THE FLEESHERTON ADVANCE November 5 19i)8 I THE SIANDARD BANK bubuied 1873 OF CANADA '• ^""^ Banking Made Easy There is no formality about opening a Savings Account with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first steps easy for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open au account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your deposits are entered. No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, with interest to date. »9 FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BKANCBIES AI^O AT DVUHAM AND BARR.IATON. -^ ViCfllY CHIPS Mr. A. WilFon is in Tor onto this wee k. PUin lewini! done, â€" Mrs. John Bell- amy. W. A. Armstrong issuer of marria);e ieentes. Mr. A. Smith of Tcvonto is assisting Mr. A. Wilson j)f his 'larbcr shop. Tolouse geese for sale, flmt class stock, apply to R. D. Meldrum, Porl Law. Deer hunters, got your license from Geo. Mitchell ut the Standard bank. Mr. Heath preached very acceptably on Rev. L. F. Kipp's oppointmi-nts on Sund»y. A load of young peoolo attended the levival services at Markdalo one evening last week. Comfortable frame dwelliuK in Flesher- ton for Hale or rent. R. J. Sproule, neeberton. Mr«. Mitchell and Mrs. J. Bcyd visit- in Dundalk^ last week, attending the Dean concerts. The Advance had a pleasant call from P. S. 1. Campbell while ho was on his rounds last week. Lloyd Deaglo of Orancevillo fell from a tree while picking heechuuLs and broke bis arm in two pUces. For SkIcâ€" t)no Sherlock-ManninL' <>r}!an, neiiily now, at half price. Lewis F. Kipp, FleShertoii, Out. Just received n full stock of mouth organs (Hi-hiier») from 10c. "JSc. 50c. COc. lo 52.50, nt Richiirdsoii's Drug Store. House to Kentâ€" Brick residence, large, lot, uo"d stable, liitt-ly owned by Mrs. Wm. Neal. Apply to John Stuart, Fleshortou. Lostâ€" On Tuesday, Nnvember 3rd, Hn mail route lielweeu Kimborloy and Floshertcn, a Wvo dollur bill. Finder p)e»8u leave at this ofHce. Fred Kennedy, who said he came from Owen Sound, died In the hospital at Ken- or», aged 2B years. It i» said that Mr. Kennedy's homo is at Prioevillo. In the list of students who passed the aonii-tinal and tinal iVodioal Bsaminationa at Toronto wo noticed the name of J. A. McLood, Pricoville. Congratulations. Black and white liouod came to my premises on Fiiday, Oct. 30. Owner will pleaae prove property, pay expenses and take away. 0. Steward, Flesherton. Again there has been a change in the "bus and livery business in town Mr. Mooro has sold his live' y interest t > D. McTavish and purchased the bus ,tnd dray business from Geo. Cnirus. D. Burt, eyp and ear specialist, will not visit Markdale until Friday, Nov. 13, when he will be at the Revere House from 8 to 12 u. ni. Lost â€" 20 ft. logging chain about Sept, Ist., on 8th line between Fevershnm niid R-Kkvale sideroad. I<iiider communicate with Jos. A. Thompson, Rockviilu. Ino Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick house, eight rooms, barn and live lots. Also lot 10, con. 1, N. D. R., Artoniesii, 50 acres. Apply to Catherine Scott, Pnoeville P. O. tf 80 ncrcH, no clearing, well watered, will iiwike s:ood rnrin, no buildinus, but has building liuiliar nil it. Will give good chiiiico to mail who will work. W. A. Aimstrong, Fleshortor.. The Woman's Missionary S'loiety o f â- ,ihe Methodist church of (3\ven Sound distiict held :i very suceoshful convention biro on Tuesday. AViout Iwtnty-five del(g.ilo» were prei,oiit from a distance. A full report will bo given next week. 100 acre farm r.bout 40 acres under oultivation, good house, \o\i stable and barn, well watered, would iiiaku tirsi elaas stock farm. Will sell or exchange f' r otiitT property. W. A Armstroiij;, Tlesherton. Mr. Fred Dean's hiiUowo'en concer's at Dundalk, Thursday and Fiiday evenings of ImkI week,«ltractfd iho young people of Flo^hl•rloll, who are ummimouH in their decision as tii the excellence of the eonceris. 