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Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1908, p. 3

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_ n \l' A PHYSICAL WRECK i^v y HesiEent of Ottawa finds Relief in Pe-iu-na. cf the most popular, appealing as il does to all classes of the com- munity. Put briefly, the exhibition is the first attempt by practical deraon- siration to portray the ideal homo ception, construction and equip- ment. On entering the amphitheatre the visitors will find himself in the sec tii.ns devoted to con.struction, de- I C( ration and sanitation. Every ! type of metal work, flooring and 1 building material, wood carving I and turning, beautiful pictures, en- , gravings, hangings and draperies, 'aitificial flowers and ornaments, I fa.scinating new methods of liglit- j ing, in town and country houses, ] all types of geysers, stoves and ra- j diators will be displayed. I In the section devoted to ventil- i ation not only will tliere be all ; .sort.-j of patent windows, fans, and ' other devices, but a completely fit- ' ted billiard room will be filled with I ti'bacco smoke at intervals, and Ipiactical methods for clearing it demonstrated. Those who take interest in the in- terior charm of home will doubtless ! linger in the furnishing sections. ; There the rich and those of humbler i n-.eans alike will have demopstrat- I cd what art refinement,- science and I invention have accomplished to make the home beautiful and com- f(irtable. Leading firms will ex- hibit complete rooms furnished in various styles. Near by there will bo a remarkabli> display of antique and historical furnitureâ€" one of lo most original ever arranged in Lon- lyl R. fiENE ST. JEAN, 210 St. *'* Patrick street, Ottawa, Out., Can., writes: "I believed a year ago that I^ could stand anything. I worked: dtn hard, kept irregular hours, and didj- J^ut the exhibition will be notable not mind the loss of a few meatls, i '•'' another direction. Furniture Lut in six weeks I had changed t6 a physical wreck. "Eight bottles of Peruna bruught back my stroaglh." Mr. A. 0. Harding. 503 W. 140 St., New York City, formerly one of the leading druggist.s of Prescott, Ont., has been presciited with a and equipment, such excellent ad- juncts, do not constitute a home. Hence the promoters have arranged that all that tends to make home life social â€" its music and its recrea- tioivsâ€" shall have place in the fore- ground of the splendid displ.ay. 1 There will be a section devoted to twenty-five year Medal of Honor in, music and indoor pastimci Odd Fellowship. He writes as fol- Every woman will seek the "baby- lows : Ever since â€" I have been hand Peruna. I have had a fine land" section, with its model .ere che, model ward in a children's hospital, children's furniture and Once a family buyff a hot- 'games and toys of every dcscrip- t!e^J'mm sure of selling them more, ,|- tim ond I'^n^ver fails to bring addition al custduie.t.>i ta ji household remedy compare, splendid for mothers and' e.xcellent for children." The practical housekeeper will examine with interest the infinite car- rooms, it is without! laiyidry appiittM s? washing and "I have nothing t?9.""'^'-*r"- <jftj,.^7xi^ty of cleaning materials rrh in all uf its various forlns.' .o t ^' -'I.'''"" .â- â- r-;..„^ti)i''hcs. br I _ I- - 1 .1 1.- iL. _• __:.!_ I'l 1 „â€"-..-.•- rif. .'. ...»,.l.: .. .. knife cleaning machines. When all other corn preparations fail, try Holloway's Corn Cure. No p ^ , , . . _ ^, », , , i pain whatever, and no inconveni Extiilant Young Fatherâ€" My baby ^^.g [„ using it. EXTREMES IN LIFE. has just cut his first tooth ! Despairing Old 'irandsire last tooth Jias just (-'ut me! Ta Those of Sedentary Occupa- tion.