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Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1908, p. 5

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TflE FLEES HERTON ADYANCE October 1 19<)8 1 The Value of Economy Many people fail to save, because tliey do not realize the importance of small economies. The practice, once begun, of laying aside a portion of your income, no matter how small, every week or month, will soon become a fixed habit. The result in a few years will probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start a Savings Account to-day v/ith go THE STANDARD BANK Eu.bli.hed 1873 Qp CANADA 51 Br««d«. FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell. Manager BRANCHIUf AUSO AT DVRJBA^M AND HARRISXOIT. VICINITY CHIPS Rain I Rain ! ! Rain 1 ! ! W. A. ArmttroDi; iuuer of raarrisRs leaoMfl. Bornâ€" ro Mr. and Mri. H. D. Pedlar, Oxbow, Sank., a d8UKhter,Dn Sept. 20lh. Wantedâ€" Drug apprentice, R. L. Stephen, Markdale. Yearling cult by Gronsloir Charming, lor sale. T. Lever, Flesherton. Two colta for sale â€" 1 and 2 yeara old fast. R. Richardson, Fletiherton. Tho hare hunting aeaaua opens to-day. Oct. 1st. Oweu Sound will again strugula with a local option vote in Januaiy next. Chataworth expects to vote on lucal •ptiun next year. Mr. Charles Bellamy, son of Mr. W. J. Bellamy, who was badly injured in the Caledoa wreck, received last week a satis- factory letllument with the C. P. R. Cu. House to Rent â€" Brick residence, large Koud stable, lately owned by Mrs, 'Win.~\>ftal Aitfly to John Stuart, rieaherton. -^OUJS.V.,:.^ -^.^^ A horse belongintr to Mr. Geo. Stewart got itielf mired in Munshaw'a field on Friday. It took quite a crowd to pull him out but the effort was successful and the animal ia none the worse for it. W. VV. Trimble'acolt, Paddy McKinley woo first money at the Uurhain races last week. Mr. Black of Durham informs The Adiance that these race* were the best ever held in this north country, and Ur. Black ought to know. Paddy will take in the Aytou faii lliis week. For Sale- -A p»ir of three year old eolts, bred from Merry Masson. Lot 20, O. D. U., Ceylon, P. O. Ont, W. J. Heads. 24sa After one month of extreme h(?at, â- moke and dust, the wtlcome break cnniu as a blessed relief on Monday, when a nice prolonged rain sot in, followed by eool weaiiur. To tho thrifty housewffe, -who had emptied her cistern lung agu, the loiiged-fur ruin was quite a.t welcome as tu the agriculturist who wished to do some full pluughing, bub- whose imple- ments cuuld not work the dry soil. Rifle fur Sale â€" Winchester, 38-55,good as new, also cover, cleaner and two boxes of caririiiges. Geo. Cairns, Flosheiton. With our new press wo can now handle any amount of news and wuuld particul- arly request that iuterestinK items be banded in or our reporter informed' of anything th^tt is going on. It is our ambition to give all the legitinnate news Koing, but in order to do this it is neces aary tor those becoming acquainted with •vents to inform some member of the staff «r drop it in tho postoffice. Help us to net all the news items in this manner and fejoice in the knowledge of a good act well performed. Pig strayed â€" White, weight about 60 lbs., about July Ist, Finder oommuni- •ate with M. Wilsou, Flesherton. Don't forget the entertainment under the auspices of the South Grt>y teachers' association in the town hall, Flesherton, •n Thursday eve., Oct, 8tb. Miss Eliie Diaon Craig will be there. Of Mits Craig the leading Toronto papers have the following to say: "She has a perfect- ly controlled voice of unusual quality langing from a deep baritune to a high aUottu. Vooal and facial expression are alike excellent. Sho has a strikingly prepossessing appearance. Her greatest success is in "Vocal Contrasts"â€" (which will bo rendered O'jt. 8th) In this poem written for her by her teacher, Mr. O. A. Smithy, hor loncK viiry from iho cry- ing of a young child tu the deep bass growl of II polsiioal orator." The Advanue has, during the past woek, taken a great big stride ahead in the march uf progress by ins>:alling a two revolution 6-colunm Campbell prefs and a gasoline engine, purchased from tho well-known firm of Miller & Richard, typefounders and pressmen of Toronto. Ihis places us on a capacity footing equal with any I'ewspaper office in the county, and will enable us tu enlarge the paper and do bettnr work and firs times as much of it. Mr. Doughty, a practical machinist am- ployed by the firm, has been hers for a week past putting in the m.