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Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1908, p. 2

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I > GREAT LOCUST PLAGUE niDE AREAS MADE DESOLATE IX SOI TU AMERICA. Five Uorcrnniciits arc Fighting Hid Pest, Whifli is Yearly Get- ting ^\orsc. ^ A cable despatch received .in Fiance a while ago dencribed how ill the province ol Catainiirca, Ar- gi'Mtina, many wointMi had fallen to the ground in convulsions of weep- ing and for a time were almost be- reft of their senses, repeating over and over only the words: "The lo- custs, the locusts!" It was the third successive season in which Ihey had seen tho skies darkened Vith clouds of locusts that settled down upon their lields and plains, tiestjcoying the crops and every ves- tige' of the vegetation on which their cattle and sheep siibsist. No other part of the world has in recent years suflered from such a plague of locusts as tt'.e agricul- tural States of subtropical ani temperate South Americaâ€" A rg**- tina, Bolivia, boulhern Brazil, Par- aguay and Uruguay share the afflic- tion. In these regions the swarms have Leen steadily increasing for a num- ber of years. They are supposed to originate in the southerly part of the Amazon basin and in the Cha- co of Bolivia and of northern Ar- gentina. They come from the norlh-m clouds that sometimes, darken the 8un and some of the swarms have been estimated to be si.tty miles long and from twelve to fifteen miles wide. But these billions of flying insects are only the forerun- ners of the GRKATKR MISCHIKF TO COME. They make desolate the area in which tliey settle, but often jump •ttide ; -.-eas in their fli'.'it. Ilefore they i .'{0 to the wing l ',:y l:ty bil- lions o. eggs in the \. .vrm earth which in u, few weeks become h:p- pers. It is this young, voracious brood, before it can fiy, that utter- ly strips the land of evorjtiiing green as thought it hud boon burned over. All the Oovernraents are fighting the evil. Two years ago the Aregn- tino Government organized a bure- ai under the name of Dcfcnsa gen- \^ eral agriiola para la extinction de • langosta, or Commission for the :l3cslruction of tho Locust. Last year the .\rgentine congress piaerd $;, 500,000 at the diiiposal of this â- "•^mmission. iSub-cominitteos represent the neral commission in every de- rtment exposed to these invasi- and they e.xtfud from the nor- rn limit of agriculiun' in tiic re- tjlic to the Xi'U(|uen Kiver, al- ^st to I'atagonia. Lvorything pos- ,^le is done to minimize the dtiin- settlers and the Government men Bent to their aid take i)art in it with weapons that are effective, though they are only pieces of cloth, with which they flap the ground and urge the hoppers forward. Very often darkness falls and the rear guard of the hoppers has not yet reached the brink rjver which they tumble tc. their fate. The hoppers will not stir till sunrise, and then the flap- ping of the cloth is resumed -till this particular army is engulfed. The crops and grass just ahead are safe for a while. But such w»)rk as this spread over several countries is enormously e.v- pensive and is only a palliative of the terrible evil, not a remedy for i^. A remedy has not yet been found. Can the plague of locusts bf quenched if attacked at its head Sources? Is there any parasite or natural enemy of the insect that can i.e introduced to quench the plague <.r mitigate it ( 8uch questions as these are now being anxiously dis- cussed in South America. ILLS OF CHILDHOOD, HOW TO CURE THtM In thousands of homes Baby's Own Tai>lets is the only medicine 'tCUrgd when children are ailing, and tno mulher who keeps this medicine o i hand may feel as safe as though there was a doctor constantly,in the home. Baby's Own Tablets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds, expel worms, and make teething easy. The mother has the guarantee of a government aualyst that this medicine contains no opiate or poisonous soothlHg stuff. Mrs. H. H. Bonnyman, Mat- tall, N. S., says: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little pirl while tcotiiing and for consti- pation, and think there is no medi- cine can equal them." Sold by me- dicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a l><>x from The Dr. \*'il- lianis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BILL AND HIS PEOPLE, OocurrnnccH in llic Land That Reigns Siiprciuc iu the Com- mercial World. The