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Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1908, p. 4

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OcTOiJKK 22 VMS rnE FLESH ERTON AL) V AN C iH^wiiimi F. T. HILL & Co. mi^'dm^M This Week wc arc Specially SKo wiring New Millinery, Mantles, Dress Goods Clothing and Shoes. V Wlii'e ill s wci'k wi! nro spcciFilly Bhnwinu n biw raiij^u of ia>w i;iioJ« :ii t'li'l ami WiiittT styles in i>ll the Wading Imei' >if yuur iDiiuiionifiils, We liiivo als;) inc-piired iiii oxcuptinniil (."jdcI list of wiinfcd lints for wiutcr wear iit imcos ii(|)r«.'Kc'iit llio urial buying po.viT of ndollai- at tins stDre. Wu liavo ilie ouilut d tw« biy Htorei", MdiU'lalu hikI Orani^fVilli', tiim places ns in ft pn^ition to handle many bijj lines of jjoi ds which uin forced upon the iniirkot that the oidiimry store cani.ot touch. Wo nay: if the ((Unllty is riaht and also tho price, nuaiitiry dueH not 8lick us, henco the teasuii for such an uxcoptionully good li^t uf bar};uiii8 for this week. J. ^W. EO YD Grand Display of Millinery, Ladies Jackets, Furs and Dress Goods. SELLING MANTLINGS AND CLOAKINGS At a price that nill plcaae you This week wo put on sale 35 pieces of heavy winter , Mnnlliii;;s in Boavers, Heavy Friezes, Fancy Tweeds and Cuil ClutliB. They sanio in colors of Black, Grey, Fancy l'«tlcrn«, Red nnd Gioeii and are luios iha': soil i.i the vo«ular way for 1.00, 1.25, 1.75, 2.00, 2 25 and 82.00. All on aalu this wouk -ut juat half theuo prices, that is 5!1 00 111 es of Manilings for 50c. ^1.25 lines of Manllinijs for OHe. 81.50 lines iif Mantlin^s for 75c. 81.75 lines of Mantlinus for 88c. 81.00 linos of Manllinis fur 81.00. 82.50 lines of M»ntlings f,ir 81.25. B.t on hand early, they won't last lon^; at Ibis price. MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS, ODD LINES Bulling at nearly half, 85 and 9.5c lines on sale this week foi 48o. 50 Men's Sweater?, nearly all colors in the Int such as Navy Blue, Cardinal Greys and IJruwiis while they lasit, yours for . 48c. FUR CAPERTNES FOR GIRLS. Thoro's a Big S.vviiiH '» 'hose. We aro selling the at about one third of their value. OF INTEREST TO MEN. Heavy All woo! full cloth Pant.* on sulo this week for $1.25 pair. 75 i)airs of Men's heavy nil wool full cloth Pants, tho quality is good and in the regular way of se represents 81.75 and week 82.00 SELLING THE MILL ENDS AND VYOUSTEDS THIS WEEK FOR C8j. a yarJ. Annually we purchase froiu one of tho loading mills in Caintda these saniplo endi of Fine Tweocls and Worsteds. Wo have tlieni now of ci'urso in tho regular way of buying we could not begin to sell pants. All size.^ Ibis 1 ti.eni at tho price, bur, tho way we cot them makes I. tlio lelliii'' - V. Wc invito our iiiany customers (Ladies in nnrticnhu) to our l>eautitul di.spUy ot millinery, tweoilJacket«, Dres.s Goodu in<^ F'.T-;- 'r best wo have over shown. In tho Millinery department we he,ve Mikh E. L. McBoon in chuige and her roput-ition as an aitist in r^at line iH well known in this vicinity â€" Visitors to the Fair kindly give u.s nlook in â€" No ditferenco whether you buy or notâ€" No trouble to show goods. W<^: .1.35 this price possible. Your choice for per yiad. . . .G8c. Ih^wm^^'^wm MARKDALE m^^mm^ Is published every Tliursday at *1;00 [xir •nnuui if paid in advance. i»1.6c If not bo paid Dr. Sproule's Meeting Dr. Spronlo dii-cussed political malteis in tho t'lWii hall on Monday evenins to n good sized audienceâ€" an auaienco which listened to him with the deepest ntton- tioii for two hours and gave him three cheers and a vote of contidence at the end. Mr. J. A. Boyd occupied the chair. Dr. Sproule said the ijovcrnmeiit was on trial. They came to power twelve years ago with ceitsin