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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1908, p. 8

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NOVEMBER 5 1008 THE FLESHERTON ADVANC^E BLOOO DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. t^NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT Ha WAS surprlsail at how tho soraa haalcdâ€" " I took your New Mkihjd Thkathknt for a sorlous blood ilisoiisp with whirh I had Ijoen inillctcd for twelve yearn. I had <;on«iiltc<l aseore of pliysiciitiis tAken all kinUH of hlood inedkliie, visited Hot KprinRS aud oilier u.inornl water re- oris, hut only pot teiu- II' uary relief. They would help me for a time, but after disuontiiiuiii); the mcdl- cities the symptoms would break out aiiaiiiâ€" fuiinlris Kores. blotches, rlionm* atif pains, looseness of the hair, bwelllngs of tliu Klands. palinBof the hands scaling, itchiness of the skin, dysiieptic etoniocU, etc. 1 ha<i fciven up iti despair when a friend atlvi.'ted mc to consult you, as you hud cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago. I hud no lu>|H». but took hlsauvlce. in three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and I bc'-ame encouraKed. 1 continued the New Method Treatment for four monthsand at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared. I was cured 7 years ago and no sit;ns(if any dis(' since. My boy, three years old, is sound and healthy. 1 certsinly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any person to niu privately, but yuu can use tliis testimonial as you wish." W. tl. S. W« traat NERVOUS DEBIUTY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, VITAL WEAKNESS. BLOOD. SKIN and PRIVATE OiMuet, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men and Women BCFOnC TRCATMCNT AFTCR TREATMENT QFinCQ .\re you a victim? Have you lost hope? ntnULlI your bluod beeu diseased? " Are you Intending to marry? Has Have you any weakness? Our New Method 'luiiATM>:NT will cure you. Uhat it has done for others It will do for you. Coniullation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Cherce. Charges reasonable. Boolu Freeâ€" "The (jolden .Monitor." (lUusirated) on DIscasisof Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Queition li*t and EOtt of Home Treatment FREE. Everythuif confidential. DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswoid St., Detroit, Mich. The Sensation of the Age . . The Ma rvel Safety Razor l8 K perfectly practical razor. The price is 15c. This fact alone tets the the town talking. Who over thought of Ruch a thing ? It makes our store a Mftcci for mankind, who crowd in to buy MARVEL RAZURS. Don't immagine that the low price in any nay mililates against the effectivenesg of the razor. It is just as guod ai the $5.00 kind for all practical purposes. The absolute puarante of the maker on every metal box to refund the money if the razors are not i>erfectly satisfactory. NORRIS BROS. In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY Heard's Carriage Works An Heroic Death The circunisUaceH surrounding the drowning of Malcolm McGregor, first mate of the steamer. Scottish Hero, Capt. Mclntyro, which occurred on the up trip to Port Arthur last week, are ozrremcly sad. Ho died the death of a hero, giving his life in a viin attempt to assist others and passing four men, who wore under his command in a yawl boat, into safety before hi(ti»e!f acoopting the proffered help, which would have saved hiin had he been possessed of his full strength. While the steamer was opposite Point Iroquois, oil the Americah shore, on her trip up a fire was noticed on shore, and, as it was apparently making very danger- ous the position of tho people there, Mc- Gregor volunteered to his captain, Mc- Intyre, that he would go ashore with assistance Four others ef the crew volunteered, and tho five set out in a yawl boat. It was pitch dark aud th« sea was running so high that no headway could bo made whiitover. After battl!n'.