British salmon is said to be worth $550 per ton. Two Sunderland shipyards have been closed through lack of orders. Ten million sterling is every year subscribed for charity in Great Britain. The shelves of the British Muse- um are estimated to contain 39 miles of books. Tho County of London covers 75,- 4^2 acres; but the London police area is 443, '121 acrti). Last year 37iJ, 315,751 passengers were carried \jy the London Coun- ty Council tramway cars. Hull claims the distinction of hav- ing the cheapest tram rides â€" a half-penny for three miles. Capt. Cox, of Ash, Surrey, has died from blood poisoning, caused by a mosquito bite while lihiiiag. The London and North-western Hail way Company keeps a maker of aitificial limbs in its employ. Great Britain lias the longest coast line in Europeâ€" Italy, llusssi- an and France coming next in or- der. The average life ol note «f the I Here's a Rea.1 Summer DelifirHtâ€" SHREDDED WHEAT with milk or cream and fresli fruits. Discard heavy foods and try this natural diet for a time and uoto how your energies will increase and voiir spirits revive, ]K< U ilSlIIiNG WITHOUT BEIN» HEATINV Mom BV Ai.i. <;!t<>< i:it4 loau TWO OF PERSIA'S CITIKS. Tabriz One of Ancient Towns â€" Telicrun Centre olt \\;\\: Persia's ancient city of Tabriz, cne of the scenes of recent violence in the Shah's dominions, can hard- ly be said to have ever enjoyed a quiet life. When Turk and Turco- man and Persian were not shaking] the old walls with battori.ig rariis the earthquake was having its in- ning. The public buildings bear traces of this sort of violenceâ€" not- tibly tho Kabud Masjid -- blue nio.-.que â€" con.structed of wondcifuUy arabosqued blue tiles; wliile the cit- adel gapos with its earthquake-riv EXPLOKING WITH AIKSHIP. IIupcM to Get Past Obstacles in New Guinea in a Baloon. An attempt will be made next ytar to explore a part of New Gui- nea by balloon. This great island, the largest in the world excepting Greenland, is very difficult to ex- plore. It abounds in swamps, dense tropical forests and hostile tribo.s. L>r. Pnch two years ago fiiund trihoa only fifteen miles in- land fi-oni t!ie coast of (Jernian Now Giaiica that had never been seen by w hile men. The chief of the mining depart- ment of British New Guinea in his ast iiiHiual report said that though en sides, .\lthough the .Anglo-In <l:an runs tlirough the >i'-lf' I'a'l l>een found in many parta , city, it is not as in the ancient days 'f the mountains, the cost of pros- Bank of England is a little less than j ^vlicn it was known as the 'glorious . I'^ctiug further afield was almost .*?' A ftiw) of loa pe.soH is imposed up- n any i»ttlcr failing to report to b"-" ''-""W"itteo Ml his district tho ^i-M»AW. of TTH. , ,^j..„s „r hoi. yer eggs on his lanrf. . ^ ^^Kmbrd Bcr to any place wherl Tho ef against the 70 days. Notes are never re-issued Out of 300.000 volumes lent last year by the Wc-iVniiibter public lib- laries of London, only live were lost. King Kdward is 67. the Kniperor of Austria is 77, and the King of Rouniania is 63. President Talli- ercs is GJ. The Victoria Cross carries with it a pension tif .$50 a year to those below tho rank of a commissioned ofii<or. The cruiser Agincourt. which was for many year.s the flagship of the Channrl Fleet, is to be converted into a floating; coal depot. The will of General Sir Redvors Biiller has been proved in i'lxeter Registry Court. The value of the estate is sworn at $171,!>G0. Wheeled iu a batli chair to a {•RIIISING FOR CASTAAVAYS. Two Hrifisli Mcn-of-War arc Con- (inuiilly on the Look Out. H. M. S. I'cgasus, which, as re- ported recently, has succeeded in bringing off from Antipodes Is- land, in the South Pacific, twenty- one siiipw recked sailor, is the crui- srr whose special duty it is just now to scour these seas in search of castaways. Two men-of-war are continually oiigagod, all the year round, on this! meeting at Druitwich, an o\A lady hiiinane errand. They steam from! aged ninety, embraced General one desert island to another, so | t'ooth, who presentiid her with his timing their arrival that each is] photograph. A memorial service for Gen. Tauris." The new Hus.siau railway â-  I''of'''''ii'-c because parties have to- lias deprived it of much of its im- i hew their waj through the tropical pcrtanco, and the leather mor- i vegetation and are likely at any ct>ants jind silversmiths eke out a precarious livelihood by engaging in jt little smuggling. Teheran, tiie centre of the civil war now raging in Persia, has v. ith- • n tho last twenty years undergone the most rapid transformation of all Oriental cities. Since tlie old four-niilc wall was taken down and time to be attacked by the natives. The Worst saxages are in Dutcb New Guinea, two-thirds of which is still unciplored. The-:e are the reasons why Lieut, liamba'do of the Dutch navy, aa c.