â€" -Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, are inoi'e "•â- y A'meeting of creditors is seldom fo" the purpose of expressing con- fidence in the man who can't pay ten cents on the dollar. moderate means, I would rather go anywhere for a holiday than to Scotland. To bo invited as a guest to some great Scottish mansion with its private golf links, its brawling trout and salmon stream, its unequaled apparatus for grouse shooting and deer stalking, and its intoxicating scenery is, of course, another matter, although even un- der such circumstances, the e.xpense o' the journey and the prodigality of the tips expected from one make the acceptance of hospitality any- thing but a cheap undertaking. But to go to Scotland as a non- millionaire is to herd with peripa- tetic tourists in the trains, coaches and steamers that make the tour <il the Higlands. To he out of things in Great Britain is to be enormously out of them, to behn-.g in fact to a totally different world with different standards, possibili- ties and pursuits. The number of these who are in them, however, seems to be always increasing. On \ug. 11, the day before grouse shooting opened, 20 special trains left ii single London station for Scotland and the north, bearing a regular army of sports- men and their families, valets, maids, chauffeurs and grooms, poiaters and setter;;. 4i MOTHERS! Glre the Childreu a Chance. Spanking doss not cure children ofbed- wcttinz. There is a constitutional for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Bon 103, Windsor, Ont,, will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to-day if your children lioublo you in this way. Don't blame the child, !he chances are it can't help it. Xhii trea<ment also cur*s adults and ajfed people troubled with urine difficulties by dmy or night. S. Important Points of Sewing Machine Constractioa ^ Did you ever consider what tlie thousandth of an inch might mean in the adjustment of the needle-strolce on a sewing macliine ? ^ Or how many little invisible parts there are which may run well for a month or so in a carelessly-made machine, and then by going wrong render it utterly useless ?. ^ For the perfect construction and thorough testing of these vital details you must de- pend upon the honor and reputation of the maker. ^ The makers of the Singer Sewing Machine enjoy a reputation vouched for by millions of Singer users all over the world. <3 These millions of ^nger users have proved the perfection of the Singer by years of' steady sewing. ^ The Singer Sewing Machine is built liko! a watch and runs like one. Sold oaiy by Singer Sewing Machine Company TORONTO 3i: Ucniiltis Olminbers MONTRIE^L 533 Uoaid of Tratio Bldg V. INNIPiiQ £0« Main Street Tramp â€" "Can you assist me along <be road mum?" Lady of the ^ House â€" "Personally I cannot; but I will unchain my dog, and I know ] i:e will be most pleased to do h;o!"| These two desirable qualifica- tions, plea.sant to the taste and at thti same time effectual, are to be found in Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator. Children like it. PAraGO For Neuralgia., Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 50 ChN rs, ALL DRUaOLSTS, 0« THE PANQO COMPAMY, - TORONTO. Whoieaale Lvman Bri>«. AOc, Toronto anil MoitranI ; Lymin, K.ioi 4 O'.arKoon, Toronto ; Mailoiial Druij Co , t;n1;n. Mrs. Baldwin â€" "That husband of mine is a most careless man. I ex- pect he'll lose his head some of these days.'' Mrs. Bunii â€" "1 see he's lost the next thing to itâ€" his hair." When going away from home, or a,', any change of habitat, he is a ! wise man who numbers among his j belongings a bottle of Dr. J. I.). I Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. ' Ch.Tnge of food and water in some strange place where there are nu (l( ctors may bring on an attack of dysentery. He then has a standanl ouareoutof snrt»p»t;abottioof'F»rroii»' : remedy at hand with which to cope eMionic, auU you will b« rtiirpri^eil how rone to disr.rders of the liver and 3."'^'ii'? "•,*» 'Jlf.l/'t'T. Jill : "" ""• *''" n yo the oe) kidneys than those who lead active, out.|.;urliv.