125 acre farm for Rule, or exchmge. About 70 acres under cultivation, franio and liarn, about 20 acres ploiit/hed. Immediate pa-^session. Will sell cheap head pains, womanly puna, pain and on e«KV lerms. Apply to W, Ar[u«ti'>iig, FI'.-shcrtMi. It's a pretty dead town that can't boast of some kind of a brass band - although some places don't do much to deserve one. Arthur and Holstein are the latest places to repent and endeavor to get out of their tarrihlu slate of bandlesaiie^s. The Holstein Leader has changed hands. Mr. O, M Seim who established the paper three and a half years aito has given up the struggle and sold out to Mr. Geo. E. Uudsuu, formerly of Walkerton, who has been teaching school in Hespler. In the Division 3ourt cases as given by The Advance last week an error went through. In thii case of Taylor vs. Tay- lor judcrrent was given for $2.00, but the typo made it read 820.00. We regret that such an error was made and hasten to ma<e the correction. Mr. Bert Douglas, who ran the drug store here a cnuple of y<"ar<! ago. and who has recently been in New Ontario, has purchased the Thompson farm on the west back line and has taken possession. He exchanged soma of his New Ontario property in part payment, but still has consi'lerable landed interests in the north. The Advance had a call from Mr. H. M. Douglas of St Vincent one dav last week. We are pleased to note that Mr. Douglas met with great success at the Michigan state fair, held at Detroit this fall, his horse, Gauthier, winninz the champion silver cup, valued at 8100. Mr. Douvlas has sold his properly in St. Vincent at a big advance^ n his purchase, and has not yet decided where ho v ill locate. Norris Bros, with their characteristic enterprise have improved their ei|uipment by the addition of two machines, a uroover and a d<iublc Reamer. The first named is a iiiacbino nl'ich is useful for many things, hut is mainly used for tho manu- faeture of atovo-pipes. Already they have made larae shipments of pipe to nearby towns. Wo conijratulate tho young men on their progress. , "Kvery farmer should know that tho price offered l)y the dealers for cattle, ho'.'.s, etc., is a fair oiio. How can he know this if ho dors not lake a farm busi- ness paper? What di>ctor or lawyer or bnsinesR man would be without his busi ness paper? There is but one farmer's business and niarkof paper, that is The Weekly Sur.. You can aet The Sun in comhiMstion with The Advance for only 81.50 and you should not be without them. Saturday night was tho night of nights for the young folks. That a proper spirit is gradually boini; inculcated in^o the boys is evident by their conduct on successive Hallowe'ens. However it was by no meansa model crowd of howling doi rishos that pa aded the streetc making the night hideous with their racket, which was even continued till after 12 o'clock. Several "tricks" of B more aggravating nature than the ordinary were performed such as the cutting the Methodist church hell rope and the taking of tho laddor out of the belfry. Also removing half the front wall of the rough cast building, on the corner of Peter and Colling wood streets, owned by R. J. Sproule- It isn't so difficult to strengthen a weak stomach If one goes at it correctly. And this is true of the heait and kidneys. The old fashioned way of dosing tho stomach or stimulating the heart or kid- neys is surely wrong I Dr Shoop tjr>t pointed out tho error. "Go