promises that had never been fulfilled. They had wanted recipiocity with the United Stales and claimed they could fjet it, but failed, and then decided wo did not want it. Teiri- torial disputes with the I'. S. were still unsettled, and in the Alaska boundary nuesiion Canada lost everything. Sir John MacDonahl, or even Mr. Blake, would have had maltcrs settled different- ly. The Reform government had given England a preferential tarift withoui an ecjuiralent that had caused 57 woollen mills in Canada to shut down and throwing 4720 optratives out of employ- ment, many of whom bad been obliged to leave the <<iuiilry. This represented 23.000 people whoso livelihood depended upon the industry, and two millions of diillars worth of machinery was left rotiing. This coiulition of affairs hit the farmer direct. Tho promise of puro elections, he said had been far frfiin ful- filled, and cited tho c.ise of llyinan in Londiin, who had be'iii f.,rced to H«o from tho country on a plea of sickness. West Huron and IJrockville cauio in for attention, and the famous patent l>idlot boxes. IIo also referred to the "thin red lino" transaction in Manitolm where throe Consorvati»o.H had boon ohoaled out of their seals. They promised ro- diioti'in of taxation and reduced cxpoii- (litiiro, but iioilher was done. According to till) Canada Gs/.etle, the net dobt of Canada was 283 inillioiiM at Ihuondof Sepemberâ€" it was 258 millions when thu Liberals came into power, lie claim- ed that Cmadlan credit bad not grown in proportion to the prosperity of the people. Tho government paid to the poor pe«i|jlo,|I throiigli th'3 saviiiiis bank, 3 per Clint, intereat, and on temporary bmns of 15 millionsâ€" It bad never been leaa--lhey pairl the banks per cent., which was an injustics to tho poor depositor. Before Coining to power tho Reformers had raised n ureat uprpar about Conservative cabinet ineiiiliers travelling in private csrs. Tho Coiiservaiives* had three of those curs To-dav the Koveriiment had seven and were buildiin/ twi more. He only ineutioned this to show tho inconsistency Hu rUliiied th'it indopsiidenco of parlia- iiioot was a farce, and 7!) men had been taken from tho House and oppointod to oftlce, nuny of whom had hehl promises of iiftice while sitting in the House. Tho Northwest land deals came in lor very sovero ceiisiiro, and ovidonco given to hIiow the country had been lloocod to the uxtenl of millions through these deals, to the ailvanlage of friends niiil members of tt'.e lio.'ernmont. The L»urier tower at <)il:i<n. the Three Rivers wharf ami nn- fiirtunato Quebec btjdge matters also came in for attention. James Suther- land of Woodstock WAS nitod as one who had become wealthy afier a few years In rarliament. When Sift<m came to Ottawa, said tho Dr., nine executions were registered against him which could not bo cidlecteii. After 2i years in parliament he paid off his debts on a 50 per cent. Imsia, has since buill a bouse in Otuwa costing 810,000 and 85000 to fifrnisli, lioughl •! yateh for 813,000 and put 82,000 lepuirs on it, and I as biiilt a suniiner bouse on the Si. Lawrenco worth a largo sum. All this been accomp- lished in eiuht or nino years. Tlie Dr. said he had beon serving the people fi>r .30 years and ho stood for honesty and fail hfnl bereice, such legis- lation as would keep our young men at home, and above all, honest government and puro electiuna. / Upon reipiost,attho end of his address, I tho Dr. described the transactions of [the Atlantic Trading Company, which I was interosling matter to those present. NEW DRESS GOODS In Greens, Browns, Navys, Fancy stripe and Heiring Bone. Prices ranging from 55c to 81.50. Why Colds are Dangerous. Brcauae you have contracted ordinary coUls and recovered from them