-s. The forntcr will find! The efforts of women to make in Parmelco s Vegetable Pills a re- t,,e„,selves beautiful are vain at storative withot.t question the most ^^ g^^„ ^,,,^„ successful. efficacious on the market. Thoyarei *^ easily procurable easily taken*, .let ^ g^^^ pure for Headache.- Bil- exped, lously, and they are surpris- j,,,,^ headache, to which women are jngly cheap considering then- e.Ycel- , .,. ^^^.^^^ j,,^^,, „„.„ ^^^.^,„^^ Pubson â€" "There goes Figgers, the expert accountant. They say he's going crazy." .Tobsonâ€" "What's the trouble 1" Dobson â€" 'He's been tr.xing to straighten out his wife's hcuseliold accounts." with the disorder, and forearmed lie can successfully fight the ail- ment and subdue it. A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33. 35. 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay from 7 per cent, to 35 per cent, per aiinimi and are in our opinion a good speculative investment: Crown Ueservo, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, TiMiiiscaming and Trethcway are pupulai stocks and should increaso in price. C0RUESP0NDENC8 50UwlTED. It will be noticed in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's adver- tisement that there are three ad- dresses at the bottom of the an- j nonncement. Any one writing will i Mother please address thorn at the nearest j ^.. ij„y_ cne of the three places to his post /pause.) acute 111 some subjects tiiat they are utterly prostrated. The sto- mach refuses fooa, and tiicre is a constant and distressing effort to j ge free the stomach from bile which i,as become unduly secret<'d there. I'arinclejp's Vegetalih? Pills nre a speedy alterative, and in iiputr;iliz- ing the effects of the intruding bile relieves the pressure on the nerves which cause the headache. Try them. Father, who was conversing with some of his children on "Truthful- ness," remarked that, wiien he wa.'s a boy, if he or any of his brother:! or sisters told a lie their mouths were thoroughly washed with snap and water. Little Tommy, who was Kented in the corner of the room, e.Kclaimed : "Papa, you would soon used to it."' WILI, DKl'K'T ll)E.Vr> HO.HE. Exhibition in London (iider Pnt- roiiiigo of (he Queen. Extraordinary interest is being displayed in the ideal home exhibi- tion, which opens under the palr(jii- ago of her Majesty the Queen at Olympia. on Oct. 9. In a year which will be memorable in Lon- don for splendid exhibitions, this promises to be in every respect one feel very been you ! -"Oh, Bobby, you naugh- you'vo been smoking!" "Poor darling! Do vou bad?" Bobiiy (who has well brought up) â€" "Thank I'm dying!" Phy.ilcal Pal*) &»1 mental iinRulsli aflllct th« Tlutiran "f skin rlise.Mes. Got rij ..f biiHi by rul>- bins Worvorn Corals on the UeiitsJ, itchiiiR, â- Im- fiKuroil faoe. 'Ilie relief .iven ia umDnK tiio wonilariiuf inaliuiua BLAMEFUL. COBALT HAS MADE GOOD lim silver or« itrodticlton for I 9()f9 will adftie^ni* owr :^i:;.OOO.00U ULRICA 4 A new Cobalt proposition whic'.i involves the ddvetopmont of 43 acres o( minlnii proparty idtttly located in tha recognizod minorw zone, only two blocks removed from tho Qn-at Nipissing, Right o/ Wfty and La Rose. Get in at the bottom. Tuif Is wiierd the money is mads. •I We are ofTerine a limited amount of Ulrica at £0 cents per 5.hare. $ 1 .00 par, no personal liability, on an Instalment plan of s cents par share per month. ^ Only a few weoks ago ne fairly pushed our clients into Tcmiskaminfi. Novi Scotia and Crown Reserve from UO to 30 cents per share. To-day, Temiskamini; is eagerly bought at 88, Nora ScoUa at 56, and Crown Reserve at 1.77. Figure these profits. I ^ Wo are inveslinjc our own monoy in Ulrica. Coma mi WORK When the average man fails to. and go elong. send (or map and uk for reiular make good he begins to look around i "•''"' """â-  for some one to blame it on. i STEWART Sk LOCKWOOD brok!;rs A Good Medicine requires little ' 1» Adelaide .St. E. TC.10NT0 , ad\ertising. Dr. Thomas' Eclectiic j f't.nxbnsstania rd sto ck aMmmneiijcht,^ iOl gained the good name it now 1 ^" ienjovs, not through elaborate ad- I ^Q Ad^S FS.!"