November 5 1908 THE FLESHERTOJS A U V A N C E ^miHi^a^ ^VWWyVWW ^* HILL 6k Co. Millinery in Artistic. Matty and No^ elty Styles. * . . ^ Department of tliis store. In point of variety D> our u-w Autumn Hat it will pay you to visit the MilliflJded by '.ho people who wunl up-to-date Millin- i/," ''•« '""^f^"* '''^'=''> '" V®'"* "f *'>'"'*'** *'*""*'!l^""e very new and natty styles and ivtiovo all *.y'/mt we lead the trade and at present wo are shoyjou in the buying of your new Autunin.hat. Come and rt-'sonaUy priced. A visit to this department will »v' â- . „,^,^^ j(0 CA8H- SELUNQ LADIES' FINE WOOJviNO. MERE MITTS AT A B^.^ ^f Ladies' Fine This weeW we put on 8<ile 2dOlitts. They are the CAiilimere and t!ne Bolninu^e factories, some are ovormakes from one otjpfmij to hurt the wetrinu slightly imperfect but, elie lot there are 25 30 35 qualities of them wriomo 50o qu»litiet, all on sale and 40o lines aii^rfir 19c- at one price, p' ,rtN COATS FOR THE BABY IN EIDEB,iOR OF NAVY BLUE ONLY,98c. ,.iolc wo put on sale 15 only Baby's Eider Down TJiA in color of navy blue only, satin lined throueli- , .it: and the price ropreaents about one half value. Your choice f jr ''So. INDUCEMENTS FCR MEN TO BUY OVERALLS AT THIS STORE, 68c. pr. 100 pairs of Men's Overalls in colors of black, gray, brown end blue, all sizes, and in the regular way they would easly sell for &.) 75 and 85c a pair, this week , M<»n, you can buy them for per pair 68c. A RECENT PURCHASE OF CHILDRES'S BLACK WORSTED STOCKINGS. At very mucu less than value. This week wo put on sale 200 pairs ofChildrens Worsted Stockins-s, uU wool, regular 20 and 26o lints this week ber pair 19" Crockery Department Specials. 75 Dozen Plates, decorated, for per dozen • 75 dozen Desert plates, decorated for per dozen • 76 dozen Dinner Plates, decorated, for per dozen <»<'• Hardware Department In this Department we carry a full line and quote you close prioe. Is published svery Tliuruilay at $1.00 !».• •nnuDi If paid in advance, 81.5c if not so |>aid MARKDALE mmmm\ How They Voted. The following is the summary of the vote in East Grey. Tho full vote was not lin"»rn at the time of going to prcM last week. H \Y SPRO MONO ILE Tlio fight for tlio Picsideiicy of the United Stales waa wound up on Mon- day and the voting took place on Tuesday. Tlia conipotilion has been keen and both candidates have worked Lard for success. W. J. Biyan tlio Deinoci alio candidate made as many as twenty one speeches in one day. There is somctliiug about Mr. Bivau that commands the respect and odmir- atiou of Canadians. Ho has twice before been a candidate fur the Pres* ideucj, meeting with faihua each time. Notliing daunted he has attain tackled the problem and has great hopea of success. Li this regard, so 8o has Taft, tho Republican. The following from the two great leadeiE, giyen out before the voting, is interesting; "There is no doubt in my mind that the Kcpablican national ticket will win at the polls next Tuesday by a splendid margin. I will leave the m^.tter of estimating just how large our majority will be to those who are more export in statistics than my- self. I am confident, however, that the result will be suticiently gratifying to even tlio most cntliubiastio of our party workers." â€" William Howard Taft. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. |«. ARTEMESIA. Orsnge Valley Floaherton I'riiion Station Coylon Triceville Vnndoleur Eugenia I'ort Law or Tlionipson's 15 33 8 28 01 13 23 6 178 TOTALS Maj. Ray- Sj-n Foe Majority for Sproulo EUPHRASIA DinicAii llvitthrote Epping Kiinheiley Kocklyn Itooverdalo Uradleys Goring Wodehouse 12 36 4 11 10 11 4 81 27 136 "The fight is over I heliovo that I shall bo elected by a handsome majority. Many of tho close Re- publican States and several of the so- calfed doubtful States will awing into the Democratic column. The gi-eat labor voto is with the Democratic party also to a luuii. This will bo shown in tho roauUs in Indiana, Ohio and Now York. I have nover had any doubt about the West. We have a fighting chance in several Stales that are rcanrded suiely Hepublioan." â€" William Jennings Riyan, 40 84 48 65 28 88 61 34 388 212 33 34 34 73 67 SO 64 65 32 422 286 47 81 66 37 Markdale Dundiilk Tliornl)ury CliHtKW'trtti Aitisiiiwsi.i Eupbrnsia Proton Oi)lliii<zwi)ud Onprey Ih.lluhd Totals IIOU 37 51 17ti 13G 251 20ti 150 151 OVLK 134 105 77 28 3S8 422 320 300 3:2 330 * J. & W. BOYD SPECIAL SALE Of CLOTHING During the next two weeks we are putting on a special sale of clothinsr. We have a large stock of staple goods and in order to reduce it we are cutting prices away below cost. 25 men's suits, light, diiik and medium shades, sizes, 36 to 44â€" Regular 6.50, 7 50, and 8.50, sellling for J5.48. 35 men's dcublp and single breasted, sizes, 36 to 44â€" Regular 10.00 to 12.00, selling for $8.95. 25 boys' 3 piece suit, single and doiible breasted, sizes, 28 to 34â€" Reg. 4.50 and 5. CO, selling for 93.48. 28 hoys' 2 piece units. Belts and Pleatsâ€" Regular 3.00 and 3.50, special at «2.39. Men'g odd pants fancy Tweed, good wearâ€" Regular, 1.60 to 1.75, for $1.19. Men's stripe tweed pantsâ€" Regular, $1.25 clearing for 79c. Men's woistfd pants, stiipe patternâ€" Regular, 2i26 and 2.30, for $1.89 Men's heavy reefers, large ktorm collar, tweed hoing, nsvy blue and Gray, reguUr 3.60, for $2.4y. 18 Boys' reefer.s navy blue, carl Tweed lining Telvet collar, sizes 23 to 30-Regular, 2.75, for $2.19. 12 Youths' reefers, daik grey, extra heavy, large storm collar, sizes, 32 to 35- Regular 3.75, for $2.89. 18 Men's overcoats, nsvy niid black beaver, satin lined velvet collars 36 to42â€" Reifular 7.0tl, for $4.95. Groceries, Flour, Peed, etc. We keep a full stock of fresh and clean groceries, alio a full stock of Flour and Feed, including •.ho famous Five Rose Flour, every bag of which is guaranteed the best. If you have not been using this dour, don't fail 10 give it a trial. Stoves, Tinware, Hardware. We keep in stock the best line of stoves that's on the market. If you need a cook »tove come in and see tho Cnnada range, prices right and workmanship guaranteed. 1200 2412 1163 1 Majority for Sproule OSPREY Warehani 22 Maxwell 87 Feveraham 47 Singhiinpton 13 Molntyre A Badjeros 31 Rob Roy 16 166 Majority for Sproule 145 HOLLAND 37 34 302 Arniitt and Cliats worth Walters Falls Berkeloy Williainsford H'.'laiid Centre Masbie Majority i'or Sproule PROTON 27 21 20 41 31 14 164 28 66 106 29 03 45 33(1 .. 182 Majority for Sproulo ; 1162 10th Line, Osprey. Accident to Thos. Thornburyâ€" Cata- mount Shotâ€" Other News. Tho weather ^ has taken a sudden change and the cold wind of the past weok iniliu.ites winter is at hand. The deer hunting ^easoIl is with us again and the .