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Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1908, p. 4

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I I'liiiii HWM WH October 1 1908 THE F L E S K £ R T O N ADVANCE ^WWWWWW F. T. HILL & Co. WWWWWWi Our Great Fall Millinery Opening Will Take Place On Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 Wlien wo will place on exhilntion tho very latest novcUies in Full Millinery, representing the very late English luiil American styles. Miss Stein, who is again in charge, will lie pleuHed to meet her many customers nn opening days to view what is new and up-to-date in millinery. It will pay you to vilit this department of our store if you aie particular about style i nd what you wear and are looking for sxclvsivo styles moderately pric- ed. lU'uuniber the opening Days. We extend a cordial invitation. FIRST SHOWINO OF NEW FALL AND WINTER STYLES IN MANTLES. This week we have opened up our new stock of Fall Hiid winter Mantles U:r Ladies', Giils' and Children's Wear and we sre now ready to show you the very late »tjleii in Gerinnu and Canadian Coats. \\\ are mtHierately priced from $2.25 to 816 V) each with a very Urge variety tn select from. NEW FALL HOSIERY SPECIAL. Big value at 25c. per pair. This week is the week to buy hosiery. We are sellinsj a pure all wool worsted stocking in all sizes for ladies and girls, well knit and heavy ia weight, big value for the money, per pair ?5c. WHAT WE ARE DOING IN CLOTHING FOR (SELLING MENS THE BOYS. For the Isnt two weeks wa have sauiple suits, for men, of one of the been selling the largest and 'best inanufaeturers in Canada. This week we put on sale the sample suiU, for boys, which is part of the same big purchase, and this is how we are selling the boys sample suits. 83 suits, all samples, remember no two alike, but all sizes from 28 to 33 are in the lot and tbry consist of all the new patterns In Enslish, Scotch snd Canadian Tweeds and tbey are all 4.(i0, 4 76, 6.00. 5.50 and t«.00 suits, on sale this week at one price, per suit 13.95 Be on baud early, the best always go 6rst. SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS GOODS REMNANTS This week we put on sale 125 ends of Dress Goods. They come in lengths of 3 to 4J yards, in every case enough to make a skirt or waist, and all the popular lines of Dresa Goods are amoni(st' the lot, such as Cashmeres, Broadcloths, Lustres, Satin Cloths and Tweeds. All on sale this week at ^ less than regular price*. UNDERWFAR DISCOUNT. AT A BIG The balance of our slock of last year's Winter Under- wear un sale this week. Selling Men's Unshrinkable Underwear in shirts and drawers, beins 75, S5 and $1 00 values, and balance of our las'; years stock, on sa'.e this week at per garment C8c. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS. 75 Fancy Decorated Jugs of Engli<>h manufacture, good usefulsize, special this week for 16c. 75 Fancy Decorated Jugs in English and German make, 35 and 40c lines, this week 28c. I J. &W. BOYD! Grand Display of Millinery, Ladies Jackets, Furs and Dress Goods. We invite our many customers (Ladies in mr ticular) to our lieautitul displiiy ot millinery, tweed Jackets, Gix)Jii and Furs â€" tha best we hjive ever shown. In the Millinery department we have Miss E. L. McBeon in charge and her reputation as an artist in that line is well known in this vicinity â€" Visitors to the Fair kindly give us a look in â€" No difference whether you buy or not â€" No trouble to show goods. %mmmfm HARDWARE DEPARTMENT I In this department we are carrying the best line of , Stoves in the country. Ask to see the Banada Range so many are talking about. MARKDALE WWWWWWf ^^ fbe Is publuhed every Thursday at 11.00 per Annam If T>»>d In advance, ll.Se if not so paid Maxwell Items X. The heavy rain on Monday was very cnuch appreciated, but the change of veather was keenly felt after so much 4*; -' "warm, dry weather. ^ Potato raising is the order of the day ie tubers are turning out well around this part. Miss Allison of AUiston is visiting her uncle, Mr. Joseph Allison, of tho 