to the weak or ailing nerves of these organs," said her each inside organ has its cont>^olling or "inside nerve," When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is loading drug.'iscs everywhere todiMpeuso and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. A few days Icsi will suiely toll, S/)ld by all dealers, A box .'iocial will bo hold in the town hall, Flesherton, uiidor tho auspices of tho Women's Itistituie, on Wedno.sdiiy even- ing, Nov. 4, lilO.S. .Vildiiw.sos will ho giv^in hy Dr ChMw.iH and Rev. O. C. Littie. Miss Wolfe of Hamilton will he the voonl soloist of ihoeveninL'. Miss L. j Hanbury of Dundalk will reoito; a May Polo drill will hu given by twelve little girls iiid boy.s; a ma!o Quartet and a mixed Quartet will render uiiixic, and this with other numbers, will make a program of unusual e.xcellenoo Mr. Hoarh will occupy tho chair. Ladies who bring boxes are entitled to free arlmission. Cicntleuiun 'aM be charged 2u coiits. Come and have nti etijoynhlo evening. The boxes will not be auctioned off. Read tho pain f-irmn'ii on a box of Pink Pa-n Tablets. Thon ask yai doctor if there is a better one. Pani niemiK congestionâ€" blood presz-U'e S'lnewhero. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets chock aiiv 25c. Taft is President (Special to The Advance.) TORONTO Nov. 4thâ€" Win. H. Toft is elected President of United States by an immense plurality. Governor Hughes of New York State was again returned, this time with a plurality of 50,000. Governor Hughec is the man who abolish- ed race track gambling in New York SUte. Married On Wednesday, Oot. 21st., at the R. C. church, Dundalk, by tho Rev. F. Murphy â€" Mr. Jos. .McGrade, to Miss Maggio Madden of Osprey. The grouni was at- tended by Mr. Ed. Madden, and tho bride, by Miss Ella Madden, both ladies were beaulilully attired in becoming suits of blue and white silk. After a BUmptuouB wedding dinner at ihe Grand Central tho happy couple and their friends, returned in the evening to "The Grove," where they will reside. Their friends wish them hsppinees. Sargentâ€"Carson The home of Mr. Jas G. Caraon, 8th line, Artemesia, was the eceiio of a very pretty wo<ldiiig on Wed., Oct. 28th, at 4.30 p. m., when his eldest daughter, Ethel May and Mr. Isaac Sargent of Cey- lon, joined hands under a flortl arch be- fore the bride's pastor. Rev. G. C. Little, and answered those quest ions put by hi:n and were by him pronounced husband and wife. The bride, who was unattended and the pic uro of health and beauty, was given away by her father, and was taste- fully and becomingly attiied in a dainty gown of creaill lustre, with trimmings ol duchess satin ribbon and point de esprit, and wore tho customary veil and wreath. The groom looked his best and presented a tine, handsome inauly appearance. After the usual congraiutatiuiis, the guests numbering about 60, repairetl to the dining room, wliich was artistically decorated and where tables were laden with delicacies of every description, to which all did ample justice. The bride, who is deservedly popular, was tho re- cipient of ninny beautiful and meful presents, among others, being a handsome set of sable fnrs from the groom. Tlie happy ynuna oouplo wore escorted by a number of their friends to Ceylon, where amid a shower of rice they took tho uvening train to Owen Sound, where they will reside. The biide travelling in a smartly tailnied suit of blue panamt cloth with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent, have many friends, who unitein wishing them every true happiness, pros- porty and blessing. Auction Sales. The Advance is prepared to make dates for any iiuctiuucer who advertiius in