-tchinery and (tettiug It into order. The press weighs over live tons, exclusive uf the engine. For Sale â€" One Sberlnck-Manning organ, nearly new, at half price. Lewis F. Kipp, Flesherton, Ont. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. A., B. D., preached two thanksgivinic sermons in the Methodist church on Sunday to large congregations. Tie church was lavishly decorated with all the garden and orchard products of the year. Special muaic was provided by the choir. At the evening service a quartette, "Now the Day is Over," by Misses Thurston and Trimble, Dr. Murray and R. Wilcox, was beauti- ully rendered and much enjoyed by those '**»?"'»t . . The evening sermon was on the subject'of* faresâ€" "Let them grow until tho harvest ** And the harvest is the end of the world." The subject was handled in an original manner and in Mr. Wilson's own irainitabla way. Don't be afraiil to ^ive Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy to your children. It is in- tended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whoop ing couKh, and it is the t>est medicine made fur these diHeases. For sale by W, £. Richardson. In last week's issue wo mentioned the fact that our very esteemed friend and M. P. P., Mr. T. B. Lucaa, had obaerved a sea serpent in his transit across the Atlantic a couple of weeks ago. The animal has been identified and turna out to have beiin a common icthyostomaohaci- cusR, Ih "'left the common trail on the water, w ch was fairly calm at the time th«* anim was seen. IKe make this ex- planation with pleasure, and are pleased to assure Mr. Lucas' many friends that it was nothing worse. PERSONALS Master Harold and Miss Clara Lever visited friends at Harkawac, recently. H*rdy Pattnn of Duiidalk visited hero over tho frtir. Ho won the mile race ac the SbelburiiH fair, leading easily. Mrs. John Waters'm and son Robeit' of Barrie, spent tho past weok with the former's sister, Mrs. T. R. Lm-er, of the suburbs. Mr. Alex. English, who baa been up in Parry Sound district all summer, return- ed huaie last week. Miss Reta LeOard of Clarksburg spent show day with her parents hero. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Moore and master Kenneth and Miss Margery, of Wils'jn, New York, spent show day with the former's brother, Mr. Will, Moore, in town. Mr. Morvyn Wright of Clarksburg spent show day with Mr. and Mrs. U. C- LeOard u' this place. Mr. (>eo. Lothian of Dromore spent show day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore in town. Mr. Nelson Hurlburt, Thurnbury, and Mr. Watt of the Thornbury Herald staff, called on The Advance on Saturday. Nelse. was an old schoolfellow of The Advance man and is always a welcome caller at our shanty. Mr. W. Irwin, of the Durham Chron- icle, and Miss Rita, were in town on Fair day. Mr. Irwin was the only one of our surrounding cuufrers who graced the fair with their presence. But then he makes up fur the|r abaetioe, a whole lot. Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmore and family of Owen Sound, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bellamy. Miis Edna Lindsay of Owen Sound spent several days last week with Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Mr. John Ferguson of Jaledon is visit ing his brother, Malcolm, uf west back linc.Artemesia, and other friends in this vicinity,and was a welcome caller at the Advance office on Tuesday. Go to tlw blood, if ynu are to drive out rbeiinMtisni. A Wieoonoin pliysicinn, Ur.Shoiip.doo.s this wiih his Rheumatism HiMiiedy â€" ;ind with teeming siicct'ss. Rub-un's, says tho doctur, never did cure Rheuiiiatism. It is nmrc than skin deoj) it is coustiliitidiinl, aUvays. Because of this principal. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Keoiudy is perliaps tho most popular in t'Xisti'nci'. It goes by word of mi.utb from one to another, everywhere, Grate- ful patients liludly spread resull.s. It is ar, net of humanity, to tell the sick of a way to health. Tell some sick one. Sold by all dualera. Reform Convention. About 100 East Orey Reformers met in convention hereon Saturday last to select a candidate to contest the riding in opposition to Dr. Sproule. The lirst order of business was the election of officers, which resulted as follows; President, A. C. Patterson, Blantyre; Vice-President, K. D. Carruthers, Kimberlcy;Seo.-Treas., J. £. Foster, Clarksbui?. Mr.Uarlman was offerpcl|the|uDanimous nomination but declined, as he had carried tho banner on t wo former occasions. Other nominations made were: P. MoCullough, Miirkdale; Dr. Brown, R. t). Carruthers, A, C. Patterson, John Buland, A. Ouy, J. D. Morgan and E. Riymond. All retired in favor of Mr. Raymimd, who was declared the candidate. A resolution was passed expressing confidence in the Laurier Gev- ernment. Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause rather then the effect, would come into practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Slioop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the heart, and one tothe kidneys. When these ''inside nerves-' fail then the organs must filter. Dr. Shoop'a Restora- tive is directed snccilionlly to thcs? fail- ing nerves. Within 48 hours aftci sliirt- iiig tho Restorative Ireatuu-nt pntieuta say they realize a gam. Sold by all d'-aleiB. A plain prescription is printed upon each 25c. box of Dr. Sbuop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if this formula in not complete. HeadjMiins, womanly pains, pains anywhere get in- stant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. Sold by all dealers. Some w^ks ago a representative of the Ottawa Government visited Arthur and took evidence of the capture of Moir. Several parties claimed tb«> reward, among them Hnbb brothers, of Michol township, for whom Moir worked, who claimed they gave the necessary informa- tion. Their claim, however, did not meet with favor and they were promptly turn- ed down. Afrer a careful scrutiny of the evidence it was decided that P. J. Farrell, Arthur's chief constable, and Mr Draper were entitled to tho reward. On Tuesday woek policeman Farrell received tho Govcrumeiili cheque for 8500, which was well merited, and divided equally uetween himself and Mr. Draper. To quickly check a cold, drusgisls are dispensing everywhere, a clover Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Prevoii tics. Pruvoiities are also line for feverish chilii- ron. Take Prcvemics at tlio Hnoeza .stayo t') head (jtr colds. Box of 38â€" 2oc. Bold by all dealers. While in to\<'n a few days ago W. C. Boyd, Copper Cliff, had occasion to go lo the nail tiictory. He jumped off the train at tho liiko junction in order to save walking back the distanco frmn the Htaliuii. The train wns uvidiMit'y going fas'er than ho thought and tho result waa he got a very nasiy tuinblo, bruising himself considerably. â€" Colliiigwood Bul- letin, Rock Mills The smoke and heat in this district were becoming serious. For nearly six weeks i.o rain had fallen here to speak of, and wells and streams were drying up, but Monday we were overjoyed to see such a nice shower. Mr. and Mrs. James Quimby have moved into Mr. Sam Pedlar's house on the gravel. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pedlar of Oxbow, Sask., a daughter. Mr. Alex English, who has been away for aoinotime, has'returned home, where many friends welcomed him. Mrs. Rob. Phillips of Toronto, visited the parental home, Mr. R. Boy's. Mr. Frank PhiUips of Toronto, was home the past week. ^hen Yotf \TakeQold One way is to pay no attention to it ; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- otlier way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, " The best thine for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. A Wa publUh our formvUa ^ W* bamlalt aloehol firon o ur Mw iirtnâ€" o«asmlt7oar Ao«tor yers â-¼hen the bowels are constipated, poi- aoneut substances are absorbed into the bloodinstead of being daily removed from the body aa nature intended. Knewinc this dineer, doctors always inquire about the ceodltion of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. Ksii >ari>ejr.c.ay»»o«.. i lasn.Wiss Golden Legend Fiiro Rred TamA-orth Boar for service on Lo 1 170, 2ud K. T. &aR. TemisSLOO. RICHARD ALLEN. Farm to Rent Lots 05. CC and 07. coa. .1, Artemesia, LW acres, K^Soiuarcd HOj uuiler cultivation, all fenced, Iwf, gooil orcbards; Ip.rgo frame baru, basjineiit baru uiiil outer frame barn 21 x iiC.I frame ilwelliiiK. This will be made a good tliiUK for tbe rigbt man. W. H. McN'.VLLY, Portlaw Fair Warning I beroby forbid any person or percoiis o-att- inK or roiiioviiifimiy timber of and kind what- ovar, pasturing cattle, hmitius or trospassiie on my property, Lot :;i, Con. U, Artemesiu. oxoepl by my written aRreeioent Hud couseut. I bavoujada urauKoiueut-i whoroby I sball l)o kept iiiforiued. and will proaec.uto to the limit of tba law. any trespassiuK on my proi>erty as above described. F. T. CABB. Farm for Sate Lots No: ICl and 163 1st iioitb-aast of T. 4 S. Koad, Artemesia- TbJre arofiood buildia«» on tbe promises* Tenders will tie received up to October tho 30tb 1908. Apply to Jobu WrigUt, FleBberton. FARM TO RENT For Rent, lot 37, con, 4. Art^inajia. 103 aorei, 85 to 90 cleared and under cultivation, comfort- able dwelliug, bank barn, stone stablins. in a first class sottleiuout. aud well wortby tlia at* teution of tliose raquiriDg such. B. .'. Spnouus. PlesbeTton: I^^s^s^s«^s?rj<^PSCS«^?8f«?«^S8K<^s«XS«ss^ 9^ Roosters 1or Sale. Tbree Rhod* island Had roosters tor saU, good stook birds. Apply at tbia offlce. Hound Lost. OnSept. aoih, one larRii white honn d with Uoht vollow spotR, and off ono ear, had fauiiy collar with:Wm. . I Cliar.l, Itouk Mill«. on it. Any information which will load to hh reoov- ory will borawaidod by \Vm. J. Chard, Uook- Mills, Ont. Came Astray. CaniB to tho promises of tho iindorsiKno.l, lot 0, ooii.K, Osprov, about Aui'. 15. Inst, ono stoor, Thoownar U ri-qiiostod to provo property, pay oxoousoJaud tak J the satiM aw:\v, 1". F. Soitaaa, MixsToll WE ARE OFFERINQ FOR Fall Wear a good stock of new and fashion- able goods. Boots, Shoes, Slippors and Kubbers. These you want for WORTH AND WEAR, CHOICE AND CHEAPNESS Also a lot of Trunks, Telescopes. Seasonable goods and reasonable prices. A lot of ladies' and child - rens summer goods offering very cheap at CLAYTONS ^^K^9^X]KsS^XX^2^^^K^K^^^^2^^ FALL MILLINERY Our Full Millinery Opening will be held this year on Thursday *iid Friday of this woekâ€" fair days. Drop in and see the latest styles of Fall Millinery. Miss Wilkinson 1 Is Hgain ill chiwgo of the showrooms. It will be her pkitsure to show tlVo different slylos to you. Bo sure to dnp in aud see them when j'ou avo attending the fair. A visit hero will 1 e full of interest. If you want a hatâ€" come; if you don'tâ€" come anyway. F. G. KARSTEDT REPAIRING SALE! We are putiinR an extension to the store and in order to save niovinR «o insny goods we are going to sell ihern off cheap for the next fo» days. Now n the time to get your dishaa for threshings and save money. We got a load of plumbs in from the fruit country, as we expect they are about aa cheap as they will bs. We have also Nice Pears, Peaches and lots of ripe Tomatoes. SEALERS, all sizes, at right prices. Almost every day we get more courage to praise our Flour, as our customers loll us they are well satisBed with it. 'fry a bag of tho Cream of tho West, or for a cheaper flour satisfaction is aseured. Higgest prices always paid For Butter and Eggs.either Cash or Trade. JAS. PATTI50N, CEYLON \ , Our Motto isâ€" Small Profits and Quick Returns. %

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