4th line, Mrs. James Inkstar nid family of JBladworih, Sask., is visiting with her ^ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McOallum, at ^ilWs Lizzie Guy and Jessie Cameron have returned after an extended visit with friends ill the S(io snd Dollarville. C»pt. Bemrose paid a flying visit to his many friends hero U week ago Sun- day. Miss McDonald of .Singhaniplou and Miss Gillenpii) of Creeiiioru visited recent- ly with Mrs. fJuy. Mr. and Mre. John Blakeley of Cor- Itetton spent Suiirtiiy wilh the latter'a parents, Mr. and M'S. Ed. Linloy. Mr. George Linley visited recently at his home here. Special harvest home services will be held in St Mary's chinch on Oct. Ulh at 11 o'clock a. ni. and 7 p. ni. Rev. Mr. Morris will assist, An onterlainmciit will be given in the hall on Oct. 12th in aid of St. Mary's chuich. A good p o- grain is expected. Mis9 Lily Piieatly visited her aunt at Rock Mills last week. Mr. CliJS. Phillips and wife, of Toron- to, are visiting at the former's (larentat home, Mr. Tucker Phillips', giavel road. Charlie spent an evening at Mr. W. H. Quy's and brought the bag pipes siting, and sumo excellent niusiu was gii»». Good boy, Charlie! Didn't knni; there was so much Scotch about you. Miss Annie Heron is visiting her aunt at Caledou at present. Miss fTylie has gone to Markdatato learn the millinery. Hhses Alice Fenwick and Edith Mor- rison are visiting Mrs. (Rev.) Kemp of fTaltera Falls this weak. A number of people from here took in the fairs last week lit Goilingwood and Flesherton. Feversham. Messrs. E. and J. Barber of Osprey have purchased J'lhn McGowan'a general store and premises at Feversham, andaie taking stock this week. Mr. Adam Kinnear, of the Temperance HouBS here has sold out to Mr. James Feifuson, of Maxwell. He lakes posses- sion on April Ist next. Mr. Geo. Cooper loit a mare. The animal got its leg broken and had to be shot. The new bridge over the Beaver river in t )wn has been completed. It is a truss bridge with a 53 feet span. No one need fear any danger in crnssiiig this new bridge. It is absolutely sale fur farinurs to bring their butter and eggs tc town. No danger of a wetting now. Wo are preparing for a good show here on Friday of next week. Don't forget to juin the crowd. root crop is in bad need of rain and will be small. Mr. John Martin and Miss Cora, spent most of the i>ast week in CoUingwood. Miss Mary Bran iff has Kone toFhsher- ton to learn the dress niuking. Mr. Geo. Smith fell 14ft from a straw stack and hurt his back. It will be a few days before ho is able to get around. Last Thursday night lietween ten and eleven o'clock tire broke ont in the little church and before many minutes had elapsed all was a mass oi flames. It iis supposed some tramp set it en fire. If a strong wind had been howling the whole neighborhood would have been swept out. Mr. Hutchinson and two children and Miss Martin of Redwing, spoilt Sunday with Mr. John Martin. For Chronic Diarrhoea. ''While in the army in UG3 I was taken wilh chronic diarrhuen," aiiyii lieorKe M. Felton >if Hi>utli(>ibHi>D, I'a. "I have since triei) many rcnii'dienlmt witluiHl any pennanent relief, until Mr. A. W. Milos, of thin |)lace, immuad- ••d me t<) try Cliainlu'rIain'H dilic, Cholera and iJiarrliiiea Ueniedy, one bottle of which stop- IH'd it at once." l''or milu l)y \V. K. Uichard- son. Andrew Schenck. President ot tho Germunia Fire Insur- ance Co., Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for over a year, and can Hay that it has never failed to cure the most stubborn courIi oi eold. 1 can recommend it to any family us u sure and safe children's cough Keiiiedy.â€" .\ndrew Schenck, Ayj.n Out. This KiuieUy for sale b W. K. Kivhardsun. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheuma- tism 'if the muscles of the siiinll of the liack, and is (juickiy cured by njiply^ng Chamber- lain's Ijiiiinient two or three times a day sale lading tlif by W. K. Kichaititnn. and For Port Law A lit tlo child of Mr. and Mr.s. Herb Nicliol's, died last week. Much symiiiithy is extended to the borca'.cd parjiits, Tho people of this vicinity wero much pleased to see the rain <)n Mcmday, after such .