our columns. Bush Lot For Sale. _ Lot ?, can. 14, Osprey, 100 acres, Arell timbered. For terms, etc. apply to R. Rob- erts, Lady Bank. A very extensive auction sale of farm stock, iinplcnicutn, otc, will be bold on lot 3. con, 7, rgtoinesia, on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1008, at 1 o'clock p.m. Soe largo bills. P. J. Butler, prop. D. McPh ail, auctioneer. wlu'ro. Try one, mul see! 20 for Sold by all dealers. Prefers Jail to House of Refuge George Roy, an old colored man, was up ill Police Court this mnriiing. He had just been released from gaol, where he had served a sixiy-days term for in traotioii of tho rules of the House of Refuge. Ho has been an inmate of Ihe Markdalo institution for some years. Ltut when asked whether he wanted to go back, ho emphatically statea that be pre- ferred the g«ol, becauee they were "treat- ed like human beings there. " He said that he did not know what rule ho had tiroken, unless he had not put on a clean pair of cotton overalls that were given him by tho superuileiident. The over- alls were thin, too light for a man suffer- ing, as he was, from rheumatism, to wear. When he would not wear the overalls, said Roy, ho was put into the dark cell, anc kept there for three hundied hoursâ€" twelvt) days and a half. Then he w.-is btought before a .luetic* of the Poaci â€" at leased he supposed that was .tâ€" a d| oonvict.-d, on the utiden.: of tlie sup. rin- teiidenfc, the matron, and sn inmate. The inmate, he claimed, did not lell the truth. Roy did not Unow who the Justice was th«t convicted liim; but, at any rate, ho was not allowed to have a- j- one to defend him, ihougli lie askiU for it. Roy asked to he sent to gaol for three or four weeks. He w.mted to he at lib trty when tho County Council mot, so thar he could go to thein and siato bis case. It will bo romomliered that Roy WU8 Olio of thos" whe had a good <U!nl to .say last yoar of the way aU'airswero iiiiiii- aged at tho llous^, of Refuge. At that time the special commit too appointed by tho Couniy Council rofusod to give cred- ence to his story. That souieonti t)uliuve>i him now is nvideiit from the Ntatoniont of a prominent barris'er in town. That geniluiuan inforiiiod ua that ho 1i:kI re- i-eived a lettitr from a goutlenieii in M.iik- d lie, relating to this iii.ilier, aid lookiog to investigation if Roy's couviciion. If mattors develop, tho House of Refuge will furnish food for thought to ti.e County Fathers at tho next soasiin. â€" O. S. Sun. 5.^%^.^ VOLUNTKEH BOUNTY ACT 1Q08. WARNING TO PURCHASERS Bvery assignment ot the right of a South Africau Volunteer entitled to a land gr&ut must be by way of appoiatmei't of a liubstitute and must be iu the form provided by the Act, Special attention is called to Sub-section :i ot Section 5 of the Voluutuer Bounty Act. 1006. whicli provides that no aesignment of the right of a volunteer by the appointment of a subBti- tute Bh&il be ticcbptod or recognized by the Departiueut of the luterioi wbicli IS NUT EXbCUTEU AND DATKU AFTKKTHi; DATK OFTHli WAUKANT KOlt THli ILAMD GUANT issued by the Minister of Militia and Defence iu favor of the Volunteer. J. W. GKEENAWAY, Commissioner of Dominion Lauds, Ottawa- 28th September, 1906. Farm for Sale Lot 16 (sixteen,) Concesrion 10 (Ten) township of Osprey. Close to the villai^e of Feverhhaui, frame house and barn, stone table, sixty acres under cultivation, Apply to A. U. Oampb el SlCUusholmeltoad, Toronto. lu Golden Legend Pnre Bred Tarn worth Boar for service on Lo 170, 2nd E. T. & S. R. Terms »1.()0. RICHARD .VLLKN. FARM TO RENT For Bent, lot »7, COD, 4, Artemesia, 100 acrcf, 88 to 90 cleared >cd under cultivstion, comfort- sble dwelling, lisuk baru. etone ttablioF. iu a first class cettlciueut, aud well woithy the st- teutiou ot those requiring such. K. .