without treat- ment of any kind, do nut for a uioiuei ^ im- agine that uolds are not dangerous. Kvery- ono knows that \meiin'onia and chronic catarrh have tlieir nrigiu in a eoininim cold. Oonsump- tiini is notiuiuscil by a cold but the cold nir- paies tlie system for the reception and develop- luvnt of the ifvrms that would not otherwise liave found lodgement. It ii> tho same with nil infectious diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet (ever, measles and whooping coukIi arc much inorelikely to be contracted when Ih. child ho* a cold. You will see from this that more real danger lurks in a cold tban in other of the en innion ailments. The oosicnt and ([uickest way to cure n cold is to take Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy. Tie many reu'arknble cures etfeetrd by this |>rei>arntion have made i'. a staple article of trade over a large part of tho world. For sale by W. K. Hicharasun. Roil and Gun for November Fine divorsiHed reading is the leading feature of the Novoniber number of "Rod and (inn ami Molor Sports in Canada," Ijublishud liy \V. ,1. Taylor, nt Woodstock, Ont. The delights of eainjiing, oinoeing, tisliiin.', hunting and mountaineering are dwelt upon in stories which give tho ad- ded touches of |.orsonal experiences to llio pleasant pictures of oiijoymont cioh ono present.H. I'ailieulaily notable are piipers on "Tho Deer of New Brunswick" by that veteran guide, Adam Moore; "Door Farming for Piolit," a siiirmary of inquiries on this sulijocl made by the United States (loverninent; and "Will' Rico Growing in Nova Scotia" Every- one will enjoy readim; tho stories, "Run- ning tho Rapuls with an Am iteur" by L. W. liingay; "My oxporioiices as a Bear lluntei" by Dr. Heiizol; "Howl niis<ed a Moose and Deer and shot a W(>lf," by •luck Miner; and tlio friendly challenge by Mr. .1. A, Shade, whi believes, when all points are taken into oonsidoration, that he has tho llnust niooso head yet taken out of New Brunswick. Ibis summary by no means includes tho whole of tho wide field coverud. Diversions Le- in« made into many paths each ono of which must appeal to many readers. With tho variinis depaitmenti, tho wealth of material includecl in this number of the maiiazino is surpritiiiu and includes c(nitributionK that must ajipeal to all lovers of outdoor life. Alex. Mann, gardener, ..f Orangoville, has issued a writ against tho Sviperior Portland Gemoni Co. for damages to his garden, caused, «s he cement dust and smoke fr..m the plant. The case will )ir<il.ably bo ti ied at tho fall assizes on Nov. loth. An Interesting Visitor. Tho Adfancn Imil an inleiesting visit oi, Tliursd \y and Friday of last week from a valued old fiiend, in the percon of Mr. Joseph Townsond, tho founder of the Duibam Review. When wj tirst knew .Mr. Townsend, 32 years aj(0, he was pub- lishing the Oraimovillo daily Advortiter in psrtnersbip with Fishor Monroe. After a year of exporienco in this line tho partner- ship was dissolved and Mr. Townsend came to DundalU and started the Guide, which lasted only one your, when tho plant was tnkeii lo Durhiin in 1878 and tho Review started, winch has bad a tiourishing career ever since. Mr. Townsend was seven years with the paper, whou be moved to Toronto. He is at present liviiii; with a married daughter at Sumnierville, near Toronto. Ono of tho reasons why wo vnluu bis friendship is because yo editor learned bis trade with Mr. Townsend in those early days, and other, probably more important rca.son3. are embodied in tho following article that appearei in Saturday Night last spring: "A man who has given all the yeais of his life lo the unselfish puisuit of a hubby which increas- I es the sum of human knowledge, ia Mr. I Townsond, whose pictiiroii given