-i lung spell of exceedingly warm and dry weather. Tho plasterers and painters avo now busy at our handsome schoolhouse. Messrs. Abrain and David Wakey, who wont to the west on of the harvest ex- cursions, returned homo last Thursday. Mrs. Keist of Parrie, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. McMoster. Mr. Wes. Jamioson is lying ill in St. Michael'i ho.spital, Toronto, with typhoid IVfr. Fred and Miss Grace Jainieson of Eugenia, visited their friends, on the third lino recently. Hill brolher>: have purchased the Har- rave fi^rm, on the fourth line. Pricevllle A Children's Service will D. V. he held iu till) Methodist Church here next Tues- day, Oct. 4th at IO.:iO a. in. at which thoir ! pastor, Rev. M. Berry, will address tho > children on Fox Hnuting. Why Colds are Dangerous. Because you have contracted ordinary colds and recovered from them without treat- ment of any kind, du not for a moment im- agine that colds are not dangerous. Kvery- one knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh have tlieir origin in acoiunion cold. Consump- tion is not caused by a cold but tho cold nie- parea the syattfUi for the reception and develop- ment of tha genus that wimld not otherwise have found lodgement. It iv the same with all infectfous diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping coukIi are much more likely to be cimtractcd when tlie child hae a cnld. You will see frimi this that more real danger lurks ins cold than in other of the common nilineutH. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chaiii))erlaiii's Congh Kliniedy. The many roniarkable cures effected by this pve]mrHliou Imvo made i*. a staple article of trade over a large part of tho world. I'or sale l)y W. K. Richardson, East Mountain Terrible dry wedthor still iiievails and over;; 'ling i.s aliuiist scoi-ched up. The, Mr. E. J. Hartford, who has charge of the moving of the Kuochtel loas at Proton Stati >ii, Pricevllle, the ^Uloii and Mc- VVillinms, is rushing thuiii in these days, about 50 cars having gime through and perhaps as many nujie to follow. What with gravel, l.igs, mail and tho re- gular fiallic wo have n bu.><y C. ,\\ R. line. â€" Durham Review. Ca efiilly Corrected Er cli Week O'lta sc •„ .% P"" 80 to 80 '>»rley 45 â-º.) 45 ^Vhett 80 10 80 Hay 7 00 .o 800 Butter 20 vc 20 Bwgs, fresh 19 to 19 Potatoes per bag 75 to 75 Cteese to IJiioks , to Chickens CO to 00 Turkeys 00 to 00 Wool 14 16 ' Thompson's Bakery Our Bread is delivered regular- ly and kept for sale at Ceylon, Prioeville, Eugenia, Kimborley Maxwell and Feversbam. OO â- \ { Ed. Thompson, Flesherton NEW DRESS GOODS In Greens, Browns, Navys, Fancy stripe and Heiring Bone. Prices ranging from 65c to JILSO. Ladies and Misses Tweed Jackets. Lhis year the all-wool semi-fitting Kersey Coat is the leader. We have a complete range in sizes and pricesâ€" Ladies, $7.50. 910.00, 912.00, $13.50, $14.60, $13.00. Pricesâ€" Misses $5.50. Children's, $3.50 to $4.00. FURS I FURS I FURSr It sounds a little inconsistent to be talking .obont' furs this hot weather, but never mind th#^ weatherâ€" come in and examine our Furs and satisfy yours<nf t'nat our prices are right Farm for Sale Ix>t> 34 and S5, con. 8 S. U. R. lOO sores. S5 cleared. 10 acres psftuie, balanoe'good busb. Barn 63 x 50, driving sbed, KOod (raoie house, i wells, 1 acre of oicliard aud stone wall under barn. RauKoen river crosses back of farm. Well fenced and in good state of cultivation, 'i miles from Troton Station, For terms apply aa urem.'aes to Ist Dot. JAUE8 H: VAUSE, Proton Station Scottish Pride 66274 Tbe youDK bull Soottish I'ride will stand for service at Mr. F. W. Nicholsun's, lot 37. cou. 5, Artemesia. Scottish pride is sire I by Kcottisb Prince, a foandsoa of the wonderful show cow, Qeni of Hollachiii, Imp., wionerof eight prizes at Toronto and Loudon, besides being cbanip- ion feruale. Hbo neigiis over lOOO pounds. One of this cow's calves sold fur 91775.00. Scottish prido is out of Lady Kella by the Toronto nrst prize winuor, Caittain