{ with tho waves until it was appsreul that all atteiDpIs to reach the shore would bo furtile and the boat had boxun to fill with water, they turned to return to tho sto imer. When they reached her side the yawl boat wa.s practi- cally full of wiitor, and the men all but polished with cold and exhaustion. A aopo ladder wiut tlirov. :; over to them, andthofonr of the crew succeeded in hanging on, to bs tiikeu aboiird one by Olio until the mate alone was left. The rope WHS thrown to him and he was haul- ed a p:irt of the way up, but before he could bu taken aboard his strength gave out and hu dropped into the blae.kiioss of the waiter. Though every attempt possible was made, he could not be found. Wiltshire Got His Money .James A. Wiltshire thinks he is the luckiest man in Proton. Last week tho Herald reported his loss of $W0 in cash while on the train between New York city and Buffalo a couple of weeks ago. He arrived in Dundalk minus his money and without any clui* as to whether it wai lost from his pocket or stolen. He noti- fied the police in Buffalo as soon as he missed tlio wad and advertistd in three city dailies. He came on home to Dun- dalk feeling very down-hearted but was surprised to receive â-  telegraph mensaiie from a stranger in Buffalo stating that he found the money and asking what dispos- al ke would make of it. This was almost too Rood to be true, thought Wiltshire and lie had • real suspicion that there was some scheme on. However h» wired back inatrueting the stranger to take from the pocket biook the reward offered aud express the balance to Dundalk. He was doubly surprised to get a parcel by Satur- day's express and on oi^^ning it he cnuld hai^ly believe his eyes. Ihere was the money complete. The finder informed Mr. Wiltshire that he found the money in the toilet room on tho New York Central train comiiig into Buffalo. This is a rare case of honesty wht<n the tempt- ation to 1)6 dishonest was exceedingly in^ viling. That Buffalo man has a con- science* worth havinit. We are accustom- ed to regard this life as one of continuous grasping for money but there are those who do not accept the almii(hty dollar as the greatest thing on earth. Mr. Wilt- shire has been in New York nearly three years, leaving here in the early spring of 1906 and he has been employed as carpenter at eood wages in a railway re- pair gang. He will likely Settle down to farming in Proton.â€" Herald. Flesherton Carriage Works CAKKIAGES, HLEKillS, CUTTEUS, IMPLEMENT ItElWTRS, CREAM SEPARATORS, Â¥Ac. Special attention given to HORSE-SHOEING and all kinds * of REPAIRS. We have a new stock of Buggies in, Call and see them be: fore buying. CREAM SEPARATORS- We handle "the Mellotte." Getour our prices and terms. McTavsh & Williams, Flesherton. The Only Way To make suro of getting a thorough Busi- ness or Shorthand training is lo attend the INCRKASK 'vorn SALARY Propor preparation diisa It. Attend ^ ELLIOTT •"o^OTITO. ONT. And tho tima ti> commencp Is right now One liiiiidred anil one atiiclxnta from other buaiiiegtt cnllcguii liavu patronized this college within one year. What Aam tliis prove? We (five the l>e»t. Nothing eUe would satiefy \I8 â€" nothing else should satisfy you. All eratiiates readily secure emplnyment. Write (or oataloccua. W. J. ELLTOTl", Principal, r- Cor: y onge and Alexander 8t V mT LEADS. Spaoial Department for Voee whose early education has been ne. tected. Infotmation free to any addiess C. A. FLEMING, Principal. Owen Sound, ^ Ontario J The loss of the steamer .1. H. Jone nearly two yesrs ago is recalled by memento of the ill-fated boat which «a pitched up some d.iya ago on tho north shore of the Georgian bay and may now be seen at tho warehouse of the Dominion Transportation Co. It is a board bearing the name J. H. .loots and is troiw the bow of the boat. The board is painted black, with the name in gilt letters. It has been split by scrao means so thai only the bottom part of the first J re- mains on the narrow end of tho board, while almost the entire S remains at the wide end. It was brought down by the City of Meaford on Sunday and handed over to Mr. Armour, the wharfinger, by Engineer Silas Heverley. The Jonea was wr»cked near Cape Croker on the 22nd November, 1906, when twenry- leven lives were lost.