here. Mr. Townsend used tu publish tho Dun- I dalk Guide and the Grey Review in Dur- { ham, but even in thoee days ho used to j spend every possible moment on his hobby I â€" searching for fossils. Ft, r half a cent- I ury he has carried hammer and chisel and has tramped in all corners of Ontario tapping tho rocks, collecting and labeling his finds. When he outers a ijuarry or a river bed he is oblivious tu all but his pursuit of geological specimens until he diacoveis, with a sigh, that darkness has fallen and to further continue his labors miijbt cause liim to destroy some valual le specimen that ho or another might secure another day. Tliousaiids of tho fossilsthal Mr.Towns- end has collected are in the Geological Survey at Ottawa and in tho collections of Toronto and McOill Universities. It is perhaps fair to say that no other man in Canada bus done such a vast aniouiM of personal collecting, and neatly all this work bo hai done in half a centuiy of discoura^'oniont and per.sonal A 111(111 more entirely unselli.sli in all respects it would tiu hard to find. During the pnsi couple of years thu anthoritiea of the University of T.i..:^'<i, recognizing bis ability as a cotleCi.'<r, have sent him out on stiminur trips, on :o down East and once out to thu Western provinces â€" and these iiii.ssicuis he has regarded as the great opportunities of his lifo. But his lifetime services have in no way been re- ooi;nized or rewarded, although I feel sure many who know tho man's simple-minded devotion to hii speciality and his ill-ro- (piited labors, will .say that tho country might, through tho Geological Survey, griuit him a punsion, or offer him suck an appointment us would enable him to de- vole Ills reiuainiu:.' days to the work in wliiuli ho is BO experieocod. " Wliilo hero Mr. Townsend visited Eugenia in his 'dihcial" capacity. While ihiccuplinu a car in the C P. R. yards at Hanover, Chaa. P. Clark, con- ductor of a mail tri>in,niota terrible death on thursday of last weok. While switch- ing tho mail train otTtlio miin track to make way for I he eastliound express, ho slipped ill botween I ho cars to uncouple thoin. In some way'his foot got caught and the oar wheels piisaed over him, mang- ling him in a terrible manner. Ho leaves a wife, but Inis no children. Hia narenis live ill Luidou. His father and Iro'her are nKo railway men. Ladies and Misses Tweed Jackets. Lhis year the all-wool .somi-tftting Kersey Coat is the leader. Wo have a complete range in sizes and liricesâ€" Lad es, 87. 50, 810.00, 812 00 813 50, 814.50, 815.00. Pricesâ€" 85.50. Children's, 82.50 to 84.00. FURSI FURS! FURS! It sounds a little inconsistent to bo talking about furs this hot weather, but never mind the w-atherâ€" come in and examine our Furs and satisfy yourself that our prices are right Our New Hair Vigor Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, tlie best that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, is better. It is the one great specific for fall- ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you, "the new kind." Docs not change the color of the hair. A VormuU wiUk •*oli bottl* 9 yers Bbow U to Toor do«ioF Ask him aboat It, th«n do »• li* says For Sale OueBpsn of LiKlitniLi; Colts ocniing tl;ree, matei.etl. Keaily towoili. Also oi:e Sliortliotn K I nsliK eu nioDtliB old, bied by Geo.llristow, Itohlioy, iu.mbe.-CB.U5, iDTolumo21. NaujBâ€" vuliiKo Captain. ALHK.KT E- HANLEY, Lot IC, Osprey, Keversham P. O. 4. Con. As we now make our new Htir Vigor it does not have the slightest effect upon the color of the hair. You may use it freely and for any length of time with- otit fear of changing the color. Stops taUing hair. Cures dandruff. â€" XwU hfXhtJ.O. AjT OS., LowsU. I d l ssi, â-  Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, diily 8 2 60 Toronto Daily News L' UO Weekly Globi I 80 Mail-Empire .... .75 Family Herald A Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun . . .'. 1 80 Farmers Acxocata 2 25 Weekly Wit.iesa 1 76 SalnrdayNiuht 2 60 Scottish Pride 66274 Tlie yoiniK Imll ^^eott^Kll I'lide will stand for Borvico nt Mr. F. W. Nicttolfion's, lot ;.7, col>. iS. Avtoniesla. Scottisli iiridu U siie.i l>y Scottish I'rince, a gtaiMlson of tlio woiKlorfnl ♦•liow cow, (loin of Iiellucliiu, lini> . wltnior of eight prizes at Torout) antt Ijoniion. besides beioa chanin- ion female. She weiKln over imX) pouiulo. Cue of tlii^ cow's calve-* snlti for $l77.'i.tX3. Seottiali nricto is out of I;Sily Hella l>y the Toronto ftiBt urizo win.Tor, Cnittalu May Kly, imp iJHH.'>8. youug bull Ims prove'! liiiii- Hitif a hliowbull havinf^ Kaieod an onconrai^iiiK recor-t this fall at Kovorsbani. Ho won tirst prize as l) bull calf, also diplouia foi* host bull any a({0. Tboso haviiiq pure bred cows should BOO this Ki and bull before breidiiiR as they cannotdo bettertlian ine hioi. A limited' number of RraftoH will bo tukou at ?1;«>; For pure breils. SI.OO. Came Astray Came to tin" premise.H of lliu undei signed, lot 72, Con. 2, Aitemtsia.on Oct(iliev2ni1, ono hound. Tilt owiu r is veqm-sted to \n-ove property, pav expenses and take the Ksnisaway. Th09. Favloii, Portlaw. Roosters for Sale. Three Bluniv inland Ued loosterH for' sale, good stock birds, .\pp1yatthis office. Came Astray. Cnino to tho promise" of tlio nndersiKued, lot 0, eon S), Ospiey, about Auk. Ij.lust, ouo steer, 'tlie owaer is requested lo jirove pr, pertv, pay exiHUtcs and take tbo fame snav, P. V aoMKR^, Ma.\wcll HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE For f ale cbeap and on ecsv tonus. Rood com- f ottsble fruue dwcllinp, stable aud driviuc boHto with three villsRe lots, inCeylor. Dwel inu well built aud tlnisbed, and Rood bearins 01 chard on the property. Apply to 1!. J. Spbocle, Flesherton. Farm For Sale or Rent. For sale cheap, orrent, iiuniediatg possession. liot 30, Con. U, ArteuiBSia, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log house and Irauio barn. Aunlv to h. .1. Sproule, Klcsberton. or John J. MartitC across the load from said lot. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Leviuiasand Wimples, tho best of breedinc and qualit". Hull, cows and heifers for sale at reasonable prices t 32,con.3 CH.*S. STAFFORD. Fleshertoo Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. IhaveaBnelot of ytmiiff pigs bred from prize winning stock, for sale. Write me for 1 rices. I can give a harKain also (guarantee satisfaction on all mail orders. (!eo. W. ROSS, Ma.\well P. O. Bull For Service. Hiawatha, No. 72012, the young shorthorn bull, will stand for service at Mr. t^eo. H. Hurks, on lot 12, con. 9, Osprev. This youiiij linll liiia the best of breeding along milking lines, his dam being a ''Wild dame," ore of theileepest milking strains of shorthorns on record. Parties desiring the use of this bull should inalie .•vrnii'Kenients early, .is only a liniired nninber will he taken. TKltMS: tirades, ?2. 00. Pn re beds, $5.00. There wilt be a le.Uietion, if over tlirce cows me bidiiclit. Cows bud to tins bull must be returned if not in calf, or full price will bo eharirod. Farm for Sale. I-.ts K.J 8 anil u. Con. i:j. in tho township of Os prey IMi acres, larne clei.rini', rooiI frame barn and s'abieB. Rood dwelliui; aud well- Apply ou the pieniisiR or to \V. ,J. Bki.lamt, Flesherton. ThoiTipson's Bakery Our Bread is delivered regular- ly and kept fnrtalo at Ceylon, Priceville, £uj;cnia, Kimbcrley .Vluxneli and Feveisbani. 1 <X> Ed. Thompson. Flesherton - '•; â-  !*

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