^pe^icncc^l aef.jnaut, has been au- thorized ti> make an experimental l-alloon tnji next year across the till- ditch filled up to form a broad! "•'â- ^^tern part (..f Dutch New Guinea^- L«.ulevard, gas, street cars and tele- ''< > "'t' purposes of e.>cploratu«. giaphs have moderni/cd the anci- J^'^^ I'l'i"!^ are all made and hisifov- orit birthplace of Haruun-el-Ras- j ^•"""P"t i"^ backnig the eiiturfrise. chid. To preserve the character of j He will t.avd ib a tree air bal- the city. l"r*:ner, the old pits that! l' <i'-«'«' '>*' 'las the coufi- tap the subierraiwair water cours- es on which all local life depends. ;vice%mbracingth<n.»a.W>'-;^ IS in readiness at any mom*!!'""! Bend a force danger is reporle>.' Tective war is waged young hoppers. THL OFFICI.VL HEPORT is that as many as .vi.OOO hoj.pcr , have been counted in a space less than three and a half feet square. A i.rodigious number of %he y<ning insect;. ar«! destroyed -uun after hatching by moans .>f .prinkling carts tilled with arsenic «atcr or other poisonous liquids. till many of them escape and the *»ntry they co\nr is too vast tu rfl^ entirely treated with tho sprink- Alg process. Kortunately the ^oyng hoppers have a habit, tluit fa. •-.ates the destruction of niiilions f'e of them. y the time lli<\v aio two weeks â- they have developed an enorm- ^appetito. Hut they do not .^et eat up the vvorl.l in thin ar )r scattered ditachinents. cy collect here and there in kct masses to move forward] \ food, and when uii ermy of, [rs advances from one space atii'tiv'*"-*^cre i« nuthini; left to â- * Hif>v haxe desert- ,t^llv, ti»e,v>»i*- ,(00 ti> tiOO visited in turn at least once every six months. Altogether there are about two hundred unii.liabited and isolated inlands, atolls, and archipelagoes, which are thus kept under observa- tion. Of course, if the cruiser sees IK sign <if anytliiug being amiss on iipproarhiiig an island, no attempt ii- made to effect a landing ; for tliis, besides wasting much valuable time would be very dangerous, many of tl-.em being e.'cceedingly diflicult of approach and inaccessible. Hut if iiignnls are observed, or if Jhialiug w reckiigo is seen which ap- inars to be of ro;'ent origin, then ii>veKi!i;;e lowered, and the fullest during 'f^i«;"\ i'* made. In this way, shipwi-eeketl tuU-n years, over 300 rescued from certains have been vation and e.\posuro. 'â-  by star- It says Kometliing f"r the hu instincts of the Wolfe was held recently at the C^hurch of St. .Mfreze, Greenwich, where the leiiiains of the victor of Quebec arc! interred. l.>urin« the last twc'\ e months niixre than one hundred bicycles | 'dass Uritisli Admirftii,, have been reported to the Surrey 'for the chills, ( 'unstabulary as having boon stolen ' lad's mother, fioni jiorches of country chiinhes. Nornianliurst Castle, the country seat of Lord Brasscy, which has been seriously damaged by fire, is one of the most picturesque man- sions in I'.ngland, and wa.s coiiiplet- cc' in 1871. At a meeting of suffragettes, Lady I''raucc« Tiiilfoiir suggested that a belter method than br«;iking the law Would bo tor every woman to refuse to cock the voter's din- ner. They would then get the vote 'n a week. are still as they werg centuries ago. AN OLD-TIME QnAC:K. In tlic right hands, Jt is a poor rocit that will not work both wiiys. An old quack doctor was once called to see a boy who had chills and fever. He jiroceeded to scratch the bark off a root, and put sonic in one glass of water, and sonic in another glass of water. Give the medicine in this glass 1 'iLer ly not'<''''^f'- This was particular- nd synagoKUO^. e ing clergy werr early hour. jjXjise of the east * he officiat- •'un an oflitiuls, that the HritiBli is the only wr.. abnormal number of Jewish Navy that troubles itself about this don ri-. ^^^^ celebrated in Li ambulance service of the sea. And I his, although, in a largo propor- tion of cascK, the saved seamen be- long (o other nationalities. Tiie uien mentioned above, for in- i-tiuice, aH being rescued by the Pe- gasus, belonged