â€" O. S. Advertiser. III[|ill(EIS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Oats 35 to 35 Peas bO to 80 Barley 45 to 45 Wheat 83 to 8;i Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Cutter 22 to 22 Bugs, fresh 21 lo 22 Potatoes per bag 40 to 45 Gcu'so 8 to 8 Ducks 9 to 9 Chickens (5 to !) Turkoys 13 to 13 Ceylon Mr. J. W. Hodgson of Homings Mills shipped another fine carload of stock from the C. P. U. station here on Mon- day. Mr. Edw. Sargent is having hit resi- dence bricked. This makes uonsidorable imi)roveniont in it's appearance, as well as as well as adding to the comfort of the family. Miss Flossie Ferguson has loft Mr. Jas. Pattison's to return homo. Her place is being filled, for the present, by MisH Sadie McKochnie of Lion's Hoad, a sister of Mrs. David Dow. Miss Fer- guson had become quite a f:ivorito with the young people hero. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall of Weatfield visiti'd friends in Flesherton and Ceylon on Siilurday and Sunday last. She is a daiiglitor of J. W. Hodgson of Hornings Millx. Mrs. Angus McLeod is enclosing her residenco with nietallic brick sheeting. She is also replacing tho doors and win- dows with now ones, which will umke a great nnpidvemont. Mr. T. A. Oilchri.^t has purchased a handsome driver and a buggy from Robt. Bates. Mr. laiuic Sargent took unto himself a partner in lifo last week. We wish the young couple much happiness through lifo. Wo are plad to seo Mr. John Chislstt around again aftur his hmg illness. Andrew Sproat has gone to tho north shore to timl)cr for the winttr. Jas. Sprout took a trip to CoUingwood last week. The Italians over whom J. L. Wo"ds is time-keeper piesented him with a ft'f- linod coat and a pair of gloves last week. Mr. Brock Patton has returned to his home at Owen Sound after spending some time here. Harry Patton of Walkerton grve his friends a call last Monday. Over 1100 appckia wen made against the Owen Sound voters' list (bit jresr. Stop That Cold To check earlycoldsorGrlppe with "Preventlal" means «ur« (tcfwit for PneinuonLi. To stop a ooi4 with Prevtiitics is safer tliin to let it rori aii<l *• obliged to cure it afterwards. To bo suro. Pw- ventica will cure eveiwj*. deeply [loated cold, tnfe taken earlyâ€" at the sneeze stageâ€" tliey break, « head off tiiese early colds. That's surely beOO^ That's H-hy they are called Preveiitics. Freventiesuri' little Candy Cold (^ir.s. No QoIb- (ne. no physic, nothliiK sickoiiini?. Nice for iHm childrenâ€" ami thorousthly safe too. If you fast Cldlly. If you ineezo. If you ache all over, think «C Prevcntics. Promptness may also save half ywr naiial sickness. And don't forget your child, • there Is feverishiiess. nlirhtoi day. llorein ptr*- ably lies Pivventics' (trejitest cfllelencr. SoW i« 6c boxi>s for the po<'ket. also in '.'.'ic boxes of <k rrevcutics. Iiisiit ou your druggists siving yoB Preventlcs "ALL DEALERS" Mr. Hoy Mitchell, Clarksburij had a thrilling experieiics a few evenings ago. Aa ho was outlouking for cows ho noticed an animal crouching preparatory to nuk- in« a spring at him, but luckly he had hi" gun Willi him, aiii boiiig a ^ood jhot quickly fired and killed the fer.ici'Hia beast which proved to bo a large cata- mount, aoinetimes known as a wildcu. It mcasurud three foot lungaiid two feet, hieh. and evidenily had boon'driven froui llie mountain by tho tires now ragin< there. Business Cards MOUIiLOUGH & YOUNO llauker Markdale Oo a general banking baainess. Money loaned a reaaonabl e rate Call on us. Tchlslet't; * I'ostmaster, OeyloD. Couiniiasioner in H, l". J ,Coovovancer, deeds, uiortRasoB, leaaos, wills etc. carefully drawn up .^ollectiouB Diadi>. cbarcos reasouable. AI>o grocerisB, flour, feed etc. kept lu atock, Pricea r^Kht^^ dT^pkoulb "• Fostmaater, Fleaberton k^nimiaaloDer In H.O J., Auctioneer Coo- veyanoer, Appralaer and Money Lender Ueal Katate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgaiieB, leasea and wills oarefolly drawn np and â-¼alnattona made on tbortest notice money to loan at lowest ratea o( Intercat. Col eotlona attended to with promptneas charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion B Uama h ip Co mpan y. A ealljiolloited. DUcPHAICi. Llcenaed Auctioneer foi the â-  County of Orey. Terms moderate aud satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangements and dates of aalea can Iwmade a>. Tbb Advancx office. Keaidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Deo. 6,07. Tj W I^AITTIt^O. Ldeensed Auctioneer for J"' " • the counties of Orey and Simcoe. Farm and Btock sales a specialist. Terms moderate, satisfaction Ruaraut<eil. Arrange- nienta for dates mav be made at the Advance office, or a: T. Hutonlnaon'r atore, hevereham, or by addreasing me at Fevetsbam, Ont. Lot lit, c on, la , Oaprey, BUDU MATHE'WS. Markdala, EiiSSsid " auctionser fortbe connty of Orey. Good service ai roaarnable rates. Datea can be made at The Advance. 