!!^ vcrtising, hut on its great merits i â-  ^'*' J^^rf'B ^ r C«,i III as a remedv for bodily pains and 'fnuj'te.i, large snrinKrmiiiv 'oils ui,-,nM quart, "., •»â- >-"•-. . excellonl Inr all kimlK fniil, inilil elinnila, only ailments of the respiratory orgaii.s. inutiiha caih. f. sammoi, iijideu, u- c. It has carried its fame with it | wherever it has gone, and it is BIISlNKSS noOK I'llKU. Te!I« lit,n Mi:iira tha -ii'tnul ilaily -.virklns (ili,..,, ^ moiioy-iDakiiix Hystamf and %]r*rt o>iu ei 1 threat, Ulu, ttuahtut* Men. toinrr««4« your hkI â€" to Iwini vour pr >tit<. HYsTK.m; D<pt. 151-IW W Aft^SH AVK... 0H1(;A^<>. ,- WK WANT BBl.IAIlBif"'*" fiiniil!e» to iipetate oalr hisli->i>eod â- iu:\liL- linittiiiK Maclijll* lit h )ine ; " ii 'lo "r apare time kultlin«, lur â- he tmdu; uomt wanm. I'"r all piiriiruliiri l,.l.i>«*<, THK IAN \1>1AN WHOLBSAI.R HIS- lltlltU'llMl ( O., npiit, W, Orilliii, Onl»riu. The Mild Climate of Virglnla^i oflant flplemlid <>p{)orttniiLie» for atock ralAliig fruit Kr*)**)!')!. du,iryiiic and general furniinS Winters are short, citraate naHlthfnl. l.aaJ food anil flttlHiiK below it« value, tnil {ncieasitu B value e;ich yenr. Mimy (anadiuns are livlnS la VtrRiula, Write fcr in(uri))a.ti»u to a. W. KOl.NICll. Coumi«aiui)er u( AgricuUure, UicU:uuud, V% Wat The best of (.'eylon is in her teas. N<iwhere else do the^' grow to such perfection. The best of Ceylon's teas are in "Salada." It^SlK NO PLAYGROUND FOU EN(a,ISH. Twenty Train.s From Lontloii for Scotlaud ill a Day. The great playing ground of ihe British ari.stocracy and of the , sporting rich is Scotland. There j is no country in tho world which depends so much for its living on ] 8j)ort, savs a writer in Harpers i Weekly. I Millions of acres that fifty" years j'.go were let at a peppercorn rent now bring in vast sums as moors and deer forests, and tlie i time is not far off when all Scotch- \ men will be gillies, caddies or beat- ,' crs, or will serve in some other ca- pacity in i<he vast and cxjiaiiding organization that ministers to â-  tt|;ort. Personally, as a man of rery priced at the antipodes as well its ai home. Uose small, effect sure. ONE GOOD FEATURE. "1 am not adroit. Each day I do something that makes me wor- ry." ! "That's bad. " "Well, each new worry makes me fiirgct tlic worr\ of yesterda\ . It I i.iigiit be worse." FEATHER DYEING Ulesuhig eud I'urlinf >nd Kid aiofu clrau.d Then ceo bo irol bj poet, lo iwr o«. the he.t pl^e ii tAlTISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MUMTREAIi. JUDGMENT OF SOI.OxVION. First Guest â€" "Hi, waiter, open t\\ HiaiiQ CANADA'S BiST AHa 13 UMB THE WORLIS OVER Boll Orgails ar« also worm famott Send for Free (;al;il'is No. Tito 1 can'i stand (Opens sir tliat window, please. this heat." _ Wniter- "ffirectjy, the window.) iSocMiid Guest (a little later) -- •NVailt'r. tlioro's (liuiight enough t,i give one a deatli (!T cold. I lo shul the \\i:i<i(.iw." Waiter- "Â¥08, sir." (Sirin^ the « indow.) lirst titicst --'â- Waiter, arc you. ]lieBfiilPtO[100l^(10i!lflllCO.,ll!l.,GlieiptI,l If Every Farmer Knew h<,w niurli mtinov he cuM *»»^ »»y itNlne % K»iWinkH..\|citK» J.>.d."( .ill lrjicl«» •i:i"iliu« Kn- ,.., , , , . cine I" SAW womt. pump ff.-lter. i;rind i*M\, im mad? vVny have you oloticd the '^e w..vild n-.i. he able l. inpplj tlia .Jenumd. ' C14 thl... .id. uut ;t!»«I wIikIow.' Gpoii It uginn at once. ' Waitorâ€" "Vovy good, sir." (Coes 1 1(. landlord.) "Sir, one of the gen- â-  (Ionic 1 wjiiils tho v,^il;dow upon, p .d ;tiio otiicr waits me to sh it it. V\ h;U ;mii 1 ti il;i .'â-  Laiidl. uK "i)o what the ge-'illi- iik'.n s;;);i who hasn't dined yet. " riinii iwd y"u >ur f I ue It) id tu U» l-> .hkf , anti w« .Maine Tlie Cin.tdloii F'tUrlutnUa &â- â€ž Llinltmk'To «n.«, Ont MuutreAl^ Mlttnipoii, Vaiiouver. -- ^ -* ''''

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