May Fly, imp 2S8SH, This youug bull has proved him- self a showbull having gained an encouraging record this fait at Feversham. He won nrst prize as beet bull calf, also diploma for best ball any age. Those having pure bred cows sliould soe this grand bull before breeding as they cannot do better IMun use hiui. A limited ninul>er of grades will be taken at ^1;-^; For pu.o breds. dl.OO. Bull For Service. Hiawatha, No. 721112, the ymmg shorthorn linll, wilt .stand for service at Mr. lieo. 11. liurk.'i, oil lot 12, eon. 0, Osprey. This youuK bull has the best iti breeiliu},' alon;; uiilkiiig lilies. Ills dam being a "Wilil dame," <me of the deei>eat milking straiii.-(of shorthorns on record. Parties detjiring the use of thi.'t bull shoiilii make arrangement!* early, as only a limiied iiumber will be taken. TERM.S: tirades, 82.00. Pure V reds, S!;").O0. There will bo a re;Uiction, if over throe cows are brouKht. Cows bred to this bull must be returned if uot in calf, or full price will be chanred. Farm for Sale. L./ts E.J 8 and 8. {'ou. 13. iu the township of Osprey 150 acres, large clearing, good frame barn and s'-ables. good dwelling aud welb Apply ou the premises or to W. J.llEi.L,AMT, Flesherton. Farm For Sale or Rent. Vox sale cheap, rTent, immediate possosslon. liOt 30, Cou. 14, Artemesia. about li acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply to tt. J. 8prou1e, Flesherton. or John J. Martin, across tho toad from said lot. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. liCvlnias and Wimples, tho best o( breeding audqualitv. Bull, cows and heifers for sale at reasonable prices t !liJ,oon,S CHAS. 8T AFFORD. Flesherton Slabs and Edgings for Sale. We will sell the 4 ft. Blabs and Kdgings at our mill ou eon. 8, Artemesia, at .tl.OO per cord By applying to Mr. Jno. Parliament, opposite the mill, ha will inoasure and receive cash for tbe wood when taken away, We will further pay a reward of tiVOO for proof ofanyone taking wood from there inthe past, or who may take wood in the future with' out our authoritv or Mr, Parliament's, KEENAN BROS., Limited, Owen Bound Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. I have a fine lot of young pigs bred from prpe winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices. I can give a bargain also guarantee satisfaction on all mail orders. fJco. W. R()a.S, Ma.xwcll P. O. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE For sale cheap and ou easy terms, good oon.- forlftbln frnnio dwolUng, stnl.l', and driving liousa, with three vilUun lots. In Covloe Dwo'i- iiiK well built and flnishcd. and good boariug oicliard on tho property. Apv'.y to R. 3. Spttovi.B, Flesherton. For Sale One span of Llghtniug Colts coming tbrsci matched. Ready tuwork. Also one Bhortbora Bull eighteen months old, bred by Oeo.Rristow, Hob Boy. uumbe.'- 5844i>, in volume 34. Naiceâ€" Village Captain. ALUFRTB- BANLEY, Lot 4, Con. 10, Osprey, Feversham P. V>. Our Clubbing List Advance, tnd Toronto World, daily $ 2 60 Toront<j Daily News 2 80 Weekly Globe . . . 7. 80 Mail-Empire .... 1 75 Family Herald & Scar 1 80 TiTonto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers Ah. ooata 2 25 Weekly Wit.^esg 1 75 SatiifdayNinht 2 50 60 YCARS* EXPERIENCE Tbadb Marks DCSKlMB Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may micklT ascertain our opinion free whether to InTcntlou Isprobabljrjjoti^ntgblgt.j^ommunlca- sent free. I .SiflDt^DBboK on Patents tlons strictly conOdentLâ€" lent free. Oldest agency for seonrlntrpatei Patents token throasli Mmin A ebb IS ipcclol fwlict, witboat oba. .. 9, tu the into. rsoslTS ScicMiflc lliiiericatt A handsomely Ulustcated weekly, targest olT> oulatlon 01 any sdentlflo JoornaL Xwms tot Canada, K.?(a year, postag* prepaid. Bold by aUnewsdetfen. ^ '&iii.\ C&Mrit V BU WaahlDsM? & K ^ WINNIO Scbool Gbildren's Eyes Supply Tbeii InteUect *" Defective eyes stufit the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children fiOr glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department i < t i \,^ V

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