^lories told in and out ot camp will rival tl.e biggest fi-ih yarns ever spun. While Mr. Thos. Thornbury was adjusting the chain of a bicycle a fo w days ago ho got his linger caught between tho chain and the sprocket wheel nearly severing two of the lingers of his right hiind. Mr. A. J. Conron of Feveraham has gone up north for the hunting season. Mr. Oonron is an experienced deer hui.t er and also a first class taxidorniist and gets the job of mounting nearly all the deer heads that come this way with the hunters. Your correspondent had a look at a very fine speciinon of acatamount or wild c'lt which waa shot by Mr. Mitchell of Mitchell Mills, Rock Haven, and is being mounted by Mr. Connm of Feversham. The cat is a ferocious looking fellow and measures over 3 feet. Mr. Henry Smith ot is visiting with his brother. Win., of the 10th line. Mr. J«8. Speer has got settled in his 1 new brick cottage on Mill street in Foversham. Mr. Jas. Conn will soon have his new house completed in Foversham, This village is growing and the business in- oroasins. It taking 3good stores to supply ho duoiands of tho surrouning country. Canada Votes Solid. There 1. y h ) n ditreronoe of opinion AnU'llKSI lliu voters of Canada regardinu piditicid nutters, but when 11 co-nes to a 4|UestJon of a iiewspapur to suit tho Canadian people the vote is solid for thi- Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mon tre^l. it is inarvell.iiiH whtt populxriiy that papor enjoys It Is well deserved tuo for it is beyontl question the boat dollar' worth to be Im! Eviy home in Canmbi sKouUl receive that ureal weekly, when it oaii be had for onedulUra year. In this section it reaches alnmst every home, anil not Olio of ilicni wniitil think ot luitin^' their su'wcripi ions ex piiv. Tlio Fainil) Herald and W'o>! 8iar is too good to iuiss,even a single copy. Cedarville lliipuville (iwintoii Park Veiify Dunilalk Kini'acotu Rivorviov Piotim Station 20 73 63 29 7 42 21 6 261 69 Majority for Sproule COLLINOWOOD 1. Pretty Hi ver 2. Osier's 8 .'}. Graigleigh 4. (iihraltor .">. Banks (S. Ravenna 7. Loiee 8. Redwing .». ».. 8 11. III. Clarkstiuig 1 1 . DinMnoio 12. Moil's .Mills 22 17 37 8 13 18 67 8 6 Majority for Sproulo 2«6 57 38 60 45 52 13 .<J3 32 320 9 14 5 18 21 37 22 43 50 64 13 4 303 94 Mrs.Wm. C. Gaudin On Thursday las', October 22nd, Jane Finnies, relict of the lr.te Win. C. tjaudin died at her rehidonco near lleatlicote. Tho deceased huly was horn in Mira niichi on 8«ptoinh(>r25th, 1827, and waa daughter of Anihow and Mary Finn o<, I'l'mierly â- f Annan, Dumfries, Sootland. On'.luno lytli, 1H27, she was married to the late Win. C. Qaudin, whopredeceasod lier some vi:»r« '>g'>. Tlioy lirst lived after iheir niarriaito in D.ilholisie and Mou'itain Brook and ciino to Euphrasia â- in 1873. A family of twelve cWldren was the result of their Miiion, three of wluiin are deceased Tlio-'o living are.- Mrs. D. Howgill, Mooso'iiin; Mrs. R. J. Hall and Andrew (Jaudin, Now Wost- iiiinsier; Irving E.,Edutonion, James A., Keyea, Man.; Mrs. Thos. Howgill, and David, Collin^wood township, and W illiani and Carrie at home. Mrs. Oaudin wa.i a member of the l're«byteriaa chuicli, was a legiilur attemlaiit at Goi)''j lunisn, and her life was a very exirop >• one. Iiitoimont lo.ikplaoein lie U ''"ii Cemo'ory on Si'nrday, Rev. K. TT, Barton convlocling the aeivioo. Yi ure lour fan druff Why? Because it is annoying, untidy. And mostly, because it almost invariably leads to baldness. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff ! Dog not change the color 0/ the hair. n yers 7orauU with tnik bottl* Show It to your dootov â-²sk kirn About it, thoa *o •« h» tAja For Sale HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE louJo will ti^ <lâ„¢.eniUK. 8tabl9 ami driviug i.KTe'll in It '''/', ''*?.'"''