1 o 09, Medical DB CARTER M C P ft 8 Ont, Phyalclan, Bargeon, a Offlce and realde neeâ€" Pet er at., Flaaherton Fp OTT B WkLli " " Veterinary Burgeon Qradnate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" ascond door south west' on kary street. Tbia atreet runa sontb Presbyterian Chorcb. n WIL.80N, Blacksmith, "• 'iradnate of ne Veterinary Association Residence, Durham itreet, op- posite Boyd, Hicklliig'B hardware. Dentistry Dr, e. C. MURRAY L. D. R., dental anrgeon honor graduate of Toronto Univeraitv and Koysl College of Dental Snreeons of Ontario, Qaa adtiiinistered for teeth extraction, office at reeidonce. To ronlo 96 oatFbili'jrton Legal LUCAS WRIGHT ft H0ABDI.E Barristera Bolloitora Conyeyanoen, etc Offloeaâ€" Owen Bound, Ont and Markdale Ont W H Whioht, MoArdlb I B Lcca N Uâ€" Fleaberton ollioo, Mitchell's an k sverv Saturday, EVEHYTH!NG We havo'everythin)? that you culd desire in our line. Groceries, Coiifectitmerj, Flour and Feed, etc. This is a strong statement, but a visit lonur store will prove ii'a truthfolness. Our Groceries are fresh and prices pleait. Ford's Patent Flour, par bbl W.OD Perfection Blend Flour 15.20 Morning Glory Flour 95.00 W. L. WRIGHTS GROCERY SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largest and best stock V)f Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce tho stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER FLESHERTON W. J. O'NEAIL Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyanc or, etc. Officoâ€" Sproule's Blook, Flesherton. Societies AO U W meeta ou the last Monday in eaon montb, in their lodge room, Cbristoe's blook. Fleaberton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; Bee, T. Blakely, Finanoior, W.J. Bol.amy. Visiting brethren ii^yited. PIUNCR ARTHUK LODUE, No, .1.33, A.F.& A M, meets in tbe Masonic all. Arm- strong's Hall Flesherton, every Friday on or before tlio full inocn. Thos. lllskely.W. M.; Ilorh.Smitli, Sotretarv. (iofuT FI.KSHKRTON, DOS, I. ft F, noets in '^ Clayton's Block thn last Wednesday ovcnlnK of eacli month. Visitiaf! Foresters heartily welcome. It, R., nvB( n; R. S., '1', Henry; Fin. See, C, N. Ilichardson, Please pay dues to Fin. faeo. before the first dav of tho iuonth. piIOSiiN FhlUNDS-Pioslierton Connoil of ^ t'linson PriaiKls meets in Clayton's hall first and tliird VVediiondsv of Obch nionb H p. tu Pay aASOHMnientn to the Recorder on or before tPnflrst ilavof eavli month. Chief Councillor T. Hlakoley; cooidor, W, H. Bunt, A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED For Fle.sherton And Adjoining Country TO REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Qreatest Nurseries. While business <u soino lines may be dull, fanners wore never more encouraKed as regard-i fruit groninc than at ino present season. High 1>rioes for all c1a8!>es of frnit have boon oo- ained the yiast season, and there is as a conse- qnenoeaii increased demand for nursery stock. Our B'-ock ifl complete in evorv departnaent, IncindiuR a now list of specialties which we alone handle. TherlRht man will obtain a permanent situ- ation with territory reaorved 'or him. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write for particulars. STONE AWELLINQTON FonthiU Narieriea ( 890 aorea ) TORONTO.; Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia st ock = » Bes t Stock Bells* Blankets , Kobes Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather nooda. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everythini in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. BESl BUSINES5 TRAINING at reasonable |)rice». St.irt any time. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLKGK. Cor. Yonge and Bloor Sts., Tcirouto. Fall and Winter. We ha\o a uuiiipletu line of Fall and Wiiiler Koods, conaisling of Whips, Plush Rugs,Robea, Bella Curry Combs and Hrushus. Hoof Ointment.Harness Oil.Gnli Cure Trunks & Blacksmith's Aprons. Look in and examine our slock of Horse Blankets, We Manufacture Harness And do rcparint; Cheaper than elsewhere. 0. W. Phillips FLESHERTON. ONT,

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