( . BpROCLE. Flesherton: Farm for Sale Lots No: 161 and 162 Ist north-east of T. tc S. Road, Artemesia- 'iliere arogood buildings n llie premises- Tendeis will be received up to October the aoth 1008. Ai>j'ly to John Wrigh Flesherton; Farm for Sale Lots 34 and 35, con. .S 8. D. It. 160 acres. ' cleared. 10 acres pastuie, balance good bush iisro 65 X SO, driving shed, good frame bouse, weils, 1 acre of oi chard and stone wall und barn. Saueeen river orosses back of farm Well fenced and in good state of cultivation, 'i iDlles from i'rolou citation. For terms apply on premises to 1st < ict. JAMES H. VAUSE, Proton Station Farm to Rent Lots C5, CC and 07. con. ^^, Artemesia, ISO acres, 135 cleared auJ uuder cultivation, all fenced, twcgood orchards; lari;« frame barn, basement barn and outer frame barn 'H x 30. frame dwellinf;. This will ho made a good tbiuK 'or the right msm. W. H. McNALLY, Portlaw Fair Warning I hereby forbid any per«ou or persons cutt- ing or reinoviug any timber of aud kiufi what* eyer^ paBturiug cattle, Uuntinsor treep&saiuif ou my properly, Ixit 3.'i, Coo. U, Artouioaia, uxcept by my writtou at^reeuient auil coiiseut. I bayo iiiadu arauM^iuuiits whereby I sb&ll bo kept informed, aud will prosecute to tho Jimlt of the law, any trespaisiuti on luy property at abovo diNtcribed. F. T. CABR WK ARE OFFERINQ FOR Fall Wear a good .stock of new and foshion- able goods. Boots, Shoes, Slippcn-s and iiubbers. you want for WORTH AND WbAR, CHOICE AND CHEAPNESS Also a lot of Trunks, Telescopes. Seasonable goods and reasonable prices. A lot of ladies' and child- rens summer goods ottering very cheap at CLAYT ^ A PREPARE FOR COLD B LASTS Fur and f ur-Lined Coats. Wo li.tvea full line of B'ur Costs, including L%ilies' .Aslrticlian, GonlsCoon, Calfsliin, Bear Skin, and li'ur lined Coats, includiiiu Ladie-s' Muskrst linod. Mink triiniuing and a first class Beaver Shell, also Si|uirrel lined tvilhSablu Triimuinna aud Muii'.s Muskrat Linocl and Otter CidUr, .\l\ at tho lowoat possible price. Blankets and Robes A full Stock of Ucavy Horse Blaiikols with "Stny-On" fHstenin){S, at 81.50 to $2.0U. Wo also have a uiiod lint: of Uiiitt Skin and Besr Skin Rubes. Stoves, Ranges and Base Burners Wo have just what you want either in a Wood Cook or a Steel Hange, with ;\ liiun Warming Closet and a good Coal Bhhk Burner that make>< tlio home warmer aud look cheer}-. Inspect our stock before |iurchrtsiim. Purity Flour Have you tried it? If you liavent, you should. More bread fnun loss flour. It 18 tho only Perfe.;! FIol" iiul it is nettinu iin aivfnl run. Try a b«g and be convinced. ^^ ; silso have FeeJ Flour, Bran and Shortn. F. G. KARSTEDT i TWO WEEKS' SALE i On Men .1 and Boy."*' Suits Nvo are f^'dnij to nivo y^ n genuiiio bursuiiis. If you are ^lingto buy a Suit for youfsolf or your boys why not take iidvaiitage of this snlu and SAVE MONEY In all lines wu think wo c-in .sav« you money. Our business is steadily increap* ( I iii;>. Tim [)ioi o< the sari.-*faction of our ouhtiiiii-r.s. Coine onje and ynu will (I co;ii.) .ic^iiin. Wo can i;ive you sploiidid valuui in Boot.s and Shoes. Suysia am down a^aiii and butter is up. WANTKD-Potatooe, Butter, Eupa and all Farm Produce at highest mirkut i^rioea ssesB I From one h,df pound of yellmv Denver onion seod, sown on onoioiit.'i of an aero of i;rounii, Mr. .lolin Feimell uf iho Bel- iKoiit Hoad si.K'y-li>>3 liaua of oi.ions this Koason. Mr. Koniie',1 -ayo ho cvfi vouch for lie truthiulne>..s of this i-ln' > uunt. â€" Nornoiid Rijgitter. Jas. Pattison i Ceylon. â- «'Pi9m:-