to a French ship, the Felix Fnure ; while a number similarly brought away frcnn the C; islands, a few months back, t„rmcd the crew of a Norwegian barque. If you would be happy live on an quite sec ..ptimistic diet. <'"• "''"'"^ he then said to the but give this in the when the fcv.'i comes Cither on." "But, doctor," the mother pro- tested, "it is exactly tho same in j both glasses." "Ob, not at all, " declared the quack. "Hut I jaw you scrape the bark| off the same root and put it in each I glass." I "Yes."' admitted the quack, j smoothly, "but you didn't sec bow! I iloiie it, my dear lady. This fori tho chills I scrape up on the root, I niul that makes it high cockal.cniiu. I Tliis for the fever 1 scrape dcvviij on the loot, and that makes it low C( ckaliiglirum." HELPFUL. il.-nce tliat, ascending from Cap» Stoonboom on 'the south coast, h» will land at the foot of Gcelviuk Fay, on the north shore. Tho ine- tcoroi.igical conditions seem to jus- tify I'.is faith. I'rom Ajiril till Oc- tober the soiitlieast'trade wind caa t'o counted upon as regularly as th& di-ily reappearance" -m the sun. I'rom October till April the north- V. est iiioon^oou takes its tui n. Uam- baldo will chose fonie iiL , uay ia ..iu'.ie ii'.xt for liis asc<;,it^ ".iid has no doubt that he will be car.ied al- . i::ost due northwest and will land somewhere jicar the shore of Geel- vink Bay. I'pon the success of this short air v( yage depends future endeavor of this sort in New (Jiiinea. Tho dis- tance in a straight line is ^'uly about iOO miles and the balloon ex- p'orer c.\poi'ts to mako it in the daylight of one day. Of course he will be equipped to see and rectird a great Jcal. He will havi> a number of the special t.-inioras now used in balloons and the c.\po;'ts to stcure jianoramic views of tho eartli below and on. bi t!i sides of liini throughout the journey. His courso will take him about ii.iJway across the Carl Louis Mountains and he thirks it very likely that bo will be able to count all the snow peaks in that mighty range. The plains, forests, rivers. lakes and hills will all be caught Trampâ€" Can you assist me aln-ig ,,„ ^j^ photographic plates and "What profession do you think*!^.!, 'â- â„¢''\, "?"â„¢.I _ K:imb.7.1do believes that this materi- Joe had better idopl?" asked Mrs ! jntll' J'' ^ T J^ouse^Porsonally 1 ! .,] v,lll snft'icc for the production of - • ' ;. Jo so 'VJL wil nnoham my dog. ..„, (..vccllent map of the region "• ^.'vill be n.ost pleased! ^.^,c^^c which he will float. Kvery German" solft, ^^ ^^'^ journey succeeds it will af- to swinl s^^e of t£ri, I '^.-1 - P.""' i^-^^f ^''« i"r'.>«>'aphy cross a wide streajii, their clothes, arms, ;;ii>i tion r,rowfi. "I durjio,' answered her husband. "Joels rather huiulicap- ped by circum^ilucos. The only protcssi.m he'ti i^turally adiiiit.d to i:-. that of a caiialist, and I don't whei'l he's goin' t<p get "•»t, learn ( .M-ryi;rjv..t^, I amiiiiuiT MAGISTRATE SPEAKS FOR ZAM-BUK iDOMT NEGLECT THAT SORE I •' ai> almost unknown region. ' ' What is velocity ? ' lo<ity is what a man i).late down with." Teacher V.'V. BV paiiii 't I a Magistrate I'erTy, of Goiariel.i.s, B.C., believes in w.d ihinB known. Writing of Zamliuk llie great lalin, lie says ;-"Afler a very fair trial 1 have proved tisfac(oiy, believes in making a huuse'holii civedZam-Huk In my case it cured a skin rash of five ..five feet long . ' ,h are Bt.uKji''" ^'^•.'"'•â- 7:;^i;.-%-t;^ A q'-jcago ma-, h.« ju5t died from l.lood poison- Ing arising <rom neglect of a small sore. Doi"t Leglccl a cu . .> ,,„ch „f eczema, or an open sore lukis «o bishly «nti4"^;\tV.'nrf 'r-. ^-"•"• or injury it malc\J/^^' applied to «ny In using ^au^-BiHi;?''^'o>son^ng im- - ..-».>„ j,j,v^ (iij^^ us healing ielay. Wci A GENUklME OFFfe^. TEST ZAM-BUK AT OUR EXPENSBI says:-lKLV : cmr.'"" ••?'^'=" ''V "^' ">â- ->" «'r woman wW ^-"ve„oCc*t"^^ E^ «batvou claim, you should - =â-  " r "eype :;';•, !;^„'^>''.' '•â- :'^"espen.l,ng'our money ..urn ""1;.. ..?.,•.'''â- ' '""'^ '*=.''•â- '>. ""«' one cent paper , , . . >i box Ul, .suitable for iho delicate box. tozinM4^L " T"^°f8<'>t"'^ name and <h»,e „» thi, p; sWio ol li,T' chi^:Tcn votT '^ ''--' ^'''' â- 1"""^''= f"' 'ho dc'= 3 fo, I, ,f I '*'^"^"'2- All clr;,-;g,sls and stores, 50c. per tVi'lKJ'i ds "/d their outer en< s .^,.|se the flanks of the ^;: Then all is ready ^HOT WORK, I sunriEe. and all the 1 ^ A

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