de- scendants of Wolfe's Highland. rs, who stormed the place; but, though Scottish in everything else, they speak French, and do not know English. HO SURSTITITIJ for "Tlia DAI Manthat Plaiftar. althutiKh noma unscrupulous daalars may say thar« Is. Itooooamandad by doctor*. boapiiaU, cltirsy uid evarybudy, for etinuan^. pluarUy, ate. ell PIANOS ARE CANADA'S BEST AM3 (VERTBOOV KHaWSITPATSia BUY THC BEST Sand tor our fn» Catalogua No, 7&. me Bell Piono 8 Ofoon Co., nil;. Gii3ipii. m Mahara ar Bail Pianos, Sail Orsana and Autonoia P.ayer Planaa. , A FtBB HPRKAns In dry grass, so doas an llnnamniation In tha thr<)at grow down Into tiia [lunffs. Doal promptly with a cold as with a An, |au<r whta yutt baylu tu ouugh una Allan's Lun( Mrs. Frillsâ€" "Now that I have engaged you, Bridget, I am going to begin to give you a little train- ing in the art of waiting on guests. You see, my daughter is coming out next month " Bridget â€" "Indade, mum! An' how long was she in prison?" It takes two to make a quarrel â€" but that is no reason why you should be one of them. Tn the race for wealth the aver- age man acts like a Lorse of a long- eared breed. One elephant yields as much as fifty pounds of ivory. Lots of bad people are found in jail, and some worse ones are found out. DODIJS ' % PILLS ISSUE NO. 4»-«3. If a girl is In love with a young man she can't see anyone else in a crowd. They are Carefully Prepared. â€" Pills which dissipate themselves in the stomach cannot be expected to have much effect upon the intestines and to overcome costiveness the medicine administered must influ- ence the action of these canals. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so made, under the supervision of ex- perts, that the substance in them intended to operate on the intes- tines is retarded in action until the bowels. INSULTED. Andrew Thomas was a great "forgetter." He forgot to pay the money he owed, and to give people back the things he borrowed. Moreover, he was "touchy" on the subject, so that few of his friends liked to hint that he had any of their property in his possession. One day one of them took his cour- age in his hand. "Where's that five dollars you borrowed of me last month, An- drew?" he asked. "1 don't want to seem tight, but I've just got to-" Andrew replied with dignity, "Did you ever see anything I didn't return? No, I guess you didn't." It's easy to see the blessings of poverty through the eyes of a mil- lionaire. OUTSIDE HIS LINE. "I presume, my good follow, you're a laborer?" said a lawyer tc a plainly-dressed witness. "You are right, I am a workman, sir," replied the witness, who was a civil engineer. "l-'amiliar with the use of the pick, shovel, and spade, I pre- sume !" "To some extent. Those are not the principal implements of my trade, though." "Perhaps you will condescend to enlighten me as to your principal implements." "It is hardly worth while. Yon don't understand their nature or use." "Probably not," loftily, "but I insist on knowing what they are." "Brains, sir." The doll is the oldest form of plaything known. Sheâ€" "Do you like dark hair or golden?" Heâ€" " bark ; you can al- ways see it quicker in the butter." A Small Pill, but Powerful. â€" They that judge of the powers of a pill by its size, would consider Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to be lacking. It is a little wonder | among pills. What it lacks in size ii: makes up in potency. The rerae- c'ies which it carries are put up in these small doses, because they are so powerful that only small doses are required. The full strength of the extracts is secured in this form and do their work thoroughly. Two young ladies were talking the ether day about a third who had just become engaged to a widower, who plays the cornet, and has four children. "What could bo worse, ' exclaimed one, "than tour children and a cornet?" "Nothing," said the other, "c.Kcept, perhaps, six children and a trombone." Motherâ€" "Did you get that awful cold while out playing?" Sonâ€" "No mother ; I think I caught it washing my faco yesterday morning." It Retains Old and Makes New Friends. â€" Time was when Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil had but a small field of distribution, but now its territory is widespread. Those who first recognized its curative qualities still value it as a speci- fic, and while it retains its old friends it is ever making new. It i» certain that whoever once Ubcs it will not be without it. "What is the matter?" said the lawyer to his coachman. "The hors- â-º,s are running away." "Can't you pull them up'/ "Then," said judicial delay, cheap." "I am afraid not. the lawyer, after a "run into something Corns cause intolerable pain. HoUoway's Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pain is saved. Large ManufactarlDg FLAT TO LEASE 67-71 Adelaide St. West About 40x200, lighted by thirty-five windows, the en- tire length of three sides, also from ten large Bkylights, most up-to-date manufacturing flat in central part of Toronto ; rental includes power, steam heat, water, electric light, at 10 per cent, less than city rates; lowest insurance rate; immediate possession ; low rental to high-class tenant. S. FRANK WILSON OWMCR 73 Adelaide Street West TORONTO, ONT. FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER Men should look for this Tag on Chewing Tobacco. It guarantees the high quaKty of Black Watch The Big Black P!ng. FRCK TO VOU AND KWRY (IITS R SUFPdRINa PROM WOMCN'S AILMSMT* lam <i womun. I know a woman's suflcrings. I have found a cure. I will mail, free of charge, my homa treat- ment with full instructions to any sufferer from women's aitmentii. I want to tell all women about the cure â€" you, my reader, for yourself, vour daughter, your mother, or your sister. I [want to tell you how to cure yourself at homo, Iwithoui the help of a doctor. Men cannot ua- dernland women's sufTsriiigs. What we women know Irom experience, we know belter than ^ny doctor. I know that my home ireatmcol i-> a saie and sure cure for alt female weak- ties£*« oeculiar to our sex. I war>. â€" -end you a complote lo days' treatment entirely free to ^ove to you that you can cure youPMelf al home, easily, ^-'pkly and surety. Kemeinuur iii.ti it wilt cost you nothinj; to i;ive the treatment a complete tria^ and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about ii cents a week, af less than two cents a day. It will not interiero with your work or occupation. Just tend me your name and address, tell me bow you suffer, if you wish, ar.d I will sen^ you the treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of costmyb.)y.i - "WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVlSIt," wit|| explanatory illustrations showing why women sulTer, and how they can easily cur* themselves at home. Every woman should have it, and le.irn to think for herself Then when the doctor says â€" " You must have an operation," yon can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured Iheinsclvcs with my home remedy, I^ cures all, Old or younc. ToMothoraof Daughters, I will explain a simple homm treatmeni which speedily and effectually cures Painful ond Irregular MenstruatioR in young Ladies. I'lumpness and health alw.iys result from its use. Wherever you live I can rcer you to ladies of your own locality who know anf* wiM gladly tell any sufferer that this Momo Troatmont really Ouroo'all woman's dis- eases and makes women strong, plump and Just Send mO yOUr adCirMS« an.I the free ten d.iys' treatment i.s yours, aUo the book. Wnie lo-d.iy, .ts you may not see this offer again. Address : MRS. M. SUM 4ER8, BOX 103, Windsor, On^ A. J. PATTI50N & CO.j nts I 33-35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO, Stock Brokers and Financial Al^oi Id on pondence invit- ed. Orders may be wired at our expense. TAD AT T and other stocks bouglit and sol LUDiiLl commission. Correspondence i