•• in Ooylor. Owe! eCid 01, '"^ "'""hod. am: Kood l>uariu | oituaulou tlioijroperty. Apply to H; J. SPBotLE, Fletherton. Farm For Sale or Rent. Lot'V rnn ,7"* °"«''t.iu"n«diato posseRBion. cnn,i^rL^l- ,*â- Af '«>"««'». about 7.5 acres oloar, to « I R.^J" '?" ^?"1" »'"' 'â- â- »'"<' baru. Apply to h. -J. Sproulo, FleHbcrtou. or John .1. Mariln acroBstho load from said lot. Moriin, The new Ayer's Hair Vicor will certainly do this work, because, flrst of all, it de- stroys the (cmis which are the oricinal cause e( dandruff. Havinc given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restored to a perfectly healthy condition. by tlM J. O. Ajn Co.. I«w*U. I ^ . Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. BiHi^nuXt.*"" ^S"""'"'- "»' best of breeding atro'isS'n'ablo pS «<»""""» heifers for,.lS t a!i.uou.5 C-H.48. STAFFORD. Flesherton Pure Bred English Berkshlres and Tamworths. Ihaveafinelot of young piâ„¢ bred from ; !! *"V"'"'>"'^'k, for safe. Write meZ pricea. I can give a bargain also Riiarantee natiHf action on all mail orders. Geo. W. ROSS. Ma.\well P. 0. Our Clubbing List Advance, and Tonmto World, daily S 2 60 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe '.80 Mail-Empire â- i- 75 Family Herald A iSiar 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 ^0 Farmers At.tooata 1 . . . . 2 25 Weekly Wit.ieig 1 75 SatnrdayNii;ht 2 50 Scottish Pride 66274 The youn« bull Hcotti^ll Prifli' will ptaicl for i Boi'vico at Mr. K. W. Nic VioIfoii'p, lot :,7, cor. 5, j ArbomoBia. Kcuttisli piido is hiieii by Scottifih Princo, a^tAixl^on of thu wondeiful Bbow cow» ' Uom of Bollacbhi, Imp . winiioruf oi^lit prizon at Toruut > and Luiuloii. bcttj'lus boiiiK cbanip- ion foiuiilo. Khu woipba over T900 ptuirula. Ono of Uii-* co\-/b calvoB soM for .^1775.t:0. HcottiHh priilo is out of ha^y Hi»lla by tho Toronto fliBfc pri/.e wiiiuor, Cnptnin May Kly, iiiin '2KHJH, Tl.iK ytniiKj hull has provcl bdu- sulf a sliowbiiM having Kuluetl an oiiooinai^inu looor'l tlile fall at Kevt-THbam. Ho wnn tirBt pri/.oaa host bull calf, also diploma for boat bull any h^g. Thofto baviiiu V'>'>'o brcrl nows ftboi'bl Fioo tbifl Ftraiid bull bufo>-e breorliuM ah thuy caunottio bettor thrvn uko bini. A liniiterl luimbor of jjiarios will bo takou at ^\;2'i; For |HU-o brodH, *4.0O. Came Astray Camo to UiP iiromldoa of tbu uni1oi»itfuod, lot 79, ('on.?, Artomesia.onOntobor 2nd, onp hound. TliG o wutr iR retjuestod to prove property, pay expeusoH aiid talte tho hauio away. Tbo9. Taylou, TOitlaw Roosters for Sale. Throo Kliod© Inland Hod >o>f.t,rt»-B for brI^, good stook birdB, Apply at this offlco. Came Astray. Cftmo to tbo piomifeowir tbii tindor^ifi^nod, lot 0. con. 9. Ospr 'V, about \m^'. I5.1r,>t., <uj Ktour, Tho owuor Is v niesttd to provo pr-v© ty, pay xpousesaud t lko tbu uuroaway^ * . r SoMBns, Mqxwo ^,. ^ Bull For Service. Hiawatha, No. 72012, the young shorthorn bull wilUtand fo.- service at M?. tJ^. H Burks, on lot 12, con. !t, Osnrey. This^^uni^ mil has h. beKt of bieedi'ng alonR milkiSK lines h.« d .,„ being a -Wilfl daine''.' ' one «*! »hm.l.l' ..A? <le«iru,g the use of this hull should make arraiiKcirienvs early, as only a n'l"u >,"'."*'«â- â- will be taUeu. ^ llierewil l,„,i,.^,lucti,„ if „ver three cows cWodf "" '"<»"• »' '"!' price wiU be L, to »«»*""""•' Sale. W. J. BsxLAMT, Pleshertou. Thompson's Bakery Our Bread is drlivored rei{ular- 1 y nr.d kept for sale at Ceylon, I'nciville, Euyouin, Kiniberloy Maxwi-li and Fevoisbam. oo --. \ Ed. Thompson. Flesherton I : m.